Hungarian cake recipes. Traditional Hungarian Dobos cake: homemade recipe

Dobos cake (dobostorta in Hungarian) is a traditional Hungarian dessert made from six sponge cakes soaked in chocolate cream and covered with caramel glaze. Dobosh became the favorite cake of the Austro-Hungarian Empress.

It was so popular that it was even exported to other countries in wooden packages specially made for this purpose.

The cake is named after its creator, Hungarian pastry chef Josef Dobos. He specially created it for the Hungarian National Exhibition - a cake that remains fresh for at least 10 days.

Today, in Hungary, Dobos cake continues to be prepared in accordance with the original recipe.

So, here is the recipe itself and its step-by-step preparation:

For the cakes you will need:

  • Flour - 140 g;
  • 6 eggs;
  • Butter (butter) - 80 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • Vanilla sugar;

For cream:

  • Chocolate - 60;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Butter (butter) - 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar (sugar) - 150 g;
  • Cocoa - 20 g.

For caramel:

  • Butter (butter) - 30 g;
  • Powder (sugar) - 200 g.

Stages of preparing cakes:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Combine the yolks with half a portion of sugar and vanilla sugar;
  2. Beat well;

3. Add flour to white-washed butter;

4. Stir;

5. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff;

6. Little by little mix the resulting protein mass into the dough;

7. Stir everything until smooth;

8 . Grease a baking dish with butter and flour or use parchment paper;

9. At a temperature of 200°, bake 6 identical cakes, 10-12 minutes each, until light brown. The cakes can be either round, according to the classic recipe, or square or rectangular to your taste;

10 . Cool them down.

Steps for preparing the cream:

  1. Beat soft butter and add powdered sugar to it;
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath;
  3. Add eggs, cocoa and chocolate to butter mixture;

4.Beat everything with a mixer and put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

Cake assembly:

  1. Grease five cake layers with cream and place on top of each other. Leave the top sixth cake layer ungreased and set aside.
  2. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak for 30 minutes.

Preparation of caramel glaze:

  1. Melt the powdered sugar over low heat until golden brown. When it melts, immediately add butter and stir.
  2. Very quickly, with hot glaze, before it hardens, pour the remaining cake layer, placed on a table, board or parchment paper. While the icing is still soft, use a buttered knife to cut the cake into 8-10 pieces. Allow the icing to cool and harden, then carefully transfer the last cake layer onto the cake.

Squeeze out balls from the remaining cream along the edges of the cake, according to the number of pieces with caramel, cool and place glaze slices on them slightly diagonally. The sides of the cake can be decorated with crumbs or nuts.

Let the cake soak well and you can enjoy!

Now you know how to prepare an incredibly delicious Dobosh cake step by step :)

Bon appetit!

Video recipe - Dobosh Cake:

But then the recipe was different, and I prepared it without caramel, as in the original recipe. And recently it was my sister’s birthday, so there was an opportunity to make a cake.

For the dish we need:
- for biscuit cakes "bouche":

Divide chicken eggs (7 pcs.) into whites and yolks.

First, beat the yolks with 75 g of sugar until it dissolves (2-3 minutes).

Next, beat the whites gradually adding sugar (75 g) until fluffy white foam.

Gently add the beaten yolks into the beaten whites and mix with a spatula from bottom to top.

Gradually add wheat flour (150 g) and knead the dough.

The dough should slide slowly down the spatula when you turn it over.

Place the dough in a pastry bag with a narrow tip or in a tight bag, cutting a narrow hole.
On parchment we draw a cake pan with a diameter of 19 cm (I circled the lid of the pan of the required diameter). From the pastry bag, squeeze the dough onto the parchment in a spiral from the center.

Bake the cakes at 220 degrees for about 5-7 minutes until golden.

We do this with all the dough; from the prepared dough I got 6 cakes.
Do not stack the finished cakes one on top of the other as they may stick to each other. Cool completely.
While the cakes are baking, prepare praline - these are crushed caramel nuts.
- for praline:

Place walnuts (200 g) and sugar (200 g) in a saucepan, mix and place on low heat.

When the sugar melts a little, stir the mixture until the nuts are covered with caramel.

When all the sugar has melted and the nuts have acquired a golden caramel color and taste, place them on a silicone mat, evenly distributing them in a thin layer until they cool completely.

When the nuts in the caramel have cooled completely, grind them into fine crumbs in a blender bowl, leaving 8-10 nuts for decoration.

While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the cream.
- for chocolate cream:

Pour milk (0.5 l) into a saucepan, add a bag of vanilla sugar and heat.

While the milk is heating, in a separate container, mix the yolk (1 pc.), sugar (120 g), add potato starch (1 tbsp.) and part of the warm milk.

Mix the egg-sugar mixture well and pour it into the boiling milk in a thin stream.

Cook until thickened, stirring constantly.

As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove it from the heat and transfer it to a dry container, let it cool slightly and add boiled condensed milk (50 g).
Melt milk chocolate (60 g) and also add to the cream, mix.

In a separate container, beat the butter at room temperature and pour in the previously prepared cream, beat well with a mixer until smooth.

Lastly, add praline (50 g) and mix well.

While the remaining ingredients for the cake are being prepared, place the cream in the refrigerator.
Lastly, prepare the caramel for the top crust. For caramel, in a small saucepan, mix sugar (100 g) and water (30 ml) and mix gently, it is very important that there are no sugar crystals on the walls of the saucepan, since if during the cooking process a crystal gets into the syrup, it will crystallize.

Place the saucepan on low heat and cook without stirring; when the caramel boils, carefully remove the foam (if there is any) and continue cooking without stirring; if we stir with a spoon, the caramel may also crystallize. When the caramel turns yellowish in color, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the caramel onto the cake layer, distributing it evenly over it (the cake layer should lie on a silicone mat).

Cut the not yet hardened caramel together with the cake into 8 slices with an oiled knife.

When all the components of the cake are ready, we begin to assemble it.
Place the cake on a dish (in my case, in a mold), grease it with cream, put another cake on top, again cream, and do the same with all the cakes.

Gently coat the edges of the cake with cream and sprinkle with chopped caramel nuts.

We make cream humps on top of the cake at equal distances from each other, place pieces of cake with caramel on them, and support them with caramel nuts.

The cake turned out, of course, not perfect, but very tender and tasty. I didn’t have time to take a cross-sectional photo of the cake as it was eaten very quickly.

Bon appetit!!!

Cooking time: PT03H00M 3 hours

“Cake named after me!” - exclaimed the owner of a huge library, writer, author of 5 cookbooks, pastry chef Jozsef Dobos and gave the world the famous dessert. This is how the classic Hungarian Dobos cake began its journey at the end of the 19th century.

He was doomed to success! The royal couple of Franz Joseph loved to feast on fragrant delicate chocolate-butter cream on a delicious airy sponge cake with delicious frozen caramel. The fact that it collected all possible laurels at the National Exhibition ensured the Hungarian Dobos cake a great confectionery future.


For the test:

  • Eggs - 9 pcs.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Flour - 260 gr.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin - a pinch

For cream:

  • Butter (82.5%) - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 140 gr.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Cream (10%) – 450 ml
  • Corn starch - 35-40 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • Chocolate (dark) - 160 gr.
  • Cocoa - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Rum extract – 5 drops

For impregnation:

  • Water – 70 ml
  • Sugar - 45 gr.
  • Coffee - 1 tbsp.
  • Rum extract - 3 drops

For caramel:

  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Water – 70 ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Almonds (walnuts) - 100 gr.

Cooking method

The amount of ingredients is calculated for 6 cakes with a diameter of 23 cm.

The cooking process is quite labor-intensive. But this dessert is worth taking the time to enjoy. We take all the ingredients out of the refrigerator in advance so that they come to room temperature.

Let's start with the cream. Place the cream on the stove to warm up. There is no need to boil them, bring them to a temperature of about 90 degrees.

In a deep container, combine the yolks, granulated sugar, starch, cocoa, and rum extract. You can do without the latter. It just won't taste as interesting.

Add a little cream so that the mass is homogeneous and all the ingredients are well mixed.

Pour the resulting chocolate mixture into the hot cream, stirring, and place on the stove.

The mixture must be stirred all the time so that no lumps form during brewing.

Cook until thickened. As soon as we managed to achieve the desired consistency (similar to jelly), remove from heat, cover with cling film in contact and leave to cool at room temperature.

Let's start preparing the base - the most delicate cakes.

First of all, separate the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat the butter and half the sugar with a mixer until the mixture turns white. We begin to add yolks 2 pcs at a time, beating each time with a mixer.

Grate the lemon zest and add it to the main mixture. Next add a pinch of salt.

Let's move on to the proteins. We begin to beat at low speed, when white foam appears, add the remaining granulated sugar, increase the speed and beat until strong peaks form.

We introduce the proteins into the main mass in several stages, mixing gently.

Add flour. Be sure to sift it first.

Divide the dough into 6 equal parts. Bake each for about 7 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees alternately.

When we are done with the cakes, we return to preparing the layer.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave in bursts of 15 seconds (take it out and stir each time). Let it cool slightly and pour it into the custard base, which should also have cooled well by this time.

Beat the butter in a separate container and add it piece by piece to the chocolate custard base, beating well each time with a mixer.

Place the finished cream in the refrigerator for half an hour.

In the meantime, prepare the impregnation. In a saucepan, combine water with sugar and bring to a boil. Boil for a minute. Remove from heat, add coffee and rum extract.

All that's left to do is the long-awaited cake assembly!

For a more aesthetic appearance, we trim the edges of the cakes. We lay them out alternately, soaking them in syrup and greasing them with cream.

After this, we put the almost finished dessert in the refrigerator along with the remaining cream for decoration, and begin making caramel.

Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan, add sugar and place on the stove.

There is no need to stir the mass. We wait until it boils, boil for a couple of minutes and add lemon juice. Keep the caramel on the stove until it turns amber in color.

While the caramel is hot, pour it onto the last cake layer and quickly cut it into 8 pieces with a knife. Before doing this, run the knife under hot water to prevent the caramel from sticking to it.

Sprinkle 4 pieces with crushed nuts.

Take the cake out of the refrigerator, coat the sides and top with cream and sprinkle with nuts. Place caramel triangles on top of the cream “pucks”.

That's it, ready! Well, isn't it beautiful? It's definitely worth so much effort and time.

The Dobos cake was invented by the Hungarian confectioner József Dobos specifically for the national exhibition that took place in 1885. The cake was a real hit! And it began to be served on the table to the top officials of all European states. For long-term storage, special wooden boxes were made. Although even at that time it was believed that the cake could remain fresh for 10 days or more. And this is in the absence of refrigerators!

What made me happy about the Dobosh cake recipe was the simple and affordable ingredients that any housewife has in her refrigerator.

Judge for yourself, for the test:

  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Flour - 150 g.
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - small bag 10 g or 1 tsp. vanilla extract

For the cream you will need:

  • Butter - 180 g
  • Granulated sugar - 130 g
  • Dark chocolate - 80 g
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Vanilla extract (1 tsp) or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 g)

Ingredients for caramel:

  • Granulated sugar - 150 g
  • Butter - 0.5 tbsp. l.

How to make Hungarian Dobos cake

Separate the whites from the yolks. I usually do this by hand, the old-fashioned way, but you can use some modern device, like the one shown in the photo:

Now beat both the whites and yolks separately. Divide the granulated sugar into two parts, adding one part to the yolks and the second to the whites.

Proteins and sugar form an elastic foam that holds its shape when the bowl is turned upside down. If you achieve this result, it means the whites are whipped correctly.

From the yolks and sugar you get a light, fluffy mass that contains almost no grains of sugar if you rub a small amount of the mixture between your fingers.

Now carefully, using a spatula, combine both masses.

Add vanilla (preferably vanilla extract, not artificial vanillin).

These were step-by-step instructions for beating eggs for Dobosh cake, if you strictly adhere to the classic recipe. But I haven’t separated yolks from whites for a long time; I combine these processes into one stage. If you have a powerful mixer (350 W and above), you also don’t have to bother with separation.

So, break the eggs into a wide bowl.

We begin to work with the mixer, gradually increasing the speed to maximum. At the beginning of beating, the egg mass is yellow, then begins to lighten.

As soon as you see that the eggs have become fluffy and airy, gradually add granulated sugar in a thin stream. Try to mix it into the eggs immediately so that it does not sink to the bottom.

Along with regular sugar, you can add vanilla sugar at once.

I forgot to warn you: the eggs must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up properly. In this case, the sugar will dissolve very quickly.

From the moment the granulated sugar is added, 6-8 minutes of intense beating should pass - then you can be sure that we have achieved the desired consistency. You should get a thick, shiny, fluffy mass.

The next step is adding flour. Carefully, without using a mixer, stir in the sifted flour.

If you pour it onto the surface of the egg mass, it should not sink immediately; this is another sign that the eggs and sugar are beaten correctly.

If you love Hungarian sweets, take note of the recipe for another cake -.

If you mix the flour with a mixer, you can lose all the air accumulated in the egg mass, so it is better to use a regular whisk, spoon or spatula.

From the resulting dough you need to form 6 cakes. I used three 18cm diameter tins and then cut the resulting three cakes into two to make six cakes.

How to prepare baking pans: grease with a piece of cold butter and sprinkle with flour. Shake off excess flour.

Bake at 180 C for 25-30 minutes. Baking time depends entirely on the power of your oven. In the first 15-20 minutes, do not open the oven, as the dough may settle due to a sharp temperature change. Starting from 20 minutes, you can check for readiness, trying not to open the door completely. The surface of the biscuit should become rosy and appetizing. When pressing on the biscuit with your fingertips, the crust should not fall into a hole, but “spring.” And another sure test for readiness is that a toothpick inserted into the middle of the sponge cake should come out dry, without any lumps of dough stuck to it.

I analyzed all the possible reasons for this, collecting everything in one article. If for some reason your sponge cake does not turn out, follow the link to read.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes.

Then we run a sharp knife along the walls (if necessary) so that the biscuit easily moves away from the mold, and open the mold, freeing it from the sides. Turn the biscuits onto a wire rack and wait until they cool completely. If you want the biscuits to be even tastier, you can wrap each cake in cling film and refrigerate for 6-8 hours (preferably overnight). In this case, the biscuit will become more elastic, crumble less when cutting, and gain juiciness.

If you don’t have time to infuse, it’s okay, you can assemble the cake right away.

How to prepare cream for Dobosh cake

Break the chocolate into pieces. Heat a saucepan with a small amount of water (2 fingers thick) until it boils.

Now remove from the heat and place the bowl of chocolate (it is better to take a bowl with a heat-resistant bottom) on top of the saucepan. Cover the chocolate with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes.

After 5 minutes, all we have to do is stir the chocolate with a spatula to ensure uniformity.

In a separate bowl, beat the softened butter until white, gradually adding granulated sugar and vanilla sugar to it.

Beat the egg into the cream. If you are wary of raw eggs, you can skip this step and omit the egg!

When the chocolate has cooled, combine it with the creamy mixture and stir.

The result is a homogeneous chocolate cream.

Forming a cake

Let the finished cakes cool completely on a wire rack. In this case, the bottom will not get wet, since it will be well supplied with air. Then carefully cut each biscuit into two layers; a saw blade or special confectionery thread will help with this.

Grease the cooled cakes with cream. First, put a small amount of cream (0.5 tbsp) on the dish, then “glue” the first cake layer, grease it with cream, cover with the next cake layer, etc.

For lubrication, it is convenient to use a spatula with a silicone tip.

Do not grease the topmost cake with cream! We will cover it with caramel. To prepare it, pour sugar (150 g) into a saucepan and put it on fire. After 1-2 minutes, when the granulated sugar begins to melt (we will see the first signs at the walls of the saucepan), add a piece of butter and stir.

The melted caramel should be a nice toffee color. Turn off the heat and pour hot caramel over the cake.

The appearance of the cake turned out to be ugly because I placed the sponge cake with the flesh facing up. Don't make my mistake! Be sure to turn the last layer over so the cake looks even and neat.

I will show you a photo from the Internet of what a proper Dobosh cake should look like.

The caramel sets and you get a crispy crust on top of the cake. But if you don't want that crunch, you can cover the cake with soft caramel. In a separate article I told you how to prepare one.

The Dobosh cake should soak for several hours at room temperature, then you can take a sample!

Bon appetit!

I will be glad to see your questions, comments, and feedback on the recipe! Attach photos of your cakes, and if you post them on Instagram, please include the tag #pirogeevo #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos online.

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The famous Hungarian cake bears the name of its author József Dobos and traditionally consists of six sponge cake layers. Five of them are coated with chocolate buttercream, and the sixth is coated with caramel. That, in general, is all we know about this dessert. The exact recipe and nuances of preparation are in the realm of speculation and free imagination. If you don’t fantasize too wildly, you can try to recreate the confectionery masterpiece of the famous Hungarian. To the best of my modest capabilities, of course. In my opinion, it would be a sin not to try. Go?
The highlight is definitely chocolate. To make the cream lighter, add a custard component to the oil base. And let’s “develop” the taste with alcohol and a pinch of salt, it will immediately become more expressive. Eclair lovers will really like this dense, buttery sponge cake with a lot of eggs in it - it definitely has something similar in it. Be sure to flavor the dough with vanilla so that the egg smell does not come to the fore. And let there be lemon - this is one of the best companions for chocolate. The zest goes into the dough, the juice goes into the impregnation for the cakes. The finishing touches are some coffee and nuts. And caramel! Brittle, shiny, dark gold color. The cake turned out simply charming, there’s no other way to put it. The originality of the recipe is in question, what can you do about it? But the look and taste are fantastic!

To prepare Dobosh cake you will need the following ingredients:

9 eggs,
250 g butter,
250 g sugar,
280 g flour,
zest of one lemon,
a pinch of vanillin,
a pinch of salt.

260 g butter,
130 g sugar,
2 yolks,
450 ml milk,
200 g chocolate (74%),
2 tbsp. l. starch,
3 tbsp. l. cocoa,
1 tbsp. l. cognac,
0.5 tsp. salt,
a pinch of vanillin.

40 ml strong coffee,
40 ml lemon juice,
1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
1 tbsp. l. cognac

200 g sugar,
50 ml water,
1 tsp. lemon juice.

100 g of any nuts for sprinkling.

How to make Dobosh cake:

So, let's move on to the process of making the Dobosh cake.

    First, let's bake the cakes. For the dough, separate the whites from the yolks.

    Mix soft butter with a mixer with 100 g of sugar. Continuing to mix, gradually add the egg yolks.

    Wash the lemon, dry it and remove the zest.

    Mix the lemon zest into the yolk-butter mixture.

    Beat the whites into a stable foam.

    Without stopping whisking, add sugar (the remaining 150 g) in several additions.

    Beat for another five minutes until the sugar dissolves and the protein foam becomes dense and shiny.

    Combine the protein and yolk masses, mix gently, sift the flour on top and mix again until smooth. Do not stir for long so as not to precipitate the whites.

    You can bake cakes. Place the dough in parts into a mold (20 cm in diameter) lined with parchment, level it with a spoon or spatula.

    Bake each cake in the oven at 200˚C for 5-10 minutes. If possible, it is better to bake two or three cakes at a time in order to quickly use the dough before it settles. If only one cake layer fits in the oven, it’s also not a problem, I managed to bake them one by one. The cakes are baked quickly, as soon as the dough has thickened and browned a little - it’s ready. There should be a total of six cakes.

    When the cakes have cooled, they can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. And move on to the cream.
    For the cream, combine sugar, cocoa, starch and yolks in one container, add salt and vanillin. Pour in 150 ml of milk.

    Mix well until smooth.

    Bring the remaining milk (300 g) to a boil and pour the mixture into it in a thin stream.

    Bring the mixture to thicken over low heat with constant stirring. We don't boil!

    Cover with cling film and let cool completely.

    Add soft butter to the cooled custard mixture.

    Mix with a mixer.

    Break the chocolate into pieces...

    Heat in a water bath and add to the cream.

    Mix again with a mixer - and the cream is ready.

    We also need impregnation for the cakes. Combine coffee, lemon juice, sugar and cognac. And stir until the sugar dissolves.

    Now you can assemble the cake. It is convenient to do this in a sliding ring, and use it to cut the cakes to the same diameter. Like this.

    Place five cake layers in a ring. We soak each of them...
