How to make white gravy. White and red sauces: recipes and cooking tips

Few people know this gravy. After all, quite a large number of housewives are accustomed to making classic sauces using tomato paste. However, sometimes you really want to surprise your guests and prepare for them some unusual dish with creamy dressing.

Quick and delicious white sauce: recipe

This dressing is ideal for a side dish, as well as hot salads and meat. It should be noted that this is the easiest sauce to prepare and does not require many different ingredients.

So what ingredients do you need to buy to make a delicious white sauce? The recipe for this dressing requires the use of the following products:

  • natural butter - 3 large spoons;
  • high-grade light flour - 2 large heaped spoons;
  • fresh milk of maximum fat content - 2 full glasses;
  • sea ​​salt and a mixture of crushed peppers - use according to personal discretion and taste.

Step by step cooking method

How to make your own white sauce? The recipe for this dressing requires the use of a thick-walled small bowl or saucepan. You need to place natural butter in it, and then melt it very slowly on the stove so that the cooking fat does not burn. After this, you need to pour high-grade flour into the bowl and mix everything thoroughly.

Finally, you need to heat the milk separately in a bowl without bringing it to a boil. Next, the warm product should be poured in a thin stream into the rest of the ingredients. In this case, all components must be mixed regularly with a large spoon so that lumps do not form in the sauce. After boiling the dressing for another 2 minutes, it should be removed from the heat and immediately used for its intended purpose.

Making a delicious creamy sauce with champignons

Almost everyone likes the recipe for white sauce with mushrooms. After all, such a dressing turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. It can be served with any side dish. For example, a dish made from mushroom sauce and potatoes, boiled pasta, rice or buckwheat porridge is very tasty. In addition, this dressing is ideal for making hearty and flavorful homemade pizza.

So, what should you buy to make mushroom white sauce? The recipe for this dressing recommends using the following components:

  • fresh champignons - about 400 g;
  • high-grade light flour - 2 full large spoons;
  • deodorized vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • natural butter - 20 g;
  • sweet onions, not very large - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream as fresh and rich as possible - 100 g;
  • sea ​​salt, dill and chopped pepper mixture - use according to taste and desire.

Food preparation

Before you make the mushroom white pizza sauce, the recipe for which we are considering, you should process all the ingredients one by one. First you need to wash the fresh champignons well, and then cut them into thin slices along the caps and legs. After this, you need to peel the sweet onions and finely chop them into cubes. As for the dill, it should only be chopped with a knife.

Frying on the stove

How should you cook mushroom white pizza sauce? The recipe for preparing this dressing recommends using a deep saucepan. Pour deodorized vegetable oil into it, then add the mushrooms, wait until the excess liquid has completely evaporated and fry until golden brown. You also need to add chopped sweet onions to the champignons. This vegetable will give the sauce a special aroma and taste.

Stewing a dish

After the ingredients are well fried, add natural butter and the freshest possible sour cream. After mixing the ingredients, they need to be additionally flavored with a mixture of chopped peppers, salt and herbs, as well as high-grade flour. In this composition, it is advisable to simmer the products under the lid for about 5-7 minutes.

After the described steps, the mushroom white sauce should be removed from the stove and then used to prepare delicious homemade pizza or serve along with some side dish.

Prepare a delicious sauce for meat

White sauce for meat, the recipe of which calls for the use of only simple and accessible ingredients, can be served with either boiled, baked or fried steak. This dressing will make your meal even tastier and richer. For this we need:

  • any meat broth - about 2 glasses;
  • high-grade light flour - ½ cup;
  • natural butter - 2 large spoons;
  • dill and parsley - use to taste;
  • salad onion - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - several leaves;
  • allspice peas - several pieces;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - use to taste;
  • sea ​​salt is not very coarse - use at your discretion.

Cooking process

How to make your own white sauce for meat? The recipe for this dressing recommends using a small frying pan. Melt the butter in it, then add high-grade flour and fry everything thoroughly until light yellow. Next, the ingredients need to be diluted with broth. After this, to the almost finished sauce you need to add chopped herbs, onions fried separately in oil, as well as bay leaves and peppercorns.

After mixing the products, they should be cooked over low heat for about half an hour. At the end, the sauce must be removed from the stove, seasoned with butter and fresh lemon juice. It is advisable to serve the prepared white dressing to the table warm along with veal, rabbit or chicken.

White Bechamel sauce: quick recipe

Bechamel sauce is a famous French dressing that has a special taste and aroma. Previously, this dish was made by boiling a mixture of meat broth and cream for a long time. Today, Bechamel sauce is an oil-flour dressing with milk.

It should be noted that this dish is good to use as a flavorful gravy for various dishes. But the sauce presented is often used as a base for other sauces and soups.

So, to prepare Bechamel sauce we will need:

  • high-grade flour - 2 large spoons;
  • natural butter - 2 large spoons;
  • milk as full-fat and fresh as possible (you can use cream if desired) - 2 cups;
  • nutmeg - ½ small spoon;
  • not very coarse iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • ground white pepper - ½ small spoon.

Cooking method

To make your own French Bechamel sauce, you need to take an ordinary dry frying pan, heat it up very high, and then add high-grade flour. It is advisable to fry the flour ingredient for about 5-8 minutes. After this, add natural butter and full-fat milk or heavy cream.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they need to be seasoned with nutmeg, ground white pepper and salt. If you need to get a liquid sauce, then you can add a little more milk to the main ingredients. If, on the contrary, it is thick, then it should be cooked over low heat until it reaches the consistency you need. After these steps, Bechamel sauce is considered fully prepared. It can be safely served to the table along with a side dish or meat. Bon appetit!

Light sauces

2 cm. spoons of cream or sour cream, 2 cm. spoons of margarine or butter, 2 cm. spoons of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of butter for dressing, salt to taste.

Melt margarine or butter and heat until the water they contain evaporates. Add flour, fry it until light yellow, then add liquid, stirring all the time. Cook the sauce for a few minutes, add salt. Add cream and butter to the finished sauce and then do not cook the sauce anymore.

Serve with boiled meat, all minced meat and offal dishes.

Light main sauce, 1 cm. spoon of grated celery root or parsley, 1 cm. a spoonful of chopped celery or parsley, 1 teaspoon of condensed milk.

Add the grated root to the sauce along with condensed milk and cook. Add the greens when the sauce is cooked.

Serve with sausage, minced meat and beef dishes.

Light main sauce, juice of 1 lemon, grated zest of 1/2 lemon, a little sugar, 1-2 eggs (yolks).

Mix the egg yolks with a small amount of broth, add to the finished sauce and bring to a boil, but do not cook.

Mix seasonings into the prepared sauce after cooking.

Serve with chicken, rabbit, veal and game dishes.

Light main sauce, 1 cm. spoon of table mustard or 2 cm. spoons of horseradish, vinegar or lemon juice, a little sugar.

Add seasonings to the finished sauce after cooking.

Serve with boiled beef, pork and lamb.

300 ml glass of broth, 1 cm. spoon of wheat flour, 1 yolk, 2 cm. tablespoons butter, salt to taste.

Lightly fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter, dilute with strained broth obtained from cooking rabbit, chicken, lamb or veal, and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. After this, remove the sauce from the heat, add the egg yolk mixed in a glass with a small amount of sauce, add salt to taste, a piece of butter and stir.

Serve with boiled rabbit, veal, lamb and chicken.

1 kg bones (veal, chicken or rabbit), 2-2.5 liters of water, 75 g of wheat flour, 100-150 g of butter, 30 g of onions, parsley and celery, salt to taste.

Make white broth from veal, rabbit or chicken bones. Prepare a flour sauté, dilute it with broth, boil, descale, add finely chopped onions, parsley and celery. At a low boil, cook the sauce for 20-30 minutes, removing the scum and stirring from the bottom. Then strain it and add salt to taste. If desired, you can add a little citric acid and 50-100 g of butter to the sauce.

Serve with boiled white meat (chickens, chickens, turkey, veal), legs, brains, etc.

1 kg bones (veal, chicken or rabbit), 2-2.5 liters of water, 75 g of wheat flour, 50 g of butter, 30 g of onions, parsley and celery, 1/2 lemon or 2-3 g of citric acid, salt to taste.

For lezon: 150 g cream or 350 ml milk, 2-4 eggs (yolks), 50 g butter.

Prepared in the same way as indicated in the recipe " " The difference is that a leison made from egg yolk, cream and butter is added to the finished white sauce and seasoned with lemon juice or citric acid.

Serve with any white boiled meat.

300 ml broth, 1 cm. spoon of wheat flour, 1 egg (yolk), 2 cm. spoons of butter.

Lightly fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter, dilute with strained broth obtained from cooking rabbit, chicken, lamb or veal, and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. After this, remove the sauce from the heat, add the egg yolk mixed in a glass with a small amount of sauce, add salt to taste, a piece of butter and mix.

Serve with boiled rabbit, veal, lamb, chicken.

Prepare white butter sauce according to the previous recipe and add 1.5 tbsp. spoons of small capers.

Serve with boiled veal, lamb, rabbit, chicken.

100 g sour cream, 200 ml broth, 1 cm each. spoon of wheat flour and butter, salt to taste.

Lightly fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter, dilute with a glass of hot meat broth, add sour cream and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and a piece of butter to the sauce and stir.

Serve with meatballs and cutlets, fried liver and game.

100 g sour cream, 200 g broth, 1 cm. spoon of wheat flour, 1 onion, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of Southern sauce, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of butter.

Fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter until light yellow, dilute with a glass of hot meat broth, add sour cream and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, fry finely chopped onion in oil in a frying pan and add it to the sauce before finishing cooking. After this, remove the sauce from the heat, add salt and ready-made “Southern” sauce or other soy sauce.

Serve with liver, cutlets, meatballs.

200 g meat jelly, 70 g butter, juice of 1 lemon, parsley to taste.

Heat the meat jelly, remove from heat, add butter, cut into small pieces. Stirring continuously, cook for 10 minutes. Then season with lemon juice and chopped parsley.

Saffron sauce

1 liter of meat broth, 50 g of butter, 50 g of wheat flour, 40 g of onions, 40 g of parsley and celery roots, 100 ml of dry white wine, 10 drops of saffron infusion, salt to taste.

Place a small pinch of saffron in a glass, add 1/2 cup of boiling water and let it brew.

Finely chop the onion and fry with butter, without letting it brown. Put onion, chopped white roots (parsley, celery) into the meat broth, add salt, flour diluted with broth, heated with butter, and cook for about an hour. Rub the sauce through a sieve, pour in white wine, saffron infusion and boil.

This sauce is poured over boiled chickens.

500 ml broth, 50 g butter, 60 g wheat flour, 60 g onions, 125 ml dry white wine, 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard, 1 cm. a spoonful of tomato puree, pepper, vinegar, salt to taste.

Fry finely chopped onion in oil until golden brown, add flour and, as soon as it is fried, dilute with broth and dry white wine. Add salt, pepper, and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add pepper, vinegar (in a stream), mustard and tomato puree.

500 g basic white sauce, 1 clove garlic, 1/4 spoon ground black pepper, 1/3 teaspoon ground or chopped clary sage, 1 cm. a spoonful of cocoa powder (or 20 g of chocolate bar), salt to taste.

Add crushed black pepper, garlic, and clary sage to the main white sauce. To stir thoroughly. Separately, grind the chocolate or dilute the cocoa powder in a small amount of broth. Combine everything and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

Serve with boiled poultry.

1 head of garlic, 1 cm. spoon of wheat flour, 2 cm. spoons of fat, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, salt to taste.

Chop the garlic very finely and simmer separately with the fat in a small amount of salted boiling water. Add flour and stir until lightly browned. Dilute with boiling water or hot broth. Let it boil a little, then add salt, add a little vinegar, and let it boil again.

Ostropel can also be prepared with tomato paste.

Serve the sauce hot with any poultry, veal, lamb or beef dishes.

This sauce makes a very tasty roast. To do this, cut the meat (poultry, veal, lamb, beef) into small pieces and simmer in a sealed container with sauce, adding a little fat and salted boiling water. In this case, add vinegar and salt at the end of stewing and put in the oven for a while.

500 g bechamel sauce, 125 ml dry white wine, 1 cm. spoon of grated horseradish.

Prepare bechamel sauce, pour white wine into it and add a spoonful of grated horseradish. Boil for 5 minutes.

500 g white sauce, 40 g almonds, a little lemon zest, 50 g grated Roquefort.

Before serving the sauce, add crushed almond kernels, lemon zest and Roquefort.

Grind the peeled and washed horseradish and pour boiling broth (strained soup). Add salt, vinegar and sugar to taste.

Serve with cold beef, veal or smoked meat.

Hot sauce with horseradish and sour cream

1 cm. spoon of wheat flour, 2 cm. spoons of grated horseradish, 100 g sour cream, 200 ml meat broth, 2 cm. spoons of vinegar, butter, bay leaf, pepper to taste.

Lightly fry a tablespoon of flour with the same amount of butter, dilute with a glass of hot broth obtained from cooking meat products, add sour cream and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, prepare the horseradish: put 2 tbsp in a small saucepan or frying pan. spoons of butter and grated horseradish and lightly fry. Then pour in 1-2 tbsp. spoons (depending on the strength) of vinegar and the same amount of water or broth, add 1 bay leaf, 5-8 peppercorns (or 1/10 capsicum) and put on fire to evaporate the liquid.

Place the boiled horseradish in the prepared sauce, boil, and, after removing from the heat, add salt, add a piece of butter and stir.

Serve with boiled beef, corned beef, lamb, pork, tongue.

700 g thick milk sauce, 200 ml meat broth, 300 g onions, 70 g butter, 100 ml milk, spices, salt to taste.

Finely chop the onion and sauté in butter until pale pink. Dilute the milk sauce with meat broth, add sauteed onions, spices, salt and cook at low boil for 6-7 minutes. After this, rub the sauce through a sieve, pour in hot milk, stir well and bring to a boil. Season the finished sauce with butter.

Serve with natural fried lamb, veal and minced meat products.

600 ml milk, 300 ml meat broth, 40 g butter, 40 g wheat flour, 200 g onions, 1/5 g nutmeg, a little red hot pepper or ground white pepper.

Onions, coarsely chopped, boil in milk. Then remove the onion from the broth and chop it. Prepare a white sauté from flour and butter, dilute with milk broth and pour in the broth, add pepper, salt, nutmeg, stir and cook for 5-7 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve. Add chopped onion to the strained sauce and let it boil.

Serve with fried rabbit, boiled poultry, boiled meat, etc.

700 g thick milk sauce, 250 ml chicken broth, 50 g butter, 4 eggs, 2 g nutmeg.

Dilute the milk sauce with broth and boil. Finely chop the whites of hard-boiled eggs, grind the yolk with nutmeg and combine with the sauce. Season the finished sauce with butter.

Serve with boiled meat dishes and poultry.

1 horseradish root, 100 g sour cream, 1 cm. spoon of butter, 1 cm. a spoonful of wheat flour, vinegar, sugar, milk, salt to taste.

Prepare the white sauce as follows: put some butter in a saucepan, and when it melts, add flour and mix well. Without allowing the flour to brown, immediately dilute with hot milk. You can pour the milk a little at a time and stir quickly until the sauce becomes thick like sour cream and begins to boil. Add grated horseradish and sour cream. Let simmer for another 10 minutes and pour into a heated gravy boat.

Serve with boiled meat. If desired, you can add a little sugar or a little vinegar with sugar to the sauce.

2 cm. tablespoons butter, 2 cm. spoons of wheat flour, milk, 2-3 cm. spoons of sour cream, dill, salt to taste.

Place butter in a saucepan. When it melts, add flour and mix well. Without letting the flour brown, dilute it with hot milk. Pour the milk a little at a time and stir quickly until the sauce becomes thick like sour cream and begins to boil. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and thinly sliced ​​dill. Let it simmer a little over low heat.

Serve hot (in a gravy boat) with boiled meat.

200 ml broth, 200 g sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 cm. spoons of wheat flour, 2 cm. spoons of tomato paste (or 1 onion, or 1 teaspoon of cumin), pepper, salt to taste.

Lightly brown the flour in butter, add meat broth and sour cream, cook for 3-6 minutes and season. Stew tomato or chopped onion in oil along with flour, add cumin to the finished sauce.

Serve with boiled and stewed meat.

200 ml of liquid formed during frying or stewing, 2 teaspoons of wheat flour or 1 teaspoon of potato starch, 200 g of sour cream, pepper, herbs, salt to taste.

Boil the liquid released during frying or stewing. Mix flour or starch with cold sour cream, add to the liquid and cook (with flour - 5-6 minutes, with potato starch - 1 minute).

Serve with roasted or stewed chicken, turkey, rabbit or game.

Thick egg sauce

2 cm. spoons of margarine or butter, 3 cm. spoons of wheat flour, 500 ml of milk or a mixture of broth and milk, 1-2 eggs, 2 cm. spoons of lemon juice or white wine, a little nutmeg, 2 cm. spoons of sour cream.

Melt margarine or butter, fry the flour until it turns light yellow, and cook with the liquid for 6-8 minutes. Mix the eggs with a small amount of hot sauce, add to the sauce and heat without bringing to a boil.

Serve with boiled chicken, rabbit, goat and veal. You can bake boiled or fried meat with this sauce: place the slices of meat on a fireproof dish, pour the sauce over them, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs and bake until a light brown crust forms.

Cheese sauce

Thick egg sauce, 2 eggs, 50 g dry cheese, a little ground paprika.

Beat grated cheese with eggs. Cool the egg sauce slightly, add the mixture of cheese and eggs. If the sauce serves as a side dish, then it should be brought to a boil together with the eggs, but not boiled. You can also pour sauce over the meat without heating it and bake.

Serve with poultry, offal and minced meat dishes.

Dark sauces Nut and fruit sauces

Back to contents Hot sauces

Sauce is an addition to a dish that helps it reveal itself more brightly and interestingly. With a good sauce, the usual steak, pasta or stew can take on a completely different, more refined and rich taste. That is why they are often used both in haute cuisine and at home.

White sauce is a classic that has formed the basis of many other sauces. It is often called béchamel, or French sauce. But in fact, bechamel is already an improvisation. The bechamel recipe differs only in the spices - but the taste is already different.

The white sauce recipe is believed to have been invented in France. But whether this is true is unknown, since there have been many cases when the same dish appeared simultaneously in completely different countries. However, it was in France that he was made popular, and it was from this country that his world fame began. It turns out that everything is so simple - and, at the same time, so tasty. It’s not for nothing that this country is considered the capital of cooking.

So, white sauce. This is the base from which you can make sweet, hot, and spicy sauce - all at the request of the cook. But this is why it is so important to master the primary recipe - the one from which it all begins. Only after mastering it thoroughly should you start experimenting.

Classic sauce

The recipe for this dish is extremely simple, the number of ingredients is minimal, but it requires some skill. What? Read on.

So, it’s worth preparing:

  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

When cooking on a gas stove, it is advisable to use a flame divider - a special plate that is placed between the fire and the cookware. The divider takes on the fire, heats up evenly and, accordingly, evenly transfers heat to the cookware over the entire area of ​​its base. If the white sauce is being prepared on an electric stove, there is no need for a divider: the burner already heats the bottom of the dish evenly.

First, place a thick-bottomed dish on low heat - a small saucepan or stewpan. Flour, previously sifted through a sieve, is poured into it. When it is slightly fried - it acquires a creamy hue - add oil and actively mix with a wooden spatula or a medium-sized whisk. As a result of this action, within a few seconds a soft lump is formed, into which you need to add milk. But this must be done so that no clots form in the mixture. To do this, remove the saucepan from the heat, first pour a little milk into it (2-3 spoons), stir it all vigorously, and only after that add the rest of the milk, again, stirring constantly.

Advice! Don't try to do it the other way around - first pour in the milk, then pour in the flour. This may seem simpler, but in this case the desired result will definitely not be obtained. It is important to follow the specified sequence of actions.

After this, the saucepan is returned to the stove, spices are added to the sauce (the proportions are adjusted to taste), the mass is heated for another three minutes, and then removed from the heat.

This is the very first recipe from which numerous variations have arisen. White sauce is usually served with fish, stewed or baked meat, and poultry.

Bechamel sauce: traditional recipe

It’s impossible to talk about white sauce and not talk about bechamel. In the minds of many cooks, this is one dish. Indeed, they have few differences, and even those cannot be called significant. And yet, the creamy taste that white sauce has is inferior to the richer taste of bechamel.

So, to master this recipe, you should prepare:

  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • pepper, salt;
  • ground nutmeg.

Place a thick-bottomed saucepan over low heat, melt the butter in it, add flour in a thin stream and fry it over low heat. Frying time (sautéing) is 3 minutes, during which it is necessary to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan so that it does not burn.

Then pour in the milk in a thin stream in several portions, stirring the sauce vigorously each time. Bring white sauce to a boil, add salt. After this, the mass should simmer over low heat until it reaches the desired consistency. Then add the remaining spices - ground pepper, nutmeg.

Advice! The sauce will become even thicker as it cools, so it should be removed from the heat when it is almost as thick as desired. If the cooled mass is still too dense, you can add a little softened butter - this will dilute the consistency.

It is nutmeg that gives bechamel its characteristic aroma, thanks to which it has gained such popularity.

Bechamel is perfect for sea fish, boiled and baked meat, and pasta. Thanks to its versatility, it is one of the most popular in many countries of the world - its recipe is one of the first to be studied in culinary schools, and it is able to complement almost any culinary masterpiece with a delicate taste.

Sauce variations

The white sauce recipe can be further improved by adding hot pepper or cumin, basil or rosemary. One of the most popular modifications is the addition of aromatic cheese (cheddar, Parmesan, Dorblu), cut into thin slices, to the ready-made sauce. Then the mass is heated again over low heat so that the cheese melts - and the cheese dip, ideal for lasagna, boiled potatoes, seafood - is ready!

You can replace milk with heavy cream or sour cream - such a sauce will be thicker, higher in calories, but at the same time nutritious. And if you add a few crushed cloves of garlic to it, it will also become piquant - a good addition to any meat.

If you add sliced ​​and pre-fried porcini mushrooms, champignons or, for example, boletus mushrooms, the sauce will become mushroom-like. And if you have aromatic herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley), it will harmoniously complement Middle Eastern dishes.

Bacon, ham, shrimp, gherkins, olives, anchovies, capers and even white wine - all this can be added to the white sauce, creating your own exclusive dip recipe. Whatever the variation, one thing remains the same: it should remain white, creamy, and in a consistency that will softly envelop the main dish.

However, sometimes there are other recipes for white sauce: the same Provencal - it is also white, and no less popular. Or tzatziki - a Greek sauce made from yogurt and finely chopped gherkins. Or the Soviet version: mix mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions, add garlic and dill. There are many options. But still, learning the basics and secrets of cooking, it is worth studying the theory: white sauce has one recipe. And everything else that matches it in color or consistency is not necessarily its variety - these are other, albeit completely self-sufficient dishes that deserve attention.

White sauce is amazing. It can turn any set of ingredients into a magically delicious dish, giving them a delicate creamy taste. White sauce is one of the most popular in Europe, thanks to it many everyday dishes turn into real masterpieces. For example, French Bechamel sauce, or Georgian sauce with dry wine and tarragon. A rich, refined and very tasty sauce is also present in Russian cuisine. The basic recipe is very simple to make. Many new ones are obtained from it by adding additional products and spices, herbs, seafood, mushrooms and anything else the housewife desires.

White sauce - food preparation

Learning how to prepare the sauce so that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to serve it even to guests is quite simple. To do this, you just need to adapt to properly saute the flour in butter, diluting it with milk. Usually a frying pan or a deep, thick-walled pan is used for this.

Additional components of the sauce are sour cream, tomato paste, cloves, suneli hops or ground white pepper. National cuisines of the peoples of the world also use fried onions, nuts, cheese, herbs and a wide variety of other spices. This sauce does not keep for a long time; it is advisable to prepare it for a specific dish. It is not burdensome as it only takes a few minutes.

White sauce - the best recipes

Recipe 1: White Sauce: Base

This is a recipe for a small amount of sauce for fish or boiled stewed meat. It will give the dish a delicate creamy taste and will be a great addition to lunch or dinner. Prepare a small frying pan and fresh milk.

Ingredients: milk (300 ml), butter (25 grams), flour (25 grams), salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Melt the butter in a saucepan or frying pan and add flour. Stir and sauté over low heat. It is important to stir constantly so that the flour does not darken at the edges and does not overcook, but remains a beautiful golden color. Remove from heat and gradually add milk. Finally, add spices and bring to a boil. Cook for another 3 minutes. Ready! Serve the sauce with any hot dishes - meat, fish, vegetables or side dishes.

Recipe 2: White sauce with sour cream

This type is higher in calories and differs from milk in its thicker consistency and richness. Instead of sour cream, you can use thick heavy cream.

Ingredients: flour (50 grams, sour cream (1 cup) or heavy cream, butter (50 grams), salt, spices.

Cooking method

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan. When a golden color appears, cool slightly and add butter, spices, gradually pour in sour cream and stir. Boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Stir well and strain the sauce. For those who like garlic flavors, crush a clove of garlic at the end and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 3: White Bechamel Sauce

At the classical culinary school “Le Gordon Bleu” in France, they teach the preparation of Bechamel sauce according to this recipe. Everything else is just variations. Remember the main thing - if the sauté is hot, then cold liquid should be poured in, and vice versa - if it has cooled down, pour in hot sour cream or milk with half an onion. Stick cloves into the onion and simmer everything over low heat.

Ingredients: butter (50 grams), flour (50 grams), milk (1 liter), nutmeg, salt, ground black pepper (a small pinch), onion (half), cloves (3 pieces).

Cooking method

We will cook in a saucepan with thick walls and bottom. Melt the butter and heat it up high. Let's put flour in it, but don't fry it too much, just heat it up. Stir constantly with a spatula. Pour cold milk into the finished sauté, bring to a boil and reduce the heat, simmer until thick. Salt, season with pepper and nutmeg, strain through a metal sieve to achieve a uniform consistency.

Examples of dishes with White sauce

Recipe 1: Beef tongue in white sauce (creamy)

Patience and endurance! This is what we need to prepare beef tongue. By itself, it takes quite a long time to cook; preparing a creamy sauce for the tongue will add even more hassle. But the result! It is in order to enjoy the delicate taste of this beef delicacy that we do everything. So, let's go to battle!

Ingredients: beef tongue (1 piece), butter (30 grams), sour cream (150 grams), flour (15 grams), salt, ground pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking method

Put a pan of water on the fire. Place peppercorns and bay leaves in boiling water, and then cook the tongue in it for about 2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt (1 spoon). At the end of cooking, remove the tongue and place it in cold water. After five minutes the skin should come off very easily. Clean the tongue and cut it into 7-8 cm slices.

Fry in butter for about three minutes on each side. Prepare the sauce: pour 2 tablespoons of flour and 3 tablespoons of thick sour cream into a measuring cup. Mix, add salt, add 150 grams of water and dilute the flour in this mass. Pour the sauce over the tongue and simmer for 1-10 minutes. A soft, pleasant-smelling delicacy is ready!

Recipe 2: Boiled lamb in white sauce

Lamb is a specific meat. Many are put off by its characteristic pungent odor. Our white sauce will handle this and infuse the lamb with creamy flavor and spices. So, if you have lamb shoulder or brisket, go ahead.

Ingredients: lamb (500 grams), potatoes (600 grams), onions (2 heads), carrots (2 heads), spices, flour and butter (1 tablespoon each).

Cooking method

Wash the beef, add a small amount of water, and cook over low heat. Remove the foam in time, cover with a lid and wait about an hour and a half. Half an hour after the start of boiling, add vegetables and salt. Boil the potatoes. We use the broth to prepare white sauce - saute the flour in butter and dilute with the broth, add sour cream. Cut the lamb into flat pieces. Place boiled potatoes on the side and pour white sauce over it.

There are many variations of white sauce

- Cheesy. Add grated cheese (100 grams) to the base hot sauce, melt over low heat and serve immediately.
— Sauce with herbs. Finely chop the dill or parsley and add to the prepared sauce.
- Mushroom. Fry finely chopped mushrooms in oil and add to the sauce with a spoonful of lemon juice.
- Caper. Chop the capers and add to the main sauce along with a spoonful of lemon.
- Onion. Fry the onion over low heat with butter. Add before sautéing, simmer for 5 minutes.
- Shrimp. Peel and chop the shrimp and add along with ground white pepper.
