Fortune telling Celtic cross for the near future. Fortune telling celtic cross

Celtic cross– fortune telling online- This is the most famous classic Tarot card layout that came to us from the depths of time.

The popularity of this online fortune telling is explained by the versatility of its application. Celtic cross suitable for any questions and answers relating to any areas of life, situations and problems.

This ancient layout is especially well suited for describing the direction of development of a situation, for highlighting the causes of a particular problem, for studying the past that has influenced what is happening in the present. This free online fortune telling can also be used to predict the future.

Scheme and meanings of card positions in the “Celtic Cross” layout

  • Card No. 1 indicates the essence of the matter, the initial situation.
  • Card No. 2 shows an additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
  • Card No. 3 reveals what is being realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
  • Card number 4 describes what the fortuneteller feels. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
  • Card #5 indicates what led up to the present. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
  • Card #6 predicts how this will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
  • Card number 7 talks about how the fortuneteller sees this. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels regarding the question asked.
  • Card #8 gives a clue as to how others see it, or where it is happening. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
  • Card number 9 reveals what the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
  • Card number 10 gives a forecast of what this will lead to. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

If the fortuneteller does not know which Tarot layout to choose, which one best suits his question or situation, then you can always stop at fortune telling Celtic cross .

Cards are ready for fortune telling online “Celtic Cross”

Select 1st card

Card No. 1. The crux of the matter. Initial situation.
Card No. 2. An additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
Card No. 3. That which is realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the given question. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously strives for.
Card No. 4. What is felt by fortunetellers. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
Card No. 5. What led to this. Past. The card indicates events that were particularly painful. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
Card No. 6. The way it will continue. The first card in a spread that indicates the future. Predicts the near future.
Card No. 7. The way the fortuneteller sees it. Symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels regarding the question asked.
Card No. 8. The way others see it, or where it happens. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question concerns relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
Card No. 9. What the fortuneteller hopes or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
Card No. 10. Where it leads. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the situation.

Tarot card spreads are very popular. Using symbols, you can find the answer to a problem situation and learn about upcoming events. Fortune telling Celtic cross has come to us since ancient times, there are several versions of the layout. In the article we will consider a layout option with which you can find out both about the future for yourself and learn about the attitude of a friend to the situation of interest.

In its ancient form, the layout consisted of six lassos, which were laid out in the shape of a cross. In later times, 4 more lasso were added to the Celtic cross, which ultimately provides more complete and accurate information on the essence of the issue.

For the reading, you need to shuffle the major arcana of the tarot, tuning in to the question of interest. For example, what will the work situation be like? Having abandoned all other problems, you need to draw 10 arcana from the deck and lay them out on the fortune-telling cloth as follows:

The layout positions answer the following questions:

  1. the reason for the current situation;
  2. the forces that stand behind and set events in motion;
  3. assessment of the situation by the questioner;
  4. the emotional state of the questioner regarding this situation;
  5. events that occurred before the situation;
  6. events that will happen in the near future;
  7. the consequences of the developing situation for the questioner;
  8. description of the situation and persons involved in the event;
  9. surprise that may occur in connection with this event;
  10. the result of the development of the situation - how the matter will end.

The first two arcana are considered together. One of them symbolizes the consciousness of the questioner, and the second - the subconscious.

The third and fourth lasso characterize the powers of the soul of the questioner.

The fifth and sixth are the past and the near future, respectively.

The seventh lasso is the questioner’s attitude towards himself, the eighth is the attitude towards the environment and situation.

The ninth position represents mysterious forces that can influence the development of the situation. This is the surprise that people don’t think about. However, it can radically change the current situation or prevent its development in favor of the questioner.

When interpreting the tenth arcana, you need to summarize all positions of the alignment, put together the meaning of all arcana and logically justify the final answer.

Example of interpretation

Let's say you need to find out how a mysterious person relates to a situation that interests you. Or you want to know how his affairs will turn out in a certain area of ​​life. After shuffling you have the following arcana:

  1. Sun;
  2. Priestess;
  3. Hermit;
  4. Justice;
  5. Death;
  6. Lovers;
  7. Force.

The sun speaks of a person’s positive attitude in connection with the current situation. The magician confirms the first position of the alignment - the person is disposed to take decisive action, his willpower will lead to victory.

Third and fourth positions. Here a woman can help a person (inspire, support). Subconsciously, he perceives the situation as a game (Jester). Perhaps such an attitude to circumstances will allow him to emerge victorious.

Fifth position - in the past a person resolved his issues independently (hermit), in the future (sixth position) circumstances will develop quite successfully - fair reward for the efforts expended (Justice).

In the seventh position is the lasso of Death. However, the symbol of this lasso should not be taken literally - death speaks of change and rebirth. A person will reconsider his attitude towards himself, change something in his behavior or self-esteem.

The eighth position is the lasso Judgment. This lasso shows the questioner’s attitude towards the environment and people. As we see, a person does not like what surrounds him in this situation. Conflicts and breakdowns in relationships are possible.

Ninth position - lasso Lovers. The meaning of the lasso symbolizes the problem of choice. Perhaps the situation will develop depending on what choice the questioner makes. To clarify, you can select an additional card from the deck (minor arcana) to clarify the situation.

The tenth position is the lasso of Strength in the end. This lasso says that a person will overcome any adversity and obstacles. Everything is in his own hands.

Order of interpretation

To get a comprehensive answer to the question asked, there is no need to consider the meaning of each lasso “in a column” in order. We begin the interpretation from the fifth position, which shows the prerequisites for the development of the situation. Then consider the ninth position - the questioner’s attitude to the situation. In this way we will get a first idea of ​​events.

Next, you need to consider the first two positions, which will show the emotional and mental attitude of the questioner to the situation - what worries and hurts him in it. After that, we look at what he thinks on this issue (position 3) and what his intuition tells him (position 4).

Then we consider the person’s attitude towards himself in connection with this situation, how he perceives his role in it (position 7). After this, we look at how he relates to his environment (position 8).

In conclusion, we consider the positions of the future - the 6th and 10th arcana. After this we summarize.

The result of the situation

If we combine all the meanings of the arcana together, we can draw the following conclusion. The questioner has every chance of emerging victorious from the current situation (lasso strength). He is able to independently overcome all the problems along the way, despite the resistance of the environment (Arkan Judgment).

In achieving his plans, he will be helped by a certain female person (Arcanum Empress), who will provide friendly support. To achieve success, a person must reconsider his own attitude towards everything and change something in himself (Arcanum Death).


The Celtic Cross layout is focused on the future, but in connection with a specific situation. That is, you can only know your future in relation to the development of a specific event. In order to find out the future in all areas of life, you need to make a large layout with several positions on the entire tarot deck.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Interpretation of the layout:

What's in the past.
10 clubs You have been through a lot in the past. Failures follow you. But you worked hard and never stopped treating people well. Faith in the triumph of goodness and justice did not leave you. Life's adversities did not manage to embitter and embitter you. Your benevolence will one day bear fruit, but you are sure of this even without my words. Recently you were busy with one very important matter. Unpleasant news about a person you know should not sadden you too much. People often tell lies, and in this case, not everything you hear is true.

What's in the present.
Ace of diamonds Your financial situation is now unenviable. No wonder you are always looking for ways to improve it. All your meetings and conversations are aimed at this. Your plan alone should bring in quite a lot of profit. Don't despair, your persistent efforts will lead to victory.
9 peak You have made the decision to change your life. Your plans include moving and changing your profession. These changes in your life should please your loved one.

Future Events
Jack of clubs A strong love interest awaits you. Your feeling will be mutual and strong. But sometimes love is easy to win, but difficult to keep. In addition, illness awaits you, but it will not be serious.

What can I do to quickly meet the partner I dream of?
1. Eight of Swords
2. Two of Wands
3. Page of Wands
4. Sun

I hope very much for your help!

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Everything is obvious). By 8 of swords, your problem is isolation, you are captive of fears or lack of time or bad mood. In short, you don’t get to know each other and push them away. With 2 wands, you should look into the future with a positive outlook, be filled with enthusiasm and faith in the best. The Page of Wands advises becoming sexier, igniting the fire in yourself, pampering yourself, revealing sensuality, feeling femininity, and attracting. Then you will succeed. The sun promises a hot relationship full of happiness. The problem is in the internal mood. Best regards, Veronica [email protected]

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The question arose with partners about selling the business. Big losses. I don't want to sell. It's my soul's work. But I don’t have the strength to drag it either. No money. I do not know what to do. I asked what to do in this situation. 1. lovers. 2. 3 denarii. 3. 8 swords. 4. jack of denarii
I would be grateful for your interpretation. Help. Very important for me.

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Hello! I really hope you can help! My son is 16, I am raising him alone (my husband died 7 years ago). The boy is smart, but cruel, a manipulator, he torments me, but most of all I am afraid for his future life, I have tried all methods of influence, at a dead end. Answer: 1 King of Swords, 2. King of Cups, 3. Four of Denarii, 4. Empress. Help me fight! Thank you

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Good evening, dear tarot readers! At work, an employee tried to show me attention. Let's just say, I told him off very unkindly. In retaliation, he framed me in front of management. I asked the cards what to do in this situation (to be offended, to take revenge, or just to let go of the situation and forget)? Here's what the cards said:
1. Death; 2.Peace; 3.Emperor; 4. King of Denarii.
Forget. Did I understand correctly? Please explain in more detail. I never wondered about a man. Can not understand. Thank you in advance.

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Good day, Sveta!!!
There is absolutely nothing to forget here. I understand that by nature you are a soft person, like Leopold the cat (sorry for such a comparison), and it is really easier for you to forgive and forget, but this is not the Option. Try to isolate yourself from this person as much as possible. Show your boundaries that cannot be crossed. It would not be amiss to clarify this issue. And of course, communication, only on work matters, so that he sees you as a colleague, not a girl.
Wisdom and prudence to you.

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Thank you very much, Elenaki!

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How to start taking action? -
1. 9 of wands
2. 10 cups
3. 3 of wands
4. Strength

Thank you for your help with decoding!

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As a volunteer, I am giving a home to the dog; she has been sitting too long. What should I do to ensure she settles in successfully?
1 2 wands
2 Wheel of Fortune
3 Chariot
4 7 cups

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Dear tarot readers, please tell me the layout, I asked the question: “How to encourage a person to communicate more closely?” answer: 1. Four of Swords, 2. Priest, 3. Moon, 4. Emperor. Thank you!

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Natalie, hello, help me figure out the schedule. Question about selling an item, what else do I need to do to get it bought, 6 denarii, peace, chariot, 9 swords, it seems like the swords are starting off well... I don’t understand

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Hello, dear tarot readers. Very difficult relationship with my husband. What should I expect? Dropped out
1. Jack of Wands
2. King of Wands
3. Nine denarii
4. Ace of Swords

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In the institution where I work, everyone is friends against everyone. After much butting heads, a good, friendly relationship was established with my supervisor. Sometimes we flirt a little, sometimes a little more. But I am not sure that he is interested in me. Rather, he treats me as a like-minded person. Or he doesn’t allow himself to relax.
How should I behave with him?
Moon - 9 of Wands - King of Denarii - Peace

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Leave intrigue, mistrust and omissions for everyone else. Consider yourself among those who work. Invest in your career and work. This is the right way.
Good luck!

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Hello, dear tarot readers! I turned to the tarot for advice in the current difficult situation, please help me with the interpretation.
My son's father left us for another woman. After the tragic death of his passion, he invited me to “restore the family,” I gave him such hope, but doubts gnaw... There is reason to think that by choosing life with him, I will jeopardize my own future and also harm the interests of the child. And those close to me Now the people who helped me survive alone with my child will turn their backs on me.
And you need to choose now...
I'm between two fires
What is the right thing to do so as not to ruin my son’s and my life?
1) King of Wands
2) Hermit
3) Eight of Wands
4) Court
Thank you in advance!

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Hello Natalie! The holding bought the neighbors' land to build a store. The project does not comply with the law - they plan to build the store at a distance of 1.5 meters from the wall of our house. Plus build a wall that will block the access of light to the window. Plus the noise. Our house will lose value and life will be uncomfortable.
We wrote an objection to the administration. But the administration gave them permission. Apparently they were given a bribe. They offered to buy our land, but they don’t want to.
We contacted lawyers and we will sue.
What is the possible outcome?
1. Jester
2. Star
3. 5 swords
4. 9 denarii.
Thank you!

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Hello. Please tell me, I asked a question: what else needs to be done to sell the apartment in August? The situation is somehow stuck, and time is running out (Display: Ace of Denarii, Strength, 8 of Wands, Empress. Thank you for your help!

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Hello! Help me understand the cards. I live alone in a 3-room apartment, and it is privatized to me, my ex-husband and 2 children. Now everyone wants money and therefore wants to leave me with nothing. I didn’t expect this from my son, but here it is demand their shares. 1. Card-Jester, 2-Star, 3-Three of Swords, 4-Queen of Swords. Thank you,

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Hello! Is there hope for happiness in your personal life? There's been no one for a long time...
1. 7 cups
2. Queen of Denarii
3. King of Denarii
4. Empress
Thank you!

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You have too many fantasies about this. You are detached from reality and want to achieve material well-being through partnership.
And the cards advise you to focus, firstly, on your career. And secondly, look for a person who is close to you in interests, who cares about status and appearances.
Everything will be fine.
Good luck!

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Hello Natalie! Thanks for the answer. Probably fantasies about reuniting with an ex-man, but I'm getting rid of them. I have neither the desire nor the ability to improve my financial situation at the expense of a man, and it contradicts my attitudes. But for a man to match me, yes. But this, in my opinion, is normal. Thanks again

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Good afternoon I asked the cards how I can open a business (what to do to start a business. Help with the interpretation.
1. Ace of Swords
2.six of cups
3. Six Denarii
4. Abstinence

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It is necessary, without delay, to accept the offered help. Development will go in several directions.

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Hello, dear tarot readers! Please help me interpret the cards correctly and understand the layout.

Question: I’ve been alone for a long time, I met a man, will we be together?

I would be grateful for any help in interpretation.

1. 4 cups
2.4 swords
3.8 cups
4. Jester

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Good evening! I turn to tarot on rare occasions when the situation is really important. Now I am going through a difficult period: a man abruptly left me, saying in a message that he had decided to return to his ex-wife. This is a shock for me, since their relationship was over a long time ago, and I didn’t notice anything during the six months of our relationship. Everything happened very abruptly, I can’t forgive him. In order to clarify at least some truth for myself, I decided to write to his ex-wife. But I don't know if this is the right decision. The Tarot said the following: 1 - six denarii, 2 - peace, 3 - lovers, 4 - nine denarii. Help me interpret correctly. I will be very grateful

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One of the most common fortune-telling layouts for the future is the “Celtic Cross”. You can get a lot of useful information from this fortune telling. The “Celtic Cross” helps to understand the current situation and describes a specific situation or answers a question with which you came to it, helps to consider issues that interest you from different angles.

The Celtic Cross layout can be used for fortune telling in any area of ​​life - this is one of the universal methods of prediction that describes what is happening, helps to find a solution and makes it possible to analyze one’s condition and the information received.

Such fortune telling predicts the very near future, regarding the situation about which the question was asked. This alignment does not involve fortune-telling for the distant future or the general state of affairs, so it is worthwhile to clearly formulate your question and consider one situation. The classic version of the “Celtic Cross” layout involves 10 cards, which are laid out as follows:

There is one scheme of the classic version, but there can be several interpretations of the positions.

Option 1

1 – description of the current situation, state of affairs at the moment.

2 – how the given situation develops.

3 – hint, help. This help is provided to you directly by the layout and tarot cards.

4 – sources of the situation. Where it all started.

5 – description of the fortuneteller’s past, previous moments for the current situation.

6 – expected future. If everything is left as is.

7 – your characteristics, attitude towards the current situation.

8 – what surrounds you, this can be both people and situations.

9 – your hopes and dreams regarding the question asked. The map can show the likelihood of your goal being achieved, and paths for implementation can also be suggested.

10 – the final map, how to resolve the situation, how everything will turn out.

Option 2

1 – topic of your question, characteristics of the question.

2 – influences and influences on the situation, where these influences can come from.

3 is your awareness of the situation, what you understand and acknowledge.

4 – subconscious – your feelings, emotions, guesses. Something that is not visible or accessible to you during normal examination.

5 - recent past, points worth paying attention to.

6 – the near future, how the situation will develop if nothing is done.

7 – what you are like, a description of your personality and readiness to resolve the situation.

8 – environment: people, objects, situations.

9 – what you hope for and what you fear. Your concerns, fears, doubts. The map can help you cope with your fears, examine them and face them head on.

10 – summing up. The answer to the question asked.

Option 3

1 – your given situation. The direction in which everything is moving.

2 – something that should happen soon.

3 – at the moment in this situation it is better to do as this card describes.

4 – what has already happened. Recent past.

5 – something that happened recently, something that was not worked through.

6 – what can happen in the next six months from the moment of fortune telling.

7 – important points, this card also shows what you value most.

8 – what surrounds you, your loved ones, colleagues, friends. If a card with the face of a man or woman appears in this position, then this indicates a specific person. Based on the descriptions of the card, all you have to do is determine who it might be.

9 – your dreams, your fears. Your attitude towards dreams and fears.

10 – prospects for the development of the situation, summing up.

Option 4

1 – characteristics of the situation.

2 – something that directly or indirectly affects the situation.

3 – advice. Whether you take this advice or not is your decision.

4 – why you found yourself in this position, what brought you to this point.

5 – the past, which influenced the present and the situation as a whole.

6 – options for the future, how the situation may develop.

7 – how you reacted to the situation, your attitude towards the current situation.

8 – people who have direct or indirect influence on the situation. Who is involved in what happened, who is ready to help. Who can turn away.

9 – your internal state, how you feel, what you are afraid of, what you are thinking about. Possible solutions to the situation.

10 is the result. What everything can lead to. Results of the situation.

If you don’t like the result, then you can use the advice of the cards and do so, but if you don’t like the advice, then you will have to look for a solution to the situation in other ways.

Option 5

1 – something that has already happened and continues to happen. Description of the current state of affairs.

2 – how the situation is developing. What might you encounter along the way? Who might you meet?

3 – what is not taken into account. Circumstances that are beyond your control and you cannot influence them. It can also show your capabilities or the benefits you can receive.

4 – your motivations, motives, what drives you. Your base, the reference point for solving the problem.

5- what is left behind, what has already been passed - your past. Shown are moments from your past that are reflected in the present.

6 – obtaining additional information, what awaits you.

7 is your personality.

8 – everything that surrounds you and everything that is directly related to a specific situation.

9 – what you expect from the situation, what result you want.

10 – distant future, how you will cope with the situation.

Option 6

Using a saying, plus an explanation

1 – what’s the matter? The meaning of the current situation.

2 is the answer key. Circumstances and sources of the situation.

3 – what’s in your heart? Thoughts of consciousness and what can be obtained from the subconscious.

4 – what’s under your heart? Feelings and emotional state.

5 – what happened? Where did the situation come from, the sources of the problems.

6 – what will happen? How the situation is developing, what it can lead to.

7 – what for yourself? Your characteristics, a description of your personality. What do you mean to yourself? How you see and feel about yourself.

8 – what about others? How other people see you, what you mean to them.

9 – your hopes, your fears. What do you expect from the situation, what are you afraid of?

10 – and how will it all end? Result, perspective of the situation.

Option 7

1 – starting position, description of the situation. Point of departure.

2 – various influences, external and internal factors. Braking or development of the situation. What intervenes and what leads the situation and along what path.

3 – your goals. What you know about the problem and situation. Perhaps this is exactly the solution you are striving for.

4 – circumstances. Your subconscious, the foundation of the current situation. Where do the roots for this situation come from?

5 – what caused this situation or question. Help so as not to delve into the deep past.

6 – future, approximately 3 months.

7 – your point of view. Your beliefs. Willingness to accept information, readiness to change your opinion or point of view. Willingness to learn and accept new aspects.

8 – what surrounds.

9 – expectations, fears.

10 is the result.

When interpreting the “Celtic Cross” layout, for a better understanding of the situation, you can interpret the layout a little differently, and start not, as is customary, from the first card, but from position 5. Thus, you immediately go down to the past and begin to look for the answer to the question there. Why did the situation happen, what did you not work through earlier, was there anything similar in the past.

Afterwards, you can turn to card 9 and see what you want, what you are waiting for, and most importantly, what you are afraid of. Your fears may hinder the favorable development of the situation. Here it is worth stopping and analyzing your condition, what causes you unpleasant sensations, where they come from.

Afterwards, you can turn to positions 1 and 2 - this is the basis of the layout, driving forces and impulses. Position 1 is the starting position, your original state. Position 2 is an accompanying component; it complements position 1 and provides additional information. Position 2 either pauses you, thus giving you the opportunity to gain strength, analyze the state, prepare for further receipt of information, or speeds up the process, and you find yourself in the final position.

Next, we gradually move on to positions 3 and 4. 3 – characterizes consciousness, what a person understands, he recognizes it and sees it clearly. It can also be a card of advice that is based on consciousness and understanding. 4 – subconscious, most often this information is hidden, and a person does not access it until a certain moment. If there are negative cards in positions 3 and 4 or the cards are reversed, then this may promise problems in resolving the situation.

Since a person may not understand the seriousness and may not be aware of what the cards are trying to convey to him, a person may also not perceive the information received from others. Next, a smooth transition to card 7, it will reveal the person’s personality and characterize his attitude and position in this situation.

Cards 8 will tell you about the environment and the influence of this environment. Here you can see people you have known for a long time in a new light. In conclusion, it is worth turning to card 6 - the expected future and then to card 10 - the result, the decision on the situation, which is also the distant future. Analyze whether the forecast of maps 6 and 10 coincides, what direction is given and what to expect.

Basically, in the “Celtic Cross” layout, the answer to the question is given by two cards: 6 and 10, and the main forecast and answer to the question are read from them. The remaining cards are a background display and detailing of the situation, how events are developing in connection with the question asked.

Which interpretation of positions to choose is up to you. The choice should be made taking into account the question asked, plus what information a person wants to receive from the layout is taken into account.

Non-standard scheme

For the Celtic Cross layout, there is another layout of the cards. It also involves 10 cards, plus the S card - a significator that helps to evaluate and characterize the fortuneteller.

S - the significator gives a description of the person himself, the characteristics of the fortuneteller, an overview of his personality, strengths and weaknesses, his emotional state, readiness to learn and accept information.

1 – why this situation happened, why it happened this way and not otherwise, why now.

2 – what is hidden behind the current position, what was hidden or inaccessible.

3 – assessment of the situation, what is the current state of affairs.

4 – emotional component of the layout. How the fortuneteller reacted to what was happening.

5 – what happened recently before the fortune telling, what prompted the person to find out additional information and turn to the alignment.

6 – what should happen after fortune telling, how the situation will develop further, its development.

7 – consequences for the fortuneteller from the current situation. What to expect and what path development will take.

8 – who is involved in what is happening, who will have to be involved.

9 – is there a catch in the situation, the presence of uncontrollable events or sudden changes. What was not taken into account.

10 – how it will all end.

When interpreting any variant of the layout, you should pay attention to the cards that fell in an inverted position. An inverted card can indicate where you did something wrong or made a mistake. These are also the places that you haven't worked on. Perhaps you lacked strength or understanding.
