Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. video

The world's oceans keep many secrets and mysteries. One of which is underwater pyramids in the very center of the ominous and. Some researchers believe that the still unsolved mysterious phenomenon of this phenomenon is associated with these pyramids.

The zone's influence extends into space!

At the end of the 20th century, a hypothesis connecting the disappearance of ships and planes with crystalline methane hydrates gained great popularity. According to British geologist Ben Clennell, methane released from this extremely unstable compound in huge quantities under the influence of various factors could reduce the density of water to such an extent that ships instantly “sank” to the bottom. An explosion of methane upon contact with air could not be ruled out; in this case, not only ships, but also aircraft could perish.

This hypothesis largely lost its popularity when it became clear that even astronauts felt unwell while flying over this anomalous zone, and their laptop computers sometimes malfunctioned. It has gotten to the point that when flying over the Bermuda Triangle, the instruments of a number of spacecraft, for example, the Hubble telescope, are programmed to turn off in order to preserve their electronics. Of course, no methane “eruptions” can explain the impact of the anomalous zone on orbital vehicles.

Legacy of Atlantis?

It remains to be assumed that the influence of this anomalous zone, extending even into space, is associated with the mysterious underwater pyramids that were discovered almost in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. The story of the pyramids dates back to 1977, when the sonar of a fishing seiner fishing in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle suddenly discovered an underwater object whose outline resembled an impressive pyramid. Of course, the fishermen were more interested in the rich catch rather than the pyramid, but researcher Charles Berlitz accidentally learned about the find. He was very interested in this, and he organized a special expedition to the place indicated by the fishermen.

The Berlitz expedition, using sonars and other equipment, examined the mysterious underwater object and determined its parameters. It turned out that it is in fact a pyramid, and it was almost a copy of the famous pyramid of Cheops! The pyramid, 150 m high and with a base side of 200 m, was located at a depth of about 400 m.

It is worth noting that the famous American clairvoyant, who was called the “sleeping prophet,” was the first to speak about the pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle. Casey fell into a trance, during which he talked about his visions. Thus, he confirmed the existence of the legendary Atlantis in the distant past; according to Casey, the Atlanteans used the energy of crystals for their needs.

Once, in one of the visions related to Atlantis, the clairvoyant saw a vast white hall, it contained the most powerful crystal of the Atlanteans, the so-called Fire Stone. But this hall was located in a huge pyramid standing at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean just in the Bermuda Triangle area. And if such a crystal actually rests at the bottom here, this could explain many of the mysteries of this most mysterious anomalous zone. After all, the crystal, according to Casey, had the ability to accumulate the energy of the Earth, and it is difficult to even imagine what incredible power it could generate. Such a crystal is capable of reaching the Earth’s orbit.

Two mysterious pyramids

New information about the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle appeared in the early 1990s after an American oceanographic expedition led by Verlag Mayer. The expedition worked in the very center of the anomalous zone; it had at its disposal unique underwater search systems and the most modern computer equipment. Researchers have discovered not one, but two pyramids!

They were truly gigantic! In terms of their parameters, they were approximately three times larger than the world-famous pyramid of Cheops and were located at a depth of 600 m. On the perfectly smooth surface of the pyramids, no joints, cracks, or damage could be detected. They were created from an unusual material similar to ceramics or glass.

2003 - Mayer organized another expedition to continue studying the mysterious underwater pyramids. According to the scientist, it was in these pyramids that the secret of the disappearances of ships, planes, their crews and passengers in the Bermuda Triangle lay hidden. Scientists were unable to reveal this secret, but they managed to obtain some new information about the pyramids. For example, at one of the press conferences, Verlag Mayer stated that the pyramids were built using technologies that are not yet available to our civilization. According to him, the age of the pyramids did not exceed 500 years.

At the conference, journalists had the opportunity to study photographs and echograms taken by scientists. Mayer noted that the edges of the pyramids are completely devoid of algae and shells, which are usually overgrown with all underwater objects, from ordinary stones to sunken ships.

Mysterious energy system

Unfortunately, in publications about the pyramids there is no information about the criteria by which Mayer determined their age. Of course, the dating of the pyramids was clearly not based on the absence of algae and shell fouling, since it occurs over a much shorter period. If Mayer was not mistaken with the age of the pyramids, then the conclusion arises that aliens from outer space were involved in their appearance on Earth.

This assumption is supported by observations of UFOs flying out of the water or diving into the depths of the sea, which were made in the area where the underwater pyramids were located. Of course, such a close connection between UFO activity and these mysterious objects aroused great interest among US Navy intelligence. It is not surprising that information about further study of the pyramids turned out to be classified, and the area where they are located was declared a closed zone.

According to scientific experts and representatives of American intelligence, the underwater pyramids may represent a powerful energy complex. But who does it belong to? There is a version that the pyramids are an underwater alien base. This assumption seems to be confirmed by UFO activity in the area. Or maybe Mayer still made a mistake with the dating of the pyramids and they belonged to the legendary Atlanteans, as some researchers suggest?

There is a hypothesis that some Atlanteans survived the disaster and settled on the seabed, and the pyramids are their energy complex. It is also possible that the Atlanteans died, and the pyramids work, so to speak, in automatic mode. Since energy is not consumed from them, from time to time its excess is released into the surrounding space, and at such moments the mysterious destruction of ships and aircraft occurs. As for the absence of algae and shells on the pyramids, this can be explained by radiation, which all living things avoid.

In connection with the "glass" pyramids, I recall a report by former employee Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland about ancient cities discovered on the Moon. After all, many buildings there were made of the strongest material, similar to glass. Maybe the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle and those lunar cities were built by the same civilization? There are two opposing opinions regarding this theory. Some believe that this ancient civilization was terrestrial and died as a result of a global cataclysm or nuclear war, others suggest its extraterrestrial origin.

The well-known Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the southeastern coast of the United States. The vertices of the triangle lie on islands such as Bermuda, Miami and San Juan; the entire area of ​​the triangle occupies 925 thousand square kilometers of seabed.

Rumors and facts around Bermuda are a dime a dozen. You may or may not believe all of this. But we found one fact interesting, especially since it was confirmed by photographs taken underwater by research scientists.

In the 90s of the last century, Americans repeatedly explored the bottom using sonar and discovered pyramids deep underwater in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle.

It turned out that these pyramids are not similar to those located in Egypt. They are created from an unknown material, in all respects similar to smooth ceramics or polished glass. Also in size they are inferior to the famous pyramid of Cheops 2.5-3 times. Although preliminary data suggests that their age is no more than half a millennium.

Historians claim that the pyramids are the remains of a complex of the ancient civilization of the Atlanteans, who lived on the legendary ancient island of Atlantis.
Legend has it that 9 thousand years ago Atlantis sank to the ocean floor in one day due to a large-scale disaster that occurred then. Today, scientists consider this legend a myth.

Three years ago, after Google Earth launched a new Ocean service, which is designed to view the topography of the seabed, several users discovered an interesting picture on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean between the Straits of Gibraltar and the Azores, which resembles a bird's-eye view of city streets. In this regard, a corresponding article was published in The Sun and other tabloids.

After this, Google immediately refuted the speculation about Atlantis, saying that the image is nothing more than an artifact of the data collection process, and the straight lines are the standard course of ships that carry out bathymetric surveys. Not many people know whether this is actually true.

Who knows, perhaps soon we will witness something new and previously unknown. In the meantime, we can only wait for new light to be shed on the mysterious origin of the underwater smooth pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

These strange structures at a depth of two thousand feet were discovered by oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer using sonar.
Research using other equipment allowed the scientist to determine that the two giant pyramids were possibly made of something like thick glass. Pyramids are truly impressive structures, because each of them is larger than the largest pyramid on land - the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

It was also possible to establish that the pyramids are about half a century old, that is, they are not fragments of bygone civilizations.
V. Meyer believes that revealing the secrets of the strange underwater pyramids, located, by the way, in the very center of the conventional triangle, will shed light on the terrible and mysterious things that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle.
In his press conference in the Bahamas, the scientist provided a report, maps with the exact coordinates of the pyramids and graphics depicting them. It is noteworthy that the oceanographer claims that modern science does not know the technology used to create the underwater pyramids. Perhaps their underwater study will yield facts that are currently difficult to imagine.
For decades, adherents of the mysterious purpose of the earth's pyramids have been trying to find the missing Atlantic pyramid. Scientists conducted serious scientific research calculations and came to the conclusion that this pyramid could be located in the Atlantic Ocean area near Puerto Rico. Many researchers are confident that there is a logical connection between all the pyramids, evenly distributed throughout the earth. Brazil, Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Russia, Bermuda and even Ukraine - this is a far from complete list of countries in which various pyramids were found.

Researchers have already repeatedly encountered discoveries of underwater pyramids. More recently, a step pyramid was discovered, consisting of stone slabs, the height of which is about 20 meters. This pyramid is located in China at the bottom of a lake in the southwestern province of Yunnan. It is interesting that at the bottom of this lake there are nine more objects of the same size, and the total number of structures of this type is thirty. Scientists suggest that the objects are the creation of an ancient civilization. But if with such pyramids everything is more or less clear, then with the pyramid the Bermudas are shrouded in complete mystery.
One of the most mysterious and mysterious places on our planet is the Bermuda Triangle. This is a mysterious place where, according to most eyewitnesses, many inexplicable phenomena occur. Every year, more and more different mysterious incidents occur in this mysterious place. Among them are natural anomalies, the disappearance of ships and planes, memory loss in people, and all this brings fear and horror to people, thereby attracting more and more travelers and researchers. Such a term as the Bermuda Triangle appeared not much and no less about 50 years ago. But the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has not been solved to this day, even though there are hundreds of eyewitnesses who observed the anomalies occurring in this place. In our article we will talk about the most famous facts from the history of the study of the Bermuda Triangle, as well as the existence and research on its territory of one of the most mysterious phenomena. This phenomenon is called the Bermuda pyramid.
The well-known Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the southeastern coast of the United States. The vertices of the Bermuda Triangle lie on the islands of Bermuda, Miami (Florida) and San Juan (Puerto Rico), the total area of ​​the triangle is 925,000 square kilometers. It got its name from the name that was previously given to one of its peaks - “Devil Island”. This island was completely surrounded by reefs, which destroyed hundreds of ships. It is interesting to note the fact that the Bermuda Triangle is not present in the list of geographical places in the United States, it is not on the map, there are no documents confirming or denying this mysterious and overnight mysterious area in the whole world. All that researchers have to rely on is only those stories that eyewitnesses tell us.
But back in 1977, the Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov wrote in his works that not far from the Bermuda Islands, at the very bottom of the ocean, the echo sounders of a fishing vessel registered a hill that very much resembles a pyramid, which subsequently contributed to the organization of a special expedition led by the famous American atlantologist Charles Berliner. It was the members of the expedition who discovered a pyramid-like mountain at a depth of 400 meters. They believed that this mountain was an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid. Its dimensions in height are one hundred and fifty meters, and even the sides have equal lengths.

There are reports quite often about pyramids being found in the Bermuda Triangle area. So, in the early 1990s, American oceanographers discovered an underwater pyramid, which, as is known, is located exactly in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, in its very center. Scientists processed all the collected data and concluded that the surface was perfectly smooth, somewhat reminiscent of glass or ice. The dimensions of the pyramid turned out to be almost three times larger than the Cheops pyramid.
This news turned out to be a real sensation, which was discussed at a conference held in Florida. Journalists present at it received many photographs and echograms. Sonars and high-resolution computerized analyzers installed on the ship showed voluminous and perfectly smooth surfaces of the pyramid, not overgrown with algae. There were no seams, no connectors, no cracks. The question arises: why has this topic become closed in the media at the moment? The answer to this question is rather hidden in the fact that in this area UFOs are observed taking off directly from the water and the entry of unidentified objects into the depths of the sea. The intelligence services monitor such flights, which occur quite often. Therefore, according to scientists and US intelligence officials, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle area are due to the operation of a very powerful underwater complex. It follows that perhaps the glass pyramid is the central part of such an energy complex that was built by someone. One cannot help but recall Edgar Cayce's prophecies about a huge crystal that has enormous powers capable of causing destructive cataclysms for all humanity on the planet.

In the early 2000s, we learned about the discovery of two more pyramids in the Bermuda region. Oceanographer Verlag Meyer, using special equipment, tried to figure out the substance that made up the pyramids. The researcher concluded that the pyramids were made of glass. In his opinion, the technology for making pyramids is still unknown to scientists. Having studied all the age characteristics of these pyramids, scientists concluded that these so-called “Glass” pyramids are no more than 500 years old. All of humanity is interested in finding the answer to this phenomenon. I would like to know by whom, when and for what purpose these pyramids were built. It is possible that this discovery will help explain the terrible secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes on its territory, and the reasons for the anomalies that occur there.

The mystery of the Atlanteans.
Modern humanity knows very little about Atlantis. Legends say that the Atlanteans were tall, extraordinarily beautiful, freely overcame gravity and exchanged thoughts without speech... the mystery of the disappearance of the Atlantean civilization haunts both serious scientists and enthusiastic researchers to this day.
A gift from aliens.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, in his works entitled “Dialogues,” wrote that the Atlanteans “brought disaster upon themselves.” But his story breaks off and does not reveal the secrets of the tragedy. Perhaps the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce managed to solve it, who, while entering a trance, observed visions from long-vanished worlds.
According to him, "The Atlanteans Used Crystals for Mundane and Spiritual Purposes." In his revelations, Cayce saw a large hall in the Temple of Poseidon, called the "Hall of Light". It contained the main crystal of Atlantis - tuaoi, that is, “Fire Stone”. It had a cylindrical shape, the top absorbed solar energy and accumulated it in the center. The first crystal was presented to the Atlanteans by representatives of alien civilizations, who warned that it must be handled with care, since it contains terrible destructive power.

In general, the crystals were powerful accumulators of solar radiation and starlight; they accumulated the energy of the earth, their rays burned through even powerful walls. It was thanks to this that the Atlanteans built palaces, temples and developed extrasensory abilities.
Casey's statements were met by scientists with a fair amount of skepticism. But soon confirmation of what was said was discovered: Julius Caesar in his “Notes on the Gallic War” wrote that a certain Druid priest told him about the ancestors of the Gauls who came to Europe from the “island of crystal towers.” According to legend, their glass palace rose in the middle of the sea somewhere in the center of the Atlantic. Ships sailed past it, but those that tried to come closer died: some invisible forces captured the ship, and it disappeared forever. The myth survived into the Middle Ages: in the Celtic sagas this inexplicable force was called the “Magic Web”. One of the heroes of the sagas managed to escape from the house of glass and return home. It seemed to him that he had spent only three days in the palace, but thirty years had passed in his homeland!

There is a legend that some of the surviving Atlanteans fled to Tibet. The peoples of Tibet have preserved a legend about giant pyramids topped with large rock crystal crystals, which served as antennas for receiving the life-giving energy of the cosmos.
Sea mystery.
In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown went on vacation to Baria Island, located near the Bahamas. The scientist was a scuba diving enthusiast. One day he went diving. Imagine his amazement when, at great depths, he discovered a well-preserved pyramid, equipped with unknown technology. Among the rods and holders was a crystal. When Brown tried to take it with him, he heard a warning voice inside him. And yet he brought it to the surface. For 5 years, Ray Brown protected Nakhodka in every possible way. But in 1975, he still decided to show it at a congress of psychiatrists in the USA. Psychologist from New York Elizabeth Bacon, after looking at the crystal, suddenly received a message from the stone about its ownership... To the Egyptian god of death!
A few years later, high-energy crystals of unknown origin were discovered at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea. With their radiation they dematerialized people and ships. It is possible that anomalies in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle arose as a result of the influence of this energy complex. Edgar Cayce warned about the dangers of shipping in the Bermuda area, because, in his opinion, the destructive energy of crystals continues to operate today. That is why the so-called “Paradox of Time and Space” is observed there.

In 1993, the American weekly News reported about an amazing incident with an American submarine floating in a “triangle” at a depth of 200 feet (70 m). The sailors heard a strange noise overboard and felt a vibration that lasted about a minute. And then the whole crew grew old... instantly But the most surprising thing became clear after surfacing: it turned out that the submarine was in... the Indian Ocean, 300 miles from the east coast of Africa and 10 thousand miles from Bermuda!
It is quite possible that the strange phenomenon occurred under the influence of Atlantean energy crystals, hidden, according to Casey, at the bottom of the sea east of Andros Island at a depth of 1500 m.
In the summer of 1991, an American hydrological vessel discovered a huge pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle - three times larger than the famous Cheops pyramid! Judging by the echoes reflected from its surface, the edges are made of a material similar to glass or polished ceramic. Surprisingly, they turned out to be absolutely clean and smooth, which is not at all typical for an object located on the ocean floor.
After the return of the hydrological vessel, a press conference was organized. On it, the researchers demonstrated photographs, echograms and research results. The ship's sonars showed images of the sides of the pyramid, on which no blocks were visible, as if the plane was perfectly flat.
Dangerous rays.
In 1995, University of Minnesota researcher Mark Hammons and his colleague Geoffrey Keith stated that the Atlanteans were... aliens that inhabited human bodies! For communication and movement, they used telepathy and levitation, and also had highly developed technologies based on energy crystals, the fragments of which now rest at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. They still emit dangerous rays.
Apparently, numerous disappearances of ships in this area are also associated with them: living objects, that is, people, seem to be “Freed” from their bodies and move into the subtle astral world. Weaker rays alter the psyche so much that hallucinations may occur.
In 1999, Shannon Bracey from New Zealand became a participant in one of the unexplained incidents, deciding to cross the Pacific Ocean alone on a yacht. This is what she told reporters.
- when I was already approaching Bermuda, something terrible happened. At noon, when I was in the wheelhouse, the sea surface became hazy. It seemed like I was caught in a band of fog. Soon a real storm began, and the haze thickened so much that visibility became zero. Then… appeared around me. Ghosts! These were people in sailor uniforms, some women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that they had all been dead for a long time, and this made me feel chilling horror. Suddenly I saw my dead husband: he was stretching out his hands to me. At that moment I lost consciousness.
When Shannon woke up, the clock in the control room showed midnight. It turned out that the woman was unconscious for twelve hours!
An equally strange incident occurred with a German girl, Mina, who was born near Bermuda on board a cruise ship. At the age of four, she began to read the thoughts of others, moving a pencil across the glass with her eyes. For several years now, her phenomenal abilities have been studied in one of the psychotherapeutic clinics in Germany.
All these facts indicate that the main crystal of Atlantis was preserved in working condition. It lies at great depth in the center of the Bermuda Triangle and continues its mysterious influence.

Experts stumbled upon strange pyramid-shaped buildings in the Bermuda Triangle area...

In one of the most mystical areas of the Earth - the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious ancient city was discovered.

Experts in the field of archeology are scratching their heads about the origin of strange buildings. We are talking about a huge pyramidal complex made of granite...

Pauline Zalicki and her husband stumbled upon the buildings during an expedition in the area. By now, specialized robots have already been lowered under the water and managed to take the first samples... The results showed that the age of the buildings can reach 200 thousand years, and the flooding of the territory occurred at least 50 thousand years ago. It is noteworthy that the buildings were made with filigree precision, but at that time none of the known civilizations possessed such technologies. Thus, there is an extraterrestrial theory of the origin of the mysterious city...

Immediately, opponents of the American versions appeared, who named the age of the underwater structures. They explained their position as follows: it is impossible to determine the exact date of creation of the finds from photographs. However, if we nevertheless admit that the oceanographic expedition was not mistaken, and the pyramids are really 5 centuries old, then the most obvious version of their creation suggests itself, which says that aliens from deep space had a hand in this. And this explanation has numerous confirmations in the form of unidentified objects sinking to the bottom of the ocean in the area of ​​the finds and emerging from it.

The answer to such activity can be interpreted unambiguously: the underwater pyramids are the base of aliens. It’s probably not in vain that after such messages, the ominous zone where the Bermuda Triangle exhibits its anomalous properties was closed and all information was classified.

The well-known Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the southeastern coast of the United States. The vertices of the triangle lie on islands such as Bermuda, Miami and San Juan; the entire area of ​​the triangle occupies 925 thousand square kilometers of seabed.

Rumors and facts around Bermuda are a dime a dozen. You may or may not believe all of this. But we found one fact interesting, especially since it was confirmed by photographs taken underwater by research scientists.

In the 90s of the last century, Americans repeatedly explored the bottom using sonar and discovered pyramids deep underwater in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle.

It turned out that these pyramids are not similar to those located in Egypt. They are created from an unknown material, in all respects similar to smooth ceramics or polished glass. Also in size they are inferior to the famous pyramid of Cheops 2.5-3 times. Although preliminary data suggests that their age is no more than half a millennium.

Historians claim that the pyramids are the remains of the complex of the ancient civilization of the Atlanteans, who lived on the legendary ancient island of Atlantis. Legend has it that 9 thousand years ago Atlantis sank to the ocean floor in one day due to a large-scale catastrophe that occurred then. Today, scientists consider this legend a myth.

Three years ago, after Google Earth launched a new Ocean service, which is designed to view the topography of the seabed, several users discovered an interesting picture on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean between the Straits of Gibraltar and the Azores, which resembles a bird's-eye view of city streets. In this regard, a corresponding article was published in The Sun and other tabloids.

After this, Google immediately refuted the speculation about Atlantis, saying that the image is nothing more than an artifact of the data collection process, and the straight lines are the standard course of ships that carry out bathymetric surveys. Not many people know whether this is actually true.

Who knows, perhaps soon we will witness something new and previously unknown. In the meantime, we can only wait for new light to be shed on the mysterious origin of the underwater smooth pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

This sensational discovery has already spread all over the world. It seems that the mythical sunken continent described by Plato has finally been found, and it is in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of Cuba, in the very center of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle! Thanks to two enthusiastic scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky, the world community received sensational photographs of the underwater mega-city, which clearly show giant pyramids, megalithic buildings, numerous structures with unknown inscriptions and even sphinxes. The research was carried out using deep-sea robotic submarines. Thanks to them, at least four pyramids and several sphinxes were discovered - exactly the same as in Egypt, but much larger in size than the pyramids at Giza. All buildings are located 600 feet below sea level. Under the layer of silt, numerous structures were also found - buildings, columns and sculptures, the purpose of which is not yet clear.

It turns out that the underwater giant city was discovered back in the 60s of the 20th century by submarines from the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Access to it was immediately blocked so that this find would not fall into the hands of the USSR. 50 years later, scientists began exploring the underwater coast of Cuba in the hope of confirming the existence of a submerged city, and their efforts were crowned with success.
Researchers believe that the city was flooded as a result of a massive flood at the end of the last Ice Age. Needless to say, this discovery completely coincides with Plato’s stories about Atlantis, which were long considered a legend. At that time the water level was 400 feet lower. Rapidly melting glaciers have dramatically raised sea levels, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Apparently, no Atlantean technology could save the city from this global catastrophe, just as modern technology could not save us now. The topography of the land changed - islands and even entire island continents were flooded. This supposedly happened 12,900 years ago. All that remains of Atlantis is Cuba.

Evidence that Cuba is a remnant of a once powerful Atlantic civilization comes from writings and symbols discovered by Paulina Zalitsky in Cuba, which are identical to writings found on underwater structures. Scientists note that this ancient language is not known to us, but some of the symbols found are similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The blocks from which the underwater pyramids are built weigh several hundred tons. As in the Egyptian pyramids, they fit perfectly together and have a smooth polished surface. In addition, some of the buildings are similar to the famous Stonehenge, and the sphinxes are exactly the same as the famous Egyptian Sphinx, only larger in size.

Mysterious ships are not the only mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. In 1991, oceanographer Dr. W. Meyer, using sonars, discovered strange pyramid-like structures at a depth of approximately 2,000 feet. These structures were simply gigantic in size. They were 3 times higher in height than the Cheops Pyramid, which is the largest pyramid on land. The scientist conducted research, as a result of which he was able to establish that the underwater pyramids are made of a very smooth material, possibly thick glass. In addition, Meyer believes that the age of the pyramids is approximately half a century, therefore, they could not have been built by past civilizations.

These mysterious pyramids are located in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle. According to the scientist, if you reveal the secrets associated with the strange pyramids, you will be able to get closer to solving the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle itself. The news created a real sensation. Meyer held a press conference in the Bahamas, where he introduced journalists to the exact coordinates of the pyramids, graphs of their images, photographs and echograms, as well as a report on their research. Thanks to sonars and computerized analyzers located on the ship, it was possible to obtain images of the pyramids, according to which they are perfectly smooth, there are no algae or the presence of other forms of ocean flora or fauna on their surface. There were no seams, cracks or joints in the material from which the mysterious pyramids were created; it was as if they were created from a single monolithic piece. Meyer pointed out that the technology used to build the underwater pyramids is unknown to modern science. According to the scientist, underwater study of the pyramids is necessary to obtain more accurate data.

However, after the Bahamas press conference, reports about mysterious underwater structures practically stopped appearing in the media. It’s as if someone is deliberately hiding information from the general public. This is most likely due to the fact that they often fly out of the water or quickly sink to the ocean floor. It is known that such flights are observed frequently, and intelligence agencies track them. Scientific experts and US intelligence officials believe that the underwater complex produces a colossal amount of energy, which is responsible for the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle area. It is possible that the glass pyramids are only part of a huge energy complex.

Despite Meyer's evidence of the existence of a pyramid on the ocean floor, it is difficult to find. For the second decade, Meyer's supporters have been trying to find a mysterious pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to serious calculations, it was possible to establish that the pyramid may be located near Puerto Rico. Researchers studying this issue believe that there is some mysterious connection between all the pyramids existing on Earth. Such pyramids are found not only in Egypt or Mexico; similar structures have been discovered in many places on our planet: Brazil, China, Russia, Japan, Australia, Ukraine. And these are not all the countries in which pyramids are found.

Most pyramids are on land. But there are also those that were discovered under water. In addition to the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle, a step pyramid approximately 20 m high was recently found in China. It consists of stone slabs and is located at the bottom of a lake in the Chinese province of Yunnan. This is the largest and best preserved pyramid, but besides it, nine more structures of the same size and about two dozen more objects scattered throughout the bottom were discovered at the bottom of the lake. According to scientists, these structures were built by an ancient civilization and represent a sunken city. The pyramids at the bottom of the lake in China do not cause many disputes and questions, but the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle still remain shrouded in mystery.

It should be noted that W. Meyer was not the first to point out the existence of underwater pyramids in the Atlantic. Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov in 1977 mentioned in one of his works that the echo sounders of a fishing vessel sailing near the Bermuda Islands recorded a strange hill resembling a pyramid. This mention was the reason for the organization of an expedition to the Bermuda region by the famous American ufologist and atlantologist Charles Berlitz. According to members of the expedition, they actually managed to discover a strange mountain located at a depth of 400 m, which strongly resembled a pyramid. The height of the pyramid was approximately 150 m, the sides were of equal length

At the moment, many researchers are trying to unravel this phenomenon. People are interested in who, when and why built these strange pyramids. I would like to hope that the answer to these questions will shed light on the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area and explain the reasons for the anomalies occurring there.

According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez, the underwater city was discovered several decades ago. However, access for research groups was stopped until the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved.

“The US government discovered the supposed site of the death of Atlantis in the sixties - during the missile crisis in Cuba. Nuclear submarines at depth determined the location of pyramidal structures. The area was declared secret, the authorities took control of the historical site, closing it, first of all, from the Soviet Union.”

A scientific group formed from ocean experts, archaeologists and historians concluded: on the ocean floor, about 300 meters below sea level, there are the ruins of an ancient city. They unanimously decided that this was the sunken Atlantis.

Pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

The pyramids and sphinxes in the Caribbean are significantly more massive than those in Egypt. That the island of Cuba is a relic of a once powerful ancient culture is confirmed by Zalitsky's discoveries. Ancient symbols and pictograms identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs were discovered on the ruins of some buildings. They are also visible on underwater structures.

Having taken measurements underwater, they discovered structures similar to the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, but much larger in size. According to scientists, the pyramids of Atlantis were built from stones weighing hundreds of tons.

The ancient city has magnificent statues of sphinxes. Some stones are arranged in a sequence like Stonehenge. The symbols of the written language are engraved on the stone.

Perhaps this is the most important discovery that will change the course of human history.

Fernandez writes:

“I confirm that the stones were cut and polished to fit tightly together to form large structures. They have strange inscriptions on them, similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs. There are also symbols and drawings whose meaning is unknown.”

Research at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle of Atlantis continues as part of the Exploramar project.

Fernandez interviewed scientists about the likelihood that the ruins actually belong to the Atlantean civilization. To which the answer was given:

“The Yucatan is still inhabited today by aborigines, the Olmecs, who are distinguished by their distinctive culture. They believe that their ancestors lived on an island that sank during a natural disaster. This island was called Atlanticú (Atlantic). Local residents pass from fathers to sons the legend of the sudden flood of the wonderful Atlantis.”

During Fernandez's interview with Pavel Zalitsky about who built the city, the scientist responded:

“We have already published news about this find. The University of Veracruz was interested in conducting research and took samples of rock structures on the seabed. The artifacts were provided to the University of Anthropology. They analyzed the origins of the ruins and the modern genotype of the Olmecs. When they saw underwater photographs, they drew a parallel with the ruins found during excavations on the island

The Olmecs and other indigenous peoples have their own ideas about the emergence of the continent of Cuba. They claim that the island arose as a result of a strong earthquake and the flooding of part of the land.

As a result of the analysis of data on the origin, it turned out that the peoples descended from three families who were miraculously saved. They sailed to the coast of Veracruz, where the Olmecs live today. Another group came to Central America and settled on the Pacific coast. They created a civilization in North and South America and spread their knowledge there.

When anthropologists saw images of the underwater city, they were extremely surprised to see symbols and inscriptions with Olmec motifs in them.

The Olmec peoples, the descendants of Atlantis, destroyed at the end of the Ice Age due to the flood, were mentioned by the philosopher Plato in his works.

The architecture of Cuba's underwater city is reminiscent of the art of the old Mayan city of Tikal in Guatemala. This fact also indicates the discovery of the site of the death of the Atlantis civilization.

Video Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, on to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas. Similar

The world's oceans contain many secrets closed to humans, which for hundreds of years still remain under a veil of uncertainty. Among the first are the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious region of the western Atlantic, about which myths and legends have been formed for at least a century.The Bermuda Triangle has a reputation for being an ominous area. Scientists have been struggling with its mysteries for a long time, exploration and research work is constantly being carried out here, and finally there are the first results - Canadian researchers made a sensational discovery - they found an ancient sunken city at the bottom of the sea in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle.
According to scientists, they saw four pyramids in photographs of the ocean floor in the area, one of which was made entirely of glass, with engraved inscriptions visible on the walls of the buildings.According to scientists, the city resembles the cities of ancient Latin American cultures, in particular the culture of the disappeared Teotihucan civilization, which existed on the territory of modern Mexico. It is assumed that the sunken city was built one and a half to two thousand years ago.
Canadian researchers state that it is not yet known what was found, but it is absolutely clear that nature could not create such structures with symmetrical architecture.

Glass pyramids under the Bermuda Triangle. Lost Atlantis.

In 1995, University of Minnesota researcher Mark Hammons and his colleague Geoffrey Keith stated that the Atlanteans were... aliens that inhabited human bodies! For communication and movement, they used telepathy and levitation, and also had highly developed technologies based on energy crystals, the fragments of which now rest at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. They still emit dangerous rays.

It is possible to use the energy that is released with the help of functioning crystals that are located inside the pyramid (pyramids) that are “under” the Bermuda Triangle to stabilize the situation and restore the broken boundaries (dimensions) of the Worlds.

Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle These strange structures at a depth of two thousand feet were discovered by oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer using sonar.

Research using other equipment allowed the scientist to determine that the two giant pyramids were possibly made of something like thick glass. Pyramids are truly impressive structures, because each of them is larger than the largest pyramid on land - the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. It was also possible to establish that the pyramids are about half a century old, that is, they are not fragments of bygone civilizations.

V. Meyer believes that revealing the secrets of the strange underwater pyramids, located, by the way, in the very center of the conventional triangle, will shed light on the terrible and mysterious things that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle.

In his press conference in the Bahamas, the scientist provided a report, maps with the exact coordinates of the pyramids and graphics depicting them. It is noteworthy that the oceanographer claims that modern science does not know the technology used to create the underwater pyramids. Perhaps their underwater study will yield facts that are currently difficult to imagine.

For decades, adherents of the mysterious purpose of the Earth's pyramids have been trying to find the missing Atlantic Pyramid. Scientists conducted serious scientific research calculations and came to the conclusion that this pyramid may be located in the Atlantic Ocean near Puerto Rico. Many researchers are confident that there is a logical connection between all the pyramids, evenly distributed throughout the Earth. Brazil, Australia, China, Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Russia, Bermuda and even Ukraine - this is a far from complete list of countries in which various pyramids were found.
Researchers have repeatedly encountered discoveries of underwater pyramids. More recently, a step pyramid was discovered, consisting of stone slabs, the height of which is about 20 meters. This pyramid is located in China at the bottom of a lake in the southwestern province of Yunnan. It is interesting that at the bottom of this lake there are nine more objects of the same size, and the total number of structures of this type is thirty. Scientists suggest that the objects are the creation of an ancient civilization. But if with such pyramids everything is more or less clear, then with the pyramids of Bermuda they are shrouded in complete mystery.
One of the most mysterious and mysterious places on our planet is the Bermuda Triangle. This is a mysterious place where, according to most eyewitnesses, many inexplicable phenomena occur. Every year, more and more different mysterious incidents occur in this mysterious place. Among them are natural anomalies, the disappearance of ships and planes, memory loss in people, and all this brings fear and horror to people, thereby attracting more and more travelers and researchers. Such a term as the Bermuda Triangle appeared not only about 50 years ago. But the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has not been solved to this day, even though there are hundreds of eyewitnesses who observed the anomalies occurring in this place. In our article we will talk about the most famous facts from the history of the study of the Bermuda Triangle, as well as the existence and research on its territory of one of the most mysterious phenomena. This phenomenon is called the Bermuda pyramid.
In the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the southeastern coast of the United States, is the well-known Bermuda Triangle. The peaks of the Bermuda Triangle lie on the islands of Bermuda, Miami (Florida) and San Juan (Puerto Rico), the total area of ​​the triangle is 925,000 square kilometers. It got its name from the name that was previously given to one of its peaks - “Devil's Island”. This island was completely surrounded by reefs, which destroyed hundreds of ships. It is interesting to note the fact that the Bermuda Triangle is not present in the list of geographical places in the United States, it is not on the map, there are no documents confirming or denying this mysterious and overnight mysterious area in the whole world. All that researchers have to rely on is only those stories that eyewitnesses tell us.
But back in 1977, the Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov wrote in his works that not far from Bermuda, at the very bottom of the ocean, the echo sounders of a fishing vessel registered a hill that very much resembles a pyramid, which subsequently contributed to the organization of a special expedition led by the famous American atlantologist Charles Berliner. It was the members of the expedition who discovered a pyramid-like mountain at a depth of 400 meters. They believed that this mountain was an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid. Its dimensions in height are one hundred and fifty meters, and even the sides have equal lengths.
There are reports quite often about pyramids being found in the Bermuda Triangle area. So, in the early 1990s, American oceanographers discovered an underwater pyramid, which, as is known, is located exactly in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, in its very center. Scientists processed all the collected data and concluded that the surface was perfectly smooth, somewhat reminiscent of glass or ice. The dimensions of the pyramid turned out to be almost three times larger than the Cheops pyramid.
This news turned out to be a real sensation, which was discussed at a conference held in Florida. Journalists present at it received many photographs and echograms. Sonars and high-resolution computerized analyzers installed on the ship showed voluminous and perfectly smooth surfaces of the pyramid, not overgrown with algae. There were no seams, no connectors, no cracks. The question arises: why has this topic become closed in the media at the moment? The answer to this question is rather hidden in the fact that in this area UFOs are observed taking off directly from the water and the entry of unidentified objects into the depths of the sea. The intelligence services monitor such flights, which occur quite often. Therefore, according to scientists and US intelligence officials, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle area are due to the operation of a very powerful underwater complex. It follows that perhaps the glass pyramid is the central part of such an energy complex that was built by someone. One cannot help but recall Edgar Cayce's prophecies about a huge crystal that has enormous powers capable of causing destructive cataclysms for all humanity on the planet.
In the early 2000s, we learned of the discovery of two more pyramids in the Bermuda area. Oceanographer Verlag Meyer, using special equipment, tried to figure out the substance that made up the pyramids. The researcher concluded that the pyramids were made of glass. In his opinion, the technology for making pyramids is still unknown to scientists. Having studied all the age characteristics of these pyramids, scientists concluded that these so-called “glass” pyramids are no more than 500 years old. All of humanity is interested in finding the answer to this phenomenon. I would like to know by whom, when and for what purpose these pyramids were built. It is possible that this discovery will help explain the terrible secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes on its territory, and the reasons for the anomalies that occur there.

A pyramid on the ocean floor in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.

Riddle of the Atlanteans

Modern humanity knows very little about Atlantis. Legends say that the Atlanteans were tall, extraordinarily beautiful, freely overcame gravity and exchanged thoughts without speech... The mystery of the disappearance of the Atlantean civilization haunts both serious scientists and enthusiastic researchers to this day.

Gift from aliens

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, in his works entitled “Dialogues,” wrote that the Atlanteans “brought disaster upon themselves.” But his story breaks off and does not reveal the secrets of the tragedy. Perhaps the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce managed to solve it, who, while entering a trance, observed visions from long-vanished worlds.

According to him, "the Atlanteans used crystals for worldly and spiritual purposes." In his revelations, Cayce saw a large hall in the Temple of Poseidon, called the "Hall of Light". It contained the main crystal of Atlantis - Tuaoi, that is, the “Fire Stone”. It had a cylindrical shape, the top absorbed solar energy and accumulated it in the center. The first crystal was presented to the Atlanteans by representatives of alien civilizations, who warned that it must be handled with care, since it contains terrible destructive power.

In general, the crystals were powerful accumulators of solar radiation and starlight; they accumulated the energy of the Earth, their rays burned through even powerful walls. It was thanks to this that the Atlanteans built palaces, temples and developed extrasensory abilities.

Casey's statements were met by scientists with a fair amount of skepticism. But soon confirmation of what was said was discovered: Julius Caesar in his “Notes on the Gallic War” wrote that a certain Druid priest told him about the ancestors of the Gauls who came to Europe from the “Island of Crystal Towers.” According to legend, their glass palace rose in the middle of the sea somewhere in the center of the Atlantic. Ships sailed past it, but those that tried to come closer died: some invisible forces captured the ship, and it disappeared forever. The myth survived into the Middle Ages: in the Celtic sagas this inexplicable force was called the “magic web.” One of the heroes of the sagas managed to escape from the House of Glass and return home. It seemed to him that he had spent only three days in the palace, but thirty years had passed in his homeland!

There is a legend that some of the surviving Atlanteans fled to Tibet. The peoples of Tibet have preserved a legend about giant pyramids topped with large rock crystal crystals, which served as antennas for receiving the life-giving energy of the Cosmos.

Sea mystery

In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown went on vacation to the island of Bahrie, located near the Bahamas. The scientist was a scuba diving enthusiast. One day he went diving. Imagine his amazement when, at great depths, he discovered a well-preserved pyramid, equipped with unknown technology. Among the rods and holders was a crystal. When Brown tried to take it with him, he heard a warning voice inside him. And yet he brought it to the surface. For 5 years, Ray Brown protected the find in every possible way. But in 1975, he still decided to show it at a congress of psychiatrists in the USA. Psychologist from New York Elizabeth Bacon, after looking at the crystal, suddenly received a message from the stone about its belonging... to the Egyptian god of death Thoth!

A few years later, high-energy crystals of unknown origin were discovered at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea. With their radiation they dematerialized people and ships. It is possible that anomalies in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle arose as a result of the influence of this energy complex. Edgar Cayce warned of the dangers of shipping in the Bermuda area, because, in his opinion, the destructive energy of crystals continues to operate today. That is why the so-called “paradox of time and space” is observed there.

In 1993, the American weekly News reported on an amazing incident involving an American submarine floating in a “triangle” at a depth of 200 feet (70 m). The sailors heard a strange noise overboard and felt a vibration that lasted about a minute. And then the whole team... instantly aged. But the most surprising thing became clear after surfacing: it turned out that the submarine was in... the Indian Ocean, 300 miles from the east coast of Africa and 10 thousand miles from Bermuda!

It is quite possible that the strange phenomenon occurred under the influence of Atlantean energy crystals, hidden, according to Casey, at the bottom of the sea east of Andros Island at a depth of 1500 m.

In the summer of 1991, an American hydrological vessel discovered a huge pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle - three times larger than the famous Cheops pyramid! Judging by the echoes reflected from its surface, the edges are made of a material similar to glass or polished ceramic. Surprisingly, they turned out to be absolutely clean and smooth, which is not at all typical for an object located on the ocean floor.
After the return of the hydrological vessel, a press conference was organized. On it, the researchers demonstrated photographs, echograms and research results. The ship's sonars showed images of the sides of the pyramid, on which no blocks were visible, as if the plane was perfectly flat.

Dangerous rays

In 1995, University of Minnesota researcher Mark Hammons and his colleague Geoffrey Keith stated that the Atlanteans were... aliens that inhabited human bodies! For communication and movement, they used telepathy and levitation, and also had highly developed technologies based on energy crystals, the fragments of which now rest at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. They still emit dangerous rays.

Apparently, numerous disappearances of ships in this area are also associated with them: living objects, that is, people, seem to be “freed” from their bodies and move into the subtle astral world. Weaker rays alter the psyche so much that hallucinations may occur.

In 1999, Shannon Bracey from New Zealand became a participant in one of the unexplained incidents, deciding to cross the Pacific Ocean alone on a yacht. Here's what she told reporters.
- When I was already approaching Bermuda, something terrible happened. At noon, when I was in the wheelhouse, the sea surface became hazy. It seemed like I was caught in a band of fog. Soon a real storm began, and the haze thickened so much that visibility became zero. Then ghosts appeared around me! These were people in sailor uniforms, some women with mournful faces and crying children. I understood that they had all been dead for a long time, and this made me feel chilling horror. Suddenly I saw my dead husband: he was stretching out his hands to me. At that moment I lost consciousness.

When Shannon woke up, the clock in the control room showed midnight. It turned out that the woman was unconscious for twelve hours!

An equally strange incident occurred with a German girl, Mina, who was born near Bermuda on board a cruise ship. At the age of four, she began to read the thoughts of others, moving a pencil across the glass with her eyes. For several years now, her phenomenal abilities have been studied in one of the psychotherapeutic clinics in Germany.

All these facts indicate that the main crystal of Atlantis was preserved in working condition. It lies at great depth in the center of the Bermuda Triangle and continues to have a mysterious influence.
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