Requirements for the quality of vegetable cabbage rolls. Cooking cabbage rolls with meat and rice


In Turkish and Armenian cuisine there is “dolma” - minced lamb with rice, wrapped in grape leaves, and somewhere in the 14th-15th centuries in Lithuania and Belarus, local housewives changed the grape leaves into cabbage leaves, and the lamb into other, more common types of meat.

The result was the “stuffed cabbage rolls” known to us, which at that time were called “dolma”; they appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, when French cuisine gained significant influence. Back then there was a popular dish of pigeons roasted whole on a grill. The dish was called “pigeons”. Then they began to fry “false pigeons” on grates, wrapped in cabbage leaves and stuffed with minced meat.

“Tolma” and “dolma” are tiny wrapped “stuffed cabbage rolls”, not in cabbage leaves, but in grape leaves. The inventor of cabbage rolls is a difficult question. If you look deeper into history, again from China. They have different filling options, such as fried mushrooms, peanuts or sweet bean paste, or pork and mushrooms, or just sweet rice. Sometimes they prepare one very large “stuffed cabbage roll” the size of a small pillow and then cut it into pieces.





Product norm

calculation of the number of servings

for 1 serving

for 50 servings

for 100 servings

fresh cabbage


rice cereal

bulb onions

table margarine

mass of sautéed onions with fat

mass of minced meat

semi-finished product weight

mass of fried cabbage rolls

Sauce: sour cream with tomato

Characteristics of raw materials

Margarine is an emulsion fat product. Produced from vegetable fats. Mass fraction of total fat is at least 39%. It is allowed to add animal fats, dairy products, food flavoring and aromatic additives. It has a plastic, dense, or soft, or liquid consistency.

Margarine is a highly dispersed emulsion of fat and water, which, along with a high melting point, determines its high digestibility - 94%. The biological value is determined by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, and vitamins.

In terms of digestibility and basic indicators of biological value, table margarines are not inferior to butter from cow's milk, and in terms of the content and ratio of fatty acids they even surpass it and are close to fat of optimal composition. Thus, table margarines of various recipes contain 17-23% saturated fatty acids, 8-17% linoleic and 43-47% oleic acids, sitosterol is contained in them in an amount of 0.04%. It should be noted that table margarines have very high organoleptic properties.

Cooking margarines are called culinary or kitchen fats. Unlike table margarines, they do not contain dairy components, including butter from cow's milk, and are used only for heat treatment of products, in particular for frying. In various formulations of culinary fats, from 50 to 85% is occupied by vegetable and animal lard, the remaining 15-50% is made up of natural vegetable oils or animal fats - lard, beef and bone fat. They also contain preservatives, dyes, and antioxidants. In addition, vitamin A and phosphatide concentrate are added to some of them to increase the nutritional value of cooking fats.

The introduction of biologically active additives into margarine significantly increases the nutritional value of the product. Such additives include: vitamins, minerals, organic acids, individual amino acids, which are added to products to improve taste, presentation, increase shelf life or intensify production processes (preservatives, dyes, antioxidants, fillers, etc.). In addition, 1-3% milk proteins are added to margarine, which have a slight effect on the nutritional value, but improve organoleptic and sometimes technological properties. The introduction of vitamins A, D, E, C into soft margarines, including those for dietary purposes, increases their nutritional value.

For the production of margarines, emulsifiers (lecithin, mono- and diglycerides, etc.) are used, which create a stable emulsion of fat in water or water in fat, and also improve the plastic properties and nutritional value of margarine.

In accordance with the requirements of physiologists, the daily fat intake should be 95-100 g. In this case, the following ratio of fatty acids should be: polyunsaturated - 20-30%, monounsaturated - 40-50%, saturated - 20-30%. It should be noted that none of the natural fats meets these standards. Margarine is a product with specified properties. The margarine production technology allows you to change the recipe in accordance with the requirements of physiologists. For different age groups, preventive and dietary nutrition, different margarine compositions can be selected.

Cabbage - there is white, red, savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi. The most common cabbage vegetable is white cabbage. It is used fresh for preparing salads, cabbage soup, borscht, cutlets, schnitzels, cabbage rolls and other dishes, as well as fermented and pickled.

Parsley - comes in root and leaf varieties. Parsley roots contain essential oils, and leaves are rich in vitamins. The best varieties of root parsley: sugar, Gribovskaya, productive, leaf: ordinary leaf, Ukrainian.

Carrots - contain sugar (4-12%), proteins (on average 1.3%), minerals (sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, fluorine, but most of all potassium). It contains vitamins C, B1, PP1, B2, B6. The core is lighter in color and contains a lot of fiber and little sugar. Fresh carrots are eaten (salads, juice) as part of first and second courses (soups, purees, stews, cutlets, pilaf, casserole. They are also fermented and dried for the winter.

Onions - contain sugars (2.5-14%), proteins (1.5-2.5%), vitamins (C1, B1, B2, B6, PP), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, etc.). the bulb consists of a bottom (a shortened stem and fleshy scales). When onions ripen, the tops of the scales dry out and form a jacket that protects moisture from evaporation. Onion varieties differ in bulb shape (flat, round, oval), color (white, yellow, light yellow, yellow-brown, purple) and taste. Onions are divided into hot and semi-hot varieties.

Table salt is crystalline sodium chloride NaCl. Table salt is used as a seasoning for food, for canning, fish, vegetables, cheeses, and meat. Salt is divided into the following types: self-sedited lake salt, pool salt, which is obtained from sea water. According to the processing method, salt can be crystalline or ground. Salt should have a white color; in other varieties it may have grayish or yellowish tints.

Black pepper is the dried unripe fruit of a creeping plant from India. Gives it taste and aroma. Ground pepper is a dark gray powdery product used for preparing meat, fish, vegetable dishes, for alcoholic beverages, and also for canning.

Rice - the consistency of the grain is glassy, ​​semi-vitreous and mealy. The best is glassy rice, because... it retains its shape when cooked. Depending on the processing method, it can be: ground, polished, crushed.

I consider sour cream to be a Russian national product. It is obtained from pasteurized cream and then aged to mature. At a temperature of 18-20 C, the cream is fermented for three hours, which increases the acidity of the sour cream. As a result, it acquires a thick consistency due to the process of swelling of the protein and hardening of the fat globules, accumulating aromatic substances and acidity. The finished sour cream is packaged and sent for sale.

Minced meat - obtained from chilled or frozen beef or pork with the addition of intermuscular fat. The following are available for sale: beef, pork, homemade, special, amateur minced meat. It is packaged in the form of rectangular bars of 250-500g. Packed in parchment, cached foil.

Tomato puree contains 12, 15, and 20% dry matter, and tomato paste contains 40% dry matter. They are obtained by boiling pureed tomato mass from ripe tomatoes. Packaged in glass or tin jars and sterilized.

Flour is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. Flour is divided into: wheat, rye, rye-wheat, corn, soy, culinary (pea) and dietary (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).

Flour is divided into grades: highest, first, second. First grade flour is made from soft semi-vitreous wheat. Consists of thin heterogeneous particles. The color is white or white with a yellowish tint, ash content is not more than 0.75%, gray gluten content is not less than 30%. This type of flour is mainly used for frying and sauteing.

Preparation of semi-finished products

cabbage rolls meat rice

When processing cabbage, cut off the top contaminated leaves, wash the head and separate the whole leaves for further cooking.

The bottom, neck and scales are cut off from the onion. Wash and cut for further sautéing. And part of it is for processing into meat cutting.

Remove wilted and spoiled leaves from the greens, as well as rough leaves and wash them in plenty of water. Then they chop it finely.

The meat is washed, the tendons are removed, divided into small pieces, and washed again. Pass through a meat grinder. Add rice, salt, pepper. Mix thoroughly.

The flour is sifted to prepare sour cream sauce.

For tomato sauce, the onions are washed, peeled and chopped for sautéing.

The carrots are washed, peeled, washed again and finely chopped for sautéing.

Rice sorted, washed, and boiled in salted water until half cooked.

Cooking technology

Raw meat is passed through a meat grinder and mixed with boiled rice. Sautéed onions, add salt, ground black pepper, chopped salt and parsley and mix. Sometimes rice is used raw, in which case the cabbage rolls are stewed for at least 1 hour.

Place minced meat on prepared cabbage leaves, wrap it, and give the product a cylindrical shape.

The “stuffed cabbage rolls” are placed on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with fat, fried in the oven, then poured with sauce and baked in the oven. When leaving, put 2 cabbage rolls on a plate. per serving, pour over sauce, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Sour cream sauce:

1) Fry in a frying pan in dry flour and cool.

2) Combine dry flour mixture with margarine in a tray and grind until smooth.

3) Also sauté onions, tomato puree and carrots separately and cool.

4) Pour sour cream into the pan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

5) Add flour and sautéed vegetables, add salt, pepper and cook for 5 minutes.

6) Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat.

Requirements for the quality of the dish

The cabbage rolls must have the same shape. The taste is somewhat salty, the consistency is soft and juicy. The surface is smooth, not burnt and without tears. The color of the product is light cream, and the minced meat inside should be light brown. Taste and smell of vegetables and spices. The “cabbage rolls” should be covered in sauce, have a golden-brown soft crust, and the sauce should not be allowed to dry out. There are 2 pieces in a serving. There should also be a gravy boat next to the dish.

Rules for serving the dish

When serving, put cabbage rolls in a lamb or on a plate, 2 pieces per serving, pour over the sauce in which they were cooked, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Assortment and features of technology for preparing dishes and culinary products from vegetables

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Dossier on chocolate

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Classification and quality of meat. Labeling of canned food

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Stuffed chicken

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Seasonings and spices

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Fish dishes with rice

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Cheese production line

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Cooking technology

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Stuffed cabbage rolls have a golden brown crust. The consistency is soft, the sauce is not allowed to dry out. The color is light brown. Shelf life is no more than 2 hours.

Technical and technological map

Name of dish: cabbage rolls with meat and rice

Scope of application: this card applies to the dish “cabbage rolls with meat and rice”

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products and manufactured products used to prepare this dish must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TU) and have a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate.

Consumption form and preparation technology

Product Name

Norm for laying raw materials, g.

Cooking technology

Fresh cabbage

Raw meat is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with boiled rice, sautéed onions, salt, ground pepper, chopped parsley are added and mixed. Sometimes the rice is used raw, in which case the cabbage rolls are stewed for at least one hour.

Place minced meat on prepared cabbage leaves and wrap them, giving the products a cylindrical shape. The cabbage rolls are placed on a greased baking sheet, fried in the oven, then poured with sauce (sour cream with tomato, sour cream or tomato) and baked in the oven.


Rice groats

Bulb onions


Weight of minced meat

Weight semi-finished

Mass of fried cabbage rolls

Security Quality Indicators

Requirements for dish design, sales and storage: when serving, put 2 cabbage rolls in a lamb or on a plate heated to 40 o C. per serving, pour over the sauce in which it was cooked, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Shelf life is no more than 2 hours.

Vegetable cabbage rolls: technology and recipe

Vegetable cabbage rolls are an amazingly tasty dish that is suitable for a Lenten table, baby food and will become the best friend of those who decide to lose weight. From this article you will learn interesting recipes, as well as the secrets of preparing vegetable cabbage rolls.

How are vegetable cabbage rolls prepared?

If you love the taste of classic cabbage rolls with meat, then you will probably like vegetable cabbage rolls. The technology for preparing this dish is practically no different from the traditional one. That is, you will need cabbage leaves and vegetable filling boiled until half cooked or processed in some other way. To diversify the taste of the dish, you can add rice, mushrooms or any other ingredients.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetable filling

Summer is the most favorable season for preparing this dish. A lot of fresh vegetables are just asking to be served on our table straight from the garden. Therefore, read how you can prepare vegetable cabbage rolls, and also get down to business:

  • Take six leaves of white cabbage, wash them and carefully cut off the thick veins.
  • Boil 500 ml of water in a saucepan and boil the cabbage leaves until soft.
  • Peel half a medium-sized zucchini and cut into small cubes.
  • Wash and cut into strips five fresh champignons.
  • Scald one large tomato with boiling water, remove the skin and chop with a knife.
  • Remove seeds from two sweet peppers of different colors and cut into cubes.
  • Peel one medium carrot and grate it on a fine grater.
  • Place a frying pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it, and then fry the zucchini in it. At the end, add pepper and carrots to it and simmer the vegetables together for five minutes.
  • Place mushrooms, remaining vegetables, salt and ground pepper into the pan.
  • After five minutes, remove the pan from the heat and transfer the filling to the cabbage leaves. Roll up the cabbage rolls and place them in a thick-bottomed pan.
  • Dilute four tablespoons of tomato paste in cabbage broth and pour this mixture over the cabbage rolls.

Simmer the dish over low heat for half an hour, and when it is ready, serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Korean-style vegetable cabbage rolls

Here is a recipe for a low-calorie vegetable snack that will surprise your guests with its unusual taste and special aroma. How to cook marinated vegetable cabbage rolls? Read the recipe for this dish below:

  • Take one forkful of white or Chinese cabbage and disassemble it into leaves. You can discard the outer shell, but place the inner part in a colander and pour boiling water over it.
  • When the water has drained, transfer the leaves to a saucepan, salt each of them and put them in the refrigerator for two days.
  • After the specified time has passed, you can start preparing cabbage rolls. To do this, remove the cabbage from the pan and drain the excess water.
  • Peel three small carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  • Peel three heads of garlic (namely heads, not cloves) and chop with a knife.
  • Rinse one bunch of dill under running water and chop with a knife.
  • Place the prepared ingredients in a bowl, and then add coriander, red and black pepper. Mix vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  • Place a spoonful of filling on the edge of the cabbage leaf and wrap it up. If you want the rolls to be smaller, divide the base in half.
  • Place the pieces in the pan tightly to each other.
  • To prepare the brine, boil one liter of clean water in an enamel bowl, and at the end add three tablespoons of sugar and two salts. Boil the solution for a couple of minutes, add a tablespoon of vinegar and immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  • Pour hot brine over the cabbage rolls, wait until they cool, and marinate in the refrigerator for a day.

Crispy cabbage rolls will surely please you and your guests.

Lazy cabbage rolls

This dish can be made from the simplest products that can be found in the refrigerator of any housewife. To prepare lazy vegetable cabbage rolls, you will need:

  • Boil 100 grams of rice until half cooked.
  • Grate one large carrot on a fine grater, chop finely white cabbage, and cut the champignons into slices.
  • Fry vegetables with mushrooms in a frying pan with the addition of one spoon of tomato paste.
  • Salt the cabbage and mash it with your hands until it releases juice. After that, mix it with rice and a couple of tablespoons of flour. If desired, add one chicken egg to them.
  • Combine all the products, mix them, and then form the resulting minced meat into balls of the same size.
  • Place the cabbage rolls in a fireproof bowl and place in a preheated oven.
  • To prepare the sauce, peel one onion and a few cloves of garlic and cut into thin slices. Fry them in vegetable oil, add a couple of tablespoons of flour, tomato paste and dilute the ingredients with water. At the end, add salt, bay leaf and spices to taste.
  • Remove the pan from the oven, pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls and place them back in the oven.

When the dish is ready, your kitchen will be filled with an incredible aroma. Serve the vegetable cabbage rolls while they are still hot.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in Chinese cabbage

If you are fasting, then use our recipe and prepare a vegetable dish that can compete with any meat dish. How to make vegetable cabbage rolls? A recipe with a photo will help you with this:

Lenten cabbage rolls

This dish can be served not only as a main dish, but also as a side dish or hot appetizer. How to cook vegetable cabbage rolls:

Stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms

As you may have noticed, preparing vegetable cabbage rolls is not difficult. So try another simple recipe:

  • Boil a small head of young cabbage in salted water and separate into leaves.
  • Peel two onions and two medium carrots, then chop with a knife and fry in a frying pan.
  • Boil 100 grams of rice until tender, and then rinse in cold water.
  • Fry 400 grams of chopped mushrooms in vegetable oil and then transfer to a bowl.
  • To prepare the sauce, fry finely chopped onion and diced tomatoes in the same pan. Add 250 grams of sour cream to the vegetables.
  • Form cabbage rolls from the leaves and filling, place them on a baking sheet and cover with sour cream sauce. Cover the pan with foil and bake in a preheated oven until done.

When the cabbage rolls are browned, remove them from the oven, place them on plates and serve, pouring the sauce over them.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you will need:

  • Process a small forkful of young cabbage.
  • Prepare minced meat from boiled rice, vegetables fried in vegetable oil (carrots, onions, bell peppers and eggplants), spoons of tomato paste, salt and spices to taste.
  • Form the cabbage rolls, place them in the multicooker bowl and fry on both sides.
  • Turn the device on to the “Stew” mode, pour the cabbage rolls with tomato or sour cream sauce diluted with water and cook for 40 minutes.

Serve this light vegetable dish hot.


We hope that vegetable cabbage rolls will become your favorite dish and will appear on the dinner table more often. Study the recipes collected in our article and surprise your loved ones with new tastes.

More information

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