Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person: an algorithm of actions. Re-issuing a loan to another person How to re-issuing a loan to another person

Many people face problems, especially material ones.

Often you have to borrow money, both from relatives and from state banks, that is, take.

The borrower has the opportunity to re-register his loan to another individual.

However, all actions must take place with the consent of the creditor.

The transaction must be carried out in written format. To transfer a debt to a second person, you must obtain confirmation from the creditor. The translation must be recorded in writing. Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person and how to do it?

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Applying for a loan is not difficult, but paying it off will be difficult.

As a rule, problems arise due to circumstances that make it impossible to pay the bank.

Is it possible to transfer it to another person?

The bank can accommodate you by continuing the deferment or stopping the loan for a while.

But this is so rare that it is better to transfer your debt to another person. Even with a bad CI, you can go to another bank, take out a loan there and pay back to the previous one. But you will still have to return the funds:

  • Firstly, you need to carefully re-read the loan agreement, especially those parts that talk about payment and registration of debt to third parties. If this is indicated on the paper, then that’s great. Now all that remains is to find someone who can pay. Mostly good friends or relatives agree to this.
  • There is another option: when a person has purchased a car, he can sell it and the buyer will pay the debt.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person with his consent? Yes, but remember that the department may require documentation to support the difficult situation. This could be a certificate of unemployment, illness, divorce, etc.

The check will affect not only the first borrower, but also the person who will undertake to repay the debt. It must fully comply with the requirements:

  • Have a good credit history.
  • Be without a criminal record.
  • Have a passport and income certificate.

When everything is collected, you need to contact your authorized representative to the institution where you received it. There, a specialist should give advice; he should explain the importance of re-registration of the debt. Don’t forget to tell about the problems that have arisen, dismissal from work, illness of a loved one, etc.

It is important to provide paper that confirms this. The bank needs to clarify the list of documents; as a rule, it is the same as that of the main borrower.

Next, you should contact the bank directly and write a request for re-registration. Then wait for a response from the bank. If there is an agreement, you should go to the office again with the second person and sign the new agreement, since the old one will be canceled.

What to do if the answer is negative

In this case, the best option would be for another person to obtain the debt from a third-party bank.

The funds received must match the amount of the main loan recipient.

And a friend or loved one will repay the loan, perhaps even at more favorable prices than the main person.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person at Sberbank? Sberbank, like many other banks, provides the function of transferring a loan to another individual. a person who must meet the specified conditions. By transferring the debt into new hands, the bank risks being left with nothing, so this also needs to be taken into account.

You should also ask about the commission that the bank charges. Will the interest rate increase or the terms of payment change? You need to be especially careful with this point, as some banks may charge an additional invoice for re-registration.

Often, when the borrower is conscientious and pays the required amount on time, the bank is reluctant to make concessions in terms of transfer. The opposite will happen with a problematic payer, since they will gladly exchange him for a more pleasant and conscientious one.

It must be remembered that any bank is looking for profit for itself, so the commission or interest may increase. Therefore, you should always read documents before signing them. The bank may refuse for the following reasons:

  • The potential borrower receives insufficient salary.
  • Has a disgusting history.
  • Was in prison.

If such problems arise, the bank has every right to refuse, so these factors must initially be taken into account when selecting a replacement.

About whether it is possible to re-issue a loan to another person - in the video:

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In accordance with the legislation of our country (Article 391 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the borrower has every right to transfer his debt to another person by mutual consent. The article also states that transferring debt to another person is permissible only with the approval of the creditor.

The borrower should also be aware that the procedure for transferring debt must be carried out according to the same scheme as the loan from the previous person.

To summarize all of the above, this may mean that you have the full legislative right to transfer your debts to another person with his consent. However, for the transfer to take place, you must receive approval from the bank that issued your loan. All documents must be drawn up in writing with the participation of three parties.

How to transfer a loan to another person

Banks are extremely reluctant to support the initiative to re-issue a loan to another person, even with his consent. For example, you may need this if you want to sell an apartment with an unpaid mortgage or the person for whom you took out a loan is now able to pay the bills themselves. What to do in such a situation?

Helpful advice. Try to find out the credit history and solvency of your follower in advance. This will help save time communicating with bank employees. The bank will definitely refuse to re-issue a loan to another person if he has a bad credit history or other outstanding obligations.

After waiting for a positive decision from the credit institution, which usually takes no more than 5 business days, you need to visit the bank office again to sign a debt transfer agreement. The old loan agreement will be canceled and a new one will be drawn up for the person taking over your debt.

In the case of a mortgage, re-registration of the loan collateral will be required (the apartment for which the mortgage is being paid can serve as collateral).

In some cases you may be refused. Read on to find out what you can do in such a situation.

In what cases can you get a refusal and how to avoid it?

Banks' refusals to re-issue a loan to another person with his consent may be caused by a certain number of reasons. As a rule, they are all very similar to those that are called when refusing to issue an online loan application:

  • Lack of credit history. If the new borrower is still quite young and has never taken out a loan before, he may be refused. You can avoid this failure by taking out and then promptly paying off a small loan before applying. To do this, you can buy something you need from household appliances or make repairs in your apartment using borrowed funds. After successfully repaying the first loan, the history will be good and the bank will be much more willing to approve a new loan.
  • The applicant has problems with his credit history, and it requires “rehabilitation”. One way to deal with this problem is outlined. You can also take advantage of offers from some microfinance organizations to take out. If your loan is approved, you will not lose anything and will be able to improve your credit history.
  • Having active debt to another bank can also reduce the chances of successful approval. Other loans must be repaid in order for the bank to approve a new loan. To do this, you can use the opportunity described in detail in the article “Loan for credit”.
  • If the bank receives information in which the new borrower has already repeatedly taken over other people's debts, a suspicion of fraud will arise and this will most likely lead to a refusal.
  • Lack of income in the required amount can also become an obstacle to re-issuing a loan to another person. In such a situation, you can offer the credit institution something as collateral.
  • The bank's security service often conducts checks on future clients before concluding a transaction. This could be a call to your boss at work or to the accounting department to confirm your information provided to the bank.

Statistics show that more than 80% of applications for re-issuing a loan to another person with his consent have a positive decision. Therefore, if you are completely confident in the financial well-being of the new lender, you will definitely be successful in this event.

If you receive a refusal from the bank

The only reasonable solution that immediately comes to mind is to take out a consumer loan from another bank in an amount that allows you to completely repay your debt. There can be two positive aspects to this decision:

  1. You receive another positive review in your credit history;
  2. The lending conditions in the new bank may be more favorable than in the previous one, which will allow the new lender to even save a little.

In the case of a mortgage, you can look for the possibility of refinancing in another bank with more favorable conditions. You can even try to apply for refinancing directly to a new borrower (at least ask about this possibility).

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person? The question is relevant in the case when a person has formalized contractual obligations and realized that these funds are not needed at the moment or there is no way to pay off the debt.

With all two options, it is very important to understand the entire area of ​​responsibility for the procedure and know the main nuances. We suggest you look into all this further.

Possibility of loan renewal!

There are times in everyday life when it is necessary to re-issue a loan. This possibility occurs in banking practice when obligations are transferred to a third party.

But to implement this, you need to comply with a number of requirements prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Where it is stated that every citizen of the country has the right and opportunity to re-issue a loan to another individual with his full consent.

In addition to these standards, the participation and consent of the main creditor is required. Only under such conditions will the procedure for re-registration of funds work.

To explain in simple words, one person decided to transfer credit obligations to another, and the bank did not agree to the transfer, then the re-registration will not take place under any circumstances.

And in order to obtain one hundred percent consent, you need to know the following information.

To transfer a bank debt, the presence of a third party in the branch of the credited organization is necessary. The procedure must be supported by important arguments, which include: the possible acquisition of a serious illness, dismissal from work, a decrease in earnings, a change in marital status, etc.

Each of which must be proven documented. Moreover, the presence of all parties is mandatory. The bank will require the same package of documents from the new person as when applying for the loan initially.

Before a possible positive decision, the financial condition and reliability of the third party is checked.


Immediately before submitting your application, you need to take the time to collect the necessary documents.

We inform you about the list of these:

  • certificate confirming dismissal;
  • information from the medical institution about the disease;
  • a certificate confirming the loss of personal property (apartment, car, etc.).

The new potential debtor must provide:

  • identification;
  • certificate of salary from the place of work;
  • documents confirming ownership of property.

You can check the complete list of papers with the organization that will deal with the re-registration process. After a positive response, the debt transfer procedure will follow. Difficulties arise if it is a mortgage.

Here the actions that need to be carried out are significantly expanded, these include:

  • change of collateral property;
  • removal of one of the members participating in the loan;
  • possible extension of deadlines;
  • introduction of another creditee.

The option of transferring the mortgage is also possible with the consent of the person for whom the re-registration is planned.

Description of the procedure

How to transfer a loan to another person? Such actions are not a contradiction with respect to current legislation.

And as indicated in the information above, all possible manipulations can be carried out with the consent of all parties. It is important to understand that the entire procedure must be accompanied by notarization in writing.

The main and only creditor is the bank, which has certain doubts about providing this type of service. This implies a direct connection with the presence of various risks.

In particular, the bank will not be happy to part with a trustworthy and punctual client who was precise and met all deadlines.

Financiers will necessarily insure themselves against the risk of incomprehensible behavior of the debtor, which will be followed by the transfer of loan funds. Therefore, it is quite possible to receive a refusal regarding the possibility of re-issuing a loan to another individual.

And as a result of a positive outcome of events, new contractual relationships will follow, accompanied by an inflated interest rate in combination with various additional commissions.

Banks often offer such enslaving conditions in order to avoid such transactions. And one cannot find fault with the fact that creditors are disingenuous; everything is formalized within the framework of the current legislation.

Before starting the procedure, you must carefully study the terms of the current contract. It may contain information regarding the provision of such service. Then the institution will not be able to refuse.

The most difficult thing will be finding the right person who will take on the responsibility. As a rule, these are relatives of the original borrower. And in the future the responsibility is shifted to them.

And as a result of the resale of a vehicle purchased on credit, its next owner may become a third party. In order to transfer funds correctly, quickly and without delay, you need to contact the manager for detailed instructions regarding the actions and necessary papers for the procedure.

After submitting your application, you should expect the results of the decision within a few days. A positive answer implies a repeated visit to the bank branch to issue new debt obligations with the obligatory liquidation of old ones.

Refusal to transfer credit!

In practice, there are refusals to transfer credit funds. What to do in this situation? In this case, there is only one way out when it is necessary to direct all efforts to pay off the debt.

Also, if a person categorically refuses to assume these obligations, the procedure will not be carried out. Even if the debtor took the funds for friendly assistance, and the friend refused to give them back.

From a legal point of view, the loan is assigned to a certain person, according to the agreement, who is responsible for the reliability of the return of funds. But still, what actions need to be taken as a result of receiving a refusal?

There are three possible solutions here:

  1. Reissue a loan in another financial institution, or take out a new installment plan for another client, subject to a suitable candidate, and use the proceeds to repay the existing loan
  2. In conditions of mutual understanding and good relations between people, make an oral agreement in which one person, instead of the main borrower, will pay the monthly portion specified in the agreement, while each party will remain in its own interests
  3. If there is no trust, it is possible to draw up a receipt certified by a notary.

The presence of such options can lead to a solution to the problem, and re-issuing a loan will not seem like a huge problem for all participants.

The attitude of banks towards the debt transfer procedure

Only if the person is trustworthy can a financial company provide the service “re-issuing a loan to another person.” But, as a rule, a small number of banks are ready to provide this service.

Since they do not bring any specific benefit of their own. Statistical studies show only one percent of applications with a positive response.

Most of the largest banking organizations refuse to provide re-registration. Among them are two banking giants - Sberbank and Home Credit Bank.

But in return, they offer debt refinancing options with a pleasant interest rate.

Non-standard situations

In practice, extraordinary situations occur in which a need arises (often this happens when lending housing), where an urgent need forces us to reissue not the loan itself, but its type itself.

Such cases do occur, but subject to all taxes being withheld and receiving a notification from the tax office about payment.

For a clear example, we suggest considering a situation where a consumer loan was taken out for the purpose of purchasing housing. This type of installment plan does not fall under preferential government conditions.

There is a possibility, after renting out the house, to re-issue the loan for a mortgage. But the procedure itself provides for a number of consequences, one of which is a tax deduction on interest. And the starting point of the new type period is the date of direct re-registration.

Re-register the number to another owner (from one individual to another individual), or change the owner.


  • No additional agreements (installment plan for equipment).
  • The presence of 2 representatives: the current (transferring party) and the future owners (receiving party).


To change the owner, the personal presence of the subscriber or his authorized representative is required. The same subscriber cannot be both a transmitting and receiving party.

  • The number must not be transferred from the network of another mobile operator.


A change of owner is carried out when:

  • Visit the MTS Communications Salon or commercial representatives.

Addresses of own MTS Salons

Addresses of commercial representatives

  • Presentation of the necessary documents.

Current owner provides an identification document (see

article Identity documents for receiving the service).

If applies confidant:

  • Identity document.

If minor is the current owner, then the presence of parents/guardians/adoptive parents is not required if they have their written consent to perform actions under the agreement (executed at the time of conclusion of the agreement).

Future owner provides an identification document.

If applies confidant:

  • Power of attorney (must be notarized or equivalent to notarized, drawn up in free written form).
  • Identity document of the authorized person.
  • Identification document of the principal (for verification with the data about the principal specified in the power of attorney).

If the future owner is minor, then to change the owner, the personal presence of the minor and one of the parents/guardians/adoptive parents with passports is required.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person at Sberbank, transfer of debt


Cost of changing owner from individual to individual - 2.84 rubles. The amount is debited from the personal account of the new owner.

The service is not provided during the period from the 1st to the 5th of the month.

If there are funds on the current owner’s number, they can be transferred to the new owner’s personal account or to any other MTS number.


The list of services on the number is preserved, with the exception of the “Roaming” service. If it is necessary to have the service on the number, the new owner needs to fill out an application to add the service.

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Most people are burdened with credit obligations. In some cases, people become actively interested in the question: is there a possibilityre-registration of a loan agreement for another person? After reading this material, the reader will be able to get answers to his pressing questions.

Is it possible to refinance to another person?

The procedure for transferring existing loan obligations is regulated in Article 382 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to transfer a loan issued for one person to another

According to its contents, the borrower’s obligations can be transferred to another person only by mutual agreement of both parties. Re-issuance of a loan agreement is carried out only with the consent of the lender to carry out this procedure. When transferring loan obligations, notarization of accompanying documents is required.

It is important to know: if a person who wants to transfer the existing credit obligations of another person has been regularly making monthly payments up to this point, the bank may refuse to re-register the documents.

It is not profitable for a financial institution to take on increased risk, because it is unknown how carefully the new borrower will make monthly payments. If the bank gives the go-ahead to renew the loan agreement, the new borrower will repay the loan at an increased interest rate. Additionally, the new borrower may pay hidden fees that were not specified in the agreement.

Is it possible to reissue a loan without the consent of the parties?

Carrying out such a procedure is impossible. Even if a person goes to court, they will refuse to re-issue the loan to another person. Any coercion to re-issue a loan agreement to another individual will be regarded as extortion. During the trial, a decision will be made on the payment of the entire amount of the loan by the debtor, but not on its re-registration to another person.

What should a person do if he wants to transfer a loan to another person?

Initially, you need to visit a bank branch with a citizen for whom the loan agreement will be reissued. The bank employee will need to explain the reasons why the loan agreement will be reissued: loss of work or illness of the borrower.
To carry out the re-registration procedure, the new borrower will need to submit the following package of required documents:

  • Identity card of the new borrower;
  • Any other identification document;
  • Personal income tax certificate-2 from the last place of employment;
  • Legal documents confirming ownership of real estate or a car.

Additional documents may be requested by the bank separately, based on the borrower’s solvency.

What to do if the bank did not give the go-ahead to re-register the contract?

A person can persuade a friend re-issue a loan to an individual. He can use the funds received to pay off existing debt obligations. You can issue a notarized promissory note confirming the loan of a certain amount of funds.
The desire to re-issue debt obligations must be mutual.

It is unacceptable to re-register documents for another person without his consent. If the borrower learns of a violation of his rights, he should immediately go to court.

Video about whether it is possible to re-issue a loan to another person?

Sometimes situations happen in life when it is necessary to re-issue a loan to some other person. This can happen if a relative or friend first asked for it, and you decide to get rid of someone else's obligation. This can happen if a car purchased on credit is on sale, but the buyer does not have the entire amount at once. Anything can happen, but the question arises about the possibility of such a re-registration?

The question is interesting and requires further study. On the one hand, there are no obstacles to simply re-issuing previously concluded documents.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person with his consent?

But on the other hand, the bank is not obliged to make concessions and waste its time on additional checks of the new borrower. As a rule, there is only one answer from credit institutions - a third party can apply for their own loan from the bank in order to transfer money to close an existing obligation with an old borrower.

Of course, there is a point in such an operation. But no one guarantees the same lending conditions as before. Especially if the loan is issued after a year, or even two or three years, the economic situation, loan rates and basic conditions could change dramatically.

Russian legislation does not directly prohibit such actions. The Civil Code, which regulates the relationship between lender and borrower, provides for the possibility of transferring debt to another person. However, this is only possible with the consent of the lender himself, that is, the credit institution. Let us repeat that whether to make concessions or not depends only on the goodwill of the bank.

The next point is interesting. Banks are scrupulous about making timely mandatory payments on funds lent. Therefore, if the borrower has a good credit history and pays regularly, then banks will not want to lose such a conscientious client. A situation where debt obligations are not fulfilled, and the bank may indeed face the risk of losing the entire loan amount, can make bankers more willing to agree to change the payer.

To start the procedure re-registering your loan to another person, you need to come to the bank with this person or on your own and submit an application with a request to change the borrower. It is worth informing the reason for such a decision and attaching supporting documents, if any. The application is registered by the secretary, and a response can be expected within one or two weeks.

If the answer is positive, the next step is to provide the necessary documents for the new person. The list of such documents is no different from the required certificates and statements when granting a loan: a citizen’s passport, a certificate from the place of permanent employment, an identity document (in addition to the passport), information about income in the form of a 2-NDFL certificate. If we are talking about re-issuing a mortgage loan, then the list of papers is much longer.

The lender has the right to charge additional or increased fees for the re-registration service. The bank pursues the goal of making a profit from any of its operations, so it is worth being prepared for such a turn of events. Moreover, if we are talking about such a difficult matter as re-issuing a loan to another person, then you can once again pay a higher commission.

If for some reason the bank makes an unsatisfactory decision, then do not despair. In fact, there are a great many workarounds. You can take advantage of a new loan by finding more favorable conditions. You can draw up an agreement on debt payment and other conditions through a notary.

Thus, the bank puts the final point on the issue re-registration of a loan obligation to another person. The legislator consolidates the will of the bank. It is worth weighing the pros and cons before contacting the bank and getting involved in the difficult process of re-registration.

1. Is it possible for a guarantor to obtain his own loan?

Can the loan be transferred to another person?

Thus, the answer to the question posed: “is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person” - Yes, it is possible. Lending legislation allows the loan to be reissued to the original borrower, subject to compliance with the two above points. How to transfer a loan to another person. namely, what package of documents needs to be collected?

If the third party to whom the current debtor is going to assign his obligations to the creditor agrees to the terms, then the first thing to do is to write a corresponding application and submit it to the bank (creditor) for consideration.

Transferring a loan to another person

then banks are reluctant to change the borrower and often refuse to make concessions.

It’s another matter when the loan is considered problematic.

In this case, the lender is interested in transferring the debt to another person - he always meets the borrower halfway. The bank reviews the received application. The standard period is 5 working days.

At this stage, the lender checks the solvency of the new borrower, for which it requests papers about income, marital status, availability of other loans, etc.

Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person?

However, if cash receipts are not expected in the near future, it is better not to complicate your situation and either agree with the bank on the sale of collateral (if any), or find a person to whom you can transfer your loan. The assignment of credit debt is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but is possible only with the consent of the bank.

Is it possible to transfer a loan to another person?

So, if, for example, a couple of years ago you took out a car loan, which you are currently unable to repay, then the law does not prohibit you from freeing yourself from the credit burden by transferring your debt to a third party.

That's what I think. My brother makes good money.

Works as a sales consultant in a shopping center. Is it possible to transfer the rest of the loan to him and he will pay everything for me? I think I heard something about the possibility of transferring a loan to another person.

I talked to my brother and he agrees. Accordingly, you need to contact the bank that issued the loan with a request to transfer your debt under the loan agreement to your brother.

Changing the terms: is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person with his consent?

There are various situations that lead to the need to change the terms of the agreement: increase the amount, term, transfer the debt to another person. To do this, you must obtain the consent of the lender. Is it possible to re-issue a loan to another person with his consent and what needs to be done for this?

If you decide to transfer the debt to a third party, you need to come to the bank with him and write a corresponding application.

Is it possible to re-issue a car loan?

Renewing a vehicle loan can be beneficial for various reasons. For example, a person who has taken out a loan for himself at the request of another (who was denied a loan) wants to be freed from the obligation to repay the funds.

Another reason is the desire to sell the car.

The best way is to transfer the loan to another person.

Other reasons include inability to pay a car loan, serious illness, job loss, or relocation. Visit the bank with the person for whom the vehicle is planned to be re-registered.

How to transfer a loan to another person

You are already known to the Bank as a positive borrower, you satisfy it with financial discipline, and now you offer the lender, at your own peril and risk, to transfer the debt to another person.

If your spouse has a good credit history and previously had a loan from the same Bank, most likely the decision to reissue the debt will be positive. But, if the ex-husband has established himself as an unscrupulous borrower, you should not count on approval of the process.

Re-registration of a mortgage to another person

The relationship between the borrower and the lender is regulated in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code (CC) of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law (FL) “On Mortgage” No. 102 and other regulations. loan term – 50 years; amount from 500 thousand to 75 million rubles; the loan rate does not exceed the current one at the bank at the time of registration and provided

Everything is confirmed in writing. From the moment the agreement is signed and if the borrower is unable to fulfill its obligations, there is the possibility of complete removal of the debt.

The loan transfer is formalized by a loan transfer application.

Under the agreement, the obligation to pay the debt is transferred from the debtor to the new borrower.

The loan agreement remains unchanged. an agreement is concluded in triplicate between the bank, the borrower and the third party; the financial institution sends a notice of loan transfer to the old and new debtor with the amount and term of the loan and the basis for the transfer - the name, date and number of the document.
