How to develop the subconscious. How to change your lifestyle - the work of the subconscious in a dream

He explains how to expand the boundaries of your mind and find a new idea.

Here are three exercises for working with the subconscious.

Direct analogy

Making direct analogies is a great way to generate ideas. This technique allows you to make comparisons and find similarities between different events and facts according to the principle: “If X successfully acts in a certain way, then why can’t Y act as successfully?”

Look at the picture. On first inspection, you will only see different options for the intersection of two lines. However, upon reflection, you can find that two intersecting lines form 4 segments and 4 angles.

1 line + 1 line = 4 segments + 4 angles

Likewise, by combining your problem with an arbitrary subject or concept, you can get some new ideas.

Let's say I need to increase my creativity at work. I arbitrarily associate my task with an ordinary household appliance that has nothing to do with it - a toaster. Following the chosen analogy, I will look for ideas for increasing my creative activity at work in the properties and functions of an ordinary toaster, that is, I will try to find the answer using the formula:

1 (creativity at work) + 1 (toaster) = 4 or more (new ideas)

I am writing out the main characteristics and functions of a toaster.

  • Connects to a power source.
  • It is turned on by pressing a special key or button.
  • Fully accommodates toasted toast.
  • Concentrates radiated thermal energy on the surface of the bread.
  • Allows you to make toast of different sizes and from different types of bread.
  • May cause electric shock if you try to remove bread with a knife or fork while the appliance is on.
  • Allows you to make toast from bread spread with butter or jam.

By analyzing the description I made of a toaster, I find new ways to increase my creativity at work.

  • I need to let go of the preconception that I have low creativity. (“Turns on by pressing a special key or button.”)
  • It is necessary to identify real benefits from the growth of my creative activity. (“Source of electricity.”)
  • It is necessary to develop an integrated approach to solving the problem. (“Completely accommodates toasted toast.”)
  • You need to focus your efforts on new ideas rather than on thinking about their validity. (“Concentrates radiated thermal energy on the surface of the bread.”)
  • It is necessary to use different methods of creative search. (“Toasts of different sizes and from different types of bread.”)
  • We need to take risks and come up with more original ideas. (“It might give you an electric shock.”)
  • You should try combining different creative methods. (“Butter and jam.”)

Thus, using my imagination and an ordinary toaster, I was able to create a whole program of actions to increase my creativity at work.

1 (increased creativity) + 1 (toaster) = 7 (ideas)

Truth and lie

From a logical point of view, it is impossible to imagine that two opposing or contradictory ideas, two concepts or images exist at the same time. This is a type of understanding in which thought processes go beyond ordinary logical thinking.

If you combine two opposites, consciousness moves to a new level. Suspending logic allows the intellect to act without using logical thinking and create a new form. The swirling of opposites creates the conditions for a new point of view to emerge from your consciousness.

To think in terms of simultaneous opposites, turn your subject into a paradox and then find a useful analogy.

Let's say you want to make a lot of money. This desire may conflict with the fact that you lack hard work. The paradox is that you want to make money, but are too lazy to work hard for it. Then you find an analogy that contains the essence of the paradox, for example: “I need light, but without the use of electrical energy.” The solution to this analogy is to use the natural energy of the sun. Finally, apply this principle to your original problem - "how to make money when you're too lazy to work." One solution is to go on holiday to the southern islands and write a book about the trip.

Salvador Dali method

The center of the circle can be reached from anywhere on the circle. In the same way, you can penetrate your subconscious from any starting point.

One such starting point would be hypnagogic imagery: a method based on the creation of internal images that can be recorded immediately before falling asleep. This technique is quite difficult to master, but once you acquire the skill it gives excellent results.

What is shown here?

This is the letter "E". It is not immediately recognizable due to the bold, large and stretched font. If you can't see the letter "E", try looking at the drawing from a distance. But if you understand that this is a letter, it will be difficult for you to abstract from it. The images obtained by the hypnagogic method have something in common with this - they are brighter and deeper than the images evoked using other methods.

Hypnagogic imagery can be either visual or auditory - it is not something that can be controlled or attempted consciously. Some people are able to see fantastic, surreal color images - deeper and brighter than reality. Salvador Dali used this method to create his outstanding paintings. He placed a tin plate on the floor and, sitting next to him in a chair, held a spoon over it. Then he completely relaxed and even began to fall asleep. At that moment, when he was already dozing, the spoon slipped out of his hand, fell with a clink onto the plate and woke him up just at the moment when he could catch some surreal images.

Action plan:

  1. Think about your task. Reflect on your progress, obstacles, alternatives, etc. Then let it all go and relax.
  2. Relax your body completely. Try to achieve very deep relaxation.
  3. Calm your mind. Don't think about routine activities, the events of the day and your task. Free your head from the ringing thoughts.
  4. Soothe your eyesight. You don't need to look for images. It is necessary to exclude any arbitrary manifestation of attention. If you fall asleep easily, hold a spoon in your hand: this way you will be able to enter a hypnagogic state. When you start to fall asleep, the spoon will slip from your fingers and wake you up at the exact moment when you can catch the emerging images.
  5. Write down your impressions as soon as they occur. Images appear unexpectedly, they are vague, foggy and quickly disappear. These can be patterns, spots of color or objects.
  6. Look for associative connections. Write down everything that comes to your mind after your first impression. Look for connections to your task. Ask yourself these questions:
    • What surprises me?
    • Does this have anything to do with my task?
    • What new thoughts does this give rise to? What's wrong here? What's stopping me?
    • What do these images remind you of?
    • What are the similarities? What analogies can be drawn?

Remember: to solve a problem, you need to believe that the answer is already contained in the subconscious. The only thing we need is to know how to extract those answers from it.

The subconscious plays an important role in human life. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to learn to control the subconscious, because often it is the subconscious desires and needs that are the root cause of an individual’s actions and actions. It is generally accepted that the subconscious mind represents dark and unknown psychological structures that hide a person’s hidden fears and desires. Research in this area has been ongoing for quite some time, and significant progress has been made in the study of the human subconscious. From the material in this article, you will learn what the subconscious is, what its role is in a person’s life, and whether a person can independently control the subconscious.

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The structure of the human psyche

To learn how to control the subconscious, you need to understand the very definition of this term. The method of structural division of the psyche was first proposed in the 19th century by Sigmund Freud. It was the word “subconscious” that was found in Freud’s early works, but over time the master of psychoanalysis completely replaced it with the term “unconscious”.

According to Dr. Freud's theory, the human psyche consists of three stages: the unconscious level (preconscious), the subconscious and the immediate level of consciousness. All three of these components are interconnected and continuously function together. The subconscious controls a person at the level of primitive instincts and needs. In his further works, Sigmund Freud used terminology: the subconscious acquired the name “It” or “Id” in Freudian teachings (located at the unconscious level of the psyche), “Ego” or “I” - this is how consciousness was defined (the location can be either conscious or and preconscious levels), and the term “SuperEgo” (“Superego”) showed not innate, but acquired properties of the psyche.

  1. “It” represents subconscious non-verbal matter, which is a fundamental factor in the manifestation of human emotions and actions. The subconscious is embedded in the individual’s psyche from birth and is responsible for primitive needs such as sleep or food. The concept also includes the manifestation of sexual desire (libido) and aggression. Impulses caused by the subconscious part of the psyche do not depend on a person’s efforts, they cannot be suppressed, and they serve for emotional release.
  2. The “superego” is acquired and develops throughout life, in contrast to the “id”, which is an innate element of the human psyche. It is formed in the process of education and personality development. “Superego” is responsible for behavioral habits and adherence to moral principles.
  3. The ego is responsible for conscious decision making. Of the three components of the psyche, it is the “Ego” that is associated with the real world and obeys the existing principles and laws of society. The goal of the “Ego” is control over primitive instincts, as well as the preservation of human life and health. Essentially, the “Ego” is the connecting element between the inner world of an individual and the environment.

As a result, we get an interconnected chain: super-consciousness “SuperEgo” (morality, ethics, conscience) - consciousness “Ego” (interface with reality, control over instincts) - subconscious “Id” or unconscious “It” (primitive instincts, secret desires).

What is the subconscious

What is the subconscious? In simple terms, these are our unconscious desires, instincts, which sometimes we ourselves are not even aware of. It is subconscious processes that are the prerequisites for all life decisions and actions. According to Freud, the “id” is human programming; the main energy center is located in the subconscious. All thoughts that arise in our heads are programmed by subconscious processes.

Subconscious- this is the true essence of an individual, his emotions, desires and intentions. This term is usually used to denote mental processes that occur regardless of conscious reflection and control. In cognitive psychology, this is the name given to a person’s warehouse of automatic thoughts and suppressed emotions. Managing the subconscious means being able to regulate your thinking and avoid depressive states that arise as a result of unmet needs.

If we consider this element of the psyche from an esoteric point of view, it is a set of five chakras of the spinal column, which are responsible for thinking, managing emotional processes and regulating energy flows. According to esoteric opinions, the subconscious can do anything; by controlling its energy of desires, a person is able to reach the highest point of development.

Synonyms can be called intuitive skills or even a mental reflex.

How subconscious processes work

“The first step to a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to monitor the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly... Always be aware of what you are thinking about. Your thoughts today create your future."

John Kehoe, from the book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!”

Inside every person there is a huge storehouse of energy and all the necessary resources to achieve what you want; you just need to learn how to use your inner treasures. The key to all this lies precisely in the human subconscious. Managing your subconscious means using all the inherent internal resources of the psyche.

Thanks to this component of the human psyche, the formulations accumulated there, certain attitudes are unconsciously created that predetermine the further course of events in a person’s life, as well as personal growth. Let's look at an example: if an individual constantly says to himself: “I am poor and unhappy,” then in the subconscious this is formed as the attitude “I want to be poor and unhappy.” It is natural that a person will arrange all his further actions in such a way as to translate this subconscious thought into reality. That is, the subconscious works on the principle: what we think about is what we get. And if you learn to control your subconscious, namely, filter your way of thinking, then in return you can gain the opportunity to control your life and direct it in the right successful direction. Cleared of negative images, the perfect brain will find a way to control the subconscious.

The world around us, with all its symbols and unknown secrets, is too complex a structure to be able to understand it, guided only by consciousness and the ability to analyze visible facts. One of the subconscious functions is the accumulation and further filtering of insignificant details. For example, you are taking a regular walk down the street. Your thoughts are busy thinking about everyday life issues - family, everyday life, work. Walking past a poster for a touring theater, you don’t even look at it, don’t pay the slightest attention. But the next day, when your wife asks how you will spend your Sunday evening, the idea of ​​watching a new performance instantly appears in your head. Where does this information come from? The subconscious, having caught fleeting information, helpfully suggested the answer to you. This is a banal and most elementary example, showing only the tip of the iceberg of the entire work of subconscious processes. The conclusion follows from this - in order to control the subconscious and pump it up to the fullest, first reshape your thinking, setting it up in a positive way.

Eliminating subconscious garbage

What is in this part of the psyche, what is it filled with? Absolutely everything you have ever seen, heard, done or dreamed of. Any even fleeting thought did not go unnoticed and left its mark in your subconscious. To be more specific, we can highlight the following:

  • Template actions. Basically, it relates to physiology - how to properly hold a spoon or screw in a light bulb.
  • Memories. The most emotionally ingrained memories are the most deeply ingrained, such as first love or stress during exams.
  • Non-existent images. Werewolves, hobbits, gremlins - and other fantasies that your subconscious has ever learned from books or movies.
  • Shortcuts with which we manage images. This is similar to a game of association - when a certain image appears in our head, the brain immediately gives us an associative label. For example, a snake is a danger, matches are a burn.
  • Verbal constructs for managing labels.

This entire variegated set, continuously interacting with each other, predetermines our mood, thoughts and actions. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the connection between subconscious images and your actions in order to learn how to manage the subconscious in the future. Let's take spiders for example. They are in the figurative arsenal of absolutely every person, since everyone has seen them, everyone knows them. If you are not an arachnophobe, then spiders in your subconscious play absolutely no role in your life, but if the fear of these creatures prevents you from living, then you need to start working with images. It is impossible to eliminate anything from the subconscious archive, but setting the right direction is easy.

The easiest way would be to repeat the simple statement “I’m not afraid of spiders” many times; the most important thing is to believe it yourself. Remember the scene from the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, where students fought their fears, turning them into something comical. This is a typical example of how you can overcome your subconscious fears with the help of imaginative thinking.

Methods to control the subconscious

The subconscious is replete with new ideas, solutions, answers. Don't limit yourself. Open this treasure trove and take everything that is dynamic, original and full of life. These ideas and solutions exist within you right now.

John Kehoe

When asked whether it is possible to control your subconscious, psychologists come to the unanimous conclusion that this is not only possible, but also necessary for mental health and further successful personal development. True, it will not be possible to completely subordinate subconscious processes, but everyone is quite capable of finding a beneficial method of interaction.

So how can you control your subconscious? Here are some effective ways:

  1. Before you start working on yourself, you need to abstract yourself from all negative thoughts and emotions. Meditation can help with this.
  2. Learn to think exclusively in a positive way. Do not allow yourself any negative language.
  3. Have absolute faith in yourself. Only a person who says to himself “I can do it!” is able to achieve success.
  4. When sending requests to your subconscious, do not expect instant results. Learn to be patient.
  5. Specify your desires, get rid of meaningless, useless words.
  6. If you cannot formulate your request in words, use imaginative thinking and use your imagination. Visualization of desires should not only be specific and clear, but also bright and detailed.
  7. Don't put it off until later. Procrastination will not help you in how to control your subconscious mind. Unfinished tasks accumulate as dead weight and take the place of new, fresh ideas.
  8. Try to live the way you want, and not according to a given template. Only you yourself know what is best for you.
  9. Prepare for success, wait for it and it will not be slow to appear in your life.
  10. Don't clutter your head with TV and computer junk. Replace the announcer's muttering and advertising with silence and fresh air.

Just like all the problems that exist in life, positive changes are initially in our heads. You should not look for a solution in the outside world, on the Internet or based on the advice of loved ones. Look inside yourself first, that is where all the answers you are interested in are located. Learn to control the power of your subconscious, become the master of your destiny, because success and harmony are already in you, just give them the opportunity to come out.

TO What exercise will help you properly tune your subconscious so that it does not interfere with you and even helps you? You need to periodically increase your normal level. It's exciting and very interesting, although most people don't know what it's all about.

Normal level

It is important to know that every person has a certain level of standard of living. For some, the standard level is a two-room apartment in some small city or village, a refrigerator and a TV. Some people need to add a microwave to this, definitely a spouse, children, and also a dog.

Someone else needs a dacha, a good job, an apartment or a house in a big city, friends, and not just friends, but friends abroad.

“Every person has a certain level of standard of living to which he is accustomed and which he maintains.”

Take, for example, a rich person who is used to living at a fairly high standard. He cannot feel good, for example, if we are talking about a woman, without a daily manicure. Or, for example, a man who has a house, a Porsche, a dacha on the Mediterranean coast, a yacht, and so on.

Take away all these things from him, that is, artificially lower this level of standard of living for him. And you will see that after a while everything will return to normal. He will have everything again, because his neural connections are already arranged in a certain way, which will return him to his place again. This place is called “I just can’t live without it.” Not only does he already know how to achieve all this, he is also used to it. He strives for this and cannot do without it.

Conversely, take a poor person and give him at once all the wealth that can be given. Give him all the wealth of the person from the previous example. After some time, his neural connections, his brain will bring him back - he will lose everything and come back again.

“Raise your standard to change your life and take it to a new level of quality of life.”

Because in his head the neural connections corresponding to his new life are not formed. They need to be folded independently by performing certain exercises, and the more often we do this, the stronger these connections will become. This plays into our hands. This is exactly what I was talking about at the very beginning.

Exercises to tune the subconscious

What exercises should you do to train your brain to make the right neural connections in our head so that everything works out and everything is done? It is very important to adhere to the Yin-Yang concept here. It could be divided into men and women, but this is wrong, because each gender has two sides, Yin and Yang. What it is?

#1 Yang Touch Technique

Yang is a touch technique. You need to think about how your life will change when your wish comes true, what will be new in it? Where will you be traveling? Where will you go? Who will you communicate with? How will you dress? What shops, restaurants, cinemas, etc. should you go to? How could your life change?

Think about how you can touch this life now. Touch technique - how you can already touch the life that awaits you when all your desires are fulfilled.

Thus, you seem to be immersing yourself now in a different atmosphere. You are accustoming your brain to a different life. At first he will resist because you will feel awkward, somehow uneasy.

“To change your normal level, use physical touch and soul touch techniques.”

For example, you came to an expensive restaurant. Your brain is not very comfortable yet, because you have never gone to such restaurants. You physically train him - you make him feel comfortable in new conditions. At the same time, you increase the level of the norm and gradually you build new neural connections in your brain.

The more often you do this, the stronger these neural connections will become, and your brain will no longer sabotage, since this area will already become familiar to it. He'll get used to it.

All my rich friends, very rich, successful people, they always used the touch technique, including myself. Vladimir Dovgan, for example, rented a presidential hotel room to show his brain what a good, beautiful life is. This is the touch technique in action.

Vsevolod Tatarinov, also a dollar millionaire, he periodically visited the Marriott Hotel, he came when he had no money and read a book there. He could do this at home, but he would go to the hotel and watch the rich people, training his brain to be in that atmosphere.

Using the touch technique, you can, for example, take a test drive for those who want to buy a car. And not just once, but several times, in different salons, to accustom your brain to the fact that this is normal, this is a comfort zone, and you don’t need to be afraid of it.

“Find opportunities to tap into your desired life now to expand your reach. This way you will quickly realize everything you want.”

#2 “Love yourself” technique

The touch technique alone is not enough because it is only one side. It is also important for you to work on the Yin side. What's the best way to do this? This technique is called “love yourself.” This is a simple and effective technique. And this also applies to men. Here it is very important to approach yourself and your subconscious from the emotional side.

Stop the fuss, stop all the worry around you. In fact, stop time, stop yourself, stop your thoughts, stop all your worries. It is very important for you to set aside time for yourself, for your hobby, to come up with some pleasures for yourself, for example, so that no one bothers you for 1 hour a day. This hour is only yours, for your pleasure.

Come up with something for yourself. Buy yourself some gifts, please yourself with some little things, come up with something nice for yourself. Perhaps a restaurant, a beauty salon, an appointment for a massage, a swimming pool, a fitness club, a fishing trip, shopping, self-education classes, yoga, meditation, and so on.

“So that you are no longer sabotaged by your subconscious, show yourself love, reward yourself. And then you will have more energy to achieve any goal."

If in the Yang touching technique we approach from the body, as if physically touching our dream, then in this technique we touch with the soul and emotions. In this way, you will increase your normal level not only at the physical level, but also at the emotional level. And it turns out to be a kind of double blocking of your brain so that it no longer sabotages, so that for it it will be a comfortable, familiar zone, and so that it will also like it.

#3 Balance Wheel

To understand which direction of life you should pay more attention to in terms of Yin touch, you can hit more precisely on the most lagging areas of your life, so as not to waste energy in order to understand exactly in which direction you need to pull yourself up.

To do this, you need to perform a simple exercise called the Wheel of Balance. This is a simple exercise, do it and you will see what and where you are lacking, and where you need to add a little of your energy.

The Balance Wheel is an ordinary circle that you draw on your sheet of paper. Imagine a round cake that you cut into 8 parts - this is how you need to divide the circle into 8 sectors. They need to be signed like this:

1) everything related to family and family relationships;

2) your health, what is connected with it (sports, sauna, hardening, dietary supplements, fitness, yoga, etc.);

3) your career;

4) everything related to finances;

5) everything related to relationships with other people, with friends;

6) everything related to your recreation, entertainment, hobbies, travel, that is, for the soul;

7) personal growth and your self-education;

8) spirituality, charity, your mission, what benefit you give to the world, people, animals, and so on.

“This simple exercise will help you see where you need to add your energy.”

Take these 8 sectors. And go through them, rate them at the moment on a 10-point scale, how fulfilled you are in each of these areas. Take it and give points from 0 to 10. And you will see which fairly important areas of your life are lame, and you can already direct your energy there, using the “love yourself” (Yin) technique.

Yang can also be used in these same areas.

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Ecology of health: Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain and increasing the concentration of the physical body, developing coordination between the brain and body.

Exercises for training consciousness

American therapist Jean Houston found that During the “Consciousness Training” exercises, the intelligence indicator significantly increases. Exercising promotes the formation of new neural pathways in the brain. The greater the number of these paths, the higher the capabilities of our intelligence.

At first glance, exercise may seem unpleasant. But with their help, you will realize how easy it is to find yourself in a difficult life situation and how difficult it is to find a way out of it and be reborn again.

Consciousness training is, first of all, a set of physical exercises, as well as mobility of the body and mind in every sense.

Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain and increasing the concentration of the physical body, developing coordination between the brain and body.

The complex is a kind of simple gymnastics. In the future, their implementation can bring real pleasure and is more effective than it seems at first glance.

Stroking the belly and tapping the top of the head

First part. The exercise begins by stroking the abdomen with the right hand in a clockwise direction.

Second part. Lightly tap the top of your head with your left palm in order to “wake up” your brain with light slaps and increase your mental abilities. Make sure that the movements above your head are straight from top to bottom and vice versa.

The third part. A combination of both movements. At the same time, pay attention so as not to mistakenly confuse the movements: with your right hand, rotate along the stomach, and with your left, move from top to bottom.

Fourth part. Once you are used to these movements, you can switch your hands. Do not forget that stroking the abdomen with either hand should be done only clockwise, which corresponds to the natural movement of food in the human intestines. Such exercises are good for developing overall coordination.

Making circles

This exercise can be performed either sitting or standing, but it is better to start by standing.

Lean on your left leg so as not to lose your balance. Then start drawing circles on the floor with your right foot in a clockwise direction. If this works, then you can proceed to the next exercise.

Make circular movements with your right hand parallel to the floor, but counterclockwise.

Then move on to the third task: do both exercises at the same time. Right foot clockwise and right hand counterclockwise. This will initially cause confusion in the movements of the right arm and leg. Don’t be upset, this is the “highlight”, the difficulty of such a task is to get both hemispheres to work at the same time.

Once you've mastered these exercises, you can change the direction of your workout. Change the load completely and start training the left side of the body in the same way. You will immediately feel how far your right side training has come. And between the two parts there is an exchange of experience.

Research shows that the left hemisphere is more developed in women, and the right hemisphere in men, accordingly, the body is divided into two parts: what is above the waist is the male pole, below the waist is the female pole. This division is arbitrary, but it corresponds to the prototypes of Eastern wisdom, where black Yin points lie on the white male Yang field, and vice versa, on the black Yin field there are white Yang points.

Accordingly, the right “female” hemisphere is responsible for the right “male” part of the body, and the left “male” hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the left “female” part of the body.

The more you manage to combine exercises in this way, the easier it will be to bring harmony to your life, as well as combine masculine leadership traits with passive feminine qualities based on sensations.

Good physical condition of the body has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, since everything in the body is closely interconnected.


Now you can begin to perform more complex brain coordination exercises.

Stand up straight and raise your right arm up. This position is called "click". Now, having described a semicircle with your right hand, lower it down, this final position is called “clack”. The right hand has only two positions: at the top – “click”, and at the bottom – “clack”.

Let's move on to the left hand. The position with the hand raised up is designated as “click”. Now, describing a semicircle, lower your hand 90° to a horizontal position. For the left side of the body, this is the “clack” position. Next movement: the hand goes down, this position for the left hand is called “click”. Thus, for the left side there are three position changes: the top and bottom - “click”, and in the middle - “clack”.

The difference in names for the same positions of the right and left hands is the “zest” in performing this exercise.

Now say the word “click” and begin moving your right and left hands simultaneously to this position. Then say the word “clack” and begin to simultaneously move both hands to a new position. Smile cheerfully if your hands just get lost in these movements at first.

Coordinating the work of both hands in one click-clack-click-clack-click-clack rhythm will be difficult at first. Therefore, start performing the exercise at a slow pace, then the movements of your arms will gradually enter the desired rhythm. This is a very simple exercise, despite the seeming impossibility of doing it. The positive result from mastering it will be unexpected and stunning.

By spending 3-5 minutes doing it, you will get an amazing effect. I recommend performing the exercise before important events in which the coordination of mind and body is especially important, for example, before important meetings or during emotional experiences, in order to coordinate your mind and successfully complete the necessary work.

Version with triangle and circle

Unlike previous exercises, which require a certain space to perform, everything is much simpler here.

Draw an equilateral triangle in the air with your left hand and lower your left hand. Next, raise your right hand and draw a circle in the air in front of you.

Now try to simultaneously draw a triangle in the air in front of you with your left hand and a circle with your right hand. We continue to do this exercise again and again. The left hand draws a triangle in the air, and the right hand draws a circle.

It’s amazing what kind of contours you can’t draw until the clear outlines of what you need appear. Switch the drawings: the left hand draws a circle, and the right hand draws a triangle.

These exercises can be periodically changed, not only the movement of the hands, but also the drawings themselves: quadrangles - a pentagon, a rhombus - a square, lying and standing octahedrons, in this case your imagination has no limits.

The meaning of the exercises is very simple - to challenge yourself and win. To do this means to destroy the old pattern of your habits, overcome all doubts and pave the way in your consciousness to a new life.

Your victory, which brings improved coordination, flexibility and increased intelligence, lies in the ability to cope with a task that is difficult to cope with. Conversely, well-rehearsed light exercises provide little developmental benefit.

Over time, you will be able to easily change and combine many exercises and come up with new ones.. For example, you can combine running (first on the spot) and simultaneous training of consciousness. Next, do a light jog in the fresh air and at the same time train your consciousness. Naturally, your result will be significantly higher if you perform a click-clack exercise while jogging.

Creativity is a form of intelligence that not only helps solve problems, but also teaches you to approach them creatively and with imagination. published If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

©Gennady Kibardin from the book “Brain Against Aging”

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After we have become acquainted with the youngest part of our brain - consciousness - it’s time to move on to what controls this consciousness - the subconscious.

Psychologists don't like this word; they prefer the word "unconscious". But I can’t dare call with an adjective the true owner of our behavior and, as a result, our life.

The subconscious is a quiet, inconspicuous cardinal who has all the power and uses it widely.

Consciousness is an outwardly spectacular, dressed-up king, who, however, decides nothing and controls nothing.

So I will use this older word - "subconscious".

The main function of the subconscious is survival in any conditions. The subconscious is the instinct of self-preservation and everything in it is subordinated to survival.

For this purpose, nature came up with an ingenious solution - it combined three control functions together in our subconscious:

  • control of body muscles,
  • management of somatic functions (functions of internal organs, hormonal system),
  • control of consciousness through mental experiences (emotions).

That is, what we usually consider as components of the body independent of each other (body muscles, the state of internal organs, emotions) is actually a tightly welded single survival mechanism. Any change in one of these components entails a change in the others.

Here's how it happens.

Imagine a man walking along a forest path. He recently had a snack, and now he goes and dreams about the girl he likes. A romantic mood, the singing of birds, the sound of the wind in the trees, and suddenly he sees a tiger ready to jump.

The task of the subconscious in this critical situation is to ensure human survival. And this is what it does for this:

A) Muscle control. When danger arises, the body muscles automatically tense and freeze.

B) Management of internal organs. The sympathetic part of the nervous system is activated, which begins to control the internal organs in stress mode: the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, breathing becomes shallow and frequent, and sweating increases. All this will lead to the fact that the nutrients they need will be pumped into tense muscles, breakdown products will be removed from them, and thermoregulation of the muscles will be ensured by removing heat in the form of sweat. At the same time, the parasympathetic department of the nervous system, which controls our rest, peace and digestion, is inhibited. At the moment of danger, digestion is not needed, so there is a sharp inhibition of everything that is associated with digestion: saliva stops secreting, the mobility and tone of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, all sphincters (pass valves) close.

IN) Mind control. A strong emotion of danger arises, which completely sweeps away from consciousness all thoughts about the beauty of the surrounding nature and secret dreams of meeting a beloved. Consciousness, with the help of this emotion, is sharply switched to searching for a way out of the current situation.

As a result of the simultaneous impact of all these points, a person takes all possible measures for his survival, for example, sharply jumps up and hangs on the branch of the nearest tree.

All this acts immediately, instantly, in one complex, not only during danger, but always, at any moment of our life.

All these three components (muscles, internal organs, emotions) are welded into one whole and work only at the same time.

Any emotion leads to corresponding changes in the subconscious. This inevitably causes some changes in muscle tone (some muscles tense, others relax) and some changes in the functioning of internal organs. Example: a saleswoman in a store was rude to us. The emotion of anger flared up, the muscles tensed, the adrenal cortex hormones were released, and as a result, the entire functioning of the internal organs changed.

Any change in the functioning of internal organs leads to changes in the subconscious. This inevitably causes some changes in muscle tone (some muscles tense, others relax) and some emotions arise. Emotions will determine the course of thoughts in our minds. Example: we feel discomfort in the stomach area (gastritis). As a result, the emotion of irritation arises, we cannot think about anything, everything seems bad, we look for (and find) the bad side everywhere, the muscles become toned.

Any muscle tension will also lead to corresponding changes in the subconscious. The subconscious will change the functioning of internal organs and create an emotion appropriate to the occasion. Emotion will determine the course of thoughts in our minds. Example: we relaxed the muscles of the body and forehead, but tensed the muscles of the mouth and pretended to smile. The sympathetic part of the nervous system calms down, the sphincters relax, digestion is activated, a positive emotion arises, thoughts become light, everything seems possible.

Our subconscious is a three-headed dragon, and as soon as we touch only one of its heads, all three simultaneously turn and look at us. And in order to tame this dragon, we need, first of all, to understand it, we need to master its speech and try to translate into language what it wants to tell us.

Emotions are the language of the subconscious. An emotion is a reflection of the state of the subconscious. If we now feel like a well-fed, playful, friendly dog, ready to wag its tail, then our subconscious, which creates these positive emotions, is completely satisfied with the current state of affairs - the condition of the muscles and the functions of the internal organs do not raise questions.

If we are gloomy and irritable, rushing at people we meet and cross like an angry chained dog, then our subconscious is disturbed by something and thus manifests itself.

So, all three components of the subconscious (muscles, internal organs, emotions) always work synchronously and depend on each other.

Consequently, we draw a fourth important conclusion: we can control the subconscious through any of these components - through muscles, internal organs (i.e. through breathing), through emotions (self-hypnosis).

Now the time has come when we can answer the question we asked ourselves at the beginning of this topic: how to get ready for training?

Imagine a typical situation. You came home after work, you were tired, you cooked dinner, you really want to lie down and rest, relax and stretch your legs on the sofa. But you understand that you have a free half hour and it’s time to do some physical exercise. But I really don’t want to. Terribly lazy. So, how can you get yourself together and overcome the gravity of a warm, cozy sofa? How to get ready for training if you are too lazy to even move your hand?

The solution is that we need to convince our subconscious that we are in a state of danger. In this case, the subconscious will mobilize all its resources, the adrenal medulla will release adrenaline, and you will feel excited.

Method 1: Through muscles.

Statically, but not very much, we strain the muscles of the arms, chest and torso, buttocks and legs, clench our fists and freeze.

Tension in the muscles is reflected in the subcortex, i.e. a persistent focus of excitement arises in the subconscious. In other words, tense muscles send information to the brain that they are tense. The subconscious deciphers this unambiguously - since the muscles are tense, this means that we are either in a state of defense or in a state of attack.

All resources are instantly mobilized - emotions change, adrenaline and anxiety hormones - corticosteroids - are released, the work of internal organs goes into danger mode.

The whole body becomes toned.

So: to increase the tone of the sympathetic system, you must statically, but not fully, tense the muscles of your body.

Method 2: Through internal organs.

When an animal experiences fear, it tries to hide - breathing is delayed after inhalation, and then becomes shallow and rapid.

A person has exactly the same reaction - at the moment of danger, he holds his breath.

This is how it is all organized from a physiological point of view.

The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic department is responsible for stress and active work and is activated in moments of danger, active wakefulness, or during physical education and sports.

The parasympathetic department is responsible for rest and digestion and is activated in moments of relaxation and calm.

These two parts of the nervous system are closely related to breathing.

Emphasis on inhalation (long inhalation or pause after inhalation) activates the sympathetic part of the nervous system. This is exactly how swimmers breathe - before diving, they take air into their lungs, then dive and begin to actively work with their arms and legs. Those. at the moment when the swimmer dives under the water, he pauses while inhaling (i.e., holding his breath comes after inhaling). Actually, we do all the hardest work while holding our breath after inhaling.

The emphasis on inhalation is actively used in our everyday life. This is how they chop wood, this is how meat choppers act, this is how wrestlers breathe before entering a fight - they noisily inhale the air deeply and quickly exhale, as if pumping themselves up with energy. “Walruses” breathe the same way before plunging into an ice hole - this breathing helps them decide to plunge into the icy water.

The emphasis on inhalation fills a person with energy, his sympathetic system is excited, and a feeling of vigor and activity comes.

So: before starting your workout, you should flare your nostrils and take a long breath or pause after inhaling.

However, there is another way to excite the sympathetic nervous system through breathing. During normal breathing, we actively inhale, and exhale more passively, as if by itself. We need to do the opposite. The inhalation should be slightly deep, but almost normal, and the exhalation should be sharp and noisy. Straighten your back, move your shoulders a little forward and take a calm 3-second breath, and then exhale forcefully for 6 seconds. Tension of the muscles of the tongue and larynx will create the necessary resistance to the air that should be exhaled through the nose. Simultaneously with exhalation, tense the muscles of your arms, chest and abdomen. You should not do more than 5-6 breaths in this way.

By the way, I’ll note one nuance related to the parasympathetic department. The parasympathetic part of the nervous system is responsible not only for rest, but also for digestion.

Therefore, if you eat or drink before or during training, the parasympathetic part of the nervous system regards this as a moment of rest and calm, when you can have a snack. Accordingly, the sympathetic part of the nervous system receives the command to relax - the muscles lose tone, activity disappears, breathing calms down, and you just want to lie down.

As a result, the effectiveness of your workout is significantly reduced, you will be too relaxed and are unlikely to be able to give it your all. Therefore, drinking and eating before and during training is not recommended. Only after training.

And one more note. One of the founders of American psychology, William James, noticed that a person squeezes the dynamometer harder if, at the moment when the force is applied, the light comes on. Red light. Moreover, only red color led to this result.

James theorized that these results could be explained by the fact that red light is associated with danger, because. red is the color of blood. Therefore, use this mental property and don’t forget to look at something red before training. This will lead to even more stimulation of your subconscious. This means you will be able to tune in for a more intense workout.

Method 3. Through emotions.

Many strength athletes push themselves through emotions. They ask their partners to hit them on the ears, hit them with all their might on the back, on the cheeks. The blows cause a feeling of rage. They swear, scream, growl, they rush in front of the platform, jump out on it in anger and, maintaining this emotional mood of danger and struggle, lift the maximum weight of the barbell for themselves.

All this, of course, can be done more quietly, without the participation of teammates, hits to the head and loud roars. For example, think about what makes you angry? Remember some injustice.

For example, such an image will help for patriotic men.

If you are a patriot, remember that your grandfathers died for the Motherland, the honor of which you, one way or another, defend.

For example, this is what psychologist Alexey Ivakin says, who with one of the groups of search engines sometimes travels to the Novgorod region to the sites of the battles of the Volkhov Front of 1941-1944. He says that missing soldiers and commanders of the Red Army still lie in no man's land, in swamps, forests, and rivers. Their children and grandchildren are still looking for their fathers and grandfathers who died for their Motherland, but were not buried.

One day they found our fighter. In his left hand he had a grenade without a fuse, in his right hand he had a wooden stick to which a bayonet was attached. He did not reach the German trenches for about a hundred meters. The entire battalion - 300 people - did not make it. They were all shot point-blank with machine guns.

He ran and knew that he was most likely going to die. He will die for his homeland, perhaps without killing a single enemy. He knew it. But he ran.

He did not have any barrier detachment behind him - there was a river behind him.

Unfortunately, he had neither documents nor a medallion. He remained the Unknown Soldier.

Imagine the fury with which this Soldier was ready to tear apart the enemies of the Motherland with his bare hands. Wasn't this Unknown Soldier your grandfather?

So: just before training, you should throw yourself into a fit of rage.

And a note - of course, all these methods are best done at the same time.
