Osya and Kisa were there. Kisa and Osya were here

90 years ago, in April 1927, the famous novel “12 Chairs” began, which, oddly enough, has a fairly noticeable “Nizhny Novgorod trace”.

Many people inattentively read the novel and watched the film. Therefore, when you say that “Kisa and Osya were here,” people often don’t believe it. Meanwhile, Nizhny Novgorod is given a whole chapter in the narrative of Ilf and Petrov.

Chapter 34. Magic night on the Volga

“To the left of the passenger landing stages of the Volga State River Shipping Company, under the inscription “Take care of the rings, take care of the bars, don’t touch the walls,” stood the great schemer with his friend and closest assistant Kisa Vorobyaninov.”

Embankment in Nizhny. The famous inscription is reproduced verbatim in the novel.

The beginning of the 34th chapter of the great novel begins at the place of the Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment, where in recent years the notorious blue fence has stood. If you check the text of Ilf and Petrov, in 1927 in Nizhny Novgorod there was a boarding of the ship "Scriabin", where, as you know, Ostap Bender was recruited as an "artist who graduated from VKHUTEMAS" to draw propaganda posters.

And here's another piece from Chapter 34:

“The ship blew its second whistle. The clouds moved from the terrible sounds. The sun turned purple and fell below the horizon. Lamps and lanterns were lit in the upper city. From the market in the Pochaevsky ravine came the wheezing of gramophones competing in front of the last buyers.”

Do you recognize the ravine, the name of which Ilf and Petrov slightly distorted? Well, yes Pochainsky. After a day of travel on the ship "Scriabin", our heroes, as you know, were landed in a Volga town called Vasyuki, where the "interplanetary chess congress" took place. Residents of the city of Kozmodemyansk came to the rescue in time and announced to the world that the prototype of Vasyukov in the novel was their beloved town. And it went!

Bender Museum in Kozmodemyansk

Anna Vingurt, journalist, excursion organizer:

– On the pier of Kozmodemyansk there is now a huge inscription “Vasyuki”, which cheers up people on ships sailing along the Volga. There is a museum of Ostap Bender, the exhibits of which, however, are not of particular value. Tourists are shown a house where the Cardboard Man club could be located. And also 400 steps of the staircase along which Bender and Vorobyaninov ran to the pier. It is precisely because of the story of the affair between Ilf and Petrov that tourist ships regularly moor at the pier of the small town, which previously got by with Kazan, Cheboksary and the Makaryev Monastery. An excellent example of how a small town was able to promote itself as a center of attraction for tourists. I believe that this is a reproach to the greater Nizhny Novgorod, where Maxim Gorky was born and lived, but Gorky’s literary brand is not used in any way to attract tourists. In the booklets, “Literary Nizhny Novgorod” is written in one line, but is not used as it could ideally be.

By the way, about Gorky. The novel “12 Chairs” was published at the beginning of 1928, when Gorky was still living abroad. This is probably why there is no evidence left of the proletarian writer’s attitude towards the work of Ilf and Petrov. Meanwhile, it is known that Gorky praised another novel by writers - “The Golden Calf”.

I wanted to write about the Nizhny Novgorod trace of “12 Chairs” for a very long time, back in the early 90s. Moreover, there were no literary works on this topic. Although, sorry, there was still something. Some time ago, a certain Igor Nesterov made a scientific report “Vasyuki and Arbatov - the Nizhny Novgorod trace,” where he drew analogies between Vasyuki and Vasilsursk and between Arbatov and Ardatov. As you know, Vasilsursk did not lay claim to the laurels of the city where the chess tournament was held. But there was nothing specifically about Nizhny in the context of the novel in Nesterov’s report.

Several years ago I published a text in Novaya Gazeta in Nizhny Novgorod in which I talked about the Nizhny Novgorod trace of “12 Chairs”. Our director Zakhar Prilepin was so inspired by my article that he wrote a kind of afterword to the text on current topics in Nizhny Novgorod political life. Where the roles of Ostap and Kisa were played by very famous people in the city. Moreover, after some time, the director of the city department of culture, Sergei Gorin (he was still in the administration of Nizhny Novgorod at that time), during a meeting at the mayor’s office, said that it was necessary to perpetuate the fact that popular literary heroes were in our city. But things never went beyond words.

Vladimir Terekhov, poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation:

– I believe that famous literary heroes should be “registered” on the Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment. This idea is supported textually. Our people love and remember Ostap Bender. Therefore, the non-standard embodiment of the heroes Ilf and Petrov in Nizhny Novgorod can resonate no worse than the Mouse Museum in Myshkin or the chess tournament in Kozmodemyansk-Vasyuki.

By the way, perhaps that same text in “NG” has already resonated in the right direction. Some time ago, a cafe “12 chairs” opened on Skob - entrepreneurs picked up the idea. What about the officials? Or is it more convenient for them to hold another meeting on the topic “How to attract tourists to Nizhny?”

Anna Vingurt, tourist holiday organizer:

– In order to promote tourism in Nizhny Novgorod, officials are not needed. And sometimes they are even harmful. Officials mainly set themselves the task of attracting foreign tourists to Nizhny. That's why they go to tourism exhibitions around the world. I believe that we should not have our head in the clouds, but rather work for domestic tourism.

Today in Russia and Ukraine there are several dozen sculptures, memorial signs, and museums dedicated to the popularly beloved heroes of Ilf and Petrov. Even some of the minor characters are immortalized!

Ostap at Proval (Pyatigorsk)

Kisa in Pyatigorsk

Panikovsky in Kyiv

Ellochka in Kharkov

Kozlevich in Volgograd

But in Nizhny for some reason they became fixated on Gorky alone - and that’s it! But one does not cancel the other!

Yulia Slapoguzova, journalist, writer:

– I believe that everything that can make our city brighter, more fun, more attractive (including in the eyes of tourists) is necessary. “12 Chairs” is one of the most striking and beloved works of Soviet literature, and it would be just great if in our city there was some mention of the heroes of the novel - a monument, mini-monument, plaque or something else. This needs to be done, but not by the authorities. Our authorities are heavy and gloomy. A lighter, wittier approach is needed here. Maybe give the idea to architecture students or art school students?

The title photo is a still from the TV movie “The Twelve Chairs”

"... and Osya were here"

Alternative descriptions

Leather or cloth bag, tightened with cords

Wallet, money bag

Ostap Bender’s affectionate address to Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov from “12 Chairs”

Bag, bag with drawstring

Friend of the Axis


Sail bag

Girl from the operetta by N. G. Minha “The Sea Spreads Wide”

The character who said: “Bargaining is not appropriate here!”

Bender's business partner

Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov

Ostap's boy

Father of Russian democracy

Vorobyaninov in childhood

Ippolit Matveevich

Cat (simple)

Ippolit Vorobyaninov

. "... and Osya were here"

I was looking for chairs with Osya

Cat's name: Hippolyta

Giant of thought Ostap Bender

Business partner of Ostap Bender

Affectionate name for your favorite cat

Vorobyaninov's childhood nickname

Ostap Bender's partner

Marshal of the nobility

Cat (affectionate)

Axis accomplice

Field Marshal Ostap Bender

Ippolit Matveevich for Ostap Bender

Axis Partner

Giant of thought and Bender's companion

Axis partner (lit.)

Chair Finder

Name of the leader of the nobility

Barsik through the mouth of a baby

Boy with the artist Axis

Comrade Axis

Osin's partner

Children's "name" Vorobyaninov

Giant of thought and companion of Ostap Bender

Giant of thought, partner of the Axis

One of the chair finders

. "appeal" to the cat

Murka (affectionate)

cat, pussy

Nickname of a literary character from the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”

. "Appeal" to the cat

. "Father of Russian democracy"

What was your name? Ipa? - No, ...

A girl from the operetta by N. G. Minha “The Sea Spreads Wide”

Children's "name" Vorobyaninov

And southern zap. kishen, kishenya pouch, pocket, pocket; money, wealth. He stuffed his pussy well. Only for yourself, and don’t vouch for your guts. Fur, bag, esp. leather, lingering. Sib. skin from deer legs, kitties, deer ankle boots. No wonder, man, the kitty is vigorous. Pouch m. tobacco bag. Purse-string, -precise, related to a pouch. A pouch-taker, a person who carries a pouch with him; who sews pouches or sells them

Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy. -rochka cat. Kiskis, the cat's nickname

Ippolit Matveevich for O. Bender

“At half past twelve, from the north-west, from the direction of the village of Chmarovka, a young man of about twenty-eight entered Stargorod. A homeless man was running after him.

- Uncle! - he shouted cheerfully. - Give me ten kopecks!

The young man took the poured apple out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless man, but he did not lag behind. Then the pedestrian stopped, looked ironically at the boy and exclaimed:

- Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the money is

Lugansk region.

Vinnitsa is a monument to the very key to the apartment where the money is...

“On the third move it turned out that Ostap was playing eighteen Spanish games. On the remaining boards the Vasyukins used the outdated but true Philidor defense.”

(the first monument in Russia to a literary hero - the great schemer was opened in 1999 in E

leaf (Kalmykia)

“For three months I have been feeding him, singing and raising him, and this gigolo is now in third position and declares that he...”

(In Ekaterinburg)

“Take care of your pince-nez, Kisa! It's about to start"

in the coffee shop “Horns and Hooves” - Kostroma

“Life, gentlemen of the jury, is a complex thing, but, gentlemen of the jury, this complex thing opens simply like a box.”

in Kharkov.

"Ice to the throneYes, gentlemen of the jury! The meeting continues!

(this monument to Ostap in St. Petersburg, which stands near the “Golden Ostap” restaurant, seems to me to be sculpted from the actor S. Yursky)

- For what purpose is the fee charged?!

- For the purpose of repairing the failure. So as not to fail too much!

monument in Pyatigorsk near that same failure


“Ostap asked Shura Balaganov: “Shura, what centers of world civilization do you know?” Shura knew, besides Moscow, three more: Kyiv, Melitopol and... Zhmerinka! „

Monument to Ostap Bender at the station in Zhmerinka.

“Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour. Goeben mir zi bitte etvas kopek auf dem stück ford. Give something to the former State Duma deputy.”

Kisa Vorobyaninov in Kharkov

“...Do you know who this powerful old man is? He is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy. A person close to the emperor.”


“Don’t teach me how to live!”

this Ellochka is also from Kharkov

“How much is opium for the people?”

At the Kharkov station, Father Fedor hurries after the chairs

“Money in the morning - chairs in the evening, money in the evening - chairs at night...”

monument to the twelfth chair in Odessa

monument to Ostap and Shura in Berdyansk


“Panikovsky will sell you all, buy you and sell you again... but at a higher price.”

monument to Panikovsky in Kyiv

“Do you know, Bender, how I catch a goose? I kill him like a bullfighter - with one blow! It's opera when I'm walking on a goose! "Carmen"!


“You have to love pedestrians. Pedestrians make up the majority of humanity. Moreover, the best part of it. Pedestrians created the world."

Wildebeest(sculpture garden at the Odessa Literary Museum)

(To the tune of "Murka")

Damned wealth
So he will drive you into slavery,
That the “roof” will be completely blown away,
Here are Ostap and Kisa
"The claws are tearing" towards Tiflis,
Father Fyodor will go crazy there.

Leader Kisa
From Osya to Tiflis
Somehow we managed to get there,
Pyatigorsk, Min.Vody -
There's so much freedom there
Only they didn’t find any wealth.

Pockets with holes,
Often - drunk,
Beggars, almost down to panties,
They ask for alms
They are “mowing down” under the State Duma,
Speech is pushed from foreign words.

He “didn’t eat” for six days:
"ABOUT! Kisulya, bravo! ", -
Bender says this to the Little Hunchback,
He is in a ballet pose,
Osya is all threats,
The wheel of Kisa's chest, proud look!

Bender burst out laughing,
Kitty, this is fun,
Immediately he became a Caucasian donkey,
Got stubborn right away
Hippolytus, infection,
Here is a gigolo and a fool at that.

And, like Osya only
His account is so
Large one exposed -
Kitty has turned sour,
Agreed briefly
The fact is that the old fool is “nonsense”.

He will stretch out his legs
If by the road
He won't beg there,
Bender "sets the counter"
Well, and the “translator” -
It will hit your cheeks with your ears.

The matter ended with
Why is Ostap so bold?
Kisuna trampled all over his jacket,
Kitty, like a "homeless man",
The whole "chicken coop has been dumped"
Of course, there was a terrible video camera there!

Stopped hoofing
Kisa beat angrily
And he dragged his feet to the porch,
And Ostap in "Proval"
In a frenzy
He was able to rip off money from the cops.

En masse in Pyatigorsk
A small handful
They managed to row somehow,
Everything - without result,
Only waste of funds
And Kisov’s jacket was ruined.

In the race for the theater -
More than once
Until Tiflis they “pressure the pawn”
Georgia roads
Legs are kicked off
They ask for alms from the kondachka.

And, like a primeval
Osya "original"
On the rock he draws: “Here was...”
Out of nowhere
This “miracle” took place -
Father Fedor - to Kisa, Kisa howled.

There's enough sausage
He runs away to the mountains,
Kisa's screams "get" the mountains.
Fedor went wild there,
The Terek itself drowned out
And they took Fedor to the “shelter”.

Exhausted beyond measure
We barely made it to Tiflis.
There's Kislyarsky in style
And with a sleek face
I was resting. Friends got drunk there.

And Kislyarsky wildly
Fainting without a cry
I almost fell with a “sword and a plowshare.”
Bender was so “honest”:
“Bargaining is inappropriate here,” -
And he “borrowed” 500 rubles.

I took it to save it
Was talking about it
"Russian democrat, father"
And Kislyarsky alive
So he disappeared zealously -
“Kvasili” for seven days, two well done!

Happiness to Kise, Ose
I didn’t get my hands on it,
Well, there was a little bit of luck here,
We feel sorry for them beyond measure,
But by example -
The Code, they showed, is “sacredly revered”!


Oh, Alexander, I was already all embarrassed))), I’m not used to praises - more to slaps on the head and knees in the ass))). I also see flaws at the end with the ending - "sya", and there - s with masculine and feminine endings, but I couldn’t do it any other way, because I was chasing all this writing at a gallop. And I drove a lot of it to the tune of “Murka.” Thank you, it was nice to hear from you!)))

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

film, 2 episodes, 1971

* And you have nowhere to rush: the GPU will come for you! Ostap.
* But two hundred rubles cannot save a giant of thought? Kislyarsky.
* What, father, are grooms needed in your city? Do you have any brides? - Whose bride is the mare? Ostap, Tikhon.
* Alpine begging! Holy cause! Ostap.
*No criminality. We must honor the code... we must honor the code! Ostap.
* Closer to the body, as Guy de Maupassant says! Ostap.
* Riot on the ship?! Ostap.
* There is a very strange custom in Berlin: they eat so late that it is impossible to understand whether it is an early dinner or a late lunch. Ostap.
* In Moscow, in the city center, on the ninth floor landing, an adult man with a higher education stood absolutely naked. He had nowhere to go. He would rather go to jail than appear like this. There was only one thing left to do: disappear! Author.
* On this day, God sent Alexander Yakovlevich for lunch a bottle of Zubrovka, homemade mushrooms, black grain caviar, minced herring, Ukrainian borscht, chicken with rice, fruit, and so on and so forth. Author.
* You were deceived, they gave you much better fur! These are... these are Shanghai leopards! Ostap.
* You were, of course, surprised by the early visit of an unknown man! Ostap.
* What is your political creed? - Always! - Russia will not forget you! Ostap, episode.
* Your diamonds are almost in my pocket, and you interest me only insofar as I want to provide for your old age! Ostap.
* We don’t accept vegetarianism, sir! Episode.
*Great symbol! Separation from the people - and fall! Viewer.
* Here's the police for you! So much for the high cost of chairs for workers of all countries! Here's to girls' night outings! Here's some gray hair in your beard! Here's a devil in your ribs! Ostap.
* All smuggling is done in Odessa on Deribasovskaya Street. Ostap.
*Which regiment did you serve in? Ostap.
* Do you know who this powerful old man is? Don't say, you can't know! Ostap.
* You love money more than necessary. - Don’t you like them? - No. - Why do you need 60 thousand then? - Out of principle. Ostap, Kisa.
* After all, you are not my mother, my sister, or my lover! Ostap.
*You flatter me, you naughty girl! Kisa.
* You are my chairs, and I am your strainer. Ho-ho? - Iron! Ostap, Ellochka.
* You are not in church, you will not be deceived! Ostap.
* I think you asked me about some money? - But of course! For furniture, for warrants. - Oh, blue! I swear on the honor of the late priest, I forgot to withdraw from the current account. Ostap, Korobeinikov.
* Gavrila was an unfaithful husband, Gavrila cheated on his wives! Lyapis Trubetskoy. Gavrila was an exemplary husband, Gavrila was faithful to his wives! It's him. Gavrila suffered from gangrene, Gavrila suffered from gangrene. It's him. Gavrila served as a bureaucrat, Gavrila was a bureaucrat! It's him. Even though Gavrila was a fireman, Gavrila was given the opportunity to make a film! It's him.
* Where have you seen husbands cheat on their wives? I personally don’t remember this at all. Then, these are our husbands, these are our wives! Absolutely not typical! Episode.
* Where bison run among the pampas, and over the baobab trees the sunsets are like blood... P/f.
* Giant of thought! Father of Russian democracy! A person close to the emperor! And such petty criminal inclinations! Ostap. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor! It's him.
*Digs deep! Episode.
* The grandmaster gave away the bishop! - He's being cunning! - Framed Rook! - It's luring! Episode.
* Giving a bribe to an official in the performance of official duties - yes, this is... Article 114 of the Criminal Code! Ostap. Giving false testimony - Article 321, section 3, paragraph "g". It's him.
* Come on money, come on money! Give me money, give me money, I tell you!.. Ostap.
* Money up front! Mechnikov. Could it be like this: chairs in the morning, money in the afternoon? - Can. But money first! Ostap, Mechnikov.
*Keep the grandmaster! Amateur.
*Hold on! Hold him, he stole our sausage! Kisa.
* Children will not forget you! Ostap.
* Dusya, you are making me angry! Mechnikov.
* Uncle, give me ten kopecks! Give me ten kopecks, I tell you! Episode.
* Iron boy! Ellochka.
* We will not surrender to them alive! Ostap.
* Creepy! Ellochka.
* Let's score Mika's tanks! Ostap.
* Tomorrow there will be an ambush waiting for us at the safe house... an ambush will be waiting for us. We'll have to shoot back. Ostap.
* The West will help us, brace yourself, complete secrecy of deposits, that is, of the organization. Ostap.
* Here Pasha, who has a supernatural sense, realized that now they would beat him. Maybe even with your feet. Author.
* A sultry woman, a poet's dream! Ostap.
* And he fell in love with her, and he called her a bird on the branches of his soul... P/f.
* And with one bullet he killed both of them, and wandered along the shore in melancholy... P/f.
* Out of respect only for your noble origin, I am ready to work for a measly 40%. Ostap.
* The stones, I see, were chosen with taste! Ostap.
* Kisa and Osya were here. Ostap.
* I will command the parade! Ostap.
* Competing company! Ostap.
* The office writes! Ostap.
* Naiad dye. Colors your hair an amazing brown color! Ostap.
*Brace yourself! Abroad will help us! Complete secret of the organization! Ostap.
*Whoever says that this is a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me. Ostap.
* Where did you put the treasures of the mother-in-law you killed? Speak! Repent, sinner, repent! Father Fedor.
* The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! Ostap.
* Better times are coming soon! However, this does not apply to the street children whom I currently represent. Ostap.
* The amateur is beaten! Amateur.
*Mexican jerboa! Ellochka.
* Monsieur, it’s not manche pas sis jour! Kisa.
* My life is dear to me as a memory! Ostap.
* I would like to sell you ears from a dead donkey. Ostap. Uncle, I should add. - Ears from a dead donkey. Episode., Ostap.
* Maybe you, Holy Father, are a party member? Kisa.
* Maybe I should give you the key to the apartment where the money is? Ostap. You want me to work for nothing, and even give me the key to the apartment where the money is! It's him. Twenty five! - And the key to the apartment. Kisa, Ostap. A great option: the key to the apartment where the money will be. Ostap.
* Be silent, sadness, be silent! Ostap.
* My hen, your cockerel is coming now! Ostap. It’s okay, my hen, your cockerel is healthy! It's him.
* Musick, well, is the goose ready? Bruns.
* Musick, well, you don’t feel sorry for your little man. Bruns.
*We'll explain elsewhere. Ostap.
* We are strangers at this celebration of life! Ostap.
* I would stuff your snout, but Zarathustra doesn’t allow it! Ostap.
* Our chairs are in place, the auditor has left - we can leave. Ostap.
*Are there many of us in the city? What's your mood? - If there is an absence, I would say... Ostap, episode.
* Don't hit yourself on the cheeks with your ears, don't! Ostap.
* Not for the sake of self-interest, but only by the will of Queen Tamara who sent me! Father Fedor.
* Don't teach me how to live! Ellochka.
* It’s not clear why, why, why I met you out of the blue, I met you and lost peace, it’s not clear why, it’s not known why... Lyapis-Trubetskoy.
* Nervous people are asked not to watch. Ostap.
* Never! Never before has Vorobyaninov extended his hand! - So stretch your legs, you old fool! Kisa, Ostap.
* Well, let the man sleep! Episode.
* Well, has the ice broken? - Rogue! - What? - I started moving. Ostap, Kisa.
* Well, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it! More pitiful, more music in the voice! Ostap.
* Well, you, abortion victim! Ostap.
* Resistance during the performance of official duties - Article 215, paragraph "b". Ostap.
* He stole and was ashamed. He stole constantly and was constantly ashamed. Author.
* He sacrificed a queen to me! What to do? - Give up before it's too late! Episode.
*Give me the sausage, you fool! I will forgive everything! Ostap.
* How can the name of Ostap-Suleiman Bert-Maria-Bender Bey be known in Paris! Ostap.
* Waiter, champagne! Kisa.
* Oh, they'll beat us! - When they beat you, you will cry. Kisa, Ostap.
* Stool Hunter! Ostap.
* Write letters! Ostap.
* For me, at least live your whole life if you are a good person. Tikhon.
* How much is opium for the people? Ostap.
* More cynicism! People like it. Ostap.
* Let's go, let's go to the rooms! Kisa.
* You will get it from Pushkin. Ostap.
* Justice sold! Episode.
*Warning: we have long arms! Ostap.
* With the modern development of printing in the West, making a Soviet passport is such a trifle that it’s even funny to talk about it! Ostap.
* Simple and tasteful! But living with such hair in Soviet Russia is not recommended. Ostap.
* By the way, you will be charged 2 rubles for a haircut and shave. - Why so expensive? Everywhere they charge 40 kopecks. - For conspiracy, Comrade Field Marshal. Ostap, Kisa.
*What is the purpose of the fee? - Uh, for the purpose of overhauling the failure, so that it doesn’t fail too much. Episode., Ostap.
* The fool himself! Fedor.
* Do we confess ourselves or will we continue to deny it? Ostap.
* Nowadays in Europe and in the best houses of Philadelphia it is customary to pour tea through a strainer. Ostap.
* Now the weather is so wonderful: “It’s May, merry fellow, it’s May, sorcerer, it’s blowing a fresh fan on us!” Kisa.
* More seriously, more seriously! Give me a tear! Ostap.
* How old are you? - This has nothing to do with the science that I currently represent. Lisa, Kisa.
* Soon we will live in a new way and start our own candle factory, and something else! Fedor.
* Only cats will be born soon! Ostap. William Shakespeare's Dictionary is an example -> 12 thousand words, a savage's dictionary from the cannibal
The Mumba-Yumba tribe is 300 words, Ellochka Shchukina easily managed with 30 words. Author.
* Like a figurine, the girl stood... P/f.
* Listen up, ladies' darling! Ostap. Take me down, I'll give you the sausage! Father Fedor Sorok? - A-ha-ha-ha!.. - Fifty? - Ho-ho-ho!.. Almost. Thirty eight. Lisa, Kisa.
* Union... union of the Sword and... what's his name... plowshares! Ostap.
* Calmly! I'll get down to business! Ostap.
* The old woman won’t let you down, is she a reliable woman? Ostap
* Old women live on full board. - Those who were born before historical materialism? - When they were born, then they were born. Tikhon Ostap.
* Slender figure the color of chocolate... P/f.
* Chairs must be forged while they are hot! Ostap.
* The chairs are crawling apart like cockroaches! Ostap.
* I count to five. Yes or no?.. Once... - Yes Ostap, Kisa.
* Bargaining is not appropriate here! Kisa.
* I have all the moves written down! Amateur.
* I have no less reason to believe that I alone can handle your case! Ostap
* Although we are not in Paris, you are welcome to our hut! Ostap.
* In the morning money - in the afternoon chairs, in the afternoon money - in the evening chairs, in the evening money - at night chairs at night money - in the morning chairs, in the morning... Mechnikov. Money in the morning, money in the evening, money in the evening... Same.
* Be rude, boy! Ellochka.
*Ho-ho! - Ho-ho!.. Oh-ho-ho! Ellochka, Ostap
* The fragile reeds made their rustling noise in the darkness. Two lovers... - The reeds rustled, the trees bent. Kisa, Ostap.
* What ho-ho?.. Where is the second chair? Ostap.
* This is a robbery in broad daylight! Kisa.
* These are orphans. - Yeah, the difficult legacy of the tsarist regime. Alkhen, Ostap.
* It's typical foppishness to rob a poor widow! Ostap.
* I invite you to make your contributions now and help the children. Only for children! And no one else understands me! Ostap.
* I am a man tormented by Narzan! Mechnikov.
