At what time is the prayer read by agreement? Prayer by agreement: how to pray correctly and with whom

Prayer by agreement is often practiced among Orthodox Christians. What it is and how to pray correctly - this material is dedicated to this.

Prayer by agreement is a type of prayer when several Orthodox Christians agree to pray together in absentia in order to help their neighbor in some difficult situation in his life: everyday difficulties, illness, misfortune, sorrow, misfortune, etc.

The roots of the origin of this ritual should be sought in the Gospel of Matthew - in the words that sound like this:

The prayer team formed by agreement can consist of from 2-3 to 20-30 people. Even if these people are located at a considerable distance from each other, they begin prayer at the same - pre-agreed - time.

Pronunciation is an entire daily prayer ritual, which can be performed one or more times per day. Most often it goes according to this scenario:

  1. First, the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher Powers is specified - for whom to ask and what to ask for.
  2. Then the worshipers begin to read the Psalter together: each reads one specific kathisma a day, and on another day reads the kathisma following the one already pronounced.
  3. After pronouncing the kathisma, the prayer itself is read directly.

There are several versions of this prayer text. But they all pursue one good goal - calling on the Lord to help their neighbor.

Popular texts of prayer by agreement

The requests with which believers by agreement pray to the Lord are very diverse. Depending on them, the sacred text may change slightly. The most common options for such a request are given below.

Variant of John of Kronstadt

This text is a Church Slavonic version. In addition to John of Kronstadt, it was also used by the Moscow shepherd, Father Rovinsky. Words:

Father Konstantin read this text 4 times a day - morning, afternoon, evening and night. Those who agreed to pray with him did the same. The petition was pronounced until the Lord fulfilled the request expressed in it.

Father Konstantin has repeatedly witnessed the miraculousness of this prayer. With its help, even seriously ill people regained their health (to whom doctors attributed nothing but death), the blind regained their sight, the paralyzed the ability to move and walk, etc. This method continues to help those in need to this day.

Option of Father Valentin Amfitheatrov

When reading this text, instead of parentheses, you must first name the names of those who take part in the process, and then voice the specific request itself (for example, “for the recovery of such and such,” “for the family well-being of such and such,” etc. )

Another option

The prayer is also available in this version:

Absolutely any request can be expressed here.

Responsibility and commitment are the key to success

The results of saying a prayer by agreement are sometimes truly stunning - in the good sense of the word. This Orthodox sacrament is of great benefit, since in this case several people turn to God at the same time with the same request, which increases the power of prayer many times over.

However, the ritual also has its own weak side - this is the dependence of the final result on the responsibility and conscientiousness of the participants in the prayer team. Efficiency will decrease if a person who has already, it seems, agreed to participate in prayer, begins to miss days - either due to his forgetfulness, or a banal optionality.

Prayer by agreement is not an easy matter, therefore, before giving his consent to participate in it, the believer must carefully weigh everything, evaluate his real capabilities, and take into account his character traits. Entry into this ritual must be voluntary and deliberate, and the person who agrees to participate in the prayer group must have strong self-discipline. Only then can those praying together hope for success.

How to prepare properly

The sacrament of prayer by agreement requires certain preparatory measures from the participants. Of course, you can simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate all ambiguities, clarify the details and begin asking God. But true believers, who really care about the purpose of prayer, will not do this. First of all, they will turn to the clergyman in the church and ask for his blessing in the subsequent difficult work - such a step will be the most correct.

It is recommended to ask for a blessing before prayer only from a priest you know well—one who knows you and your spiritual mood. The priest needs to tell everything in as much detail as possible: state the essence of the request, voice the existing problem, name the names of the people who will participate in prayer with you. The priest will give his blessing - and the Lord will definitely help you.

What to do if the request is not fulfilled?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a request expressed in group prayer is not fulfilled by the Lord. The text of the prayer request itself allows for such an outcome; it is not for nothing that it contains the words: “Thy will be done” . They imply that not all the desires of those praying can be realized by the Lord, for His will does not always coincide with the hopes and aspirations of mere mortal people, even those assigned to prayer. If a person received what he asked for, it means that God wished it; if he did not receive it, this is also the decision of the Almighty.

A negative result is also a result, so you need to come to terms with the will of the Lord and continue to live, trusting in His mercy. The essence of Orthodox prayers is that they are always said with humility and hope. God’s decision cannot always be comprehended—every Orthodox Christian must understand this.

Often people's problems and grief coincide. The absence of children and the illness of loved ones strengthen faith in God, and a person begins to pray more persistently and more often. How can we increase the power of prayers regarding the same topic? You can get together and read a prayer by agreement - the main thing is to know how to pray correctly.

The very concept of “church” means a meeting, that is, the tradition of getting together and asking God goes back a long way. The main rule of prayer by agreement is to pray simultaneously at exactly the specified time. Moreover, people can do this anywhere on the planet.

Reviews about the power of such prayer are extremely positive - however, if you do not fulfill the agreement and do not support the group of prayer books, God may punish you.

What is prayer by agreement

This kind of prayer is a kind of quick help for those people who happen to come face to face with a difficult life situation, and this method is able to resolve various problems that a person can no longer resolve on his own.

A prayer appeal can help a neighbor in the following situations:

  • Everyday troubles;
  • Serious illnesses;
  • Troubles, sorrows, misfortune, etc.

What is it for?

Jesus Christ told his disciples: “Where two or three pray to me, there I am in the midst of them.”

  • It is for this reason that people gather in churches to offer their prayers to God in the hope of being heard.
  • But the difference between temple reading at a church service and prayer by agreement is that everyone turns to higher powers in different ways and about different things.
  • Therefore, prayer in church cannot be called prayer by agreement, like family prayer, even if people read the same text.

Many priests are often asked by parishioners the question: “What is prayer by agreement, how to pray correctly?” First of all, this is a simultaneous request to God, a text that is read by several people at the same time, even while in different cities.

You can pray about anything that concerns several people, but there may be a lot of them.

  1. Most often, they pray by agreement when, for example, a child is seriously ill.
  2. All relatives turn to God to help him recover. Or you need a solution to some complex issue.
  3. In this case, most often, by agreement, akathists are read - texts in which some kind of request is indicated.

There are known cases when a prayer was read by agreement during epidemics and military operations.

Prayers by agreement - pros and cons

According to reviews from believers, the results from using prayers by agreement are stunning.

  • People with the same problems unite and send their sincere requests to the Lord.
  • Priests say only good things about prayer by agreement and urge you not to be left alone with your troubles.
  • As for possible shortcomings, they largely relate to the integrity of the group members, that is, whether people will pray responsibly at the appointed time or break a promise, and this cannot be controlled in any way.

Praying by agreement is not a simple matter, so before agreeing to participate, everything must be carefully considered, since many people will be counting on help. A person should join prayer groups exclusively voluntarily, remembering that self-discipline is of great importance in this matter.

If the participants do not approach this matter seriously, then you should not count on positive changes.

How it goes

An organized prayer team can involve a varying number of people, starting with a minimum of two. Reading prayers is a whole ritual that can be performed up to several times a day. There are special rules for reading prayers by agreement:

  1. First, there is a reservation about the purpose of the collective appeal to the Higher powers. It is important to indicate not only the problem, but also the name of the person for whom you need to pray.
  2. After this, the praying people begin to read the Psalter together, that is, on the first day one kathisma is read, on the next day the second, and so on.
  3. At this stage, a prayer text is read, the purpose of which is to help specific people.

How to join?

Technological progress has also reached faith, so many churches and cathedrals have their own websites where you can find various information. Some resources provide help with prayer by agreement.

There are special sections where you can choose a suitable akathist, indicate the problem and describe the people for whom you need to pray. As a result, it will be indicated on what day and time you have to get up for prayer.


The main characteristic feature of a prayer request by agreement is that for its implementation a special prayer team is organized, which can include either 2-3 people or 20-30 people. And even if these Orthodox believers are located at quite a considerable distance from each other, they begin to say a prayer service at the same, but pre-approved time.

The very reading of prayers by agreement is a whole prayer ritual that can be performed every day and not only once, but several times. In most cases, it is carried out based on the following plan:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stipulate what the purpose of the collective appeal to the forces from Above will be, that is, what to ask for and for whom;
  • And only after which can the worshipers begin to recite the Psalter together, that is, each of them must read one specific kathisma per day, but on the second day they recite the next kathisma after the one read;
  • The last stage after pronouncing kathisma is considered to be reading the prayer request itself, which carries a good goal - an appeal to the Almighty to help one’s loved ones and relatives.

The key to success is a sincere appeal to the Almighty

The results of a prayer request in some cases can really be pleasantly stunning, because in the Orthodox religion this kind of sacrament can bring unprecedented benefits, since in this case several believers simultaneously turn to the Almighty with the same request, from which the powerful energy of prayer words can increase many times over.

  1. But at the same time, the ceremony also has a weak side - the final result largely depends on how conscientious and responsible the participants in the prayer “team” will be.
  2. At the same time, the effectiveness itself may decrease if the person who agreed to take part in the prayer petition begins to miss days due to forgetfulness or unreliability.

Prayer by agreement to the Guardian Angel, St. Nicholas and other Saints is not an easy task, from which it follows that before agreeing to participate in it, an Orthodox person must think carefully about everything and realistically assess his capabilities, as well as take into account the main features character.

It should be noted that the ritual must be carried out at one’s own request and, most importantly, deliberately, and a Christian who agreed to be part of a prayer group must have impressive self-discipline and only then can success be achieved through joint efforts.

Preparing for a prayer call

The prayer service requires that participants in the sacrament observe certain preparatory measures. Naturally, it is possible to simply agree on everything with all the details, eliminate any ambiguities that have arisen, and also take into account all the details and begin turning to the Savior.

However, for truly Orthodox Christians, the very purpose of prayer is important and therefore they will not do this, since first of all they should turn to the church to the clergyman and ask him for blessings in the difficult work ahead, which in turn will be the most correct option.

  • Before praying, it is recommended to ask for a blessing, but best of all from a clergyman who knows you and your spiritual state well.
  • The priest should tell you about the essence of the petition, state the current problem, and name the names of those people who will read the prayer appeal with you.
  • After the clergyman gives his blessing words, the Almighty will certainly send his grace.

Does prayer by agreement always help?

There are times when prayer requests go unanswered and many do not understand what the problem is. This does not mean that the power of prayer by agreement is small and the request did not reach heaven, but such an outcome is considered normal, since there are such words: “Thy will be done.”

The Lord has the right to decide whether the request will be realized or not. A negative result is also considered a result. Many people are interested in why, through prayer by agreement, you get sick even more; this is explained by the fact that healing occurs, since by getting rid of everything negative you can get better.

Help facts

There are a huge number of messages that believers leave on sites where you can join in prayer, forums and other sources. Let us give as an example just some miracles through prayer by agreement:

  1. A girl who had serious financial problems read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for only three Thursdays, and the very next day she was hired for a good job and the situation began to change for the better.
  2. One woman prayed for her brother, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He lost hope, quarreled with all his relatives and wanted to die. The woman began to read an akathist to the Mother of God, and the brother began to change before his eyes. He brightened up, began to convince everyone that everything would be fine, asked to bring him the Bible and made peace with his loved ones. He left this life a different bright man.
  3. With the help of the akathist “Unexpected Joy,” a girl who was afraid of childbirth and the doctors told her that there was a risk of a caesarean section, improved the situation. As a result, the birth went well and even painlessly.

Testimony of God's help through prayer by agreement

In front of the icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin, “Giver of Children,” I asked the Mother of God that, if it is the will of the Lord, to help us give birth to another child, but only when we are READY for this in all respects. At the same time, she ordered an akathist to the image of the Mother of God “Tikhvinskaya” in the church and began to pray. After 9 months of prayer, we found out that we were expecting a baby!!!

The Akathist “Unexpected Joy” also continued to be read weekly. For a short time, Sasha, my son and I tried to come to the temple in the village of Three Lakes on Saturdays every week for spiritual treatment. The pregnancy went very calmly and safely, without toxicosis or threat of miscarriage.

And even from all viral and infectious diseases, the Mother of God saved me during pregnancy!!! But! There was one very exciting moment closer to the birth. The baby has already turned over at an advanced age and sat with his butt down, and breech presentation of the fetus is now an indication for a caesarean section. I really didn’t want surgery!

The special gymnastics that I did did not help, and time passed.. On July 9, the patronal feast was in the village of Three Lakes - the Day of Celebration of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. We definitely decided to come to thank and be blessed for the birth. Sasha was even lucky enough to carry the miraculous image part of the way during the religious procession! And also an icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia!!!

Easy birth

  • I remember that on the way back home the baby in my stomach was very active, moving a lot...
  • 2 days later, at a doctor’s appointment, I find out that our baby is lying down correctly with his head down, there is no need for a cesarean section! Another mercy has been shown to us!
  • And on July 30, our precious little one, Ilyushenka, was born! The birth was quick and easy!

My husband and I unanimously approved the name for our son, especially when we read the meaning of the name (my God is the Lord, the strength of the Lord, the power of God, a believer). And the due date was set for us on August 2 - just on Ilya’s day. We are very glad that he has such a strong heavenly patron, the prophet Elijah. This is a prophet of a completely unique life and power, who was the only person on earth, except the Queen of Heaven, who was taken alive into heaven!

We believe that the baptism of our beloved “Tikhvinen” could not have happened in another church... On August 28, on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we brought our treasure to the village of Three Lakes to the CHILDREN! To the One who helped him come into this world! Father Father Georgy, dear and dear to us, did us the honor of agreeing to become godfather for Ilyusha!

Prayer before reading the prayer by agreement

The list of mandatory preparation includes the pronunciation of the “Our Father” prayer, which is considered the strongest and most universal for believers. In order for it to activate its power, it is necessary to fully concentrate on the words while pronouncing the text and open your soul to God.

The request for help should be sincere and from the heart. Remember that a prayer by agreement cannot be said without a blessing.

Texts of prayers by agreement

Jesus Christ

Based on experience, church ministers advise saying such a prayer if one finds oneself in a particularly difficult situation in life, overcome by grief or illness. A believer needs to find a group of like-minded people who have agreed to read a prayer for him with all sincerity so that his request will be fulfilled.
The text of the prayer words is as follows:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say unto you, that if two of you take counsel on the earth of every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father, who is on

Heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us slaves

Thy (names), who agreed to ask Thy (request), for the fulfillment of our petition. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen."

There are also many other petitions such as, for example, a prayer for agreement on family and faith, as well as a prayer for agreement with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Moreover, the second prayer is considered one of the most powerful petitions, which is most often pronounced when selling movable and immovable property, in financial difficulties, in providing assistance in getting a job, about those in captivity, in prison, and more.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

A distinctive feature of this prayer from others is that it is read not by one person, but by at least two, and a maximum of thirty people. Even if they are at a minimum distance from each other, they begin to read it at the same time. It is pronounced if a difficult situation, an incurable disease, trouble or grief, etc. has arisen in the life of one of your loved ones or acquaintances.

The very reading of such a prayer represents an entire Orthodox ritual. It can be done daily and even several times a day. Typically it goes like this:

  • Before you decide to read the holy appeal by agreement, you need to clearly define the purpose and group of people who will appeal to the saint.
  • After the goal has been set and all the details have been agreed upon (namely, the time, period of reading, and what the petition will be asked for), you can begin to read the akathist.
  • Only after reading the akathist can you begin to say a prayer.

Strong prayer of Michael the Archangel for every day

  1. Before starting to read the prayer, according to the agreement of the Bulgarians, the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker must undergo preparation.
  2. It is necessary to visit a church or temple and undergo the rite of communion and confession.
  3. You also need to contact the priest for a blessing. This approach will only increase the likelihood of successful completion of the journey begun.

And the words of prayer will be much stronger with a blessing than without it. It is recommended to ask for a blessing from a priest who knows your spiritual state well. Before he gives his blessing for reading the akathist and prayer, you must briefly outline to him the essence of the problem that prompted you to read the akathist. Do not forget to name all the persons who will perform this ceremony with you.

After receiving a blessing from the priest, God will definitely send his grace to a good deed.

What to do to make your prayer heard

In order for the conciliatory prayer to be heard by Saint Nicholas and the Almighty, it is necessary to take the ritual seriously. All participants must have good intentions. The ritual will not be successful if you perform it for the sake of a favor.

Also, the effectiveness may decrease if the person who agreed to conduct such a ritual reads the prayer not regularly, but periodically.

  • Remember, the ritual must be carried out regularly, without missing a single day every day.
  • This kind of prayer is not an easy task.
  • Therefore, before you agree to participate in it, you need to think carefully about everything and realistically assess your capabilities, so as not to harm either yourself or the person who asked you about it.
  • Only with seriousness and sincerity will you definitely achieve good results.

Text of the prayer by agreement to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God of all creation, Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever . Amen."

Variant of the prayer of John of Kronstadt

This text is a Church Slavonic version. In addition to John of Kronstadt, it was also used by the Moscow shepherd, Father Konstantin Rovinsky. Words:

Father Konstantin read this text 4 times a day - morning, afternoon, evening and night. Those who agreed to pray with him did the same. The petition was pronounced until the Lord fulfilled the request expressed in it.

Father Konstantin has repeatedly witnessed the miraculousness of this prayer. With its help, even seriously ill people (to whom doctors attributed nothing but death) regained their health; the blind regained their sight, the paralyzed the ability to move and walk, etc. This method continues to help those in need to this day.

When reading this text, instead of parentheses, you must first name the names of those who take part in the process, and then voice the specific request itself (for example, “for the recovery of such and such,” “for the family well-being of such and such,” etc. )

Another option

The prayer is also available in this version:

Absolutely any request can be expressed here.

About the gift of children

The most important thing for parents, to whom the Lord, through their prayers and desire, will nevertheless give a baby, is to never forget that their child is truly begged for.
Begging children is a special responsibility, both spiritual and physical. After all, asking a child from God, hoping for His miracle, we often make many promises and vows to the Lord.

What happens next? We educate, as usual, for ourselves and our quiet old age, forgetting about the given vows, but it is very important to fulfill your promise and, above all, in the name of the begged child, because from now on he is your spiritual sacrifice to the Lord. In order to set an example of a worthy life for the future child, the parents themselves should live according to Christian laws.

The fate of the begged children will depend entirely on your spiritual life and the attitudes passed on to the children. The more you remove him from the Creator, raising him incorrectly and teaching him to be acquisitive and focusing, say, only on a career, the more tragic his fate may turn out. Prayed children must serve God in their lives. And parents need to gradually lead them to this, guide them to a godly life.

  1. We see examples of saints - they, fulfilling exactly the vow given to the Lord, brought their begged children to serve God.
  2. The main thing is to raise a Christian. After all, the Lord quickly takes begged souls back to Himself if He sees a bad influence on them, so as not to harm them at all with the worldly deeds of their parents and society.
  3. Therefore, you need to thoroughly think and weigh everything, reviewing your life again, before asking for the miracle of motherhood.
  4. Sometimes it can happen naturally, unexpectedly, if you work on yourself spiritually, don’t grieve, and help people in their needs.
  5. Praying for a miracle always requires suffering and maturity—mental and spiritual—otherwise it will be impossible to appreciate and understand the miracle that has occurred.

Case 1

One woman had no children in her first marriage, and doctors gave her an inexorable diagnosis - complete infertility. She tried all the methods. And she decided to take an extreme measure for herself - to beg the saints for a child. She succeeded, her happiness knew no bounds, the family, which had been shaken, was reborn again. But time passed, the son grew up, and then the parents decided to push him along a dishonest criminal path, forgetting about their promise to the saints to raise him as a spiritual and honest person.

Gradually, problems began: first, the son became seriously ill, then he had an accident, but survived. And this was the first warning from the Heavenly Forces.

  • His mother repented of breaking her vows and begged for his life, but then everything returned to normal again, and an emergency immediately occurred: the son again had an accident in his car and again miraculously survived.
  • And then he was already thinking about whether he was living correctly, and partly decided to change his life, but his parents intervened - they had a very important deal planned and they needed their son’s help.
  • And the deal took place, and already the last in the life of their son. My son was hit by a car on the street.

The Lord took him back, returned the soul that had once begged from Him to His bosom, so that it would not completely perish spiritually. And those people returned again to their devastated, now truly, mental state, and now there was no one to save material wealth for.

Case 2

In another case, a woman was abandoned by her husband due to infertility. But she did not despair, but accepted it as a given from above and turned her life into a different direction - spiritual. She visited the temple, many holy places, and helped those who were physically worse off than she was. And the Lord Himself first sent her a man worthy of her, and then blessed her with a child, a girl, who now visits churches with her mother, helping all the disadvantaged.

This is the true happiness of motherhood for the Lord’s sake, not overshadowed by any vices or passions, this is where you can live happily (because with God!) and wait for a calm old age and, God willing, grandchildren.

Case 3

The married couple already had two children, but after the last birth a complication occurred, and the wife could no longer give birth to children, which did not suit both of them, because the family was Eastern, and therefore striving for large families.

  1. Finally, prayers for another child were crowned with success.
  2. A boy was born, healthy and beautiful, but, as in the first case, the family went off the rails of Christian spirituality and completely forgot about the vow given to God, and this story ended tragically.
  3. When the sons grew up, a drama occurred: the eldest son accidentally killed his begged brother in a fight, having become jealous of his bride.
  4. In this way the Lord ended his earthly life.

Case 4

I know of one family that had no children for a long time. And so, the couple, no longer hoping to give birth to their children, took the child from the orphanage. And - a miracle - a few months later the wife finds out about the pregnancy and gives birth to a child. After a while - pregnancy again! And... she has an abortion - she kills her child.

Excuses: “How will we cope, there are already two, age, weather…” But this is a miracle of God! The long-awaited miracle that you have been waiting for! This is the Lord’s reward to you for the kindness and mercy that you showed to the orphan child by taking him into your family. The Lord favors you! The Lord is sending a second opportunity to experience the miracle of motherhood! After all, you’ve been waiting for this for so long, you’ve fought so hard! It's easy, take it! And everything is on time!

We all need to know and remember the words of Archimandrite John Krestyankin: “With God, everything happens on time, especially for those who know how to wait.” ...It turns out: “No, Lord, I don’t need any more...”

This is cold, icy human egoism... And how will those two children grow up, in fact, next to their murderous parents!? If the parents have the blood of the brothers or sisters they killed? How, in such a terrible state, which is subconsciously and consciously felt by living children, to raise these very children?

This is a sin, a violation of God’s Commandments, a descent onto the path of evil, which leads the whole family to destruction.

Keeping your vows to God

Truly, the Lord endures for a long time, but it hurts. Therefore, we should under no circumstances forget our vows made to God when we ask Him to give us long-awaited children (or something else). If we ask Him for something, we must understand perfectly well that we ourselves, our future children that we will have, and our entire family must observe the Orthodox faith and the commandments of God, pray, confess, receive communion, and go to Temple. We must not forget about this.

There cannot be such a relationship with the Lord God: “You are for me, I am for you.” Prayer and the fulfillment of prayer are not a transaction; you cannot receive something from God, thank Him and “go in different directions.” You need to devote your life to God, to become a real Christian.

This is what God calls us to through hardship and sorrow. There are amazing words: “Listen to God in the commandments, so that He will listen to You in prayers.” This means, always follow the commandments and fulfill all the promises you make to God.

Why is the Lord slow to answer us, to give us what we really, really want, what we need? This is God's Providence for us. The Lord expects that through this need and sorrow we will draw closer to Him, strengthen ourselves in faith, correct ourselves, and take the path of salvation. And let us dedicate our lives “to the glory of God.” But you can’t then stray from this correct path! Nothing is impossible for God.

So remember, your bold prayer will be heard, but do not forget about your responsibility for your children, for whom the Lord will ask you in due time.

About the gift of pregnancy

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips:<<Истинно говорю вам, что если двое из вас согласятся на земле просить о всяком деле, то, чего бы ни просили, будет им от Отца Моего Небесного, ибо, где двое или трое собраны во имя Мое, там Я посреди них>>. Your words are immutable, O Lord, your mercy is unconditional and your love for mankind has no end.

For this reason, we pray to You: grant to us, Your servants: (the names of those praying at the same time should be mentioned), and to all those who are now offering conciliar prayer with us, You know their names, Lord, who have agreed to ask You for the gift of a child. We pray to You for the fulfillment of our request. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen."

How not to read prayers

  1. The prayer cannot be printed and read
  2. It is necessary to rewrite all texts by hand and read from them. If possible, you can learn it by heart.
  3. It is important to know on what days to read this or that prayer
  4. So prayers for healing are read exclusively on the waning moon.
  5. And for profit, a good harvest, for hair growth, for an increase in wealth, money, material wealth, be sure to read during the waxing phase of the moon.

There are women's and men's days

  • Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are women's days, the rest are men's days.
  • Sunday - neuter on this day it is not customary to read conspiracies, prayers with requests, to heal, if this is not a continuous process.

They do not make spells and do not treat people on church holidays.

Every prayer has its time of day

It is important to earn God's mercy. After all, God is not a goldfish, so that when he hears our words about help, he immediately rushes to fulfill them. God is the world around us, including each of us, since everyone has a piece of God. You need to earn the mercy of the Almighty, live according to his commandments, have compassion for others, not do evil to yourself, and be a worthy person.

Achieve unity of soul and mind

God helps those who are ready to help themselves - so says popular wisdom. Who takes responsibility for this life, who firmly moves towards the goal, listening to what is happening around.

  • In order for your request or desire to be heard, it is important to achieve unity of soul and mind. But not everyone succeeds in this.
  • The main thing here is your faith in the power of God in the power of all positive forces of good.
  • Pray, send your messages to God, feed the energy of universal consciousness with goodness, create in your thoughts and you will be rewarded with goodness and joy in this world.

Be careful with your words, remember that we ourselves create our own reality. Boomerang rule: Everything comes back to you, everyone knows. But for some reason in life this is so often forgotten.

Everything has its time

Don't see the results of prayer? Or maybe your time just hasn't come. Learn to wait. And sometimes you just need to let go of the situation and without noticing it, suddenly you see happiness. What you asked for in your prayers has come true.

  1. Very often, when people pray, they expect deliverance from terrible diagnoses and the cure of illnesses. It is important to remember that advanced diseases cannot be cured by prayers alone.
  2. Everything should be included here: a healthy lifestyle, healthy thoughts, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, daily turning to God, medical recommendations and, of course, faith in the power of God.
  3. And then God will hear you and help will come.
  4. And you will explain to others why prayers do not help and how to achieve the opposite.

So let our words and thoughts contain new bright images and feelings aimed at creating grace for all people. And then life will be true happiness for all of us.

Prayer Team

Is it necessary to have prayer people on your team? I would say it is possible. Because if you know that some person will really sincerely pray and not because you will give him some kind of reward, but because he himself loves to be with God, then his help will be in demand.

But if there are no such special people around, then you can invite everyone who cares and who agrees to voluntarily pray from the heart. And you don’t need to persuade anyone. Because if five or six people agreed to pray, but pray only because it was inconvenient for them to refuse, this is bad. If you approach prayer formally, there will be no benefit. The Lord sees the hearts of people and mechanical pronunciation of prayer does not produce results.

If there is no will of God

Do I need to set a deadline? I think no. Because God has his own timing. What is six months, a year, ten years? We know examples from the Holy Scriptures when all the deadlines had already passed, but the Lord fulfilled his promise. Remember Joachim and Anna, Abraham and Sarah - how many years they prayed and the Lord sent what they asked for, when even hope was gone. Remember, it was even funny to them that they would become parents at that age, but nevertheless, the will of God is immutable. If the Lord said yes, then yes.

But it also happens that people pray for a long time, but their request is not fulfilled. You need to be prepared for the fact that God’s will may not happen. The reasons may be as follows.


The first reason is sin. Sin is the “universal separator” between man and God. If external pressure, illness, fear and other similar trials can distance a person from God, or they can bring him closer, then sin produces a complete separation and will haunt us throughout our lives.

There can be a severe struggle with sin in our lives, and this is true. But life in sin is incompatible with life in God.

  1. Therefore, if we accept the presence of sin in our lives and do not fight it, God most likely will not answer our prayers, with the exception of prayers of repentance.
  2. If God is silent and does not answer, then soon our Christianity may come to an end.

Wrong motive

The second reason may be that the motive behind our prayers is wrong. The Apostle James put it this way: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, but to spend it on your lusts” (James 4:3).

The Lord may not answer such prayers. And that's even better than if He answered.

There are times when the Lord responded to an urgent request that was contrary to His will, but was greatly desired by those He loved.

Thus, the Israelites did not want to be content with theocracy in their society, that is, God's rule through judges and prophets. They really wanted them, like other nations, to have their own king. And God gave them a king, but said at the same time that when they realized what they had asked for, they would deeply regret their request. These are His words spoken through the prophet Samuel: “Then you will groan from your king, whom you have chosen for yourself; and the Lord will not answer you...” (1 Samuel 8:18).

Prayer without faith

The third reason may be a request without faith. This may be a doubt about the correctness of the prayer, or a doubt about how the answers will be used further.

  • The apostle speaks of people who lack the wisdom to behave correctly during difficult life situations. He invites them to ask the Lord for wisdom, but they should not doubt that they will receive this wisdom in order to then be guided by it.
  • If they begin to hesitate and think, “Do I need this?” or “Will I really act as the Lord tells me?”, then they will not receive this wisdom from the Lord. This is precisely the meaning of the apostle’s words. James says that such a person cannot expect to receive anything from God at all.

The Lord answers our requests if we are internally ready to receive what we ask for and are ready to manage it correctly. But if we doubt that we really need what we ask for, then God may not give it to us. And, most likely, He will not give what you ask for.


But, firstly, God does not act in the same way towards everyone, but acts with consideration of everyone's heart. He does not give us a test that we would not be able to endure, but He also gives us relief from the test so that we can endure the test.

  1. Secondly, God does not act this way towards everyone, but only towards the elect.
  2. He can act this way only towards those in whose hearts there is an irresistible desire to know Him more.

He works this way in the lives of those people who will stop at nothing to know God better.

Among these people, for example, is the Apostle Paul, who considered all his sufferings and adversities as rubbish compared to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He knew that knowing Christ was the greatest price to pay: life.

Lacks persistence

A fifth reason may be that our prayer lacks persistence.

Evangelist Luke places special emphasis on prayer in his Gospel. He has preserved for us two examples of how Jesus taught in parables about perseverance in prayer.

Not in God's plans

A sixth reason may be that there is no place in God's plan for our lives or plans for this world for what we ask for. Here are two examples from Scripture that support this.

Not understanding your addiction

And finally, the seventh reason. It may lie in the fact that the person asking does not realize his dependence on God. We must remember that prayer is an expression of dependence on the One to whom you are turning. After all, when we beg someone to do something, it means that we cannot do it ourselves. This is why a person begs another person to do something. The same is true in your relationship with God.

A negative answer is also an answer. That’s why we always say at the end of our prayer, “Thy will be done.” (In fact, repeating the prayer “Our Father” - it can also be read by agreement. The same words, only in a different form).

You must believe that if a person sincerely prays, then the Lord will definitely reveal His will to him through other people, through his life, through circumstances, and it will become obvious to you whether you need to continue praying about this. There will be no doubt. But, of course, you need to ask for reasonable things. If a person does not have an arm or a leg, there is no need to ask for it to grow.

And most importantly, when the request is fulfilled, it is very important not to forget to thank God, serve a prayer of thanks, remember the gospel lepers, ten of whom were cleansed and only one came to thank.

“Truly I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18, 19-20)

Photo fragment:

Based on this instruction, the Orthodox Church practices the so-called “prayer by agreement.” The essence of the prayer is determined by its very name. Several Orthodox Christians agree that at a certain time during the same period of time they will jointly fulfill the same prayer rule, ask the Lord for the same thing, even if they are separated by many kilometers.

Experienced confessors suggested reading it if a person was in a difficult situation - be it illness, grief or other everyday difficulties - and would like it to improve. Then he was asked to find several like-minded people who would agree to voluntarily undertake the feat of prayer for him. And not just prayers “for all good things,” but about a specific request.

What does “prayer by agreement” look like? Typically ten, twenty or more people agree to read the Psalter together. If there are 20, then everyone reads one kathisma per day. For example, today - the first, tomorrow - the second, the day after tomorrow - the third... they also jointly agree on whom they will ask for health and peace. After reading the kathisma, they usually read the prayer itself by agreement and add a joint petition to it.

Here is the text of the prayer according to the agreement:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for You have declared with Your most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where is it?” two or three have gathered in My name, and I am in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee (request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen".

This prayer was used by Father John of Kronstadt and one of the Moscow pastors, Father Konstantin Rovinsky. According to the latter, he witnessed numerous and miraculous cases of the effectiveness of such prayer: patients sentenced to death by doctors recovered: lost vision and the ability to walk returned; stubborn attacks of hatred, etc. stopped. When praying by agreement, Father Konstantin Rovensky read the prayer below four times a day (morning, afternoon, evening and night), which was also read by those persons with whom he agreed to pray until, by the grace of the Lord, the request was fulfilled in prayer.

Prayer by agreement brings great benefits, since there is especially intense prayer for each other, but there are also temptations here.

One of the most common is optionality. Those. the person seems to have agreed that he will read kathisma every day, but the result is that he often misses his days and it even happens that what he missed is not made up, but is left as it is. This is a great responsibility and an element of self-discipline. If you were assigned to read a certain kathisma, and you did not do it, then because of you the Psalter was not read. If this happens, you must definitely repent and confess.

Not every person is ready for such prayerful work. Therefore, you should not be self-willed, but it is better to approach your confessor or priest who knows you and ask for a blessing.

When a request is not fulfilled...

God's providence does not always agree with our aspirations and hopes. A prayer by agreement, the text of which contains the words “But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever,” implies that not all the desires of the supplicant can be fulfilled. If a person received what he asked, it was from God; if he did not receive it, then, again, according to the understanding of the Almighty. We must reconcile ourselves and continue our path, trusting in the mercy of the Higher Powers. F. M. Dostoevsky brilliantly wrote about his bitter experience of four years of hard labor: “Just think - grief; If you look closely, it’s the will of the Lord.” Orthodox prayers are read with hope and humility. Every believer understands that God's will is not always amenable to comprehension. But God always gives a person what he really needs.

Do I need to set a deadline?

I think no. Because God has his own timing. What is six months, a year, ten years? We know examples from the Holy Scriptures when all the deadlines had already passed, but the Lord fulfilled his promise. Remember Joachim and Anna, Abraham and Sarah - how many years they prayed and the Lord sent what they asked for, when even hope was gone. Remember, it was even funny to them that they would become parents at that age, but nevertheless, the will of God is immutable. If the Lord said yes, then yes.

It is especially important: before starting to read a joint prayer, you must take a blessing for this from a priest who knows your spiritual mood. Tell him that there is such a request, such a problem or such a misfortune, can we pray that the Lord will bless and resolve the situation. And tell me who you would like to ask, say, three or four such and such people. If the priest blessed, then God help!

priest Peter Guryanov, Olga Bogdanova

An agreed prayer is a prayer said at a specific time by a group of people whose participants may be located in different places. Prayer workers preliminarily agree on a time to pray together. Believers need to know with whom and how to pray correctly, and when to expect results. This type was used by such experienced confessors as St. John of Kronstadt, Fr. John (Krestyankin), Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. They taught that a prayer by agreement must be read when a person is in distress. Having united, several Orthodox believers make requests for the needy. It is believed that such treatment is more effective.

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    Features of prayer by agreement

    Prayer by agreement differs from individual prayer, since it is based on conciliarity. Its principle is in the Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:19-20).

    Cathedral prayer is performed by several believers gathered in one place. This is a private version of prayer by agreement. The difference is that the latter does not require all worshipers to be in one church at the same time.

    People can be at the farthest distance from each other. Turning to God unites them on a spiritual level. For example, on January 14, 2018, a worldwide prayer of thanksgiving was held, at which believers read the akathist “Glory to God for everything.” Residents of 1,500 cities around the world participated.

    Praying by agreement has become especially widespread these days. This is due to the development of communications and the growing pace of life. This method does not require the presence of parishioners in the church.

    What does it help with?

    Prayer by agreement helps in any troubles in life. It needs to be read:

    • those who are sick;
    • those in need of material benefits;
    • dreaming of getting married;
    • thirsty for offspring.

    You can ask about finding your calling, getting a good job, strengthening your family and faith. They pray not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones, as well as for non-believers.

    If relatives are against a family member praying by agreement, you can turn to God in secret.

    When starting such a powerful ritual, you need to be prepared for temptations to begin. Often the initial prayer leads to a worsening of the situation. This is how demons scare people so that those praying will stop reading. You should gain strength and continue.

    How to pray

    Orthodox churches have their own websites where the necessary information is available. If a prayer is read by agreement, then you can take part in it. The reading schedule and text will be indicated on the church resource.

    When and where

    You can read the prayer anywhere - on the road, at work, at home or at the dacha. The main thing is to do this at the same time as other believers. The power of such an appeal to God lies precisely in the simultaneous appeal of all those praying.

    Prayer for agreement in Yekaterinburg

    For example, in the temple of Prince Vladimir, located in the city of Yekaterinburg, prayer is held daily by agreement. You can join the reading through the head of the “Mercy” service, organized there. No financial contributions are required for this.

    Parishioners at 9:00 pm every day read the following prayer:

    “Lord our God, Jesus Christ, with Your most pure lips You told us: “If two of you agree on earth to ask for anything, then whatever you ask will be done for you from My Father in heaven.” With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and Thy immeasurable mercy we ask You - to hear Your servant (your name) and everyone who has agreed to humbly ask You for the allocation of land for the temple for the construction of a spiritual and educational center, for the strengthening of the parish community of our temple and the choice of its head, as well as for Your servants (the names of health) and give them health and help in their needs; rest, O Lord, the souls of Your dead servants (names of repose) and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the kingdom of heaven. We pray to You for the fulfillment of our petitions. However, not how we want, but as You, Lord, let your holy will be done. Amen."

    The prayer lists names for health and repose, a list of which is on the website.

    How to prepare

    Before you begin to pray by agreement, you must take a blessing from the priest. You need to tell the priest that you are going to solve the problem by praying together, three or four times. When the Holy Father blesses you, you need to start.

    You can invite any Orthodox Christian to the team. He must be not indifferent to your misfortune. There is no need to persuade - if people turn to God just because it was inconvenient for them to refuse, such a formal approach will not be useful.

    Before you begin, you must confess and receive communion. Before starting the prayer, the “Our Father” is read. You should cry out to God with peace in your soul.

    How to read a prayer

    Anyone can join the prayer by agreement. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the schedule. It is indicated in Moscow time.

    They pray not in Church Slavonic, but in Russian.

    Usually the prayer by agreement sounds like this:

    The text may be different. In each church, prayer by agreement takes place differently, as the community chooses the appeal to God that is most suitable for any given occasion.

    For prayer to bring results, you need to fully concentrate on the words while reading and not be distracted. A request for help must come from a pure heart.

    Reading akathists

    One of the initiators of the revival of prayer by agreement was Archpriest Vladimir Golovin from the city of Bolgar, located in Tatarstan. In his sermons, he answers many questions from believers, including those concerning the subtleties of turning to God by consent.

    In Bolgar, akathists are recited together - texts of praise and thanks dedicated to God, the Mother of God, an angel or a saint. On a certain day of the week a prayer service is held at which they are read.

    Anyone can join the worshipers. You need to go to the website of the Church of Abraham of Bulgaria, choose an akathist, focusing on your problem, and a convenient time. If you have questions for Father Vladimir Golovin, you can ask them on this same Internet resource.

    Anyone who wants his name to be spoken at the prayer service must make a donation. In 2018 it is 700 rubles for one name for a year. It is possible to pay for the service via the Internet.

    An indispensable condition is personal participation in prayer. You cannot limit yourself to just a monetary contribution. Throughout the year, on a selected day of the week at a certain time, you need to read the akathist.

    Reading schedule in the Bolgar Church of Abraham of Bulgaria:



    What are they asking for?


    Archangel Michael

    About getting rid of demonic wiles and finding your destiny

    Guardian Angel

    About making the right choice in difficult situations, about finding a life partner

    John the Baptist

    To be baptized, those who have committed the sin of abortion repent

    Abraham, Bulgarian, wonderworker

    About successful trade, entrepreneurship, about sick children

    Seraphim of Sarov

    Strengthening faith in recent times

    The Mother of God in honor of her icon "The Inexhaustible Chalice"

    About alcoholics

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts"

    About ending the hostility

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa"

    About cancer patients

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    About resolving financial problems, employment, buying, selling, exchanging housing, traveling, people in courts and prisons

    St. George the Victorious

    About defenders of life - people serving in the army, police

    Matrona of Moscow

    About solving everyday problems

    The Mother of God in honor of her icon "Seeking the Lost"

    About the missing, about sinners

    Martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv

    About family well-being

    Panteleimon the Healer

    About healing the sick

    Akathist for the one who died

    About deceased Orthodox Christians

    Mother of God in honor of her Kazan icon

    About the world, Russia, Orthodoxy


    Protection of the Mother of God

    About children, grandchildren, godchildren

    In honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

    To get rid of infertility, for easy childbirth, so that children or other loved ones can start a family

    Akathist "Thank God for everything"

    Thank God

    Does it work quickly?

    There are numerous testimonies where such prayer helped very quickly. Human He may pray privately for many years, but not see any results. And only by starting to pray by agreement does he get what he wants. It is believed that when turning to God together, the chances of being heard are higher.

    But congregational prayer is not a panacea. Sometimes a person prays for a long time, but there is no effect. This means that the request is not the will of God.

    Help facts

    Believers write about facts of God’s help on the website of the Bulgarian community “My Spiritual Lighthouse.”

    1. 1. Olga, living in Moscow, could not sell her apartment. Then she and her mother began to read an akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Soon a profitable deal occurred. Surprisingly, it was scheduled for Thursday - .
    2. 2. Maria from Nizhny Novgorod read the akathists “Softening Evil Hearts” and to Michael the Archangel. Just three days later, her husband was given a bonus at work and relieved of some of his exorbitant responsibilities.
    3. 3. Natalia (St. Petersburg) shared her joy - a long-awaited child appeared in their family. This happened shortly after the woman joined the prayer by agreement that takes place in Bolgar on Sundays - she began to read an akathist in honor of the icon “Unexpected Joy”.

    Miracles related to healing are especially amazing.

    1. 1. Ekaterina from Moscow left a review in which she said that her father-in-law 3 was treated for cancer for a long time. In the last year, the family joined in prayer by agreement. As a result, the patient is still alive, although doctors claimed that he would not live long. In addition, the man, who had previously been an atheist, began going to church and even received communion and unction for the first time.
    2. 2. Natalya from the city of Klimovsk left a message on the website on May 23, 2018, sharing the fact of help with oncology. In 2 years, her brother turned from a man who could barely walk to a healthy one. After including the family in prayer, by agreement, brilliant doctors were found, money appeared for medicine, and the treatment was a complete success.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

A prayer that is said simultaneously by several people is called a prayer by agreement; Christians can read it from different parts of the country and even the world. It is not necessary to be in one place. The agreement on the time and on the prayer itself is decisive here.

The number of people praying at the same time is also not limited - from two people to thousands or millions.

Truly I also say to you that if two of you on earth agree to ask for anything, then whatever they ask will be done for them by My Father in heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.(Matt. 18, 19-20).

From this letter of Matthew it becomes clear that the purpose of joint prayer by agreement is a request addressed to God and strengthened many times over by the heart of each person asking. Saint John of Kronstadt noted:

The Church, praying together, is the great power of God, defeating the demonic armies and being able to ask God for every perfect gift, every help, every intercession, deliverance, salvation.

What is asked for in prayer by agreement?

Prayer by agreement is required in difficult cases, when a person needs a special prayer of a petitionary nature, when he is not able to cope with trouble on his own one on one.

The request should not be abstract (for example, world peace), but specific and precise. There are no small things for God. But the essence of the petition should not be in the request itself and the benefits received, but in how these benefits will be used in the future. A person striving for God, with a spiritually meaningful life, opens his heart and thoughts to the Lord, trusts his situation to His will.

The order of reading the prayer by agreement

Prayer by agreement has great power and can help even in the most hopeless and sorrowful situation. There is no strict rule on how to pray correctly. The procedure for reading the prayer is determined by agreement and is usually as follows:

  • receive a blessing from your confessor, who is familiar with the situation and can suggest how best to conduct the prayer (he will also select the appropriate text and suggest the correct pronunciation with emphasis);
  • find like-minded people who want to share a specific request to God (your priest can advise specific parishioners with a similar situation);
  • agree on the time of reading the prayer and its duration;
  • select a text from the prayer book for prayer by agreement and agree on the order of its reading.

The reading order is determined in advance. This can be reading one kathisma a day, then the prayer itself by agreement and ending with a pre-agreed request. Believers, by agreement, can jointly and simultaneously read the Holy Gospel, canons, kathismas or akathists. Reading a prayer by agreement in Russian or Church Slavonic is also agreed upon in advance. It is important to agree and for everyone to follow the same prayer rule, saying the request for the same thing.

Hard prayer work and voluntary duty, which cannot be neglected, is what Orthodox prayer by agreement means. If a Christian, for some good reason, was unable to read the promised prayer by agreement or fulfill the full agreed order of reading, it is worth repenting and confessing about it.

Text of prayer by agreement

In Russian

With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and with hope for Your immeasurable mercy towards us, we humbly ask You to hear Your servants (names) who have agreed to jointly ask You: Lord, let Your Holy will be done. Enlighten us, strengthen us and help us in everything for the benefit of people and for Your glory, Lord. Grant us, Lord God our Savior, to follow You, helping our neighbors to follow the path of salvation, doing works of faith, so that with Your help and by Your mercy our efforts serve to increase good and decrease evil in deeds, words and thoughts. Amen.

In Church Slavonic

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where are the two? or three gathered in My name, I am I in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants(names) who agreed to ask Ty(request) , fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.
