List of personnel documentation: what needs to be prepared for verification. Test

"", 2013, N 7


Every manager knows and is unlikely to dispute the statement that the income of any organization primarily depends on how professional the specialists working in it are. It is this resource - personnel - that is currently considered as the most important factor in a company's competitiveness in the market. Employees with their capital of knowledge, experience and potential constitute an intangible asset of the organization.

Who is a HR inspector? How did this profession appear?

The name of the profession "personnel inspector", or "personnel officer", appeared in Soviet times. Personnel departments in our country began to be formed in the 30s. last century. In accordance with Decree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR of December 28, 1930 N 377, they were entrusted with supplying the national economy with labor, as well as planning the training of workers and monitoring this training. The structure of the personnel service in the 30s. included sections (divisions): personnel planning; urban labor market; seasonal labor market; workforce training; professional selection, professional consultation and qualification testing.

Now our enterprises still have human resources departments staffed by highly qualified specialists who ensure the documentation of labor relations in accordance with legal requirements, accounting for employees and preparing reports for government agencies.

Why is an employer interested in hiring a highly qualified HR inspector?

Working with personnel documentation requires care and perseverance. To minimize the company’s risks, the HR inspector must have excellent knowledge of labor legislation and be able to use this knowledge. However, in addition to completing documentation, the HR inspector communicates a lot with employees - advising on labor legislation issues and regulating conflict situations.

The criterion for the success of the HR inspector is inspection bodies, penalties from government agencies, complaints or complaints from company employees.

What competence should a personnel inspector have to perform such a responsible job? What professional standards are required of him?

Reference. The term "competence" comes from the Latin "competere", meaning "to be acceptable", and is generally used to recognize that a person has sufficient professional knowledge and skills to solve assigned tasks or perform certain duties. Currently, companies are paying more and more attention to assessing the competence of specialists when making decisions related to their hiring, promotion and professional growth.

By the way. Professional standards are structured requirements for the quality and content of work in a certain area of ​​professional activity.

An accurate description of the “ideal” candidate and the position for which he is being selected ensures the most effective search and selection of the right people. The description begins with defining the employee’s area of ​​responsibility and main tasks. The priority of requirements must be clearly established, taking into account the interests of the company’s management, traditions and requirements of corporate culture, opportunities and growth prospects.

There is a whole range of tools for determining the level of competence of a specialist - from a classic interview to completing a work assignment (case).

All methods for assessing a candidate must be selected in such a way that it is possible to obtain maximum information about each applicant for a vacant position (see Table 1).

Table 1

Methods used to assess candidate qualities

The main thing when assessing a candidate:

Determine the purpose of the assessment;

Describe the tasks that the employee will perform;

Describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for the employee to perform this task;

Determine the diagnostic object;

Select diagnostic/assessment methods;

Determine criteria for evaluating the results obtained.

Reference. Skill is the ability of an individual to effectively perform a certain activity based on existing knowledge in changed or new conditions.

Skills are the ability to perform any actions automatically, that is, without element-by-element control. This is why it is sometimes said that a skill is an automated skill.

Thus, you will save time - both yours and the candidate's - and will be professional in solving the main issue - selecting a competent specialist.

For example, the goal is to determine the level of professional knowledge of a human resources specialist. You can use the professional testing method. It usually encourages successful candidates to confirm their professional status. An applicant for a vacancy who refuses to undergo professional testing arouses suspicion on at least two points necessary for successful work in the company: manageability and level of professional training.

Professional tests are developed for a specific position. They are used to test the key knowledge for this position. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for additional questions during the interview. When used correctly, tests provide valuable information about the candidate (see tables 2, 3), even despite the significant costs in drawing up standards, processing and interpreting the results.

table 2

Variant of the form "Checking professional knowledge

HR inspector"


│ Task │ Object │Test question│ Result │Level│

│ │ │ │ │ knowledge│

│ │ │ │ ├─┬─┬─┬─┤

│ │ │ │ │0│3│4│5│

│Format │Knowledge of the rules │The personnel officer made a mistake in │a) cross out │ │ │ │ │

│labor │conducting labor│filling out │incorrect entry,│ │ │ │ │

│books │books │title page │and write next to it│ │ │ │ │

│workers │ │work book. │correct; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │His actions: │b) write off the form│ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │like spoiled │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │and fill out │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │new; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │c) nothing │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │undertaking, │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │continue │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │filling out the TC; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │d) other │ │ │ │ │


│Entering │Knowledge of the rules │In the work book │a) cross out │ │ │ │ │

│an incorrect entry was made in │labor management│ │ │ │ │

│work │books │wrong │and write next to it│ │ │ │ │

│books │ │record. Personnel officer │correct; │ │ │ │ │

│workers │ │must: │b) nothing │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │undertake; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │c) admit │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │incorrect entry │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │invalid│ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │and deposit │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │correct │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │record; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │d) other │ │ │ │ │


│Carrying out │Knowledge of the rules │Work book │a) get a new one│ │ │ │ │

│audit │conducting labor│employee │work book;│ │ │ │ │

│work │books │lost, torn, │b) issue │ │ │ │ │

│books │ │stained. You need: │duplicate; │ │ │ │ │

│workers │ │ │c) both are possible │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │option; │ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │d) other │ │ │ │ │


Table 3

Variant of the form "Checking knowledge of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

HR inspector"

Security Question





Development Skill





provisions, order

familiarization with

them employees

(Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)






Development Skill




For example, labor


agreement with him

order forms for


activities, etc.

(art. art. 56 - 61,

67, 68 Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Carrying out




business trips

Design skill


business trips




documents (order,

direction and

Maximum term

business trips,

sick leave payment

leaflet, actions

if lost




registration (chapter 24

Carrying out



Design skill


documents for

reception at

work, including


To tell about

design nuances

sick leave

business trips

The main thing that a specialist involved in professional selection must remember is that the results of the testing itself must be supplemented with data, for example, observations, conversations. Remember that a candidate may have excellent theoretical knowledge but no practical experience. Minimize the risk: add other methods for assessing the candidate (his skills and abilities) - offer to complete a work task.

“Work assignment “Hiring.” The recruiter can act as a new employee, and the candidate can act as the company’s HR inspector.

The technique is based on constructing certain situations and asking the candidate to describe a model of his behavior or solutions to these situations. The work assignment contains hypothetical questions/activities about the job, the answers to which are evaluated in comparison with answers that are accepted as exemplary. The advantage of this method (subject to careful preparation): all candidates are offered the same situations/questions, and the answers/actions are assessed by comparison with a set of “reference” ones.

For ease of systematization and processing of information, you can format the work assignment in the form of a table (see Table 4).

Table 4

Variant of the form "Work assignment "Hiring"

You can also use the usual work order format. For example: “Employee K. was hired by company “three” for the position of warehouse manager with the establishment of irregular working hours on May 23, 2011. In accordance with the vacation schedule, he should have been granted annual leave from May 30, 2012, about which employee K. was notified in writing. On May 28, 2012, K. was orally notified that changes had been made to the vacation schedule and his vacation due to production needs was divided into two parts - 14 days each and postponed to September and December 2012 .

What violations were committed?"

The greatest difficulty is in assessing the abilities, personal characteristics and qualities of a candidate - the need to choose from a wide range of different methods and techniques requires an understanding of the object under study and a competent professional approach. If you are a certified psychologist, you can use psychological testing for diagnosis, while obtaining the consent of the candidate.

The effectiveness of the company as a whole depends on the performance of each of its employees. It is this issue that organizations are paying great attention to at present. Efficiency is determined by the quality of work. Therefore, even before hiring a candidate, it is important to understand how he sees his area of ​​responsibility, what were the criteria for the effectiveness of his activities at his previous place of work, how he understands the word “effectiveness,” and what he considers most important in his work. The assessment can be carried out using a structured interview. For convenience, questions can be formed into a table (see Table 5).

Table 5

Variant of the form "Performance Criteria"

HR inspector"

Area of ​​responsibility

Performance criterion

Maintenance, accounting, storage of work books


Compliance with the rules of conduct

work records

Lack of instructions from outside

inspection bodies

Timely and high-quality execution

personnel documentation

Meeting deadlines according to

established standards

No errors in the format


No claims/complaints from

sides of related departments

Conducting admission procedures

layoffs, employee transfers

Compliance with Labor requirements

Code of the Russian Federation

Lack of instructions from outside

inspection bodies

No claims/complaints from

employee side

By the way. The main feature of a structured interview is that it is conducted according to a plan, which defines the topics of conversation and questions for the candidate. A company employee prepares questions in advance and, during a point-by-point conversation, carefully ascertains the applicant’s compliance with the established requirements.

You should know it. According to the Standards of professional activity in the field of personnel management, developed by the Russian personnel community and approved by voting of members of the National Union of Personnel Officers, a specialist in personnel records management (excerpt):

- “knows the local regulations of the company;

Knows the company's document flow system;

Knows the system of interaction between company departments;

Knows the requirements for management documentation (provisions, regulations) during organizational development;

Able to develop internal personnel documents;


Knows the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards;

Possesses skills in resolving labor disputes and conflicts;

Knows the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws regarding the definition of liability for violations of labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms;

HR administration and personnel records

Knows the procedures for hiring, dismissing, transferring to another job and moving personnel in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, has the skills to prepare accompanying documentation;

Able to conduct personnel records management and organize archival storage of personnel documents in accordance with current regulations;

Possesses the skills of working with external organizations (the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the State Labor Inspectorate, employment services, etc.) and the skills of familiarizing company employees with personnel documentation and current local regulations;

Knows the requirements for ensuring the protection of personal data of employees."

Recently, more and more attention has been paid not only to determining whether a candidate meets the required qualifications and competence, but also to determining how well a new person will “fit” into the corporate culture of the organization and whether he will be able to accept the company’s principles and norms of behavior. In this regard, the selection methods used during the interview are of great importance.

Interview is the main tool in personnel selection. In addition, it plays a major role in creating a favorable impression of the company. The interview/negotiation situation provides an opportunity for both parties to see if they are a good fit for each other. Negotiations presuppose equal rights of the parties in mutual assessment and expression of interest.

The basic idea behind assessment is that there are no universally “good” or “bad” candidates. Just as there are no universally “good” or “bad” companies. There are those that are suitable for each other or those that are not.

The assessment of the candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities must be carried out by an expert, a professional equal (or higher) in status/position of the vacant position. If you, a search and selection specialist, are not a professional in the field of personnel accounting and engage an HR expert to evaluate candidates, make sure that the assessment is unbiased. This means that you must have a clear description of the requirements for the candidate, the tasks facing him, the criteria for assessing knowledge and skills.

Why do you need expert help? He has an “ideal” set of knowledge and skills, confirmed by practical experience, knows the subtleties and nuances of the profession, and is the bearer of the company’s corporate culture. When communicating with a professional, the candidate opens up and speaks freely not only about his successes and achievements, but also about problem areas. After all, communication takes place in one language, the candidate is confident that his words will be both correctly perceived and interpreted in the right aspect.

T. Kozlova

Managing partner

A-Range Solutions,

International Academy of Business

To document all personnel transactions in an organization, certain knowledge and skills are required.

Office work at the enterprise is regulated by instructions independently developed and approved by the director. It is an internal regulatory act and is mandatory for compliance by all employees of the business entity. The HR department develops and monitors its implementation.

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The law requires the preparation of many documents that document all aspects of the employee’s employment relationship with the employer.

Experienced and novice personnel officers must improve their skills. To help them, Internet sites have been created on which theoretical courses in personnel administration are presented.

Personnel records reflect the activities of personnel and confirm the length of service of employees, which plays a primary role in calculating pensions. Management is responsible for the documentary fund of the enterprise.

The main details in control on paper

Competent organization of personnel records requires knowledge of the regulatory framework, tracking its changes, and orientation in the forms of documents used.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The procedure for maintaining personnel records is regulated by law. In large enterprises with a large staff of employees, as a rule, a personnel service is formed. Its employees draw up the relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

Papers can have a unified form or be developed at the enterprise and approved in local acts.

Personnel records management is an activity aimed at developing and maintaining documents related to personnel accounting, working hours, and payroll calculations.

Personnel issues include the following positions:

  • registration of employment;
  • internal movement of workers;
  • dismissal;
  • regulation of relations between the manager and employees;
  • organization of the labor process;
  • others.

Proper organization of personnel records helps solve a number of problems.

Its main goals are presented in the table:

Direction of personnel work Performed tasks
Accounting and control reception, accounting, dismissal of personnel.
Planning and regulatory selection, relocation, adaptation of workers.
Reporting and analytical
  • studying employees, evaluating their work;
  • analytical work;
  • making report.
Coordination and information
  • preparation, training, retraining of personnel;
  • reception of employees on official and personal matters;
  • processing written requests from workers;
  • archival and reference activities.
Organizational and methodological
  • documenting the work of employees;
  • work with department staff;
  • personnel planning and management.
  • maintaining personal files and work records;
  • drawing up orders and papers for personalized accounting;
  • registration of sick leave, pension certificates, etc.

In Moscow and other large regions of the Russian Federation, organizations with separate divisions can maintain personnel records online. For this purpose, appropriate programs have been developed that allow the exchange of documents in electronic form.

The legislative framework

The legislative basis for personnel records management is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This activity is regulated by a number of regulations:

  • Instructions for filling out and applying primary documents for accounting and remuneration (Decree of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/04);
  • unified documents and requirements for their preparation (Gosstandart Decree No. 65-st dated 03.03.03);
  • Standard instructions for office work for federal executive authorities (order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 of 08.11.05);
  • Rules for the operation of archives (decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/02);
  • Rules of office work for federal executive authorities (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of June 15, 2009);
  • Law on information, its protection and information technologies No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006;
  • Law on consideration of appeals from Russian citizens No. 59-FZ dated 02.05.06;
  • Law on the state language of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ dated 01.06.05;
  • Law on Archival Affairs No. 125-FZ dated October 22, 2004;
  • Law on Trade Secrets No. 98-FZ dated July 29, 2004;
  • Order on work books No. 117n dated December 22, 2003;
  • Resolution on the adoption of instructions for filling out labor documents No. 69 dated 10.10.03;
  • Resolution on work books No. 225 dated April 16, 2003;
  • instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory documents

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to have their own legislative framework, which includes a number of mandatory local regulations.

These include:

Charter Main constituent document. It spells out the legal form of the enterprise, founders, field of activity, procedure for hiring and dismissing a manager, and his powers. Many internal regulations of the company are drawn up on the basis of the provisions of the Charter.
Work regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Rules)
  • The presence of a document is provided for in Art. 189, 190 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It establishes the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement, work and rest regimes, a system of incentives and penalties, and other issues regarding labor relations at the enterprise.
  • The rules are approved by the director. If there is a trade union in the organization, its opinions regarding the adoption of the document are taken into account. In organizations where personnel work irregular working hours, there must be a List of relevant positions and professions. It is drawn up as an annex to the Rules.
Instructions on the protection of personal data
  • According to Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it establishes the requirements that must be met when processing personal information about employees, ensuring their protection, use, and storage.
  • Personal information is considered to be information about an individual worker that the employer needs for labor relations. Employees must be familiar with the documents defining the procedure for processing their data.
Regulations on labor protection It is located in the HR department. Each employee is familiarized with the document. Enterprises with more than 50 employees must have a position of occupational safety specialist.
Shift schedule Used in companies with a shift work schedule. The document is urgent and is valid for a certain period at the discretion of the employer.
Papers on labor standards They reflect the necessary time costs for manufacturing products (performing work) by one employee or group and establishing labor standards on their basis.

Regulatory acts

After hiring a manager, the number of positions required for the normal operation of the organization is established. Taking into account the obtained figures, the production cycle and other features of the enterprise’s activities, it is being prepared.

To draw up a document, a unified form is usually used. You can download the sample for free from the Internet. The employer has the right to adjust the schedule at its discretion.

The document lists positions in hierarchical order, starting with the director and ending with support staff. For each of them, the number of units per state, salary and allowances are indicated.

At the next stage, a work schedule is formed. It represents work schedules for all employees. If there are shifts, detailed shift schedules are created. The document briefly describes the requirements for employees’ appearance, behavior, daily routine, etc.

Next, the form of the employment contract is developed. In this case, the basic norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents of the company must be taken into account. An employment agreement is usually drawn up by the organization's lawyer or an outsider.

The document must include the following items:

  • information about the legal entity: name, address, telephone number, full name and position of the manager;
  • employee passport details;
  • employee position, types of contract (permanent or fixed-term) and workplace (main or additional);
  • a list of main responsibilities with reference to the instructions for this position;
  • information on wages, additional payments, benefits, vacations;
  • work schedule, payment for overtime;
  • reasons for termination of the contract and other conditions;
  • signatures and details of the parties, seal of the enterprise.

To check and optimize the work of HR officers, management can conduct an internal or independent audit. This helps reduce the risk of administrative penalties, disputes and complaints from staff.

Stages of organizing HR records from scratch

To create personnel records, it is convenient to use the following step-by-step instructions:

Preparation of necessary To organize a personnel service, you first need to purchase furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc. You will definitely need a personnel program, for example, “1C: ZUP” and a legal reference system. Thanks to this, department employees will monitor the latest changes in legislation and have access to the necessary documents. A safe is needed to store work and important papers.
Manager's registration A director is the executive officer of any company. He signs the documentation. To vest him with full powers, he is hired under an employment agreement. A corresponding order is issued, by which he appoints himself.
Appointment of a person responsible for personnel work In a small company, these functions can be performed by a manager. If an individual employee is engaged in office work, an employment contract is drawn up with him. Based on it, an order is being prepared. If the duties are assigned to one of the previously hired employees, an additional agreement and order are drawn up.
Drawing up internal acts They are signed by the director and stored in a special folder along with the orders. Local documents include the papers listed above (section “Regulatory Acts”).
Documentation of personnel reception For each employee, you should create a folder for filing all papers related to his data and work activities (employment agreement, employment order, personal card).
Filling out work books Records of admission, transfers, incentives, etc. are made in these employee documents. The employer is required to open a new record book for an employee who has never worked before. Labor records and their registration journal are available in the office supply departments. These papers must be stored in a safe.

This instruction is also suitable for teapots who have no experience in this matter.

How are records kept?

To maintain records, you need to properly organize document flow.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • develop an internal regulatory framework;
  • prepare a staffing table for each staff unit;
  • make staffing arrangements;
  • prepare labor agreements;
  • develop forms for personnel;
  • issue T-2 cards;
  • approve application forms for employees;
  • prepare internal orders.

All personnel actions must be confirmed. Their list is fixed in regulations.

Additional points

Personnel accounting from scratch begins with the hiring of personnel. It is important to correctly register applicants for work and prepare the necessary documentation.

Staffing and vacations

One of the mandatory standard documents that must exist at an enterprise is the staffing table (form T-3).

  • list of structural units and positions;
  • number of staff units for each position;
  • salaries, allowances by position;
  • organization's salary fund.

Divisions are indicated in the document according to the degree of their importance to the operation of the organization. Within them, employee positions should also be listed in order of importance. The job titles in employment agreements and staffing schedules must match.

The staffing arrangement is a form of schedule with the full names of employees entered in accordance with their positions.

The vacation schedule (form T-7) reflects information about the time of provision of annual vacations to all employees. Compiled for a year. It is approved by the director in agreement with the trade union body. The document must be completed at least 2 weeks before the new year. The data entered into it is mandatory for both employees and employers. The exception is for beneficiaries.

The schedule includes the following details:

  • department name;
  • Job title;
  • Full name and personnel number of the worker;
  • number of vacation days;
  • dates of going on vacation according to plan and actual;
  • reason for rescheduling vacation, estimated date.

The employee is informed about this 2 weeks before the vacation. An order is issued, with which the employee is familiarized with signature. In November, you can prepare an order for all department heads obliging them to submit vacation schedules to the accounting department by December 1. This will make it easier to prepare the overall schedule.

Employee registration

The full-fledged work of an organization begins with the recruitment of employees. Filling vacancies is accompanied by paperwork.

The responsibilities of the HR officer when hiring employees are as follows:

  • registration of an application from an applicant in a special journal;
  • familiarizing the newcomer with current instructions and local regulations;
  • drawing up an employment agreement and monitoring its signing by the parties;
  • issuing a copy of the contract to the employee and putting a note about it on the organization’s letterhead;
  • execution and registration of the order in the accounting book;
  • filling out a personal card, filing documents in the file (applications, copies of personal papers, orders, contracts);
  • transfer of documents to the accountant for calculating the employee’s salary.

When building a personnel records management system, you should initially decide which documents must be prepared and which are needed for a specific field of activity.

Required papers include:

  • orders for personnel (reception, transfer, etc.);
  • personnel orders (for vacations, bonuses, business trips, etc.);
  • T-2 cards;
  • labor;
  • agreements;

Other required papers include the following:

  • staffing schedule;
  • OT position;
  • travel log;
  • inner order rules;
  • others.

It is not necessary to maintain job descriptions and a collective agreement, but almost every employer has these documents.

After establishing the list of mandatory documentation, you should study the statutory documents. Based on them, other documents need to be developed. Their list depends on the nature of the legal entity’s activities and the characteristics of working conditions. For example, if it is necessary to provide employees with uniforms and PPE, it is necessary to prepare an order on the procedure and timing for their issuance, and which employees need them.

Compensations and benefits for work in special conditions must be documented: in hazardous industries, irregular hours, night work, etc. Next, the Regulations on personnel records management are drawn up. It reflects the list of papers necessary for the organization’s work, the procedure for their execution and storage.

The legislation does not oblige the development of such a Regulation, but it will significantly facilitate the work of personnel officers. A director is first hired to work in a new organization, then he recruits the rest of the staff.

The composition and number of required positions is reflected in the staffing table. The operating rules reflect all work schedules, requirements for employees, etc. A standard labor agreement is developed based on the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before using accounting journals, they should be prepared: the sheets should be numbered, stitched, and sealed. A piece of paper is glued to the last sheet of firmware. The number of pages is indicated on it, the director or executive officer signs, and a seal is affixed. On the first page of the journal they write the name of the organization and the start date of its maintenance.

One of the most important personnel records documents is the work book. To maintain them, the order appoints a responsible person who fills them out and is responsible for their safety.


The organization of personnel records has certain subtleties and nuances:

Recovery procedure The procedure is not reflected in the legislation.

It usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Study of current standards.
  2. Determining the list of required documents.
  3. Drawing up a plan for the further work of the organization.
  4. Determination of persons responsible for documents.
  5. Formation of staffing.
  6. Checking the correctness of hiring of employees, movements, personnel changes, dismissals.
  7. Determining the legality of the labor regime at the enterprise.
Features of individual entrepreneurs with hired employees An entrepreneur hires staff according to a standard scenario.

The contract is concluded in several stages:

  • Obtaining the necessary papers.
  • Filling out an application.
  • Drawing up and signing an agreement.
  • Formation of an order for admission.
  • Establishing a T-2 card.
  • Making an entry in the labor record.
  • The employment of citizens who speak English has its own characteristics.
Managing a small business
  • In these organizations, personnel issues can be dealt with by the manager himself or a special department.
  • An employer can outsource HR records. All issues will be resolved by a third-party specialized organization.
  • Difficulties with document flow arise if the organization is large, has structural units and a large volume of documentation. In this case, the courier may be responsible for handing over the papers. At the same time, representatives of the performing organization often do not visit the customer’s office, i.e. the work is carried out completely remotely.
Simplification of accounting for micro-enterprises All working conditions are fixed in an agreement with the employee. In 2019, managers of these companies and individual entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to draw up local regulations. Within 4 months from the date of loss of micro-enterprise status, management is obliged to prepare “traditional” personnel documentation.

Professional testing for the position of personnel inspector

Date _______________________

1. If the personnel officer made a mistake when filling out the title page of the work book, his actions:

b) write off the form as damaged and fill out a new one
c) without doing anything, continue to fill out the work book

2. If an incorrect entry was made in the work book, the personnel officer must:
a) cross out the incorrect entry and write the correct one next to it
b) do nothing
c) invalidate an incorrect entry and make a correct entry

3. If an employee goes on another paid vacation, and immediately after that on study leave, can both vacations be issued with one order?
a) yes, you can, there is a special order form for this
b) no, you can’t

4. Is it necessary that the name of the position (profession) in the work book correspond to the qualification directories of positions and professions?
a) yes, definitely
b) no, not necessarily
c) mandatory if the law provides for benefits or restrictions for this position (profession)

5. Is a job application a mandatory document?
a) yes, it is
b) no, it is not
c) yes, in some cases

6. If an employee’s work book is lost, torn, or dirty, you need to:
a) get a new work book
b) issue a duplicate
c) both options are possible

7. Is maternity leave provided to women who work part-time?
a) provided and paid for
b) provided but not paid for
c) instead of it, leave without pay is granted

8. Is the employer obliged to create a labor dispute commission at the enterprise?
a) yes, I must
b) no, I don’t have to
c) obliged, if employees require it

9. Which of the following documents must be presented when applying for a part-time job in another organization?
a) passport or other identification document
b) certificate of income from the main place of work
c) written consent of the employer at the main place of work

10. The nomenclature of cases is:
a) folders with documents
b) plan for working with documents
c) a systematic list of case titles indicating their storage periods, drawn up in the prescribed manner

11. Finish the phrase: “When scheduling vacations...
a) the opinions of employees are not taken into account"
b) the opinion of all employees must be taken into account"
c) the opinion of employees who, by law, are granted leave at a time convenient for them, is necessarily taken into account"

12. How long should the personal files of the organization’s leaders be kept?
a) constantly
b) 50 years
c) 75 years old

13. Who makes the decision to allocate personnel documents for destruction?
a) head of the personnel department
b) HR director
c) expert commission

14. Orders regarding personnel are grouped into cases:
a) by type and chronology
b) according to storage periods and chronology
c) by type and shelf life

15. Checking the availability and condition of documents is carried out:
a) at least once every five years
b) annually
c) as needed

16. Finish the phrase: “The work of homeworkers on non-working holidays is paid...
a) in a single size"
b) double the size"
c) not paid"

17. The employee submitted his resignation of his own free will, and the next day fell ill. The two-week notice period for dismissal is coming to an end, but the temporary disability has not yet ended. When to dismiss an employee?
a) upon expiration of a two-week period, despite the fact that temporary incapacity continues
b) on the first day of returning to work after the end of sick leave
c) two weeks after the end of the sick leave, since the employee must work this period

18. The organization is being liquidated. Almost all employees have already been dismissed by way of transfer to another employer (Clause 5, Part 1, Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But there are still two pregnant women in the organization. How to deal with them so that they do not lose their jobs?
a) also dismiss by transfer at their request or with their consent to work for another employer (clause 5 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
b) dismiss under paragraph 1 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code (liquidation of the organization), and then, with their consent, hire them to another employer
c) you can use both the first and second methods

19. Is an employee who quits due to the expiration of the employment contract entitled to severance pay?
a) required, if provided for in an employment or collective agreement
b) certainly, it should be
c) no, it’s not allowed

20. An employee is fired due to an unsatisfactory test result. Which article of the Labor Code should be indicated in the work book as a basis for dismissal?
a) part one of Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
b) paragraph 4 of the first article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
c) paragraph 5 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

21. In which of the following cases is an employee granted study leave with pay?
a) the employee receives a second higher education
b) an employee, already having a higher professional education in another field, receives secondary vocational education in a certain specialty for the first time
c) the employee is studying full-time at a university

22. If the number of staff is reduced, the employee must be notified two months in advance:
a) in any form
b) in writing
c) in writing, against signature

23. When terminating an employment contract with a minor employee, you must notify:
a) state labor inspectorate and territorial body of the pension fund
b) commission for minors and tax inspectorate
c) the commission for the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights and the relevant labor inspectorate

24. Individual disputes between an employee and an employer are considered:
a) district courts and labor dispute commissions
b) justices of the peace and labor dispute commissions
c) only by labor dispute commissions

25. The head of an organization works part-time for another employer:
a) maybe
b) can't
c) may only with the permission of the authorized body of the legal entity or the owner of the organization’s property

26. Your actions if a dismissed employee does not show up for his work book for a long time:
a) send the employee a notice of the need to appear for a work book or agree to have it sent by mail
b) file the work book in your personal file and archive it
c) keep the work book until the former employee appears

27. When do you need to file documents in a file?
a) at the end of the calendar year
b) after their execution
c) as soon as a document related to the case appears, it must be immediately filed in the appropriate folder

28. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of holidays and non-working days should be:
a) officially published two months before the next calendar year
b) accepted no later than a month before the date of the postponed day off in the current year
c) officially published no later than two months before the date of the transferred day off in the current year

29. Select the incorrect statement “There is no test for employment:
a) for pregnant women and women with children under the age of one and a half years"
b) when concluding a fixed-term contract for a three-month period"
c) for persons elected to an elective position for paid work"

30. The page on which the number of sheets of the case is indicated, the peculiarities of its numbering, as well as marks on the status and composition of the case, is called...
a) internal inventory
b) notes
c) certification sheet

31. An employee aged 17 years has the right to regular paid leave in the amount of:
a) 31 days
b) 28 days
c) calculated proportionally, depending on the day of majority

32. Upon liquidation of a structural unit, changes in the staffing table come into force:
a) immediately after a decision is made to liquidate a structural unit
b) at the end of two months after management made a decision to liquidate the structural unit
c) after notifying employees of the upcoming liquidation of the unit

33. The duration of overtime work should not exceed for each employee:
a) 130 hours per year
b) four hours for two days in a row
c) two hours a day

34. What will you do if you find an error in the numbering of the case sheets?
a) I will use an eraser, because the case is numbered with a simple pencil, which is easily erased
b) nothing can be done - you will have to use correction fluid
c) I’ll cross out the old numbers and put the new ones next to them

Interpretation of responses

25-34 correct answers
The applicant was able to answer most of the questions correctly. This suggests that he knows labor legislation and the work practices of a personnel inspector. Most likely, the applicant has practical experience and will be able to be effective in the position of HR inspector.

13-24 correct answers
The applicant was able to answer more than half of the questions correctly. This suggests that he has individual gaps in knowledge that can be eliminated in the process of practical activity or under the guidance of a more experienced mentor.

1-12 correct answers
The applicant failed the test task. He does not know the basics of labor legislation and personnel records management. It is not recommended to hire him as a personnel inspector.

HR Consultant

Leading researcher at Expertise LLC, author of numerous seminar programs, publications and practical manuals.

You can ask your question on the following topics:

  • organization of company document flow
  • classic office work
  • personnel records management
  • labor Relations
  • employment history
  • protection of personal information
  • preparation for inspections of the organization by state supervisory authorities

The response time for questions is 5 (five) business days.

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Ask your question about HR
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Questions and answers

15.08.2019 : About the date of signing the consent to the processing of personal data
Until today, the company did not have a Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data. What date is best to formalize the position with the corresponding familiarization sheets? and what dates will employees sign consent to data processing?

08.08.2019 : About annual leave during parental leave
Can an employee, while on maternity leave for up to 3 years and working part-time, apply for another leave? Do you need to interrupt your maternity leave and take another one?

01.08.2019 : About changes in staffing
One employee went on maternity leave. A new employee has been hired for this position. With the prospect of moving to another job with the former employee returning from maternity leave. How to correctly reflect these 2 units in the staffing table?

26.07.2019 : On the calculation of vacation pay in case of temporary performance of duties
Two employees have different durations of annual leave; if one employee temporarily performs the duties of another with exemption from the main ones, for which position should he calculate annual leave?

19.07.2019 : On making corrections to the work book
In the employee’s work book, the last name is written through E, all other documents, incl. passport, diploma, SNILS, TIN with the letter E. On what basis do I make the correction and do I have the right to do this?

11.07.2019 : About the insert in the work book
The employee brought a labor and unsewn liner, which was completely full, and I had to get another liner. How to sew 2 inserts into a labor one? Should we sew on top of each other, like we usually sew inserts into a worksheet?

04.07.2019 : On transfer to another position with a change in the term of the employment contract
Is it possible to transfer to the position of director (fixed-term employment contract according to the Charter of the enterprise for 1 year) from the position of chief engineer (employment contract for an indefinite period)? Or is it necessary to fire and hire the employee?

27.06.2019 : About unused vacations
An employee, having returned from maternity leave, after some time goes on leave to care for the next child. At the same time, she “did not take the next vacation” during the first “pre-maternity” period. Can an employee use this leave after she has returned from her second maternity leave (for her second child), if 4 years have passed since the period for which she is going to take the next leave?

19.06.2019 : On reflecting additional payment for night work in an employment contract
The employee works at night. Is it necessary to stipulate an additional payment of 20% for each hour of work according to the labor code, or can it be stipulated in a local act and billed as a monthly bonus?

11.06.2019 : About making a note of gratitude in the work book
The employee has an insert in his work book. Now you need to make a note of gratitude. Where should I write it down - in the work book or in the insert? Will it be considered a violation if a note of gratitude is nevertheless made in the insert while maintaining the numbering of incentives after the work book?

04.06.2019 : About part-time work
An employee works in an organization under two employment contracts: one is the main one, the second is part-time. Can an employee's primary position be of a lower status (in the job hierarchy) than the position held by a part-time employee?

28.05.2019 : About parental leave for up to 1.5 years
We arrange parental leave for children up to 1.5 years old. The child was born on February 27, 2019. Vacation end date 08/26/2020 or 08/27/2020?

22.05.2019 : About drawing up a report card
Please explain, when compiling a timesheet, do you need to include employees who are on parental leave for up to 1.5 years and up to 3 years?

08.05.2019 : About granting time off for being on a business trip on a day off
For an employee being on the road (business trip) in accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee takes time off. But the calculation of travel allowances for that day was hourly (on the day of travel). How do we need to prepare all the documents correctly: an employee asks for time off - do we give him a whole day or as many hours as he spent on a business trip?

26.04.2019 : On the opening of sick leave by an employee on the day of dismissal
On the day of dismissal (at his own request), the employee at 11:30 receives in his hands: a work book, the requested certificates and required documents for signature. Receives all payments upon dismissal on a salary card... And goes on sick leave. Sick leave is open at 12-20. There is proof - a doctor's certificate. What are the institution's actions? What to do with dismissal? You cannot be fired on the day you receive sick leave.

1. How many times a year can changes be made to the staffing table?
- one;
- two;
- restrictions on this matter are not established by law;
- no more than three times;
- no more than six times;
- It cannot be changed during the year.

2. Is it necessary to make an entry in the work book about the renaming of the organization?

- need to;
- no need;
- at the discretion of the employer;
- only necessary if the organization has changed its legal form;
- necessary only for those employees who leave the organization;
- necessary except in cases where the organization has changed its legal form.

3. When concluding an employment contract, a citizen entering work must not present to the employer:

- child’s birth certificate;
- passport;
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
- work book;
- military ID;
- document on education, qualifications, and availability of special knowledge.

4. How many columns are there in the “Work Information” section of the work book?

- 5;
- 4;
- 6;
- 1;
- 7.

5. In the unified form of the employee’s personal card (No. T-2) there is no column:

- “citizenship”;
- “family composition”;
- “married status”;
- "knowledge of foreign language";
- “nationality”;
- "Place of Birth".

6. The vacation schedule is signed by:

Head of the organization;
- head of HR department;
- head of the legal department;
- head of personnel services and heads of departments;
- deputy head of the organization;
- HR employee.

7. The employee changed her last name due to marriage. How to change the last name on the title page of the work book?

There is no need to correct the last name;
- give the employee an insert for the work book and enter a new name there;
- shade the old name with correction fluid and write a new one;
- put the old surname in brackets and write the new one next to it;
- next to the old surname, write a new one in brackets;
- cross out the previous name with one line, and write a new one next to it.

8. How should the insert be attached to the work book?

- sew in with threads;
- pin with a stapler;
- pin with paper clips;
- insert into the middle of the book without attaching it;
- You can use any of the above methods.

9. The list of materials placed in the case is called:

Certification sheet for the case;
- list of cases;
- internal inventory;
- filing;
- final record;
- table of contents.

10. An agreement between the employer and employees, which establishes additional guarantees for employees and their reciprocal obligations towards the employer, is called:

Employment contract;
- civil contract;
- convention;
- job description;
- collective agreement;
- additional agreement to the employment contract.

11. What to put on the timesheet for an internal part-time worker if he gets sick?

- for both the main position and part-time position, the letter code “B” or the numeric “19”;
- for the main position, code “B” (“19”), and for part-time positions – code “PR” (“24”);
- for the main position, code “PR” (“24”), and for part-time positions – code “B” (“19”);
- for the main position, code “DO” (“16”), and for part-time positions - code “B” (19);
- for the main position, code “B” (19) and for part-time positions - code “DO” (“16”);
- both for the main position and part-time, code “DO” (“16”).

12. The employee is transferred to another department. The initiative for the transfer comes from the head of the department in which the employee previously worked. Select the most complete list of documents to be drawn up:

An application from an employee requesting a transfer, an additional agreement to the employment contract, an order in form No. T-5, a work record book, a personal card;
- an offer to the employee for a transfer, a proposal for a transfer to the head of the organization from the employee’s immediate supervisor, an additional agreement to the employment contract, an order in form No. T-5, a work book, a personal card;
- additional agreement to the employment contract, order in form No. T-5A, work book, personal card;
- an application from the employee with consent to the transfer, an additional agreement to the employment contract, an order in form No. T-5A, a work book, a personal card;
- an application from the employee with consent to the transfer, a proposal for the transfer, an additional agreement to the employment contract, an order in form No. T-5A, an order in form No. T-1, work record book, personal card;
- an application from the employee requesting a transfer, a proposal for transfer, an additional agreement to the employment contract, an order in form No. T-5A.

13. The employer is not obliged to extend annual paid leave if, during the leave, the employee:

Got sick and was in the hospital;
- was sent to military training;
- worked as a member of the election commission;
- cared for a sick family member;
- participated in court as a juror;
- fell ill and was treated as an outpatient.

14. Additional paid leave may be provided:

Only in calendar days;
- only on working days;
- in calendar and working days;
- in months;
- in weeks;
- in any units at the discretion of the employer.

15. How many corrections are allowed on the form of a certificate of incapacity for work?:

No more than three;
- corrections cannot be made to the certificate of incapacity for work;
- no more than four;
- no more than one;
- the legislation does not contain such restrictions;
- no more than two.

16. Is it possible to reward an employee with a cash bonus if he was recently subject to disciplinary action?

- Can;
- it is possible, but first you need to order to remove the disciplinary sanction;
- it is forbidden;
- it is impossible within a year from the date of imposition of a disciplinary sanction;
- it is impossible for six months from the date of imposition of a disciplinary sanction;
- in such cases, only moral encouragement is allowed.

17. Which employee cannot be fired due to loss of trust?

- seller;
- forwarder;
- accountant;
- warehouse manager;
- storekeeper.

18. A transfer to another employer is reflected in the employee’s work book:

- two records – about dismissal from a previous job and about hiring a new one;
- a record of transfer to a new job;
- records of transfer and hiring to a new job;
- records of dismissal and transfer to a new job;
- is not reflected in any way;
- an appointment for a new job.

19. OKIN, OKSO, OKPDTR and OKATO you will need when filling out:

Employment contract;
- employment order;
- dismissal order;
- time sheet;
- personal card;
- work book.

20. Should an individual employer keep work books for his employees?

Of course it should;
- should not;
- must if he is an individual entrepreneur;
- must if he has more than 10 employees;
- must, if he is not an individual entrepreneur;
- at the discretion of the employer.

Task 2. Answer the test questions by choosing two correct answers from the six proposed.

21. Absenteeism is considered;

Absence of an employee from the workplace for five hours in a row
- absence of an employee from the workplace without good reason during the entire working day or shift;
- absence of an employee from the workplace without good reason for half a working day or shift;
- absence of an employee from the workplace for two hours in a row;
- absence of an employee from the workplace without good reason for more than four hours in a row during a working day or shift;
- absence of an employee from the workplace without good reason for more than six hours in a row during a working day or shift.

22. You are planning to fire an employee under 18 years of age due to staff reduction. Which bodies (persons) must give consent to this?

Parents of the employee;
- State Labor Inspectorate;
- prosecutor;
- Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights;
- employment Service;
- military registration and enlistment office.

23. It is permitted to formalize the termination of an employment contract during the period of temporary incapacity for work of an employee upon dismissal:

For absenteeism;
- due to the employee’s inadequacy for the position held;
- at the initiative of the employee;
- by agreement of the parties to the employment contract;

- on staff reduction;
- due to repeated failure by the employee to fulfill his job duties.

24. Entries in the work book may be made:

- ballpoint pen;
- pencil;
- capillary pen;
- felt-tip pen;
- gel pen;
- marker.

25. At the request of citizens and organizations, the archive issues:

Archival orders;
- archival information;
- archival contracts;
- archival notes;
- archival copies;
- archived notifications.

26. What standardized forms will you need to register a business trip?:

- No. T-1;
- No. T-5;
- No. T-6a;
- No. T-9;
- No. T-10a;

- No. T-6.

27. What unified forms will you need to register your vacation?:

- No. T-1;
- No. T-5;
- No. T-6a;
- No. T-9;
- No. T-10a;
- No. T-6.

28. For which personnel orders are there no legally established unified forms?

- about combining positions;

- on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal);
- on imposing a disciplinary sanction;
- on employee incentives;
- on employee incentives.

29. Which of the listed orders relate to orders for core activities?

On hiring an employee;
- on approval of the staffing table;
- about movement;
- about sending an employee on a business trip;
- on amendments to local regulations;
- transfer of an employee to another job.

30. What local acts of the employer are mandatory from the point of view of the law?

- staffing;
- instructions for personnel records management;
- regulations on structural divisions;
- regulations on certification;
- collective agreement;
- regulations (instructions) on the protection of personal data of employees.
