The name Clementius means a name for a child. The meaning of the name Clementy: interpretation, origin and mystery


The name Clement is of ancient Roman origin. It comes from the Roman family name or nickname "clement", which translates as "merciful" or "humane". The most interesting thing is that in modern times this name is pronounced both with the emphasis on the first syllable and on the second, and both options are considered correct.

The male name Clement is not often found today even in its homeland, although during the existence of the USSR and until the very end of the twentieth century it was popular in Russia. According to etymologists, his noble origin gives him the strongest energy, which in turn can influence the fate, character, and entire future of the guy named by this name.

Popularity: The names Klim and Clement together occupy 73rd position in the ranking of male Russian names. The very same name Clement occurs in approximately 2-5 boys out of 1 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Klimka, Klimukha, Klim

Modern English analogues: Clement, Clementius

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Clement, thanks to its noble roots, can promise all men named by this name many good qualities and at the same time an extremely complex nature. Energy, activity, purposefulness, efficiency, mobility, assertiveness and perseverance, sociability and friendliness, goodwill and dryness in calculations - all this is just the beginning of the list of qualities that the meaning of the nominal form Clement can promise to the bearer.

But at the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that each individual case must be considered separately, because much, in particular in character, depends not only on the characteristics and significance of the name, but also on a bunch of various other factors, including astrological symbols with their energy, education, and much more.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of the name Clement lies in their determination, thanks to which they achieve all their goals in life. These are very assertive, stubborn and stubborn men for the most part.

Clement has a bad attitude towards people who do not respect other people's opinions and impose their points of view on everyone. And bearers of this male name do not like leaders who try to dominate weak and less stable people.

The name Klim is considered a short form of the name Clement, but at the same time it is now also an independent male name in the modern name book.

Character of the name Clement

The nature of the name Clement is such that it promises the bearer a very difficult and constantly changing nature. The bearer of this nominal form has a complex, unpredictable, but at the same time very correct character. For example, correctness is expressed in the fact that Clement’s character will never allow him to betray or deceive a friend, comrade, or simply a loved one. In the same way, his character will not allow him to take advantage of someone else’s weakness in order to achieve his own goal, will not allow him to show selfishness, or offend someone without any particular reason. And the character of all Clements, without exception, presupposes the presence of such qualities as determination, honesty, charm, eloquence and sociability. In other words, Clement is always a correct, loyal, reliable and friendly person.

Among other things, the character of this little name also promises many other good characteristics. For example, among them it would be worth highlighting optimism, positivity, a cheerful disposition, adoration of adventure, and a thirst for new experiences. True, this is all just a theory. So, in this case, such a character can belong to both a merry fellow and an extremely serious man - it is almost impossible to predict exactly what this or that boy named after Clement will be like.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy to whom his parents decided to give the rare male name Clement may exhibit such traits as friendliness, honesty, and kindness. Sociability, friendliness, responsiveness, openness, friendliness, cheerfulness, optimism, positivity and charm. Usually, the meaning endows those named by the Clement form with a unique nature, a friendly character, and the traits of a person who cannot live a minute without communication. This boy may have an incredibly large number of friends, and he will do his best to constantly replenish their list with new and new acquaintances. Plus, such a boy has an exorbitant desire to constantly be in the attention of those around him, which is why he can sometimes behave too provocatively, sometimes even aggressively. Emotional, quick-tempered, charming, able to adapt to the environment and atmosphere in society - such a person will feel confident everywhere.

Quarrels may arise with parents, but the main reason will always be the inability of the boy Clement to accept refusals from his mother and father. If he asks or demands something, he must receive it - if refused, hysteria, resentment, and even aggressiveness may follow. Mother and father should pay special attention to this moment. If they fail to re-educate this trait in him, then in the future everything can only get worse. The meaning can endow a boy named in this way with an amazing nature and creative potential, excellent imagination, but parents must develop and stimulate everything in him.


With age, Clement should become more reasonable. The meaning can bestow a teenage boy who has received the name form Clement with unique features, organizational gifts, the makings of a leader, creative nature, excellent imagination and amazing imagination. He will certainly be dominated by such traits as restlessness, activity, energy, unpredictability and inconstancy, the desire to constantly move forward, determination and hard work, and perseverance. But in addition to all of the above, the boy Clement may also exhibit shortcomings, among which may be dominated by such as an unwillingness to live by general rules, instability, optionality, lack of performance, unreliability, uncompromisingness and adherence to principles. Moreover, the latter manifests itself in everything without exception - even in a quarrel, being wrong, he fundamentally never admits his guilt, not because he wants to seem right, but because his principle is such as never to do what is expected of him. The meaning may give him sociability and communication skills, eloquence, but these traits will not help him in communicating with friends. In this regard, there will probably be an eternal turnover - the boy Clement may have many friends, but they are all temporary and will change endlessly.

And the energy of this name promises the bearers many problems in terms of academic performance in an educational institution. But the reason is not stupidity or unwillingness to learn, but restlessness, restlessness, which the meaning and energy of the name Clement promises, and which simply will not allow him to normally do what children should do at school - study.

Grown man

An adult man who has received the name Clement can be endowed with even more good qualities by its meaning. But the main ones among them are those related to leadership inclinations. Clement can be an excellent worker, he can become more reasonable and systematic, prudent and reliable, obliging and even dutiful. He can make an excellent boss or manager, a true leader. But there is one huge “but” - the meaning endows all Clements with shyness and even naivety, plus, such people have difficulty understanding people and try not to notice flaws in anyone. And in addition to all of the above, Clements easily succumb to any outside influence - this can lead to the fact that friends and comrades will have a very negative influence on this man.

But Clement is active and energetic, the meaning and energy of this name can turn him into an activist who simply cannot be stopped. Purposeful, persistent, always achieves his goals, even despite the obstacles that arise along the way, easily makes new acquaintances and is able to make friends even with those he does not like, knows how to adapt to any situations and atmospheres in society, and has a very flexible nature.

And despite the fact that the meaning of this name does not give the ability to understand people, over time Clement can still learn this. Then everything will start to work out much better for him. In addition, this is a person who never stops at what he has achieved, and this, whatever one may say, will sooner or later bring its benefits.

Interaction of Clement's character with the seasons

Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the spring season, and named Clement, is usually rewarded by spring with impulsiveness, irascibility, unpredictability, charm and an excellent sense of humor. In many ways, this is an overly unpredictable person, eager to attract as much attention to his person as possible.

Summer - a summer guy may turn out to be childish and a little irresponsible, but on the other hand, he is a strong and impetuous man who easily achieves everything he wants. Self-centered, narcissistic, independent, always acting only as he sees fit. Such a person often conflicts with his environment, not everyone loves him, but he is faithful to his principles, which is rare.

Autumn is already a kind and sympathetic boy, with an excellent character, an ideal sense of humor and a cheerful disposition. Soft and generous, open-minded, a little naive, trusting, has no leadership abilities, but is accepted by any society. Sentimental and romantic, he can make any woman fall in love with him with his charm. Fickle, in no hurry to get married and start a family.

Winter - a guy born in one of the three winter months, named Clement, is a dreamer and romantic, diplomatic, practical, judicious, eloquent, open and sincere. It's easy to get along with someone like that, easy to make friends with. But you shouldn’t rely on him in important matters - his problem is that he doesn’t know how to overcome obstacles and easily gives up if he sees that something isn’t working out for him.

The fate of the name Clement

The fate of the name Clement in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage, is in fact almost the most unpredictable factor of all concerning men named by this name. And yet, we still learned something about how Clement’s fate should develop in his personal life. So, according to researchers, Clement is promised a very turbulent personal life in adolescence.

There is an opinion that as a teenager, Clement must be popular with representatives of the opposite sex - such is his fate. The reason is simple and lies in the eloquence promised to all Clements, as well as charm, communication skills, sociability, optimism, playfulness and unpredictability. But this only applies to a teenager - everything can change in the future, although again, fate is unpredictable.

According to the main version, fate may imply the eventual development of the guy named by this name into a reasonable, prudent, responsible and constant person. And besides, most Clements have a truly responsible attitude towards marriage. Fate may ultimately turn the bearer of this name form into an excellent husband, an excellent father, and a truly reliable protector. In other words, in the end, fate may make him a real role model.

Love and marriage

Clement is, as a rule, a successful and very attractive man who can attract the attention of a huge number of ladies. In his early youth, he is able to use his attractive appearance and charisma, give in to fleeting feelings and short-term romances. However, over time, his attitude towards women and the concept of love becomes more serious and responsible. Clement's prudence forces him to come to grips with the search for his future wife to build a strong and reliable family.

Clement puts forward extremely high demands on his future wife. A thrifty, meek and kind wife would suit him, relying in everything on his authoritative opinion. He does not know how to speak beautifully, but he skillfully shows the strength of his feelings through his actions. In addition, Clement is a rather demanding husband, but he always shows enough care and affection towards his wife.

He is a real family man, devoted and faithful, with all his principles he can become just an ideal husband. Clement respects his wife, appreciates and loves her, caring for her well-being and happiness. The most important thing in a relationship for him is honesty and marital fidelity. For betrayal, Klim will never forgive his wife, and will immediately break off any relationship with her.

Clement as Father

Clement is not like the frivolous and flighty men who believe that children are a burden of responsibilities. For him, children are the flowers of life, as well as the main goal of creating a family as a whole. The birth of children changes his character quite a lot, making him more patient and gentle.

He simply adores children and can even relive his childhood a little, plunging into interesting and educational games with children. He can be both an affectionate and demanding father in relation to his children during the educational process. It instills in children a love and desire for learning, as well as the main qualities of highly moral people: honesty, mutual assistance, hard work, independence and education.

Clement takes sports very seriously and tries to convey the importance of playing sports for strengthening their health and development in general. In addition, he is a fan of pets, so children can safely have pets, counting on their father's support. In general, the loving wife is still more involved in raising and educating the children in his family.

Horoscope named after Clement


Aries - a boy born under the auspices of the sign of Aries, the name Clement can reward such traits as impulsiveness, hot temper, receptivity, emotionality and integrity. This man has his own opinion and views on everything, and nothing else can be imposed on him.


Taurus is stubborn and willful, self-sufficient and independent, does not like when someone tries to impose their opinion on him, hates people who dominate everyone, does not get along with leaders. His independence does not allow him to resort to anyone’s help in business; he does everything himself.


Gemini is already a charming and very vulnerable romantic who loves to be the center of attention and wants to be a welcome guest everywhere. Practical and simple, but very optional and unreliable. It is better not to trust such a person with important matters. Never finishes what he starts, gives up quickly.


Cancer is childish, irresponsible, unreliable, ineffective, lazy, shy and indecisive, has difficulty coping with his responsibilities and is always looking for easy ways to solve problems. It’s better not to rely on someone like that for anything, and you shouldn’t trust him, he’s too selfish.

a lion

Leo is a boy born under the auspices of this zodiac sign, and also named Clement, he is an egoist, narcissistic and independent, thinking only about himself and his own benefit. Prudent and reasonable, systematic, does not allow mistakes and misconduct, obligatory.


Virgo - endowed with an analytical mind and developed intuition, knows how to position himself correctly in society, an adventurer at heart, but wants to appear serious and stable. It is important to him what people think about him; for the sake of a good opinion of himself, he is ready to even resort to deception or self-interest.


Libra is attentive and kind, good-natured, generous, responsive and open, does not understand people, trusts everyone, which is why he often suffers in the end. This person needs to learn to see the truth in people, and not idealize them. A brave, assertive, decisive woman leader will suit him as his wife.


Scorpio - and those born under the sign of Scorpio are completely complex by nature. He has an extremely complex character, rarely gets along with people, is incapable of giving in and showing gentleness. Everyone always quarrels with someone like this, even over small things. He doesn’t know how to remain silent - he’s too straightforward.


Sagittarius is gentle and kind, sentimental, romantic, a little shy, but he is a good person and will never do anything bad towards another person, even a stranger. He hates loneliness and most of all he is afraid of being unwanted by anyone, he is dependent on communication.


Capricorn is straightforward and open, always speaks only the truth, and does not know how to hide anything from friends and family. He does not recognize falsehood and lies, prefers to keep reliable, honest people around him. He achieves everything on his own and never asks for help from others.


Aquarius is a born diplomat, eloquent, honest, sociable, charming, gentle when necessary. Can find an approach to any person, easily adapts to any situation. A careerist by nature, he loves to be in the attention of others, dreams of power and wealth.


Pisces - and Clement, born under the auspices of this sign. He is a dreamer and romantic, irresponsible and indecisive, but good-natured and respectable, wanting to help everyone around him. He easily shares his secrets and experiences with others and is open.

Compatibility with female names

According to researchers and astrologers, Clement’s maximum strength of feelings, love and devotion can be achieved by creating a couple with women named such as Anastasia, Varvara, or Dora. There is complete compatibility of characters, as well. Great chances of creating a truly strong couple.

With people like Agatha, Tatyana or Galina, Clement also has compatibility, but not the same as in the cases described above. A marriage with one of these women may turn out to be strong and durable, but the relationship itself cannot be called successful. There may be a minimum of passion, love and trust, but there is a lot of jealousy.

But with Antonina or Taisiya, it’s better for Clement not to even try to build a relationship, because here we are initially talking about the complete incompatibility of names, characters, and destinies. However, all this is just a theory, which in the end may not be confirmed.

The meaning of the name Klim

From Clement. “Merciful” (Greek) In childhood, these are calm boys; their parents have no grief with them. They are kind and inquisitive; when they grow up, they remain the same. They do not strive to be leaders. Studying at school is not good, things are better with mathematics. They are honest to the point of scrupulousness: little Klim will bring change from the store to the penny. In adult Klims, the character hardly changes, except that they become more calculating. “Winter” are stubborn, love to argue and prove their point. But the “summer” ones are calm and kind, they feel sorry for people and make concessions to them; Moreover, they are dreamers and dreamers. The latter quality, however, does not prevent them from completing what they start. “Autumn” are calculating and quick-tempered, they do not know how to adapt to circumstances and people. They willingly receive guests, but they don’t really like to visit. The main feature of almost all Klims is patience. The Klims are monogamous and jealous. They don’t marry for a long time, but once married, they become good husbands and fathers.

Name day: NAME DAY: January 17 (4) - Apostle Clement. February 5 (January 23) - Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra. February 8 (January 26) - Venerable Clement the Stylite. February 12 (January 30) - Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome (discovery of relics). March 8 (February 23) - Martyr Clement. May 5 (April 22) - Apostle Clement. May 13 (April 30) - St. Clement the hymn-writer. May 17 (4) - Venerable Clement Alfanov (Sokolnitsky) of Novgorod (Russian) (transfer of relics). June 30 (17) - Rev. Clement Alfanov (Sokolnitsky) of Novgorod (Russian). August 9 (July 27) - Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement, Bishop of Ohrid (Bulgarian). September 23 (10) - Apostle Clement. December 8 (November 25) - Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome.

Numerology of the name Klim

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 1

Body number: 3


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Klim as a phrase

To Kako
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Klim

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.

We have special associations with each name, because the combination of letters in it carries a certain energy. For example, in the name Klim one feels sharpness, firmness and at the same time melodiousness. It is very ambiguous.

What does the name Klim mean for a boy? This question interests many future parents who have not decided what to name their baby. Well, let's try to explore all the intricacies of this name and touch on the historical issue.

Some are wondering what the future holds for its owners. Today the male name Klim is very rare, although in the last century it was quite popular. Onomast scientists are confident that its noble origin gives it the strongest energy that influences the fate and character of the wearer.

Origin of the name Klim

Etymologists and astrologers believe that the energy of a name is influenced by its roots. The case of Klim is no exception. Experts have named several variants of its occurrence.

The main version is the emergence from ancient Roman culture, where there was a male form of the name Clement. Many other names were taken from there. The ancient Roman version sounded like Clement and meant “soft,” “humane,” “merciful.” Translated from ancient Greek, it means “grapevine”.

Europeans also used this name, but they pronounced it differently in different cultures and languages. In Europe, the norm was to emphasize the second syllable, and in countries with Russian language - on the first. Soon a shorter version appeared in Russian culture - Klim instead of Kliment. Soon the female pronunciation came from him - Clementine.

The name Clement can be found in the church calendar and in the Catholic name book. Catholics and Orthodox people revere St. Clement the Apostle, who was once the Pope. Catholics revere Saint Clement as the patron saint of sailors and masons. The Orthodox and Catholic calendars make it possible to celebrate Clement’s name day.

This name is very rare abroad; each culture has its own unique form of pronunciation. Russians and Russian-speaking peoples use the form Kliment, Klim; French - Clément; Portuguese - Clemente; Poles and Romanians - Clement; Scots - Cliamin. Ukrainians and Belarusians use the Klim derivative. The reason is the truncation of the last syllable.

Mystery of the name

Clementius and Clement are considered synonymous nominal forms. Short forms are Klimukha, Klimka, Klim. Noble roots promise its bearers good spiritual qualities, but a very complex nature. Its owners are energetic, purposeful, effective, agile, assertive, persistent, sociable, and friendly.

The appropriate zodiac sign for this rare nominal form is Sagittarius. The man is ruled by Mars. Purple is a lucky color. Chrysolite is selected from the stones as a talisman. Favorable plants are gladiolus and maple. Of the animals, his patron is the falcon. Wednesday is considered a lucky day, and autumn is considered a good time of year. Of all the character traits, assertiveness and impetuosity stand out the most. Klim's name day is celebrated on December 8, the day of veneration of St. Clement of Rome, and February 5, the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyr Clement of Ancyra, who was once beheaded for the Christian faith. People say that winter usually begins on St. Clement's Day (December 8).

What does the name Klim mean for a boy?

In early childhood, he is a friendly, honest, kind boy. The characteristics of the name Klim include such traits as positivity, optimism, and cheerfulness.

Klimushka is growing up sociable, friendly, responsive, open, friendly, and obliging. This little boy is used to communicating; his circle of friends and new acquaintances is constantly expanding. The boy loves the attention of others, so sometimes he behaves defiantly and shows aggression. Emotionality and hot temper do not prevent him from being a charming boy and confidently behaving among his peers.

Little Klimushka sometimes painfully accepts his parents’ refusals, which causes small squabbles. If he does not get what he demands, then this is accompanied by hysteria, resentment and aggressiveness. Parents should pay special attention to this point. In order not to aggravate the situation, this trait in the child must be eradicated.

The meaning of the name Klim for a boy endows the child with excellent imagination and amazing nature. Parents only need to develop his creative potential and stimulate him in every possible way.

Klim's character as a teenager

Teenager Klim is already distinguished by his prudence. The characterization of the name Klim should be continued with its unique features. The young man has an excellent organizational gift and the makings of a leader. Thanks to his creative nature, excellent imagination and amazing imagination, the young man is constantly moving forward. He is purposeful, persistent, persistent and hardworking.

What are the shortcomings of teenage Klim? He shows independence early and does not want to live by someone else's rules. His youthful character can be endowed with optionality, instability, unreliability, uncompromisingness, and integrity. Even if he is wrong, Klim will not take the blame upon himself. The young man has many friends, but they are fickle. The bearer of the name is very energetic, so sometimes he does poorly in school. He does not want to study, he is very restless and restless.

Adult personality

Adult Klim has many good qualities. The main ones are leadership abilities. He is a reasonable and patient worker, prudent, reliable, committed and efficient employee. Among his disadvantages, shyness and naivety stand out; he has a poor understanding of people and does not notice the shortcomings of others. Klim can be easily influenced, which sometimes puts him in unpleasant situations.

The purposefulness and perseverance of the owner of the name allows him to become an energetic figure. He overcomes any obstacles and achieves the desired goals. Klim is so sociable that sometimes he even makes friends among people he doesn’t like. A man easily adapts to any situation and atmosphere in society. He has a very flexible nature. Not being able to understand people, over time he learns how to do this, and his affairs improve. Klim never stops at what he has achieved, and this benefits him.

The fate of the bearer of the name

The fate of the name Klim rarely depends on the circumstances of childhood. This name has its own power, so even if his childhood years were spent in the company of a drinking father, Klim will not become an alcoholic. Luck loves the owner of the name, fate favors him. Even if sometimes luck deserts him, a man patiently waits for the right moment. He is the sculptor of his own destiny and himself.

Klim creates a strong family, becomes a caring and loving spouse, father, son. He shows love and care for his children, especially girls. This affectionate father can sometimes be demanding. He loves his wife very much, remains faithful to her and panics if a woman who sympathizes with him appears on the horizon. He can’t imagine how he can have a relationship with his wife and mistress. True, sometimes the wife has to endure his temper and jealousy.

Klim manages to combine prudence and gullibility. The man is too open, so he often finds himself in unpleasant situations from which he has difficulty getting out. At home, the owner of the name is often pedantic, puts everything in its place and does not like creative disorder. He doesn’t understand that being a hostage to everyday life is not worth it. The man is not endowed with a deep mind, but he has insight. Klim is stingy with emotions: he never worries deeply, does not get upset and does not allow suffering to come to him.

Klim in business and profession

Responsible Klim is entrusted with the most serious work. The characteristics of the name Klim indicate that his punctuality and pedantry help to complete assigned tasks. A man climbs his career ladder according to his mood: according to plan, with a delicate approach, with assertiveness. He rises to high ranks slowly.

What professions are suitable for someone named Klim? His character suggests that it is best for Klim to become an agronomist, engineer, or livestock specialist. He makes a good athlete, but lacks assertiveness.

Relationships with women

Teenager Klim is already quite popular among girls. He easily starts small romances, but then everything changes. The adult carrier shows prudence and responsibility, he is serious about marriage. Being loyal, he also demands loyalty from others. Girls sometimes cannot adapt to his standards and wishes.

Compatibility with female names

For marriage, Klim needs a girl who can forgive him for his temper, jealousy, and increased love for order. A successful marriage will be when a man takes a long time to choose a companion.

Girls with rare names are most suitable for the bearer of this nominal form. He will be able to build a strong marriage with Anfisa, Lydia, Ada, Glafira, Lada, Nina, Leah, Mlada. Relations with Natalya are developing quite well. You need to be careful about alliances with girls named Bronislava, Varvara, Anna, Valentina, Margarita, Daria, Larisa.

Influence on the character of the seasons

Vesny Klim is quite hot-tempered, impulsive, unpredictable, charming, and has an excellent sense of humor. This person is too unpredictable in his desire to attract attention.

The summer guy is a little childish, irresponsible, but sometimes shows a strong nature. He acts only as he decides. He doesn’t like visiting at all; he invites friends and acquaintances to his home.

Born in autumn, Klim has a great sense of humor and a cheerful character. He can attract any beauty to himself - his extraordinary charm helps him.

Winter Klim is dreamy, romantic, and easy to make friends with. It is impossible to rely on him at a crucial moment; he quickly retreats in the face of upcoming difficulties.

Famous Name Holders

Among the famous carriers of the nominal form Klim, the following people are worth highlighting:

  • biologist, naturalist Kliment Timiryazev;
  • Marshal, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Klim Voroshilov;
  • Soviet artist Kliment Redko;
  • Soviet diplomat Kliment Levychkin;
  • Ukrainian musicologist-folklorist Kliment Kvitka.

Some writers used the name Klim in their works. Gorky famous Klim Samgin, Bulgakov - Klim Chugunkin.

Every name we encounter in life makes a certain impression on us, and all because a special combination of letters gives the name a certain energy. For example, the name Klim is sharp, firm and at the same time melodious.

So, the character of such a man is distinguished by firmness, purposefulness and some recklessness, as evidenced by the sound of his name. We will try to examine in detail all the subtleties and meaning of the name Klim or Clementy in today’s article.

When exploring the meaning of a name, one cannot bypass the historical issue, because it is important to understand what its origin is and in which countries it originates. If you look at history, you can find out that this name is of Roman origin and is translated from Latin as “soft”, “kind-hearted”.

This name came to Russia a long time ago and was very popular. Thanks to some passion-bearers, the name Klim became Orthodox, and therefore, it can be given to a child at baptism.

Personality Features

The character of any person is formed in childhood, and its formation is largely influenced by the name. So, if you decide to choose the name Klim for your child, then you will have an inquisitive child who will be interested in literally everything.

It is important for Klim’s parents to keep an eye on him, because this child has a reduced sense of fear, but Klim’s curiosity will only grow over the years. Therefore, it is better to answer any questions this boy has in as much detail as possible, otherwise he will look for answers to them on his own.

Clementy is a quiet boy, his social circle is very small, and only his best friends are there. This boy does not have strong leadership qualities, so more often than not he tends to follow the leader of the group.

Klim studies well, he is distinguished by perseverance, curiosity and excellent memory. Moreover, he is able to maintain attention on the issue being studied for a long time, which makes him a successful student.

In adolescence, Klim’s character changes somewhat; now he is characterized by mood swings and some impulsiveness and temper. At the same time, most of the time he maintains external calm and even detachment.

Klim's curiosity becomes less obvious, although he remains interested in studying. He enjoys studying the exact sciences, and is also interested in everything that requires imagination and spatial perception, which is well developed in him.

Being a man, Klim becomes more sociable and open. He gains flexibility in behavior, becomes “his guy” in any company and with any people. Sometimes he does what first comes to his mind, without caring about the consequences. And when the consequences make themselves felt, he can worry about what he did for a long time.

Sometimes he can take on more than he is ready to carry, which means that he is not always able to calculate his strength. But at the same time, if Clementy sets himself an adequate goal, then he is able to easily achieve what he wants.

Also, when exploring the meaning of the name Klim, it is important to study not only his character, but also other personal characteristics that influence his behavior. Thus, Clementy has high morality and tries to comply with generally accepted moral standards in everything.

This man is in excellent health and has every chance of becoming a professional athlete. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is Klima’s psychological health, because excessive emotionality and sensitivity can play a cruel joke on him.

This man’s mind is sharp and insightful, he knows a lot and always skillfully applies his knowledge in practice. Throughout his life, he is able to easily assimilate new information. Klim is not inclined to listen to his “sixth sense”, since he relies mainly on his mind.

Clementy is a good organizer, so he should choose a profession in this area. He is easily able to establish contact with a client, please him and charm him, which makes him a successful manager. Klim has all the makings to become a businessman; he is enterprising and ready to take risks. The only thing that can negatively affect his business is inability to handle money and excessive spending.

Love affairs

To understand what fate awaits men with such a wonderful name, you need to turn to a detailed study of their behavior in relationships, as well as in marriage and family. Clementy is a true gentleman, he treats all women with respect and respect. Naturally, he pays attention only to worthy women who can rightfully be called ladies.

Klim will be a wonderful husband, since he chooses his life partner for a long time and in detail. For him, it is paramount to see next to him not just a woman, but the mistress of his house. What is important to him in a woman is neatness, thriftiness, and the ability to be meek and obedient.

He may deliberately not propose marriage to his chosen one in order to get to know her better. Klim is a man ready to take responsibility, so if he understands that he cannot provide for his family financially, he will not start a serious relationship. Also, he will never choose as his wife a woman who loves luxury and does not know how to be thrifty.

Klim is a very demanding man, but if his wife is meek and obedient, then she will easily cope with all his demands, and in many ways this is what can give the spouses complete mutual understanding. Klim loves children, cares about them, but can also be strict, especially when it comes to studying.

A good marriage is possible with women who bear the following names - Lada, Nina, Anfisa, Glafira. Difficulties may arise with Anya and Dasha.

It is important to pay attention to other useful information:

  • Name days, according to Wikipedia, Klim celebrates February 5 and December 8.
  • Forms of the name are Klimka, Klimushka, Kliment.
  • A stone that can become a talisman is chrysolite.
  • The totem animal is a falcon.
  • The patron tree is maple.

If you know what a person’s name means, you can always easily determine who is in front of you. After all, the name contains a lot of information about the character, abilities, inclinations and capabilities of a person. Author: Daria Potykan

The mystery of the name

Klim, Clementy, Clement- merciful (Latin) - vine (ancient Greek).
The name is rare.
Zodiac name: Sagittarius.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: peridot.
Auspicious plant: maple, gladiolus.
Patron name: falcon.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: swiftness, assertiveness.


Clement, holy martyr, December 8 (November 25).
Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, holy martyr, February 5 (January 23), suffered torment for 28 years for the faith of Christ and was beheaded during a service in 312.



As a child, Klimka is a calm boy, kind and inquisitive. His studies at school are not good, but the child is smart, so he is good at mathematics. He loves the company of guys, but does not strive to become a leader.

Young Klim is trying to find himself in various areas of life. He is overcome by anxiety, he becomes impetuous, hot-tempered and unrestrained. He exhibits a lively temperament and ardor. He is stubborn, likes to argue, and unhurried. However, he doesn’t know how to talk much; Klim is a man of action.

Klim is a successful athlete, then a very good coach. He can become an engineer, agronomist, or livestock breeder. He has loved animals since childhood, constantly playing with fish, turtles, and hamsters. He is a naive and trusting person, does not experience deep feelings, and does not particularly worry. However, if necessary, he acts quickly and assertively, does not give up what he starts, and brings any task to the final result.

At home, Klim is kind, respects women, and thanks to his marriage, he avoids many troubles. Klim is a monogamous and jealous person, a good son, father, son-in-law. He has many friends, he willingly receives them at home, and it is difficult and rare for him to go on a visit. Klim is susceptible to alcohol, then he is uncontrollable, but this only happens in cases where he was brought up in a family where his father drank excessively. Klim is sure that he is irreplaceable, his loved ones support him in this opinion. This helps him to be active in the work team. The most successful marriages of Klim are with Angela, Vera, Galina, Kira, Ksenia, Natalya, Nina, Sofia.

Surname: Klimovich, Klimentievich, Klimovna, Klimentievna.


Clement (late 1st century) - one of the first popes and the first of the apostolic fathers, that is, who had personal contact with the apostles themselves. Because of his refusal to renounce his faith, he was sentenced by Emperor Trojan to work in marble quarries, working in unbearable conditions, without fresh water. Clement quenched the thirst of the people by striking a rock in which a spring opened. The Lamb sent by the Lord led him to this place. From then on, people from all over the world flocked to the new preacher of the faith of Christ. Then Clement's persecutors tied an Anchor around his neck and pushed him into the sea. The waters receded and exposed the temple, inside of which was the body of Clement.

The miracle of the waters receding was repeated every year, and pilgrims came to this place. According to legend, the woman who left her baby here returned a year later and found him sitting in the temple. These subjects were often depicted in their paintings by artists of the early Italian Renaissance.
