I dream of a rotten pear. Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Pears are delicious, juicy, healthy fruits. Both children and adults love them. It would seem that dreams in which these delicious fruits appear should carry only positive meaning. But is this really so? Why do you dream of pears?

Fruits in a dream are a symbol of your achievements. If in your night visions you reap a rich harvest, this is a sign of your high performance in real life; if the dreamed harvest is meager, this may indirectly indicate your passivity, laziness and lack of desire to achieve your intended goal.

In the interpretation of dreams with pears, many nuances should be taken into account: what quality were the fruits, how many did you harvest, did you see pears in your garden, or ate them from a plate.

What do ripe pears mean in a dream?

  • A large, yellow-sided, ripe pear in a dream symbolizes a well-fed, calm life, full of prosperity and abundance. Your efforts to achieve prosperity will pay off in full.
  • If a woman sees many large fruits in her dream, this is a sign that she may soon become a mother.
  • A medium-sized ripe pear symbolizes relatively stable material wealth. You won't want for anything.
If you saw in a dream a ripe but small pear, or many small pears - expect good news. They can come from both loved ones and complete strangers.

The meaning of a dream with unripe fruits

The hard, green pear that you see in your dream is the personification of your immaturity and failure. You are not yet able to comprehend many things due to your immaturity. You lack education or life experience. Independence and responsibility are the qualities that you should develop in yourself.

Why do you dream about rotten pears?

  • If spoiled fruit entered your dream, this may be a signal that in real life you should take care of your health. You should not postpone your visit to the doctor, as this is fraught with complications.
  • According to another version, a dream with rotten pears means betrayal, lies and hypocrisy from close people.

Where were the pears in your dream?

If in a dream pears grow on a tree

No matter how pleasant the dream in which you saw pears hanging on a tree is, it does not carry a very good omen.

Some people around you only look friendly on the outside. In fact, they are full of falsehood, and their intentions are two-faced and hypocritical. You should take a close look at your friends in order to spot a wolf in a flock of sheep.

The meaning of a dream with fallen pears

Why do you dream of pears on the ground? If in your dream you saw fallen pears- it could be evidence that you easily achieve your goals. You don't have to put in a lot of effort to get what you want. All you have to do is come up, extend your hand, and take from life what you want.

Pears lying on a plate. What does such a dream mean?

Pears on a plate in your dream symbolize a calm family life. Peace and prosperity reign in your home. By preserving family traditions and respecting your loved ones, you will strengthen your relationships, and quarrels and conflicts will bypass your home.

What did you do with pears in your dream?

If in a dream you were picking pears

  • The dream in which you are picking pears, marks the end of a bad streak in your life. Troubles and turmoil will be replaced by luck and peace.
  • If in your dream you collect fruits that have fallen from a tree, in reality this may mean that you are accustomed to using the results of other people’s labors.
  • Collect pears scattered on the floor in your home, - such a dream predicts that there will be many children in your family. Noisy, restless kids will cause a lot of trouble, but they will also be a source of happiness and joy.

Did you feast on pears in your dream? What is it for?

  • Eating pears - such a dream is usually interpreted as an omen of a new stage in your life. It is usually associated with education and gaining new knowledge. Go to college, enroll in advanced training courses, receive a certificate of certification - these are the approximate meanings of what the pears you dreamed of in your night vision mean.
  • Rotten, spoiled pears, which you consume with appetite in your sleep - a symbol of your addictions, dangerous hobbies. You are trying to fill your life with something that is actually emptying you. Drugs, alcohol, gaming addictions - this is an incomplete list of what can be a source of self-destruction for you.

The meaning of the dream in which you bought pears

Why do you dream of pears in a store? Buying pears in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are dependent on the benefits of civilization. You live by hoarding, acquiring many different, sometimes unnecessary things. Your ardor, which you waste on purchasing expensive things, can and should be directed in a different direction. Engage in self-improvement, turn your attention to the spiritual side of life. Perhaps you will discover new values ​​for yourself, and your existence will be filled with a different meaning.

If in your dream you made preparations from pears

  • Pear jam is tasty and healthy. But here making pear jam in a dream is not a very good omen: your attempts to improve your personal life will be unsuccessful. According to another version, pear jam in a dream is a symbol of an impending illness.
  • If you were drying pears in a dream, this may be a message that hard times have come in your relationship with close friends. You are going through a crisis, communication may have bored you, and common interests have lost their relevance.
Dreams with delicious fruits do not always carry favorable information. Through “fruit” dreams, our subconscious signals to us that changes will soon occur in our lives. They can be positive or unfavorable.

It is in our power to catch the clues and take measures to prevent trouble. Or praise yourself, rejoice at your successes and strive for new heights.

A tree is a symbol of life in esotericism. It personifies a person’s connection with the memory of the past and with his ancestors. Pear fruits symbolize profit and prosperity. Famous dream books give different interpretations of dreams about pears. The answer depends on the emotions and actions of the person sleeping in the dream. For the interpretation to be reliable, you should remember the details of the dream: color, appearance, condition of the pear tree and its fruits. They will indicate a person's future.

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      General interpretation

      Our ancestors considered pear fruits to be a symbol of wealth and fertility. In the modern dream book, a pear is also a positive sign. It indicates an improvement in financial situation, success at work and in school. The dream can be taken literally. Fruit fruits symbolize an addition to the family.

      • To get the most complete interpretation of a dream, it is important to take into account its details. The dreamer must answer the following questions:

        • What size were the fruits and how many were there in the dream?
        • What was the condition of the fruit (ripe, green, rotten) and its color?
        • Actions of a sleeper in a dream. What did he do with the pears?

        The authors of the Ukrainian dream book note the similarity in shape of a pear and a teardrop. Based on this, they conclude that the dream brings tears. But don't be upset. These can be tears of joy. Perhaps the dreamer will learn good news that will make him feel emotional.

        Seeing ripe fruits on a tall tree means great opportunities. Excellent prospects will open up for the sleeper! The main thing is not to miss your chance, and life will change for the better. But don’t rush things, everything has its time. The unattainability of the fruit symbolizes waiting, so you will have to be patient.

        The dreamer's personal life will improve if he saw juicy sweet fruits. If the sleeper is lonely, then he will meet his soulmate. For a married couple, the dream promises a long and happy marriage.

        Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

        Who had the dream?

        The above is a universal interpretation of the dream. However, it cannot always tell a person about his future and guide him on the right path. It is important to take into account the gender of the sleeper and his social status:

        • If a young lonely girl has a dream, she will meet a pleasant young man. Their relationship will develop rapidly and end in marriage. In the English dream book, the authors place emphasis on the financial situation of the chosen one. He will be rich and provide his wife with a happy life of luxury.
        • For a married woman, a dream indicates health problems. They are caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. The dream book advises to consult a doctor.
        • For an unmarried woman, the dream promises success in her personal life and professional activities. But you shouldn't trust everything that others say. There is a man next to her who deceives her in order to make a favorable impression.
        • If a pregnant woman in the Kingdom of Morpheus feasts on pears, then her body does not have enough vitamins. Alternative interpretation: a girl dreams of fruit in reality, and the dream reflects her desires.
        • Does a man have a dream? He will enjoy success with the fair sex. But you shouldn't start a short-term relationship. It's time to settle down and find a woman to start a family with.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        Dream details

        It is important how many pears there were in the dream and what they looked like. A small pear symbolizes success in a new business. The well-known phrase “beginners are always lucky” characterizes the coming period in the dreamer’s life. He must use his luck wisely and make the most of it. A big pear dreams of people who have made a lot of effort to achieve success. Their efforts will pay off in the near future. Your authority among colleagues will increase and your financial situation will improve. A huge pear - to fulfill your wildest desires.

        If the dreamer saw small pears in large quantities, then good news awaits him. Their messengers will be both close people and strangers. It’s worth preparing for surprises in advance. A medium-sized fruit portends an improvement in material well-being. This could be receiving a bonus or an increase in salary. The bosses will appreciate the dreamer’s efforts in this way. The dream can also symbolize the birth of children. With a child, happiness and joy will come to the sleeping person’s home.

        The condition of the fruit plays an important role. It reflects the internal state of the sleeper and helps to find a way out of a difficult situation.

        If a green pear grows on a tree, then it is a symbol of the immaturity of the sleeper. He is infantile and dependent. Because of these qualities, others cannot take him seriously. You should take responsibility more often and not be afraid to make serious decisions.

        Ripe juicy pears characterize the dreamer as an intelligent, quick-witted person. He has a flexible mind and is able to make decisions even in extreme conditions. But he doesn't have enough practice to demonstrate his abilities. If the sleeper manages to realize his plans, his life will change.

        Overripe fruit is a hint from the subconscious that it is time for a person to forget his past. It weighs him down and prevents him from moving forward. It's time to change your life and meet new people. Only by letting go of the past will a person learn to appreciate his present. Did you dream of pears in a basket? Relatives will surround the sleeping person with love and attention.

        Pear color

        If the fruits were red, then the dream reflects the dreamer’s sexual activity. Green pears in a plate are a good sign. The sleeper will feel a surge of energy and strength. Pale green fruits, on the contrary, are a warning that the human body needs rest. It's worth taking a short vacation and giving yourself more time.

        Yellow color is a symbol of joy and vitality. The dreamer will have a good time in the company of his friends. Fruits of gray, unnatural color - to depression and boredom. To avoid this condition, the dream book recommends doing what you love and spending more time with your family.

        The dreamer's actions

        A dream in which the sleeper picked pears in the garden has a favorable meaning. The dream foreshadows pleasant surprises. The dreamer’s material well-being will improve and additional income will appear. New prospects at work will appear, a long business trip is possible.

        If a person did not pick pears, but bought them at the market or in a store, then it is necessary to remember his feelings after the purchase, whether it was successful. If yes, then the interpretation of the dream is favorable. You can count on success in everything you do. If the pears were rotten inside, then it is better not to make serious decisions in the near future.

        Another story: the pears were lying on the ground, and the dreamer collected them. In life, he often takes advantage of the kindness of other people. He should be more independent and not count on the support of others. If fruits are scattered throughout the apartment, then the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles in life. This will not be easy to do, but as we know, difficulties build character.

        If a sleeper eats ripe fruits, then in life he is constantly improving and strives to learn everything new. He makes his own decisions about his life and does not rely on other people. Rotten fruit is a sign that a person is destroying himself. It is worth looking at your life from the outside and trying to change it for the better.

        Preserving fruits means promising prospects and pleasant surprises. Boiling or drying pears in a dream is a sign that the dreamer is ambitious and makes big plans for the future. They can be realized if you are not lazy and make every effort.


        The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud compared the pear to a female figure. If a man has a dream, then in reality he will meet a woman who will make a great impression on him. He will put a lot of effort into getting her attention. Their communication will develop into a whirlwind romance.

        Eating a pear in a dream means an intimate relationship. It will be short-lived, but bright and passionate. For a woman, a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance with the man of her dreams.


        In Hasse's dream book, pears symbolize a long and happy married life. He promises a quick wedding to the young. If the fruits were ripe, then the event will be held on a grand scale. Eating fruit means trouble. You should be careful and not make frivolous decisions. Old illnesses may also remind you of themselves. Shaking a tree means the dreamer will be universally recognized in society. If a person sleeping alone picks fruit in a dream, then he will be able to conclude a profitable deal.

Dream interpretation pear

Fresh fruits seen in a dream always leave a pleasant impression. However, among them there may be those that have important symbolic meaning. For example, apples or pears. And although the pear fruit is not always clearly interpreted by different dream books, it is worth paying attention to such a dream.

If you dreamed of pears, you need to prepare to really look at the unfolding events, the modern dream book advises. You should not compare what is happening with your own desires - the outcome will clearly not be in your favor.

It is quite difficult to understand why a pear is dreamed of - the opinions of dream books are too diverse. Some believe that the fruit looks like a tear, which means that misfortune awaits the dreamer, others remember the sweet juice that exudes from the fruit and talk about imminent pleasures.

Therefore, when explaining why a pear is dreamed of, it is worth paying attention to details. And then the interpretation of the dream will seem completely simple. Things to look at more closely:

What does the dream mean?

Sweet night dreams in which pears and apples appear, as a rule, have a positive interpretation, especially if the dreamed fruit was beautiful and tasty. Seeing a ripe, juicy fruit at the top of a tree is a sign that your aspirations are destined to come true, but this will still take some time.

When explaining why a pear is dreamed of, it is important to pay attention to what qualitative characteristics the fruit had - whether it was beautiful and ripe or dark and rotten.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics

Dreaming of a single pear on a tree is a sign that the dreamer will soon meet his soul mate. If it is still green and too high, the meeting will not happen soon. But seeing a ripe fruit among the lower branches means a very rapid development of a love affair.

If you dream of apples and pears on the same tree, and in abundance at that, all the dreamer’s dreams will soon become a reality. Even if they are very brave.

Color and size

A dream about a small or unripe fruit speaks of distant prospects that still require a long time to work on.

Dreaming of small green fruits

  • If the fruits are small but ripe, hanging in abundance among thick green foliage, then these are the hopes and aspirations of the dreamer, as the esoteric dream book says. They are not yet ready to fall right into your hands, but bringing them to life is quite possible.
  • A tree covered with small green fruits indicates the futility of efforts. Unfortunately, no matter what actions the dreamer takes, his dreams will remain unfulfilled.
  • Ripe and huge ones dream of fulfillment of desires.
  • Red fruit means that events will happen very soon and will be bright and memorable.
  • Yellow symbolizes home comfort and mutual understanding. This is exactly the interpretation given by the family dream book.
  • Green and big ones dream of significant opportunities that the dreamer cannot understand on his own. But if in a dream they are small, then the dreamer will face empty troubles.

Freshness rating

Collecting and eating ripe, juicy sweet pears and apples in a dream means improved health and material well-being. But if they were green or rotten, then the dreamer will be disappointed.

  • Picking fresh ripe pears or apples is a sign of good changes in life, says the great-grandmother’s dream book.
  • To see broken or rotten fruits lying on the ground - you will learn about a secret conspiracy against you, which once changed the entire course of your life.
  • Smelling and assessing how fresh they are trying to treat you to fruits means you will have to learn new knowledge.
  • Picking rotten fruits directly from a tree means disappointment and regret for one’s past actions, according to the esoteric dream book.

Actions with pears

It is very important to remember what actions the dreamer had to perform with the pears. Eating juicy and tasty foods means good health. Selling huge baskets that also contain apples is participation in a new project that will be very successful.

Collect fragrant fruits in a dream

To pick up fruits

If in a dream you had to pick fruit directly from a tree with your own hands, then the broadest prospects will open up for you. You can not only climb the career ladder, but also change your social status.

Tearing them for a pregnant woman means an easy birth, says the ancient Slavic dream book. But picking them up from the ground and eating them right away, even if they are dirty, means a significant deterioration in your health.

There are fruits in a dream

Seeing juicy fruits in a dream and eating them with appetite is a pleasure. This interpretation can relate to both sensual pleasures and the pleasure of having a good time with friends. If in a dream you had to eat them so that the sweet juice flowed down your chin and hands, then you will be offered a very profitable deal that will completely change your life.

  • There are ripe aromatic fruits - success. Treating others means being a guest, says the dream book of the white magician Longo.
  • To dream that your friend had to eat them - you will learn about his love affairs.
  • Eating canned or jam means financial difficulties. You will have to start an "emergency reserve".
  • Refusing to eat a beautiful pear that a stranger hands you is a missed opportunity. You may have another chance to start a new project, but to do this you will have to try to convince your bosses that you can really do this job.

Own feelings

The feelings experienced in a dream are very important for the interpretation of the images seen. The brighter the feeling, the more significant the event in the dreamer’s life will be. Conversely, even serious and significant symbols that do not find a response in the dreamer’s soul may have minimal impact on his fate.

  • To be proud of your own orchard, in which both apples and pears grow, means material wealth and stability. Perhaps your children and grandchildren will become a reason for real pride.
  • Selling your own fruits for a high price and feeling important at the same time is success in commercial affairs, says the psychological dream book. It is possible to get a new position.
  • To get the desired fruit, eat it, but not feel the taste - achieving the goal will not make the dreamer happy.
  • Experiencing true pleasure from the sweet aromatic juice of a bitten pear is a happy change in life.

Pears are one of the most delicious fruits you can enjoy in these parts! Both children and adults love them. In the hot summer it is so nice to pick this fruit from a tree and eat it in the shade. But how to interpret a dream in which this image is present? To find out why pears are dreamed of, you need to look into the dream book.

To find out what pears mean in dreams, you need to look into the dream book

If a person dreams of a full bowl of pears, then in real life he will have a lot of friends and comrades.

  1. If in a dream a person saw ugly or rotten fruits of this fruit, then he will soon get sick. The more spoiled fruit he had to see, the harder the recovery process would be.
  2. A man dreamed of large, ripe and beautiful pears - there will be a lot of joy and happy events in his life. This image also promises multiple prospects and career growth.
  3. A dream about collecting fresh tasty fruits of this fruit foretells good news for the dreamer.
  4. But if a person dried this fruit in a dream, then he will clearly be unlucky in love.
  5. Eating pears in night visions means becoming an object of ridicule or reproach. Perhaps the dreamer will find himself in an unpleasant situation through no fault of his own. However, if the fruits were tasty and after eating the person felt joy, all his offenders will be punished according to their deserts.
  6. If in a dream the dreamer had to pick ripe pears from the ground, this means that he will be very lucky in life. However, if there were rotten pears among them, then many difficulties will arise in a person’s life path.
  7. This fruit in dreams means luck and success.
  8. The dreamer who picked up a rotten fruit from the ground and ate it will be in big trouble.

Pear jam dreams of illnesses.

Pear in the dream book (video)

What does this image mean in Miller’s dream book?

  • A dream in which a person feasts on a pear foretells failure. You obviously won’t have to wait for success in business. Moreover, such dreams are an omen of deterioration in the dreamer’s health and general well-being.
  • But a dream in which a person receives aesthetic pleasure while looking at beautiful fruits on a tree foreshadows bright prospects for him.
  • Canning pears in dreams means taking the vicissitudes of fate philosophically. The dreamer, as they say, is full of wisdom.

A dream in which a person feasts on a pear foretells failure

If a person dries the fruits of this fruit in his dream, it means that communication with his friends and loved one will not bring long-awaited joy. Dry fruit in a dream has a symbolic meaning: relationships with the dreamer’s loved ones will be just as “dry.”

Why do you dream of pears on a tree?

Dreams in which the dreamer watches pears on a tree are a hint to him that he should hide his antipathy towards certain people. But if the fruits fell to the ground, this means that the dreamer will soon have fun in a noisy company. There are other meanings of this image:

  1. Plucking them from branches in dreams means becoming the object of someone’s love.
  2. If the pears on the tree were yellow, this indicates the dreamer’s desire for romance. Such a dream could be seen by a person who is not in a relationship; in other words, he feels lonely because he does not have a soul mate.
  3. Fruits hang very high - the dreamer will “let” several interesting experiments into his sex life.
  4. Seeing in a dream a large tree with only one pear hanging on it means sadness and disappointment.
  5. The dreamer wanted a pear, then climbed a tree for it and fell - to the realization of his plans. He will definitely be able to achieve his goal.

But if in his dreams he had to cut down a tree to get the desired pear, one of his friends would get into trouble. The person will be very worried about his friend and will make an attempt to help him.

Seeing large ripe pear fruits in a dream: meaning

Ripe beautiful fruits in night visions always symbolize health and happiness. But what do dreams mean in which pears were the ripe fruits?

  • It is believed that large and juicy pear fruits in a dream are a harbinger of a fun family holiday. Perhaps soon the dreamer and all members of his family will be invited to a birthday party.
  • Holding a large green pear in your hand in a dream means loving a person with all your heart. The dream book recommends trusting and appreciating him, because this relationship will bring happiness to their people.
  • And if a person could not make a choice between a huge number of juicy large fruits in his dreams, then in real life he will find himself in a similar situation. That is, he will have difficulty making a choice.

It is believed that large and juicy pear fruits in a dream are a harbinger of a fun family holiday

If the pears are rotten in a dream: what is this for?

Rotten fruits in night visions symbolize illness and deprivation. However, the world of dreams is full of secrets and mysteries, therefore, among the dreams about rotten pears there are also those that have a positive interpretation. Here are some of them:

  1. Seeing rotting red fruits in a dream means becoming the object of someone’s sympathy.
  2. Crushing a spoiled pear with crayfish in a dream means receiving a pleasant surprise from an unfamiliar person.

Rotten fruits in night visions symbolize illness and deprivation

However, in the vast majority of cases, night dreams about spoiled and unfit for consumption fruits are interpreted in a negative way. Looking at them in a dream means suffering a lot and for a long time in reality.

Eating pears in a dream: meanings

  • Eating a huge ripe pear in a dream means being happy for your loved one in reality. A person will soon be turned by long-awaited success. Consequently, such dreams mean that the dreamer has achieved his goal. It is also possible that his most cherished dream will come true.
  • Eating it in the house means guests whom it will be pleasant to receive.
  • But if the fruit was cut into small pieces before consumption, the dreamer should expect a knife in the back from one of his friends.
  • Enjoying the taste of a fruit from which a lot of juice flows means receiving a monetary reward.
  • Eating a pear at your friends’ house means diversifying your waking sex life.
  • Cutting the core out of the fruit before eating it means victory over your opponent. If a person had a competitor at work, then such a dream is a sign indicating victory.
  • Eating a baked pear is a very brave and courageous act.
  • Eating a pear that a loved one holds in his hands means going on a journey with him.

Eating a huge ripe pear in a dream means being happy for your loved one in reality.

Picking pears from the ground in a dream: what is this for?

When in his nightly fantasies a person strives to collect or find something, this speaks of his determination and ambition. It is these qualities that a person will have to demonstrate in the future in order to reach the intended peak.

  1. If in a dream the dreamer is engaged in collecting the fruits of a pear that has fallen from a tree to the ground, this indicates his success at work. Achieving them will not be easy, but by demonstrating the above qualities, he will be able to exceed even his own expectations.
  2. Putting collected fruits in a basket in a dream means treating your loved one with complete trust.
  3. And if his friend came to help the dreamer in getting ready, they will go on vacation together.

Being afraid to miss fruit means uncertainty and fears.

Why do you dream about a pear (video)

It turns out that in most cases, night dreams about pears have a positive meaning. This can't help but rejoice! The dreamer has only one thing left: to correctly interpret his dream and expect the favor of fortune.

Attention, TODAY only!

1 English dream book

Why does a woman dream about a pear:

Seeing pears in a dream means wealth; soon you will rise significantly above your current position and acquire a high title. For a woman to see pears in a dream is a sign that she will marry a man in a very high position, that she will live in luxury and happiness. For those involved in trade, this dream means business success, acquisition of wealth and economic independence. The dream also foreshadows true love and happiness in family life.

2 Ancient Russian dream book

Seeing a pear in a dream means:

Pears - Seeing or eating ripe ones means sweet pleasure; orphans and wild ones signify sadness and chagrin.

3 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Piles of something - a road.

4 Dream book of the future

Dreaming about a pear means:

Picking pears from the tree means a rich harvest or pleasure; eating pears means illness.

5 Family dream book

Pear dream meaning:

If in a dream you saw that you were eating a pear, your affairs will not be very successful.
If you admired the golden fruits on the tree, promising prospects await you.
Collected pears - expect pleasant events.
Canned pears - get in a philosophical mood.

6 Online dream book

According to the dream book, a pear is a symbol of well-being and prosperity; you will be able to take a more respectable position in society.
Eating them means income and hopes for it.
Tearing them down means your financial situation will soon improve significantly.
If you dreamed that you were picking fruits, it means that a series of problems will be followed by a streak of success and luck.
Making compote from them will help you rise above your problems and benefit from them.
If you make jam in a dream, someone will infringe on your sense of dignity, you will lose your inner harmony.
Selling them - your carelessness will harm those who are dear to you.
Buying pears - your carelessness can be fraught with injury.
If you dream that they are wormy or rotten, your health will worsen.
Picking pears means pleasant surprises, incredible adventures, adventurous ideas.

7 Dream Interpretation 2012

Pear - the need to remember something (also the desire to remember).

8 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Pear in a dream means:

Spoiled pears - dream of illness.

9 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

To see pears in a dream - Eat - illness, disrespect - to pick - to get rich - to see on trees - to have some benefit in mind

10 English dream book

Why does a woman dream of a pear:

You dreamed of a Pear - The shape of a pear, similar to a sagging apple, has led to the fact that it is mentioned in connection with something that has sagged or failed. She is also associated with a woman who has a pear-shaped body. Why the dream: The pear may indicate a subconscious understanding that the components of your life are less than ideal, that a certain aspect has sagged.

11 Solomon's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about a pear:

Eating pears is a disease; pluck from a tree - get rich; sweet - pleasure; sour - sadness.

12 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing a pear in a dream means:

Eating pears is disrespect; to see on trees - a happy marriage; shake - respect; to pluck - to have some benefit in mind.

13 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A dream with a pear in the dream book is interpreted as:

Pears are a symbol of female breasts.

14 Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dreaming about a pear means:

Pears in the Tarot are depicted together with apples, symbolizing fertility, wealth and abundance (as in the Queen of Pentacles card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck).

15 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Pear dream meaning:

Pears - to loss.

16 Dream book of Nina Grishina

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a pear:

Pears - falsehood in the environment, sadness, melancholy, evil forebodings.
They give pears - they deceive you.
There are very soft and ripe pears - wealth, the illusion of wealth.
Pear tree - elderly woman / for a sick person to see a pear with fruits - reducing suffering.

17 Dream book Meneghetti

What a pear can mean in a dream:

Means approximately the same as apple (see Apple).

18 Dream interpretation horoscope

Pear in a dream means:

Picking pears means quick profit.

19 Aesop's Dream Book

If a girl dreams of a pear, it means:

Pear - associated with something soft, sweet and juicy. This fruit symbolizes luck, interest and profit in dreams. Popular wisdom says: “The willow will not bear pears.” Or: “It’s not up to pears to go into the forest, it’s up to fir cones.”
If in a dream you eat a tasty and sweet pear, this is a sign that you will have a pleasant time and success.
To see in a dream how you are trying to reach and pick a pear from a tree indicates your impatience, which will prevent you from fulfilling your plans.
Rotten pears mean that in reality you will encounter betrayal, lies, and vice.
If you buy pears in a dream, success in business awaits you in reality.
A dream in which you are holding an unripe pear in your hands indicates that you will get what you are striving for, but are unlikely to be satisfied with the result.
If in a dream you picked a pear in someone else's garden, this is a sign that in real life you will try to take advantage of the fruits of someone else's labor.
To dream of walking through the forest and seeing pears growing on trees is a sign that your dreams and fantasies are unlikely to meet with support and understanding from others.
Making pear jam - in reality you hope to improve your personal life.
A dream in which you bit off a wormy pear means illness, mental loneliness.
If in a dream you were offered a bitten pear, family squabbles and quarrels await you in real life.

20 Ukrainian dream book

Why does a woman dream of a pear:

How to dream about a pear tree - bad; pears are like fruits - tears.
Eating ripe pears is a disease; green - sadness; tearing is profit.
If you dream that you eat pears, you will get sick and die.

21 Dream book of health

Seeing pears on trees is a sign of positive emotions associated with marriage; knocked down pears on Earth - your body needs to cleanse the intestines due to illness; for women, a pear - can symbolize problems with the reproductive organs; to a lack of essential microelements, organic acids and vitamins in the body.

22 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Pears - pleasure; bitter and tasteless - sadness.

23 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Pear - troubles, loss, loss; eat - to tears, bad, to a fight, sadness, death, illness; tearing ripe ones - profit; tearing green ones is death; there are bitter ones - attack; sour, green - trouble, sadness; ripe - joy, illness; a pear tree is bad.

24 Danilova's children's dream book

A group is not a group of comrades, but one that plays music - get ready - your friends will soon prank you in ways you never dreamed of on April 1...

25 Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Pear:

To loss.

26 Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Pear mean in a dream - a tree with fruits - abundance; picking juicy ripe fruits - meaning some benefit. Canning pears means showing forethought. Picking fruits from the ground is a loss of respect.

27 Women's dream book

Having a dream about Pear - Eating a pear in a dream means unsuccessful business and deterioration of health. Ripe, golden fruits on a beautiful pear tree foreshadow promising prospects in your destiny. Seeing in a dream picking ripe pears is a sign of pleasant surprises that will follow after a series of disappointments. Drying pears means boring and colorless love and friendship, as the dream book Pear interprets.

28 Dream book of the 21st century

A pear tree seen in a dream means falsehood in your environment, sadness.
Eating pears in a dream means tears or pleasures; very soft and ripe ones mean the illusion of wealth; sour or bitter ones mean big troubles.

29 Gypsy dream book

Pears - you will be unexpectedly invited to a party.

30 Correct dream book

Why do you dream about Pear:

misfortune, misfortune

31 Small dream book

If in a dream you eat a pear, then the success in business that you so counted on will not be so significant. A dream in which you are delighted with a ripe golden pear hanging on a beautiful tree means that fate will be favorable to you. Picking pears means that the disappointment that befell you will certainly be followed by joy. If you make compote from pears, then in reality you will find the strength to perceive life’s troubles philosophically. Baking or drying pears means that your lot will be boring friendship and insipid love.

32 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing and caring for the tree on which it grows means reconciliation with those with whom you are in a quarrel; eat - to constipation.
Pears, at least three - an opportunity to get a good infection from a person close to you, especially if you started eating pears with pleasure, but they turned out to be unwashed.

33 Esoteric dream book

There are pears - don't give a damn about failures!
To see is to laugh at difficulties.
Rotten - someone is deliberately bothering you, but in vain.

34 Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Pear - According to Artemidorus, seeing a pear in a dream is a good sign. Other interpretations. Eating a ripe juicy pear A dream you had in the summer - to a quiet and calm life; seen in the fall - to reconciliation with a loved one; dreamed of in winter, it means that someone will support you and you will regain self-confidence; a dream seen in the spring means sensual pleasures.

Eating an unripe pear A dream in summer means that numerous annoying troubles await you; seen in the fall - to the illness of a loved one; dreamed about in winter - to the illness of your enemy; seen in the spring - to annoying incidents, boring life and despondency.

35 Dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream about Pear:

If a woman in a dream admires golden fruits hanging high on a pear tree, fate will open promising prospects for her both on the love front and in the professional field.
Eating a pear means poor health and not very successful completion of business.
Picking ripe pears in a dream means some pleasant surprises, which, however, can turn into disappointment and sadness.
If a woman, after completing the harvesting of fruit for the winter, continues to dream for some time how she cans pears, this means not only fatigue, but also a philosophical attitude towards the vicissitudes of fate.
Dried pears - dream of boring flirting, which will later turn into outright dislike for the object of your attention.

36 Lunar dream book

Pear - misfortune, trouble.

37 Old Russian dream book

to loss.

38 Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Eating a pear in a dream means unsuccessful business and deteriorating health.
Ripe, golden fruits on a beautiful pear tree portend promising prospects in your destiny.
Seeing in a dream picking ripe pears is a sign of pleasant surprises that will follow after a series of disappointments.
Drying pears means boring and colorless love and friendship.

39 Azar's Dream Book

Pears are a struggle.

40 Dream book of healer Akulina

Why do you dream about Pear:

What do Pears mean in a dream - Success in business and improved health. Imagine picking ripe pears straight from the tree.

41 Russian dream book

What do Pears mean in a dream - picking them from a tree means getting rich; eat - to illness.

42 Dream book for a bitch

Pear - things are not going too well, don’t worry or worry, everything will get better soon.
Picking pears in a dream - a pleasant surprise will lift your spirits.

43 Freud's Dream Interpretation

The pear, like most fruits, symbolizes the convexities of the female figure, that is, the breasts and buttocks.

44 Dream book Meneghetti

Represents the fruit of the tree of life, a fruit symbolizing life. The real image means success in life and the pleasure derived from it.

45 Azar's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Pear:

46 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Eating a pear means mistrust, doubt.

47 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you dream of a vase full of overripe, soggy pears, this is a sign of boring friendship.

48 Modern dream book

To dream that you are eating a pear foretells minor success in business and deterioration in health.
Admiring a ripe golden pear hanging on a beautiful tree is a sign that fate will be more favorable to you than before.
If you dreamed that you were picking pears, pleasant surprises will follow disappointment.
Canning pears means that you will have a philosophical attitude towards all life’s adversities.
Bake or dry pears - to boring friendship and insipid love.

49 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Pear - You see beautiful ripe fruits on a pear and admire them - you will have a business partner, and with his arrival business will become very lively; prospects that seemed illusory to you will now become very real. It’s as if you are eating a pear - you will feel unwell and will be forced to postpone things; As a result, there may be financial losses.

You collect ripe pear fruits - pleasant events await you; there will be profits; it's time to buy a piggy bank. You seem to be drying pears - friendship has not brought you joy for a long time; Perhaps you and your friend have lost common interests; your love has ceased to bring impressions; it probably turned into a habit; In both cases, a short-term separation can improve the situation. It’s like you are canning pears - the vicissitudes of fate do not hit you painfully, because you have learned to treat them philosophically; you know that you should not take to heart those troubles that cannot be avoided.

50 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

Pear - the state of a love relationship (depending on the type and taste).

51 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Eat a pear - portends the loss of wealth and material condition.

52 Slavic dream book

Pear - for pleasure.

53 Solomon's Dream Book

EATING PEARS - illness; TO PICK PEARS FROM A TREE - to get rich; SWEET PEARS - pleasure; SOUR PEARS - sadness.

54 Culinary dream book

Eating pears in a dream or seeing ripe ones means sweet pleasure; damp and wild signify sadness and chagrin; jam is a disease.

If you saw a pear in a dream - fear for your health.
Picking pears from a tree means a cold.
Eating pears means illness.
In a dream, you watch someone eating pears - one of your friends may soon get sick.
You boil pears - one of your relatives or friends will get sick.
Wash them - to poisoning.
Buying pears - you may soon commit a careless act, as a result of which you will break an arm or leg.
You are selling pears - because of your careless act, one of your loved ones may suffer.
If you dreamed that you were cutting down a pear tree, you should know that you definitely need to take care of your health and change your lifestyle.

56 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Eating a pear is a sign that the success in business that you so counted on will not be so significant.
A dream in which you admire a ripe golden pear hanging on a beautiful tree indicates that fate will be favorable to you.
Picking pears means: the disappointment that befell you will certainly be followed by joy.
If you make compote from pears, it means that you will find the strength to perceive life’s troubles philosophically.
Bake or dry pears - to boring friendship and insipid love.59 Assyrian dream book

If a person eats a pear in a dream, in reality he will often be hungry.

60 Slavic dream book

Seeing means loss; eat - anxiety and sadness, eat pears with a bitter taste - misfortune; sour ones are a disaster.

61 Dream book for men

Seeing a pear in a dream means success at work, good relationships with bosses and colleagues. Eating a delicious juicy pear in a dream is a symbol of joy and success in business; your boss will soon praise you or you will receive unexpected profit. On Sundays, this dream promises that you will be repaid a debt that you have already forgotten about. Rotten pears promise a conflict with your superiors, while unripe ones promise hidden hostility at work. If the pear you started eating turns out to be wormy, then you may soon get sick and face serious health complications. To pick a pear in someone else's garden, from someone else's tree, means taking advantage of someone else's labor.

62 Dream book alphabetically

Eating pears in a dream foretells a decline in business and poor health. Green or unripe pears are a sign of anxiety and sadness, sour ones are a sign of trouble, bitter ones are unpleasant circumstances, ripe pears are a sign of pleasure, wormy ones are a sign of illness and disappointment. Seeing poured yellow pears on a tree in a dream foretells great life prospects. Picking pears from a tree means you will have the opportunity to improve your financial affairs. Seeing the harvest in a pear orchard in a dream means pleasant surprises that will replace unfavorable circumstances. Picking pears yourself means a happy marriage.

Pears falling to the ground promise you benefits in a useless matter. Shaking pears in a dream means the respect of many. Cooking pear jam means disrespect, sick conceit and mental discord with oneself. Boil compote from pears and roll them into jars - you will react to the vicissitudes of fate stoically and self-critically. Dried pears portend boring friendships and joyless love.

65 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing and caring for a tree on which a pear grows means reconciliation with those with whom you are in a quarrel.

Eating a pear means constipation.

66 Dream book for girls

There are ripe pears - wealth.

Pears are sour or hard, sadness, chagrin.

Do you know why? Your stomach will hurt.

67 Astrological dream book

Seeing and collecting in a dream means an unsuccessful investment of money, as well as its loss.

However, you will get a lot, but you will also miss a lot.

Bad deal.

68 Freud's Dream Interpretation

The pear represents a female figure - desirable and very seductive. Therefore, for a man to see a pear in a dream marks a meeting and acquaintance with an unusual woman. Eating a pear in a dream means for a man a sexual relationship with a very feminine and affectionate partner. For a woman, a pear symbolizes familiarity with all the ensuing consequences.

69 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Pear is associated with something soft, sweet and juicy. This fruit symbolizes luck, interest and profit in dreams.
If in a dream you eat a tasty and sweet pear, this is a sign that you will have a pleasant time and success.
To see in a dream how you are trying to reach and pick a pear from a tree indicates your impatience, which will prevent you from fulfilling your plans.
Rotten pears mean that in reality you will encounter betrayal, lies, and vice.
If you buy pears in a dream, success in business awaits you in reality.
A dream in which you are holding an unripe pear in your hands indicates that you will get what you are striving for, but are unlikely to be satisfied with the result.
If in a dream you picked a pear in someone else’s garden, this is a sign that in real life you will try to take advantage of the fruits of someone else’s labor.
To dream of walking through the forest and seeing pears growing on trees is a sign that your dreams and fantasies are unlikely to meet with support and understanding from others.
Making pear jam - in reality you hope to improve your personal life.
A dream in which you bit off a wormy pear means illness and mental loneliness.
If in a dream you were offered a bitten pear, family squabbles and quarrels await you in real life.

70 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Pear - this fruit symbolizes a woman, a female figure.
If a man sees such a dream, it means that he will meet an extraordinary person of the opposite sex.
A dream in which a man feasts on a pear foreshadows sex with a very affectionate and attentive partner.
If a woman has such a dream, it means an acquaintance that will very quickly turn into a whirlwind romance.

71 Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you dry pears promises you a colorless, boring love that will not bring you happiness.
Picking ripe pears in a dream portends pleasant surprises, meetings and promising acquaintances.
