Why do we need early exams? Before taking the exam


    Who can take the Unified State Exam 2018 during the main period

    The main period starts on May 28 and lasts until July 2. This period is intended primarily for those who graduate from school in 2018.

    During the main period, the following can take the Unified State Exam:

  • school graduates of 2018 (including foreign citizens)
  • students who mastered a complete secondary education program in the form of external studies, self-education or family education, and completed their studies in 2018
  • students studying in secondary vocational education (secondary vocational) and non-vocational education (primary vocational) educational institutions;
  • participants who have already graduated from school and passed the Unified State Exam, but the points scored are not sufficient for admission to universities;
  • graduates of educational institutions of foreign countries (with secondary education)

Who can take the Unified State Exam 2018 in the additional period

The third additional stage is also called “September”. In 2018, it is scheduled for September 4 and 7. During this period, those who were unable to successfully pass the mandatory Unified State Exam in Russian language and mathematics and receive a certificate of completed secondary education during the early or main period can take exams. Such participants receive educational documents only after successfully passing the test.

When to apply for the Unified State Exam?

To pass the Unified State Exam, you must submit an appropriate application, which will indicate a list of selected disciplines. Two of them - Russian language and mathematics - are mandatory. Successfully passing these subjects is necessary to receive certificates of completed higher education.

The remaining subjects must be selected depending on what specialty the graduate plans to enroll in at the university. Everyone has their own requirements for the list of disciplines for each educational program, so before making your final choice, be sure to read the relevant information - go to the university website, contact the admissions committee, visit. You must submit your application and select a discipline strictly before February 1st.

Where to apply for the Unified State Exam 2018

If you are a school graduate this year, a student of secondary vocational education and non-profit institutions, then you must submit an application to the administration of your educational institution.

If you are a graduate of previous years, a graduate of a secondary vocational education institution or non-governmental education institution, or a graduate who received education in a foreign country, then applications are accepted at the municipal authorities of your region.

The early stage of the Unified State Exam has begun. According to Rosobrnadzor, more than 40 thousand people are registered with it. During the main period, according to preliminary data, more than 720 thousand people will take part in the exams, of which 638 thousand are graduates of the current year.

Last year, 44 thousand people signed up for the early period.

Most of those who will come to the early stage are graduates of previous years. Eleventh-graders are allowed to take the Unified State Exam ahead of time if, for good reasons, they cannot get into the main wave.

Anyone who goes to take the Unified State Exam early must have mastered the entire school curriculum by this time and passed certification in all subjects. Typically, the early stage involves athletes, graduates who are leaving for international Olympiads, or students who will be undergoing treatment during the main stage.

Our task is to maintain the achieved high level of conducting the Unified State Examination, and I ask the ministers to personally supervise the early stage: to monitor the conduct of all exams in very detail and carefully,” the head of Rosobrnadzor, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Sergei Kravtsov addressed the regional ministers.

If you didn’t pass the exams on the reserve days, then you can retake Russian language and mathematics in September

Particular attention should be paid to scanning forms, video surveillance during the exam, and creating conditions for graduates with disabilities.

Those who came to the early stage will not be allowed to retake the Unified State Exam in the main wave. This can only be done next year. But mandatory exams - Russian language and mathematics - can be retaken on reserve days if the student does not achieve the minimum score.

“If it is not possible to pass the exams on the reserve days, then the compulsory Russian language and basic-level mathematics can be retaken in September,” Rosobrnadzor recalled. As a rule, the most popular elective subjects on the Unified State Exam are social studies, chosen by more than 50 percent, history (about 20 percent), biology (18 percent), physics, and foreign languages.

What's new at the Unified State Exam 2018?

Russian language: the examination paper includes a basic level task that tests knowledge of the lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 57 to 58.

Social studies: the assessment system for task 28 has been revised. The wording of task 29 has been clarified and the system for its assessment has been changed. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 62 to 64.

Literature: the requirements for completing tasks 9 and 16 have been clarified (the requirement to justify the choice of an example for comparison has been cancelled). The fourth topic of the essay has been introduced. The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (8, 9, 15, 16, 17) have been completely redesigned. The maximum score for the entire work has been increased from 42 to 57 points.

Schedule of the early period of the Unified State Exam:

  • March 21 - geography, computer science.
  • March 23 - Russian language.
  • March 26 - history, chemistry.
  • March 28 - foreign languages ​​(oral part).
  • March 30 - mathematics base and profile.
  • April 2 - foreign languages, biology, physics.
  • April 4 - social studies, literature.

Like last year, in 2017 there are two “streams” of the Unified State Exam – an early period (it takes place in mid-spring) and the main period, which traditionally starts at the end of the academic year, the last days of May. The official draft Unified State Exam schedule “specifies” all the dates for taking exams in all subjects in both of these periods - including additional reserve days provided for those who, for good reason (illness, coincidence of exam dates, etc.) were unable to pass the Unified State Exam within the specified time frame.

Schedule of early period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

In 2017, the early “wave” of the Unified State Exam will start earlier than usual. If last year the peak of the spring exam period occurred in the last week of March, then this season the spring break period will be free from the Unified State Examination.

The main dates of the early period are from March 14 to March 24. Thus, by the beginning of the spring school holidays, many “early-term students” will already have time to pass the tests. And this may turn out to be convenient: among the graduates who have the right to take the Unified State Exam in the early wave are guys who will participate in Russian or international competitions and competitions in May, and during spring break they often go to sports camps, specialized shifts in camps, etc. d. Pushing exams earlier will allow them to make the most of the exams.

Additional (reserve) days early period of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held from April 3 to April 7. At the same time, many will probably have to write exams on reserve dates: if in the last year’s schedule no more than two subjects were taken on the same day, then in 2017 most elective exams are grouped “in threes”.

Separate days are allocated only for three subjects: the Russian language exam, which is mandatory for graduates and all future applicants, as well as mathematics and the oral part of the foreign language exam. At the same time, this year “early-term” students will take the “speaking” part before the written part.

The March exams are planned to be distributed by date as follows:

  • March 14th(Tuesday) – exam in mathematics (both basic and specialized level);

  • March 16(Thursday) – chemistry, history, computer science;

  • 18th of March(Saturday) – Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(oral part of the exam);

  • 20th of March(Monday) – Russian language exam;

  • March 22(Wednesday) – biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(written exam);

  • March 24(Friday) - Unified State Examination, literature and social studies.

There is a nine-day pause between the main and reserve days of the early period. All additional tests for “reservists” will take place over three days:

  • April 3(Monday) – chemistry, literature, computer science, foreign (speaking);

  • 5th of April(Wednesday) – foreign (written), geography, physics, biology, social studies;

  • April 7(Friday) – Russian language, basic and.

As a rule, the bulk of those taking the Unified State Examination ahead of schedule are graduates of previous years, as well as graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions (in colleges and vocational lyceums, the secondary school program is usually “passed” in the first year of study). In addition, school graduates who will be absent for valid reasons during the main period of taking the Unified State Exam (for example, to participate in Russian or international competitions or to be treated in a sanatorium) or who intend to continue their education outside Russia can “shoot” the exams early.

Graduates of 2017 can also, at their own request, choose the date for taking exams in those subjects for which the program has been completed in full. This is relevant primarily for those who are planning - the school course on this subject is taught up to grade 10, and passing one of the exams early can reduce tension during the main period of the Unified State Exam.

Schedule of the main period for passing the Unified State Exam – 2017

The main period for passing the Unified State Exam in 2017 starts on May 26, and by June 16, most graduates will have completed the exam epic. For those who were unable to pass the Unified State Exam on time for a good reason or chose subjects with the same deadlines, there are reserve exam days from June 19. Like last year, the last day of the Unified State Exam period will become a “single reserve” - on June 30 it will be possible to take the exam in any subject.

At the same time, the exam schedule for the main period of the Unified State Examination 2017 is much less dense in comparison with early exams, and most graduates will probably be able to avoid “overlapping” exam dates.

Separate exam days are allocated for passing compulsory subjects: Russian language, basic and specialized level mathematics (students have the right to take either one of these exams or both at once, so they are traditionally spaced out over several days in the main period schedule).

As last year, a separate day is allocated for the most popular elective exam - social studies. And two separate days are allocated for passing the oral part of the exam in foreign languages. In addition, a separate day is allocated for the subject that is not the most popular on the Unified State Exam - geography. Perhaps this was done in order to space out all natural science subjects in the schedule, reducing the number of coincidences.

Thus, in the Unified State Exam schedule there remain two pairs and one “troika” of subjects, exams for which will be taken simultaneously:

  • chemistry, history and computer science;

  • foreign languages ​​and biology,

  • literature and physics.

The exams must take place on the following dates:

  • 26 of May(Friday) – geography,

  • May 29(Monday) – Russian language,

  • May 31(Wednesday) – history, chemistry, computer science and ICT,

  • 2 June(Friday) – specialized mathematics,

  • June 5(Monday) – social studies;

  • June 7(Wednesday) – ,

  • the 9th of June(Friday) – written foreign language, biology,

  • June 13(Tuesday) – literature, physics,

  • June 15(Thursday) and June 16(Friday) – foreign oral.

Thus, most schoolchildren will prepare for graduation “with a clear conscience”, having already passed all scheduled exams and received results in most subjects. Those who missed the main examination period, chose subjects with the same deadlines, received a “fail” in Russian or mathematics, were removed from the exam, or encountered technical or organizational difficulties while taking the Unified State Exam (for example, a lack of additional forms or a power outage), exams will be taken on reserve dates.

Reserve days will be distributed as follows:

  • June 19(Monday) – computer science, history, chemistry and geography,

  • June 20(Tuesday) – physics, literature, biology, social studies, written foreign language,

  • 21st of June(Wednesday) – Russian language,

  • 22nd of June(Thursday) – mathematics at a basic level,

  • June 28(Wednesday) – mathematics at the profile level,

  • June 29(Thursday) – oral foreign language,

  • 30 June(Friday) – all subjects.

Can there be changes to the Unified State Exam schedule?

The draft official Unified State Exam schedule is usually published at the beginning of the school year, discussed, and the final approval of the exam schedule occurs in the spring. Therefore, changes are possible in the Unified State Exam schedule for 2017.

However, for example, in 2016, the project was approved without any changes and the actual exam dates completely coincided with those announced in advance - both in the early and in the main wave. So the chances that the 2017 schedule will also be adopted without changes are quite high.

In total, 44 thousand people will take part in it, two of whom are graduates of this year. Online cameras have been installed in all classrooms where exams will be held. Also in 2017, KIMs will be printed immediately at the delivery point, and the children’s answers will be scanned there as well.

We learned from those who took the Unified State Exam today how the exam went, what caused the difficulties and whether we should worry about the security guards.

Ekaterina, Moscow. I took computer science.

I took it early because geography and computer science are taught on the same day during the main period, and I take both subjects. But only geography is a priority for admission. Therefore, I decided to take it early, so as not to take it on reserve days.

The overall impression is good. In general, not many people rented out; we had to go to the other end of the city, which is not very convenient. In many classrooms there was only one test taker.

The atmosphere is calm, the guards at the security guard are pleasant, the guards are humorous. There were no frames, I don’t know for sure about the jammers - I prudently handed over my things to the escort, they checked me, let me in and escorted me out. There were two cameras in the classroom, aimed at different angles of the class.

The tasks were, in my opinion, not so much difficult as non-standard. During my preparation, I came across only a few options of this type. The first part was upsetting, because there were non-standard tasks (1, 2, 9, 10, 16). The second part, it seemed to me, was much easier than the training CMMs (the task of finding an error in a program can be done by anyone who is familiar with any program writing language). And all tasks involving programming elements were easier than usual (8, 11, 20, 21)

In general, if you spend enough time preparing, you can score high. The key in preparation is to solve tasks of different types, so that later in the exam you are not surprised by the unusual wording of the task.

Angelina, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. I took geography.

The tasks are not much different from the demo version. There were a lot of questions about the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and industry in different parts of the world.

As for control: cameras, jammers and observers - it all happened. I was very nervous. But I got a good guard. When I went out to drink and eat chocolate, he talked to me and even encouraged me.

8 people rented with me. Everyone was worried, but we had good organizers: they told us everything and didn’t escalate the situation.

Gennady, Mirny. I took computer science.

We were told that no new tasks have been added to the early wave for several years, and, apparently, there is no reason not to believe this. There was nothing completely new. If you know the topic, then you will only need to understand what they want from you, and you will not have to take new actions. One had a slightly different wording, but the task itself was absolutely the same as always.

The situation during the exam was very quiet, because only four people came for computer science, and two more for geography. We didn’t have any frames, we just checked with a metal detector and that’s it. I didn’t see much police, only security belonging to the school where the exam was taking place.

Konstantin, Khimki. I took computer science.

The assignments were not very different from the KIMs for which I trained. Most problems can be solved logically, only a few tasks actually required knowledge.

The atmosphere at the Unified State Examination is normal, the teachers are friendly, smiling and joking. At the entrance to the school they immediately explained everything and told us where to go. From the control I saw only two security guards who, at the entrance to the examination rooms, simply checked for the presence of telephones with a device. There were no borders or police cordons. Throughout the entire exam, there were only two organizers in the room; observers walked exclusively in the corridor, sometimes looking into the audience through an open door.

There weren’t many people, as I saw: the exam took place in 6 rooms, about 15 people in each. The overall impression is pleasant, despite the severity and excessive bureaucracy, the process itself and the organizers’ attitude towards it are at a high level.

Evgenia, Bryansk. I took computer science.

Firstly, the practice options that many sites provide are not much different from what students will encounter on the exam itself. The tasks are similar in type. The only difference is that they will be complicated by additional conditions, for example, not “find the value of the expression” but “find the value of the expression in the base 10 number system and convert to the base 5 number system.” Rough but clear. And so - almost nothing new.

The situation at the Unified State Examination was tense. Everyone was worried. Someone even accidentally tore the envelope out of excitement. The organizers did not try to defuse the situation. Despite the fact that we were all adults there, reading the rules for schoolchildren that “this is one of the difficult tests that awaits you in life” is frankly ridiculous. And so they tried very hard to be attentive to us so that we would not make mistakes.

There were no police, at least where I checked in. Frames too. They checked it with a metal detector and that's it. We joked, laughed and sent it in. The cameras are annoying, it turned out that you can’t even put a bracelet or rings on the table - an immediate remark. You can’t take off your shirt if it’s hot, you can’t take anything except your passport and a pen.

Today 9 people took the test, the rest were not allowed in - there were 15 on the list, but they were late and lost the chance to pass this year. I will say one thing - the Unified State Exam is beyond the school curriculum. You wouldn’t wish this on graduates if an adult programmer like me was struggling to rack his brains over all this.

Ruslan, Sevastopol. Head of the “Corps of Public Observers”

The first day of monitoring showed that the guys were ready to take the exam without the help of cheat sheets, phones, etc., the exam went as usual. At the entrance to the auditorium, test takers are greeted by a metal detector and checked by police officers.

Our role, as public observers, is to make the Unified State Exam procedure as objective and transparent as possible. We also make sure that the employees of the Unified State Exam Reception Point treat the students honestly and transparently: for example, so that they do not fail the exam and do their job as expected. Members of the corps actively work with schoolchildren, we convey to them the importance and necessity of our work.

“Since the Regional Educational Institution of the City of N and the regional Ministry of Education (at the place of registration and residence) do not give me the necessary answer, I ask you to consider my situation at a higher institution - the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The fact is that I graduated from the Gymnasium in 2012 (as an external student), passed the Unified State Exam, entered a university, studied there with honors, but this year I dropped out of my own free will because I decided to enter a medical university. To do this, of course, I need to pass the Unified State Exam 2014 (in the subjects: Russian language, chemistry, biology). The problem is that at the end of May - June 2014. I am planning a vital medical operation with an approximate rehabilitation period of 2-4 weeks, and this is exactly the period of passing the Unified State Exam. I know that it is possible to take exams ahead of schedule, approximately in April, but in the RONO of the mountains. N and the regional Ministry of Education refuse me this request, because... I'm not a graduate this year. I ask you to allow me to take the Unified State Exam early, and also to inform me where I should submit documents and within what time frame.”

Official response from Rosobrnadzor:

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification (hereinafter referred to as the State Final Attestation) for educational programs of secondary general education, the State Examination in compulsory academic subjects (Russian language and mathematics) begins no earlier than May 25 of the current year, for other academic subjects - no earlier than April 20 of the current year.

According to the Procedure for students, graduates of previous years, sent for medical reasons to treatment and preventive medical organizations for carrying out treatment, recreational and rehabilitation measures during the period of State Examination, upon presentation of a referral issued by a treatment and preventive medical organization, State Examiner's Office for compulsory educational subjects by decision Chairman of the State Examination Committee is carried out ahead of schedule, but not earlier than April 20.

In other words, if for medical reasons you are unable to participate in the main period of the Unified State Exam, you have every right to take the Unified State Exam ahead of schedule, but only upon presentation of a medical referral.

To participate in the Unified State Exam, you must submit, before March 1, to the places of registration for the Unified State Exam, an application indicating the list of academic subjects in which you plan to take exams this year. Also, when submitting an application, you must present the original document of education.

The places of registration for taking the Unified State Exam are determined by the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A list of these places should be posted on the official websites of regional education authorities.

In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that according to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, admission to universities for undergraduate and specialist programs in 2014 is allowed based on the results of the Unified State Examination in 2012, confirmed by a certificate of Unified State Examination results issued in 2012 and valid until the end of the 2016.
