How much will military salaries be increased? Increasing cash payments for military personnel

The Russian government is issuing more and more decrees designed to reform the army, modernize equipment, adjust the number of employees to new limits, and also restructure management. Much is being done to popularize the idea of ​​military service and make it more prestigious.

How is salary determined?

Over the past few years there has been gradual increase in military salaries. The authorities promised to take care of housing for the military, as well as social security. Since January 2018, career military personnel have received increased wages. Moreover, the growth of their monetary allowance will continue in the next two years. The salary indexation amount was 4%. About 18 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes.

Completing military service on a contract basis opens up a whole additional area of ​​employment for citizens of the Russian Federation. In the army also career growth possible, and a competitive level of wages becomes a decisive argument for many residents of Russia. Of course, a person without a rank - or rather, with the rank of private - should not expect cosmic money.

Work experience in the military is just as important as in other areas of employment. But with the first badges received, the salary grows commensurately, and new titles are just around the corner.

The main determining factors on which the salaries of military personnel depend are:

  • position (title) occupied by the employee. This is the first and most important factor due to which a person with a higher rank always receives significantly more money. The hierarchical system works here in the same way as in civilian life;
  • region, in which the military unit is located. Salaries are not the same for all military personnel in the Russian Federation. The country is huge, and each region has its own economic realities. For example, in the Moscow region, salaries are always at a higher level than in other regions. But prices for food, transport and household items are also higher. Therefore, employee salaries are calculated from the general level of requirements of a particular area;
  • does the service have privacy status. Certain places or branches of the military are engaged in work, the details of which are strictly prohibited from being disclosed. For such service, military personnel add up to 65% to the regular salary of an employee in the same region in an identical position;
  • There are exams in the army too. If an employee wishes to move to a new position, he must go through qualifying exams. And if the delivery is particularly successful, the salary increase can be up to 30% of the previous amount;
  • in some cases, military service is associated with health risks. Work in especially dangerous regions is rewarded with bonuses of up to 100% of the regular salary;
  • one-time bonuses, constituting the amount of one salary, are issued to military personnel who have distinguished themselves with special achievements;
  • for the impeccable performance of their duties the employee receives a bonus amounting to a quarter of his salary;
  • work in the northern regions, characterized by much more severe conditions, are encouraged by bonuses of one salary;
  • if an employee has to rent housing, he has the right to compensation for the money spent on this;
  • if a serviceman had to move to a new place with his family, he give a one-time additional salary, and another 25% from the same amount - for each family member.

Work in the armed forces is thus organized with utmost care for the needs of contract employees.

Current situation regarding military pay

An ordinary career officer today receives a salary above the Russian average. At the moment, the average salary in the ranks of the armed forces reaches up to 60,000 rubles. Such significant privileges are due to the fact that the government is committed to popularizing the performance of military duties. First of all, salaries attract new contract workers. In addition, we should not forget about additional benefits: free medicine, mortgage benefits, etc.

The standard gradation of military salaries is as follows:

  • an ensign and a sergeant receive an average of 35,000 rubles;
  • a large-scale “leap” occurs with the advent of the rank of lieutenant: the salary doubles and amounts to 65,000 rubles;
  • the captain receives a small increase: 70,000 rubles;
  • lieutenant colonel - the next large-scale increase in salary, already amounting to 85,000 rubles;
  • the colonel receives 100,000 rubles;
  • all other ranks above the rank of colonel belong to the high command. Their salary starts from 110,000 rubles per month.

Today, employees are increasingly expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of allowances, bonuses and, in fact, salary increases.

Recently, the Russian army has been seriously reformed, becoming more effective both in terms of technical weapons and numerical strength and its quality level.

An important role in the further development of human potential in the army is played by material motivation and the answer to the question of whether there will be an increase in military salaries in 2019.

About plans for promotion

In connection with the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, the President of the Russian Federation decided to index the salaries of military personnel back in 2017 in Russia, and annually increase the pay of security forces by at least 4%. Previously, in 2012-2017, due to the crisis and lack of money in the budget, indexation had to be abandoned. That is why the question of whether the salaries of military personnel have been raised is especially relevant in 2018.

The increase in military salaries in 2018 is fixed at the level of 4% in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 N 1598. But indexation for 2019 and the next year 2020 is planned to be carried out in October. The figure of 4% is expected, and has not yet been reflected in administrative documents for 2019-2020. The specific size of subsequent indexations is planned to be equal to the percentage of inflation in the country in 2019. Let us recall that it amounted to 4.3%.

What is provided

Federal Law No. 306-FZ dated November 7, 2011 established a system of payment for activities in the army and the structure of monetary allowances.

The military salary in 2019 consists of the following elements:

  • monthly salary according to military rank;
  • monthly salary for military position;
  • monthly payments;
  • other additional payments.

The same legislative act determines the procedure for increasing both salaries by position and salaries by rank on an annual basis. The procedure is implemented when the budget law is adopted for the corresponding period, taking into account the level of inflation. The decision on how much military salaries will be increased in 2019, as in previous periods, is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

As for forecasts for the next period, the government plans to bring the employee’s salary closer to the minimum subsistence level established in the Russian Federation.

Who should get a raise and how much?

Finally, let’s figure out what the military’s salary is in 2019. Approximate salaries of officers and enlisted personnel according to statistics (taking into account salary by position and rank) on average are:

  • sergeants and warrant officers - 30,000 rubles;
  • junior officers - up to 60,000 rubles;
  • senior officers - up to 80,000 rubles;
  • commanding staff - about 100,000 rubles.

A comparison of the income of a military man and a specialist from another field is in favor of the former. This is understandable, because the prestige of a profession that is associated with the defense of the Motherland and the danger to life should be raised to a high level.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2018 from January 1, latest news. Increase in military pay in 2018: latest news. Increase in military salaries in 2018.

The Ministry of Finance revealed the amount of defense spending for the next three years. In the three-year budget, it is planned to spend almost 6.8 trillion rubles on national defense and national security, on law enforcement activities.

As for the Armed Forces, 62 billion rubles from the budget will be spent on their maintenance (food, transport, infrastructure) in 2018. Another 14 billion rubles for certain activities of the RF Armed Forces, plus 23 billion rubles for paying for utilities, fuel, fuel and food.

However, the main item of expenditure that will greatly please military personnel will be the indexation of pay and military pensions. The budget for three years includes indexation of military salaries and pensions by 4%. This has not been done for five whole years.

“The last time there was a serious increase was in 2012. Although the state legally took upon itself the responsibility to index monetary allowances in accordance with inflation,” says the military political scientist, associate professor of the department of political science and sociology of the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov Alexander Perendzhiev.

“Today, the military profession is really associated with risks to health and life due to participation in hot spots, primarily in Syria. The military threat against Russia is growing. The authorities must be confident that military personnel trust them, especially in the conditions of hybrid, geo-economic and military pressure on Russia,” says the expert.

Starting from the new year, the state returns to the practice of indexing monetary allowances to the inflation rate. Previously, an amendment was made to the budget to allocate 53 billion rubles for this in 2018, 66 billion in 2019 and 122 billion in 2020. As a result, over three years the budget will spend about 240 billion rubles on indexing monetary allowances.

The newspaper VZGLYAD has at its disposal a telegram dated November 17, 2017 from Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova. It was sent to all deputy commanders of military districts for financial and economic work and heads of the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense by region.

The telegram states that, in accordance with the instructions of the Russian government dated November 3, 2017, the Ministry of Defense is preparing to increase the salaries of military personnel by 4% from January 1, 2018. Thanks to this, pensions for former military personnel, which depend on current salaries, will also be increased. By December 7, 2017, all necessary documents for the payment of pensions in new amounts for January 2018 must be submitted to Sberbank, the telegram says.

In other words, the increase in 2018 is a done deal. This practice is expected to continue in 2019 and 2020.

According to the publication, indexation will affect at least 2.7 million people. This includes 1 million who serve in the Armed Forces. Plus employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the National Guard and the fire service (by law they are equated to military personnel) - that’s another 1.7 million. However, another 900 thousand civilian personnel work in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. If indexation also affects them, then about 3.6 million people will face a salary increase. In addition, indexation is likely awaiting employees of the FSB, FSO and the Foreign Intelligence Service; they are also classified as military personnel.

According to calculators from the Strategiya law firm, the salary of a squad commander with the rank of sergeant (excluding VAT) will increase from 18,705 to 19,453 rubles, that is, by 748 rubles. And, for example, the salary of the army commander, lieutenant general, will increase from 51,330 to 53,383 rubles, or by 2,053 rubles. Without deduction of VAT, of course, the salaries are higher (you can see them in the sign).

But, of course, military personnel never receive a “bare” salary.

There is a huge system of allowances.

“There are bonuses that are paid in any case, for example, for length of service, which depends only on the duration of military service. Other bonuses must be earned,” Evgeniy Darchenko, leading legal adviser at the Strategy law firm, tells the newspaper VZGLYAD.

So, for length of service from 15 to 20 years there is a 25% bonus. In this case, the squad commander with the rank of sergeant will receive 24,316 rubles from the new year. If our sergeant is well physically prepared and is worthy of an 80% bonus for physical physical fitness, then he will already receive 35,174 rubles. And if he also jumps a lot with a parachute, he can receive an 80% bonus for this, and then his monthly allowance is already 46,031 rubles.

In addition, there are also bonuses for the effective performance of official duties, for working with state secrets, for special conditions of service, for qualifications and tasks performed, for a hot spot. There are regional bonuses, for example, for service in the Far North and for other specific merits, which are indicated in the calculator (only certain “exotic” bonuses are not used there, for example, for work experience in encryption authorities). Therefore, in reality, military personnel receive several times more than their salary.

According to the May presidential decrees, military pay should be no less than the average salary in leading sectors of the economy. Rosstat considered fuel and energy complex and finance to be such. In general, according to the Ministry of Defense, the average level of pay for military personnel in 2014 was 62.1 thousand rubles, which was 10% higher than the average level of salaries in oil and gas production. In 2015 - 62.2 thousand rubles. For example, an army commander, a lieutenant general, on average, taking into account additional payments, received 117 thousand rubles, and a platoon commander with the rank of lieutenant - 50 thousand rubles.

There are no data on the average salary of military personnel for 2016 and 2017. However, the average salary in the oil and gas production sector last year was 77.6 thousand rubles, and in finance - more than 80 thousand rubles (Rosstat data). It is likely that the average salary has already lagged behind these levels, and thanks to indexation by 4% it will come closer to it. At the same time, pensions of retirees will increase from the new year, because they are calculated on the basis of military salaries.

However, unfortunately, there is a big fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey.

According to the calculator, a retired squad commander (5th category of military position) with the rank of sergeant (sergeant major 1st article) with a total duration of military service of 25 years (without regional allowances, but with a mandatory bonus for length of service of 40%) has a pension from February 2017 is 14,131.8 rubles, and from January 1, 2018 it will increase to 14,697 rubles.

Meanwhile, according to the calculator, from October 2013 to 2017, pensions did not stand still, but in total increased by 24%. However, in this case it is not entirely correct to talk about growth, says Evgeniy Darchenko, leading legal adviser at the Strategy law firm.

He explains that from January 1, 2012, when the monetary allowance was significantly increased, the so-called a reduction factor that did not exist before. In other words, the military began to receive decent salaries, but pensions remained from those times when salaries for military positions and military ranks were small.

“The specified coefficient in 2012 was set at 54%, that is, it reduced the pension by the specified value, which is why it became known as “reducing,” explains the military lawyer.

He gives an example for comparison. If the retired squad commander with the rank of sergeant had not initially reduced his pension by this coefficient, he would now receive a pension of not 14,131 rubles, but 19,565 rubles, that is, 5.4 thousand more. And taking into account the indexation of salaries by 4% from January 2018 - 20,347.6 rubles.

Why this was done is clear. The state wouldn't cooperate. But according to federal law, this pension-reducing coefficient increases annually by 2% starting in January 2013 until it reaches 100%.

“It was assumed that pensions paid under this law would reach their target value in 2035,” says Evgeniy Darchenko.

Between 2013 and 2017, this ratio increased slightly faster than planned.

“Since January 2013, excluding the current increase from January 1, 2018, pensions have grown solely due to changes in the specified coefficient. Most military retirees won't receive their full pension until 2035, no matter how old they currently are. Some of them will never see their “real pension” because they will not live to see this moment. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that the pensions of military pensioners grew in 2013–2017; during this period they only approached the values ​​they should be,” says the military lawyer.

Moreover, he recalls that in May decrees the president asked to annually index military pensions by at least 2% above the inflation rate. But the presidential decree was not implemented. In any case, the reduction coefficient over six years increased from 54% to 72%, that is, by 18%, while official inflation over these years amounted to 42.68%, says Darchenko.

“Thus, the under-increase in pensions, not counting its expected annual increase of 2% above the inflation rate, amounted to 24.68%,” he noted.

But the military themselves are even more dissatisfied with the fact that individual citizens are receiving their military pensions now in full without a reducing factor, and they do not have to wait until 2035. These include judges of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court and military courts, prosecutors (including military personnel of the military prosecutor's office) and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (including military investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation).

“What did a former investigator of military investigative agencies or a judge of some garrison military court do to deserve such special treatment? Why should a retiree with the military rank of colonel receive a smaller pension than, for example, a reserve major or former military investigator? We personally do not see any objective justification for such differences,” sums up the military lawyer.

He believes that there should be no unfair division of military retirees into those whose pensions are paid in full immediately and those who must wait until 2035. In addition, the legal adviser adds, it is necessary to reduce the gap several times between monetary allowances and military pensions, Rosregistr reports. And one of the problems is that it is not military salaries, from which pensions are calculated, that are growing, but allowances and bonuses, which do not in any way affect the size of pensions.

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From the latest news: the salary increase for military personnel in 2017 is planned by 5.5-9%. The amount of salary and the amount of additional allowances depend on the type of service: contract or conscription.

Salaries of military personnel under contract

In 2017, the total salary is based on the salary:

  • by military rank (from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • by position (from 10,000 to 42,000 rubles);
  • additional payments.

The current salary for a specific position or military rank can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the “Money” section.

Salary table by military rank and position
Military rank, positionSalary according to military positionSalary according to military rankAverage monthly accrual including all additional payments
Lieutenant (platoon commander) 7000 12 442 50 000
Captain (company commander) 7 900 13 970 52 000
Major (deputy battalion commander) 8 490 14 760 55 600
Lieutenant Colonel (battalion commander) 9 100 15 529 60 281
Colonel (regiment commander) 9670 17 500 70 320
Major General (Brigade Commander) 10 896 18 630 74 000
Lieutenant General (Army Commander) 11 500 29 354 117 000

Additional payments under the contract calculated as a share percentage of earnings by position.

The size and grounds are described in Articles 12 and 13 of Federal Law No. 76 “On the status of military personnel” and Federal Law No. 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”, and can be adjusted through legislative documents signed by the President of the Russian Federation, the government or local authorities.

Receive for:

  • qualification level;
  • length of military service;
  • special working conditions;
  • gaining access to state secrets;
  • execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times.
  • outstanding achievements

Let's decipher each point.

Skill level determines a premium of 5, 10, 20 or 30% depending on the class - third, second, first or master, respectively.

Behind length of military service paid only after 2 years of service. If the experience is less than 5 years, its size is 10%. Every additional 5 years raises this figure by another 10%, up to a maximum of 40%.

Special working conditions– the largest regular payment. It is calculated specifically based on working conditions. The maximum can be equal to the full official salary.

Gaining access to state secrets- measured based on the access level, the maximum set size is 65%.

Execution of orders involving danger to life and health in non-war times. Let us conditionally divide such orders into 5 groups according to the amount of payments.

Orders paid from 2% for each day, but not more than 60% per month in total:

  • investigation of criminal cases during a state of emergency, armed conflict or peacekeeping operations;
  • personal participation in ship voyages; ;
  • procedural actions in criminal cases in the field; ;
  • personal participation in events outside the permanent location of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 80. ;

20% of current salary for investigations With:

  • fires;
  • disasters;
  • explosions;
  • accidents;
  • other natural disasters;
  • detection, inspection and removal of nuclear fuel elements, waste and other radioactive materials.

30% of salary by military position:

  • for service in areas of environmental crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur and at the Baikonur complex;
  • for the period of investigation of criminal cases related to the examination of corpses, as well as the examination and removal of the remains of corpses or cadaveric material.

40% for working with suspects accused during the investigation criminal cases.

60% for procedural control in criminal cases with organized criminal groups and communities.

In addition to the above, a serviceman receives annual cash assistance equal to his salary.

By call

Military personnel receive a salary according to their military position and a monthly additional allowance of 2,000 rubles. Depending on the region, a fixed amount of reimbursement for transport costs is formed: from 70 to 200 rubles.

Irregular service-related surcharges

In addition to the regular ones described above, there are more rare payments due to the current situation:

  • to cover expenses associated with business trips: general and daily allowances;
  • when moving to a new place of work;
  • upon dismissal: with less than 20 years of experience - 3 salaries, more than 20 years - 7 salaries;
  • upon dismissal due to injury: upon conscription - 1 million rubles, under contract - 2 million rubles.

In connection with the tense situation on the near and far approaches to the border, the most important task of the Government today is to fully ensure adequate pay for military personnel.

Therefore, in 2019, an additional 25 billion rubles were allocated to the Federal Budget for the planned indexation of military salaries.

Will there be an increase in military salaries in 2019?

Will military personnel's salaries be increased in 2019? This question interests not only the soldiers and officers themselves, but also members of their families. In addition, the Ministry of Defense employs almost half a million civilian specialists, and they also ask similar questions.

The year 2018 passed in an atmosphere of tension not only for army personnel. This year also saw the long-suffering pension reform, which significantly complicated balancing the federal budget.

President V.V. Putin had to allocate additional funds to smooth out the financial situation for those whose retirement age is being raised.

Many military personnel breathed a sigh of relief after the adoption of this law - after all, the “servicemen” retained their preferential retirement age. And you try to fight - this is not for you to relax in civilian life! Therefore, military personnel can sleep peacefully - the state retains all benefits due to them in full.

As for the annual indexation of wages for contract soldiers, officers and generals, all the necessary funds have already been allocated in the Federal Budget.

How much will military pay be increased in 2019?

As we wrote earlier, in 2018, the indexation of military salaries took place immediately on January 1. This was done for a number of reasons and not only the elections, but also the lack of indexation for over 2 years influenced this.

It is also planned to increase the pay of military personnel for 2019 - by the amount of inflation over the past year. The inflation rate in 2018 was taken into account in the Federal Budget – it was 4.3%. Consequently, military salaries will be increased by exactly 4.3%. But the expected increase will not happen from the New Year, but later - only from October 1, 2019.

The planned stages of indexation of military salaries are provided in the following amounts:

  • 2019 – by 4.3%
  • 2020 – by 3.8%
  • 2021 – by 4%

Since the federal budget is drawn up for 3 years at once, the volume of increases is laid down in advance. More precise salary amounts (on which %, increments, allowances will be accrued) are presented in the Tables by military ranks.

Table 1. Salaries by military rank of military personnel since 2019

Military rank
Private 5423,6
Corporal 5965,96
Lance Sergeant 6508,32
Sergeant 7050,68
Staff Sergeant 7593,04
Ensign 8677,76
Sergeant Major 8135,4
Senior Warrant Officer 9220,12
Ensign 10304,84
Lieutenant 10847,2
Senior Lieutenant 11389,56
Captain 11931,92
Major 12474,28
Lieutenant colonel 13016,64
Colonel 14101,36
Major General 21694,4
Lieutenant General 23863,84
Colonel General 27118
Marshal of the Russian Federation 32541,6

Table 2. Salaries by military rank of Navy personnel from 2019

Military rank Salary in rubles from October 1, 2019
sailor 5423,6
senior sailor 5965,96
foreman 2 articles 6508,32
petty officer 1st article 7050,68
chief petty officer 7593,04
midshipman 8677,76
chief petty officer 8135,4
senior midshipman 9220,12
Ensign 10304,84
Lieutenant 10847,2
Senior Lieutenant 11389,56
captain-lieutenant 11931,92
captain 3rd rank 12474,28
captain 2nd rank 13016,64
captain 1st rank 14101,36
rear admiral 21694,4
vice admiral 23863,84
admiral 27118
Fleet Admiral 32541,6

As you can see, initial salaries increased by the promised 4.3% for all military personnel without exception, regardless of their current rank.

If, for example, in 2018, the total pay of a lieutenant colonel increased by 3.5 thousand and the national average amounted to almost 89 thousand rubles, then from October 1, 2019, such an officer will be able to receive almost 93 thousand, since the new increase will be almost 4 thousand rubles.

Another example, let’s take a lieutenant whose salary in 2018 rose to 66 thousand rubles, from October 1, 2019, he will receive almost 3 thousand more than that - on average, the total income of such military personnel can already be about 70 thousand rubles.

In other words, the situation with wages in the army has clearly changed for the better, and if in other professions in Western countries the gap is significant, then the military receives a salary no worse than their American and European colleagues (if we take into account the cost of goods and services in the Russian Federation).
