Past Buyan Island, to the glorious kingdom... How the captain and Lady Mary walked from Morocco to the Canary Islands. Alexander Pushkin - The Tale of Tsar Saltan: Verse Song of the Prophetic Oleg - Pushkin A.S.

Part 3, final (Part 1 – , 2nd – )

Still, it’s an exciting feeling when approaching land after an offshore crossing. The excitement is not in the sense of “ah, land, finally!”, but “How not to miss the sea and drive straight into this land!”
It seems that the course is plotted on the navigation screen, and you can see where which islands are, but still the thought from the subconscious is - what if, while I was hanging out here at sea, the Americans moved the GPS a couple of miles. Out of harm, or out of sloppiness, again (although, for sloppiness, it’s better for our people :)). And my course plotted on the electronic map leads me straight to the rocky shores of the coveted island!

Night vigils

So I sit and stare into the darkness - when will the lighthouse finally open. They couldn’t break both the GPS and the beacon at the same time! But the lighthouse still doesn’t appear and doesn’t appear! The characteristics of the lights say that it can be seen from 12 miles, but we’ve already approached 7 miles, and it still doesn’t light up…. And a 4-5 meter wave does not contribute to good visibility. When the boat is on the crest of a wave, at that moment, of course, everything should be clearly visible. Only at this time you should stand on the deck and look to the leeward side. And on the deck it’s damp and splashy, again. That’s why I’m in the pilothouse, on a low leeward side, on a sofa, trying to see a light through the glass in the salty stains. But dry and comfortable!

Changing course

Well, 6 miles from Alegranza (that’s the name of the island), the lighthouse finally opened. I compared the bearing to it with an electronic map - it seems similar. This means that America didn’t have time to screw up the GPS while I’m hanging out here in the ocean :).
After abeam the islands dropped 25 degrees. Finally, the long-awaited backstay. Immediately, the Gulfwind roller coaster turned into a swing for young ladies in the park by the pond. Only a roll appeared, but in comparison with the previous two days, the waves arriving at an angle of 90 degrees were just flowers! Well, the wind has already decreased to 25 knots.
So you see, soon the real yachting will begin - girls in bikinis with champagne will begin to appear on the deck in sun loungers... Ugh, as the first mate and the cabin boys flew away, all sorts of nonsense creeps into my head. How not to get shocked upon arrival 😉...


In the morning, after dawn, I add a little more sails. Now the genoa is furled to the 3rd reef. We walked a little over 140 miles in 24 hours. According to calculations, they should arrive by evening. But the calculations are ours, and Poseidon and Boreas may have their own plans, so we don’t make any guesses...
After noon there are about 40 miles left to Gran Canaria. Oncoming and passing ships began to appear much more often. In an hour, you have to separate from some tanker or dry cargo ship a couple of times. The wind is about 20 knots, we are carrying a full genoa.

Gran Canaria

Around 7 pm we finally reached Gran Canaria. We let a couple of ships leave the cargo port under the guidance of a pilot vessel and dived into the marina. We stood at the pontoon in front of the office until the morning. In the morning we will be allocated a permanent parking spot.
Traveled 343 nautical miles in 60 hours. The engine worked for only 2 hours - get out and enter the port. Everything else is under sails, or rather under one genoa of varying degrees of reefing, depending on the strength of the wind.
Everything described is based on real events, there are no fictional characters. During the transition, no one on the territory was injured :).
(From the captain's notes)

According to an ancient Irish legend, it was our green island that became the prototype of Pushkin’s “Brawler”. And now, as part of the Festival of Russian Culture and the Year of Russian Literature, the theatrical community “Zhu-Zhu” again invites our actors from the Moscow theater “Keepers of Fairy Tales”.

From February 10 to 15, Moscow actors plan to show the children's play “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” in seven cities in Ireland: Belfast, Newbridge, Kilkene, Portlish, Limerick, Galway and Dublin. For those who visited “Cinderella” in December, the production of the play will seem familiar: the same actors are involved, and there will also be interaction and games with children and adults. Duration of the performance is 45 minutes.

Preliminary schedule of performances.

BELFAST. February 10 (Tuesday) at 17:30. Address: Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church, 374-378, Ormeau Road, BT7 3HX. To purchase tickets, please contact “First Russian school in Belfast”, tel: + 44 75 846 22065.

KILKENNY. February 12 (Thursday). Starts at 17:45. Address: James Stephens GAA, Larchfield. tel. 089-483-3459

PORTLAOISE. February 13 (Friday) 18:00. Address: Parish Centre, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. To purchase tickets, please contact the Vera school, tel: 087-662-6981.

LIMERICK. February 14 (Saturday). The performance starts at 14:00. Will take place at Harmony School, Crescent College Comprehensive, Dooradoyle, Limerick. Tel: 087 757-2205.

GALWAY. February 14 18:00 (Saturday). The performance starts at 18:00. The performance will take place at the Paper Crane school. Tel: 087 250-1263.

BALLBRIGAN. February 15 (Sunday). Starts at 10:45. Bracken Court Hotel (2nd floor), Bridge Street, Balbrigan. Parking for spectators is free. 089-483-3459

DUBLIN. February 15 (Sunday). In Dublin, the performance will take place at the Inspiration School. You can choose the most convenient time: 14:00 or 15:00. Address: Dominican Convent, Sion Hill, Cross Avenue, Blackrock, Tel: 089-465-6920, 089-483-3459.

NAVAN. February 15 (Sunday). Starts at 18:00. The performance will take place in the new and only Russian school “Marusya”. Address: Rugby club, Navan. Inquiries by phone: 086-227-6323.

The production of “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” is based on the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and, of course, the poems of the great poet will be performed:

Mother and son are now free;
They see a hill in a wide field,
The sea is blue all around,
Green oak over the hill.

How does this fit the description of ancient Ireland?

“The play is a little more complex than Cinderella.” It must be taken into account that, after all, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” is a work by A.S. Pushkin and is not so simple. Although, of course, it is adapted for younger children. We recommend ages 4-5 years, but this is just a recommendation. If you feel that your three-year-old child will be interested in the action of the play itself, then it would be right to come. In Moscow, even three-year-old children watch this performance, but our children have to master two languages ​​at once, and their vocabulary may not be enough, says tour organizer Anna Adomonene.

Past Buyan Island...or real places described in Pushkin’s fairy tales

Probably everyone remembers from school days lines from Pushkin’s poem:
“Lukomorye has a green oak tree,
The golden chain on the oak tree....”
So, the fabulous Lukomorye, this is not a fictitious place, but a completely real one, was borrowed by Pushkin from the folklore of the Eastern Slavs. This is the territory adjacent to the eastern shore of the Ob Bay, in the area of ​​​​the modern Tomsk region. And contrary to the children's song with the words “Lukomorye is not on the map, which means there is no way into the fairy tale,” it is depicted on many ancient Western European maps.

In general, “Lukomorye” in the Old Church Slavonic language means “bend of the sea shore,” and in ancient Russian chronicles this toponym is mentioned not in the Far North, but in the region of the Azov and Black Seas and the lower reaches of the Dnieper. The chronicle Lukomorye is one of the habitats of the Polovtsy, who were sometimes called “Lukomorets”. For example, in connection with these regions, Lukomorye is mentioned in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” In “Zadonshchina” in Lukomorye the remnants of Mamai’s army are retreating after the defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo.
Fairytale Buyan also became widely known thanks to Pushkin: on the island of Buyan magical things are stored that help fairy-tale heroes, and a magical oak tree (World Tree) grows. Many folk conspiracies and spells began with the words: “On the sea on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr.” The sacred stone alatyr in Slavic mythology designated the center of the world.
Real Buyan is the German island of Rügen in the Baltic. In ancient times, the West Slavic tribe of Ruyans lived on the island, and in their honor the island was called Ruyan. On the island was Arkona, the main pagan sanctuary of the Baltic Slavs. In subsequent centuries, in Slavic folklore the name was transformed into Buyan.

In general, Pushkin described a lot of interesting things in his works. Scientists, philosophers, historians and psychologists carefully study them and find many interesting facts and discoveries. The tale of Tsar Saltan is of particular interest, since in it the connection with the historical island of Ruyan is visible on every page. So the road to the island: “Past Buyan Island to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan”, this is nothing more than the famous path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and further east to Byzantium, which was under the rule of the Turkish Sultan at the time the Danes captured the island.

So the thirty-three heroes are a copy of the three hundred warriors of the Sventovit temple who guarded the island from enemies, even the fact that the thirty-three heroes are brothers emphasizes the connection between the army and the brotherhood of the Sventovit temple on Ruyan.

Later, the tradition of protecting the city by three hundred soldiers was transferred to Veliky Novgorod, in which the supreme power belonged not to the veche, as is commonly thought, but to the supreme council of three hundred soldiers, to whom the mayor, prince and bishop were subordinate. They made all the most important decisions in the Novgorod Republic, and only then were they submitted for approval by the veche.

The tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Princess Swan, is based on the folk tale “Wonderful Sons.” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin enriched the folk work with new plot twists, characters and beautiful poetic presentation.
According to the plot of the fairy tale, the king marries a girl who gives birth to his son. But due to envy and betrayal on the part of the weaver and the cook, the princess and her child are chained in a barrel and sent into the sea. There the baby is growing by leaps and bounds. The barrel floats ashore and an adult prince comes out with his mother. He saves the swan from an evil kite, who turns out to be a villain, and the swan turns out to be an enchanted girl...

Read the Tale of Tsar Saltan

Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

“If only I were a queen,”

One girl says,

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast."

“If only I were a queen,”

Her sister says,

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.”

“If only I were a queen,”

The third sister said,

I would for the father-king

She gave birth to a hero."

I just managed to say,

The door creaked softly,

And the king enters the room,

The sides of that sovereign.

During the entire conversation

He stood behind the fence;

Speech last on everything

He fell in love with it.

“Hello, red maiden,”

He says - be a queen

And give birth to a hero

I'm at the end of September.

You, my dear sisters,

Get out of the bright room,

Follow me

Following me and my sister:

Be one of you a weaver,

And the other one is the cook.”

The Tsar Father came out into the vestibule.

Everyone went into the palace.

The king did not gather for long:

Got married that same evening.

Tsar Saltan for an honest feast

He sat down with the young queen;

And then the honest guests

On the ivory bed

They put the young ones

And they left them alone.

The cook is angry in the kitchen,

The weaver is crying at the loom,

And they envy

To the Sovereign's wife.

And the queen is young,

Without putting things off,

I carried it from the first night.

At that time there was war.

Tsar Saltan said goodbye to his wife,

Sitting on a good horse,

She punished herself

Take care of him, loving him.

Meanwhile how far away he is

It beats long and hard,

The time of birth is coming;

God gave them a son in arshin,

And the queen over the child

Like an eagle over an eaglet;

She sends a messenger with a letter,

To please my father.

And the weaver with the cook,

With his in-law Babarikha,

They want to inform her

They are ordered to take over the messenger;

They themselves send another messenger

Here's what, word by word:

“The queen gave birth in the night

Either a son or a daughter;

Not a mouse, not a frog,

And an unknown animal."

As the king-father heard,

What did the messenger tell him?

In anger he began to perform miracles

And he wanted to hang the messenger;

But, having softened this time,

He gave the messenger the following order:

"Wait for the Tsar's return

For a legal solution."

A messenger rides with a letter,

And he finally arrived.

And the weaver with the cook,

With his in-law Babarikha,

They order him to be robbed;

They make the messenger drunk

And his bag is empty

They shove another certificate -

And the drunken messenger brought

On the same day the order is as follows:

“The king orders his boyars,

Without wasting time,

And the queen and the offspring

Secretly throw into the abyss of water."

There is nothing to do: boyars,

Worrying about the sovereign

And to the young queen,

A crowd came to her bedroom.

They declared the king's will -

She and her son have an evil share,

We read the decree aloud,

And the queen at the same hour

They put me in a barrel with my son,

They tarred and drove away

And they let me into Okiyan -

This is what Tsar Saltan ordered.

The stars shine in the blue sky,

In the blue sea the waves are lashing;

A cloud is moving across the sky

A barrel floats on the sea.

Like a bitter widow

The queen is crying and struggling within her;

And the child grows there

Not by days, but by hours.

The day has passed, the queen is screaming...

And the child hurries the wave:

“You, my wave, wave!

You are playful and free;

You splash wherever you want,

You sharpen sea stones

You drown the shores of the earth,

You raise ships -

Don't destroy our soul:

Throw us out onto dry land!”

And the wave listened:

She's right there on the shore

I carried the barrel out lightly

And she left quietly.

Mother and baby saved;

She feels the earth.

But who will take them out of the barrel?

Will God really leave them?

The son rose to his feet,

I rested my head on the bottom,

I strained a little:

“It’s like there’s a window looking out into the yard

Should we do it? - he said,

Knocked the bottom out and walked out.

Mother and son are now free;

They see a hill in a wide field,

The sea is blue all around,

Green oak over the hill.

The son thought: good dinner

However, we would need it.

He breaks the oak branch

And bends the bow tightly,

Silk cord from the cross

I strung an oak bow,

I broke a thin cane,

He pointed the arrow lightly

And went to the edge of the valley

Look for game by the sea.

He just approaches the sea,

It’s like he hears a groan...

Apparently the sea is not quiet;

He looks and sees the matter dashingly:

The swan beats among the swells,

The kite flies over her;

That poor thing is just splashing,

The water is muddy and gushing all around...

He's already unfurled his claws,

The bloody beak pricked up...

But just as the arrow began to sing,

I hit a kite in the neck -

The kite shed blood in the sea,

The prince lowered his bow;

Looks: a kite is drowning in the sea

And it doesn’t moan like a bird’s cry,

The swan is swimming around

The evil kite pecks

Death is hastening near,

Beats with its wing and drowns in the sea -

And then to the prince

Says in Russian:

“You, prince, are my savior,

My mighty savior,

Don't worry about me

You won't eat for three days

That the arrow was lost at sea;

This grief is not grief.

I will repay you with kindness

I will serve you later:

You didn’t deliver the swan,

He left the girl alive;

You didn't kill the kite,

The sorcerer was shot.

I will never forget you:

You'll find me everywhere

And now you come back,

Don’t worry and go to bed.”

The swan bird flew away

And the prince and queen,

Having spent the whole day like this,

We decided to go to bed on an empty stomach.

The prince opened his eyes;

Shaking off the dreams of the night

And marveling at myself

He sees the city is big,

Walls with frequent battlements,

And behind the white walls

Church domes sparkle

And holy monasteries.

He will quickly wake up the queen;

She will gasp!.. “Will it happen? —

He says, I see:

My swan amuses itself."

Mother and son go to the city.

We just stepped outside the fence,

Deafening ringing

Rose from all sides:

People are pouring towards them,

The church choir praises God;

In golden carts

A lush courtyard greets them;

Everyone calls them loudly

And the prince is crowned

Princes cap and head

They shout over themselves;

And among his capital,

With the queen's permission,

On the same day he began to reign

And he was named: Prince Guidon.

The wind blows on the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

The shipbuilders are amazed

There are crowds on the boat,

On a familiar island

They see a miracle in reality:

The new golden-domed city,

A pier with a strong outpost;

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost;

He feeds and waters them

And he orders me to keep the answer:

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

The shipbuilders responded:

"We've traveled all over the world,

Traded sables

Silver foxes;

And now our time has come,

We're going straight east

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan..."

The prince then said to them:

"Good journey to you, gentlemen,

By sea along Okiyan

To the glorious Tsar Saltan;

I bow to him."

The guests are on their way, and Prince Guidon

From the shore with a sad soul

Accompanying their long run;

Look - above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming.

Why are you sad?” —

She tells him.

The prince sadly replies:

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up,

Defeated the young man:

I would like to see my father."

Swan to the prince: “This is the grief!

Well, listen: you want to go to sea

Fly behind the ship?

Be a mosquito, prince.”

And flapped her wings,

The water splashed noisily

And sprayed him

From head to toe everything.

Here he shrunk to a point,

Turned into a mosquito

He flew and squealed,

I caught up with the ship at sea,

Slowly sank

On the ship - and hid in the gap.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,

And the desired country

It's visible from afar.

The guests came ashore;

Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,

And follow them to the palace

Our daredevil has flown.

He sees: all shining in gold,

Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber

On the throne and in the crown

With a sad thought on his face;

And the weaver with the cook,

With his in-law Babarikha,

They sit near the king

And they look into his eyes.

Tsar Saltan seats guests

At his table and asks:

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take? Where?

Is it good across the sea, or is it bad?

And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

Living overseas is not bad,

In the world, here’s a miracle:

The island was steep in the sea,

Not private, not residential;

It lay as an empty plain;

A single oak tree grew on it;

And now it stands on it

New city with a palace,

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens,

And Prince Guidon sits in it;

He sent you his regards."

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;

He says: “As long as I’m alive,

I’ll visit the wonderful island,

I’ll stay with Guidon.”

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They don't want to let him in

A wonderful island to visit.

“It’s a curiosity, really,”

Winking at others slyly,

The cook says,

The city is by the sea!

Know that this is not a trifle:

Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,

Squirrel sings songs

And he keeps nibbling on nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

That’s what they call a miracle.”

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,

And the mosquito is angry, angry -

And the mosquito just bit into it

Aunt right in the right eye.

The cook turned pale

She froze and winced.

Servants, in-law and sister

They catch a mosquito with a scream.

“You damned midge!

We you!..” And he through the window,

Yes, calm down to your destiny

Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,

He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;

Look - above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming.

“Hello, my handsome prince!

Are you sad about what?” -

She tells him.

Prince Guidon answers her:

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up;

Wonderful miracle

I'd like to. There is somewhere

Spruce in the forest, under the spruce there is a squirrel;

It’s a miracle, really, not a trifle -

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

But maybe people are lying."

The swan answers the prince:

“The world tells the truth about the squirrel;

I know this miracle;

Enough, prince, my soul,

Do not worry; glad to serve

I will show you friendship."

With a cheerful soul

The prince went home;

As soon as I stepped into the wide courtyard -

Well, under the tall tree,

He sees the squirrel in front of everyone

The golden one gnaws a nut,

The emerald takes out,

And he collects the shells,

Places equal piles

And sings with a whistle

To be honest in front of all the people:

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.

Prince Guidon was amazed.

“Well, thank you,” he said, “

Oh yes, the swan - God forbid,

It’s the same fun for me.”

Prince for the squirrel later

Built a crystal house

The guard was assigned to him

And besides, he forced the clerk

A strict account of nuts is the news.

Profit for the prince, honor for the squirrel.

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With sails raised

Past the steep island,

Past the big city:

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost;

Prince Guidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders me to keep the answer:

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

The shipbuilders responded:

"We've traveled all over the world,

We traded horses

All by Don stallions,

And now our time has come...

And the road lies far ahead for us:

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan..."

The prince then tells them:

"Good journey to you, gentlemen,

By sea along Okiyan

To the glorious Tsar Saltan;

Yes, say: Prince Guidon

He sends his regards to the Tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,

They went out and hit the road.

The prince goes to the sea - and the swan is there

Already walking on the waves.

The prince prays: the soul asks,

So it pulls and carries away...

Here she is again

Instantly sprayed everything:

The prince turned into a fly,

Flew and fell

Between sea and sky

He boarded the ship and climbed into the crack.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan-

And the desired country

Now it’s visible from a distance;

The guests came ashore;

Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,

And follow them to the palace

Our daredevil has flown.

He sees: all shining in gold,

Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber

On the throne and in the crown,

With a sad thought on his face.

And the weaver with Babarikha

Yes with a crooked cook

They sit near the king,

They look like angry toads.

Tsar Saltan seats guests

At his table and asks:

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take? Where?

Is it good or bad across the sea?

And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

Living overseas is not bad;

In the world, here’s a miracle:

An island lies on the sea,

There is a city on the island

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

A tame squirrel lives there,

Yes, what an adventure!

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

The servants are guarding the squirrel,

They serve her as servants of various kinds -

And a clerk was appointed

A strict account of nuts is the news;

The army salutes her;

A coin is poured from the shells,

Let them go around the world;

Girls pour emerald

Into the storerooms, and under cover;

Everyone on that island is rich

There are no pictures, there are chambers everywhere;

And Prince Guidon sits in it;

He sent you his regards."

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.

"If only I'm alive,

I’ll visit the wonderful island,

I’ll stay with Guidon.”

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They don't want to let him in

A wonderful island to visit.

Smiling secretly,

The weaver says to the king:

“What’s so wonderful about this? Here you go!

The squirrel gnaws pebbles,

Throws gold into piles

Rakes in emeralds;

This won't surprise us

Is it true or not?

There is another wonder in the world:

The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Will spill in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are daring,

Young giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

It's a miracle, it's such a miracle

It’s fair to say!”

The smart guests are silent,

They don't want to argue with her.

Tsar Saltan marvels,

And Guidon is angry, angry...

He buzzed and just

sat on my aunt's left eye,

And the weaver turned pale:

"Ouch!" and immediately frowned;

Everyone shouts: “Catch, catch,

Yes, push her, push her...

That's it! wait a little

Wait..." And the prince through the window,

Yes, calm down to your destiny

Arrived across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue sea,

He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;

Look - above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming.

“Hello, my handsome prince!

Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?

Why are you sad?” —

She tells him.

Prince Guidon answers her:

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up -

I would like something wonderful

Transfer me to my destiny.”

“What a miracle is this?”

- Somewhere it will swell violently

Okiyan will raise a howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Splashes in a noisy run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are young,

Daring giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

The swan answers the prince:

“What, prince, confuses you?

Don't worry, my soul,

I know this miracle.

These knights of the sea

After all, my brothers are all my own.

Don't be sad, go

Wait for your brothers to visit."

The prince went, forgetting his grief,

Sat on the tower and on the sea

He began to look; the sea suddenly

It shook around

Splashed in a noisy run

And left on the shore

Thirty-three heroes;

In scales, like the heat of grief,

The knights are coming in pairs,

And, shining with gray hair,

The guy is walking ahead

And he leads them to the city.

Prince Guidon escapes from the tower,

Greets dear guests;

People are running in a hurry;

The uncle says to the prince:

“The swan sent us to you

And she punished

Keep your glorious city

And go around on patrol.

From now on every day we

We will definitely be together

At your high walls

To emerge from the waters of the sea,

So we'll see you soon,

And now it's time for us to go to sea;

The air of the earth is heavy for us.”

Everyone then went home.

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With sails raised

Past the steep island,

Past the big city;

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost.

Prince Guidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders me to keep the answer:

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

We traded damask steel

Pure silver and gold,

And now our time has come;

But the road is far away for us,

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan."

The prince then tells them:

"Good journey to you, gentlemen,

By sea along Okiyan

To the glorious Tsar Saltan.

Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon

I send my regards to the Tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,

They went out and hit the road.

The prince goes to the sea, and the swan is there

Already walking on the waves.

The prince again: the soul is asking...

So it pulls and carries away...

And again she him

Sprayed everything in an instant.

Here he has shrunk a lot,

The prince turned like a bumblebee,

It flew and buzzed;

I caught up with the ship at sea,

Slowly sank

To the stern - and hid in the gap.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,

And the desired country

It's visible from afar.

The guests came ashore.

Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,

And follow them to the palace

Our daredevil has flown.

He sees, all shining in gold,

Tsar Saltan sits in his chamber

On the throne and in the crown,

With a sad thought on his face.

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They sit near the king -

All three are looking at four.

Tsar Saltan seats guests

At his table and asks:

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take? Where?

Is it good or bad overseas?

And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

Living overseas is not bad;

In the world, here’s a miracle:

An island lies on the sea,

There is a city on the island,

Every day there is a miracle there:

The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Will splash in a quick run -

And they will remain on the shore

Thirty-three heroes

In the scales of golden grief,

All the handsome men are young,

Daring giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection;

Old uncle Chernomor

With them comes out of the sea

And takes them out in pairs,

To keep that island

And go around on patrol -

And there is no more reliable guard,

Neither braver nor more diligent.

And Prince Guidon sits there;

He sent you his regards."

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.

"As long as I'm alive,

I will visit the wonderful island

And I’ll stay with the prince.”

Cook and weaver

Not a word - but Babarikha

Smiling, he says:

“Who will surprise us with this?

People come out of the sea

And they wander around on patrol!

Are they telling the truth or lying?

I don't see Diva here.

Are there such divas in the world?

Here goes the rumor that is true:

There is a princess beyond the sea,

What you can't take your eyes off:

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night it illuminates the earth,

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

Swims out like a peahen;

And as the speech says,

It's like a river babbling.

It is fair to say,

It’s a miracle, it’s such a miracle.”

The smart guests are silent:

They don’t want to argue with the woman.

Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle -

And although the prince is angry,

But he regrets his eyes

His old grandmother:

He buzzes over her, spins -

Sits right on her nose,

The hero stung his nose:

A blister appeared on my nose.

And again the alarm began:

“Help, for God's sake!

Guard! catch, catch,

Push him, push him...

That's it! wait a little

Wait!..” And the bumblebee through the window,

Yes, calm down to your destiny

Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue sea,

He doesn’t take his eyes off the blue sea;

Look - above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming.

“Hello, my handsome prince!

Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?

Why are you sad?” —

She tells him.

Prince Guidon answers her:

“Sadness and melancholy eats me up:

People get married; I see

I’m the only one who’s unmarried.”

-Who do you have in mind?

You have? - “Yes in the world,

They say there is a princess

That you can't take your eyes off.

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night the earth lights up -

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

And she herself is majestic,

Protrudes like a peahen;

He speaks sweetly,

It's like a river is babbling.

Just, come on, is this true?”

The prince waits with fear for an answer.

The white swan is silent

And, after thinking, he says:

"Yes! there is such a girl.

But the wife is not a mitten:

You can’t shake off the white pen,

You can't put it under your belt.

I'll give you some advice -

Listen: about everything about it

Think about it,

I wouldn’t repent later.”

The prince began to swear before her,

That it's time for him to get married,

What about all this

He changed his mind along the way;

What is ready with a passionate soul

Behind the beautiful princess

He walks away

At least distant lands.

The swan is here, taking a deep breath,

She said: “Why far away?

Know that your destiny is near,

After all, this princess is me.”

Here she is, flapping her wings,

Flew over the waves

And to the shore from above

Sank into the bushes

Started up, shook myself off

And she turned around like a princess:

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star burns;

And she herself is majestic,

Protrudes like a peahen;

And as the speech says,

It's like a river babbling.

The prince hugs the princess,

Presses to a white chest

And he leads her quickly

To your dear mother.

The prince is at her feet, begging:

“Dear Empress!

I chose my wife

Daughter obedient to you,

We ask for both permissions,

Your blessing:

Bless the children

Live in advice and love."

Above their humble head

Mother with a miraculous icon

She sheds tears and says:

“God will reward you, children.”

The prince did not take long to get ready,

He married the princess;

They began to live and live,

Yes, wait for the offspring.

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

On full sails

Past the steep island,

Past the big city;

The guns are firing from the pier,

The ship is ordered to land.

Guests arrive at the outpost.

Prince Guidon invites them to visit,

He feeds and waters them

And he orders me to keep the answer:

“What are you, guests, bargaining with?

And where are you sailing now?

The shipbuilders responded:

"We've traveled all over the world,

We traded for a reason

Unspecified product;

But the road lies far ahead for us:

Head back to the east,

Past Buyan Island,

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan."

The prince then said to them:

"Good journey to you, gentlemen,

By sea along Okiyan

To the glorious I give to Saltan;

Yes, remind him

To my sovereign:

He promised to visit us,

And I haven’t gotten around to it yet -

I send him my regards."

The guests are on their way, and Prince Guidon

Stayed home this time

And he did not separate from his wife.

The wind makes a cheerful noise,

The ship is running merrily

Past Buyan Island

To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,

And a familiar country

It's visible from afar.

The guests came ashore.

Tsar Saltan invites them to visit.

Guests see: in the palace

The king sits in his crown,

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They sit near the king,

All three are looking at four.

Tsar Saltan seats guests

At his table and asks:

“Oh, you, gentlemen, guests,

How long did it take? Where?

Is it good across the sea, or is it bad?

And what miracle is there in the world?”

The shipbuilders responded:

“We have traveled all over the world;

Living overseas is not bad,

In the world, here’s a miracle:

An island lies on the sea,

There is a city on the island,

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

The tame squirrel lives in it,

Yes, what a miracle worker!

Squirrel sings songs

Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts;

And nuts are not simple,

The shells are golden

The cores are pure emerald;

The squirrel is groomed and protected.

There's another miracle:

The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It rushes onto the empty shore,

Will splash in a quick run,

And they will find themselves on the shore,

In scales, like the heat of grief,

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are daring,

Young giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

And there is no more reliable guard,

Neither braver nor more diligent.

And the prince has a wife,

What you can't take your eyes off:

During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

At night it illuminates the earth;

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning.

Prince Guidon rules that city,

Everyone praises him diligently;

He sent you his regards,

Yes, he blames you:

He promised to visit us,

But I haven’t gotten around to it yet.”

At this point the king could not resist,

He ordered the fleet to be equipped.

And the weaver with the cook,

With in-law Babarikha,

They don't want to let the king in

A wonderful island to visit.

But Saltan does not listen to them

And it just calms them down:

"What am I? king or child? —

He says not jokingly: -

I’m going now!” -Here he stomped

He went out and slammed the door.

Guidon sits under the window,

Silently looks at the sea:

It doesn’t make noise, it doesn’t whip,

Only barely, barely trembles,

And in the azure distance

Ships appeared:

Along the Okiyan plains

Tsar Saltan's fleet is on its way.

Prince Guidon then jumped up,

He cried loudly:

“My dear mother!

You, young princess!

Look there:

Father is coming here."

The fleet is already approaching the island.

Prince Guidon blows the trumpet:

The king is standing on deck

And he looks at them through the pipe;

With him is a weaver and a cook,

With his in-law Babarikha;

They are surprised

To the unknown side.

The cannons were fired at once;

The bell towers began to ring;

Guidon himself goes to the sea;

There he meets the king

With the cook and the weaver,

With his in-law Babarikha;

He led the king into the city,

Without saying anything.

Everyone now goes to the wards:

The armor shines at the gate,

And stand in the eyes of the king

Thirty-three heroes

All the handsome men are young,

Daring giants

Everyone is equal, as if by selection,

Uncle Chernomor is with them.

The king stepped into the broad courtyard:

There under the tall tree

The squirrel sings a song

The golden nut gnaws

Emerald takes out

And puts it in a bag;

And the large yard is sown

Golden shell.

Guests are far away - hurriedly

They look - well, the princess is a miracle:

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star burns;

And she herself is majestic,

Performs like a peahen

And she leads her mother-in-law.

The king looks and finds out...

Zealousness surged within him!

"What I see? what's happened?

How!" - and the spirit in him began to...

The king burst into tears,

He hugs the queen

And son, and young lady,

And everyone sits down at the table;

And the merry feast began.

And the weaver with the cook,

With his in-law Babarikha,

They fled to the corners;

They were found there by force.

Here they confessed everything,

They apologised, burst into tears;

Such a king for joy

Sent all three home.

The day has passed - Tsar Saltan

They went to bed half drunk.

I was there; honey, drank beer -

And he just wet his mustache.

(Illustration V. Laguna, West Siberian Institute, 1985)

Published by: Mishka 15.12.2017 14:48 26.06.2019

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Where do the “Russian” words come from: brawler, violent, brawl? In legends, people who committed misdeeds or were overcome by negative thoughts and emotions were exiled to this island. It turns out that this island that Pushkin wrote about really exists.

In the Baltic Sea, on the territory of what is now united Germany, there is a fairly large island, called Rügen in German, and Ruyan or Buyan in Slavic. It was about this legendary island that A.S. Pushkin wrote: “Past the Buyan Island, to the kingdom of the glorious Satan.” The island of Rügen can be found in any geographical atlas; why did he suddenly become a legend?

During Pushkin’s youth, many fairy tales circulated among the people, in which Western European epic, biblical stories, Arabic tales and real historical events were incredibly intertwined. Slavs settled Rügen in the second or third centuries AD. On the northeastern tip of the island, on a high rock, the fortress city of Arkona was built, which existed until 1168, despite all the attempts of the crusaders to destroy it. On the territory of the fortress there was a magnificent pagan temple of the god Svetovit (Svantevita, Svetobog). A description of the appearance of the temple has been preserved, and during archaeological excavations on the mainland, small sculptures of the deity himself were found. Svetovit was depicted as a man with four faces (one at chest level). By the way, there was nothing frightening about this image that would make it look like a dragon with several heads.

Thousands of pilgrims visited the temple complex every year, which aroused the understandable rage of militant Christians. The last few decades of Arkona's existence were the beginning of the end: by that time, the fortress was inhabited by sea pirates who successfully robbed passing ships of the Germans, Swedes and Danes. In their free time from robberies, the pirates repaired the temple and indulged in simple amusements; the fortress was almost impregnable from the sea, so it existed longer than other pagan settlements. In 1168, the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, King Valdemar the First of Denmark, defeated and destroyed the Arkona fortress to the ground, forcibly baptizing the local residents. Soon after this, something strange happened, beyond the realm of reality: the rocky part of the island gradually sank under water, hiding the ruins of the fortress. Local residents are still confident that on foggy nights the ghost town appears in its original place in all its pristine glory.

This was just one of the legends of the island of Rügen. Russian legends mention a certain Alatyr-stone, which is (or was) on the legendary island, and it, the stone, was supposedly guarded by the fiery snake Garafen. This mysterious object, if touched with the palms of your hands, returned youth and health to people. There is some truth in this tale: before the Svetovit temple was destroyed, local residents managed to remove and hide the stone altar, which became the object of a secret pilgrimage of the pagan Slavs. Perhaps the ancient altar has survived to this day, adding to someone’s private collection. But what was Garafen's fiery snake? The appearance of the fiery snake could be a clever trick played by the temple priests, but what if it is a real physical phenomenon? The fact is that right under the island, under the thickness of sedimentary rocks, there is a fault, a junction between tectonic plates, and such faults can lead to the most unexpected natural anomalies. For example, strong ionization of the air above the fault site is quite capable of giving rise to a glowing ghost of the city and everything that their awakened imagination tells people.
The former GDR did not have funds for archaeological excavations, but research is currently underway on the island of Rügen. Now it is difficult to expect that scientists will find sensational discoveries: time and countless looters have done their dirty work, and the era is already completely different, and the old idols have been replaced by new ones.
