Why are apples bitter on the skin, but sweet on the inside? Why are apples bitter? Why are apples bitter?

The cause of bitterness in apples is the defeat of their functional diseases: bitter pitting or Jonathan's spot. Moreover, both diseases can be present simultaneously.

Bitter pitting

Most often, small, deep round spots appear on the skin of the fruit, closer to the calyx (2-4 mm). This bitter pitting. The deeper the subcutaneous layers of the fruit are affected, the more porous the flesh under the spot becomes. bitter to taste.

CAUSES. The disease is caused by a lack of calcium. There should be at least 5 mg of it in fruits per 100 g. Little calcium is supplied to trees growing on compacted soils, where there is insufficient moisture and low acidity. The mineral does not reach the upper part of the crown well, so fruits grown on the crown are deficient. So the “giants” are poorly stored. Also the reason bitter You should look for pitting in rainy weather or abundant watering during the pre-harvest period.

Jonathan spot

The name of this disease is associated with the Jonathan variety, which in recent times was very popular in different countries, but had a significant drawback - a tendency to the disease. During the pre-harvest period, small dark spots appear on the surface of the fruit; during storage they become larger and acquire a black or brown color. The skin under the stain begins to collapse. Subsequently, the spots may merge. The pulp under the stain darkens, acquires a porous consistency and bitterness.

It has been noticed that Jonathan's spot often affects varieties that bear fruit abundantly every year, especially on light soils. Figuratively speaking, the roots cannot cope with supplying the required amount of macro- and microelements that determine the quality of the fruit. And this is where foliar feeding with water-soluble fertilizers helps.

CAUSES. There are also several reasons for Jonathan's spot: high temperature during harvest and increased during storage, too large fruit size, late picking and delay in storage.

Bitterness caused by a deficiency of three elements: potassium, calcium and magnesium. Moreover, there may be a lack of calcium in the fruits even if there is an excess of it in the soil. This usually happens when high doses of potassium and magnesium-containing fertilizers are applied. Therefore, the main prevention is a balanced diet. On the other hand, sometimes gardeners overwater their apple trees and pears. And soluble calcium is washed out of the root zone. Significantly reduces soil acidity and improves calcium nutrition by liming the soil: 2-3 kg per 10 m2 with embedding into the soil at a depth of 12-15 cm.

The most effective way to combat bitter pitting and Jonathan's spot - spraying trees two or three times during the growing season with a solution of calcium chloride dihydrate (100-130 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). Higher concentrations may cause leaf burn.

The preparations “Kristalon” and “Ekolist” with a high calcium content are also very effective. The first time is applied when the ovary forms, and the last time is three weeks before harvest.

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It's mid-August. Soon it will be time to ripen and harvest apples. Some of them will fall on their own, and you will collect the other. But, in any case, they need to be carefully sorted before storing, otherwise the diseased fruits will infect healthy ones, and the entire harvest that you harvested will be lost.

Diagnosis by apple harvest on

I give a description of many ailments of apples stored for storage. Let us immediately emphasize that you need to think about preserving the harvest already when planting a garden and choose keeping varieties; from spring and throughout the summer, maintain the required diet and moisture; do not rush into cleaning deadlines; carefully prepare the storage facility before storing the crop, constantly monitor and maintain the required regime in it.

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Subcutaneous spotting or bitter pitting of apples. How to protect an apple tree.

Subcutaneous spotting of apples is also called bitter pitting - it is a physiological disease and is not infectious. Large fruits get sick more often than small ones. Bitter pitting appears in the form of small (1.5-3 mm) slightly depressed spots. The color of the spots depends on the affected variety, usually dark red or light green. Over time, the spots become larger and darker. The affected fruit pulp is loose and has a bitter taste.

Why are apples bitter? /

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Subcutaneous spotting of apples - why does it occur and how to fight it?

Andrey Skvortsov 08/06/2014 | 4636 Topics: Garden, Pomeaceae, Diseases, Apple tree, Apple Subcutaneous spotting, or bitter pitting, is a physiological disease of apples that begins to develop on the tree in the garden and appears during storage of fruits 4-6 weeks after picking. How to protect apples?

Why are apples bitter?

The cause of bitterness in apples is the defeat of their functional diseases: bitter pitting or Jonathan's spot. Moreover, both diseases can be present simultaneously. Bitter pitting Most often, small, deep round spots appear on the skin of the fruit, closer to the calyx (2-4 mm). This is bitter pitting. The deeper the subcutaneous layers of the fruit are affected, the more porous and bitter the taste becomes.

Candy belongs to the group of summer apple tree varieties. This is a variety of domestic selection, created at the All-Union Research Institute named after. Michurin when crossing old Russian varieties Korobovka and Papirovka. The variety is not zoned for industrial gardening, but is widely known and loved by amateur gardeners for its amazingly tasty and beautiful fruits.

Characteristics of varietal characteristics. Candy apple trees are quite tall and characterized by rapid growth. The period of fruiting depends on the rootstock on which the tree is grown. On a medium-growing rootstock, the first apples appear in the 4th - 5th year of life; on a low-growing rootstock, the tree begins to bear fruit earlier, sometimes already in the second year.

The deadline for harvesting the fruits is in August; they hold tightly to the branches and do not fall off. Productivity is average. From a five-year-old tree, 30–50 kg of harvest is harvested. The shelf life of apples is up to 2 months. The fruits are medium-sized, usually 80 - 120 g, uniform in size and shape. When there is plenty of sun, apples become bright yellow with a red striped blush. At the stage of full maturity, the fruits are liquid, with tender pulp. The apples taste very sweet with a specific subtle aroma. On a five-point scale, taste is rated 4 points.

The winter hardiness of the trees is quite high, allowing this apple tree to be grown up to the northern borders of the Moscow region. The resistance of leaves and fruits to scab damage varies; in fruits it is slightly lower, but in general for the variety it is above average.

Features of crown formation. The crown of trees of the Candy variety is powerful and spreading; when formed correctly, it is round. The branches are densely leafy. The leaves are strong, leathery, dark green in color. The apple tree reacts very sensitively to pruning, which stimulates annual fruiting and has a positive effect on the size of the fruit. This is especially important for aging trees. The shape and growth of the tree is highly dependent on the type of rootstock. It can be grown on a frost-resistant skeleton-forming plant, in a bushy and slate form. Trees have excellent regenerative ability. Even after harsh winters they bloom, bear fruit and produce growth.

Apple tree Diseases and pests Symptoms and signs of apple tree disease Measures to control apple tree pests

Diseases and pests of apple trees are basically the same as those of pears. It is advisable to do the first protection of the garden from pests before the sap begins to flow (for the North-West this is in early April). To spray trees and soil in the garden, 700 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water. In this way, all pests wintering on the tree and under the tree will be destroyed. But such spraying will cause burns to the swelling buds if carried out a little later. Biological preparations such as Fitoverm, Iskra-bio, Agravertin, Healthy Garden, Aurum-S, Akarin can be used once a month to spray the garden against migrating pests. Simultaneously with protective treatments, spraying the garden with Ecoberin or Zircon solutions is effective, increasing the resistance of bushes and trees to diseases and adverse weather conditions. Below is a table that shows the symptoms of diseases and descriptions of pests, as well as measures to combat them. Basic rules for processing trees:

Apple tree to rejuvenate or cut down Dachny Forum

Quote (DIM1 @ 9.1.2009, 14:57) Eh! I would have chopped it up, it’s a pity it’s not my apple tree!

Quote (Yakimov @ 9.1.2009, 19:06) It seems to me that the most realistic way is to find an experienced gardener to regraft with the right varieties.
No, she only needs to rely on herself. Well, who will go to vaccinate in the spring. Realistically, who will go from those who know how to do it. Will it suit Tolyam? Andrey? Dim? Yakimov? Amateur? Who? Provided that everyone lives in the same city, only the gardens are in different places. The good thing about a forum is that you can ask a real person. For example, I will flatly refuse, in the spring my business is through the roof. Go to another gardening association and you’ll lose a day. Yes, you have to go more than once, you know, the process has been going on for 2-3 years. And you won’t leave the center - cut out the thorn, blind the second bud, break out the wild shoots. How can a person know which thorn? where is the second kidney? what wild shoots? We have to go again and waste a day. I don’t do that myself, I find it troublesome. Going over the neighbor’s fence is another matter, scribbling for half an hour, and at the same time snatching something with pruning shears.

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