Moon and Ace of Cups combination. The meaning of the Ace of Cups in business, finance and professional activities


The plot of the Ace of Cups is fraught with several mysteries. The first of them is the number of jets flowing out of the bowl. Waite writes about four. There are five of them in the picture. There are several explanations for why there is a significant discrepancy between the text and the drawing. And one of them is due to the fact that Waite did not consider the Minor Arcana as something important, did not pay enough attention to them and did not examine the cards drawn by Pamela Smith in detail and for a long time. In general, four jets would be more logical in the drawing, it seems to me. Unfortunately, we can no longer find out what considerations guided Pamela Smith.

The second riddle of this card is the letter on the bowl. Researchers' opinions were divided. Some see it as an inverted letter M, which, in combination with the cross depicted on the cloud, gives the unofficial symbol of the Virgin Mary, the symbol of the Immaculate Conception or the “miraculous medallion.” Others see it as W, the first letter of Waite's last name.

The version with the letter M seems more convincing. The Ace of Cups is an exclusively Catholic card. The cup itself, shown on the card, is the cup that is used during communion. The dove lowering the wafer into it represents the image of the Holy Spirit. Of course, I would like the streams flowing from the cup to be red, like wine, symbolizing the blood of Christ. But even so, deciphering the plot does not cause any difficulties.

But a pond with floating water lilies speaks of stagnation and even looks a little like a swamp.

Map Keywords

  • Joy;
  • Love;
  • Celebration;
  • Feast;
  • Idealism;
  • Bad habits

Key ideas of the map

  • Emotions overflowing;
  • A sharp change in emotional state from joy to grief and back;
  • Lots of emotions, little intelligence;
  • Inability to adequately perceive the situation

The main meaning of the Ace of Cups card

Waite gives an exclusively positive meaning to the Ace of Cups: divine joy, fullness, abundance and other pleasant words. An interesting hint is the magical meanings of the Minor Arcana in general. According to Waite, this should be indicated by drops of water flying in all directions, shown on the map. But Waite did not give the key to the magical meanings. Neither which of them are magical and which are ordinary, nor how to use them.

Today, the Ace of Cups is associated primarily with strong emotions. Most often, we are talking about positive emotions, but negative ones are not excluded. Strong emotions can be caused by natural reasons, such as good news. Or artificially: joyful alcoholic intoxication. The higher the intensity of emotions, the less inclined a person is to take into account the reactions of others. The ability to adequately assess what is happening is also lost.

The Ace of Cups can indicate a feast, a holiday, an emotional uplift; ecstasy, including religious; strong emotional experiences, such as orgasm.
In general, like all Aces, the Ace of Cups is a positive card.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Ace of Cups

The meaning of the Ace of Cups card in relationships

Open-hole card

The Ace of Cups is not just an open card, but the most open card. It involves as many people as possible, promotes the establishment of contacts at various levels, from superficial to very deep. She focuses not so much on the quality of connections, but on their quantity. A person experiences joy and is ready to share it with everyone around him.

Relationship intensity

Light, fast map, very intense. Relationships are easy to start and leave. A person flits from one partner to another, without fixating on anyone.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The Ace of Cups is the very beginning of a love relationship, euphoria, an endorphin storm. Positive emotions are off the charts. The mind naturally turns off. The person behaves, to put it mildly, inappropriately. To begin with, falling in love is an absolutely normal state.

The map indicates the holiday in the widest possible range. The arrival of a beloved relative or a visit from a neighbor next door with half a liter.

The card itself does not indicate any negative aspects. However, the consequences of the manifestation of the Ace of Cups are not very pleasant. The simplest example is a hangover. Or “they drank, ate, had fun, counted, and shed tears.”

This is a wonderful card for corporate events. But I have a very hard time imagining the Ace of Cups as a constant emotional state at work, at an operational meeting, or when drawing up an annual report. Joy from the work done is quite possible.

But sometimes the Ace of Cups acts as a necessary condition for work: manipulation of emotions, selling joy. I have seen how in a travel agency clients were created such a high degree of joyful expectation from their vacation that they, by and large, no longer cared where to go.

Selling emotions and emotional selling tend to have a positive impact on revenue.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

  • Ace of Cups in combination with: The future is favorable and promises joy;
  • Ace of Cups combined with: Powerful erotic adventure;
  • Ace of Cups combination with: Big and strong love

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

The meaning of the Ace of Cups card in Psychological state

Fountain. Waterfall. Light, mobile, fluid. The emotional state changes in the widest range with incredible speed. The change of phases from manic to depressive, and then again to manic occurs within a couple of hours.

Ace of Posokhov is a focused beam that has not yet hit an obstacle. I have yet to achieve something, achieve something. And the Ace of Cups is already a state of euphoria from achievements. It’s already good, you can already lie down and rejoice or dance and rejoice. Or do something else and still be happy.

Ace Posokhov pushes a person to action: he saw a beautiful girl and began to think about how to meet her. And the Ace of Cups allows you to imagine how you are already living with a beautiful girl, and how good it makes you feel. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to get acquainted.

Kozma Prutkov said: “If you have a fountain, shut it up; give the fountain a rest.” The Ace of Cups is fundamentally unable to shut up his fountain. He will die if he does this.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the card: Reasons for joy remain in the past;
  • in combination with the card: You will have to fight for your happiness;
  • in combination with the card: Inevitable parting with what makes you happy today

The meaning of the card in health matters

  • Female genital organs.
  • Withdrawal from a depressive state. Wine therapy (enotherapy). We will not consider the method of urine therapy. This is not pure water, but with something colored - tea, solution, mixture.
  • Obvious problems are alcoholism and further increasing. Associated with loss of control over reality.

Physical problems provoke emotional instability. If we consider manic-depressive psychosis, it is the manic phase.

It may indirectly indicate infantilism, downs, etc. inadequate people who are in constant rosy excitement.

Theoretically, one can assume problems with liquids, but statistics have not confirmed it and there is a Moderation card.

Two diseases: hangover and under-drinking.

  • The emotional sphere is improving. A short rise. Don't forget that excitement gives way to inhibition.
  • Excellent emotional state, excellent psyche. Because of this, physical condition is perceived as great regardless of how good or bad it actually is. The mind is paralyzed and inadequate.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the suit of Cups

  • Ace of Cups in combination with: A wonderful union;
  • Ace of Cups in combination with: Excellent family relationships;
  • Ace of Cups in combination with the card: New love

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in business, finance and professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

At first glance, this is a great card. Dynamic, positive, emotions are overflowing: it would seem - live and be happy! But the emotional state is unstable, and even minor external factors can change its sign from plus to minus. The intensity of passions is as great as the ability to control them is negligible.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

Joy, celebration, a feeling of happiness, euphoria, everything that brings brightness and fun to drab everyday life - what is not a profitable product? The card does not raise the question of whether this is a well-deserved holiday, whether joy is real, even the problem of legality and morality does not matter. Everything will be used - from confectionery, flowers and balloons to alcohol and more.

A less obvious way is to create an appearance, an atmosphere of celebration, a “feast during the plague,” when the feeling is there, but the reality is not.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The general state of finances is excellent. We are either in a good mood or have something to celebrate. There are funds for the holidays, no savings or budget cuts: everything is organized on a grand scale, on a grand scale.

This attitude towards finance also demonstrates the main trend: the situation will remain favorable for a long time. Income will grow or remain at the same consistently high level as now.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Joy and pleasure, as the driving force of the process, are an excellent resource. Working on an emotional high, a person involuntarily increases labor productivity and does not notice fatigue and minor difficulties. An atmosphere of fun, regular corporate parties and joint picnics help maintain the right mood. But, on the other hand, it is important not to allow it to develop into uncontrollable euphoria.

There is a clear danger of “drunken” transactions and a severe hangover from rash decisions. In addition, by artificially increasing the degree of emotional pumping, it is easy to lose control: they drank, ate, had fun; They calculated it - they shed tears.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the suit of Swords

  • Ace of Cups combined with: Today's joy will break tomorrow's heart
  • Ace of Cups combined with: Emotions leading to nightmares
  • Ace of Cups combined with the card: Pleasure in Action

Allow yourself to be happy.

Card of the day Caution

Be careful not to let your emotions flood those around you.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the suit of Pentacles

Questions to ask when drawing a card?
  • What makes you happy?
  • How do others react to the way you show emotions?
  • How long has it been since you made yourself happy?
  • What emotions do you evoke in others?

Straight position

The Ace of Cups traditionally symbolizes openness, inner fullness, emotional harmony, and spiritual comfort. In some cases, the meaning of this Arcana can even be described by a single word - bliss.

If you get the Ace of Cups in your reading, then you can rightfully expect that happiness will certainly knock on your door. And another figurative and very indicative meaning of the Ace of Cups is that it is perceived as a ray of light that can illuminate and transform even the darkest soul, driving out sadness, fears, and bitterness from it.

At the event level, such a card should be interpreted as a variety that will “dilute” everyday life, for example, as an unexpected and very pleasant guest, as a festive feast (corporate party, etc.) Moreover, if the Queen of Cups appears next to this Arcana, it means , the pleasantness of the feast will most likely be associated with a certain very impressive woman.

Inverted position

The reversed Ace of Cups indicates rejected benefits, opportunities, and prospects. Or to the futility or unrealizability of hopes, expectations and, accordingly, to disappointment and spiritual devastation. The best interpretation of such an Arcanum is the postponement of the favors of fate.

Since in this case we are dealing with an Ace, we have to talk about a certain amount of risk. The risk here is that all the benefits that the suit of Cups carries are only opportunities. And, ultimately, they may end up unused or not used properly. This is especially demonstrated by the combination of the Ace of Cups with the Four of Cups.

In everyday life, the inverted Ace of Cups can mean emotional instability, indifference (apathy), emotional hunger caused by voluntary or forced social isolation. The extreme form of this Arcana in an inverted form is depression and even a tendency (readiness) to use drugs, associated with the fact that a person is not able to raise his or her mood and vitality by other means and means.

Together with the Hermit, the inverted Ace of Cups is interpreted as voluntary isolation from society, with the Hanged Man - as a feeling of impasse, hopelessness due to an unfulfilled dream.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In personal relationships, the Ace of Cups can be interpreted as a deep feeling, romanticism, a feeling that happiness has already been achieved. In addition, this Arcanum, like no other, symbolizes devotion and fidelity.

If the person being told fortunes is currently alone, without a partner, then the Ace of Cups clearly indicates that very soon this state of affairs will change for the better. Moreover, there is no need to put any effort into this, since love will find the fortuneteller itself. If we are talking about fortune telling for a new sympathy, then this card will say that the fortuneteller will be captured by a great, reckless love for this person. In particular, this is especially true if the Six of Cups is paired with this Arcanum. As for the situation when such a card characterizes a person - a partner with whom they are guessing about the relationship - then it is quite possible to speak of it as a true gift of fate, which must be accepted without hesitation or doubt.

A very successful combination is the Ace of Cups and the Empress, because in this case we can talk about long-term, strong, fruitful relationships. And with the Judgment, such an Arcanum should be interpreted as a great feeling that flared up again for a former lover (beloved).

Inverted position

The negative side of the Ace of Cups in this case can be interpreted as sexual dissatisfaction, an unexpected deterioration in relationships, infidelity, or disappointment in a partner. In addition, such an Arcanum is sometimes interpreted as a demonstration of feelings, feigned emotions, behind which, in fact, there is nothing. Or attempts at veiled manipulation and selfishness. A person who has the reversed Ace of Cups would rather be loved than love and give himself to a partner.

The combination of such a card with the Ace of Swords is interesting. It means that relationships between people or (depending on the essence of the issue) the relationship of one person to another are overly rational. And together with the Jester, such an Ace speaks of the absence of serious intentions towards a partner, that the person does not plan to build long-term relationships.


Straight position

For professional activities, this Arcanum usually means that a person should definitely look for his true calling, because the chances of understanding what it is are very high.

If the question is asked about the prospects of the current field of activity, then the fallen Ace of Cups indicates that a person will certainly be able to realize himself in it.

Among other things, this Arcanum can indicate satisfaction from one’s work, an adequate attitude towards everyday work and a peaceful attitude towards one’s colleagues and the performance of one’s work duties.

Paired with the Ace of Coins, the Ace of Cups denotes the greatest possible material success and prosperity; and with the Emperor - a very harmonious relationship with the leadership.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Ace of Cups for a career is an inability to feel, see prospects, opportunities that undoubtedly exist. And such an Arcanum can also mean that there is a selfish shifting of one’s work responsibilities onto someone else’s shoulders (or shifting someone else’s responsibilities onto the shoulders of the fortuneteller).

If the question about the cards relates to a future job, namely the possibility (or impossibility) of getting it, then the inverted Ace of Cups should be taken as a hint that it might make sense to approach your employment from a slightly different angle, for example, present who needs a present or enlists the support of an influential person.

Such a card, which fell out with the Tower, indicates that in your field you risk being left with nothing, and with Strength - that you are not always in control of yourself during the performance of official duties.

You should think about how you treat others. And understand that, without skimping on kindness, a smile, a heartfelt word, you will feel incomparably happier than before. And in general: live by trusting your intuition, let your inner voice guide you.

The Ace of Cups Tarot (of Cups) is a reflection of harmony, joy and fulfillment of desires. The card brings pleasant emotions and happiness into the life of the questioner. She breaks up monotonous everyday life, predicting interesting meetings with new people. It is possible that feasts, merry gatherings and holidays will be held. If there was a misunderstanding between someone previously, now is the time to reconcile.

In some cases, the interpretation reaches the highest level, describing great and pure love. The arcan influences other elements of the layout, tilting their meaning in a positive direction. The suit of Cups represents a romantic mood, love adventures and the entire sphere of relationships in general.

The main advice is to refuse active interference in the course of events and at the same time not to build vain illusions. At the moment, fate is rewarding you, it is important not to miss this opportunity. The Ace of Cups of the Tarot is considered one of the Magician's tools (the serial number in the deck is I). With its help, he creates an updated reality in which there will be many emotional and pleasant moments.

Straight position

Genuine surprise, delight. Something extremely interesting and joyful is happening around. The questioner is immersed in a state when there are too many impressions, they pour over the edge, spill out of the Chalice (Cup). During this period, you can meet a person with whom you will connect your life for many years.

The world is perceived biasedly, as if through rose-colored glasses. The inner child has a blast and gives free rein to his desires. This stifles any reasonable argument or attempt to return to critical thinking. But that doesn’t matter now: fun is not forbidden.

In the professional field, the Ace of Cups Tarot provides a person with the opportunity to fully reveal his talent and do what he really likes. Most often it describes people who are creative and ambitious. They are satisfied with their work and easily take on new projects. From a commercial point of view, Arkan is also favorable and promises a successful outcome.

Relationships with the opposite sex are accompanied by euphoria and strong attraction. We can talk about either the emergence of a new union or the revival of feelings in a long-existing couple.

Inverted position

An endless stream of emotions weighs down a person. The object of his admiration became inaccessible, and the stormy joy grew into an equally strong stream of tears. It is possible to return this state by restoring the previous state of affairs, but this is not always possible. How to help the sufferer in this case? You need to distract him: offer him a long trip, a trip to the cinema or shopping. When attention switches to another object, not a shadow of past experiences will remain.

In an alliance, the reversed Ace of Cups Tarot indicates discord, quarrels and misunderstandings. A split can be caused by the jealousy of one of the partners or his distrust. Pretentious behavior only makes the situation worse. Advice: try to pay more attention to the needs of your lover, don’t be selfish.

To learn all the features of fortune telling with Tarot cards, it is important to know the interpretation of each Arcana of the deck. In this article you will learn the meaning and interpretation of the Ace of Cups (Ace of Cups) Tarot, and also learn how to correctly apply the received meanings in practice. Enjoy reading!

Ace of Cups: description of the card, plot, meaning in the layout

The meaning of the Rider of the Ace of Cups Tarot depends on the correct interpretation of the Arcana illustration. This card shows a hand holding a goblet adorned with precious stones. A fountain of water gushing from a cup indicates happiness, celebration, and other positive emotions.

Note. Depending on the type of deck, the interpretation of the image of the Ace of Cups can be modified - instead of water, the cup contains apples and/or grapes, symbolizing fertility, wealth, etc.

To find out detailed information about the interpretation of all Tarot cards, we recommend enrolling in courses at the Russian Tarot School or reading the book by the famous tarot reader Sergei Savchenko “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards.”

Keywords, ideas for the Ace of Cups card in the layout

Let's consider the key ideas, the words of the Ace of Cups. This approach makes it possible to simplify the essence of the interpretation of the Arcana for beginning tarot readers.

  • The origin of feelings
  • First crush
  • Intuitive abilities
  • The joy of life
  • Happiness
  • Emotional/sensual harmony
  • A penchant for artistic expression of emotions
  • Fruitfulness
  • Pregnancy. Carrying a child
  • Good imagination
  • Empathy

If the card falls in an inverted position, the meaning of the Arcana comes down to the following keywords/ideas:

  • Unrequited feelings
  • Unstable position
  • Miscarriages, infertility
  • Stagnation in emotions

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The direct position of the Ace of Cups/Cups is one of the most favorable Arcana of the alignment. The fortuneteller has a chance to change something for the better. Gratitude, joy, success, satisfaction are just part of the interpretations of this card. Discover the ability to love loved ones, relatives, etc. Another interpretation is a lucky chance, a gift of fate. To experience all the delights of life, Arkan advises making appropriate efforts and listening to your own intuition.

Meaning of the Ace of Cups in reversed position

The meaning of the Ace of Cups Tarot in an inverted position says the following - the chosen path can lead to instability or failure. Don’t plan anything in advance - now is an unfavorable moment for any undertakings. Listen to yourself, try to “get in with the flow” - by not wanting to change something, you are missing out on the great chances provided by fate itself. Another interpretation is emotional instability, apathy, depression caused by voluntary isolation from the outside world.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Ace of Cups

Meanings of the Ace of Cups in relationships and love readings

Let's consider the direct/inverted meaning of the Ace of Cups (Cups) in love and relationships. Details are below.

Straight position

If the Ace of Cups falls in a love reading, this means fulfillment of desires regarding the search for a soul mate. If you use the opportunity correctly, you can count on the sudden emergence of feelings for another person. For a mature relationship - a new, favorable turn, devotion, fidelity. There is no need to make any additional efforts - the right person will find you himself.

Inverted position

The reverse position of the Ace of Cups card indicates the manifestation of negative qualities towards a partner/significant other. As an option - dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere, deterioration of relationships, infidelity, betrayal on the part of a partner. The card may indicate pretense of feelings, attempts to manipulate a loved one.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups card in health layouts

Let's consider the meaning of the Ace of Cups Tarot in health. For details of the interpretation of the inverted/upright position, see below.

Directly. Indicates good health, possible pregnancy. Shows the positive dynamics of the course of a certain disease, the prospect of a complete recovery.

Upside down. The card speaks of possible diseases of the lymph and blood, nervous/mental exhaustion, and disruption of proper metabolism.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups card in layouts for personality analysis, the psychological state of a person

We propose to consider the meanings of the Ace of Cups card in layouts for personality analysis. Details are below.

Directly. The card indicates an emotionally open, generous person, a creatively gifted person.

Upside down. The personality is weak-willed, spineless, fickle.

The meaning of the card in layouts for work, finance

To find out the prospects for an existing position, consider the meanings of the Ace of Cups in the upright/inverted position. Details are below.

Direct position

Arkan says the following - a person is following the right path. Tangible results are coming that will lead to growth up the career ladder. The fortuneteller gets the opportunity to experience the whole essence of the process of self-realization, create a successful project, etc. For unemployed people - an opportunity to get a promising job and fulfill their plans.

Inverted position

The questioner should be on guard. We advise you to listen to your own intuition and correctly use existing prospects and opportunities. Another interpretation is a reluctance to take responsibility on one’s shoulders, attempts to shift responsibility to other employees, etc.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

Let's consider the meaning of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana. Details below.

  • Jester: Uncertainty about a loved one, causeless jealousy
  • Mage: Use others for your own purposes.
  • : Incomplete expression of emotions, feelings
  • Empress: Harmony, stability in relationships with a loved one
  • : Lack of self-control
  • Lovers: You have to make a choice in matters related to your personal life
  • Chariot: Worry over trifles, danger of a nervous breakdown
  • Strength: Tendency to indulge in bad habits, desire for self-destruction, dependence on something
  • : Selfishness, reluctance to build strong relationships with other people
  • Wheel of Fortune: Adventurism, penchant for adventure
  • : In a love relationship, the fortuneteller is guided by reason - fraught with quarrels with his partner
  • Hanged Man: Unfavorable relationship that cannot be broken
  • Death: The emergence of new acquaintances
  • Temperance: Marriage ties, other change in marital status
  • Devil: Problems with the law, irresponsible attitude, temporary mental confusion
  • Tower: Insincerity, deceit on the part of a loved one
  • Star: Surprise, gift
  • Moon: Deception in feelings
  • Sun: Mutuality of feelings, mutual sympathy
  • Court: There is an opportunity to improve the financial situation
  • World: A new level of relationships with your soulmate

The meaning of the Ace of Cups in combination with the Minor Arcana

Let's consider the meaning of the Arcana Ace of Cups (Cups) in combination with the cards of the Minor Arcana. Details are below.

Combination with the suit of Wands

  • : Passion, intimacy of an intimate nature
  • : Careless attitude towards problems, unwillingness to accept consequences
  • Troika: Favorable events in personal relationships with a partner
  • Four: Engagement, marriage proposal
  • Five: Trouble, appearance of a rival
  • Six: Pre-wedding events, fuss, troubles
  • Seven: Unreasonable jealousy, troubles, vanity, etc.
  • Eight: Good news from afar
  • Nine: Lack of harmony, strong feelings about some problem
  • Ten: Severance of relationships with a loved one, separation
  • Page: Declaration of love from a stranger
  • Knight: Be careful - your partner has a strong influence on you
  • King: A new relationship is emerging with good prospects for the future

Combination with the suit of Cups

  • : You should not interfere with the current course of events
  • Troika: Love triangle situation
  • Four: Quarrels with relatives are coming
  • Five: Life will change due to a new acquaintance
  • Six: There is a possibility of awakening feelings for a previous partner
  • Seven: Non-reciprocal feelings
  • Eight: We do not recommend making hasty conclusions
  • Nine: Measured, quiet, calm life
  • Ten: Avoid deceivers
  • Page: Strong conflicts with close friends
  • : Playing unfair game
  • Queen: There is a woman in your circle who wishes you harm
  • King: Harmonious relationships with people around you

Combination with the suit of Swords

  • Ace: You will soon gain the favor of management
  • Two: There is a possibility of a broken heart
  • Troika: It is difficult for a fortuneteller to determine the truth of feelings
  • Four: Rest, planned trip
  • Five: Plans are not feasible in the near future
  • Six: Solitude, loneliness
  • : Hiding true relationships regarding the fortuneteller
  • Eight: Stop manipulation of your feelings by a loved one
  • Nine: The questioner will find himself in a difficult situation
  • Ten: The object of desire does not reciprocate feelings
  • : Scandals, discord, squabbles are coming
  • Knight: The reputation of the fortuneteller may suffer greatly
  • Queen: Breakup, parting
  • King: Dominance over a loved one

Combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: A lucrative business offer is coming
  • Two: In order not to miss the profit, you will have to bargain
  • Troika: Start of a new business project
  • Four: Windfall is approaching
  • : A person close to you needs your help
  • Six: Soon there will be difficulties in finances
  • Seven: The fortuneteller may become a victim of bureaucracy, the judicial system
  • Eight: Wait for an offer for a new position
  • Nine: You will soon have a patron
  • Ten: Support from loved ones
  • Page: News from work
  • Knight: Winning the lottery, receiving a bonus or salary
  • : Conclusion of a profitable contract, deal. The process of signing contracts, working with documents (paperwork)
  • King: Financial help is coming from a loved one

The Ace of Cups indicates the following - today is the day your desires will come true. You can use this chance to take a decisive step, someone's proposal. First of all, this concerns the personal sphere. Communicate with people by listening to your inner voice, in particular, intuition. Do not skimp on compliments, friendly attitude, etc.

What the Ace of Cups warns about

To achieve the desired result, you should concentrate your attention on the problem without scattering it. Dedicate yourself entirely to your profession - the result will not take long to arrive.

What questions can the Ace of Cups card answer?

  • What methods can I use to achieve my goal?
  • what you need to do to get what you want

Let this information help you better understand the features of fortune telling with Tarot cards. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to leave comments on the post. All the best and see you again!

The Ace of Cups symbolizes new opportunities on the emotional, spiritual and family plane. It can predict the emergence of new relationships or the deepening of existing ones. You're starting an affair, opening up to happiness, or inviting a new person into your home. In the near future, feasts with an abundance of food and drinks, parties or receptions are likely. You may experience some vague rush or emotional upsurge because your heart is full right now. You and those you love enjoy human favor or divine favor and spiritual care. Declarations of love and manifestations of passion are possible, perhaps in the form of a love letter. This card encourages you to go with the flow and connect with others. At work, you will have the opportunity to follow your passion and do what you love. In some cases, the card can signify fertility, conception, birth or marriage. It also means spiritual opening or the activation of dreams, visions and intuition. The gates of imagination and the unconscious are now wide open. You are extremely receptive and thoughtful. This is a great time to look inside yourself. You are filled with joy that generously pours out. The card also represents the idealism of the search for the Holy Grail and the inexhaustible cornucopia of spiritual and material benefits.

Traditional meanings: home, health, hearth, family. Table, banquet, holiday, food. Invitation. Pleasures. Abundance, self-indulgence. Good news. Fertility, birth. Love, passion. Kindness. Wealth, prosperity. Beauty. Joy. Loyalty.

Reversed Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups reversed places restrictions on emotional, spiritual or dream experiences. The love you once felt for a person, home, or job may weaken or dissipate over time. You feel drained and empty.

You may be trying to distance yourself from the situation or avoid destructive influences. Unpleasant memories or old disappointments may make you resist a new idea or relationship. You deny your feelings or, on the contrary, express concern and interest that you don’t really feel. You may even use insincere flattery for the sake of being able to manipulate others. It is also possible to exchange: feelings for position, money or security. If you overindulge in food or drink or have eating disorders, this card may hint that the cause lies much deeper. This could be unreciprocated or lost love, as well as deception. Or the love you crave so much won’t come to you in the near future. As with other reversed Aces, various types of delays and infertility are possible.

Perhaps you yourself have blocked your spiritual, mystical and intuitive abilities or think that you should not trust them. On the other hand, you may now be gullible and weak-willed, unable to concentrate. Or you rely too much on other people's guidance.

When you project this card onto others, they appear to you to be fickle, spineless, or weak-willed. You don’t want change, you hold on to the old, you are overcome by sentimentality and melancholy. You may feel like people are putting a spoke in your wheel. You may reject an offer of friendship or turn down an opportunity. On the other hand, the inverted Ace of Cups may indicate giving up alcohol, drugs, other bad habits and searching for the true sources of life.

In terms of health, these are the already mentioned bad habits and addictions, problems with the stomach and digestive system as a whole, that is, with everything related to the intake and processing of food, as well as gynecological diseases.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this is a dive deep into one’s own feelings and experiences - especially negative ones - and following them, like Ariadne’s thread, into the past, to early memories. This makes it possible to remove excess emotional charge and free yourself from the feeling of guilt for what you have experienced.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: change, new, revolution, change. Erosion, destruction, mutation, metamorphosis. Impermanence, instability. Unrequited love. Perfidy. Sterility. Exchange, barter, sale. Monetary donations. Rejected benefits.
