Why do you dream about a jumping rat? Dream interpretation of a rat, why a rat is dreamed of, a rat in a dream

Why do you dream about a rat and is it so scary in a dream?

Psychological aspect

The meaning of a dream about rats will become much clearer if you evaluate your attitude towards them in reality. Do they scare you with their ugly faces, long tails and sharp teeth, or do you find them cute and funny? Your attitude will most likely affect the interpretation of dreams with their presence in one way or another, positive or negative.

If you are unable to remember every detail of a dream about rats, try to remember how you felt when you saw the rat. Were you happy, worried, sad, afraid or terrified? Emotions are the key to solving your dream.

The color of the rat in your dream plays the role of a kind of symbolism. The white rat is a sign of overcoming difficult times: you will go through difficulties, but you will overcome them. Black color is a symbol of deception and betrayal, and sometimes, unfortunately, mourning and grief. (On the other hand, in some cultures a black rat is a sign of good luck in love and marriage.). Dreams about a blue rat are dreamed by people who do not believe that only through diligence and work can one earn trust.

Remember what emotions certain colors evoke in you, analyze the associations that arise when you see this or that shade, and only then evaluate your dream.

Here are some dream scenarios:

If you see yourself in a dream as a rat, someone has an important message for you.

A rat is eating on your dining table or gnawing a hole in some of your objects - such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of an annoying character on your horizon, bothering you. Or maybe there is a rat sitting inside you, this is your unjustified jealousy, remember how in the song?

If a rat is chasing you: this is a sure symbol that you will fail in an argument.

This gray animal that frightens us combines a collection of such human vices as betrayal, deception, envy, and such weaknesses as powerlessness and doubt. Your dream is like a coin, with emotions embossed on it, and the rat can indicate any of them.

If you see blood at the site of a rat bite in a dream, most likely this dream means that the treatment of a serious illness of one of your loved ones will require your financial support.

Still, don’t be upset if you defeated a rat in a dream, know that all illnesses and misfortunes will bypass you.

Having caught a huge rat and put it in a pen, this dream is a sign of temporary improvement in all aspects.

A person in love may dream of a rat scratching and biting him; do not wait for his attention to the object of your secret passion, he will rather pay attention to another person.

To interpret a dream where rats are running for their lives, you need to analyze your own behavior, maybe the tendency to run away and hide is your thing when you need to deal with problems. “Rats are fleeing a sinking ship,” so maybe you should quit your job or give up something instructions from your superiors, because if you had such a dream, failure cannot be avoided.

Rats are also laboratory animals that are used for testing, ask yourself, maybe you are, to some extent, this rat, constantly being under a microscope.

A dream in which you were attacked by a pack of female rats promises difficulties in the current situation. If only one rat bites through your clothes, you can solve all the problems yourself.

A living animal in a dream means that in reality you have a secret enemy, and you mistake him for a friend.
A dream where a rat does a good deed will lead to the prosperity and well-being of the family.
In a dream, being surrounded by aggressive rats is an indicator that a period of lack of money, betrayal, or problems has come for you that may take you by surprise.

If in a dream you manage to drive out the rats, it means successful completion of an important job that you just planned.
Killing this animal with one blow means victory in any endeavor for you.

Why do you dream about a cat and a rat?

If you dreamed about a cat and a rat, they will try to drag you into a dangerous situation, convincing you that they are right.
A rat spinning around looking for something in your house means big waste of money. And also, do not forget to check the serviceability of household appliances in your home after such a dream, otherwise you may become a victim of a fire.
If in a dream you were attacked by a rat, try to carefully monitor your health from this day on, otherwise you may become seriously ill.

A rat will try to escape from you in a dream - you will miss some good opportunities in life.
If you clearly heard the disgusting squeak of this animal in a dream, it means gossip from unkind people who are clearly trying to ruin your reputation.

They killed a rodent in a dream - the loss of everything that they had earned through hard work for so long in some dream books, but in most, the main interpretation is victory and prosperity.

You saw in a dream how rats swarmed in a garbage dump - problems with the law await you.

Hunting for rats in a dream is a harbinger of robbery.

A woman in a relationship or a married woman has such a dream on the eve of a strong scandal with her husband. In a dream of an unmarried girl, this means a happy relationship and an early wedding.
For a guy or girl, a dream will bring many happy moments and an invitation to a wedding celebration.
A young girl dreams of a blue rat? In real life, her boyfriend cheated on her and then tried very hard to earn her trust.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Rat dream and what does it mean:

Catching rats in a dream means danger. Eating them means trouble. Seeing a rat is bad news.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Rat in a dream?

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.

Catching a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity.

Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about a rat?

The rat is a terrible enemy. Great danger. Pluto and the 12th house.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does the Rat dream about the days of the week?

A rat gnawing on a table leg says that you will soon discover something that has spoiled your relationship with a loved one. A rat in a pan in the kitchen means that some kind of deception will be revealed.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see a Rat, what is it for?

Rat - losses, disappointments in material matters. Defending yourself from attacked rats means a lack of faith in justice and the desire to independently solve complex cases. Seeing rats in the house is a test of fate. Seeing a rat carrying food means damage from neighbors. A rat in the workplace (in the office, etc.) is a harmful colleague who is not easy to get rid of.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the Rat?

Rat - Betrayal of a friend. Imagine that you give a rat poison, it eats it and dies. Bury it in the ground.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Rat

Rats are considered dirty animals that carry disease. Indeed, most rats live in dirty places, where it is easy to contract diseases that are life-threatening to humans. However, they are also quite intelligent, adaptable and make good pets. The meaning of rats in a dream depends on how you feel about them.

Maybe the rat you dreamed of was a lover who betrayed you? Or did you dream of hordes of rats moving in one direction, fleeing from a sinking ship? This option may indicate a subconscious awareness of problems in relationships or at work. Rats in the house mean that you feel guilty because the cleanliness in it does not meet your standards; rats at work - that someone is trying to set you up.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

You see a rat in a dream - the dream suggests that someone, without any reason, will insult you; control yourself and you will soon hear this person apologizing. It’s as if you are catching a rat - one of your loved ones will commit a dishonorable act; your attitude towards this person can be called impartial. It is as if you are killing a rat - you will rise to the occasion in a difficult situation; defeating enemies is your destiny.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of a Rat, what does it symbolize?

The Rat demonstrates the devastated and cunning part of the dreamer's nature or the dreamed situation. It may also mean something that the dreamer finds disgusting. Perhaps in reality he will be betrayed by a work colleague or friend. (see also Pests)

Universal dream book for the whole family


The rat is a harbinger of illness, failure, a sign of violent influence.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about Rats?

The rat you see is a symbol of enemies and disasters that will cause you a lot of trouble in reality. You've probably let the wrong person into your circle, someone who wants to seem like your friend, and so far he's doing a great job. Take a close look at your comrades.

  • If in a dream rats caused only a slight inconvenience, it means that in reality you will overcome all your troubles easily and painlessly.
  • Why do you dream of hordes of large rats - they warn that your reputation is in great danger and its further fate depends only on you. Try to get your bearings in time and not let your enemies enjoy your defeat.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Rat

  • We associate rats with infections and diseases on a subconscious level. Dreaming of rats reminds you of a pathology that has been tormenting you for a long time. What did you see in your dream?
  • Why do you dream of little rats - a sign of a mild and quick illness.
  • Dreaming of large and unkempt rats means a serious illness that will take away a lot of your energy and finances. It also matters how many pests there were and what emotions you felt towards them.
  • It's another matter if your pet is a cute rat that you love very much. In this case, dreaming about a rat only means your inner disposition towards your pet.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a rat?

  • It is a very bad sign if you dreamed of a rat. Probably, in your relationship with your loved one, things will soon not go as smoothly as you would like. You will find that you have a dangerous rival who wants to discredit you in front of your soulmate and take your place in her heart.
  • But if in a dream you killed a rat, it means that in reality you will get rid of your opponent faster than he can harm you. A dream about rats is a very good sign that promises you deliverance from all the troubles that could interfere with your happy and stable union with your partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why does the Rat dream according to the seer?

  • A dream with a lot of rats reflects dissatisfaction with oneself and this world.
  • Chasing hordes of rats in a dream means you are able to overcome troubles and solve all your problems.
  • Poisoning rats means success.
  • Why do you dream of rats biting you - a big quarrel with friends or, if they bite until you bleed, with relatives.
  • Seeing a dead rat in a dream is a disgusting, vile act, betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a black rat - minor troubles, a gray one - you may be set up, a rat of an unusual color - lies and deceit.
  • Dreaming of driving away a rat means defeating your enemy.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Rat?

The Rat is not universally loved, so it is not surprising that when it appears in your dreams, it is also of a negative nature.

  • If you dream of rats at night, this warns of a high likelihood of serious quarrels and clashes with your neighbors. Rats in a dream are also a symbol of all kinds of conflicts with work colleagues.
  • If you managed to grab a rat in a dream, this means that in reality you will have to face a manifestation of human baseness, which will cause you sincere disgust and contempt. Try to maintain maximum human dignity in the fight against your opponents.
  • You managed to kill a rat, is positive in nature and predicts complete victory for you in any business and in any situation.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Rat dreamed

The rat is an exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. Dreaming of rats can be associated with negative maternal influence, this is how the dream is explained.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of a Rat in a dream?

  • Rat – A symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, good luck.
  • Dreaming of a sea of ​​pests eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve land and intelligently exterminate agricultural pests, this could result in an environmental disaster that will lead to famine.
  • Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.
  • Pairs of rats walking along the street like people are a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the integrity of living beings.
  • A ship steered by rats - this symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.
  • People are preparing a dish from rat meat - this means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.
  • People with rat tails are a sign that warns of illness and should make one think about health and concern for the safety of life.
  • You see in a dream that rats are preparing to attack - a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about the Rat?

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep them as PETS, their attitude towards them is of course different. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.

According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually. In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators? In a dream, do they pose a serious threat to your health and property, or do they simply create an inconvenience with their presence?

In most cases, you should not pay attention to a dream that you had on the 11th. The thing is that from the dreams of this number only separate and extremely clear storylines will come true. If within three days the dream has not come true, then there is no point in waiting, it will no longer come true. Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which relatives and other people close to you are present.

Rat as interpreted by experts

The pagans attached special meaning to dreams. People were given names after plants or animals, and when they appeared in dreams, they meant a specific person. The Christian religion opposed superstitions. However, even today people continue to believe that they see the future in their dreams. From the article you will learn why rats dream.

If a woman dreams of a rat, this means illness, external pressure, and the presence of ill-wishers in life. If rats are running around in the house, you need to prepare for quarrels with family members, meetings with deceitful friends, and problems at work. If a rodent bites a pregnant woman's stomach, she needs to see a doctor. When she strokes her large tailed guest, in reality someone is jealous of her interesting position.

For a man, a flock of rats foreshadows the betrayal of a group of people. If an animal makes eye contact, the head of the family is being unfair to his loved ones. When a rodent hides, the sleeper is unhappy with the situation. Catching a rat by the tail is considered a lucky sign.

Video “Why do you dream about a rat”

From this video you will learn what a rat in a dream means.

According to Miller

The American psychologist is confident that a rat in any form is the embodiment of evil. Her attack on a person in dreams means a quarrel with neighbors. But if a rodent is caught by a cat or dog, a friend will come to the rescue in life. A rodent caught in a trap symbolizes quarrels with different people. If the dreamer is afraid of a rat in reality, dreams with its participation will be a warning about an unpleasant situation in which slanderers are involved. But killing an animal will entail successful events and the end of the black streak.

Gestalt psychology

A rat in a dream reminds you of a pathology that has been tormenting you for many years. Seeing small rat pups means an imminent illness; if they are large, it means a serious illness, which will take a lot of effort and money to fight. If you dream of a cute pet rat, and especially when the dreamer has one in reality, this is a reflection of a person’s love for his animal.

According to Freud

The Austrian psychiatrist was sure that the image of a rodent is associated in reality with a person’s sexual energy, which he suppresses, but which is still looking for a way out. A young guy or girl may dream of a small animal before their first intimacy. For a mature man, such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a relationship with a former lover.

Modern dream book

If a lady dreams of a rat, it means that there is a dishonest and deceitful person in her circle. In general, the creature is a symbol of resilience and endurance, as well as opportunism. Perhaps these qualities are inherent in the dreamer in reality and will help him cope with difficult situations. A rodent can also warn about the presence of gossips and slanderers. A lab rat may mean that you are under pressure from another person.


The Bulgarian seer Vanga believed that a rodent warns a married lady about the appearance of a rival. If he escapes from the trap, you need to be wary of deception. When running around your home, you should prepare for trouble. Hordes of rodents are a sign of an upcoming war.

The great predictor Nostradamus considered the rat a symbol of happiness and fertility, and at the same time changeability. His interpretations of dreams are associated with the dependence of people in the Middle Ages on the weather and internecine wars. For example, a white animal in expensive clothes meant the arrival of an ambassador from the northern lands.

In the British dream book, a rodent is considered a dirty animal that carries diseases. The meaning of dreams depends on the dreamer’s attitude towards rodents in reality. The presence of them in the home is interpreted as a feeling of guilt for the lack of cleanliness in it, and the flight of hordes from a sinking ship is an understanding of problems in work and personal life.

Dream details

Details are important in the interpretation of a dream, namely: the appearance of rats in the home or on the street, their number, size and color, and behavioral characteristics.


If you dream of tailed creatures in your home, but a person does not come into contact with them, he should pay attention to his shortcomings, work more on himself, including trying to think positively. Such dreams can also warn of misunderstandings in the family, as well as quarrels with loved ones.

Number of rodents

If you were able to see many animals running to one place from a hole, for example, you can conclude about financial well-being. In real life, one expects to conclude a profitable deal or increase income in another way. But fighting with a pack of rats for housewives means a quarrel with a spouse or other relatives, and for workers it means disagreements with co-workers. Miller is sure that the appearance of one rodent in a dream forces you to be on guard and expect deception from acquaintances or colleagues. A violent quarrel awaits you, which can escalate into a fight.

Animal size

A large tailed guest in a dream means personal problems in life, to which a person attaches great importance. When a dog is chasing a rat, the sleeper can receive support and help from a friend in reality. If rodents have large eyes and teeth, the dreamer does not know what decision to make in reality. A small rat appearing in dreams can be a reflection of shortcomings such as pettiness or cowardice. A tiny white mouse will tell you that you need to cast aside fears and doubts and move on.


If a man dreams of a rodent of an unnatural color, in real life he will win at cards, a casino or a lottery.

A black tailed guest in a dream is a sign of the presence of an enemy in life, which takes away a lot of mental strength. Often this is a symbol of the negative attitude of his loved ones towards a person. It also means his excessive naivety and gullibility.

White is a sign of loneliness and internal discomfort; it can also personify the kindness and positive attitude of the sleeper. A talking rodent is considered a harbinger of ill-gotten gains.

A redhead means a rival in your personal life, and if she is aggressive, there will be a quarrel with your neighbors. Animals of this color warn that your enemies are hatching a plan that could ruin your reputation.

A gray individual foreshadows worries and troubles and is a symbol of everyday life.


When an animal attacks a person and bites him, this is a good sign; everything planned will be realized. A bite on the hand or finger portends a meeting with the love of your life. Another interpretation of such a dream says that there is no need to lend money to a friend for a new project. Bites on the leg encourage the sleeping woman to expect family troubles in life, of which she will be the culprit. If an animal bites a man on the heel, financial income awaits him.

Baby rats

Dreams in which a baby rat appears can mean a person’s lack of confidence in his abilities, dissatisfaction with his appearance or character. Rats can warn of quarrels in reality with family members, as well as conflicts with children. Such dreams call for being more selective in choosing loved ones and friends, so as not to run into trouble.

Pet rat

When a tame tailed guest is in the arms of a sleeping person, and her body is covered with fur that is unpleasant to the touch, in life you should pay attention to the people with whom you communicate and find a selfish person among them. If a pet rodent is affectionate, then this means financial stability, and may also be a harbinger of a new addition to the family. Killing tame rats is fraught with a missed chance to improve your financial situation.

A rodent in a cage warns you to be wary of theft; if it is empty, there is no need to be afraid of competition and deception.

Dead individual

Almost all interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that killing a rat should be regarded as getting rid of ill-wishers in real life. Bleeding wounds on dead specimens are a sign of inevitable success in business, but you should be on your guard. When a girl poisons animals and sees a lot of dead ones, we can say that in life she will face a confrontation with her work competitors. You should act wisely and not take extreme measures. To kill an animal in cold blood means for a lady a victory over her rival in her personal life. A husband or loved one who has left for another may soon return with repentance.

Don’t be immediately scared when you see a tailed animal in a dream in any situation. Most dreams are considered prophetic only if taken on the night from Thursday to Friday. In any case, a positive attitude and faith in goodness are important, then in reality you will be able to emerge victorious from any situation.

Dream Interpretation Rat The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Rat A rat seen in a dream means that you will be humiliated and insulted by your neighbors. Disagreements with companions and quarrels with friends are also possible. If you dream that you are catching rats: in real life you will despise human baseness and prevail over your enemies. Killing a rat: a sign of overcoming all difficulties. Running rats: you need to go somewhere else for a while, at least for two weeks. Gnawing rat: time to think about winter preparations. Saturday dream: you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday dream: pleasant household chores await you. Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Rat? Rat: An exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation of Rats Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses. If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you: the dream foreshadows failures and illness. If you killed a rat: you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat. Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, luck and... death. A dream in which a huge number of rats eat crops speaks of a crop failure. If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise. If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety. D. Loff wrote: “In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.” Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation of Rats Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: You have a secret enemy, and he is working against you. Someone you think is your friend (though not a close one) is actually your enemy. He (she) is not so much plotting something against you as learning your secrets in order to take advantage of them. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: Can symbolize a traitor or scoundrel. Have you betrayed someone? If you do this, analyze your actions and take responsibility for them. Perhaps they are betraying you? Be aware of those around you and don't become a victim. Do you allow the little things in life to bother you? If yes, try to rise above it. Declare to yourself: “I shouldn’t be scattered about trifles. I have high goals in life!” Rats can also be a symbol of those qualities that you despise in yourself or from which you turn away with disgust. It is necessary to integrate and recognize all aspects of one's own Self. Remember the story of the Hamelin musician. Together with the rats, the children of Hamelin rushed after him. Those parts of your Self that you are disgusted with also give you potential. After all, the children leaving the city along with the rats are the potential. Love and respect all parts of yourself and you will become whole. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Rat Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Rat The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream: a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: to an illness if you kill or expel a rat in a dream: then this sign indicates the successful completion of the disease. A conversation with a cunning, but very smart person is a vile act. If the rat is black: the meaning of the dream is enhanced. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: This animal always seeks to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage. If you dream of a rat: most likely, you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reasons to fear for your health. This image may also be associated with negative influence from a mother or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you. Dream book of the past

Dream Interpretation Rat Internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness. If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat Rats: dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat For women: Running rats - you need to go somewhere else for a while, at least for two weeks. A gnawing rat is time to think about winter preparations. Saturday dream - you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday dream - pleasant household chores await you.
For men: If a rat in your dream attacks you and bites your heels, this means that you have a great future ahead of you. You will be able to cope with problems and achieve an unusually high social position, and this will be supported by an increase in financial wealth.
For children: RAT - in your company there is a false friend who will betray you at the first danger. If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

grief, tears, danger; killing a rat is a success, the greater the larger the killed rat in a dream; white rat - hidden danger, fidelity in unnecessary relationships, someone’s favor.

Seeing a rat in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

An animal of plague, God's punishment, symbolizing death, decay, the underworld. In China, it personifies baseness and timidity, the First animal of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, a symbol of evil, the emblem of Saint Fima. In Hinduism, it represents prudence and foresight. The rat serves as the war horse of Ganesha, the conqueror of obstacles, symbolizing a successful attempt.

I dreamed about a rat

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Catching a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Rat in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and wisely exterminate agricultural pests, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine. Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise. Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the sanctity of living beings. Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066. Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans. Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety. Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.
