Alternating vowels o and e. Spelling alternating vowels in the root of a word




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On the screen there is a table with alternating vowels at the root of the word, with pictures that help to better perceive the material.


There are words with the same root that have different vowels at their roots. That's what it is roots with alternation. It must be well remembered that “the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in these roots does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition.” When writing the vowel in these roots, we will use special rules. These rules can be combined into 4 groups.

1st group

An unstressed root is always written the same way(and percussion - in different ways: the way it is heard):

Please pay attention: the rule applies only to words that are the same root and have the same meaning. Look at the picture:

Zar I. In the sky once mountains are zar prostrate. On the shore mountains it's a fire. Willows on clone were over about zar flame-tainted water. The fisherman looks at float OK.

2nd group

The spelling of a vowel fundamentally depends on what consonants follow it:




Attention! Don't confuse the root -grew- with attachment dis- !

3rd group

The spelling of a vowel depends on whether there is a suffix after the root -A-:

Attention! The girl has braided hair– there is no suffix after the root -A-, and the ending;

in addition, roots with alternation kos-/-kas- have the meaning “to touch”.


R A vnina(This R O external, but not R A external there is a place for something, but it is written -A- ).

Be equal!(Team in formation - stand up smooth),

level(mark, R A private some value)

equally(on R A external shares).

-mac- – -mok-

-jump- – -jump-

Exception: sk A chock.

You can remember these roots in another way: -with how-- With -A-, -skoch-- With -O-; then there will be two exceptions: jump, jump.

(Each student has such a hint table on his desk.)



Exercise 1. Explain the spelling of alternating vowels in the root. The procedure is as follows:

1) Put emphasis in the word;

2) select the root;

3) justify the choice of vowel using information from the table;

4) emphasize the vowel in the root.

Task 2. Insert the missing letters. Explain your choice by referring to the table and following the order of the previous task.


Option I (for weak students): easy cheating

Task 3. Write it off. Highlight roots with alternating vowels. Indicate the conditions for choosing spellings. Mark the exception words.

Grow corn, get ready to hunt, young shoots. branch industry, increasing speed, heavy rain, push through the thickets, freeze with admiration, grow a brilliant shift, the assumption disappears, lay grown flowers at the foot of the monument, misfortune touched him too, approached the thickets of reeds, the pie begins to burn, moneylender Rostislav lives in Rostov , addition and subtraction, put the proceeds in a fireproof cabinet, the beetle is located on a shiny lily pad, state the requirements, free application, improper bone fusion, plant cover, weak sprout.

Option II: complicated cheating

Task 4. Write it off. Highlight roots with alternating vowels. Mark the conditions for choosing spellings.

Settle down for rest, gather with friends, an argument breaks out, make the bed, effort, get in the company, clean the room, put your feet up, touch on a question, write an essay, the paper gets hot, burn your fingers, disgusting moneylender, wipe the dishes, rub a bruise, get burned from shame, grown drain, wipe the windows, burnt candle.


Task 5. Write it down and explain the spelling graphically.

Ira is very neat. Every morning she cleans the apartment, removes all the dirt, wipes off the dust, locks the closets, makes the beds, and then lights the lamp and admires how everything shines. She doesn't reckon with the fact that she's simply dying of fatigue.

But sometimes she gets offended by her lazy brother, runs away and says: “Let him clean up here at least once, remove the dirt! Is it really difficult for him to lock the closet, make the bed, wipe the table so that everything shines and shines? I wouldn’t die if I worked.”


Task 6. Test your spelling recognition skills. Fill in the table with these words.

Pleasure, offer, unsatisfactory, embrace, sunbathe, carnival, _color, position, delight, b_grove, r_stock, studio, listen, _aroma, freeze, _planted, fountain, insight, _growth, bed.

Task 7. Insert the missing letters. Explain what determines the choice of vowel in words with alternation in the root. Select the correct explanation by placing a “+” sign in the table.

The choice of vowel in words with alternation fundamentally depends

from the consonant at the root

on the presence/absence of stress

from the suffix -A- after the root

from lexical meaning

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Option I

1. In which word is the letter written? A ?

a) Get warm;

b) burnt;

c) warm up;

d) vygorki.

2. In which word is the letter written? O ?

a) Z_rnitsa;

b) rage;

d) z_revo.

3. O ?

a) Bend over;

b) swear;

c) swear;

d) bending.

4. In which words is the letter written? A ?

a) Pl_vchiha;

b) float_vok;

c) swimmer;

d) pl_woons;

d) pl_wunets beetle.

5. In which words is the letter written? O ?

a) Wash it out in the rain;

b) wash in water;

c) blotting paper;

d) wash out all the ink;

e) Dip dumplings in sour cream.

6. In which words is the letter written? A ?

a) Understand;

b) opinion;

c) p_take (tracks);

d) p_uniform;

e) r_venovesie.

7. In which words is the letter written? A ?

a) Inspect;

b) pl_vuchy;

c) bow;

d) warm up;

d) understand.

8. Which row is the letter in? O written in all words?

a) Insight, in vain, location, tilt;

b) contact, create, inclination, offer:

c) urgent, plunging, navigating, evading;

d) get hot, pour, dissolve, dissolve;

e) zar_li, proposed, scorch, come.

9. In which sentences does the letter A is written in all words at the place of the gap?

a) A tanned shepherd drove his cow Zorka in the morning.

b) The river, illuminated by the rays of the sun, appeared before us in all its grandeur.

c) The young deer, having made a huge leap, quickly ran off into the thicket.

d) The wires should not have touched, but because of the wind they touched each other.

10. In which words is the letter written? e ?

a) Read a book;

b) get up;

c) b_become;

d) lay down;

Option II (for high school students)

1. In which words is the letter written? A ?

a) Adolescent;

b) p_stock;

c) R_stislav;

d) grow_st;

d) extension.

2. In which words is the letter written? O ?

a) skip;

b) upstart;

c) sk_chok;

d) give a hint.

3. In which words is the letter written? A ?

a) Offer;

b) position;

c) adjective;

d) offer;

4. In which words is the letter written? O ?

a) Attack;

c) tangent;

d) kicking;

d) touch.

5. In which word is the letter written? e ?

a) Gather (on an expedition);

b) washing powder;

c) heartbreaking (scream);

d) dying;

d) rub (eyes).

6. In which word is the letter written? e ?

a) Brilliant (debut);

b) people (students);

c) lock yourself with a key;

d) spreading fog;

d) marriage.

7. In which words is the letter written? O ?

a) Vodor_sli;

b) grown;

c) to_dream;

d) give a hint;

e) to be located.

8. In which words is the letter written? And ?

a) Continues (through the thickets);

b) choose the root;

c) incendiary (speech);

d) (stable) phrase;

d) fitting suit.

9. Which row is the letter in? A written in all words?

a) Inspect, por_sl, dig_out, smear;

b) tangent, float, wrap, branch;

c) to utter, to stand, to level, to bow;

d) touching, flammable (materials), position, tear;

d) bow, ember, z_rnitsa, affirm.

10. Which row is the letter in? And written in all words?

a) lean, lay down, die, pick up;

b) stop, lock up, burn, freeze;

c) sleep, unlock, lock, rest;

d) expand, choose, become, gather;

d) light up, spread out, tear apart, subtract.

11. Which sentence has a spelling mistake?

a) At first Mumu was very weak, frail and ugly, but little by little she got over it and straightened out.

b) Jumping in fright, the hare jumped over the pit and galloped ahead of the running dogs.

c) It took him a long time to choose a float and a spinner.

d) The dawn burst into flames and engulfed half the sky.

e) Oblomov took the pen and dipped it into the inkwell, but there was no ink.

school number 171,

Spelling roots with alternating vowels

In order to remember the rules for choosing letters in roots with alternating vowels, you need to divide these roots into two groups: the first group combines roots with alternating vowels I and E, the second group consists of roots with alternating vowels A and O.

I. In the roots BIR/BER, DIR/DER, MIR/MER, PIR/PER, TIR/TER, BLEST/BLIST, ZHEG/ZHIG and others, the letter I is written only if the suffix -A- follows the root. For example: SHINE - SHINE, DIE - DIE, WIPE - WIPE. The exceptions to the rule are the words COMBINE AND COMBINATION.

II. The spelling of roots with alternating vowels A and O may depend on the place of stress in the word, on the meaning of the word, and on those letters that follow the alternating vowel.

1. The spelling of the roots GOR/GAR, CLONE/CLAN, CREATIVE/TVAR, PLOV/PLAV, ZOR/ZAR depends on the place of stress in the word. Under the stress in these roots, what is heard is written, it is impossible to make a mistake there, but vowels written in an unstressed position should be learned by heart: GOR, CLONE, CREATURE, PLAV, ZAR. Exceptions: FOGES, COMBUS, SMOKE, SWIMMER, SWIMMER.

2. The choice of letter in the roots MAK/MOK and EQUAL/ROVN depends on the meaning of the word. The word with the meaning “immerse in liquid” is written with the letter A (DIP THE BRUSH INTO THE PAINT), but if its meaning is “gradually soak”, then it should be written O (SHOES WET WET). A word meaning “smooth, horizontal, straight” should be written with the letter O (LEEVELEN THE GROUND IN A FLOWER BED), and a word meaning “identical” should be written with the letter A (EQUALITY IN HEIGHT, BALANCED PERSON). Exceptions: PLAIN, PEER, EQUAL, LEVEL.

3. The spelling of the roots LAG/LOG, RAST/RASH/ROS, KAS/KOSN, SKAK/SKOCH depends on the letters following the alternating vowels. Consider the examples: OFFER - OFFER, PLANT - GROW - GROWN, TOUCH - TOUCH, JUMP - JUMP. Exceptions: INDUSTRY, ROSTOK, USURER, ROSTOV, ROSTISLAV and JUMP, JUMP.


1. A small noble house in the Moscow style, in which Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina lived, was located in one of the newly built streets of the city. (I. Turgenev. Fathers and sons.)

2. Wait, I was frank with you, somehow involuntarily I told you everything at once, but if anything gets to him, I’ll just say that you lied. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

3. Ernest slammed the empty mug onto the counter, grabbed a bottle from the refrigerator, uncorked it and tilted it over the mug. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

4. All my attention was drawn to the mileposts, which I noticed from afar, and to the clouds, previously scattered across the sky, which, having taken on ominous, black shadows, now gathered into one large, gloomy cloud. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

5. In broad daylight... they killed none other than the commander-in-chief of the German army in Ukraine, Field Marshal Eichhorn, an invincible and proud general... (Mikhail Bulgakov. The White Guard.)

6. Let conscience... torment old moneylenders on their deathbed! (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

7. I bow respectfully and, leaning on my saber, say: “I am happy, great sovereign, that I could shed blood for my fatherland, and would like to die for it; but if you are so merciful that you allow me to ask you, I ask for one thing - let me destroy my enemy, the foreigner St. Jerome "a." (Leo Tolstoy. Adolescence.)

8. I involuntarily want to quickly run through the desert of adolescence and reach that happy time when again a truly tender, noble feeling of friendship with a bright light illuminated the end of this age and marked the beginning of a new, full of charm and poetry, time of youth. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

9. The teacher unfolded the notebook and, carefully clasping the pen, wrote Volodya five in the column of success and behavior in beautiful handwriting. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

10. Grabbing her left hand with her right hand, on which there was a ring, she looked around in amazement, looking at the sea and the green thickets; but no one moved, no one hid in the bushes, and in the blue, far-off sea there was no sign, and Assol was covered in blush, and the voices of the heart said a prophetic “yes.” (Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails.)

11. On one side of the road there is a vast winter field, cut here and there by shallow ravines, glittering with wet earth and greenery and spreading out like a shady carpet to the very horizon; on the other hand, an aspen grove, overgrown with walnut and bird cherry undergrowth, stands as if in an abundance of happiness, does not move and slowly drops light drops of rain from its washed branches onto last year’s dry leaves. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

12. Dead, Longren bent down and saw an eight-month-old creature intently looking at his long beard, then he sat down, looked down and began to twirl his mustache. (Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails.)

13. From all these conversations, some kind of sediment was accumulating in my soul, it’s not clear what. And it did not dissolve over time, but, on the contrary, kept accumulating and accumulating. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

14. Levin began to attack, ran from above as much as he could and went down, holding his balance with his hands in an unusual movement. (Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina.)

15. I spent the night in the closet, and no one came to me; only the next day, that is, Sunday, they moved me to a small room next to the classroom, and locked me up again. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

16. She had a smile that illuminated everything around. (Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina.)

17. Everyone skating seemed to be completely indifferently overtaking, catching up with her, even talking to her and having fun completely independently of her, taking advantage of the excellent ice and good weather. (Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.)

18. And here the green grass grows for your sheep, and here the flowers grow red, from which you can weave a wreath for your hat." (N.M. Karamzin. Poor Liza.)

19. Having found the keys in the indicated place, I was about to unlock the box, when I was stopped by the desire to find out what item was unlocked by the tiny key hanging on the same bunch. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

20. In the opposite corner, a lamp burned in front of a large dark image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. (I. Turgenev. Fathers and Sons.)

21. ...That valet who forgot to give Napoleon waterproof boots on the 24th was the savior of Russia. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

22. At dawn, two new batteries, set up in the night, on the river valley occupied by the Prince of Ekmul, will open fire on two opposing enemy batteries. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

23. The crowd broke up again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar Cannon. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

24. Pierre noticed how after each cannonball that landed, after each loss, the general revival grew more and more intense. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

25. Maria, who almost slid down the wing, screamed in fear, but the plane quickly righted itself. (V. Pelevin. Chapaev and emptiness.)

26. And if someone sniffs tobacco, with what courtesy he treats it to him and with what cordiality he offers it to the right and left! (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

27. Then the close circle of merchant women parted; but when the young man jumped out of it, the old woman screamed after him... (E. T. A. Hoffman. The Golden Pot: A Tale from Modern Times.)

28. Near our house there was a ditch... and we... used to try to jump over it. (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

29. Your sister made the same decision: she intends to go to a monastery, grace came to us at the same time. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

30. And for quite a long time all these people silently looked at the distant flames of a new fire. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

31. Lisa returned to her hut in a completely different state than in which she left it. (N.M. Karamzin. Poor Liza.)

32. And is it possible to expect perfection at such a tender age? (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

33. A ship rose from the dawn; he surfaced and stopped in the very middle of the morning. (Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails.)

34. They shot at him for two hours, but they couldn’t hit him. For two hours he pretended to be dead. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

35. He did not even allow the possibility of a comparison between his wife and Fenechka, but he regretted that she decided to look for him. (I. Turgenev. Fathers and sons.)

36. The brilliance of their deeds, which illuminates us too, imposes on us the obligation to give them the same honor... (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan or the Stone Guest.)

37. I was already studying in vain, when he finished his work, it was a letter to Irina. (I. Turgenev. Fathers and sons.)

38. For a long time I looked at Masha, who, lying on the chest, wiped away tears with her scarf, and, trying in every possible way to change my view of Vasily, I wanted to find the point of view from which he could seem so attractive to her. (Leo Tolstoy. Boyhood.)

39. ...I understand perfectly well that this world that we see could not grow like a mushroom overnight. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

40. So, as said, the student Anselm fell ... into a dreamy apathy, which made him insensitive to all external touches of ordinary life. (E. T. A. Hoffman. The Golden Pot: a fairy tale from modern times.)

41. Spiegelberg, who had been sitting in the corner throughout the conversation, ... quickly jumps up ... (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

42. The large abandoned wooden city had to be burned. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

43. Her trust in old Liza grew worse every day... (E. T. A. Hoffman. The Golden Pot: a fairy tale from modern times.)

44. Sitting down at the table, I pulled a stack of papers towards me, dipped the pen into the inkwell and wrote in large letters at the top of the sheet: “Caution, the doors are closing! Next station "Dynamo"! (V. Pelevin. Omon Ra.)

45. You should have looked at him here, how he ran up to the carriage with two pistols in his hands! (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

46. ​​... In this regard, I have the ambition of a conqueror who always flies from victory to victory and is unable to set a limit to his lusts. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

47. What else will happen when the magnificent shoots reach full maturity! (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

48. Black kid gloves touched the worn-out cheviot, and the eyes of the one being pushed were completely glassy. (Mikhail Bulgakov. The White Guard.)

49. Now run there and say that I will take his head off so that everything will be done in a week. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

50. He saw all this, took everything into account, and as soon as the crooked Arthur deviated even one step from the direction, Redrick’s mouth opened by itself and a hoarse warning cry flew out of his throat. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

The exercise was prepared by I. Kamenev, R. Lozovsky and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

There are roots in which writing letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

1. Roots with letters A And O .

gar - mountainsletter O , although under emphasis - A , eg: burn, scorch, burn out, burn out, tanned, fire victim, combustible; But: soot, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions ( gar without accent): fumes, dross, scorch, cinder(along with the option cinder).

zar – zar.In place of an unstressed vowel it is written A : dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, robin(bird), lightning; under stress - A And O , cf.: glow, radiant, radiant And dawn(plural words dawn), dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn(military signal, usually in the expression beat or tattoo).

kas - kos.In this root it is written A , if the root is followed by A ; in other cases it is written O : Wed touch, touch, touch, touching, touching, But touch, touch, contact, inviolable(the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone.In place of an unstressed vowel it is written O , eg: bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down; under stress - O And A : Wed bow, incline, stoop, inclined, inflexible And bow, bow, bow .

speck - crop.The letter is written without accent O in words meaning ‘to cover with drops, splashes’: sprinkle, sprinkling(from sprinkle), sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle; letter A – in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: marked, marked(from mottle meaning ‘to cover with specks, to apply specks’), inclusion. Only a is stressed: speck, speck, speck, intersperse, interspersed, speck .

lag - log - lie.In place of the unstressed vowel before G is written A , before and O , eg: state, impose, assume, attach, decompose, urgent, delay, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, But: lay down, lay out, set aside, put, offer, attach, presentation, position, sentence, versification, cover, turn-down. Always stressed O : tax, pledge, forgery, forged, put, put. In a word canopy, where the root is log in modern language it no longer stands out, without emphasis before G is written O .

poppy – mok – moch.In place of an unstressed vowel it is written before To letter A in words meaning ‘to dip, immerse in liquid’: dip, dip, dip; letter O – in words meaning ‘get wet’: get wet, get wet, get wet, get wet(under rain), in words derived from wet(eg. wet, phlegm, phlegm, wood lice) (under stress - in words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet etc.), and in words with the meaning ‘to drain something. moisture-absorbing’: get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h – always a letter O , eg: wet, soak, wet, soaked(cf. under emphasis: wets, soaked) about verbs in -ive type wet, soak.

sing - sing(in verb solder and cognates). It is written without accent A : solder, solder, unsolder, soldering iron etc. Under stress - A And O : Wed sealed, sealed, soldered, soldered And solder, sing .

swim - swim.It is written without accent A : floating, fin, float, floater(grass; beetle; water possum), swimmer(bug), phalarope(bird), float, floatable, afloat, floating; But: swimmer And swimmer with a letter O . Under stress - only A : swim, rafting .

In a word quicksand(ground) letter is written s , as in other words derived from the verb float - float: float, float, blur and so on.

equal - equalThe letter a is written in words related in meaning to an adjective equal‘same’, e.g.: equate(who-what-n. with whom-what? n.), dress(something or with someone) equate, equalize, compare (Xia), comparison, compare(in something) level(check), straighten, straighten(eg. lines– ‘make equal in length’), equalize, equation, egalitarianism, equal, equivalent, equal, balance, equinox, on a par, equal.

Letter O written in words related in meaning to the adjective smooth‘smooth, straight, without irregularities’, e.g.: level(bed, road surface), to level, to level, to level, to level(make it even, smooth, straight).

However, in words equally, same age, related in meaning to equal, the letter is written O ; in a word plain, related in value to smooth, – letter A . In words with unclear correlation the following is written: letter A – in a verb dress(in a line, during construction) and words derived from it leveling, leveling up, leveling out(in service); letter O - in combination it's not exactly the hour, in a word level .

different - differentIn numerous compound words with the first part different (heterogeneous, versatile, discordant etc.) the letter is written without accent A , in a word apart– letter O . Under stress - A (different, difference, vary) And O (discord, discord, scattered).

grew(t) – ras(t) – rasch. In place of the unstressed vowel it is written:

a) before With (no follow-up T ) – letter O : grew, grew, grew up, grew up, thicket, shoots, algae, undergrowth; exception - industry and its derivatives ( sectoral, intersectoral, multi-sectoral);

b) before st – letter A , eg: grow, grow, raise, grow up, grow, grow, grow up, grow up, germinate, grow, grow, increase, increase, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, sprouting, teenage(along with the option teenage);

forward sch Always A , eg: grow, grow, grown, increase, build-up, fusion .

Accented before With (followed by T and without it) – only O , eg: growth, growth, outgrowth, teenager, overgrowth; grew up, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants .

jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in To , That A , eg: gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop, skipping rope, galloping, galloping, racing, although under emphasis - O , eg: jump, jump, bounce, jump, jump.

If the root ends in h , then they write: letter A in verb forms jump and verbs derived from it (for example: I'm galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping), as well as in the word leap(the test is the forms of the same verbs - e.g. galloping, let's gallop, and derivatives jump, gallop); letter O - in prefixed verbs download(eg: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart(check - forms of the same verbs, except jump out: jump up, jump off and so on.).

Wed: I'll skip(one hundred versts), skip it(verb forms gallop, gallop) And I'll pass, I'll pass(verb forms slip through, slip through); I'll jump up, jump up(verb forms jump up, jump up‘to approach at a gallop’) and I'll jump up, jump up(verb forms jump, jump‘approach someone with a quick movement. or rise sharply’).

creation - creature.In words create, creation, creator, created, do etc. the letter is written without accent O ; under stress - not only O (creative, creativity), but also A (creature, created). In a word utensil, where is the root -creature- in modern language it is no longer distinguished; it is written without emphasis A .

2. Roots with letters And And e .

shine (k, t) – shine – shine. Letters are written in place of an unstressed vowel And And e : And - before st with subsequent impact A , eg: shine, shine, shining, shine, brilliant, shine; e – in other cases, for example: glitter, shines, brilliant, sparkling, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle. Under stress - e And e : shine, glitter, shining; sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, glitter .

vis – weight.In place of the unstressed vowel, a letter is written And in the verb hang(hanging, hanging) and its derivatives ( hang down, hang down etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with a common part -hang: hang, hang, droop etc. (cf. under emphasis: hang, hang, hang); letter e - in words hang out, signboard, hanging, hinged, suspended(cf. under emphasis: hang, hang, hang).

lip - lep.In words stick, stick etc. a letter is written in an unstressed position And (cf. under emphasis: sticky, stick), and in words to sculpt, to stick, to stick etc. – letter e (cf. under emphasis: sculpts, sticks, modeling).

sid – se(d).In place of an unstressed vowel the following is written: letter And - before a soft consonant d– in a verb sit(sit, sit) and its derivatives ( sit, sit up, nurse, get-togethers and so on.); letter e - before the hard d : rider, saddle(in the latter in plural forms - e : saddles), saddle, seat, sciatic, sit, sit, press, squat, assessor, chairman, and also – before soft d– in derivatives from the word saddle(saddle, saddle, saddle, saddle). Under stress - And And e , eg: sitting, imprisonment, assiduous; sit down, sit down, sat down, homebody, fidget, hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit down and prefixes - also A(in writing I ): sit down, sit down, sit down.

In verbs with a common part -take (For example, borrow, pester, embrace, take away, lift, remove, understand, appease), which correspond to perfective verbs in -no (take, accept, raise, understand, appease etc.), written after n in place of an unstressed vowel a letter And ; the same in the verb take out(owl species take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by stress And in forms like take away, lift, remove(these are forms of verbs in -no ), rarely – in derivative words: photo, hugging .

Letter And in place of an unstressed vowel it is also written at the root of verbs conjure And curse. In the corresponding perfective verbs and other words with the same root, the letter is written (both in unstressed position and under stress) I : curse, curse, curse, damn, curse, curse and so on.

A number of verb roots have an unstressed fluent vowel, which is conveyed in writing (after soft consonants and sibilants) by the letter and and (in part of these roots) by the letter e . Letter And written (usually in imperfective verbs) if a vowel is stressed immediately after the root A; in other cases (in the absence of shock A after the root) a letter is written in place of the fluent vowel e .

Below in the list of verbs for each root, verbs with a fluent vowel conveyed by the letter are first given And , then - forms and words with the letter e (if such forms and words exist), finally - forms and words where the fluent vowel of the root is absent.

List (in alphabetical order of roots, prefixed verbs are given selectively):

select And army, zab And army, razb And army, And fight - b e rub e ri, select e ri, zab e ru – take, choose, pick up ;

vz And mother - I'll take it ;

translation And army, leader And to lie - to lie, to distort, to lie, to lie, to distort, to lie ;

ass And army, section And army, come And fight, beat And army - d e ru, d e ri, ass e ru, section e ru, ud e ru - to tear, to tear apart, to find fault, to run away ;

survive And go away And go, obzh And go away, otzh And let's go, let's go And go - squeeze out e G (past tense), survive e whose – I’ll burn, I’ll burn, I’ll burn;

cool And give, survive And give, burn And give - wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ;

clamp And mother, prizh And mother - I squeeze, I squeeze, I squeeze ;

press And please And I'll reap, I'll reap, I'll reap ;

pl And army, obzh And fight - eat, devour, gorge, eat, devour, gorge ;

zap And stutter - stutter, stutter ;

vz And army, supervise And army, oz And fight, contempt And army - soz e rattle - ripen (‘look, see’, obsolete), see, see, see, see, see, sight, contempt ;

subm And nah, see And nah, size And nat - I’ll knead, I’ll knead, I’ll knead, I’ll knead ;

deputy And army, help And army, mind And army - deputy e fight, pom e babble, mind e fuck, deputy e r, mind e r, deputy e first - die, die, die, die; kick - kick, kick ;

zap And army, otp And army, up And fight - zap e howl, zap e r, suddenly e RTI, otp e howl, whoop e fight, p e rila - I’ll lock it, I’ll unlock it, I’ll stop ;

pom And come on, remember And please remember And come on, remember And nat – remember, remember, remember, remember, remember ;

pop And army - trample, trample ;

Rev. And fight - debate, strife ;

simple And army(stretch out (hands); distribute), simple And fight - simple e bawl, simple e to struggle - I will stretch out, I will stretch out(obsolete forms);

disp. And I'll crucify you ;

pops And give – create ;

ext And bark, freeze And let, part And bark - st e pour, pour e pour, freeze e pour, post e pour, dissolve e to pour - to spread, to cover, to cover, to spread, to spread ;

nat And army, growth And army, zat And army - t e howl, nat e growl, grow e howl, zat e rub - rub, rub, grind, friction ;

beginning And nah, why And nah - I’ll start, I’ll start ;

calc And thief, sch And thief (chalk up), recalculation And thief, miscalculated And then, calculate And thief - vych e t, calc e is, calc e l - subtract, count(I'll count) I'll start and re-read(I will recalculate);

almost And thief(treat with respect) prefer And thief - almost e exist - to honor, honor, honor, mail, prefer, venerable, reverence, respectful, preference;

The letter is being written e in words combine, combination, which are not the same root as any of the given groups of words with a root -cheat- .

Same with the letter And in the root, verbal derivative words are written in which the stressed vowel is retained after the root with a fluent vowel A, For example: waiting, dying, remembrance, creation, rubbing, subtraction, voter, devourer, overseer, initiator, admirer, burner, lighter, incendiary, deceitful, memorial .

Letter And at the root is written in verbs subtract And calculate with impact attachment You- , where the vowel conveyed by the letter A , turns out to be unstressed. Letter And also written in nouns derived from verbs in -at , where is the shock A not saved: roasting, annealing, ignition, squeezing, tearing, begging, rubbing. In a word confusion(cf. you can't tell) the letter is written e .

You should not check the vowel in the roots of verbs -at with a fluent And - lift, burn, squeeze, gorge, die, rest, stretch, spread, rub, count, prefer, read etc., as well as nouns derived from them like roasting, pressing words of the same roots with accent e or O(in writing - e , e or O ) – such as for example: burn, dead, spread, bed, count‘recount’, prefer, read, nail puller, burned(verb), burn(noun), pulp, glutton, died, rested, prostrated, rubbed, grater, recount, miscalculation, honor, preferred, read, re-read(reread) bookkeeper.

In words with the same root remember, remember, remember– in verbs remember, remember, mention, the letter is written in an unstressed position I (same under emphasis: will remember, will remember, mentioned and so on.).

This information, of course, is for reference only and helps to understand the causes of the phenomenon. However, you are naturally concerned about another problem: how to correctly write words that contain alternating sounds. Moreover, the main difficulties relate to unstressed vowels.

Pay attention to the expressions “alternating sounds” and “roots with alternating vowels.” Do you feel the difference?

The difference is that we are moving from a phonetic phenomenon to spelling; it is important for us to be able to write letters in the roots of words, where the sounds [e] and [i], [a] and [o] alternate.

Remember in what positions these vowels can be found?

In a strong position - under stress, in a weak position - in an unstressed position.

Why is it difficult to write vowels in weak position?

Vowels are heard less clearly and unclearly.

What vowel is this - verifiable, unverifiable, alternating?

If it is alternating, then the usual rule for checking vowels through a stressed sound cannot be applied to it and there is no need to select test words.

What are the conditions for writing vowels in roots with alternation?

To write roots with alternation, you need to find out which vowels alternate and in which root.

We have a choice: write the letters “e” or “i”, “a” or “o”.

The type of root depends 1) on the suffix -a- following the root; 2) from the place of stress in the word; 3) from the consonant at the root of the word; 4) from the meaning.

Let's start with the most common case. The spellings e–i in verb roots. The condition for writing and is the suffix -a- after the root.

There are two groups of such roots:

in one group the vowels are always in an unstressed position (elect - I’ll choose, you’ll choose, choose; lock - lock, lock);

in the other - vowels are either unstressed or stressed (spread - spread - spread; wipe - wipe - rubbed).

We reason like this: to find fault.. to find fault - a root with alternation, an unstressed vowel, it cannot be checked, there is a suffix -a-, which means I write the letter “and” - to find fault; prid..rus - a root with alternation, an unstressed vowel, it cannot be checked, there is no suffix -a-, I write the letter “e” - I’ll find fault.

Most often, you can make a mistake in words with the roots -blist-blest-, -zhig-zheg-, -steel-steel-.

For example, bl..steep in the snow, bl..sleep in the distance, shining snow, glimmers of fire - there is no suffix -a-, write the letter “e” (glitter, sparkle, brilliant, flashes), and in these words “and”: b..become, b..stately, b..becoming.

Another example: light the candles, lost ignition, ignition system - everywhere there is a suffix -a-, so write the letter “and” - light, lighter, ignition. Words without the suffix -a- have the letter “e”: burned the inscription, lit the light, lit a fire, burned a hole, burned the letters.

Remember about nouns with the letter “o”: unpleasant heartburn, barn burning, hand burn, underburning of a brick.

And finally, the combination of the letters of the root and the suffix gives “names”: IRA, ISTA, IGA, ILA, ITA (collect, shine, burn, spread, read; after the root -lag- the suffix -a- follows, the combination AGA is obtained (to add ), no AHA – I write “o” (addition).

And now let’s turn to the root -kas-kos-, there are few words with this root, the vowels a-o in them are always unstressed. Some words do not have prefixes: tangent, touch, touch - touch. They need to be distinguished from similar words with tested vowels: scythe, haymaking, mowing, mower, slope, pigtail, roe deer (deer), sidelong glance, mow.

Most of all, the words with the prefixes pri-, so- raise doubts: touch – touch, touch; touch – come into contact, contact.

We mention the root -lag-lozh- twice. And that's why. You can use two conditions for the correct choice of a vowel: the suffix -a- and the consonants “g” and “zh”.

Just don’t confuse this root with other verifiable roots: false, lie, complex, pretext, moisture, noble!

I would especially like to highlight a group of words with the combinations -a(ya)-im(in)-: remind, conjure, crush, understand, listen, attentive, remove, lift, raise. These combinations are difficult to recognize and remember. But how often they meet!

Pay attention to the exception words!

The spelling depends on the suffix –a-











combine, combination, phrase, couple (pair)

KasA - if there is a suf after the root.

A- touch;

Kos- if there is no suf.-a-


LagA - if there is a suf after the root. -A-


False - if there is no suf. -a- offer

exceptions: canopy



written after the suffix -a- compress-compress, remove-remove,



Let's consider another type of roots with alternating vowels a-o.

Let us repeat: it is impossible to check the stress of an unstressed vowel in the root -gor- (“a” is written only under stress: intoxication, carbon monoxide, tan, soot, cinder, razgar - there are few such words).

There is no point in looking for the suffix -a- after the root. But even if you find it, know that it does not affect the choice of the letter “a” (burn, burn out, burn).

The root -gar-gor- is widespread in verbs and words formed from the verb: burn, combustion, burn, flared up, combustion, combustible, tanned, burners (game). The meaning of such words is associated with fire, flame, sunlight.

Distinguish this root from similar twin words: hillock, under the mountain, grief, grieve!

In the root -zar-zor- “a” is written in an unstressed position: dawn, glow, robin (songbird with a bright breast - see photo!), robin, lightning, lightning, lightning, illuminate, illumination, illumination, illuminated, illuminated (in the stressed position less often: glow, radiant). The vowel “o” is written under stress (zorka, zoryushka, zorenka, zori).

The words “robin” and “dawn” cause controversy. Here we rely on the meaning of the word: a bird like a robin is a robin, and the reflections of lightning are a robin.

Don't forget about exception words!

Spelling depends on stress location

tan, burnt

exceptions: fumes, dross, scorch

under stress the letter we hear, without stress -a

dawn, lightning

exceptions: zorevat (not sleeping at dawn), zoryanka (lightning flashes)



under the accent the letter that we hear, without the stress o: bow, bow, creativity, creature, creator

exceptions: utensils

Swimmer, swimmer

We have already talked about the root -lag-false. It's time to deal with the root -grow-grow-grow-.

It is written in verbs and in all words formed from them: grow, grow, grow, plant, age, increase, fusion, increment, nurtured.

Growth - is found in verbs and past participles: grew, grew, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up, grew up (and also in nouns: undergrowth, algae, thickets).

Similar-sounding words need to be distinguished: melt (melt and prefix dis-), painting (root and prefix ro-), dew (dew), lose (lose and prefix dis-), luxurious (luxury)!

You simply must learn the exception words!

The most difficult and confusing type of roots is based on the lexical meaning of the word.

And again, don't forget about exceptions!

Writing depends on meaning

Poppy - immerse in liquid: dip, dunk, dip

Mok - let liquid through: get wet, get wet, waterproof raincoat

exceptions: blotting paper, blotter

Equal, equal, the same can be weight, age: uniform, equivalent, compare, equalize, equal, equal, equal, equal, all the same, equal

Everything that is straight and smooth is called even: level, level, level, level, level, level

exceptions: plain, equal, peer, equally, level

The table compiled by the students summarizes data on those roots whose spelling follows particular patterns.

The spelling of the root depends

from the suffix -a-

from the point of impact

from consonant

from the meaning



Mer- world-


Ter - tira-

Shine - shine -

Burn - burn -

Stele – style-

Chet - read-

exceptions: combine, combination

tan, burnt


fumes, soot, scorch


grown, plant

exceptions: sprout, industry, growth, moneylender, Rostov, Rostislav, adolescent, teenage

Poppy immerse in liquid:


Mok - let liquid through: soak,


blotting paper, blotter

Kasa - if there is a suf after the root.

A- touch;

Kos - if there is no suf.

A- touch

Laga - if after the root there is a suf.-a-


False - if there is no suf.-a- sentence

exceptions: canopy


under the accent the letter we hear, without the accent -a

dawn, lightning


to dawn,

Zoryanka (lightning flashes)


before -k- we will write

And, before -h- we’ll write -o jump, jump out

exceptions: jump, gallop

Equal, weight, age can be the same


they call everything straight, smooth: level, level;


plain, equal,

same age, equal, level

A(i)-im(in)- combinations -im(in)-

written after the suffix -a- compress-compress, remove-remove



under the stress is the letter that we hear, without the stress o: bow, bow, creativity, creator;

exception: utensils

Float - vowel stressed and unstressed: float, floating, float

Swimmer, swimmer

exceptions: quicksand, floating soil (float)

before -g- we will write -a, before -z- we will write –o attach, attach

exceptions: canopy

Training tasks

Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling:

The days were unbearably hot, hot, but in the small oak forest there was a life-giving freshness. The glossy leaves of the plants are fresh, as if they have just been dipped in shiny wax. Whole families of mushrooms grow in abundance on peaty soil. A hare jumped out of the thicket to the edge of the forest and slowly began to make its way from tree to tree. And ahead lay a plain. The sun's rays touched the treetops.

But here it is evening. Soon the moon will rise, illuminate the entire surrounding area with a mysterious light, and the stars will light up in the sky. And the great mystery of the night will begin.

The letter “i” is written in the word:

a) lie down, freeze, die, die, pick up, fucking sleep;

b) burn, to tear, to, to remove, to pour;

c) freezing, scorching, brilliant, cauterizing.

The letter "e" is written in the word:

a) read a book, rise..toss, bl..stitch, spread, subtract..t;

b) collect, wipe, wipe, die, die, erase, lock;

c) marriage, arranged, locked, strayed, became, chosen.

The letter "a" is written in the word:

a) wash out in the rain, wash out all the ink, sleepy, sunburned, dirty, wet, muddy;

b) jump..chock, speed up..kal, touch..sit, melt..sweep, apprehend, m..dump dumplings;

c) urgently, reacted, rashly, rushed, all right, in vain.

The letter "o" is written in the word:

a) bend..bow, bow..beetle, pl..wunets, pl..sneeze, pl..buchy, jealousy;

b) approve, warm, brighten, balance, balance;

c) resist, create, strengthen, follow, straighten paths, bend.

Insert the missing letters and complete the row with your word:

collect, remove, separate, ...

freeze..freeze, die..die, freeze..freeze, …

touch..dream, k..fell, tangent, ...

tan..burnt, scorched..burnt, burnt...

in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, ...

R..stislav, growing up, growing up, ...

At this point, we will dwell in more detail on those that have not been analyzed.

2.3.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root

Rule Examples
1. In an unstressed position, the letter that is written in the same syllable when it is under stress is used. To thunder is cumbersome, to imagine, an image is an example, to irritate is to tease, to beg is to beg, to belittle is small.
2. If e is written under stress, then e is written without stress in the same syllable. Scratch - slash, motley - smear, solid - stop blush.
3. In words of Old Church Slavonic origin, in an unstressed position, an incomplete vowel combination is written with one vowel a-ra, la; in parallel native Russian words a full-vowel combination with two vowels is written o-oro, olo. Br A hello - b o ro zda, region A co - about oh lo wow, wow A waiting - x oh lo d, look A s - g oh lo s, ogre A yes - og o ro die, ch A va - g oh lo va, abbr. A forgive - to o ro soft
4. If the spelling of a vowel in an unstressed position cannot be checked by the stressed position, then the spelling of the vowel must be remembered (or checked its spelling in a dictionary). Object, obsession, but aroma, panorama, labyrinth, lottery, concrete, saucepan, privilege, these kets.


1) Word to the line is the same root as the word up to l; word teacher A vatel- with the word give; words overcome, overcome- with the word C to A.

2) Nouns company And company vary in meaning.

TO and the company- 1. “The totality of military operations; war in a certain period" ( military campaign, Russian-Japanese campaign); 2. “Events, activities” ( election campaign, sowing campaign).
TO about the company- 1. “Society, a group of people spending time together” (friendly company); 2. “Commercial or industrial enterprise” (cf.: steel company).

3) The vowels o-a in the roots of verbs cannot be checked using the imperfective form na -yat (-ivat), cf.: rasko let - rask A bark, talk - talk A rip.

4) In some borrowed words with a suffix that stood out in the past, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the vowel being checked belong to suffixes of different origins, cf.:

intellect ct. intelligent gent,
accompaniment. accompany
lead r. to lead,
trainer. train,
subscription subscribe,
disinfection. disinfect.

Note. Read also about ways to check unstressed vowels in the root on the page: How to check words with unstressed vowels in the root?

2.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels

Roots with alternating vowels A/O

1. Dependence on stress

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Gar-/gor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), o is written in the unstressed position. Tan - tanned, tanned, sunburnt. Burn, burn, burn.
Clan-/clone- Bow, bow - bow, bow, bow, bow.
Creature-/creative- Creature, creativity - create, create, transform, pretend. Utensil.
Zar-/zor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), a is written in the unstressed position. Roar, dawn - roar, dawn, illuminate. Roar, dawn.
Swim-/swim- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a, o, or ы), a is written in the unstressed position. Swim, swim - swim, float, swim beetle. Swimmer, swimmer;
ply vuny

2. Dependence on final consonants of the root

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Before st and sch it is written a, before s it is written o. Grow, plant, grow, growth - grown, thickets, shoots. A) Rostov, Rostislav, Rostok, moneylender, Vyrostok rostivistic).
b) reflection(and derivatives from them, for example: otra left).
Jump-/jump- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), in the unstressed position a is written before k, and o is written before h. Jump, gallop, gallop - upstart, jump in, jump out. Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Lag-/false- A is written before g, o is written before g. Addendum, put, decompose - add, put, decompose. Polo g.

3. Dependence on the presence of the suffix -a-

4. Dependency on value

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Mac-/mok- The root mak- (mach-) is written in words meaning “to immerse in liquid.”
The root mok- (moch-) is written in words meaning “to let liquid through, to become wet.”
Let's put the pen into the ink("load") dip bread in sour cream(“immerse”) - promo whip spot(“pass liquid”), promotional paper(“permeable liquid”), moisten(“make it wet”).
Equal-/equal- The root equal is written in words meaning “same, equal, equal.”
The root is written in words meaning “smooth, straight.”
It's time to pay attention(“to be on the same line, in the same position”), the equation(“mathematical equality”) - take in the bushes(“make it even”), take in the sand(“make it even, smooth”). Ravine, age, level, same age.

Roots with alternating vowels I/E

Roots Rule Examples

If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the root is written and, if there is no suffix, then the root is written e.

Take it - I'll take it.
Jig-/burn- To survive is to survive.
Steel-/steel- To make the bed - to lay the bed.
Blist-/glitter- Shine - shine.
World-/mer- To die is to die.
Tyr-/ter- Erase - erase.
Dir-/der- To tear it apart - it will tear it apart.
Feast-/per- Lock up - lock up.

Subtract that - subtract you. try on, try on a dress, measure.

2) The alternation and /e in the roots pir- / is typical only for words with the meanings “close”, “open”, “move”, “protrude forward, squeeze out”, etc.

To lock - to lock, to unlock - to unlock, to bulge - to bulge.

In words with the root pir- with the meaning “abundant treat, feast”, and is always written.

Feast, feast.

Alternation A(I)/im(in)

Roots Rule Examples
Roots with alternating a(i)/im(in) If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then it is written in the root (in); if there is no suffix, then a /ya is written in the root. Squeeze - shake, press - press, knead - knead, understand - understand, start - start, remember - memory.

2.3.3. Use of the letter E

As noted (see paragraph 1.5), the vowel letter e is used primarily after soft consonants and at the beginning of a word, after vowels, if it denotes two sounds [j] + vowel ( yes, the land of the Vedas).

At the same time, according to tradition, in many words after hard consonants and after vowels (where there is no sound [j]) e is also written, not e.

When choosing a vowel, you should use the following rules:

Written E It's written E
1. In foreign words after a consonant, for example: muffler, stand, lady, dandy, Mary. 1. After consonants in some foreign words: mayor, sir, peer and derivatives from them ( mayor's office, peerage), in some proper names: Bacon, Bela, Ulan-Ude.
2. After a vowel and, for example: diet, requiem, caries. 2. After vowels (except and), in accordance with pronunciation, e is written, for example: silhouette, poetry, duet.
3. In words: project, projection, register, extravaganza. 3. At the beginning of a word, in accordance with pronunciation, it is written e ( this, exam, floor, economics) and their derivatives ( exam, save).