Uncover all the secrets of the Chinese horoscope! How does a Virgo man born in the Year of the Dragon behave in love? Combination of Chinese and zodiac horoscopes: what awaits a woman if she is Virgo - Dragon.

Virgos born in the year of the Dragon are bright and strong personalities. They surprise others with their extraordinary behavior. In addition, they are people with very contradictory characters. Even simple communication with the Dragon Maidens is not always easy. And building a relationship and marriage with them is quite a difficult task. This article discusses how to approach men born under these signs and what to expect from them.


Virgo-Dragons are people born between August 23 and September 22 in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. Such persons are distinguished by a huge reserve of internal strength, which allows them to dominate others.

Of course, representatives of many signs can be called purposeful. But Virgos, born in the year of the Dragon, are purposeful in an exaggerated sense. Prudence and ingenuity help them in this. In this case we are talking about very risky people. Others will not even agree to implement their ideas. But the Dragons will not only take risks, but will also achieve what they want.

However, Virgo knows how to ride the frantic flow of energy within. Thanks to this, a fragile, but still balance is formed. This sign gives the Dragon restraint and organization. And he, in turn, helps Virgo become bolder. As a result, the bearer of these signs is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, but nevertheless sometimes thinks about the moral aspects of his actions and tries to rarely cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

But sometimes it happens that no matter how much effort is put in, fate remains inexorable. Even such stubborn and strong individuals fail. In this case, Virgos become nervous and irritable. They may even become depressed. Fortunately, the Dragon does not allow you to dwell on one thing for a long time and forces you to move on.

Communication with the Dragon Maidens, regardless of their gender, is not an easy process. They are always very reserved and do not like to be frank. This applies even to the closest people and friends, of whom they do not have very many.

Sometimes such secrecy can be off-putting.

It is interesting that in childhood, representatives of this combination of signs have a completely different character. Babies are cute and sentimental. Such children always obey their parents and do well in school. Boys are the most active, love outdoor games and play sports. At the same time, from an early age, future men try to personally cope with their problems. But in adolescence, everything changes, their ideals crumble. The first disappointments harden your character. Parents who have not previously experienced difficulties with their child will have to face many problems.

Virgo men are very energetic. They need to channel this energy into creative work and realizing their potential. Thanks to the qualities of a real man, they often gain respect in many circles.

What kind of girls do you like?

Virgo-Dragons set high standards for themselves, especially when it comes to the male half of these signs. Men demand the same from other people, without accepting any compromises. So the future partner will have to accept this fact. Conquering it will be very difficult, almost impossible. After all, in the first place for the Dragon Maidens they themselves are. But only until a certain time.

There are always many fans around such men, but girls in love are of little interest to them. Guys, on the contrary, choose the most unapproachable person and spend all their strength to win her heart.

Virgo-Dragon is able to love only the most worthy, without paying any attention to the rest.

Behavior in love and relationships

However, through the efforts of Dragon men, this trait again acquires negative aspects. The head of the family arranges the life of his loved ones strictly according to his own rules. The rest of its members will have to obey or constantly conflict. Because of this, children move away from such fathers as they grow older. Once again, men are advised to make concessions in order to maintain happiness in the family.

In bed, the Virgo-Dragon man can be quite relaxed and sometimes agrees to experiment. But only in cases where he completely trusts his partner. For him, her spiritual side is primarily important. Sexual life is in second place.

Therefore, girls who are liberated in this regard are not of any interest to them.

Career and business

Virgo-Dragon men are born careerists. Monotonous and boring things are alien to them. Therefore, such employees strive to get through this stage of their work as quickly as possible and occupy higher positions.

On the way to the top, such people behave, alas, not very decently. After all, there is nothing more important than your own desires and goals. Other people in their path are just obstacles. They go over the heads of their colleagues and even their superiors. But you shouldn’t think that the Dragon Maidens are completely soulless creatures. Men stand up for those they consider their friends and lead them to the top.

Having taken leading positions, Dragon men devote themselves completely to work in order to achieve even greater success. Both social and financial status are important to them. Such individuals justify their positions with their enthusiasm and ability to make important decisions.

These men never panic and know how to act quickly. To some, the measures they have taken may seem quite daring.

But the Dragon Maidens do not care about this because of their extreme intolerance towards losers.


So, as mentioned above, Virgo-Dragon men are monogamous. And since they are looking for a woman for life, she should best suit him in all respects. It is unlikely that such a person will be satisfied with minimal or at least average compatibility.

Which zodiac signs suit him in love:

  • minimal compatibility – Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius;
  • average compatibility – Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo;
  • maximum compatibility – Aries, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo.

And now a little more about compatibility according to the Chinese calendar:

  • minimal – Goat, Dog and Cat;
  • middle - Horse, Ox, Dragon and Pig;
  • maximum - Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Rat and Rooster.

As you can see, Virgo men born under the sign of the Dragon are very difficult individuals. And that's putting it mildly. To find an approach to them, you need to study the object of your interest well. But even the maximum amount of effort made does not guarantee success in relationships with such men.

You will learn more about the Virgo man from the following video.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Virgo-Dragon man excite women who have decided to take the place of his chosen one. He looks at life soberly, knows how to calculate everything and is able to move towards his goal with methodical hard work. There is also a certain amount of romance in him, which makes his nature more liberated and does not allow him to get hung up on the little things and vanity that lead other Virgos to nervous exhaustion.

This man is punctual, but not to the point of mania, clean, but does not reach the point of fetish, he is serious, but only as much as necessary to conduct business. Such a trait of his character as meticulousness allows him to clearly see any situation: the Dragon-Virgo is capable of simultaneously creating and protecting, he has enough energy to make changes in his life and in the lives of other people.

The Virgo-Dragon man strives for perfection and is an honest and highly moral person. However, it should be noted that he also craves attention to himself, so he easily and quickly becomes attached to those who pay him attention.

Characteristics of a Virgo-Dragon man

This man combines many positive traits, for example, masculine strength, healthy passion, interest in people and life. He is an excellent organizer, easily organizes and resolves everyday issues, and enjoys doing mundane things, which are often called routine. All this does not prevent him from remaining optimistic and open to the world.

The fact is that this man is full of inner living energy, which allows him to reveal his potential if the man is not afraid of mistakes and understands that this is a normal process in life. His potential allows him to not only be productively engaged in a worthy cause, but also to develop in various hobbies. For him, it is important and necessary to communicate and interact with society on an ongoing basis so that energy does not stagnate.

Virgo-Dragon male compatibility

In love, this man will be a deeply devoted partner if he himself wins and conquers a woman’s heart. In family relationships, he is responsible and caring, sometimes he becomes impatient and hot-tempered, but this happens at moments when he fails to resolve the issue the way he wants. A successful marriage will be in which the spouses share all responsibilities. The Virgo-Dragon man loves active recreation, so he will only be glad if his wife shares pleasant moments with him.

The best partners for a Virgo-Dragon man will be women born in this combination of Lunar Year and Zodiac Signs:

  1. Capricorn or Taurus born in the year of the Rat.
  2. Cancer or Taurus, born in the year of the Rooster; Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus - in the year of the Monkey.
  3. Scorpio of the Year of the Snake.

There are also combinations of signs of two horoscopes with which it is unlikely that you will be able to build a good relationship:

  1. Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini in the year of the Dog. Such a partner will greatly irritate him.
  2. Pisces and Sagittarius, born in the year of the Ox. There is mutual confrontation here.

Virgo-Dragon man in love

This man's personal life is not so carefree. Despite his charisma and sexuality, relationships with women are not easy and therefore rarely harmonious. The fact is that this man strives more for success in external activities and is not interested in intimate relationships with his soul mate.

So a woman often remains in his shadow and does not receive as much attention as she would like. At the same time, he will often need your support and help. So first you need to make sure that you are ready to participate in a game where you have to give more than you receive. You should not hope that this person will change his attitude towards you over the course of his life. A man needs to be accepted as he is now.

The English Duke, favorite of Kings James I and Charles I, George Buckingham, as one might think when reading the adventure novel “The Three Musketeers,” loved Anne of Austria and gave her pendants. Buckingham actually announced his love affair with the queen in 1625. But this was not great love, but great politics. An international scandal broke out. What was in their relationship, other than practical interests, the struggle for power and the political situation, is not known for certain.

The utopian philosopher, poet, Dominican monk Tommaso Campanella first led the conspiracy and participated in the uprising, then was captured and thrown on charges of heresy and conspiracy against the authorities. In prison, he wrote “City of the Sun” - a utopia about a bright future for human society - an ideal community where there is no property and family. He died in a Paris prison after 27 years in prison. Utopian Dragons remain so even in combination with the absolutely realistic Virgo. So go figure out what was going on in Tommaso’s head. Feelings here are only fuel for motor activity; ideals (meaning personal ideals) call for battle, real or imaginary.

Rocker Egor Letov (“Civil Defense”) is an unpredictable and provocative personality. He had a significant influence on the fragile minds of young people, being a member of the punks, the National Bolshevik Party of Limonov and supporting the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zyuganov in the elections. “I made a rock revolution, and no one, or almost no one, noticed it.” The absurdity of the Dragon Maiden is evident again!

We have already noted that this is the perfect time for the Dragon Virgos to engage in creativity. And this is what we get. Composer Luigi Cherubini (“Two Days”); composer, conductor Darius Milhaud (“Christopher Columbus”); composer David Tukhmanov (“Victory Day”, “In the Wave of My Memory”); pop singer Nikolai Gnatyuk; Chief conductor of the Bolshoi Theater Evgeny Svetlanov.

Film directors: Christian-Jacques (“Fanfan-Tulip”, “The Law is the Law”, “Babette Goes to War”), Gennady Vasiliev (“Primordial Rus'”). Actors: Pavel Massalsky (“Circus”), Zinovy ​​Gerdt (“Golden Calf”), Kirk Douglas (“Spartak”), Vsevolod Larionov (“That Same Munchausen”), Juozas Budraitis (“Solaris”).

The group includes: experimental poet and literary anarchist Guillaume Apollinaire (“Pont Mirabeau”); writer, fighter for the annexation of Western Ukraine to Russia Ivan Franko (“Stolen Happiness”); esoteric writer Evgeny Tsvetkov (“Happy Dreams”); as well as a writer with a diplomatic bent, Vyacheslav Kostikov.

The Virgo-Dragon has no luck with politics: Decembrist, leader of the dispersed Northern society Nikita Muravyov (idealist-Dragon in action); terrorist, head of the drug mafia Ramon Arellano-Felix; General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chile Luis Corvalan, overthrown by the junta; Aldo Moro, politician, killed by terrorists.

In science, Virgo-Dragons are almost empty: astronomer, leader of the French Revolution, mayor of Paris Jean Bailly; doctor who discovered the causes of jaundice, therapist, clinician in the field of infections Sergei Botkin; virologist, creator of the polio vaccine Frederick Robbins. They need to study the body, not the stars.

In sports, you can’t say anything definite about them: swimmer John Kinzella; soccer player Ronaldo; tennis player Jimmy Connors; football coach Bora Milutinovic.

Let's finish our description of the Dragon Maidens: songwriter, author of the words of the British anthem James Thomson; artist George Stubbs (“Anatomy of a Horse” - that Virgo with her anatomy again!); architect, creator of the first skyscrapers Louis Sullivan; architect Leonty Benois (western building of the Russian Museum in Petrograd); music producer Boris Zosimov; scandalous general, original lawyer and exemplary convict Dmitry Yakubovich.

Horoscope Virgo-Dragon woman

Actress Rachel Welch (born September 5, 1940 in Chicago) did not have much use for her theater education. The fact is that Welch became a sex symbol in the mid-1960s, and in the film One Million Years BC, which made Rachel a star, her only clothing was a tailored leopard skin loincloth. However, what else do men need!

So, at the age of 23, having arrived in Hollywood to try herself in a popular show, Welch achieved something she could not even dream of. The few films in which she starred were comedies or action films and exploited the truly phenomenal parameters of her body, but fate deprived the beauty of her acting talent. Now this middle-aged lady has the figure of an 18-year-old girl, because she takes great care of herself - she does yoga and adheres to special diets. “The most beautiful woman in the world” is very rational, smart, and practical. As for interests, they are quite diverse, no matter what they say. Rachel thinks not only about the body, but also about the soul.

Actress Olga Knipper-Chekhova, or rather, twice Chekhova. She had a secret marriage with actor Mikhail Chekhov in 1914. Olga is a creative, independent person, free from prejudices... The wife of Anton Chekhov and the first performer of roles in his plays. Olga, when she was already his wife, led a “cheerful” lifestyle as a touring actress, came to her husband once a year and caused many wounds in the heart of the sick playwright. Chekhov had to put up with her betrayals. Chekhov loved his wife, but Olga needed a career, and marriage with a celebrity solved all problems. They lived as husband and wife only during the winter months.

Knipper lived to be 90 years old, outliving her benefactor. Probably, Virgo-Dragon women have some secret on how to achieve this. She outlived the playwright by 55 years, maintaining her youth and attractiveness for many years. They say that she worked for the secret services.

And a few more women of this zodiac “tribe”: actresses Anna Karina (“The Little Soldier”), Evgenia Glushenko (“A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”), as well as the singer of her songs Zemfira.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Exact Dragon. You can trust him!

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

This Dragon is the most sophisticated and intelligent; style, taste and quality are important to him. He knows how to manipulate people better than other Dragons. He can be indecisive and inconsistent, which, in general, is unusual for Dragons, but is typical for Libra.

When the traits of the Dragon are mixed with the sun sign of Virgo, the result is an incredibly resilient personality.
Virgo-Dragon are realists with an incredible abundance of confidence and are often renowned for their natural resilience.

They are not very sociable people; they use only close personal connections to communicate. Virgo-Dragon is an intelligent, charismatic and attractive person, usually knows exactly what she wants to get from this life and looks at this life positively.

Virgo-Dragon people are flexible in mind and inventive, therefore, when choosing their activities, they strive for varied work, filled with complex tasks. Their persistence and enthusiasm for work are often noticed by management, so they quickly receive promotions and leadership positions.

These people are greedy for knowledge and often begin to study already in adulthood. Their homes are often filled with many books of all genres. These people need to organize a place in their home where they can put their favorite photographs and various small souvenirs.

In matters of the heart, the Virgo-Dragon usually behaves rather shyly. It is these Virgos who understand their partners better than others, are not too demanding and support their goals.

The flaw in this person’s character is that he is very demanding of those around him, and he himself is in a continuous attempt to reach dizzying heights. This feature, as a rule, allows them to dominate in all areas of life. And at the same time it makes them very demanding, unsociable and sometimes intolerable.

Virgo the Dragon is an organized person who knows how to achieve his goals not through luck, but through his own business qualities. He is responsible for his words and actions; you can trust him not only in promises, but also in such ephemeral things as the expectation of happiness.

Located between two worlds, the dragon maiden has not only the traits of a romantic, but also such serious prudence that she can simultaneously create and protect – and sometimes even change someone’s fate. But it is dangerous to conflict with him. From a friend ready to help in everything, he is able to turn into a restless enemy.

The Virgo Dragon man is a self-confident person. At the same time, he is quite realistic, talented in learning and constantly improving himself, but at the same time he has his own idea of ​​​​moral and ethical rules. For the sake of an idea, he can take any, sometimes unexpected, steps. This sign strives for perfection known only to it and, as a rule, is honest. You can't deny him this.

Dragon Virgo woman is capable of devoted, long-term love. Moreover, she will love, even if it is an unrequited feeling.

Anna Lyubimova

The bright and uncompromising Dragon, combined with the reserved Virgo, makes for an extraordinary, strong and dominant nature. Virgo-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. This is a strong-willed practitioner-idealist, with a flexible mind, ingenuity, prudence, who knows how to achieve his goals and is ready to use any methods to achieve this.

Dragon Maidens know how to take risks and win, bring to life ideas that seem crazy and unrealistic to ordinary sober people. The active and unrestrained Dragon is somewhat inhibited by the restrained and organized Virgo, at the same time it does not allow her to get hung up on trifles and reveals her best sides. Virgo becomes more courageous and liberated: her punctuality, seriousness and desire for order are within reasonable limits.

The determination and confidence of these people, the ability and desire to work, show initiative and punctuality promise rapid career success and financial prosperity. They are responsible and punctual Therefore, the assigned work is carried out clearly and diligently. Interesting and diverse work completely captivates the Dragon Maiden. In their work, such people show activity, initiative and enthusiasm, they are able to independently assess the situation, make the right decision, conclude a profitable deal, take an adventure and take risks. Monotonous and boring classes are not about them.

If it is not possible to achieve results, the Virgo-Dragon becomes depressed, becomes a nervous and irritable person

These people are ambitious and, as a rule, careerists. It is important for them to satisfy their desires and achieve their goals. Dragon Maidens confidently moving towards the most profitable and lucrative position, not caring too much about the fact that they sometimes openly “rub” their colleagues and are not even averse to “sit on” their superiors. They care little about traditional values, although it is fair to note that the Virgo-Dragon is still an honest and reliable comrade, and the concepts of morality are not alien to him.

The Dragon-Virgo sets high standards in his life, and is also demanding of those around him. His sometimes overly exaggerated claims do not correspond to their level, but this does not bother the Dragon Maidens. Such a person wants to stand out from the crowd, to be remembered (but not for his difficult character), and he succeeds: people are attracted by his inexhaustible energy and inner strength.

Dragon-Virgo sets high standards in his life, and is also demanding of those around him

In uncertain situations, the Virgo-Dragon does not panic, it can behave impudently and arrogantly, it does not tolerate mediocrity and strives for the highest level, despising losers.

It's difficult to talk to such people. They act aloof, when communicating with them there is a feeling that they are not telling something, and an element of insincerity is noticed in the conversation. The Virgo-Dragon's circle of friends is quite narrow; they are not very prone to confidential and sentimental conversations, which causes a feeling of discomfort and repels the interlocutor.

The Virgo-Dragon personality is endowed with many talents; she is distinguished by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and learning. Such people learn constantly– from youth to adulthood, and are able to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life and the work environment.

Virgo-Dragons are constantly learning - from youth to adulthood

Men of this zodiac combination are endowed with powerful masculine qualities necessary to achieve success both in professional activities and in everyday life. The character of the Virgo-Dragon is endowed with a lot of business qualities. The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Dragon, is constantly improving, is prone to creativity, is proactive and energetic, shows resourcefulness and knows how to get out of the most difficult circumstances.

His pedantry and complete dedication to his work involuntarily evoke the respect and authority of those around him. He is competent, ready to take decisive steps, and is not afraid to take on complex and intricate projects and enter into risky deals.

Virgo-Dragon is charismatic, demanding, quick-tempered, and at the same time it is a reliable partner on whom you can always rely. Although he often can be harsh and impatient wanting to do it my way.

Such a man has strong energy, which he needs to invest in active and creative activities, realizing his potential.

Disadvantages of the sign

With such excellent ambitions and work potential, the Virgo-Dragon achieves significant success in the profession and material security. But in relationships with others, he often has conflicts and negative situations.

He is too demanding and unapologetic, shows quarrelsomeness and grumpiness, dissatisfaction and short temper. The weakness of his character is his high conceit and intolerance to manifestations of drama and sentimentality. It is unlikely that you will be able to convince him of sympathy and loyalty. As bosses, such people are uncompromising and undemocratic, prone to categoricalness and rigidity, so their subordinates dislike and are afraid of them.

With such excellent ambitions and work potential, the Virgo-Dragon achieves success in the profession and finances

These ladies are complex and contradictory personalities. Their character balances between femininity and masculine fortitude. They are more open in communication than men of this zodiac combination, but are not always completely sincere and often give the impression of a person “on his own mind.”

The Virgo girl, born in the year of the Dragon, is very erudite and well-read. A passion for books of completely different genres, numerous hobbies and interests give us a versatile and interesting nature. Ability to think outside the box, analyze and make decisions set her apart from the crowd and allow her to achieve success in her chosen field. They make good teachers, people of creative and social professions.

Such a lady loves attention, is picky about her appearance and is prone to order at work and at home.

Disadvantages of the sign

The Virgo girl of the Year of the Dragon is inclined to set high goals and achieve them. The disadvantage of such a lady is that she demands that those around her conquer the same heights, regardless of whether they want it or not. The weak side of her character can be considered high nervousness, especially manifested when her plans do not go according to her plan.

The character of the Dragon Maidens balances between femininity and masculine fortitude

Love compatibility of Virgo in the year of the Dragon

People of this iconic combination often behave shyly in cordial relationships. They try to understand their partner, support them and are quite tolerant of shortcomings.

Men They also show their maximalism in the love sphere, so they rarely manage to find harmonious compatibility in love. The reason also lies in the fact that such a guy directs most of his energy to work and career. Having found his soul mate, he will be devoted and caring. In addition, the Virgo-Dragon considers himself a monogamist.

Virgo Women of the Year of the Dragon attractive and endowed with natural sexuality. They have no shortage of admirers, and yet they get married quite late, or even remain in the status of old maids.

Virgo-Dragons are not too prone to sentimentality and romance, and their rather strong character sometimes scares off men. As a result, men begin to shy away in her presence - she doesn’t like it. But if she still finds a man who is suitable for the role of her husband, she will become the most caring wife.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat
According to the Western calendar Virgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini

Full characteristics of a Virgo child born in the year of the Dragon

The children of this iconic combination, at the very dawn of their youth, are sweet and sentimental creatures, prone to idealizing their surroundings. They do not create any special problems for their parents, do well at school, and do not deviate from the rules of behavior.

The Virgo boy, born in the year of the Dragon, knows how to cope with emerging difficulties himself, is collected and organized. Prefers outdoor active games and sports.

Children of the Virgo-Dragon at the very dawn of their youth are sweet and sentimental creatures

Girl neat and pedantic. This is a dreamy and sometimes secretive nature. She is a diligent student, quickly grasps information and generally loves to learn. Such a girl is sociable, but sometimes she needs a place where she can be by herself and deal with her secrets.

Children of this combination remain the pride of their parents for quite a long time, without causing any trouble. Until adolescence comes, and their ideas about ideals begin to break down, illusions crumble and disappointments appear.

23 October 2017, 14:10