Good procurement training courses. How I got trained in public procurement

"" invites you to undergo training on the professional training of managers in the field of procurement management.

Training oriented:

  • for contract service specialists;
  • specialists from sales departments and legal departments of commercial organizations;
  • members of commissions responsible for procurement;
  • employees of budgetary institutions performing certain functions in the field of procurement;
  • novice specialists who want to undergo training from scratch in the direction of “Government Procurement Specialist”.

During the procurement manager course, you will gain practical skills in conducting public procurement, as well as become familiar with the full theoretical legislative framework.

As a result of procurement training based on 44-FZ and 223-FZ, you will be able to:

  • predict prospects for participation in tenders;
  • carry out competent preparation of all necessary documentation for participation in procurement;
  • understand the requirements and subtleties of contract execution;
  • study the criteria for evaluating the winners of procurement events;
  • develop skills for effective interaction with private and public customers, which will allow flawless execution of the contract.

Differences between 44-FZ and 223-FZ

Both of these laws are aimed at regulating procurement activities, but they have quite serious differences in their content. Therefore, courses and seminars on government procurement under 44-FZ, as well as comprehensive classes on 44-FZ and 223-FZ, are noticeably different.

According to 223-FZ, the customer can be a budgetary institution or an enterprise with a state participation share of at least 50%. The law provides only general ideas about the formation of procurement - it is understood that the company will personally develop regulations that will spell out the requirements for suppliers. If your activity is related to procurement, which is carried out in accordance with this law, then seminars and advanced training courses designed for comprehensive mastery of the material on 223-FZ and 44-FZ will be relevant for you.

According to 44-FZ, the customer can only be a municipal or state enterprise. In addition, the law clearly defines all stages and regulations of the transaction, violation of which may lead to cancellation of the procurement.

The differences between 44-FZ and 223-FZ are also as follows:

  • According to 223-FZ, the customer has the right to terminate or change the contract. 44-FZ does not provide for this;
  • The deadlines for filing applications in accordance with 44-FZ are strictly regulated. Acting on the basis of 223-FZ, the customer himself has the right to determine the terms and procedure for their extension;
  • procurement options under 44-FZ - open and closed tenders, electronic auctions, closed auctions. Procurement options under 223-FZ - electronic auction or competition.

At public procurement training courses for customers and suppliers, you will be able to study in detail all the features and differences of laws.

Duration of courses and teaching staff

« Institute of Professional Contract Management» offers several course options of varying durations:

  • “Professional management of state and municipal procurement” - 560 hours.
  • “Professional management of state and municipal procurement” - 280 hours.
  • “Management of state and municipal procurement” - 168 hours.
  • “Management of procurement activities according to 44-FZ” - 168 hours.

Depending on the goals you set for yourself, you can choose one or another training option for receiving tenders and organizing government procurement. If necessary, our specialists will advise you on all issues related to training and help you choose the most suitable course option.

The result of training according to 44-FZ and 223-FZ

Upon successful completion of the courses, you will receive an appropriate certificate confirming your qualifications.

Purchasing manager courses under 223-FZ and 44-FZ allow:

  • master the skills needed to work in procurement institutions;
  • facilitate the procurement process;
  • study the legislative subtleties in relation to public procurement.

Seminars on procurement management under 44-FZ allow:

  • obtain a complete theoretical basis regarding the implementation of the procurement process.
  • gain skills in organizing public procurement (submitting an application).
  • fully study the specifics of concluding contracts.

Comprehensive training for contract managers

IPCU provides high-quality and comprehensive programs for contract managers. Training is carried out in full-time, part-time form or in the form of an in-person webinar.

At our institute in Moscow, you can undergo both basic training in 223-FZ and 44-FZ, as well as in-depth courses on government procurement, designed for specialists with experience. The courses are divided accordingly by level and purpose. The training process is built comprehensively and systematically in order to convey to specialists all aspects of the procurement management process.

« Institute of Professional Contract Management» invites everyone to training to master a new professional field or improve their qualifications in the field of public procurement.

To continue to remain a sought-after specialist, it is necessary to increase the level of professionalism and improve your own business status. Additional education plays a significant role in this process.

Features of advanced training in procurement

Additional education of specialists is aimed at updating their theoretical knowledge and their practical skills. Its necessity is determined by the increasing requirements for the professional training of employees. The Labor Code (Article 196, Part 4) provides for the employer’s obligation to send specialists to advanced training courses. According to 44-FZ, when forming a customer commission, persons who have undergone professional retraining have a priority right to be included in it. It can be performed either with or without separation from direct activity. In the latter case, specialists undergo distance training courses. Retraining can also be carried out with partial separation from the main activity and according to individual programs of additional education. The latter are developed taking into account the specifics of the professional activity of a particular employee.

Important point

Until January 1, 2017, a subject with primary or additional professional education in the relevant specialty can act as a contract service employee (manager). In other words, he must undergo special training. According to 44-FZ, the organization of additional education of specialists, as well as the issuance of relevant documents on its completion, is the responsibility of supervisory government agencies. A certificate or diploma serves as supporting documents.

Additional education system

Training under 44-FZ is carried out within the framework of a unified state policy focused on training specialists. In order to ensure proper implementation of legislative requirements, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Ministry of Economic Development, presented proposals for the creation of an effective system for training employees and their In a general letter from these ministries, addressed to institutions conducting educational work on additional programs, Methodological recommendations were sent. They explained the system by which advanced training should be carried out under 44-FZ. The letter also noted that the specified Methodological Recommendations can be used by customers when purchasing educational services.

Validity period according to 44-FZ

In accordance with the previous government Decree No. 610 of June 26, 1995, retraining is carried out as necessary. However, advanced training in accordance with 44-FZ must be carried out at least once every 5 years throughout the professional activity of the specialist. For individual employees, the employer has the right to establish other periods. Clause 2.8 of the Recommendations states that advanced training in accordance with 44-FZ should be carried out as necessary. In this case, it is advisable to carry out retraining at least once every 3 years. This recommendation applies to all categories of specialists.

Additional programs

They are developed and approved by educational institutions independently. This takes into account the legal requirements for the level of training of employees involved in the relevant field. It is recommended to carry out advanced training in accordance with 44-FZ in part-time and part-time form. The implementation of programs is focused on improving or obtaining new competencies necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities. The results of mastering the programs are determined by the final certification of specialists.

Duration of retraining

It should be said that the standards do not clearly establish how long advanced training should last under 44-FZ. 120 hours is considered the optimal period, which is established by institutions conducting educational activities. To clarify this issue, you should refer to the Procedure for organizing and implementing retraining, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 499 of July 1, 2013. Paragraph 12, in particular, establishes that the minimum duration of courses should ensure the possibility of obtaining the planned results declared in the program. At the same time, the duration of retraining should not be less than 16 hours. At the same time, in paragraph 2.3 of the Methodological Recommendations there is an indication that the minimum duration of mastering the programs should be set at no less than 108 academic hours. The exception is cases when managers of customer enterprises undergo advanced training in accordance with 44-FZ. For them, the duration of mastering the programs can be reduced to 40 hours. It is recommended that the final certification be provided in the form of testing (exam) or defense of a thesis. Requirements for its volume, content and structure are established by the institution conducting educational activities.

Retraining of civil servants

To correctly understand the duration of their professional development, you should refer to Federal Law No. 79. Article 62 (part five) establishes that retraining of civil servants is carried out as necessary. At the same time, it is recommended to send employees to additional education institutions at least 1 ruble/3 years. Since no other frequency is established in the legislation, when sending specialists involved in procurement to meet municipal and state needs for training, one should focus on the specified period. Government Resolution No. 362 of 05/06/2008 approved state requirements for retraining and internship of civil servants. In particular, they note that advanced training can be carried out to allow employees to study current changes in certain issues relating to their professional activities. In this case, the volume of development may be 18-72 ac. h. In paragraph 2 of the 17th paragraph of the Procedure, approved by Order No. 499, it is established that for any type of classroom training, the duration of the academic hour is 45 minutes. If a comprehensive update of knowledge is necessary on certain issues related to the professional activities of employees, the volume of development should be 73-144 ac. h.


Classroom work is the type of contact work between students and the teacher. It includes lectures and seminars, group consultations or individual training. It also includes certification tests (intermediate and final).


Depending on the type of retraining chosen (distance training courses or academic work), the duration of mastering the programs can be within 18-144 hours. Upon completion of the classes, specialists who have successfully passed certification are issued the appropriate documents. Their samples are independently determined by institutions conducting educational activities.


In many large cities there are institutions where you can undergo advanced training under 44-FZ (St. Petersburg, for example). The program may include the following sections:

1. Work of the auction, competition, quotation commission of the customer. Responsibility of authorized persons under the Code of Administrative Offenses and main offences.

2. Planning of purchases within the framework of the contract system (latest changes):

  • Recognition of unreasonableness.
  • New requirements for the form and content of schedules. Rules for approval, formation and amendments.
  • The procedure for calculating the total annual volume of purchases.
  • Rationing. Establishing requirements for products, works and services or standard costs.
  • The need to indicate an identification code in the plan, notification, schedule, contract and other documentation.

3. Procurement methods. Features of non-trading and trading operations.

4. Other procedures: limitations and opportunities.

5. Maximum (initial) contract value. The need to enter into the database information about the prices developing in the markets and placed by customers for products, services, and works.

Development of technical specifications:

  1. Main shortcomings and errors. Detection of pitfalls in technical specifications based on established practice.
  2. Specifics of countering ultra-reduced delivery times in procurement documentation.
  3. Errors in the formation of contract services and commissions.
  4. The practice of detecting violations during the admission/non-admission of participants.
  5. Signs of blind procurement during the transition period of the formation of the contract system.

Other sections may be included in the program.


In the absence of federal state standards and regulatory requirements for additional vocational education programs for employees of contract services, organizations on the basis of which advanced training is carried out under 44-FZ (in Moscow or another city) have the right to independently develop their content, setting different durations for their development. However, institutions must take into account that, according to the adopted Methodological Recommendations, the optimal period for retraining is at least 108 hours, with the exception of exceptions established by law. Experts note that 72-hour programs are suitable for specialists from supplier companies. For customer organizations, the duration of advanced training must be at least 108 hours, and for managers - at least 40 hours. Currently, there is an intensive change in domestic legislation. Adjustments and additions are periodically made to the current regulations, including those regulating the scope of procurement to ensure municipal and state needs. In this regard, it is necessary to timely and efficiently update the knowledge of specialists involved in this field. In accordance with this, it is recommended to carry out advanced training of personnel at least once every 3 years. This will ensure the appropriate level of professionalism of specialists

Public procurement training in Yekaterinburg, as well as other cities of Russia, can be completed on the most favorable terms. Each student has the opportunity to undergo training on an individual schedule.

We do everything possible to ensure that procurement training under 44 Federal Laws is carried out in the most convenient form for the listener in Moscow or any other city of the Russian Federation. The curriculum was developed by experienced teachers and practitioners, taking into account professional standards and recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Thanks to the New Academy training center, procurement training under 44 Federal Laws has become truly useful. The listener not only studies the material, he performs various tasks and exercises. During the training process, he has the opportunity to master the skill of working in the customer’s Personal Account in the Unified Information System. Training 44 Federal Laws is conducted at a high quality level. After completing the course, the student will receive all the knowledge necessary to work effectively in the field of public procurement, whether as a contract manager, specialist or expert.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the New Academy training center provides training in accordance with 44 Federal Laws with the issuance of a certificate or diploma (depending on the training program).

Taking advantage of the offer of the New Academy training center, students will be convinced for themselves that distance learning in government procurement under 44 Federal Laws can be affordable and of high quality!

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In recent years, the popularity of electronic trading platforms has been growing. One of the leading positions is occupied by CJSC Sberbank-AST. The site ranks first in the number of state and municipal orders placed.

Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman became an official partner CJSC Sberbank-AST. Now, training courses on preparation and participation in tenders will be held on the basis of the electronic trading platform CJSC "Sberbank - AST".

Competent management of purchasing activities is one of the tools to increase the profitability of the company. A qualified purchasing manager is necessary for any organization. He is the one who knows how to correctly build a procurement strategy, select the optimal supplier, conduct and complete procurement procedures on the most favorable terms for the company.

Procurement legislation is constantly updated. Federal Law No. 104-FZ of April 5, 2016 introduced new rules for describing the procurement object. Law No. 365-FZ of July 3, 2016 established additional obligations of the customer for unilateral refusal to fulfill contracts. Changes have been made to the requirements for the conclusion and execution of contracts for design and construction work. State unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises are required to begin operating on January 1, 2017 according to Law No. 44-FZ, and the Code of Administrative Offenses introduced new grounds for holding a customer’s official accountable for violating the requirements for procurement planning and acceptance of contract execution results.

Every year, more than 4,000 people take courses in management, entrepreneurship, and tenders at our Center. The acquired in-depth knowledge and skills allow them to build their careers in the best companies in Russia. Do you want to be among them? Get knowledge from the hands of professionals at the Specialist Center at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman!

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Announcements of upcoming courses

Schedule for courses on government procurement and commercial tenders

Without advertising anyone’s services, I will tell you exactly what you can now find for yourself in the market for training the knowledge and skills of a contract manager.

Observation 1. The procurement training market is oversaturated.

The products of well-known training organizations have been replicated by smaller companies or private lecturers. There were about 85% of secondary course programs on the contract system on the market. Some simply copy the programs of well-known courses, while others are more conscientious and try to update them according to new standards.

This means that when choosing 44-FZ training courses from well-known brands, at least you will not receive recyclable materials or cheaply made fakes. But there is a big problem with updating regulatory documents.

Risk 1. You run the risk of purchasing a training course with outdated regulations. Only recommendations from friends who have recently completed such courses, or personal acquaintance and trusting relationships with the developers of training courses, can save you.

Regulations are changing rapidly. In fact, it turned out that only very large organizations can afford to monitor it, for which educational activities under 44-FZ are not the main source of income and which, due to the need to publish, for example, reference literature on the law or magazines, can afford to keep a staff of experts, monitoring the law and making adjustments.

Risk 2. You risk taking a course from an unqualified lecturer. This problem is also due to market oversaturation. The lecturer can be any person practicing even for a short time in procurement, using additional regalia. Like “certified expert of the institute...”, “adviser of the tender committee...”.

There are very few specialists from regulatory agencies or control bodies among the lecturers of courses on 44-FZ. Especially in the regions. Therefore, the big question is what is better: to take a full-time course in the region from specialists of a certain “LLC” or remotely - from organizers from Moscow who attract departmental lecturers. Prices on the market are almost the same.

Observation 2.

I'm no longer afraid of distance learning. And do you know why? After all, if I study not just to get a certificate, but for new knowledge, then first of all I need to educate myself. Any training requires independent work on the course.. After all, you sign up for a specific course according to a specific training program. After all, if the task is to learn something that I don’t yet know, it is important to correctly formulate questions for the one who teaches you.

Almost all distance courses offer the opportunity to ask the lecturers questions. But the employer doesn’t care whether you studied remotely or full-time. Moreover, even in the programs of state universities, distance learning has already been fully legalized as a teaching method.

Observation 3. There are two types of theories taught: “what the law says” or “how it works”.

Find out what exactly you will teach in the basics.

Perhaps this will be an article-by-article and point-by-point analysis of articles of the law or other regulations on procurement. That is " what the law says" There is nothing wrong with this teaching method.

Basic knowledge is needed not only for beginners, but also for those who started their work right off the bat. For example, these are lawyers or accountants who were transferred to procurement in institutions. A person may have three years of experience working in a contract service, but not understand the structure of the contract system as a whole.

The second approach is " how it works" - more often practiced at highly specialized seminars. As a rule, these are courses like: “restrictions on the purchase of imports”, “anti-dumping measures”, “what are the advantages for procurement participants”. Such courses are often passed off as practical. But that's not true. Practice is error analysis.

Observation 4. Practical courses such as error analysis are extremely rare.

Sometimes this is provided in the form of cases with sample documents and step-by-step instructions. And almost all of them have examples and samples copied from specialized magazines, where they could have been published a year ago. When collecting them for distribution to listeners, the organizers also do not care about updating the materials.

Observation 5. Practice - “do as I do, repeat after me” is even less common.

If you are a beginner and think that they will teach you, for example, how to fill out a procurement plan and schedule, you are mistaken. To do this, you need to go to the customer’s personal account in the UIS and work with documents there. You need to know the limits that are brought to the prototype of your customer, from whose examples you learn. Therefore, examples are analyzed, as a rule, on screenshots, which are also taken from procurement publications.

The exception here, perhaps, will be training courses on working on a specific electronic platform or working in a regional automated trading system, where they teach specifically with test user access.

Observation 6. Look for courses that meet professional standards.

No matter how trivial it may sound, the professional standard helps to structure knowledge by ticking “this I know/I don’t know” in your checklist. The functionality of specialist positions is spelled out in great detail in the standard, so if the course creators included all this in the basic program, they are already doing great. In any case, this is better than a program compiled simply according to the articles of the law.

Observation 7. Learn related laws in courses.

We are not even talking about 44-FZ and 223-FZ. If you work on a contact system and never purchase under 223-FZ, be sure to take at least a basic course of this law. And vice versa.

But it is much more important to study at least basics of accounting, in order to understand what the inspectors are telling you if, during the inspection, you are accused of the fact that not all accepted goods have inventory numbers, which means they are not registered.

These are the problems of accountants, you say. And you will be wrong. The accuracy of accounting for purchased goods is checked when checking the efficiency of spending funds on purchases. And they check the work of the contract service. So, at a minimum, you should understand by ear the words used by related professionals: accountants and financiers. And again, the same professional standard requires basic accounting skills.

Observation 8. Buying in bulk is cheaper.

Large organizers of procurement courses, as a rule, have offers to take several courses at a discount. It’s even more profitable to take training for several people. For a large group, the organizers are ready to allocate even convenient training hours and sometimes even with a lecturer visiting your institution. This is the best option.

Observation 9.

“But we already know everything, we need a certificate” - and there are also such proposals. But if you just need to formally receive a piece of paper, don’t just look at the price. Dumping organizers may, for example, not have a license for educational activities. And on your certificate of completion of the courses it will be indicated that you were provided with “consulting services”. There will be no certificate as such.

Observation 10. Latest changes in legislation are available in free webinars.

Yes, and it's been verified. If we are not talking about industry changes, for example in the procurement of medicines, but about general rules, there are many such free webinars.

The main thing is to track them in time on those resources where they are promoted. These are lectures on changes in the law for a month, for six months, for a year.

It’s not difficult for me to listen to such classes, but it helps me decide what changes and new rules I need to learn more about. Again, if detailed reviews on specific changes to the law are included in the courses, this means the organizers are making sure that the information from their lecturers is up-to-date.

Well, naturally, a lot of information about the new amendments also comes in free newsletters. That’s why I don’t send them to spam: it’s always worth paying attention to the news that my fellow lecturers have highlighted for themselves.
