All rules are interleaved. What are alternating vowels in the root of a word: rule and examples

At this point, we will dwell in more detail on those that have not been analyzed.

2.3.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root

Rule Examples
1. In an unstressed position, the letter that is written in the same syllable when it is under stress is used. To thunder is cumbersome, to imagine, an image is an example, to irritate is to tease, to beg is to beg, to belittle is small.
2. If e is written under stress, then e is written without stress in the same syllable. Scratch - slash, motley - smear, solid - stop blush.
3. In words of Old Church Slavonic origin, in an unstressed position, an incomplete vowel combination is written with one vowel a-ra, la; in parallel native Russian words a full-vowel combination with two vowels is written o-oro, olo. Br A hello - b o ro zda, region A co - about oh lo wow, wow A waiting - x oh lo d, look A s - g oh lo s, ogre A yes - og o ro die, ch A va - g oh lo va, abbr. A forgive - to o ro soft
4. If the spelling of a vowel in an unstressed position cannot be checked by the stressed position, then the spelling of the vowel must be remembered (or checked its spelling in a dictionary). Object, obsession, but aroma, panorama, labyrinth, lottery, concrete, saucepan, privilege, these kets.


1) Word to the line is the same root as the word up to l; word teacher A vatel- with the word give; words overcome, overcome- with the word C to A.

2) Nouns company And company vary in meaning.

TO and the company- 1. “The totality of military operations; war in a certain period" ( military campaign, Russian-Japanese campaign); 2. “Events, activities” ( election campaign, sowing campaign).
TO about the company- 1. “Society, a group of people spending time together” (friendly company); 2. “Commercial or industrial enterprise” (cf.: steel company).

3) The vowels o-a in the roots of verbs cannot be checked using the imperfective form na -yat (-ivat), cf.: rasko let - rask A bark, talk - talk A rip.

4) In some borrowed words with a suffix that stood out in the past, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the vowel being checked belong to suffixes of different origins, cf.:

intellect ct. intelligent gent,
accompaniment. accompany
lead r. to lead,
trainer. train,
subscription subscribe,
disinfection. disinfect.

Note. Read also about ways to check unstressed vowels in the root on the page: How to check words with unstressed vowels in the root?

2.3.2. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels

Roots with alternating vowels A/O

1. Dependence on stress

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Gar-/gor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), o is written in the unstressed position. Tan - tanned, tanned, sunburnt. Burn, burn, burn.
Clan-/clone- Bow, bow - bow, bow, bow, bow.
Creature-/creative- Creature, creativity - create, create, transform, pretend. Utensil.
Zar-/zor- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), a is written in the unstressed position. Roar, dawn - roar, dawn, illuminate. Roar, dawn.
Swim-/swim- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a, o, or ы), a is written in the unstressed position. Swim, swim - swim, float, swim beetle. Swimmer, swimmer;
ply vuny

2. Dependence on final consonants of the root

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Before st and sch it is written a, before s it is written o. Grow, plant, grow, growth - grown, thickets, shoots. A) Rostov, Rostislav, Rostok, moneylender, Vyrostok rostivistic).
b) reflection(and derivatives from them, for example: otra left).
Jump-/jump- Regardless of which vowel is written under stress (a or o), in the unstressed position a is written before k, and o is written before h. Jump, gallop, gallop - upstart, jump in, jump out. Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Lag-/false- A is written before g, o is written before g. Addendum, put, decompose - add, put, decompose. Polo g.

3. Dependence on the presence of the suffix -a-

4. Value dependence

Roots Rule Examples Exceptions
Mac-/mok- The root mak- (mach-) is written in words meaning “to immerse in liquid.”
The root mok- (moch-) is written in words meaning “to let liquid through, to become wet.”
Let's put the pen into the ink("load") dip bread in sour cream(“immerse”) - promo whip spot(“pass liquid”), promotional paper(“permeable liquid”), moisten(“make it wet”).
Equal-/equal- The root equal is written in words meaning “same, equal, equal.”
The root is written in words meaning “smooth, straight.”
It's time to pay attention(“to be on the same line, in the same position”), the equation(“mathematical equality”) - take in the bushes(“make it even”), take in the sand(“make it even, smooth”). Ravine, age, level, same age.

Roots with alternating vowels I/E

Roots Rule Examples

If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the root is written and, if there is no suffix, then the root is written e.

Take it - I'll take it.
Jig-/burn- To survive is to survive.
Steel-/steel- To make the bed - to lay the bed.
Blist-/glitter- Shine - shine.
World-/mer- To die is to die.
Tyr-/ter- Erase - erase.
Dir-/der- To tear it apart - it will tear it apart.
Feast-/per- Lock up - lock up.

Subtract that - subtract you. try on, try on a dress, measure.

2) The alternation and /e in the roots pir- / is typical only for words with the meanings “close”, “open”, “move”, “protrude forward, squeeze out”, etc.

To lock - to lock, to unlock - to unlock, to bulge - to bulge.

In words with the root pir- with the meaning “abundant treat, feast”, and is always written.

Feast, feast.

Alternation A(I)/im(in)

Roots Rule Examples
Roots with alternating a(i)/im(in) If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then it is written in the root (in); if there is no suffix, then a /ya is written in the root. Squeeze - shake, press - press, knead - knead, understand - understand, start - start, remember - memory.

2.3.3. Use of the letter E

As noted (see paragraph 1.5), the vowel letter e is used primarily after soft consonants and at the beginning of a word, after vowels, if it denotes two sounds [j] + vowel ( yes, the land of the Vedas).

At the same time, according to tradition, in many words after hard consonants and after vowels (where there is no sound [j]) e is also written, not e.

When choosing a vowel, you should use the following rules:

Written E It's written E
1. In foreign words after a consonant, for example: muffler, stand, lady, dandy, Mary. 1. After consonants in some foreign words: mayor, sir, peer and derivatives from them ( mayor's office, peerage), in some proper names: Bacon, Bela, Ulan-Ude.
2. After a vowel and, for example: diet, requiem, caries. 2. After vowels (except and), in accordance with pronunciation, e is written, for example: silhouette, poetry, duet.
3. In words: project, projection, register, extravaganza. 3. At the beginning of a word, in accordance with pronunciation, it is written e ( this, exam, floor, economics) and their derivatives ( exam, save).

The root is the basis of the word, carrying the main lexical load. It is the most stable morpheme in the language: the basic vocabulary of any natural language dates back to ancient times. During the existence of a language, phonetics, syntax, grammar, and writing may change beyond recognition, but the root system is quite conservative. And it is by the root composition that such things as the relationship of languages, foreign influences and much more are established.

In contact with

With all its stability the root of the word also undergoes changes over time, and traces of these changes are present in the language; The Russian language is no exception here. Below we will talk about such a phenomenon as alternating vowels in the root of a word. In science, this phenomenon is called ablaut.

In Russian, ablaut is a historical phenomenon. There are quite a lot of words with him. And if we are dealing with an unstressed alternating vowel of the root, then we cannot use the school rule, according to which the vowel must be stressed in order to find out which one to write. It is even more difficult for people learning Russian as a foreign language, because in many cases that are obvious to a native speaker (that is, there is no unstressed vowel at the root, there is an accent), a foreigner has to remember a non-standard model of word formation or inflection.

Origin of alternating vowels in the root of a word

Where the roots with ablaut come from in the Russian language is a vast topic and deserves a separate article. The reasons for this phenomenon will be summarized below. But I would like to note that the process continues: it currently exists in phonetics, despite the fact that the spelling norms of the Russian language have long been fixed.

So, where does the Russian language have alternating vowels at the root of words?

Sometimes several factors worked together, for example, in words X reap, reap, reaper, P pressing t Such diversity is fundamentally a consequence of both the disappearance of nasal sounds and the decline of reduced ones.

Spelling roots with alternating vowels

Be that as it may, in the Russian language there are about thirty words with ablaut, where native speakers themselves make mistakes. Those people who read a lot have the least problems in spelling: the graphic image of a word is not separated from the word itself, and therefore they do not need to know the rules. For the rest, we will try to create a summary table, where we will try to classify the types of alternation at the root and their spelling. The table is also useful because it will help in spelling precisely unstressed vowels at the root.

selection criterion rule and examples exceptions notes and special cases
suffix behind the root e/i. If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then we write and at the root. In other cases - e. take - take away, die - die, wash - erase, anneal - burn, unlock - unlock cover - lay wash - rub shine - shine, read - read combine, couple, rub badass take away, lock
a(i)/im, a(i)/in. If after the root there is a suffix -a-, in the root we write -im-, -in-. In other cases we write a. squeeze - squeeze, reap; understand - understand bunnies, bunnies(folklore terms related to harvest) pulp, squeeze sometimes alternate with zero sound: reaper
-kas-, -kos-, -lag-, -lozh-. If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, we write a, otherwise - o. touch - touch, believe put canopy, prologue
emphasis -gar, -gor-, tvar-, -tvor-, plav-, plov-, -clan-, -clone-. -a- under stress, o without stress. bow - evade, tan - burn, swim - swimmer, create - creature.-zar-, -zor-. Accented o, unaccented a dawn - dawn utensils, swimmer, as well as words where the emphasis is on: bow, shutter glow, glow at the root -plav-, -pilaf- can be alternating with s: swim, quicksand.
letter after vowel -growth-, -ras-, -growth-. Before -st- and -sh- it is written a, before -s- o grow, grown, grown-jump-, -jump-. and before -k-, o before -h- jump - jump out sprout, growth, moneylender, teenager, industry, grove jump, jump, jump, jump
lexical meaning -mac-, -mok-. We write a in the meaning of “immerse in liquid”, o in the meaning of “pass liquid through” dunk - get wet-equal-, -equal-. We write a in the meaning of “identical”, o in the meaning of “straight” equality, even, equation, trim -speckled-, -crop-. We write about in the meaning of “to sprinkle”, and in the meaning of “to cover with small spots” to sprinkle - speckled plain, equal!, equally, level, equal, peer
verb suffix o/a. in some imperfective verbs with the suffix of repetition of action -ыва-, -iva- the root o changes to a talk - persuade ask - beg soak - soak trample - trample you should not check an unstressed vowel on a verb with the suffixes -yva-, -iva-

Only at first glance does it seem like an elementary topic. In fact, there are many nuances here, without knowledge of which it is almost impossible to write correctly.

With unstressed vowels, everything is easy: you just select the one in which the desired sound will be stressed - and insert it by analogy (balls - ball, wave - waves). But another issue is the alternating vowels in the root. Examples of this rule come across us all the time: wipe - wipe, tan - burn, dawn - dawn - these words occur every day, and intuition does not always tell you which letter to insert in place of the gap. To guess or not to guess - that is the question. It’s probably better to figure it out and feel confident.

Radical suffix - first case

In principle, examples of alternating vowels in the root of a word can be divided into five parts. The smallest of them is the alternation o//a, depending on the presence of a radical suffix.

The only root that fits this rule is called kas//kos. If there is a suffix “a” after it, you need to write “kas” (touch), otherwise it is written “o” (touch).

We consolidate the first roots with alternating vowels with practice. You need to place the letters in the spaces:

K...shit, k...dream,, k...substantial, k...sleepy (mind), close...t (sleeves), touching, inaccessible...substantial, touching...sentative, contact...dreaming.

Radical consonants

Another small group are roots with alternating vowels, the spelling of which depends on the consonant following the root. These include rast//rasch//ros, skak//skoch and lag//log.

In the first case, the vowel “o” is written only before “s” (grown), otherwise you need to insert “a” (plant, grown) - there are only three combinations of letters that affect the alternating vowels in the root. Examples and simultaneous consolidation: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow. By the way, one more important clarification: this rule has exception words, the spelling of which must be remembered: industry, Rostov, moneylender. Rostislav, Rostock.

Next comes the root skak//skoch, where before “k” you need to write “a”, and before “h” - “o”. True, there are exceptions here: skAchu, jump and all derivatives from them. Let's practice this point of the rule: sk...kick, jump out, jump...nod, jump...kick, jump...nod, sk...count.

And the last root of this rule is lag//lie, here too everything is extremely clear: before “g” - “a” and before “g” - “o”. Words with alternating vowels in the root are examples of this rule for reinforcement: p, adjective, ex...position, exposition, l...f...offer. But even here there is an exception: pog.


The third, by no means large group, are alternating vowels in the root, examples of spelling of which depend on the meaning. This, by the way, is one of the most confusing points of the rule, despite the fact that there are only two roots in it: poppy//mok and equal//level.

If complete immersion in liquid is meant, then the root is written “poppy”, but if the ability to pass water is written “mok”. Let's try to figure it out with examples: m...dip in tea, waterproof...dip, d...dip in ink, rinse...write what is written with blotting paper.

With the root equal//level, everything is a little more complicated. If it is said that something is equal to something, “sameness,” you need to write the root “equal,” but if you talk about a smooth surface, “even.” By the way, you can remember this point with associations: equality - “equal”, equal - “equal”. But even here there are exceptions: plain, equal, equal, equal. We fix: vyr...listen, ur...listen, level...ven, sr...vnenie, zar...listen, r...vnina.


The roots are zar//zor, plav//pilaf//swim, pai//sing - without emphasis it is written “a”, with emphasis - “o”. Let’s immediately remember the exceptions: swimmer, swimmer, quicksand and roar (the last word is a controversial issue - in some manuals it is given as an exception, but in others it is not indicated at all). We fix: s..ri, p...yalnik, s...rya,,, s...rya.

In the roots gar//gor, tvar//tvor and clan//clone, everything is exactly the opposite: with an accent it is written “a”, and without an accent - “o”. There are, however, a little more exceptions: scorch, dross, residues, utensils. Remember: worship, g...swear, swear, s...r.

Radical suffix - second case

And the largest group, similar examples of alternation of vowels in the roots of which have already been discussed above, is the spelling of e//i depending on the suffixes in a number of words. The advantage is that, despite the large number of roots that fit this rule, there are practically no exceptions, and you can memorize them using a mnemonic phrase. Here she is: " Did you wipe your feet? - Wipe it off!

Have you already guessed? Yes, the vowel alternation in this case depends on the presence of the suffix “a”, as in kas//kos. The roots bir//ber, tyr//ter, mir//mer, dir//der, pir//per, stil//steel, blist//blest, zhig//zheg, chit//even follow this rule. And for all this huge number of roots there are only two exceptions: combination and combine. Some, however, also include the words zadira and protirka here, but here the vowel is under stress, so writing it with an error is very problematic.

We are securing the largest group: bl...take off, pick up, pro...r, freeze...deep,, spread out, light...g,,, read....

Summarization and repetition

The table “Alternating vowels in the root” will help you remember everything written above.


Within the meaning of


Immerse in liquid//pass water

Make equal//make equal

Be equal



From the root suffix

Suffix “a”//no suffix “a”

From the root suffix

style//steel blist//brilliant

Suffix “a”//no suffix “a”



From a combination of consonants

grow // grow // grow


before “st” and “sch”//before “s”

before “k”//before “h”

before “g”//before “g”


From stress

swim // swim // swim






under stress//without stress

As you can see from the table, the entire long rule fits into several cells. In principle, it is enough to remember a few examples from each category in order to write correctly, however, you should never forget about exceptions. Over time, alternating vowels in the root, examples of which are found everywhere, will no longer cause difficulties at all.

reference Information

Unstressed vowels in the roots of words can be different:



· alternating.

Their writing follows different patterns. Read the rules, look at the examples.

To complete the task correctly, you need to be able to determine which of these three cases the examples in your version of the CMM belong to.

The task requires knowledge of how words are written. To answer correctly, you need to be able to accurately identify the spelling. This action is similar to going through passport control at the border: the border guard looked at you, looked at the photo in your passport, and the way is clear. Before you are 5 words and the wording of the task. First understand what to look for.

If the task is on tested vowels, this is one thing, if on alternating vowels, then another.

Let's remember what is what.

Tested unstressed vowels in the root: goat´, goat - goats

In an unstressed position, the same vowel is written at the root of the word as under stress.

Why do we write the letter O, but not A in words: goat, goat? Because - goats!

How to check?

Choose the same word, but in a different form: goat´, goat - goats(plural) or a related word, that is, a word with the same root: goat', goat - goat', goat'.

Do not confuse:

It is a mistake to select the following as test words:

words with different meanings: frequency - pure, purity - often

words with alternating vowels in the root: sunbathe - tan, dawn - dawn

verbs of another type: be late - be late, assimilate - assimilate

Unverifiable unstressed vowels in the root: dog, cuttlefish, kamorka

Tip No. 1: for everyone except those preparing for the Unified State Exam*:

This is the stupidest of all rules, because it is not a rule at all! Why? Because there is no action that would help decide which letter to write. The only thing you can do is find the right word in the dictionary. All textbooks advise this. But a dictionary may not be at hand. This means that such words need to be memorized. The more such words you know, the better. Gradually, you will develop intuition, and words with unchecked vowels will not create difficulties. So, despite the seeming stupidity, this rule is very useful!

Tip No. 2: for those preparing for the Unified State Exam:

If you cannot classify a word among words with alternating vowels in the roots and find test words (by changing the form of the word or looking for words with the same root), then you have a word with an untestable vowel.


After successfully passing the Unified State Exam, you can return to tip No. 1. It won't harm your life.

Alternating vowels in the root

The alternation of vowels in the roots of Russian words is a systemic phenomenon. There are many roots with alternating vowels, but in school practice they study a mandatory list. It includes 20 roots, which are presented below. You need to remember them and firmly know the entire list. This will help you avoid many annoying mistakes.
Sometimes they ask me in letters: “Why don’t you give the root -log-? After all, in fact, alternation is not - lag-//-lozh-, A -lag-//-log-//-false-
It's simple. I propose the option that is presented in most school textbooks. The unified exam is being prepared by FIPI, which promises that differences in programs will not affect the exam result. So far this setting has been followed. A - log- don’t let it worry you: it only comes with an accent! Forgery, pledge, pretext and others. And in the tasks you will only have words with unstressed roots. Therefore, I believe that we should not distract you with this and other similar cases.

For those who want to know not a short, school list of 20 roots, but a complete list of all roots with alternating vowels, I recommend the most authoritative source: “The Complete Academic Directory,” edited by V. Lopatin.

And here we will remember what you all studied at school.

1. Alternation of vowels in roots ber // bir, per//feast, measures//peace, burned //zhig, ter // shooting range, der//dir, h et//cheat, shine // shine, steel//steel: erase-erase

If in a word with roots: -ber-//-bir-, -per-//-pir-, -zheg-//-zhig-, -mer-//-mir-, -ter-//-tir- , -der-//-dir-, -even-//-cheat-, - shine-//-blist-, -steel-//-steel-

there is a suffix a , write at the root And: take away, shine,
no suffixa, write e: takes, shine.

2. Alternation of vowels in roots kos//kas: touch - touch

If in a word

there is a suffix a , write at the root A: touch, touch,

· no suffix A, write O: touch, touch

3. Alternation of vowels in roots mok//poppy: soaked - dunk

If in words with roots -mok-//-poppy- meaning:

“to pass liquid, to absorb liquid,” then write o: got wet in the rain,
“immerse in liquid”, write a: dip.

4. Alternation of vowels in roots equal//equal: level - equalize

If in words with roots -rovn-//-equal- the meaning is:

“even, smooth”, write o: level the road, fill out the holes,
"equality", write A: equalize rights, equilateral.

5. Alternation of vowels in roots mountains//gar, creation//creature, clone//clan: damn it's burnt

If the roots -gar-//-mountain-, -creature-//-creation-, -clan-//-clone-

no accent, write O: burns, was leaning, create,
under stress, write as you hear: Tan, bow, creation, creature.


6. Alternation of vowels in roots dawn // dawn: dawn´

If the roots -zar-//-zor-

without stress, write a: dawn, lightning
under stress, write as you hear: dawn.

Exception: dawn

7. Alternation of vowels in roots pilaf//swimming: float´k–swimmers´(excl.)

If the roots are -float-//-float-

without accent, write a: float´k,
under stress, write as you hear: swim, swim, swim.

Exception: swimmers', swimmer', swimmers', quicksand'

8. Alternation of vowels in roots grew // grow // grow, log//log, skak//skoch: the plant grew, term - addition, jump - upstart

If the root consonants are:

· With, write O: grew up,
st or sch, That A: grow, grown,

· and, write O: offer,
G, That A: term,

· h, write O: upstart,
To, That A: jump rope.

Exception: growth, growth, usurer, growth, teenage(along with the literary norm teenage) and their derivatives: sprout, usurer and etc.

Words are also written with the letter o Rostov, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov the Great, Rostov, Rostislav.

jump and verb forms jump and its derivatives: I’ll gallop, I’ll gallop, I’ll skip, I’ll skip, I’ll skip, I’ll skip, etc.

Do not confuse:

derivatives of verbs jump and verbs based on - jump off( t):
1) gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop
2) jump, jump, jump, jump, jump off

ride a horse - ride past,

List of roots
need to know
to each:

1-9: -ber-//-bir-, -per-//-pir-, -mer-//-peace-, -burned-//-zhig-, -ter-//-tir-, -der-//-dir-, -cheat-//-cheat-, -brilliant-//-brilliant-, -steel-//-steel-

10: -kas-//-kos-

11: -mok-//-mac-

12: -equal-//-equal-

13-15: -gor-//-gar-, -creation-//-creation-, -clone-//-clan-

16: -zor-//-zar-

17: -pilaf-//-swim-

18-20: -grown-//-grow-//-grow-, -lag-//-false-, -jump-//-jump-

Alternating vowels in a root is when different letters are written in one root while maintaining its lexical meaning. In this case, it is impossible to check unstressed vowels with stress; their spelling is based on a number of special rules.

I. The spelling of vowels is fundamentally dependent on stress

A and O under stress unstressed position

-ga r-:

tan, soot, soot

-th r-:

zagorat, zagorely, pogo relat

excl.: burning, scorching, scorching

-for r- And -zor-:

roar, radiant, dawn

-for r-:

illuminate, beyond the rya, beyond the rynitsa, illuminated,

for the ryanka(bird), for roaring *

-klan- And -clone-:

bow, bow


-klo n-:

bow down, bow down


-tva r- And -your r-:

creature, creativity, creative

-your r-:

your creation, create, create

excl.: utensil

II. The spelling of vowels depends on the following consonant in the root

-ra st-, -ra sch- -ro With-

before ST, SCH- A

grows, grows, grown

before WITH- ABOUT

grown up, grown up, inexpensively

excl.: rostok, otra sl, grower, Rostov, Rostislav

-ska To-

-sko h-

before TO- A

skating, skating, skating, skating

before H- ABOUT

jump up, jump up, upstart

excl.: ska h ok, okay h uh, ska h And

-la G- -lo and-

before G- A

express, suppose, adjective

before AND- ABOUT

exposition, assumption, versification

III. Vowel spelling depends on suffix

“IrA” rule: I is written at the root if immediately followed by the suffix -a-.

-bi ra- / -be r- sobi r A t - collect, choose A t - choose ru
-di ra- / -de r- udi r A t - remove ru, remove r A no - will separate
-ti ra- / -te r- wipe p A et - wipe r, wash r A yu-ster
-pi ra- / -pe r- opi r A lean - lean, lock A li - locked
-mi ra- / -me r- die A t - die r, freeze r A t - frozen
-zhi ga- / -zhe g- survive A t - above g, light up g A t - lit g
-sti la- / -ste l- grow l A et - spread out, move l A t - stopped liv

Bli st- / -ble st-,

Ble sn-

bliss A damn A shining, shining A telny

shine, shine, shine

ble sleep, ble sleep, ble sk

Chi ta- / -che t-

subtract t A t - subtract

excl.: combination, combine

The root is written A if the root is followed by the suffix -a-.

-ka sa- / -ko s- ka with A to dream - to dream, not comfortable with A taken, touch

IV. The spelling of a vowel depends on the meaning of the root

-ra vn-

"equal, identical, on a par"

-ro in-

"flat, smooth, straight"

ra heed, nature heed; employee salaries have increased


excl.: poro vnu

ro heed, ro he heed; the fighters have come to their senses(stand up straight)


excl.: ra vnina

-ma k-

"to dip, to immerse in liquid"

-mo k-

“to become wet, to let in moisture”

whack, whack, whack wet roll, wet roll, wet whip, waterproof

* A few years ago the word for roaring was considered an exception to the general rule and was written with the root zor-. Today the rule is that you need to write through A: for roaring. This is what the Russian Spelling Dictionary recommends; this spelling also corresponds to the rules of the complete academic reference book:

§ 35. ... zar - zar. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written A .

From the “Explanatory Russian Spelling Dictionary-Reference Book” (authors E. V. Beshenkova, O. E. Ivanova, L. K. Cheltsova):

Words for the roar, for the duckweed, for the roar have changed the spelling in dictionaries in recent decades. Since 1999, the academic spelling dictionary has given the word for roaring. Until 1974, dictionaries recommended writing the word Zoryanka with the root zor-. The “Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language” in the 13th edition of 1974 approved the spelling as standard for the ryanka.

Word behind the roar since 1991 it is recommended to write only with the root zar-, although in the 1974 spelling dictionary both options were given, and in 1956 there were only zorevoy, in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov - glow.

How the spelling of a proper name became established Dawn Cannon(in St. Petersburg), although in the general case it is written behind the roaring gun. As an example, let’s take the title of V. Shukshin’s story, which is still written either “Glow Rain” or “Dawn Rain”.

In Sholokhov's works the word dawn only with the root zor-:

  • - And by the morning we will sort out the results: who should grieve, and who dawn and stretch in your sleep.
  • (M. A. Sholokhov. Virgin Soil Upturned.).
  • - For a long time you're shining , Panteley Prokofich! - the sweaty mowers made noise.
  • (M. A. Sholokhov. Quiet Don.).