Sabina is the name of what nationality. What does the name Sabina mean?

In Russia, the female name Sabina is very rare. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the owner of such an interesting name will stand out from the crowd.

Origin of the name Sabina

There are several versions of the origin of this name, the main ones are: The name Sabina first appeared in Ancient Rome. In the territory of ancient Italy, which was captured by the Romans, the local inhabitants were called Sabines. Representatives of the fair sex at that time began to be called Sabines. The name Sabina is of Arabic origin. In Arabic, the word sabina means "small sword." The name Sabina comes from the Aramaic word saba, which translates as “baptized.”

Character traits

Most often, Sabinas have a peculiar character. As a rule, they have their own point of view on everything. Almost all owners of this name are strong-willed women with self-esteem.

Sabina can be capricious and takes criticism very seriously. Stubbornness and desire for leadership are evident in them from birth. Most often, Sabina's parents spoil her, and over time she can turn from a funny child into a capricious princess. It can be noticed that such girls in adolescence exhibit a certain rigidity and dominance in relationships with peers. Adult Sabina does not have a patient character; she loves attention, luxury, and money. She is a big fan of gossip and an excellent organizer of any intrigues. Unfortunately, it often happens that her ambition and complex character can cause Sabina to have almost no real friends left when she reaches middle age. Only at this age will she begin to understand the value of friendships and will she have a desire to create an incredibly strong family. To achieve this, she will do everything and become a real defender of the family hearth.

Zodiac compatibility

The name Sabina is perfect for a baby born under the sign of Aries. The hot temper and impulsiveness of this zodiac sign corresponds to most of the characteristics of this name. Sabine Aries will be active materialists, but will also be more friendly and generous.

Advantages and disadvantages of the name

Of course, the name Sabina is very beautiful, bright and energetically strong. In addition, it goes well with many Russian patronymics and makes it possible to call the child with a number of endearing abbreviations, for example: Sabi, Sabinochka, Sabinushka, Sabinka. However, this name also has a big drawback - sometimes its owner has a disgusting character. Raising such a girl is quite difficult.


Sabines can boast of fairly good health. Physical activity and moral stability of the owners of this name help maintain good health.

Love and family relationships

Sabina tries to approach her choice of husband very responsibly. In family relationships, her character can change dramatically. For her child and husband, Sabina will become the best in the world, and will always take care of her loved ones. It is worth considering that she will be a very affectionate mother and caring wife. Women with this name are excellent cooks and love to furnish their home. If someone treats her children badly, Sabina will definitely cause a scandal.


Women with this name most often become simple housewives. However, if Sabina wants and puts in a little effort, she can achieve success in various fields of activity. She can make the best TV presenter, a successful restaurateur, a creative florist, an excellent pastry chef or an excellent accountant.

Sabina's Day

The mysterious, euphonious and unusual name Sabina comes from ancient times and comes from the word “Sabine woman”. In modern interpretation it is translated as “beautiful”, “sweet”, “attractive”. If history is to be believed, the origin of the name is quite ambiguous. There is an opinion that it came from the people - the Sabines, with whom the ancient Roman warrior Savin fought.

He conquered the proud people, and took the most beautiful women into his harem and made them his concubines. Since then, it has become a custom to call beautiful Muslim women by the name Sabina.

In Arabic, this word is translated as “small sword.” And some historians attribute to it the meaning “wise”, “baptized”.

Sabina is an unpredictable girl. She is at the same time sweet, beautiful, and capable of charming any person. At the same time, she is distinguished by her intelligence, quick wit and great wisdom even at a young age.

That is why the only daughter in a Muslim family is called Sabina. After all, she was given to the joy of her parents, like a beautiful flower that they should care for and cherish. Allah was merciful and gave the parents this sweet and fragile creature. For boys, names are chosen so that they reflect the masculinity and strength of a man.

For Muslims, it is extremely important that a girl’s name be gentle and pleasant. It does not carry any information or special meaning, but the girl should be comfortable with it. In addition, the father should like the name, because in the future the girl will get married and her name should please her husband’s ears.

Sabina - among Muslims the name does not have any specific meaning, but it is extremely popular among admirers of Islam.

The character of Sabina in her youth

If parents decide to give their daughter this amazingly beautiful name, then they must be prepared to constantly fight with this wayward person. From a young age she begins to demonstrate her inflexible character. If the parents do everything exactly the way she wants, then they will get the most adorable child in the world. But if her whim is not satisfied, then Sabina turns into a cute little monster who will defend her rights with all her might.

In most cases, Sabinas are very beautiful. They have no friends at school, but because of the girl’s arrogance, but because they envy her beauty and ability to win the heart of any guy with one flick of her eyelashes. But she has a lot of representatives of the opposite sex as friends. The boys are simply crazy about this young beauty.

Adolescence is difficult for a girl. All the negative qualities of her character are trying to break out. She can humiliate any girl or guy with one word. Power and strength mean a lot to her.

Love relationship

Knowing what the name Sabina means, it is easy to understand: in love she knows no rivals. But she has a special, very practical mindset, which does not allow her to relax, even when she falls in love. In these relationships there is always a cold and hard calculation. Sabina attaches great importance to money and wealth, gifts and power. Therefore, among her fans there will never be those guys who don’t have a penny to their name.

When it comes to sex, the girl is extremely suspicious, and therefore can interpret even the most ardent and tender feelings as a way to seduce her and abandon her. Often because of this, they remain alone for a very long time, and sometimes they do not get married at all.

Sabina is capable of crushing any man with her pressure, whims and demands, so only the most persistent and hardy man can tolerate this wayward beauty next to him.

After she gets married, the girl becomes docile and calm. By choosing only a wealthy man as her husband, she gets everything from life. And therefore she becomes simply an amazing housewife. The young lady will always have something cooking on the stove, the house will be clean and fresh, and the husband will be well-groomed and happy.

Sabina is a wonderful mother. She treats her children as real treasures. She is able to do them from morning to evening, without getting tired of giving her tenderness, love and all her knowledge. You shouldn't touch this mother's children. And even more so try to offend or infringe on their rights. She is capable of coming to school and throwing a huge scandal if someone dares to offend her little ones.

Work and career

The name Sabina, the meaning and origin of which completely determines the fate of a woman, makes her completely unable to open her own business, or simply work and build a career. She gives her life to a patron who will provide for her life.

But there are cases when Sabina had a good career. The following professions are suitable for her:

  • actress;
  • model.

You can also often meet women with this name in the area:

  • restaurant business;
  • floristry;
  • design;
  • choreography.

It is in them that a woman can show others her amazing taste.

The meaning of the name Sabina for girls and women is very ambiguous. It combines unbridledness, stubbornness, materialism and self-confidence. Not everyone will like the character of this lady. Someone will be terribly afraid of her, and someone will idolize her.

Like all others, this name has its own special secret. The woman simply has amazing intuition, which she sometimes doesn’t attach any importance to. She knows in advance everything that can happen to her or what threatens her next to this or that person. Intuition very often helps her out when she is at the mercy of feelings. It is almost impossible to deceive her, but she cheats a lot.

This name can mean many things. The girl never changes her mind. She simply has iron willpower. No matter how much one trusts her, she will always remain subjectively attuned to a person. Nationality does not play any role in this case, nor does upbringing. This is her essence, and no matter whose character they try to instill in a girl, she will grow up wayward and stubborn.

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In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Sabina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Sabina mean?: From the Sabine tribe (the name Sabina is of Scandinavian origin).

There are several versions of the origin of the name Sabina. According to one of them, the name was formed from the Roman congomen (family or personal nickname), which translated means “Sabine.” In Ancient Rome it was a generic nickname for the Claudii and Calvisi.

The meaning of the name Sabina, according to the second version, is “beautiful”, “strong”. In fact, this is a variant of the male name Sabin. Sabinus was previously called the ancestor of the Sabines, one of the strongest Italian nationalities. And the association with beauty arose precisely because the Sabine women were very attractive. For a man, the meaning of the name was interpreted as “strong.”

In Catholicism, Saint Sabin is known, who was the bishop of Canosa and was considered the patron saint of the city of Bari in Italy. Saint Sabina of Rome was the patron saint of housewives.

There is a third version, according to which the meaning of the name Sabina is “unpretentious”, “wise”. By the way, male names (Saba) are derived from the same verb. In Orthodoxy, Sabina's name is pronounced Savina.

Sabina's Angel Day: The name Sabina celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 30
  • March 24
  • August 29
  • 27th October
  • Sabina's zodiac – Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Planet – Venus
  • Color Sabina Sabina - blue and light gray
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Sabina's treasured plant is the orchid.
  • The patron of the name Sabina is the hedgehog
  • Sabina Sabina's talisman stone – pearl

Characteristics of the name Sabina

Positive features: Sabina, as a rule, has an attractive appearance. Envy, revenge, jealousy are alien to her. She tends to be lenient towards her partners' adultery. The most important thing for the name Sabina is spiritual closeness, understanding, and similar intellectual interests.

Negative features: Sabina is temperamental and quick-tempered. Sometimes she can say what she thinks without hesitation, causing general disapproval with her harsh and uncompromising statements.

Personality of the name Sabina: What does the name Sabina mean? A girl named Sabina is characterized by natural impatience and haste in actions. She may be too happy about the result that she managed to get completely by accident, and then hope that luck will smile on her in the same way. But this often does not happen when it comes to things that need to be planned - Sabina does not know how to do this.

Sabina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Sabina promise happiness in love? The name Sabina suffers from unrequited, unrequited love, hiding her suffering under the guise of independence and cold indifference. Sabina's early marriage almost always ends in failure.

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Albert, Heraclius, Rodion, Erasmus is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Alfer, Ditmar, Erast.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Sabina is interested in people and social life, so her desire for benefit and the establishment of goodness and mercy in the world is used in social work and psychology.

The name Sabina in numerology corresponds to the number 3, which characterizes its owner as a cheerful, talented and very capable person. Indeed, even at an early age, Sabina manages to master new knowledge quite well, faster than her peers can do. So, the name Sabina is very successful in sports, science, art - she is trying to find an activity for herself that can become a kind of outlet for her, a means of getting rid of the problems of everyday life. Numerology says that it is extremely important for Sabina to make the right decision regarding what she would like to do in the future. Of course, we are talking about a profession. It is important here that Sabina has an authoritative person next to her, whose opinion she will listen to. This is especially true for owners of the number 3 in numerology, since they, as a rule, live one day at a time, without thinking about the future and prospects.

Sabina's business and career: Many representatives of this name are quite indifferent to money, especially if they do not feel dire need. They value success, fame and social prestige more than wealth.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Sabina does not like to be a burden to others, which also often prevents her from recovering and recovering completely. Migraines and ear diseases often disrupt the normal rhythm of her life.

Sabina is often the only child in the family, and therefore grows up spoiled. If the name Sabina was born in winter, then most likely her character will be quite complex. Although the owner of this name, as a rule, is very beautiful, talented and attracts attention from the opposite sex, even despite the complexities of her character. Sabina is capricious, domineering, and loves to subjugate people. If she was born in the summer, then, on the contrary, she is distinguished by modesty and shyness, and is very careful in communicating with men. “Autumn” Sabina is calculating and proud, but she does not enter into conflicts and loves flattery. In any case, the family life of the owner of this name is going very well.

Sabina's fate in history

What does the name Sabina mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Poppaea Sabina is the second wife of Emperor Nero.
  2. Vibia Sabina is the wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian.
  3. Sabine Meyer is a German performer who played the clarinet.
  4. Sabine Azema is an actress of French origin.
  5. Sabine Bergmann-Pohl is a German politician and member of the Christian Democratic Union party.
  6. Sabina (Sheive Naftulevna) Spielrein - Soviet and Russian teacher, psychoanalyst, student of K.G. Cabin boy.
  7. Sabina Imaykina is a Russian figure skater.
  8. Sabine Azema is a French actress.

The euphonious and mysterious, caressing name Sabina came to us from ancient times as the “Sabine woman”. Researchers disagree and cannot say for sure what the original meaning of the name Sabina was. The name in its modern version is interpreted as “beautiful”, “wonderful”, “strong”.

Captivating Sabina! Meaning, origin of the name

  • Historically, it goes back to the male name “Sabin”. During the time of the ancient Romans, who were irreconcilable in their enmity with the brave and strong Sabines, the leader Sulla in the first century AD destroyed the proud people, and made women distinguished by their amazing beauty as concubines and wives.
  • According to the next version, the meaning of the name Sabina for a girl has its origins in the cognomen “Sabinus”, the generic nickname of the two most ancient families of the Claudii and Calvisi.
  • According to the third version, it came from the Aramaic language: “saba” meant “baptized,” and some researchers attribute to this name the interpretation “unpretentious” and “wise.”
  • In Arabic, the meaning of the name Sabina is interpreted as “small sword.”
  • In Orthodoxy it echoes the similar “Savina”, which is attributed to origin from the name of the martyr.

How is a girl's name chosen in a Muslim family?

All of the listed original names are strangely reflected in a contradictory and unpredictable, charming and insidious nature, which attracts to itself like a magnet. Yes, this is Sabina in all her glory!
It is not for nothing that only daughters in Muslim families are often called this name. After all, it is important for them that the girl’s name is euphonious and reflects femininity and softness, and is like a delicate flower given by Allah, which parents should cherish and protect. And when choosing a name for a boy, they give preference to firm and rough ones, reflecting masculinity and toughness of character.
If in pre-Islamic times a disdainful attitude towards daughters was allowed, and in Arab families one could meet a girl with the name Jusama, meaning “nightmare,” then with the spread of Islam everything changed. The prophet's companions had names such as Fatima and Khadija, Asiya and Zainab, so the girls were called by their illustrious names, giving religious significance to the name and fate of the child.

The meaning of the name Sabina: Muslims have their own characteristics

Over time, preference began to be given to names that did not have important historical significance, but had a melodic sound. After all, no matter how important the meanings of the names Furey'a and Da'd were, the unpronounceable form often prevented parents from making a choice in their favor. Given the reverent attitude towards girls in Islam, they tried to call them by names that were soothing to the ears.

Despite the fact that the name Sabina was originally non-Muslim, it is increasingly being used to name beloved daughters in Islamic families. The mullah does not resist, because one of the options has Arab roots, and this is of great importance. According to Muslim faith, the name of the Muslims does not affect the fate of the child, but it is very important that the child enjoys wearing it, and that those around him refer to the girl. The decisive significance of the name Sabina in Islam is given due to the tenderness of the sound, which reflects the beauty, inner resilience and strength of character of the girl. It is also important that the father likes this name, because in the future it should please the husband’s ears and harmoniously combine with the appearance and character of the beauty.

This name is most often given to the desired and only daughter, who in a family of wealthy parents grows up in love and affection, uses them to the fullest, without being denied anything.

As a child, she is a funny girl, distinguished by her beauty and charm, which she skillfully uses. She is sociable and surprisingly easily can pick up the key to any person, winning him over in a short time. He has many friends, but only lets a select few get close to him; from childhood he knows how to keep his distance from people he doesn’t trust. He is distinguished by his emotionality, which he cannot control: he grieves and rejoices, without restraining himself.

Sabina as a teenager

As a teenager, she realizes her external exclusivity: she is graceful and slender, attracts fans, but does not give preference to anyone. A predator awakens in a girl who clearly knows what she needs in life. The commercialism inherent in Sabina guides her in choosing the admirer to whom she deigns to give preference. She does not waste time on trifles and waits for a worthy candidate who must withstand a strict selection to meet all the requirements put forward by the beauty.

The parents indulge their daughter in everything, and she is not used to being refused anything in life. She strives to be the best in all her hobbies, and she easily succeeds. Friends exclaim with envy: “It’s a girl!” Yes, the name Sabina, its meaning, its origin - everything contributes to success in whatever business she undertakes. She is willful and does not tolerate competition: neither in her personal life nor in the business sphere. She will never allow herself to be used, because this is her prerogative. Only she is allowed to masterfully manipulate people. She has a countless number of friends, but is selective in friends who have a hard time with her. But in return she is ready to pay with attention, devotion and love.

Family of grown-up Sabina

Given the peculiarities of being raised in a Muslim family, Sabina brings the best to her family. Her home is a full bowl, where she is a hospitable housewife who knows how to create comfort for all household members, but is very demanding of her chosen one, who must meet high criteria. She is ready to disappear into the family, pushing her career into the background. Possessing excellent intuition and calculation, she will help build a career for her spouse. He just needs to listen more often to the recommendations that Sabina gives. The meaning of the Muslim name and appropriate upbringing will help her become an excellent mother in the future, but she shouldn’t have children too early, because in essence she is herself at heart.

A very rare, unusual female name Sabina, so unusual to hear, is most often associated with eastern civilizations. But this is not entirely true, as there are several theories about where it came from, and therefore the meaning of the name Sabina remains an unsolved mystery.

When choosing this mysterious name for a girl, parents must prepare for constant confrontation with this wayward person. Already in childhood, little Sabinochka shows her character, and if you do everything as she wants, you will communicate with the most wonderful and friendly child in the world. But if you refuse to buy a toy, you risk running into a little monster who defends his rights with fury for a child.

Sabines are often incredibly beautiful, pleasing to the eye and arousing admiration. At school they often have no friends, and this has its own interpretation: classmates are simply jealous of the girl’s beauty and ability to charm any boy with just an innocent look from under her thick eyelashes. But she has a lot of friends of the opposite sex, because the boys, attaching great importance to her beauty and ability to present themselves, are simply crazy about her.

It is not easy for a girl to go through adolescence, when her negative qualities strive to show themselves to the fullest. Often she can simply intimidate or humiliate a girl she doesn’t like; she attaches special importance to a sense of power and significance.


Sabina has a practical mindset, which means that she always looks at even tender feelings soberly. She attaches great importance to money, luxury, and expensive gifts, and therefore her fans will never include a guy who has not a penny to his name.

In sexual matters, the girl is very suspicious, distrusts men, and she can regard even the most sincere feelings as an attempt to seduce and abandon. That is why the owner of this name gets married either late or never.

And it’s hard for men to be with her, she is capable of crushing anyone with her demands and whims, and such a characterization of the name Sabina will allow only the most persistent and strong to achieve the hand and heart of this woman.


In family life, Sabina calms down, becomes more obedient and flexible. Choosing only a wealthy man as her husband, she, without needing anything, becomes simply an excellent housewife. And this means that she always has something cooking on the stove, the house is cozy and clean, and her husband is well-groomed and happy.

She will be a wonderful mother for her children, as she treats them as her greatest treasure and never tires of working with them, teaching them, and instructing them. But her difficult character still manifests itself when her greatest value, her children, is treated inadequately and unfairly. She attaches great importance to their authority and self-esteem, and therefore sometimes personally comes to school and makes serious scandals there.

Business and career

This woman cannot be called capable of starting her own business, or even doing simple work. She fully relies on her patron, which means she often enjoys being a housewife. But the fact that she can unmistakably identify a person who can support her - this cannot be taken away from her, such is the meaning of the name Sabina.

Still, sometimes the owners of this name have a good career. She will make a good actress, and thanks to her excellent external characteristics, she can easily become a sought-after model. She is also attracted to professions where she can show herself and her good taste, for example, floristry, restaurant business, design and choreography.

Origin of the name Sabina

The great mystery of the name Sabina is that it is not known for certain where this name came from. On the one hand, the etymology of this word takes us to ancient Rome, during the time of its construction. Then Romulus and Remus, in search of caring wives, stole all the women from the neighboring tribe of Sabines, and when the leader went to bring them back, the most beautiful of them, his daughter, whose name was Sabina, opposed this.

Another history of this word is from the Aramaic “Saba”, which translated means “baptized”. And according to the third version, the translation of this word from Arabic means “small sword.”

Characteristics of the name Sabina

Unbridledness, stubbornness, materialism and self-confidence are the main concepts that are embedded in the meaning of the name Sabina, and not everyone will be able to cope with the character of this woman; some will be afraid of her determination and uncompromisingness, while others, on the contrary, will be delighted with these qualities.

Like everything, this name has its pros and cons. Sabina’s strong point is intuition, which she sometimes does not attach importance to, and follows the dictates of reason, although it is always better to listen to her “sixth sense.” Intuition often helps her out in situations when she is stressed or “emotional.” That is why it is very difficult to deceive her, although she herself is sometimes cunning, and not at all harmless.

This girl will never cancel her decision, she simply has an iron will, and no matter how hard she tries, she will trust her subjective ideas about the world. One of her worst qualities is her tendency to intrigue and gossip, which is why she has so few real friends.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Pearl.
  • Name day - August 24, 29 (Catholic calendar).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Libra.

Famous people

  • Sabina Babayeva is an Azerbaijani singer, finalist of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.
  • Sabine Appelmans – Professional tennis player from Belgium, sports commentator.
  • Sabina Imaykina is a famous Russian figure skater, pair skating.

Different languages

The origin of the name Sabina is not completely certain, but the translation of this name is found in many languages ​​of the European group, although it is pronounced the same in all languages.

It is especially worth noting how this word is translated from Latin - beautiful, beautiful, and this is completely true, because very often women named so have incredible beauty.

In Chinese, this word is pronounced exactly the same as in Russian, and using hieroglyphs it is written as 沙芬. In Japanese, the pronunciation is the same story, but this word is written -サビナ.

Name forms

The name Sabina is somewhat exotic for our language, but loving parents do not attach much importance to this, and call their daughter very tenderly and affectionately. An example would be the diminutive Sabinochka, the very affectionate Sabinushka, or even Sabinenok.

In the youth circle, there are other derivatives of this name, most often the short and slightly disparaging Sabinka, and the completely abbreviated Sabi. The abbreviation from the first syllable, Bina or Binya, is also used.

The full name Sabina is subject to the rules of declension, like other similar words in the Russian language, for example Karina, Alina.

Although the owner of this name is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures - the daughter of the leader of the Sabines, but
According to the church calendar, it can only be found in Catholicism, but it is not found in Orthodoxy, therefore, at baptism, the priest will give the girl an Orthodox name, which corresponds to the name day on the date of her birth.
