Our body. Lesson on the development of phonetic perception and lexico-grammatical structuring of speech based on the topic “Man

Inna Bukharova
Lesson summary “Man. Body parts".

Subject « Human. Body parts»

Correctional educational goals: introduce children to human body parts; teach how to form plural nouns; teach to distinguish between the right and left hand and foot; consolidate vocabulary on this topic; learn to coordinate numerals with nouns, learn to select feature words)

Correctional and developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: pictures with images human and human body parts.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

A game "Clap your hands" (if you hear the name body parts) : forehead, oak, head, ears, cucumber, arms, legs, fly agaric, belly, watermelon, heel, flag, eyes...

2. Main Part.

A) Show me the drawing person.

Who do you think we will talk about again today? (O person, About Me)

What is the name of the largest part of a person? (torso, body)

Show where the chest, stomach, back, head are,

I make riddles:

For the little animal it’s on the top of the head, and for us it’s below the eyes. (Ears) .

What are ears for?

Two Egorkas live near the hill, live together, but don’t look at each other? (Eyes)

Why do we need eyes?

. It can be very different: Kind, harmful, proud, important,

Thick, thin, freckled. (Nose)- Why do we need a nose?

And also on the head man has a forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, lips, chin.

Children show the names on themselves parts of the face.

B). Didactic game "One is many"

Ear-ears-many ears, back-back-spin, eye-eye-eye, hair-hair-hair, head-head-heads, chin-chins-chins, eyebrow-eyebrows-eyebrows, nose-noses-noses, mouth -mouths-mouths, elbow-elbows-elbows, belly-belly-belly, leg-leg-leg….

Physical education minute.

Girls and boys (children jumping on the spot,

They jump like balls (they jump,

They stomp their feet, (stomp,

Hands clap, (clap,

They nod their heads, (nod,

And they squat quietly. (squat slowly).

Guys, what were you clapping for just now? (with hands)

Show your right hand, your left hand.

I call parts of the hand, and the children show themselves (fingers, nails, palm, hand, elbow, shoulder) .

What did you stomp on? (with legs) .

I call leg parts, and the children show themselves (fingers, heel, foot, shin, knee, thigh)

IN). A game "Choose your words"

I ask the children one by one questions:

What eyes do you have? (My eyes are beautiful, gray, big, etc.)

What kind of hair do you have? (My hair is thick, long, shiny, etc.)

What are your legs like? What are your hands like?

G). A game "Count from 1 to 5".(arm, forehead, head, eye, nose, heel, mouth, back)

3. Summary classes. Assessment of children's work.

What did they talk about class? What games did you play? What did you like? What did you find difficult?

Well done! You tried hard today. Class is over.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson in the senior group “Man and the structure of his body” Topic: Man and the structure of his body. Program objectives: clarify and expand children’s understanding of the structure of the human body and name.

Objectives: 1. Strengthening the ability to compare objects; clarification of the names of body parts; developing an understanding of spatial relationships; development.

Lesson summary for the middle group “Parts of the Body” Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the structure of man and the purpose of its individual parts. Objectives: Learn to coordinate speech with movements, develop.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for the first junior group “Man, body parts” Program content. Teach the child to know the different parts of the body, what they are needed for (eyes - to see, nose - to perceive smells, etc.). 1.

Abstract of OOD with presentation in the preparatory school group “Parts of the human body. Head" Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group of general developmental orientation in cognitive and research.

General Lesson Topic: Nature and man

Epigraph for the lesson:

« Nature is not what we inherited from our ancestors, but what we borrowed from our descendants"(Ancient Indian maxim).

Lesson objectives:

  • To give students an idea of ​​the diversity of nature, that man is a part of it;
  • Show the connection between living and inanimate nature;
  • Lay the foundation of students’ environmental culture;
  • Give the concept of rational environmental management;
  • Show with examples how human economic activity affects nature;
  • Instill correct moral and aesthetic principles;
  • Develop an understanding that the health of others and the state of nature are the concern of each individual person;
  • Practice of teamwork, ability to select the necessary information.


  • Image of birds, animals, plants in an untouched forest;
  • Images of technological disasters and their harm to wildlife;
  • Posters on the protection of living and inanimate nature;
  • A projector or any other means of displaying images.

During the classes:

1. Instruction on TB. Organizing time.

2. Updating knowledge.

Teacher:“Children, please answer a few questions:

  • What is nature?
  • What is it like? (living and non-living)
  • Do you love nature?
  • Is man capable of harming nature?
  • How exactly?
  • What needs to be done to protect nature from ourselves?”

Teacher:“The writer George Orwell said that “man is the only creature who consumes without producing anything. He doesn't give milk, he doesn't lay eggs, he's too weak to pull a plow, he's too slow to catch rabbits. Yet he is the supreme ruler over all animals. He sends them to work, he gives them just enough to feed them so that they do not suffer from hunger - everything else remains in his possession.” and there really is truth in his words. By existing, we change the world and nature to suit us. But maybe it’s worth thinking about? Are we harming everything that exists parallel to us?”

3. Learning new material:

What is nature? Man as a part of the surrounding natural world

Teacher:“First, before starting the topic, I will inform you that today we will have a group project for this lesson - homework. I will tell you which one at the end of the lesson. The group that will be the winner according to the general vote will receive a diploma and certificates for “5” for any lesson in our subject.”

Teacher:“Who knows what the word “classification” means? Right. This is the division of a general group, a mass, into parts, according to some distinctive features. For example, by height people are classified into tall and short, by age - young and old....”

Teacher:“How can you qualify nature? That’s right - it can be living and non-living.”

Teacher:“Children, are we part of nature? Man belongs to what type of nature? That’s right, man is part of living nature.”

Teacher:“Let's name examples of inanimate nature.” (water, air, earth...)

Teacher:“Who are the representatives of wildlife?” (humans, animals, birds, plants...)

Teacher:“In the world of living nature there are 4 kingdoms - animals, plants, fungi, bacteria. All these kingdoms are living, they are created by nature from living particles-cells.”

Teacher:“There are some distinctive characteristics of wildlife:

  • Living organisms need to breathe;
  • Living organisms need food;
  • In the course of their lives they breathe and progress;
  • Living organisms reproduce;
  • Living organisms die over time.”

Teacher:“What is the connection between living and inanimate nature? Let's look at an example:

(The teacher turns on a slide where 5 words are written - 1 column water, earth, air, sun, 2 column - plant)

  • Plant - Earth - roots feed the plant from the soil;
  • Plant - Air - green lungs process carbon dioxide into oxygen;
  • Plant - Water - the plant's roots absorb water from the soil;
  • Plant - Sun - the sun's rays provide the necessary heat for plant life."

Teacher:“Using the same scheme, one can make out the connection between any representatives of these classes. And animals, and insects, and humans..."

Teacher:“Life on Earth is impossible due to the absence of any of the factors of inanimate nature. If water, earth, air or the Sun disappear, everything will disappear. It’s hard to even imagine that there will be a hundred with all those living when all this disappears.”

Teacher:“Man considers himself the King of Nature and thinks that he has the right to dispose of everything that Nature owns. He breaks, cuts down, kills, collects..."

Teacher:“Can representatives of the world of animals and plants do without humans? And he without them?

Teacher:“Man is just a part of Nature, he must obey its laws. In his habitat he must behave as expected. There is an expression: “The nature that we use is not what was left to us from our ancestors, but what we borrowed from our descendants.” How do you understand this expression?

Teacher:“Many irreversible and unpredictable consequences have arisen from the interaction of man and nature. At the beginning of time, man collected and ate, hunted and extracted only what nature gave him. And she was generous with him: food, housing, fish, game, berries and root vegetables... Evolving man began to demand more and more, he began to change, remake the world for himself. He didn’t even think about any consequences.”

The teacher puts on display slides of images of man-made disasters and damage caused by humans to wildlife.

Teacher:“How exactly does a person influence nature? Does anyone have any ideas?

Teacher:“Should people think about how to protect nature from themselves?”

Teacher:“What will a person leave behind to his descendants? Although he wants the best for them, he makes everything worse for them.”

Teacher:“Let's read V. Chizhov's verse together:

There is so much beauty in nature -

Take a closer look and you will understand

Why dewy bushes

Trembling envelops me.

Where does the babbling stream run?

Transparent than glass

What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

The quails are singing...

Let it become to your heart

The bird's speech is clear -

And you will learn that

How to take care of it all.”

Teacher:“What do you think this verse is about? What is the poet asking us to do?

Teacher:“So that we remember that we are responsible to nature. That the life of plants and animals is in our hands. That the harmony of living and inanimate nature is our task. You and I need to write a memo to the person. Let's each write a proposal that would help protect nature. For example, reduce tree cutting.

Students develop proposals.

Teacher:“The task of man is to help her, using knowledge about nature. Preserve our nature, every detail of it. We should be grateful to the Earth for sheltering us, raising us and giving us its gifts.”

Teacher:“This is not the first time that humanity has thought about reducing its negative impact on nature. Organizations are created, books are written, new gentle technologies are developed. But any help in this direction is priceless. You need to change the world starting with yourself.” The teacher turns on propaganda posters on the projector about the protection of living and inanimate nature.

4. Summing up the lesson.

Reinforcing the material learned

Teacher:“Children, answer me:

  • Is a person a representative of living or inanimate nature?
  • What representatives of living and inanimate nature do you know?
  • How are they interconnected?
  • What should a person do in order to preserve nature?

The teacher recognizes the most attentive students and rewards them with good grades.

Teacher:“At the end of the lesson I will read you a verse:

For gentle sunrises, crimson sunsets,

Flashing lightning-celestial peals,

For all natural mysteries,

For the fertile depths,

What Mother Earth has been keeping there for centuries.

For crystal dew drops,

For the sad clouds.

For the sound of spring rain, I LOVE NATURE!”


Teacher: “And now for a group project task. According to the list in the class of 3 people in a group, you will have to come up with a propaganda poster for humanity that nature needs to be preserved and protected.”

Show children films about nature conservation.

Lesson on the development of phonetic perception and lexical and grammatical structuring of speech based on the topic “Human beings. Our body."

Topic: “Man. Our body"

Target :

  • develop phonemic awareness,
  • work on lexical and grammatical constructions based on the topic “Man. Our body."



  • Development of linguistic sense.
  • Development of the ability to navigate in space.
  • Formation of the skill of correct word formation and inflection.
  • Development of phonemic awareness.
  • Consolidating the use of the concepts “right” and “left” in children’s speech.
  • Expanding the verb dictionary.
  • Drawing up an adversative construction with the conjunction “a”.
  • Develop the ability to distribute proposals.
  • Development of higher mental functions.


  • Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Man. Our body."


  • Fostering interest and love for activities through entertaining exercises and visual material
  • Development of perseverance and determination when completing tasks through the teacher’s word.


  • a doll, pictures of body parts, a picture of Vanya and Masha, pictures or objects for developing an understanding of polysemy (pen, nose, brush).


I. Organizational moment.

Hello boys and girls! You and I have already gotten acquainted with fruits, with autumn, with trees, and today we will get to know ourselves. Surprised? Let's get started! Listen carefully and show me what I call.

There are nails on our fingers,
On the hands - wrists, elbows.
Crown, neck, shoulders, chest
And don't forget your tummy.
Hips, heels, two feet,
Lower leg and ankle.
There are knees and a back,
But she's only one.
We have it on our heads
Two ears and two lobes.
Eyebrows, cheekbones and temples,
And the eyes that are so close.
Cheeks, nose and two nostrils,
Lips, teeth - look!
Chin under lip.
That's what you and I know!

II. Main stage.

Exercise 1. Continue the sentence.

  • A person has two... (arms, legs, nostrils).
  • A person has one thing on his face... (nose, mouth).
  • A person has two... (ears, eyes).
  • A person has a lot of...(hair) on his head.
  • A person does not have... (tail, hooves, paws).
  • A person has... (children's options).

Exercise 2. Vanya and Masha.

Vanya is very dirty - he is dirty.

Show and tell that Vanya's is dirty. (Vanya has a dirty head. Vanya has dirty hair. Vanya has dirty ears. Vanya has a dirty neck. Vanya has a dirty stomach. Vanya has a dirty back. Vanya has dirty hands. Vanya has dirty feet.)

Tanya has already washed herself. She's clean.

What's clean about Tanya? (Tanya has a clean head. Tanya has clean hair. Etc.)

Physical education minute:

With our right hand we massage the fingers of our left hand, saying. Then with our left hand we massage the fingers of our right hand.

"Thumb on the edge
The fattest and funniest.
This is the index
Strict and attentive.
This is the middle finger
Not the first, not the last.
This is the nameless one
Clumsy and funny.
Well, this is our little finger.
He's everyone's favorite.

Exercise 3. Give me the riddle - find the answer!

Guys, now I’m going to tell you riddles, and you have to guess what I’m talking about. But! Be careful! You don’t need to tell the answer, but show it to yourself.

If it weren't for him,
I wouldn't say anything.
Always in my mouth
But you won't swallow it.
Between two luminaries
I'm alone in the middle.
Not a watch
And it's ticking.
Five brothers -
Equal for years.
They are different in height.

Exercise 4. Regular - big - small.

Guys, when Little Red Riding Hood came to Granny, the Gray Wolf was already lying in her place. Remember how Little Red Riding Hood was surprised: “Why do you have such big eyes?” What did the wolf answer?

Let us now also marvel at you: not the eyes, but the little eyes; not a nose, but a wearer; not legs, but knives; not hands, but hands.

Now let’s imagine a small child (demonstration of a baby doll): we have a nose, and he has a nose; we have a mouth, and he has a mouth; we have eyebrows, and he has eyebrows; we have a forehead, and he has a forehead, etc.

Exercise 5. One word, but many meanings.

Exercise 6. Correctly - clap, incorrectly - stomp.

Guys, you will now correct my mistakes. Sometimes I will say one thing and do another. When I do and say the right thing, clap, when I say it wrong, stomp.

I raised my left hand.

I hid my right hand behind my back.

Exercise 7. Working with text.

Stupid argument.

Two hands argued among themselves: who does more work? One says to the other: “I’m more useful because I hold a spoon when a person eats, and I can draw with a pencil,” and the other replies: “A person eats soup with bread, I feed him bread, and when you draw, I hold the piece of paper.” .

The legs heard the argument, and it became funny to them: “Just think how important they are!” We are more needed because we walk and run, and we also help a person swim and pedal a bicycle.”

And the body was indignant: “The man needs me more!” My heart works, my stomach digests food and saturates my blood!”

The smart head of a person listens and thinks to himself: “Stupid argument! All parts of the body are necessary for a person, that’s why he uses them and takes care of them.”

Discussion of the text:

  • Who won the argument?
  • Is it true that the head acted smartly?
  • Why?
  • Why does a person need a head?
  • Torso?
  • Legs?
  • Hands?

III. Summarizing.

Kids, what should you do to be beautiful and strong? Children's answers.

I wish you to be healthy, strong, beautiful and I give you coloring books: for boys - heroes, for girls - princess (did you learn from which fairy tale?), and on the back of the sheet at home, draw yourself, who wants to become when they grow up. Goodbye!

Used sources:

  • Bardysheva T.Yu., Monosova E.N. Notebook of speech therapy tasks. Middle group. - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2009. - 120 p.
  • Kosinova E. M. Lexical notebook No. 1 for classes with preschoolers: Man and his world. – M.: TC Sfera, 2015. – 32 p.
  • Window to the school world: Program and methodological support for the intellectual and speech preparation of children 5-7 years old for school / A. G. Apresova, N. A. Gordova, T. A. Sidorchuk. – M.: ARKTI, 2010. – 232 p.
  • Finger gymnastics is presented by Natalya Kutsepalova in the group “Rechetsvetik”.



1) clarify children’s knowledge about the structure of the human body and the purpose of individual parts of the body; teach children to see signs of similarities and differences between people and express them in speech; work on enriching children's vocabulary;

2) develop speech, attention, proper breathing, hand motor skills;

3) cultivate an attentive, friendly attitude towards each other.


boy, girl, man, woman, grandmother, grandfather, person, people, names of body parts (upper and lower limbs).


pictures, with image of the human body; schematic representation of a person; toiletries; simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson

1.Org. moment.

There are a number of pictures on the board: girl, boy, man, woman, grandmother, grandfather.

Who is in these pictures?(girl, boy, man, woman, grandmother, grandfather)

How can you call it in one word? ( People )

All people are different: there are old and young, adults and children.

Look at each other carefully, how do people differ from each other?

Look into each other's eyes. What color are they?

Is the hair color the same?

Are you all the same height? (invite the children to measure their height)

But since we are so different, why are we all called “PEOPLE”? What do we people have in common? How are we similar?

2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

Who do you think we will talk about today?(person and body parts)

Working with pictures depicting the human body.

- Look at each other carefully.

What parts of the body does a person consist of? (head, neck, torso, upper limbs - arms, lower limbs - legs)

- That's right guys, we all have a head.

What's on the head? (nose, mouth, ears, eyes)

What are the nose, mouth, ears, eyes for?

Guess the riddles.

He can be very different: kind, harmful, proud, important, long, small, hunchbacked, fat, thin,

freckled (nose)

He is always at work when we talk. And as he rests, Then we remain silent. (mouth).

3. Breathing development

Gymnastics to develop proper breathing.

We will inhale easily and smoothly, (inhale) Let us exhale protractedly. (exhale) Nose at work (inhale) Mouth at work (exhale) We all breathe well.

What does the head “sit” on? -Why does a person need a neck?

(neck - it connects the head and torso of a person)

- What is the largest part of the human body called? ( torso)

Show me where your torso is?

What is on the front of the body? ( chest, stomach)

What's behind? ( back )

4.New material.

What do you think the upper and lower limbs are?

What are the hands called?

What are the legs called?

At the very bottom of the leg - this part of the leg (show) is called feet

Why do you think? (from the word "step")

5.Development of motor skills.

Gymnastics for arms

A very complex man: (index finger on forehead, frown) Two eyes and two eyelids. (point to the eyes, eyelids with the index finger) And look carefully! - (index finger from the eyes to the temples) Two ears and two nostrils (point to the ears and nostrils) But there are five fingers (spread the fingers on both hands) To hold everything with them. (grabbing hand gesture)

6.Secure the material.

Working with a human outline diagram.

Guess the riddles.

The largest part is the support for everything. And there is a neck, a back, and a stomach. Tell me, what is this? (torso)

Always combed, clean, smart - The beginning of everything. (head)

They've been racing all their lives, but they can't overtake each other. (legs, lower limbs)

Part of the body that is not afraid to do business (arms, upper limbs)

Two mothers have five sons - one name for all (hands and fingers)

Game "STOP"

The teacher shows the children two drawings. (girl and boy)

Who do you think the artist depicted?

Why do you think so?

What are our boys like? (strong, brave, future men, protectors)

7. Compilation of sentences using visual material. Introduction of verbs into speech.

Using toiletries.

What things does a person need to be clean and tidy? In the store: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, washcloth, comb, towel.

Why does a person need these things? -What things do you think every person should have exclusively? -Another person cannot use these things. Why?


What parts of the human body do you remember? -What does a person need to be clean and tidy?

Lesson "Man and his character"

The purpose of the lesson:

    1. Educational – familiarization with the concept of “character”, its various features and properties.

      Developmental – skills and abilities to form one’s character.

      Educational – helping students understand the expressions “life mints, casts a person’s character” and “character leaves its mark on all a person’s actions, thoughts and feelings.”

The highest goal of human aspirations

is a highly moral character.

E. Telman

Think about it :

    What is character? What does it “characterize” in a person? His role in the life and destiny of a person.

Translated from ancient Greek, the word “character” means “minting,” seal.” In fact, on the one hand, life mints and casts a person’s character, and on the other, character leaves its mark on all a person’s actions, thoughts and feelings. When we talk about character, we mean typical, often repeated manifestations of a person’s individual properties in actions and actions, the habitual forms of his behavior. A cowardly person can commit a decisive act, and a polite one can be rude. But still, we call only that person brave or rude for whom such behavior is typical.

Character reflects a person’s attitude towards the world around him. In the system of relationships, there are several groups of character traits that indicate a person’s attitude

To activity, to work (hard work, conscientiousness, initiative, irresponsibility, negligence, laziness, responsibility...).

Towards people, the team, society (sociability - isolation, sincerity - hypocrisy, goodwill - envy, humanity - misanthropy, indifference, sensitivity...).

To spiritual values, to morality (high morality, passion...).

To material values, to things (neatness - sloppiness, thrift - negligence, thrift - wastefulness, generosity - stinginess, ...).

To oneself (self-criticism - uncriticality, demandingness - undemandingness, pride - self-humiliation, modesty, vanity...).

To the choice of goal (dedication, pragmatism, rationality, prudence).

Strong-willed character traits (strong-willed - weak-willed, courageous - weak, self-possessed - hot-tempered, ...).

Character traits largely determine a person’s behavior – ways of acting in typical situations. A person’s behavior is also greatly influenced by his individual characteristics. Depending on which of these features predominates, intellectual, emotional and volitional traits are distinguished in a person’s character.

When talking about intellectual character traits, we mean, first of all, the established qualities of the mind (ingenuity, observation, etc.). Emotional traits show the attitude towards the phenomena of reality (excitability, rationality, etc.), as well as the prevailing moods. Strong-willed character traits determine a person’s ability and willingness to consciously regulate their activities related to overcoming difficulties (decisiveness, determination). There are more than a thousand character traits in total.

Task No. 1

Which of the following character traits do you note in yourself? What other character traits can you note in yourself? Write them down.

Task No. 2 "The ABCs of Character"

A - accuracy K - U -

B - tactlessness L - F -

B - grumpiness M - X -

G - pride N - C -

D - friendliness O - Sh -

E - naturalness P - Ш -

F - greed R - E -

3 - rancor N - S -

I - sincerity T - I -

Task No. 3

Write down in one column the traits of your character that help in life, and in the other - those that interfere.

Which column was larger?

From wise thoughts:

Every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him, the one that he ascribes to himself, and, finally, the one that actually exists.( V. Hugo)

In every smallest, most insignificant, most inconspicuous action of ours, our entire character is already reflected; a fool enters and exits, sits down and stands up, and is silent and moves differently than an intelligent person. (LaBruyere)

Seriousness is the basis of character. (O. Balzac)

Solid character must be combined with flexibility of mind. (L. Vauvenargues)

Character is not born with a person, but is acquired by him during his upbringing, being finally established in the subsequent troubles of the era. (N.A. Dobrolyubov)

Character consists of the ability to act according to principles. (I. Kant)

People's characters are determined and shaped by their relationships. (A. Maurois)

A person's true character shows in how he entertains himself. (Reynalda)

Check yourself:

Character - this is a set of stable personality traits that determine a person’s attitude towards people and the work performed. Character is manifested in activity and communication and includes what gives a person’s behavior a specific, characteristic shade.

Task No. 4 Test “What is your character”

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

    Do you respect friendship?

    Does something new attract you?

    Do you prefer old clothes to new ones?

    Do you pretend to be happy for no reason?

    When you were a child, did you change the profession you were going to choose more than three times?

    Do you lose confidence when faced with a difficult task?

    Do you collect anything?

    Do you often change your plans at the last minute?

Write down 1 point for yourself if you answered “yes” to questions 1, 3, 7 and the same amount for answering “no” to questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 8. Then count the points you scored.

Over 6 points: You are a balanced person; it would be a shame for parents, teachers, and friends to complain about you; You have an easy, good character.

From 3 to 6 points: Your character cannot be called easy. Your good mood can very easily turn into a bad one. And this cannot but affect work, family life, and friendships; Do not forget that only by perseverance will you succeed in life.

Less than 3 points: why don't you believe in your strength? You need to trust people more and look for friends among those around you.

How to shape your character?

An Eastern proverb says: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap.”character, sow character, reap destiny." Good habits are important for developing character, and each person can form them himself. Habits arise, are strengthened and are maintained through repetition. For a habit to arise, there must be a need for it. Habits are so strong precisely because Once formed, they become a need.What about bad habits, which form much easier than good ones?

You already have a list of character traits that interfere with your life. In order to cope with them, you need willpower. Willpower is the ability to overcome difficulties, perseverance in achieving a goal. All great people had powerful willpower, thanks to which they achieved success in science, politics, sports, and art.

Lesson summary

1. How is a person’s character formed?

    What can a person do to shape his character?

    And if the character is “bad”, can it be changed?

Here are some tips for character building:

1. "Walk". After leaving home, return exactly one hour later (allowable error is 2 minutes). This exercise develops a sense of time and responsibility. The duration of the walk may vary.

2. "Alarm clock". After the alarm rings, count to 35 and get up. Every day, decrease the count by 5 and after a week get up to the count “3”. The exercise is mastered if for three weeks in a row you get up to the count “3”.

3. "Charging". Start charging with 10 minutes. Adding 1 minute every day to bring it to 17 minutes. The exercise is mastered if you regularly do exercises for 3-4 weeks
