Fortune telling on coins: basic methods and interpretations. Fortune telling on coins according to the book of changes Ancient fortune telling on 15 coins

Fortune telling on coins has been known since ancient times. It was described by the Chinese in the Book of Changes even before our era. To find out the future using coins, throw them while focusing on the current issue. When fortune telling with coins, you need to throw money six times, writing down the pattern each time. Two or three landed up heads - a solid line, tails - a broken line. It’s better to guess by one advantage. Divide the final hexagram into the lower and upper parts, at their intersection in the table we find the number and interpret it according to the interpreter.


  1. Expect major changes in your life within six months. You will pass the test and defeat the enemy.
  2. Avoid the road for the near future. If you work hard, success will come in 2 months.
  3. A difficult period lies ahead. Fortune telling advises leading an inconspicuous lifestyle for 3 months.
  4. Don't waste your energy on too many things, concentrate on what's more important. New projects are just around the corner.
  5. Purposefulness and prudence will help fulfill your desire. Within 2 months, things will improve and profits will appear.
  6. Fortune telling on coins warns that it is better to find a partner in work. He will help you find success.
  7. Think carefully about your next steps. You are successful, but don't relax.
  8. Fortune telling says that the worst has passed. Advice from loved ones will help you make your wish come true as quickly as possible.
  9. Luck is resting, but will return within three months. Don't overexert yourself at work, otherwise you will get sick.
  10. Be restrained, forget about flirting for a while, show respect for your superior colleagues.
  11. Many areas of life are improving. Do not speed up the fulfillment of your desire artificially.
  12. Don't trust everyone, watch your money, otherwise others will take care of your coins. The wish will be 80% fulfilled.
  13. Feel free to enter the battle, it will end successfully. Senior comrades will help you fly even higher.
  14. You have everything, but don’t relax and don’t waste your time on trifles. Remember the main goal, this will improve the result.
  15. Thanks to coin fortune telling, you now know that you need to be restrained and patient. Don't worry and don't refuse help. This will make you a leader.
  16. Fun period. Don't get lost in the excitement and don't spend too much. The wish will come true soon.
  17. Go with the flow and strengthen your positions. Your dreams will come true and bring big changes in your life.
  18. Be sure to solve problems with others. Fortune telling advises you to take control of everything, then do something brilliant.
  19. You are at the top of your game. Everything brings success. Don't be arrogant, be careful in your communication.
  20. An unpleasant surprise awaits you, meet it with dignity. Those from whom you would not expect will help you, do not forget to thank them.
  21. Don't consider yourself a victim. Take up new business. It will change life for the better, fortune telling promises.
  22. Open your real face, then success will come in personal affairs and business, but with a slight delay.
  23. Take a closer look; there may be hypocrites and traitors around you. Calm down and wait for changes.
  24. Happiness is in coins and power. Save them, and good changes in your life await you.
  25. Work honestly and make a profit. Dreams will come true at the right time.
  26. Prepare for big things, but don't set the bar too high. Excessive zeal will hinder success.
  27. Moderate your conversations and appetite. Consult your doctor for advice on fortune telling with coins.
  28. The rays of glory and happiness have eclipsed your mind. Calm down, your wish will not come true soon.
  29. Don't lose heart, pull yourself together. Happiness will come in 2-4 months.
  30. Listen to people. Your senior comrade will help you if you work well.
  31. Everything is fine now, but after hard work you definitely need to rest.
  32. Fortune telling warns against hasty undertakings. Better decide what you really want.
  33. It is better to spend this period in relaxation and entertainment. Stop and don't make plans.
  34. Be more modest, treat people with great respect and your wish will come true.
  35. Do not be afraid of anything, and a well-deserved reward will overtake you.
  36. Luck is running out, don’t indulge in love affairs and think about coins, they will come in handy later.
  37. Listen to your heart and don't move away from home. Happiness will find you close to loved ones.
  38. Get rid of old things and do what you like.
  39. Watch your expenses, bad times lie ahead. On the advice of fortune telling with coins, take up study or science.
  40. The negative period is over. Fortune telling promises that there is a lot of new things ahead - friends, plans, travels.
  41. Help others and life will thank you generously. Your wishes will come true to a greater extent than you expect.
  42. Everything is very good, and it will only get better. Expect success in all areas of life.
  43. Be tolerant of people, don’t get carried away with gambling, and your luck will return.
  44. Negative events are coming. Be restrained in communication and conversations. Save, now happiness is not in coins.
  45. Feel free to do what you set your mind to. Everything will end successfully.
  46. Get the results you've been waiting for. Active actions will bring financial profit.
  47. You are temporarily at the bottom; a superior person will help you rise.
  48. Help others, even if it’s hard for yourself. Only small wishes will come true, forget about the big ones for now.
  49. Trust fortune telling on coins, there are pleasant unexpected events ahead.
  50. Be a leader and work together, then luck will not bypass you.
  51. Don't be upset if someone interferes. Better rest, everything will work out on its own.
  52. Make every effort, refuse to travel, and your wishes will come true.
  53. Think carefully about your actions and slowly move towards your goal.
  54. Pay more attention to your personal life, do not be led by emotions. Dreams will come true later.
  55. You walk with luck side by side. While you have the opportunity, save money according to the advice of fortune telling with coins.
  56. Forget the unpleasant event, it interferes with development.
  57. You are confused. To get out of the situation, do not agree to something you are not sure about.
  58. Happiness will come soon. Communicate more with friends and family. A good time for singing and trading.
  59. Finally, your aspirations will be encouraged. Things are going well and there is a chance to become a leader.
  60. Fortune telling asks you to be careful about new offers and refuse to travel. Only real wishes will come true.
  61. Now it’s better to work in a team. Behave modestly and people will pay attention to you.
  62. You can make good money if you don't go anywhere.
  63. Don't dwell on past victories. Go forward!
  64. Luck loves sedateness. Judging by fortune telling on coins, you need to go slowly, then you will meet many more pleasant events along the way.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Fortune telling on coins according to the Book of Changes has been popular since BC, but the relevance of the advice has not changed to this day. With the development of Internet technology, the possibility of implementation in electronic form has become possible, thanks to which the Book of Changes is available online, free of charge and without registration.

The I Ching is based on the theory of the struggle between the forces of good and evil, the opposition of light to darkness, good to bad, good to evil. It is believed that situations alternate in the process of continuous struggle between these opposites. Everything related to creation, inner life, offensive, belongs to the lower trigram. And what is connected with the external world, destruction and retreat, belongs to the upper trigram.

To ask a question to the Book of Changes in order to receive an interpretation of the hexagrams, you need to be in a state focused on a specific situation. If you don’t like the answer, you shouldn’t ask the question again at the current moment in time, let the flow of life fill the balance of fate. You should only ask a question to the book of changes out of good intentions; it is important that what you have in mind does not harm the world around you and its inhabitants. To start fortune telling, click on the coins.

After each coin toss (six times in total), an individual line is formed. Three lines form trigrams, and two trigrams form a final hexagram with a name and description.

Numerology: “Fortune telling from the Book of Changes: toss coins”

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Fortune telling on coins, contrary to popular belief, is not only intended to obtain answers in the monetary sphere of life. With the proper knowledge, you can use it to find out the answer to almost any question, since the arsenal of methods available in this area of ​​prediction is extremely wide. Another advantage of this technique is its simplicity - you do not need much preparation or many additional tools.

In the article:

Coin fortune telling - basic rules

Coin fortune telling is popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. To find out your future or get an answer to an important question, you only need a few coins. You do not have to master complex techniques, as, for example, with. It is enough to try several methods and remember them.

However, even such simple fortune telling requires preparation. Select the coins you will be working with. It does not matter which country they belong to and whether such coins are currently used. Even souvenir coins are suitable, which are offered to be made in almost every tourist city, as well as coins.

Fill a container with clean spring water and drop the selected coins into them. The number of coins depends on which methods you prefer. For some, one is enough. Let the coins sit in the water for about a day. This is necessary to cleanse them of traces of foreign energy.. Money, as you know, passes through many hands, which can negatively affect the outcome of fortune telling.

After cleansing coins must be placed in a bag made specifically for this purpose. They will be stored in it. It is advisable to place the bag in a place where no one but you touches them. It is also advisable that this place be dark and dry.

It is best to guess alone. The fewer people present at your fortune-telling session, the better. There is no need to remove pets from the room; they can observe the process. Especially good if you have a cat. Based on her behavior, you can correct the results of fortune telling; cats often try to touch especially important cards with their paws, move coins, etc.

Chinese coin fortune telling

Ancient Chinese fortune telling on coins is a rather complex option. However, the accuracy of the result is higher than in other cases. Here is a simplified version of Chinese fortune telling with three coins. This type of predicting the future originated before the advent of our era. It is sometimes called Japanese fortune telling on coins, and this is not entirely correct; in Japan they began to use it a little later; the technique originated in China.

The basis of Chinese fortune telling on coins is, which contains interpretations of all 64 hexagrams. The Internet often offers online fortune telling based on the Book of Changes, but independent fortune telling using real coins is often much more truthful. Solid lines of hexagrams symbolize the masculine principle, and broken lines symbolize the feminine.

In order to get a hexagram, you need to toss three coins six times and see what turns out to be more heads or tails. If two or three coins came up heads, draw a solid line, and if you got tails, draw a broken line. After six coin tosses you will get a hexagram, which you can find in the interpreter:

Only solid lines - you are at the top of the mountain, and you should be more careful, because the higher you are, the more painful it is to fall.

Only broken lines - if you work hard, success will knock on your door within a couple of months.

Continuous, 3 intermittent, continuous, intermittent - wait for better times. This is the most unfortunate hexagram; everything you have planned is unsuccessful.

Intermittent, continuous, 3 intermittent, continuous - now you don’t know the full picture, but soon the veil will fall.

3 continuous, intermittent, continuous, intermittent - gather your strength, you will need it soon.

Intermittent, continuous, intermittent, 3 continuous - you already feel that the harmony is broken. A serious conflict will soon develop if you do not act.

Intermittent, continuous, 4 intermittent - you consciously made the decision to be alone.

4 intermittent, continuous, intermittent - the worst is over, but you still have a few problems to deal with.

3 solid, intermittent, 2 solid - usually darkest before dawn. Bad luck awaits you, but success will follow.

2 solid, intermittent, 3 solid - show restraint and politeness.

There are equal numbers of continuous and intermittent ones, solid ones come first - if you remember your friends, good luck awaits you.

Equally continuous and intermittent, intermittent ones come first - be careful, not very positive personalities are looking at you.

Continuous, intermittent, 4 continuous - pleasant company awaits you wherever you go.

4 solid, intermittent, solid - a very successful period in life awaits you.

2 intermittent, continuous, 3 intermittent - failures are approaching, but this is a temporary phenomenon, everything will get better soon.

3 intermittent, continuous, 2 intermittent - success.

Solid, 2 intermittent, 2 solid, intermittent - be true to your principles.

Intermittent, 2 continuous, 2 intermittent, continuous - you should decide on your relationships with others.

2 continuous, 4 intermittent - success in all matters.

4 intermittent, 2 solid - take off your rose-colored glasses and see what the situation really looks like. In your case, you can expect many unpleasant surprises.

Continuous, 2 intermittent, continuous, intermittent, continuous - you need a new thing to be happy.

Solid, intermittent, continuous, 2 intermittent, continuous - all participants in the situation you are fortune-telling have unpleasant secrets that relate to the situation.

5 intermittent, continuous - expect major changes, but good or bad - unknown.

Solid, 5 intermittent - the situation you are in is very confusing. Changes are expected in her soon.

Solid, 2 intermittent, 3 solid - if you behave honestly and fairly, serious success awaits you. But this only applies to actions that will not harm anyone.

3 continuous, 2 intermittent, continuous - wait and save up your strength, you will need it soon.

Continuous, 4 intermittent, continuous - give up gossip, and then you will have fewer problems.

Intermittent, 4 continuous, intermittent - excessive self-confidence can harm you, but self-criticism would not hurt you.

Intermittent, continuous, 2 intermittent, continuous, intermittent - defeats and losses that are needed for something in your life. Later you will understand that even the worst events ultimately turn out to be important in the scale of human life.

Continuous, intermittent, 2 continuous, intermittent, continuous - you are spending too much time on illusions, return to the real world.

Moroccan fortune telling by coins

Moroccan fortune telling by coins was very popular among noble ladies of the East. You can try to join Eastern magic with this simple way of predicting the future. For this fortune telling you will need four identical coins.

Before fortune telling, hold them in your hands for a while, concentrating on your question. After this, throw two coins onto the table without turning them over, put them aside and throw the remaining two coins. Now look at which side they fell, and based on this, look at the prediction in the interpreter.

The first throw is only heads, the second is only heads: road. It symbolizes the path along which you move towards your goal. The goal is still far away, but soon this may change, just like your life. Perhaps you are waiting for the end of a certain stage or period in life. If you lose something, don’t cling to the past, all losses are only for the better.

The first throw is only heads, the second is heads and tails: wind. The wind will scatter and carry away all your problems. However, to do this, you will have to not only wait, but take the actions necessary to solve problems and adapt to changes. Sometimes you will have to make risky decisions, but there is no need to be afraid, luck smiles on the brave. But you will have to act honestly. Learn to cooperate with your opponents instead of plotting against them, help people and not look for workarounds.

The result was heads only: desert rose. She promises you the fulfillment of all your desires and only happy events. The period is approaching when you will succeed in any business. You can change your job, get a new specialty, build a career and open a business. This is a good time to take out a loan - it will be profitable and you will be able to repay it easily. There is a chance of winning the lottery and receiving an expensive gift.

Only heads fell: people. People are uncertainty. You don't know who to believe or what to do. Don’t lose your head and be guided only by your own decisions, don’t listen to other people’s advice. Beware of gossip, because not everyone around you likes you. Learn to distinguish friends from enemies, check everything they tell you. Don't rush into decisions, but don't let anyone know about your indecisiveness. If you are reading fortunes about love, coins indicate naivety.

The first throw is heads and tails, the second is heads: oasis. An oasis is a short-term pleasure of what has been achieved. You need to learn to see the good moments every day and enjoy achieving the smallest goals. You will have to act quickly so as not to miss your chance, only then can you count on success. There is a high probability of winning or receiving an expensive gift.

The first toss is heads and tails, the second is tails: salt. Salt was once a real wealth, so this position of the coins promises you an excellent life span. This is a good time to learn, accumulate knowledge and gain experience. If you are sick, recovery is just around the corner. You can meet new friends and get many interesting offers. But you can’t expect miracles; you still have to make efforts to achieve success. If you find the right companions, you can achieve more.

The first throw is heads and tails, the second throw is heads and tails: caravan. It symbolizes interaction and harmony between people. Now the most important thing for you is your friends and relatives, as well as colleagues. Be open, look for new acquaintances, it will be useful. Only cooperation will help you achieve your goal. Learn to show flexibility and diplomacy. You will have to obey the laws in force in society, and not introduce your own rules. Harmony is expected in love affairs.

The first throw is heads, the second is tails: sand. Many changes and strong emotions await you. But don't wait, act. Now you must behave like sand, pour over dunes and other obstacles, overcome storms without paying much attention to them. Don’t listen to “good advice” and don’t give in to doubts. If you can leave in the past what bothers you, you will achieve considerable success. In a relationship, stormy showdowns are possible, it is better to rely on honesty and sincerity, you will only benefit from this.

The first toss is heads, the second is heads and tails: camel. Disappointment, loss, loneliness. Beware of theft. Now you can lose important things and people dear to you, and miss a profitable opportunity. Think about your actions more carefully, watch your health, don’t take on too much work, because you may not be able to cope with it. Don’t count on promotions or bonuses, because a camel is needed only for the hardest work. Now is not the time to sort things out or have serious conversations and plans; leave them for later.

The Book of Changes was invented by the ancient ruler Fu Xi in the 3rd millennium BC. They say that the book contained all the secrets of the universe, which to this day remain a mystery. The Book of Changes is certainly considered the most mystical fortune telling, which incredibly accurately determines the situation and gives advice.

The book consists of 64 symbols - hexagrams. Each hexogram represents 6 lines, which can be whole or interrupted. The interpretation of each hexagram describes the current state of affairs, then the probable future and gives advice on the most optimal behavior to achieve the goal.

Don't ask the same question twice. The first prediction of the Book will be correct. You can get the greatest benefit if you limit yourself to just one fortune-telling and carefully analyze the advice given by the Book. And remember, the Book does not give advice if your intentions are impure and you want to harm another person.

Let us recall that previously coins were used for fortune telling using the Book of Changes. 3 lucky coins were tossed at the same time. If 2-3 coins fell out with the Yang (masculine) side up, then a solid line was drawn. If 2-3 coins lay with the Yin side up (feminine), then a broken line was drawn. Thus, coins were tossed 6 times and 6 lines were obtained - a hexagram. Virtual fortune telling on our website is not inferior to the original fortune telling. You can also toss coins on the table and indicate in the program what came up. As a result, you will receive a hexagram and its interpretation. If you think it's enough for you to relax and concentrate, you can choose to automatically generate lines.

The Chinese Book of Changes is secret knowledge that is available to every person. In fact, it is a rather complex system that takes into account the life process, the relationship between light and dark forces, as well as the role of the person himself. This is precisely what distinguishes the book from other fortune-telling systems, that a person is an active force that can influence the future.

Fortune telling on coins from the book occurs thanks to 64 hexagrams, which characterize the life situation that will gradually develop. They consist of six lines, which can be continuous or intermittent. They represent certain stages of development of a certain situation.

Fortune telling with coins from the book of changes with interpretation

To carry out fortune telling, you need not only a book, but also a coin, the sides of which indicate what kind of line it will be. Heads indicate that you need to draw a solid line, and tails indicate a broken line. Some sources indicate that you need to take three coins, which are tossed alternately or simultaneously.

You can use fortune telling on coins using hexagrams in difficult situations when you don’t know what to do and what to expect from the future. There are a few rules that need to be followed as the result will be incorrect:

  1. You cannot ask the book the same question several times if you do not like the information received.
  2. Having received a negative interpretation, there is no need to be upset, but it is better to draw conclusions and accept the possible lesson and recommendations given.
  3. You should not ask the book questions that are in any way related to negativity and could harm the people around you.
  4. Fortune telling on three coins must be done in silence and. The state of mind is of great importance, so the fortuneteller should be in a calm and peaceful state. It is not recommended for people who are emotionally excited to start fortune telling.
  5. Do not play with the book under any circumstances, that is, do not ask questions for testing or fun.

How to tell fortunes on coins using the Book of Changes?

For fortune telling, you can use both decorative Chinese coins and ordinary pennies, but of the same denomination. Helpful advice - if you plan to use this fortune telling often, it is better to take permanent coins. In addition to coins, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a pencil or pen. Mentally ask a question that interests you. You can ask anything, as long as the answer is either “yes” or “no”. Mix the coins and throw them on the table one at a time. After this, the resulting combination must be applied to paper, and this must be done from the bottom up:

Two or three coins fell heads up - draw a solid line.

If two or three coins show heads, then draw a dotted line.

As a result, there should be six lines on a sheet of paper, which need to be divided into three into upper and lower parts. In general, there are eight trigrams:

  1. Qian - three solid lines that represent Heaven.
  2. Kun - three broken lines symbolize the Earth.
  3. Blow - broken at the top and two solid lines at the bottom. This trigram means a body of water.
  4. Li - two solid lines, with a broken line between them. This combination represents Fire.
  5. Gen - there is a solid line at the top and a broken line at the bottom. This combination denotes the sign of the Mountain.
  6. Sun - the composition begins with a broken line, and then there are two solid lines. This trigram belongs to the element of Wind.
  7. Zhen - The solid line is at the bottom, and two broken lines cover it. This is the sign of Thunder.
  8. Kan - a solid line is in the center, and there are broken lines on both sides. This trigram is a symbol of Water.

Each figure in fortune telling on three coins according to the Book of Changes has its own interpretation, which can be found out
