Old chronology in Rus' difference. Correct chronology in Rus'

Lunar calendars do not take into account the seasons, and solar calendars do not take into account the phases of the Moon. Lunar-solar ones are oriented towards the Moon and correct according to the Sun.

In addition to its accuracy, the calendar is linked to cosmic events. However, we do not think about this when we use the modern calendar and follow the holidays according to it. The calendar must at a minimum take into account the relative positions of the Earth, Sun and Moon, as well as the position of the Zodiac (constellations). There is often debate about the dating of years and past centuries, but no attention is paid to the correct numbering of days throughout the year, and this is even more important. In addition, you need to be aware of the meaning, shade of a particular day or period.

A day is one revolution of the Earth around its axis. A month is one revolution of the Moon around the Earth (27-29 days). A year is one revolution of the Earth around the Sun (365 days).

There is an opinion that the calendar reformers soon died.

In many cultures, the beginning of the year is the spring equinox. In Rus', the celebration of the New Year dates back to the 14th century.

Gregorian calendar

Heir to the Julian calendar. Introduced in 1582. In the 16th century. the time of the vernal equinox ceased to coincide with the calendar (the error was 10 days). In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII created a commission for the calendar system, which approved the project of the Italian mathematician and physician Luigi Lilio (Aloysius Lilius). He proposed to remove 3 days from every four hundred years according to a certain law. It was also decided to remove the additional days added by the Julian calendar since its inception. The day after October 4, 1582, it was not October 5, but October 15 - the Gregorian calendar came into force.
The Gregorian calendar is generally accepted today. An error of 1 day accumulates over 3300 years. This, in particular, leads to the fact that the sun now passes through the vernal equinox almost 3 hours earlier than 400 years ago. Calibrated so that the equinox always falls on March 21st.
Disadvantages, questions:

Julian calendar

The basis is the Roman calendar. Julius Caesar invited a group of Egyptian (?) astronomers to Rome, led by Sosigenes, and they decided that the lunar calendar should be replaced with a solar one. The Egyptian calendar influenced. The beginning of the year is January (previously March), because the elected consuls took office on 01/01. A group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sosigenes worked on its creation.
The tropical year (the time between two winter solstices) is considered to be 365.25 days, accuracy achieved by introducing a leap year (366 days) every three ordinary years (365 days).
Adopted in 325 for the entire Christian world. Gives an error of 1 day in 128 years. In 1582 it was replaced by Gregorian
Disadvantages, questions:the starting point (January 1) is illogical, the system of months is not tied to anything significant.

Roman calendar

Used for civilian purposes. First 10, then 12 months. The beginning of the year is March.

Lunar calendar (as a basis)

The moon has been used as the basis of the calendar since ancient times. The official inventors are the ancient Sumerians.

Sumerian calendar

End of the 3rd millennium BC The lunar year in the Mesopotamian calendar consisted of 12 lunar months each lasting 29.5 days, i.e. only 354 days. Since it was much shorter than the solar one (now about 365 days), the beginning of the year always shifted relative to the spring floods of the rivers. The Sumerians did not like this and periodically introduced an extra month to accommodate the solar cycle. There were 2 half-years without distinguishing seasons.
1. Barag-zag-gar-ra
2. Good-si-sa
3. Sig-ga
4. Shu-numun-a (month of hay)
5. Easy-easy-gar-ra (month of lighting lights)
6. Kin-Inanna (month of work of the goddess Inanna)
7. Dul-Kug
8. Apin-du-a
9. Gan-gan-ed
10. Ab-ba-ed
11. Ziz-a (month of double grain or spelt)
12. She-gur-kud (month of harvest)

Mayan calendar

Considered more accurate than Gregorian. The system consists of 3 calendars: long count, Tzolkin and Haab.

Long count

For long periods of time. 20-, 18-, 13-ary number systems. Numbering from 0. The names of the periods have not been preserved to this day. Periods (2 days): 20, 360, 7200, 144000, 2880000, 57600000, 1152000000, 23040000000. The current cycle (Era of the Fifth Sun) of the long count will end in December 2012, which is now correlated with the end of the world.


Lunar. Ritual. A combination of periods of 20 and 13 days.


Solar. Used in civilian life. 365 days: 19 months of 20 days and 5 additional days. Numbering of days starting from 0.

Ancient Egyptian calendar

Solar. The history of the European calendar begins in Ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. Egyptian priests noticed that the annual flood of the great river began immediately after the summer solstice (now June 21-22). And at the same time, the star Sirius appeared in the pre-dawn sky after a 70-day period of its invisibility. Having established a connection between these phenomena, ancient astrologers, based on calculations of the risings of Sirius, learned to predict the beginning of the Nile floods, with which the economic year began. The Egyptians defined a year as the period between two solstices and considered it equal to 365 days. It consisted of 12 months of 30 days (without connection with the phases of the moon). The last 5 days of the year were not included in any month, but were added at the end of the last month.The New Year was supposed to begin on July 19- on the day when Sirius “rose” (i.e. became visible) in the sky. However, since leap days were not added, every 4 years the New Year was delayed by 1 day and only after 1460 years it again fell on the day of the “rising” of the star Sirius.
Names of Egyptian months in Greek and Aramaic documents:

1.That 4.Hoyak 7.Famenot 10.Paini
2.Paofi 5.Tibi 8.Farmuti 11.Epiphi
3.Khatir 6.Mehir 9.Pakhon 12.Mesore

A similar calendar was used in Armenia before the adoption of Christianity.

Chinese calendars

Traditional Chinese chronology consists of a sexagesimal cycle, in which days were designated by a combination of ten signs, the so-called “trunks,” which included the five “earthly elements” - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. These signs are also classified according to the characteristics of “yang” (male) and “yin” (female), as well as by 12 “branches”, which were designated by the zodiac symbols of animals.
In 2637 BC. By order of the founder of the Chinese civilization, Huangdi, this system was adapted to count years, and the full 60-year cycle became the basic one. During the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the Chinese switched to the European chronology system, but despite this, they still use the familiar traditional calendar.
For example, 2002 is the 19th year of the 60-year cycle, the year of the water Horse, with the sign “yang”.

Lunisolar calendar ("Zhuan-xu li")

Used more than 200 years BC. The year was divided into 12 months, which alternately had 29 and 30 days, for a total of 354 days. An additional 13th month was inserted - a leap year. In its accuracy it was not inferior to the Julian calendar

"Tai-chu li" ("Santong")

Adopted in 104 BC. e. The average length of the lunar month was taken to be 29 and 43/81 days, or 29.530864 days. This is only 0.000276 days, or 24 seconds, different from the modern value. The length of the year remained unchanged, i.e. 365.25 days.

Cyclic, or household, calendar

Used along with the above. The years are grouped into "cycles", each of which spanned 60 years. Each year within one complete cycle received its own hieroglyphic designation. The entire cycle consisted of 5 double columns corresponding to the five “elements” or “heavenly branches”. They denoted the following concepts: wood (Mu), fire (Ho), earth (Tu), metal (Jin) and water (Shui). Each element was represented in 2 states: male (odd columns, i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) and female (even columns, i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10). Thus, there were 10 vertical columns, or “heavenly branches,” each of which was designated by one of the following cyclic signs: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui. The entire 60-year cycle was divided into 12 periods, which also had their own signs, representing “earthly branches.” About 2000 years ago, the names of animals were added to the signs of the periods, that is, to the “earthly branches”.

Ancient Greek calendar

Lunar-solar calendar. 12 months of 29 and 30 days (354 days) and insertion of a corrective. The year begins on the first new moon after the summer solstice or after the winter solstice.

Slavic-Aryan Calendar

Currently, we use dating years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar, the so-called “old style”, has not been forgotten either. Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the “old” New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars. Of course, this broadens our horizons and, to make it even wider, let’s touch on the ancient tradition of calculating the chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daariysky Circle of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Daariyskiy circle of the number of gods

Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism. The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little more than 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter I, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar into the territory of Rus' and ordered that on the night of January 1, the advent of 1700 years from the birth of Jesus Christ be celebrated. And in Rus' at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

It is generally accepted that this innovation of Peter I was progress for Russia, introducing it to “European culture.” But it is not said at all that the emperor not only changed the calendar, he actually “stole” at least (!) five and a half thousand years of our true history. After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally: the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Chislobog Circle after the victory of the Power The Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China). By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known in Christian tradition as St. George the Victorious, actually symbolizes precisely this victory. That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology until the Creation of the World in the Star Temple? The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event. Moreover, years from different events could be counted in parallel. This is exactly how the ancient chronicles began with the mention of several time periods. As an example, let’s give several dates for the current year 2004 AD.

- Summer 7512 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

- Summer 13012 from the Great Cooling

- Summer 44548 from the Creation of the Great Kolo Russenia

- Summer 106782 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

- Summer 111810 from the Great Migration from Daariya

- Summer 142994 from the period of Three Moons

- Summer 153370 from Assa Dei

- Summer 185770 from Thule Time

- Summer 604378 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of modern “official” chronology, these dates look simply fantastic. But for an independently thinking person who is interested in the ancient cultural heritage of the peoples of the Earth, such “chasms of years” do not look so frightening. After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite numerous written monuments that have reached us throughout the Earth, much longer periods of historical time are mentioned. Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies also point to these same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Rus', not numbers were used to designate numerical quantities, as is now customary, but titular initial letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols. And since the calendar is a written tradition (try orally leading and transmitting such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing already existed in Rus' for at least (!) seven centuries. more than a thousand years. However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us, the illiterate, by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand. And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pompousness during the annual “Cyril and Methodius celebrations” and “birthdays” of Slavic writing is surprising.

At present, since we use the modern calendar (from A.D.), it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years. And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the chronology system that was used before 1700. Otherwise, there may be a misinterpretation of our history, Culture, traditions and customs. The dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks is sincerely regrettable. For example, the year of the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus is called 1242, and at that time in Rus' it was 6750. Or, for example, the year of baptism of Kyiv is considered to be 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ. But in Kyiv they celebrated the Summer of 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

So, dear reader, let’s move on to examining the ancient calendar of the Slavs directly. The full cycle of Chislobog's Daarian Circle is 144 years and is called the Circle of Life. Each year in the Circle of Life has its own name-characteristic (essence), but it can also be determined simply by a serial number (from 1 to 144). The tabular form of representation of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog is shown on the first page of the color tab in Table 1, where you can see how sixteen years (Circle of Years), passing through nine elements, form a Circle of Life of 144 years (16x9=144). To illustrate, let us give the ancient name of a specific year. For example: “Summer of the Fire Priestess, on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daariya” (the given date corresponds to 26731 BC). It is appropriate to note here that the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog belongs to the so-called natural calendar systems. That is, it is a kind of periodic scale of segments of 144 years (Circles of Life), which has reached out to us from time immemorial. Each year Krugoleta, having its own individual characteristics, renews it after 16 years, passing through a new element and changing color; and every 144 years (completely repeating itself) receives a new understanding, according to the level of worldview of contemporaries. And all events, including events accepted for the beginning of chronology, are simply superimposed on this eternal scale of “Living Years”.

The change of years in Krugolet falls on the day of the autumn equinox - the New Year's Day. The Circle of Life in which you and I live began on September 23, 1868 A.D. or on the New Year of 7377 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. The difference between the chronology is 5508 years when calculated before the autumnal equinox, and 5509 after it. The current year 2004 (more precisely, the period from September 22, 2003 to September 20, 2004) is the 136th year (of the Forest Dragon) in this Circle of Life or the 7512th year from S.M.Z.H. In a brief interpretation taken from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, in relation to the worldview of modern man, corresponding to the “Night of Svarog over Midgard,” that is, the dark times on Earth, which were written about in ancient runic texts, the essence of the year of the Forest Dragon can be characterized as follows: “The year of exploration of Nature, difficult trials and revival of the Shrines. As a rule, summers are hot and winters are cold. This year people are born with a strong desire to serve Nature. They are endowed with a sense of harmony towards it; these people love children from birth “to madness”. They are the most important thing in the world for them. This is the year of the Spiritual reflection of Heavenly Power on Earth.”

The period from the New Year to the New Year is divided into three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring, joining together to form Summer. Further in the text, when describing Chislobog’s Krugolet, instead of the term “year”, we will try to use, as in ancient times, the term “Summer” (not to be confused with the modern name of the season). Each season is divided into three months, so there are only 9 months in Summer. See the names and meanings of the months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar (Kolyada Dara) on the spread of the color insert. Odd months have 41 days, and even months have 40. This is called Simple Summer and lasts 365 days. Every sixteenth Summer is called Sacred and consists of 369 days - all months have 41 days. Very simple and beautiful system! The dates of the New Years and the beginning of the Slavic-Aryan months, in accordance with the modern calendar style, are given in Table 2 on the first page of the color tab. The columns in it are numbered from 1 to 16, which corresponds to sixteen Years of Chislobog’s Circularity (Table 1): 1 - Wanderer (Path); 2 - Priest; 3 - Priestess (Virgo); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav), etc. Knowing the correspondences for the first days of months, you can simply search to find a correspondence for any day. Some columns in Table 2 are grouped by three because the months in these Summers begin on the same dates on the modern calendar. The last column, corresponding to Sacred Summer, is highlighted in red. It must be remembered that every fourth year one day is added to the modern calendar - February 29. Therefore, during one Circle of Years (16 Years), the Gregorian dates of the New Years change four times.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog. (Table 1)
Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Black Red Scarlet Zlaty Green Heavenly Blue Violet White
1. Wanderer 1 129 113 97 81 65 49 33 17
2. Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
3. Priestess 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
4. Peace 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
5. Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
6. Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
7. Fox 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
8. Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
9. Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
10. Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
11. Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
12. Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
13. Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
14. Tour 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
15. Mansions 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
16. Temple 128 112

Every person, opening the text of the Holy Scriptures in front of him, will find the first words in it: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...” (Gen. 1:1) - and thus will notice that the counting of time in biblical history begins with the creation of the world. Indeed, for many centuries it was customary among Orthodox Christians to count the years from the supposed creation of the world. Now another counting of years has become more common in the post-Soviet space - from “AD”, replacing the traditional counting “from the Nativity of Christ”. Recently, this state of affairs has become firmly established when secular society celebrates the New Year of “AD” with festivities, and The Church once again celebrates the date of the Nativity of Christ. Once upon a time, this date, set for December 25, was supposed to overshadow the pagan holiday in honor of the sun, but now the Christian holiday is in the shadow of the Merry New Year. The gaze of a worldly person is directed to the future with the hope that it will be “bright.” The church's gaze is turned to the past, it is a memory of what already happened at the beginning of the history of the Bible or the special history of the Gospel. There is a pattern here, because by reflecting on the past, we get to know ourselves.

Christian chronology originates in biblical chronology. The peoples of antiquity kept track of current events by the years of the reign of their kings. “In such and such a year of such and such a king” - this is how the usual dating began. In the Bible you can also find many examples of such counting in the books of Kings or Chronicles. But along with dating by the years of rulers, the concept of “era” is also known in ancient chronologies. This is a countdown of time from an event that, in the opinion of a number of generations, became the beginning of the history of a particular people and state or close nations and states. For example, the ancient Romans traced their history back to the founding of Rome, and the Greeks traced their history back to the beginning of the Olympic Games. There is also an important reference point in the Old Testament: the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt. Every year the Jews celebrate this event as the birth of their people. The creation of the temple under Solomon, for example, dates back to 480 “after the children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt” (1 Kings 6:1). True, the Slavic text, unlike the Russian translation, follows the Greek and indicates the figure of 440 years.

Of course, an era represents a more developed stage in man's understanding of his place in historical eras than a simple count of kings. And in the Bible one can notice the desire of the sacred authors to highlight the time of the paradise life of the ancestors, the era before the Great Flood, the history of the settlement of people and the era of the patriarchs. In the Evangelist Matthew we find the periodization “from Abraham to David”, “from David to the migration to Babylon”, “from the migration to Babylon to Christ”. Of course, there were other periodizations of Old Testament history, St. the first martyr Stephen, for example, highlighted the time from Abraham to Moses and from Moses to the construction of the First Temple by King Solomon (Acts 7:1-47). However, in order to build a unified chronology of events, it was necessary to make a common beginning for them all. It was natural for them to create the world.

One may come across the opinion that Christians borrowed the account “from the Creation of the world” from the Jews. Indeed, among the Jews in the 2nd century. according to R.H. the treatise “The Order of the World” (Seder Olam) appeared, in which biblical events are counted in exactly this way. But the Israelis themselves, being in dispersion, moved on this point for more than one century, from the 9th to the 16th centuries. according to R.H. Before this, they counted the years either from the time of the conquest of Babylon by Alexander the Great’s general Seleucus in 312 BC, or they were guided by the year of the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans (70 AD). Therefore, it would be fairer to say that Christians began to count years “from the Creation of the world” independently of the Jews and for their own reasons.

Evangelist John opens his Gospel with the words: “In the beginning was the Word...”. The beginning in question is the same beginning as in the first chapter of the book of Genesis, i.e. world creation. In the Epistle to the Hebrews we read: “God, who at times and in divers manners spoke of old to the fathers by the prophets, in these last days has spoken to us by the Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the worlds” (Heb. 1:1-2). Here the creation of the world (“the ages”) is placed in the same chronological order with those “last days” when God sent His Only Begotten Son to save the world. A certain theological concept emerges: God’s creation has undergone the corruption of sin, for the sake of the salvation of people the Son of God is incarnated on earth, He heralds the approach of a Kingdom of a higher order, history strives, as stated in the Creed, towards “the life of the next century.” This is how Christian chronology is built: the Creation of the world, the First Appearance of Christ, His Second Appearance and the General Judgment. Thus, Christ is “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Rev. 22:13).

In the “Ecclesiastical History” of Eusebius of Caesarea (beginning of the 4th century), the following introduction is made: “Although, obviously, we are a new people and the name of Christians is really recent, just recognized by all peoples, but our life and our entire way of behavior are in agreement with the dogmas piety, not recently invented by us, but has been observed since the very beginning of mankind; the ancient God-loving people, by natural impulse, lived exactly this way... The Abrahamic faith, confirmed by deeds - and they are more significant than words - is currently observed throughout the entire universe only by Christians.” It is obvious that Christians consider themselves as heirs of the Old Testament righteous, and they also consider the history before the birth of Christ to be theirs.

It should also be noted that from the earliest times Christians entered the events of the Gospel into the historical context of the era. So St. Luke writes about the beginning of the sermon of St. John the Baptist: “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was in charge of Judea, Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, Philip his brother was tetrarch of Ituraea and the Trachonite region, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene under the high priests Annas and Caiaphas. the word of God to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness” (Luke 3:1-2). The same Evangelist connects the birth of Christ with the census under the Roman emperor Augustus and the Syrian governor Quirinius (Luke 2:1). Here considerable difficulties arise in correlating the Gospel chronology with accepted dates. It turns out that Jesus was born 4-6 years “before the birth of Christ.” However, it should be noted that the calculation of the time of the birth of Christ, undertaken in the 6th century. by the Roman abbot Dionysius the Lesser, was initially approximate, based not so much on historical data as on Easter calculations.

Dionysius’ dubious calculations, however, became the basis for the “Anno Domini” (“year of the Lord”) calendar, adopted in the Catholic world at the turn of the 1st millennium. In Russia, this reference system was introduced in 1700 by Peter I for the sake of uniformity of chronology with Europe. However, such uniformity can go quite far. Under the influence of secularization in the West, starting from the 19th century, a different name began to be adopted - Common Era, Before the Common Era (CE, BCE), i.e. "accepted/common era", "before the accepted/common era". In the countries of the Soviet bloc, an even more unfortunate name was established - “our era”, an echo of the proletarian “we are ours, we will build a new world.”

Meanwhile, in the Eastern Church, the calculation of the time of the First Ecumenical Council of 325 was relevant for a long time. Then it was decided to keep the chronology “from the Creation of the world,” which was dated March 1, 5500 BC. (later the number 5508 appeared for the convenience of Easter calculations). This date diverges from the Jewish era “from the Creation of the world” (3761), which is based on other life expectancy numbers for the Old Testament patriarchs (which is also followed by the Russian Synodal translation).

It is known that the Christian chronology from Adam was adopted precisely for theological reasons (Adam was created at noon on the sixth day of creation, and for the Lord “a thousand years are like one day” - 2 Peter 3:8). In the apostolic reading for Christmas from the Epistle to the Galatians (Gal. 4:4), the appearance of Christ is associated with the “fulfillment of time” (glorified “end of summer”). It is noteworthy that the feast of the Epiphany, now associated more with the event of the Baptism of the Lord, originally in the Christian East included memories of all the gospel events from the Birth to the Baptism of Christ. The date of the Feast of Epiphany (January 6 according to the church calendar) recalls the sixth creative day on which God created the first people. The symbolism here is of fundamental importance: from the Old Adam all people inherit mortal nature, and from the New Adam, i.e. Christ - receive a renewed nature for eternal life. Thus, Christian chronology is edifying; it depicts the moral history of mankind, connects the temporal and the eternal, looks back to past centuries and indicates the future century.

Newspaper "Resurrection"

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A discussion of one of the previous articles (“Technology for growing mankurts”) showed that not all knowledge that should be generally used is so. The extension of the known and familiar to the general case is as “intuitive” as it is erroneous. Later I saw an example of the same thing with my own eyes. Well, in the comments on AS you can find excellent examples of statements. When someone who declares himself to be an expert on ancient history talks about how in Rus' the years were counted “from the flood.”

Therefore, I believe it is necessary to describe the story. With a claim to correctness ☺

There are four natural points in the annual cycle: the winter solstice (the shortest day), the spring equinox, the summer solstice (the longest day) and the autumn equinox. From the point of view of observations, the simplest (and most accessible) are the extreme points (solstices). “Chronolozhtsy” celebrate the sacred meaning of the calendar and the calendar reference to the date of the vernal equinox (~March 22).

So, currently in Rus' the Gregorian calendar is used ( in which the length of the year is taken to be 365.2425 days. The duration of a non-leap year is 365 days, a leap year is 366). But, since the Russian Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar ( in which the tropical year is approximated by a period of 365.25 days, which gives an error of approximately one day for every 128 years. This accuracy is achieved by introducing a leap year (366 days) every three ordinary years (365 days)), people also remember about the so-called. "old style".

According to modern European tradition, the beginning of the year is considered to be January 1. The semantic reference to the date is a separate issue. I have not found a satisfactory answer.

Currently, the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars is 13 days.

Years are counted from the so-called. “New Era”, which coincides with the “Birth of Christ”.

To this day, the practice of skipping one or two first symbols of the year is quite common. It is clear to a contemporary, but after two or three centuries, restoring the complete key requires some work. It is also useful to remember that the approval of the decimal number system began no earlier than the 17th century, and certain signs of the tradition of using the “Roman” number system (from the names the question automatically follows: was Rome the first civilization to use mathematics?) are still alive, although starting Since the end of the 19th century, they have gradually given way to their place in the sun.

This is the starting point.

The last calendar reform was the transition from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1918.

Here it is necessary to remember that the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars is not a constant value, but increases over time. the period during which the difference increases by one day is 128 years.

On the same resource you can see information about the date of introduction of the Julian calendar - January 1, 45 BC. Where, taking as true the statement about the accuracy of the calendar in 1 day of error for 128 years, the difference with the Gregorian calendar at the time of entry of 10 days and the date of entry of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 by simple arithmetic operations ((1582 - (-45))/10) 162.7 is equal to 128. This is not “New Chronology”®©™, this is “New Arithmetic”! An outstanding discovery. Having turned off the trolling mode, it is necessary to state the possibility of explaining the observed result by the fact that the developers of the fairly accurate Julian calendar failed to achieve the corresponding accuracy of the calendar reference to the time scale. I propose to evaluate the credibility of the version yourself. This is where I turn off the topic.

Clarification based on the results of the discussion:

The objective (astronomical) linking of the Julian calendar is suddenly made not by the date the calendar was entered, but by the date of the first Council of Nicaea (325). But, since this clarification is absent in the encyclopedic references, the satire about the “new arithmetic” remains valid.

It was preceded by the calendar reform of 7208. In which the first European reformer of Rus' suddenly switched from the traditional chronology for the Slavs “from the Creation of the World” (I saw the expanded version “The Creation of the World in the Star Temple” only on AS and Comte, not earlier than last year, I note it as possibly important, but I do not analyze it) to already (!) The chronology adopted in Europe is “from the Nativity of Christ.” With the transfer of the new year from the Greek tradition (September 1) to the newest (?) European one (January 1). As a result of the reform, January 1, 7208 suddenly turned out to be the first day of the new year 1700, and the year 7208 itself lasted four months (from September to December).

The text of the decree (precisely the text, and brought to modern spelling, I think about the advisability of including graphics):

1736. - December 20. Personalized. - About the celebration of the New Year.
The Great Sovereign indicated to say: He knows the Great Sovereign not only in many European Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples who agree with our Eastern Orthodox Church in everything, such as: Volokhi, Moldavians, Serbs, Dalmatians, Bulgarians and His Great Sovereign’s very subjects Cherkasy and all the Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was adopted, all those peoples, according to their years, count from the Nativity of Christ eight days later, that is, January from the 1st day, and not from the creation of the world, for many differences and counting in those years, and now from the Nativity of Christ the year 1699 has reached, and from the 1st day of the next Genvar, a new year of 1700 and a new hundred-year century will begin: and for this good and useful deed, the Great Sovereign ordered henceforth the summers to be counted in the Orders and in all matters and fortresses to be written from the current Genvar with 1st of the Nativity of Christ 1700. And as a sign of that good beginning and the new centennial century in the reigning city of Moscow, after due thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church and whoever happens in his home, along the large and well-traveled noble streets to noble people and at houses of deliberate spiritual and worldly rank in front of the gate it is possible to make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper against the samples that were made in the Gostiny Dvor and at the lower pharmacy, or to whomever is more convenient and decent, depending on the place and the gate; And for poor people, each one should at least put a tree, a branch on his gate, or over his temple; and then it would have ripened, now the future Genvar, by the 1st day of this year, and that decoration of Genvar would stand until the 7th day of the same 1700.

Respectively any stories about the events of the 1620s and earlier are simply by definition, best case scenario are later reconstructions. Or translations/adaptations.

Let me remind you that, despite the encyclopedic definitions (see the New Year in the Julian calendar), the Julian calendar was also in effect in Rus' at that time.

Here I will note that during the time of counting years from the Creation of the World, Byzantine counting in small cycles (indict, 15 years) was also used, but I have not seen any traces of it, and therefore I think it is permissible not to go deeper into the consideration.

The previous (and first reliably traceable) calendar reform - the reform of Ivan the Terrible (also Ivan the Great) was also associated with the magic of numbers and the transfer of the starting point (new year).

In the year 7000, Rus' switched from the Slavic tradition (counting the New Year in the spring, from the first of March) to the Greek one (from the first of September). Accordingly, the year 6999 lasted from March 1 to September 1 - six months.

If we accept the dating of the chronicles that have survived to the present day, the beginning of the modern tradition of chronicle writing (when the chronicler described contemporary events, and did not reconstruct in an unknown way the events of past years) in Rus' should be dated no earlier than ~6600.

But even in case of doubts about the authenticity of the primary sources, I think it would be incorrect to date the beginning of the Russian chronicle tradition later than the 6800s.

For the initial approach to revealing the topic of chronology in Rus', this is all.

We need to remember our history and follow our own path.

Currently, we use dating years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar, the so-called “old style”, has not been forgotten either. Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the “old” New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars.

Of course, it broadens our horizons. Let's broaden our horizons.

But, to make our horizons even broader, let’s touch on the ancient tradition of calculating the chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daarian Circle of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism.

The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar into the territory of Rus' and ordered to celebrate the advent of 1700 years from the birth of Jesus Christ on the night of January 1. The calendar reform stole (at least) 5500 years of our stories.

And in Rus' at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

But it is not said at all that the emperor not only changed the calendar, he actually “stole” it, at a minimum (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history.

After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Circle of Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the Empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China).

By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known in Christian tradition as St. George the Victorious, actually symbolizes precisely this victory.

That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was chronology based?

A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology until the Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event.

Moreover, years from different events could be counted in parallel. This is exactly how the ancient chronicles began with the mention of several time periods.

As an example, here are a few dates from RX for the current year 2016:

Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13024 from the Great Cooling

Summer 44560 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia

Summer 106794 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

Summer 111822 from the Great Migration from Daariya

Summer 143006 from the period of Three Moons

Summer 153382 from Assa Dei

Summer 185782 from Thule Time

Summer 604390 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of modern “official” chronology, these dates look simply fantastic,

But for an independently thinking person who is interested in the ancient cultural heritage of the peoples of the Earth, such “chasms of years” do not look so frightening.

After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite numerous written monuments that have reached us throughout the Earth, much longer periods of historical time are mentioned,

Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies also point to these same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Rus', not numbers were used to designate numerical quantities, as is now customary, but titular initial letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius “fix”?

And since the calendar is a written tradition (try orally leading and transmitting such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing already existed in Rus' for at least (!) seven centuries. more than a thousand years.

However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us “illiterates” by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand.

And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pompousness during the annual “Cyril and Methodius celebrations” and “birthdays” of “Slavic” writing is surprising. At present, since we use the modern calendar (from A.D.), it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years.

And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the chronology system that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

The dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks is sincerely regrettable.

For example, the year of the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus is called 1242, and at that time in Rus' it was 6750.

Or, for example, the year of baptism of Kyiv is considered to be 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ.

But in Kyiv they celebrated the Summer of 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it, if evil minds are hiding it from us on purpose.

The Slavs are a great race.

Calculation: what is it? Chronology is a system of counting time (in days, weeks, months, years), starting from a specific event. The chronology could differ among different peoples and religions. This can be explained by the fact that various events were taken as the starting point. However, today one chronology system has been officially established throughout the world, which is used in all countries and on all continents.

The chronology in Rus' was carried out according to the calendar adopted by Byzantium. As you know, after the adoption of Christianity in the tenth century AD, the year of the creation of the world was chosen as the starting point. To be more precise, this day is the day when the first man, Adam, was created. This happened on the first of March 5508 AD. And in Rus', the beginning of spring was long considered the beginning of the year.

Reform of Peter the Great

The old chronology “from the creation of the world” was changed by Emperor Peter the Great to the chronology from the Nativity of Christ. this was done from the first of January 1700 (or in 7208 "from the creation of the world"). Why did they change the calendar? It is believed that Peter the Great did this for convenience, to synchronize time with Europe. European countries have long lived according to the system “from the Nativity of Christ.” And since the emperor did a lot of business with Europeans, this step was quite appropriate. After all, the difference in years in Europe and in the Russian Empire at that time was 5508 years!

The Old Russian chronology, thus, differed from the modern one in the reference point of time. And the chronology before the Nativity of Christ was called the chronology “from the creation of the world.”

How it all began

When did chronology begin? There is evidence that in 325 AD the first council of Christian bishops took place. It was they who decided that chronology should be carried out from the creation of the world. The reason for this countdown was the need to know when to celebrate Easter. The date of creation of the world was proposed based on considerations and reasoning about the life of Jesus Christ.

After the Council of Bishops, the Roman Empire adopted this chronology. And after a couple of hundred years, it was proposed to switch to chronology from the Nativity of Christ. This idea was expressed by Dionysius the Small, a Roman monk, in 532. It is not known exactly when Jesus was born, but it happened around the second or fourth year of our era. It was from this year that the countdown of time began, which is now called from the Nativity of Christ. This point separates the new era (ours) from the past (designations AD and BC, respectively).

But the world took a long time to switch to a new version of time counting. This took about half a millennium, and for Russia - more than a thousand years. The transition was gradual, so often the year “from the creation of the world” was also indicated in brackets.

Aryan chronology and Slavic chronology

The chronology of the Aryans was carried out from the creation of the world, that is, different from what existed in the world. But the Aryans did not believe that the world was created precisely in 5508 BC. In their opinion, the starting point was the year when peace was concluded between the Slavic-Aryans and the Arima (ancient Chinese tribes). Another name for this chronology is the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

After the victory over the Chinese, a symbol appeared - a rider on a white horse killing a dragon. The latter in this case symbolized China, which was defeated.

The Old Slavic chronology was carried out according to the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. You can read more about this calendar in the corresponding article. After the reform of Peter the Great, they began to say that “he stole 5508 years from the Slavs.” In general, the emperor’s innovation did not find positive feedback from the Slavs; they opposed it for a long time. But the chronology of the ancient Slavs and their calendar were prohibited. Today, only Old Believers and Ynglings use them.

The chronology according to the Slavic calendar had its own interesting features:

  • The Slavs had only three seasons: spring, autumn, winter. By the way, the ancient Slavs called the whole year “summer”.
  • It was nine months.
  • There were forty or forty-one days in the month.

Thus, the chronology of the ancient Slavs, who were pagans, ran counter to the generally accepted Christian one. After all, many Slavs, even having accepted the Christian faith, continued to remain pagans. They were faithful to their worldviews and did not accept chronology “from the Nativity of Christ.”

The chronology became a reflection of religion, which occupied and continues to occupy a dominant position in the state, in society, in the world. Christianity today is practiced by more than thirty percent of the world's population. It is not surprising that the Birth of Christ was chosen as its beginning. It has also become convenient to distinguish the past era from the new. Peter, having changed the chronology system in Rus', made it possible to coordinate all the activities of the country with the rest of the world. It is difficult to imagine that today there would be a gap between countries of more than five and a half thousand years! Also, a positive aspect of the chronology common to all is the convenience in studying history and other sciences.
