Recipe for rye bread according to old recipes. "Live" bread

Several times in the comments here the topic of authentic bread and the traditions of home baking was raised: they used to bake differently and in a way to which the word “technology” is applied very conditionally. Everything was on a whim, passed down from grandmother to granddaughter, from generation to generation, and everything like that. And the bread was different - large, round, from the oven, which could lie on the table under a towel for a week and there would be nothing for it. You cut off the edge, pour curdled milk or fresh milk into a mug - and happiness. More than once I have encountered such dreams about authentic bread, just like before, and the desire to find out and learn how to bake bread, the way our grandmothers and our grandmothers’ grandmothers baked. On the one hand, this is an attempt to find one’s roots, to feel continuity and belonging to the family and tradition, and on the other, a desire for the best. Then bread was better and healthier, and people were stronger and more agile.

Datsik Kirill, "Village still life"

But I had no idea how such bread was baked. If theoretically, then we can assume that it is made with sourdough, that most often it is made from coarse flour, that it is baked in the oven. But how could it lie, covered with a towel, on the table for a week and not dry out? Bread tends to go stale and lose moisture, and this is a normal process. Yes, it happens differently depending on how and what the bread was baked from, what volume it was... but not for a week?? And in general, people usually strive for naturalness; if milk does not turn sour for a long time, this is alarming; if the herring sits in a jar for two weeks and does not spoil, it is generally terrible. And here is bread, which should just lie on the table under a towel for a week and not go stale. And I thought this way until I saw such bread with my own eyes.

Our recent bread trip with Arthur was not just exciting, it was fantastic! We were brought to a tiny village in Western Ukraine, surrounded by forest; according to the latest census, this village is home to... 120 people (but I won’t say what it’s called)). And there is a unique bakery there! It is amazing and unique because they bake bread there exclusively in wood-burning ovens, and there are not one or two of these ovens (we have plenty of such bakeries), but 10-12 Russian ovens and three unusual Lithuanian ovens, which cannot be extinguished, the fire is maintained in them around the clock and it does not burn in the furnace itself, it is maintained in another part of the furnace, and the heat from it goes through internal pipes located under the hearth, like heating elements. The dimensions of the hearth, for a second, are 3X5 m. A huge oven in which we had to learn how to bake sourdough bread and teach it to local bakers.

And, imagine, in this bakery they bake the same bread that sits on the table for a week and does not go stale! And it's huge! These are large two-kilogram loaves of wheat and wheat-rye bread, which are baked in wood-burning ovens; the bread dough is made with yeast, sourdough, old dough that remains from previous batches (authentic grandma’s methods!) They make the flour themselves, and white flour - in s and 1s. wheat and seeded rye, wheat bread is baked mainly from first-grade flour, rye from seeded flour, flavoring the dough with a large amount of dried fruits and nuts. Wheat flour is not bleached, it has a warm creamy shade and a small inclusion of bran, and is quite good in properties and moisture capacity. The bread that is baked in this bakery can lie on the table for several days, not even covered with a towel, and remain almost as soft as on the first day. And it's really delicious! Usually, when we are called to a bakery to help with sourdough bread, it means that the bread in this bakery is baked so-so, most often these are plump yeast loaves, after trying which, there is no desire to repeat the tasting. But here it’s the other way around: wheat bread is delicious, smells intoxicating, the crust is thick, but not rough, fragrant, and when combined with village milk, it’s absolutely amazing! It was the first time I saw such bread and I immediately wanted to understand it, take it apart, why is it like this?

The first thing that catches your eye is the dimensions. The bread is huge, but at the same time perfectly baked, the crumb is not dried out, not wet, rather elastic, the porosity is moderate and uniform, the crust is thick, but not oaky, the bread practically does not crumble. Volume, it seems to me, is the determining factor in this bread; the larger the bread, the slower it loses moisture, especially when the crust is impressive. Previously, large loaves of bread were baked because that was how life was structured, people did not have the opportunity to bake often and delicately, there were no convenient household appliances that could be trusted with washing clothes, cooking porridge or kneading dough, so it was more important to bake several large loaves at once bread so that the family eats this bread for at least a week.

That is, this was not a special technology, but life itself forced us to bake like this, everyday life itself had it in place: the dough was kneaded and fermented in a wooden trough, bowl or metal pan, no one pulled the gluten in the batch through the gluten windows, the loaves were formed into large ones and baked in wood-burning ovens. ovens, because there were simply no other ovens. And the bread that many people now dream of was obtained.

wooden dough rack in bakery

I can assume that most often it was bread weighing 2-4 kg. made from coarse wheat and rye flour, on sourdough or old dough left over from the previous batch, quite dense in structure, without large pores, thick-skinned. And that’s why I didn’t get stale for a week afterwards. See why: bread made from acidified dough (dough, old dough, or especially sourdough), initially retains moisture better than just yeast bread, dense bread does not go stale longer than porous and airy bread, thin-crust bread loses moisture faster than thick-crust bread crusty Well, the village bread simply could not be thin-crust; it was incapable of such a thing, because it was large, because of this it took a long time to bake and, while it was baked, it set into a strong, thick crust.

By the way, from these considerations, something about the ciabatta crust became clear to me. I was once told that my ciabatta was the wrong one, with a thin crust, and that the authentic ciabatta was thick-skinned. And now it’s clear why: ciabatta is an authentic rustic bread of Italy, it comes from a wood-burning oven and they also baked it in large loaves, and not in 500 gram loaves, as we do now. While the bread had time to bake well, the crust dried out and thickened - once or twice - most likely, there was no moisture in the oven and therefore the crust, in principle, could not turn out thin.

Do you think this bread can be baked in a regular oven? Is it warm enough to bake such a volume of dough? It seems to me that there will not be enough and the reason is the heat that the home oven and wood stove gives. To bake in a wood-burning oven, you need to heat it well, and this means that it must all accumulate enough heat, stock up on it, so that when the heat is removed from the furnace, the heat of the oven is enough to bake bread, cook cabbage soup, and porridge. bore. The stove itself is a large heat accumulator; everything in it is designed to accumulate it and release it evenly. Therefore, the heat that it gives to bread during baking is special, powerful and calm, and it is enough to bake even a huge, dense loaf.

What accumulates heat in our home ovens? In the best case, a fireclay stone 1.5-2 cm thick, and a ceramic cap (this is funny compared to a wood-burning stove, haha))) The heat in household ovens is momentary, fast, superficial, often uneven (gas) or even with blowing (electric ovens), the crust and crumb are formed and baked at a different speed and consistency than in a wood-burning oven, and the heat that a home oven can give to bread is simply not enough to bake a large loaf. Therefore, we bake loaves weighing up to a kilogram, and sometimes it takes 40-50 minutes to bake, which is a lot. And pay attention to the difference in temperature conditions and baking duration: in household ovens we bake at 250 for half an hour, in other wood-burning ovens I baked at 265 degrees for about 17-20 minutes, but in this oven 240, 245 is just fine, at 250 it already burns crust! At the same time, the total baking time for one-kilogram loaves is about 20-25 minutes. Try baking a kilogram of dough in 20 minutes in our ovens; not everyone can do this! After a week of lying on the table under a towel, our bread will noticeably dry out, because it is simply smaller in size, has a thinner crust, and a more porous and airy crumb (we all need holes from bread)! And for the rest - everything is almost the same as our grandmothers’ and grandmothers’ grandmothers! Only life has changed and there is no wood-burning stove at hand, and the dough is kneaded with dough mixers and planetary mixers, the gluten is developed so that it turns out fluffy and airy, and the flour is sometimes white-white.

I want to show you some photos from the bakery and tell you how everything was arranged there.

We started working at ten in the morning, lived on the second floor of the bakery, sometimes everything was in smoke)) I took the children with me so that they could finally see what their mother does when she leaves again to bake bread.

They mixed with autolysis from two to five types of dough, at least 10 kg each, but more often 20 kg each, by noon the kneading was completed and around two the cutting and pre-forming began.

There was a carpentry shop next to the bakery, so we were quickly provided with the right size shovels and wooden trays on which we left the dough to preform, loading the dolly carts with them.By half past three or three, the molding was completed and around four in the evening, at the beginning of five, baking began. Not the most overloaded schedule, and this is great, because there was enough time to discuss many theoretical issues.

Our stove was equipped with steam humidification; before our arrival, the guys made a homemade steam generator, with which it was possible to supply water to the stove.The water tank was a large plastic bottle, from which water flowed through a tube into the oven onto channels inside the oven,and actively evaporated, creating a steam boost.

But, despite the possibility of moistening, the problem remained: with the initial data and the oven being fully loaded, the bread crust did not have time to moisten and began to bake in a completely dry oven. The reason was that loading took too long: the oven is large, there’s a lot of room for bread, and by the time you put 50-60 pieces in there one loaf at a time, it’s too late to moisten it. Having figured out the reason, we came up with a solution: we ordered several large shovels, which could accommodate at least three large pieces (not one), and Arthur also came up with cross-loading of bread, when the loading of bread is done by two bakers, each with a large shovel, and with them another two bakers putting bread on shovels and making cuts.

This way, six loaves are sent into the oven at a time instead of one, and the time for loading bread is reduced to two minutes (even less). After the oven doors close quickly, the fastest baker runs to open the tap on the steam generator to supply water to the oven. About six liters of water are poured onto the channels installed inside the oven, there is a strong hiss behind the doors, and then it begins to smell like bread. Bingo!

Our first bread was burnt on the bottom (it was not immediately clear where the problem areas were on the hearth and what exact temperatures were optimal for bread in this particular oven), with a rough crust, but with each new baking our acquaintance with the oven became closer and better, we found her approach and finally were able to make friends and bake such bread, such bread!!!))

Here are some photos from our bread journey!

You can try the bread baked in the bakery at the markets of Khmelnitsky, Zhitomir, Lutsk, Rivne, Slavuta, Shepetovka, Sataniv, Ternopil, Netishin and Kamenets-Podolsky. You will recognize it immediately: firstly, it is called “Voytovetsky on Chereni”, secondly, it is either huge or beautiful, the beautiful one is made with sourdough)) Now, in addition to the usual large and round loaves, the bakery bakes our Carrot, French bread, Sitny, Village with onions and seeds, Ukrainian rye, buckwheat and corn with turmeric and raisins. And soon whole grains will appear;)

That's all for now, friends! It’s funny that I wrote this material on the train, while traveling from Kharkov to Kyiv. And in Kyiv, Arthur will meet me at the station, we will get on the bus and go to Odessa, where Father Maximilian (priest), his new unusual wood-burning oven, new bread and adventures will be waiting for us.

Bread-Love-Peace! :)

To prepare the bread that our distant ancestors ate five hundred years ago, you need sourdough.

Sourdough is an amazing symbiotic product, invented in time immemorial, and consisting of:


whole grain wheat or rye flour;

wild yeast cultures;

strains of lactic acid bacteria.

In proper high-quality sourdough, the ratio of fungal colonies and bacterial strains is 1:1000. Thus, the leaven is more of a lactic acid nature than a yeast one.

But it is precisely this ratio of microorganisms that creates homemade bread that is unique in taste, smell and benefits.

The starter itself is prepared exclusively from water and flour. You don’t need to add anything else to the traditional recipe: no sugar, no salt, no other ingredients.

To prepare the starter mixture, you need to get a clean jar with or without a loose lid.

Pure water is poured into the jar, about two tablespoons. Then add two tablespoons of rye wallpaper flour to the water. Shake the flour and water and cover it, leaving access for oxygen, then place it in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight.

Typically, a jar of young sourdough feels good in a wall kitchen cabinet or on the table.

After one day, add a couple of tablespoons of water and a couple of tablespoons of flour to the mixture again, mix and set aside for a day.

After one day, the operation with the addition of rye flour and lukewarm clean water is repeated for the third and final time.

After three days, the young starter should have a pleasant sour smell of fermented homemade kvass. It is ready for first use.

Features of sourdough

It should be borne in mind that the very first time when baking homemade bread, you will be dealing with young, unripened sourdough. Obtaining a mature and high-quality sourdough is not a quick process, because in order for the sourdough to acquire its characteristic qualities and become stable, it is necessary to establish the necessary balance between its acid-yeast microflora.

Such bread will be quite edible, just not so loose, fragrant and tasty. Its taste will be almost like that of ordinary industrial yeast, only more sour.

First bake

The very first starter is divided in half, about a glass in volume, and poured into another container. Add a couple of tablespoons of flour and clean water to the jar with the remains of the first starter, mix and place on the lowest, coldest shelf of the refrigerator. This procedure will need to be repeated each time you knead the bread again.

One glass of clean, warm water is poured into a bowl with the selected starter, and the same volume of flour is added through a sieve.

Mix everything and leave it warm for 8-9 hours.

During this time, the starter will foam and rise. This is a sure sign of her readiness.

Kneading dough for homemade bread

The finished starter is mixed with 500 ml of warm, but not hot water, in which a spoonful of salt and about one kg of any flour are dissolved.

Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous, smooth dough is obtained.

The dough is set aside in a warm place to rise, covered with film (not airtight). The risen dough is placed in a greased pan and allowed to rise a second time.

Baking bread

The suitable bread is placed in an oven heated to 180 degrees, in which it is necessary to place a baking sheet filled with boiling water.

After 20 minutes from the start of baking, remove the baking sheet. Next, the bread is baked for another 30 minutes.

The appearance of a golden brown crust on the loaf indicates its readiness. The bread is tipped onto a wooden board and covered with a towel to cool completely. Real homemade bread is ready!

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Looking for new recipes, I chose rye sourdough bread. Firstly, for me it is the most delicious, the most optimal in terms of time and attention. Secondly, you can prepare any baked goods with rye sourdough; thirdly, rye sourdough ferments the dough without adding sugar - and this is important!

However, I offer recipes for different sourdough starters - choose to your taste!

Bread with Sprouted Grain Sourdough

Option 1: So, first you need sourdough. We germinate the wheat grains for 2 days (it all depends on the temperature) until white tails appear (1-2 cm). Grind the grains (you can just crush them). Add a handful of flour, sugar and water (all by eye), mix until the consistency of sour cream. We put the future starter in a warm place and wait for it to sour. The starter should rise a little due to fermentation (twice).

Preparing the dough. We stir our starter with a glass of water (more or less is possible, everything is very approximately), 2 glasses of white flour, sifted through a sieve, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar (sugar can then be replaced with honey if desired). Mix.

Place about a tablespoon or more in a glass bowl, without covering tightly with a lid, put it in a cool place (refrigerator) - this is a starter for next time, which can be maintained constantly. It will need to be periodically revived with a portion of sugar, flour and water.

Cover the dough with a towel and leave it in a very warm place to rise for at least 12 hours.

After the dough has risen 2-3 times, add another glass of flour, making the dough thicker. After this, we put it in a warm place to rise again - at least 4 hours. Bake for an hour in the oven.

Option 2: Here is another recipe for bread: rinse the wheat and soak it in warm water, place it so that sunlight falls on it (but does not heat it above 20-25 degrees) for the generation of beneficial bacteria. In a day, sprouts will begin to hatch (but no more than 1 mm). Drain the water and rinse the wheat if necessary. Next, pass it through a meat grinder and knead the resulting mass into dough without salt. Roll out the mass like dumplings (thicker if possible), squeeze out circles with a glass or mold. Place the circles in the sun and turn them over at lunchtime. If the weather is not sunny, dry the circles in the oven (no more than 40 degrees). It doesn’t look like bread in the form we are used to seeing in the store, but rather like loaves of bread.

Bread with HOPS sourdough

Preparing sourdough (see points 2.3 “Homemade yeast”).

Preparing the dough:

Take 4 tbsp. spoons of ready-made starter, a glass of warm water. Mix with flour until thick sour cream forms. We insulate the dough and place it in a warm place to sour for about 6 hours. You can set it from evening to night, and knead the dough in the morning.

Preparation of the dough:

Take the appropriate dough and add 800 ml. warm water, mix and add flour to thick sour cream and again in a warm place for 4 hours, more is possible. The dough should rise to double in size. After standing and fermenting the dough, add some flour and knead with the addition of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of natural vegetable oil, knead until soft dough. Place in a warm place for 40-60 minutes to rise. Afterwards, we form the dough into a mold greased with vegetable oil. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, moisten them with oil. And leave it to rise, after which we put it in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 60 minutes. Let cool.

Rye-wheat bread with POTATOES

For bread you will need: 280g rye flour, 225g other flour (wheat or whole grain flour, coarse flour), 420ml warm water (sometimes 500ml is used), 15g salt, about 80g boiled and finely grated potatoes, about 60g sour test.

Mix rye flour with 2/3 water and sour dough. After this, take some of the dough and put it in a glass jar as sour dough for the next bread baking (store in the refrigerator)

Then add the other flour, salt, potatoes and the remaining water and place the bread dough in a greased bread pan. Cover with a wet towel and leave to rise for 8-9 hours. It may happen that the dough sticks to the scarf, then moisten the scarf generously with water and carefully remove it from the dough.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the suitable bread there. Bake at 180 degrees for about 60 minutes. At the end of baking, you can spray the bread a little from the sprayer, then it will shine. Readiness can be determined by tapping; the bread should sound empty.

The sour dough is made in three steps.

1. 100g rye flour, 100 ml water, 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir. Mix everything, transfer to a tall glass (ceramic, porcelain) form, cover and leave to stand at room temperature for 24 hours.

2. Mix well and leave again for 24 hours.

3. Add 300g of rye flour, 200 ml of water, mix and leave again for 24 hours.

After all this, the dough is ready. Can be stored for 1 month in a covered jar in the refrigerator.

Rye bread with sourdough made from KEFIR

  • 6 glasses of rye flour, preferably with bran;
  • 1 cup white flour;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 1 tbsp. sourdough;
  • 3 tsp salt;
  • 1-3 tbsp. Sahara.


Mix all products and leave for 12 hours. Bake for 1-1.5 hours.

Preparing the starter:

A little sugar is added to the sour milk (after the peak of sourness, but not yet kefir) (for fermentation), mixed with rye flour until the consistency of sour cream. Leave it for a day or two. It’s important to seize the moment here, because... If you wait, mold will appear and you will have to do everything again. As soon as the first bubbles, holes, etc. appear, remove everything and put it in the refrigerator, the starter is ready.


From raisins. Take 100-200 grams of raisins, wash with warm water, place in a bottle with a wide neck, fill with warm water, add a little sugar, tie 4 layers of gauze on top and place in a warm place. On the 4-5th day, fermentation will begin, and you can put the dough.

From dry hops. Pour hot water (1:2) over the hops and boil in a saucepan. If the hops float, they are drowned in water with a spoon. When the water has evaporated so much that the broth remains half the original amount, it is decanted. Dissolve sugar in the cooled warm broth (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of broth), mix with flour (0.5 cups of flour per 1 glass of broth). Then the yeast is placed in a warm place for two days to ferment. The finished yeast is bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place. To prepare 2-3 kg of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast.

From fresh hops. Place fresh hops tightly in an enamel pan, fill it with hot water and cook for about 1 hour, covering with a lid. Then the broth is cooled a little and salt, sugar and 2 incomplete glasses of wheat flour are added. Knead the mass until smooth, put it in a warm place for 36 hours, then wipe a couple of peeled boiled potatoes, mix it with yeast and again let it ferment in the warmth for a day. The finished yeast is poured into bottles and tightly capped. The consumption of such yeast is a quarter cup per kilogram of flour.

Malts. Malt is bread grain sprouted in heat and moisture, dried and coarsely ground. 1 cup of flour and 0.5 cups of sugar are diluted in 5 cups of water, 3 cups of malt are added and boiled for about 1 hour. Cool, pour the still warm solution into bottles, cover loosely with corks and place in a warm place for a day, and then in the cold. The consumption of this yeast for making bread is the same as yeast from dry hops.

From wild berries.

You know, that smoky coating on berries like blueberries, blueberries, plums... This is wild yeast! It is found on all wild berries!!! Only in gardens, if the berries were chemically fertilized. fertilizer, it is better not to use them.

Dry such berries or plum skins. You can start bread by mixing flour with water and adding wild berries.The taste and quality of the bread will be different, but still natural and healthy.

Bread with RYE sourdough

If you prepare the starter from the very beginning, it will take two days. And the next time, after pinching off a piece from the finished dough, the bread is baked throughout the day.


If you already have leaven (a piece of dough) from previous baking, then take this very piece of dough, fill it with warm water and wait for it to soften. Then add rye flour there until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. You can also add sprouted and twisted rye grain here. You can start the dough in the evening; for example, it’s more convenient for me (I put it in the evening and kneaded it in the morning). Although, if your house is too hot, the steaming time needs to be reduced, otherwise everything will peroxidize. Place the dough in a warm place, covered with a towel. You don't have to add sugar, because... Rye itself has the ability to ferment dough.

When the dough bubbles and increases in volume (from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the room temperature), it’s time to knead the loaf.


Before kneading, you need to add what you want to the finished dough (salt, spicy seeds: for example, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, or seeds). If we bake rye bread, then add only rye flour. If it’s gray, then add some wheat flour, maybe twisted grain. You can knead the dough stiff, then the bread will be dense and will not dry out longer. For those who like lighter bread, the dough can be kneaded to the consistency of the thickest sour cream (a very thin dough will not bake well).

At this stage, we pinch off a piece of dough (sourdough) for the future loaf. If you are adding wheat flour, set the starter aside until then.

Place the loaf in a pan 1/3 greased with vegetable oil and place it in a warm place, covering it with a towel. The bread should rise to double its size; it will rise some more in the oven.


Place the bread in a well-heated oven. We bake in the oven for about an hour (in the oven for 30-40 minutes). I don’t give the exact time, because... I came across different ovens and not everyone has the same baking process. Approximate temperature adjustment: 250 degrees 15-20 minutes, 200 degrees 20-25 minutes, 150 degrees 15-20 minutes. Bread made from lighter dough takes less time to bake.

The readiness of the bread is determined by its appearance and by the empty sound (over time you will determine your baking time). Remove the finished loaf from the mold, wrap it in a thick towel and leave to cool slowly. Hot rye bread still contains gluten, and during the process of slow cooling, the moisture evaporates and the bread becomes tastier. This is especially true for bread made from light dough.


When you pinch off a piece of dough during kneading, you need to decide how to save this piece (sourdough) until next time. If you plan to use the starter for 2-3 weeks, then just put it in a jar and cover it with a cloth (the principle is not to block access to air, but also not to leave it open). Place the jar in a cool place: in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or in the basement. The starter is suitable until mold has appeared on it, although if the mold has just appeared, you can cut off more of it and immediately make dough from the remaining piece.

In case you have no idea when the next time will come, I advise you to turn a piece of dough into a dry cake or powder. To do this, add as much rye flour to it as the dough can take. Roll out thin flat cakes or crumble the dough and dry it all in a warm oven, or somewhere dry. When all the moisture has evaporated, the dry starter is ready; now it can be stored for as long as you like. The only thing is that dry sourdough takes a little longer to “revive”, but still, it’s faster than preparing it again.

If you set aside liquid starter for your next bread, keep in mind that it will not last long. Due to the fact that there is a lot of water in it, it becomes moldy faster. In this case, you either add rye flour to it (turning it into a dense piece of dough) or use it within 7-10 days. If you want to store liquid sourdough for a long time (though I don’t know why), then you need to periodically “feed” it: To do this, add a little water and rye flour to it and wait until it solidifies, then put it back in a cool place. And so on every 10-12 days until you use it for its intended purpose)

How to prepare the very first rye sourdough.

Well, here we come to the moment: how to prepare sourdough from the very beginning. If one of your friends or acquaintances is already preparing bread with this type of sourdough, it is better to take a piece of dough from them and start immediately from stage 1.

If not, then here is the recipe:

In the evening, dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. honey, add rye flour to the consistency of sour cream, put in a warm place. In the morning, add another glass of water and the same amount of flour and return to a warm place. In the evening, prepare the dough (shutter). To do this, add another glass of water and flour to the consistency of thick sour cream, again in heat (but from experience, without excessive heat, otherwise the starter will be too sour). Early in the morning, knead the dough. Next, everything is as described above.

If you want to bake buns or pies with wheat flour, you can also use rye sourdough.

To do this, starting from step 1, add only wheat flour. The dough will cook faster because wheat flour is lighter. When kneading, you can add any other ingredients: butter, eggs, sugar, etc.

Having mastered one of the recipes for bread with natural sourdough, you can easily master any other sourdough.

Stay healthy! published



Note. After baking, the third part of the bread arrives, for example: if the bread is baked from 3.5 kg. flour, bread should be at least 4.8 kg when baked and cooled; if from 4.8 kg. flour, then the bread will be 6.4 kg.

2326) Rye, sieve and sieve breads.
In the sauerkraut in which bread dough is prepared, dough always remains on the bottom and walls, which, remaining in it, serves to leaven the next bread; If you like sour bread, you should leave in the sauerkraut, in addition to the dough remaining on the sides, another piece the size of a goose egg. The sauerkraut should never be washed, but keep it clean, always covered with a tablecloth and a wooden circle, so that dust does not enter and the dough does not dry out. The place where the sauerkraut stands must be dry and clean, the air in it must be fresh, otherwise the bread could spoil; This sauerkraut should not be used for anything else. Sometimes it happens that the sauerkraut, that is, the sourdough, spoils and that the bread does not work out in any way; after baking it becomes black, heavy and hardened, then some correct the sauerkraut as follows; they turn it upside down and pour boiling water over the bottom, wipe it all inside with onion heads and salt, then rinse it with summer water and dissolve the bread, as usual, with fresh sourdough. Rye sieve breads are always baked in clean water, and sieve breads can be baked with both whey and yogurt, but for each such bread you need to have a special sauerkraut, it does not like changes and is spoiled by them. It is impossible to accurately assign the proportion of flour and water, it depends on the type and dryness of the flour, but approximately the proportion is as follows: for 1/4 bucket of water, whey or curdled milk, take 1 bucket of flour.
The flour intended for bread must first be dried by scattering it in the oven, on the tablecloth, or on the table. In the evening, dissolve, that is, take a piece of leaven, dilute it with water, stir; Pour 1/3 or half of the prescribed flour into the sauerkraut, dilute it with the prescribed water, whey or unboiled yogurt, but only heated to 32 degrees. C. Stir well with the merry mixture, sprinkle flour on top, cover, put in a warm place until the morning. The solution made from sieve flour should be quite thin, but from plain rye flour it should be thicker. The next day in the morning (if only the sauerkraut was in a warm place), the dough will rise: the flour that was sprinkled on top will not be visible; then add the rest of the flour, add salt and, if you like, caraway seeds and knead the dough as usual for half an hour. When the dough is well kneaded, the sign of which is that it will lag behind your hands, cover it with a tablecloth, leave it in the sauerkraut until it rises, which should occur in 1.5 or 2 hours if it is kept warm and well covered; then roll the dough into breads; if the breads are sieve, you can put them in water (as cold as water in a river in summer), where they should lie until they rise; and when the loaves float to the top, place them in the oven. This method is good because you can be calm about the time during which the bread should rise; when it floats to the top, then put it in the oven. However, if the loaves rise on the table, then a small piece of dough can be dipped into water for testing, and when it rises, then all the loaves can be placed in the oven.
Or, after rolling out the bread, leave it on the table, covered in a warm place, and let it rise. For the dough to rise properly, it takes from 1/2 to 3/4 an hour, and sometimes a little more, the success of the bread largely depends on this; if they rise a little, the bread will be heavy and thick, but if they rise so much that they can no longer rise in the oven, the dough falls and then hardening is done.
When placing the bread in the oven, sprinkle flour on a spatula, put the bread on it, pour boiling water over it, smooth it and place it in a cleanly swept oven. Bread that will rise in cold water does not need to be doused with boiling water.
For sieve bread, the oven heat should be up to 75 degrees. C - for simple rye bread, the oven should be much hotter. You can try the oven in the following way: throw a handful of flour into it, if it gradually browns, it means that the oven is good, but if it immediately burns or does not brown at all, it means it is too hot or vice versa. After planting in the oven, close the view.
It is difficult to determine how long the loaves sit in the oven, depending on the heat and the size of the loaves, but the approximate time is as follows: the loaves are 4.8 kg in size. bakes from 2.5 to 3 hours, in 400 gr. size - 3/4 hour. To find out if the bread is ready, you need to take one out of the oven, if it is light and if, when you hit the bottom crust with your middle knuckles, you hear a knock, then the bread is ready. When the bread is browned and almost ready, then take out one piece at a time, pour boiling water over it immediately while in the oven, and put it back into the oven. You don’t need to pour boiling water over the rye bread even once, but only, when placing it in the oven, smooth it by dipping your hands in cold water, and when they are ready, taking it out of the oven, moisten it lightly with water. When removing bread from the oven, you must carefully place it on the table near a sieve or sieve, that is, with one end on the table and the other so that it rests on the sieve so that air can pass under it, and so that both the top and bottom are cold at the same time. crust. Do not take the bread out into a cold place until it has cooled down.

2327) Sieve bread with potatoes.
For 1 bucket of flour, take 1/4 bucket of potatoes, peel, add water, boil until soft, grind and when it cools a little so that you can hold your hand in it, rub through a sieve into the sauerkraut, stir with 1/2 of the prescribed flour without adding water, do not even wet your hands; stir well, cover, put in a warm place, for the whole night or even longer. The next day, add flour to the usual consistency of the dough, without adding water, knead strongly and quickly, add salt and caraway seeds; when the dough begins to stretch and lag behind your hands, then cover the dough and leave it for 3-4 hours until it rises, but not too much. Then roll up the loaves, let them rise again on the table and place them in the oven without dousing them with water. Then proceed in everything as stated in bread No. 2326. For 8 kg. You can take 4 kg of flour. potatoes, and even 8 kg.

2328) Custard sieve breads.
Pour a third of the prescribed flour into the sauerkraut, brew with boiling water, stir, cover, let it cool. Take the piece of dough remaining in the sauerkraut from the baked bread, remove the dry outer crust from it, mix with warm water, put in the dough, add flour so that the dough is quite thick, stir well, cover, put in a warm place. When the dough has risen and cooled, add the rest of the flour, salt, cumin, whatever you like, knead, beating the dough until it comes off your hands. When it rises for the second time, roll the bread onto a spatula sprinkled with flour, brush the top with warm light beer, or kvass, or protein, sprinkle with anise and place in the oven. Then proceed as stated in No. 2326.

2329) Lenten rye crackers.
Take a small trough and pour 1 bucket into it, i.e. 12 kg. oatmeal, pour in 10 kg. warm water, stir, cover, put in a warm place overnight. The next day, strain this dough through a sieve, knead the dough, pour in 1 cup of yeast, add salt and add a sieve of rye flour, to which add a fifth or a quarter of wheat; of this mixed flour for this proportion will be from 20-26 kg. Cover the dough and let it rise for 2-3 hours, depending on the yeast. Then make small buns from the dough; when they rise on the table, put them in the oven like ordinary rye bread. When the buns are baked, take them out, let them cool, then cut each into two halves; dip the cut side in beer or just sprinkle with beer, sprinkle with salt and caraway seeds, place on an iron sheet, put in the oven to dry. These crackers are very tasty and crumbly.
Store them in a warm and dry place. The dough for these crackers cannot be prepared in a bread maker, because after this dough the bread will spoil several times in a row.
Therefore take 10 kg. water: 1 cup yeast, 12 kg. oat flour, 5 kg. wheat, 16 - 21 kg. rye sieve flour, a little salt, caraway seeds and beer.

2330) Sweet and sour bread.

For 8 kg. Add 20 cups of boiling water to a sieve of peklevanny flour, brew with it in the morning at 9 o'clock a portion of all the flour, spreading the dough so thick that a wooden spoon can stand in it; then you need to start beating the dough until it lags behind the paddle, cover the dough, and put it in a warm place. The same day in the evening, add the rest of the flour and knead well. The next day, in the morning, knead again, put in 4 cups of leaven, see No. 2332, and a piece of oak bark, the size of your palm; Around lunchtime, knead again, in the evening, knead again, on the third day in the morning, take out the oak bark, knead the dough and put in 2 handfuls of finely chopped orange peel, 2 tablespoons of caraway seeds, 800 gr. molasses and 2 tablespoons of yeast; after this, roll the breads, smooth them with a wet hand, sprinkle them with caraway seeds, and place them in a very hot oven; After an hour, move the back loaves forward and move the front loaves back so that they are all baked properly.

2331) Sweet and sour bread in a different manner.
It is prepared exactly like bread No. 2330, with the only difference being that neither oak bark nor orange peel is put in it, and after the flour is boiled with boiling water, the dough should stand for 6 days in the room or kitchen and beat the dough every day twice. These breads are very tasty and do not go stale.

2332) Sweet and sour bread early ripening.
Take 6 kg. pecked flour; Brew half the flour with 10 cups of the hottest boiling water, beat it as best as possible with a whisk, then put it in a warm place, leave it from morning until evening; then put 3 stacks in it. leaven, break it thoroughly, add the rest of the flour, knead as usual, and in the morning roll up the bread and bake. Subkvass is the grounds that remain in the keg after draining the kvass.

2333) Excellent sweet and sour bread for tea.
Take 5 kg. flour; In the morning at 8 o'clock, boil half of this flour with 12 cups of boiling water, beat it as best as possible, and put it in a warm place to malt. At 8 o'clock in the evening, mix in the rest of the flour, add 2.5 cups. sourdough, see No. 2332, 600 gr. prunes, which must first be doused with boiling water so that the seeds can be removed from them, but not completely boiled. Having taken out the seeds, chop it and put it in the dough, also 400 gr. sweet almonds, peeled and finely chopped, 1.6 kg molasses, if you like, 1/2 cup caraway seeds or even more, knead everything together well, put in a warm place until the morning; then roll the loaves as usual, smooth them thoroughly with a wet hand, and place them in a very hot oven.

2334) Sweet and sour rye bread.
After sifting ordinary rye flour on a sieve, brew 4 kg. of this flour with 20 cups of boiling water, beat vigorously with a spatula, as usual. Dissolve in the morning, let it malt until the evening, in the evening add 4 cups. Subkvass (see No. 2332), add the rest of the flour, knead well, leave until morning; Then roll up the loaves and place them in a hot oven.

“The famous breeder lived and worked in our area Ivan Pullman. And even under him, in the 19th century, bread fairs were held here,” she said. Elena Krasnova, Deputy Director of the Rural Center for Cultural Development. – Several years ago we decided to revive this tradition. Bread has again become, as they say now, the brand of our territory.”

In 1881, nobleman Ivan Pullman founded a meteorological station and created an experimental field on his estate Bogoroditskoye-Fenino, which is located near Bobrovy Dvory. On it, Pullman conducted breeding research on various varieties of wheat, oats, rye, and buckwheat. He did not just breed crops, but studied the influence of the local climate on them. The former estate of Ivan Aloizovich has still been preserved. In the 1980s, a memorial plaque was installed on one of the buildings of the experimental field. And the weather station he created now bears the name of the scientist.

The fair was also timed to coincide with the patronal holiday of the Beaver Yards - Intercession. In addition to bread, pies, cheesecakes, cakes, pancakes, donuts and more were brought to the fair. The housewives covered the food from the rain as best they could.

Two starters

The only man who presented his products at the fair was an entrepreneur Andrey Polskoy from Gubkin.

“We bake bread like in the old days: without yeast, margarine or flavorings. Everything is natural and simple: flour, salt and water. I myself prepare sourdough for different types of rye and wheat bread. Just like our ancestors did 200-300 years ago,” said Andrey.

Photo by Vitaly Garkusha

Longest ripening time – rye sourdough. But, according to the entrepreneur, it is also the most useful. To prepare it you need to take rye flour and water in a 1:1 ratio. The ingredients must be mixed well, wait a day, then set aside half of the mass, and add the same amount of flour and water to the rest. On the third day, repeat the same. The starter will begin to bubble slowly. Wait three more days - and the so-called starter culture is ready.

You need to make sure that there is no mold on the sourdough starter. The smell of the right sourdough is wonderful. It is better to store it in the refrigerator, but it can also be stored under normal conditions - only then it needs to be “fed” more often: add flour and water.

Now you can start baking bread. For 1 kg of rye flour you need to take the same amount of water, add a few tablespoons of starter (the amount depends on the quality of the flour) and leave overnight. In the morning, add a little wheat flour to the bubbling dough for stickiness, a little salt (no more than 2-3% of the total mass) and knead the dough.

After two hours, when the dough has risen, it can be divided into loaves. They need another half hour to rest and rise - and then they can go into the oven. Bake at 230 degrees for 40 minutes. If you turn the finished bread over and tap the bottom crust, you can hear it ringing.

For those who are especially impatient, Andrey gave a recipe instant sourdough starters– wheat. The proportions of flour and water are the same; do not touch the bowl with the mixture for two days. All is ready! Bake wheat bread for your health.

Photo by Vitaly Garkusha

Custard Lithuanian

Polskoy said that he knows 14 bread recipes. And for BelPressa he revealed the secret of his most favorite and delicious - custard Lithuanian.

“True, it’s designed for nine loaves, but I think it won’t be difficult to calculate how much of something you need for a smaller portion,” Andrey explained.

Place 14 tbsp in a bowl. spoons of malt, 7 tbsp. spoons of ground coriander, 210 g of rye flour and pour 900 g of boiling water, mix well. Wait half an hour until it cools down. Add 10 handfuls of raisins, 8 teaspoons of sugar and 7 teaspoons of salt to the mixture. Now it's time to test. Combine 1.4 liters of rye sourdough, prepared brewed mass, 1.2 liters of water, 7 tbsp. spoons of honey mixed in water, 1.2 kg of premium flour, 1.4 kg of rye, 30 g of yeast. Knead well.

We tried “Lithuanian” - the bread was very, very tasty and aromatic.

Not just bread

The hospitable table was set by students of the local school and their parents. Svetlana Logvinova treated raisin bread:

“I’ve been baking this kind of pie, or bread, for a long time. The recipe is the simplest and most inexpensive. I improved it a little: I added candied pumpkin and cottage cheese. Very useful for children."

You need to take 2 eggs, 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of kefir, a little sugar, 200 g of cottage cheese. First, beat the eggs with sugar, then mix everything and put it in the oven.

Photo by Vitaly Garkusha

Employee of the rural kindergarten "Kolosok" Galina Vorobyova shared her simple and cheap recipe.

“I call my culinary creation sours. Egg, salt, half a glass of sugar. The main ingredient is 0.5 liters of kefir or sour milk, which is almost time to throw away. There is enough flour so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Roll out the layer 1 cm thick, cut as you wish, make a cut in the middle of the figure and turn it inside out. Fry in oil. And the final touch is to sprinkle powdered sugar on top. The house is getting busy,” the hostess boasted.

Workers from a nursing home for the elderly from the village of Skorodnoye also came with their treats. Ekaterina Tkachenko spoke about her favorite pie called “Curly”, which she often treats her colleagues to.

“You know, a good housewife takes food by eye. A pack of butter or margarine, a couple of eggs, a glass of sugar, flour. Knead the dough, leave a piece to decorate the top, roll out the cake, and spread any jam on it. I like the assortment: here, for example, currants and orange. Rub the dough on top and into the oven until golden brown.”

Come again

Anatoly Bulgakov, an employee of a music school, was asked to dress up as a baker a few years ago and open the party.

“I agreed with pleasure. And so far not a single fair has passed without me,” said Alexander. - How can you live without bread? I love bread, especially rye bread. I don’t bake it myself, but if I have to, I think it will work. The main thing is to put your heart into it.”

Head of the Kladovsky House of Culture in Russian folk costume Elena Zolotykh I treated everyone to homemade pancakes.

“The products here are all natural, homemade. The dough is mixed with milk from the neighbor's cow, but not our own. And here are the eggs from my chickens. The recipe couldn't be simpler. Milk, a little soda, sugar, a couple of eggs, flour, as much as you need, mix and leave overnight. And in the morning quickly fry it in oil. Top with a huge spoonful of rich homemade sour cream. You can’t drag him by the ears,” Elena joked.

But not all housewives agreed to reveal their culinary secrets. The kindergarten workers treated me to a delicious pie baked for Village Day, but they flatly refused to give me the recipe. We joked: come and visit more often, we’ll feed you to your heart’s content.

Vladimir Babich
