Spells, omens and fortune telling on your birthday. Conspiracy or prayer on Angel's Day

For every person, the day on which he was born is significant. And it’s not just about congratulations and gifts. There is something sacred in it that is felt, but most often not comprehended. This is a kind of connection with the Universe, which at this moment becomes almost tangible, close. Rituals are built on it. All of them are aimed at making the most of this “thread” leading through life. This is both interesting and extremely useful. Don't believe me? Check it out!

Why on your birthday?

Nowadays there are few people who are willing to mindlessly follow the instructions of the “guru”. Everyone tries to live with their own mind. This means that it is necessary to understand why birthday rituals are performed. Why is it important? The fact is that each of us has an Angel (or the Universe, or spirit) watching over us. It can be interpreted in different ways. Only the process is characterized by cyclicity. Every person goes along a certain spiral. But on his birthday he finds himself at the point closest to the Source. At this moment the Angel is closest. It is clear that he hears better, he can tell him what and how to do, and the like. So it turns out that holiday rituals have such effectiveness that is impossible on other days.

What could be the birthday rituals?

Those who are interested in magic understand that rituals are very different. Some are carried out independently, others - only to third parties. Their focus is also different. However, there is something that unites them. So, birthday rituals are most often positive, changing circumstances and affecting the foundations of one’s worldview. People use this moment to correct past mistakes: from small everyday ones to philosophical ones. As they say, whatever your heart desires. There are no restrictions. For example, a person is not satisfied with the constant whirlwind. Where does it come from? That's right, he doesn't treat events correctly. So you should use conspiracies and rituals to change yourself. And after this, the world will begin to adjust, letting other people and other circumstances down. In addition, do not forget about loved ones and friends. Any of them, saying the simple words “Happy Birthday,” conveys a spark of light to the birthday person. This phrase may well become a piece of magic. Congratulations and gifts are the “soil” on which folk holiday rituals are built. Does everyone know about candles on a cake? This is the simplest example of “household magic”.

For your own well-being

You need to meet this bright day yourself in the right mood. In your personal “coordinate system” it is the starting point, the groundwork for the next year. It is recommended that when you wake up, you talk to your Guardian Angel. To do this, you need to stand in front of the mirror, look into your eyes and say: “My dear Angel! I'm glad you're always by my side. Please help me reprogram my life for luck, prosperity, harmony and prosperity! I am love and light! The world helps from this moment in making every dream of mine come true! Calmness and confidence come into life! I thank my Angel for his help and care! Amen!" You will feel how lightness will fill your soul. Try to revive this extraordinary feeling in yourself every time you hear or read the phrase “Happy Birthday!” The ritual is not complicated, anyone can do it. And you will get so much energy in a day that it will be enough for the next year.

How to make a wish

Now about the candles from the cake. Everyone knows that you need to make a wish and blow them out. Only this “recipe” is not complete. Only one phrase was removed from it, but the most important one. Without knowing her, people then become disappointedly indignant that, they say, they didn’t get what they wished for on their birthday. Rituals and ceremonies must be performed exactly as they were intended, and not as you want. And they took away the words of the conspiracy, which must be pronounced when they saw the burning candles. Here it is: “Life flows like a rainbow. Everyone strives for happiness in their own way. I speak with light, I seal with joy! Let be…. (further formulate your desire). Amen!" Now blow out the candles. If you do everything right, you won't be disappointed. In addition, there is an important rule, without which spells and birthday rituals do not work. All participants in the process should remember this.

The present main condition for effectiveness

Have you ever thought about why there is always a party on a birthday, the birthday person is told only good words, praised, and given gifts? Naturally, you will say, this is the tradition. But where did it come from? In fact, positivity on a given day is a condition for replenishment with new forces. It’s as if he becomes a newborn again. He needs outside help. Not just physically, but energetically. Therefore, folk holiday rituals are aimed at creating a wonderful, warm atmosphere around the “newborn”. He is enveloped in love and care, like a little one. Everyone gives a piece of their light forces so that the birthday person can live actively and prosperously for another year. They knew this in the old days, so they created such traditions. Without such warmth it is very difficult for a person. He is constantly in a state of stress, feeling icy loneliness. Although some do not realize how much they need the affection of others. In general, we are all sure that it is necessary to create the most joyful atmosphere around the birthday person. And it is in it that real light magic is born. Rituals are filled with emotions that are projected onto the newborn by the people who love him. Everyone together is building a “new year of life” for him.

How did they act in the old days?

It must be said that every nation had its own rules for celebrating birthdays. Slavic rituals are very interesting and colorful. This is due to the peculiarities of ancient beliefs. They were clean and bright. We, most likely, will not even be able to imagine the sincerity of these people today. Nevertheless, the souls of those people help all their distant descendants, since the basis of their existence is love for everything living on earth. Slavic rituals did not simply imply a desire for a common goal, they “worked” to achieve a specific result. Here, for example, is what you should do if you want to live in abundance. On this bright day, you need to go to the market and buy a poppy. Just keep in mind that you must purchase it from a woman who is older than you. You will also need a new white scarf. Left alone, spread it on the table and scatter poppy seeds on top. Say this: “In the depths of the sea-ocean there is an earthen island. There the Mother of all things lived. She took the money in her hands. She gave them away for bread and kept them in her wallet. Without money they don't give food. Without them, disaster is not far away. Clothes are not woven without them, and candles will not be given in the Temple. Lord, give me as much money as there are grains in this scarf. May there be so many coins in my wallet. I tie the words in a knot and command them to be carried out! Amen!" Now you need to tie the scarf crosswise and place it in a hidden place. It will become your amulet for the next year.

To get rid of loneliness

Many ancient rituals were associated with the improvement of personal life. They were held on birthdays, since it was at this time that one could “reach out” to the gods and ask for their mercy. Naturally, only those who had continuous problems in this area did this. You will need "silver water". To prepare it you need any item made of the mentioned metal. Fill a jar of spring water exactly nine days before the holiday. Place the silver jewelry in it. Just keep in mind that it should not be closed. That is, the ring will not fit exactly. And if you have a chain, then you need to unfasten it. Exactly at the moment of birth (if you know the exact time) the following spell is read on the water: “I ask for a white blessing from the whole World, from Mother Earth raw, from blue water, from a strong wind, from a bright fire! In the crystal bowl She is Mother Earth's burning tear. She knows about my bitter lot and drops silver water. You, lonely melancholy, leave my lot! Let everything now be according to Mother Earth’s will! Just as I wash myself with silver water, the loneliness will go away at once! Amen!" Now you need to take exactly seven sips and throw the rest of the liquid directly onto the top of your head.

Modern Magic

Many rituals are now being developed by those schools that are engaged in “improving” human life. Despite the fact that they are completely new, their effectiveness has already been proven by listeners. Of course, people tend to use those magical rituals that inspire confidence in them. And no one is particularly interested in their relative “age.” Moreover, for the most part, the current ones are built on the basis of those that originated in the mists of time, only adjusted for the modern worldview. On your birthday, it’s very fun to use the rituals that were invented by the Simorontsy. Firstly, they all work positively. That is, such rituals are based only on positive energies and emotions. There certainly can be nothing wrong with them. Secondly, it's fun and funny! Thirdly, such rituals do not have to be carried out in splendid isolation. Involve all guests in the process! The holiday will turn out to be nice and memorable. Moreover, everyone will benefit from such a “magical pastime”! And if you consider that the energy of a group of people who love and respect each other has the peculiarity of growing exponentially, then, you know, you can turn the world upside down!

Appeal to the Heavenly Office

The ritual itself is carried out when all participants (the entire honest company) are in high spirits. Digression: no one forbids you to do this yourself, if that’s your will. Once you have warmed up to the limit with jokes or other entertainment, invite your friends to make a “petition” to the Heavenly Office. To do this, prepare a piece of parchment and a feather (paper and pen). Draw up a document in which you record the dreams of the birthday boy and everything that his friends wish for him. Then roll it into a tube and seal it with wax from a holiday candle. All that remains is to say in chorus: “We appeal to the Heavenly Office! We wish good fellow (name) attention! Let our message be fulfilled, so that he has both money and porridge! Let diamonds and gold rain down from the sky on his head! Let your soul be rich in love! We insist on execution. Our important commands have been drawn up today! From which I won’t save the office until the order is carried out!” And if you back it up with “Jam Day,” then the Universe will simply have to “bend under” the birthday boy. This ritual is carried out with a special delicacy. It is advisable that one of your friends bring it as a gift. This is raspberry jam! It must be consumed “sparingly” - one spoon per day. Don’t forget to close your eyes and say: “It’s not life, it’s raspberries!” It is recommended to write the same phrase in beautiful colors on a piece of paper and stick it on the jar. In this case, the topic of the “message” is chosen by the one who composes it. Instead of the word “life” you can use something that characterizes the main current problem. For example: “Not a marriage - but a raspberry!” Everyone will most likely have their own option.

Plot for good luck

Here is another ritual that can be performed both alone and with guests. Take a piece of paper. Describe all your big and small “sorrows” on it. This can be done in advance. And on the holiday itself, set it on fire from a candle. While it is smoldering (blazing), you say the following words: “Cares burn, worries go away. Everything that gets in the way is on fire! Luck remains with me, curling around me like a tail! On your birthday, only joy comes and does not go away until the next one! Always with me, both during the day and at midnight, at any moment he will come to the rescue!” Of course, the greatest result will be achieved if all the guests say this wish in unison. Only then should the name of the newborn be pronounced. In general, it is advisable to involve loved ones in rituals on holidays. This not only multiplies magical powers, but also strengthens relationships. It turns out that people become even more strongly attached to each other through participation in “joint projects.” And if a common enterprise tied to profit can separate or quarrel, then the kindness expressed in chorus can only unite.

Ritual for a gift

Not only “newborns” are supposed to practice magic on this day. Those who congratulate him also have the opportunity to bring a little light and good luck into his life. Here's how it's done. When you get ready to receive a gift, cast a small spell. It will lead you exactly to where the most suitable item is sold.

Say this: “Seven Angels carried the gifts of the Lord across the golden sky. We got tired, sat down, and sang a song. I bought a device for this choir. He took it as a gift to (person’s name). He brought happiness and good luck! Amen!" If you make something with your own hands, then say: “For well-being and joy. So that nasty things don’t come into life. May she be a full cup. May (person's name) fulfill all her wishes! Amen!" And when you begin to transfer the gift into his hands, you can say another conspiracy. It's ancient. Its meaning is that there should always be protection around a person, protecting him from both physical and spiritual temptations and troubles. Say this: “You (name) should be at the Throne. The choir of your angels will not be interrupted. Trouble will not happen."

Angel Day is a special day, and strong prayer on Angel's Day must be special. This is the day of baptism, when a Guardian Angel is given to a person by God. Each baptized person has his own, but his name is unknown to us. This is a special Angel, he is next to a person all the days of his life from the very day of baptism. Offering Orthodox prayers on Guardian Angel Day, believers ask him to forgive mistakes and sins, deliver them from the deceit of the Devil and pray to the Lord for them.

Holy birthday prayer to your heavenly Guardian on Angel Day

Holy Angel of Christ, falling to you, I pray to you, my bright Guardian, given to me from Holy Baptism for the preservation of my soul and body of my sinner. With my unrighteous deeds I anger your most pure lordship and repel you with lies, slander, envy, condemnation, disobedience, hatred of neighbors and rancor, condemnation, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony, verbosity, evil and crafty thoughts, proud disposition and carnal lust. Oh, my evil deeds! Even dumb animals don’t do this! How can you look at me, how can you approach me, if I am in my sins, like a stinking dog? Bright Angel of Christ looking at me, how can I ask for forgiveness if I constantly fall into sins? But, I pray to you, I fall to you, my Holy Guardian, have mercy, be my helper and intercessor, save me from the human enemy with your pure prayers, always, now, and ever, and forever and ever! Amen!

Sometimes a name day or a child’s birthday is called Angel Day. This term recalls the times of deep antiquity, when heavenly patrons, i.e. Saints were called Angels by their namesakes living on earth. However, patron saints and those sent by the Lord to serve people are not the same thing, therefore it is unacceptable to confuse one with the other. Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom a person is named, and Angel Day is, in fact, the day of remembrance of the Guardian Angel, who protects us all the days of our lives and prays to the Lord for the person he serves.

The most important part of congratulations on this important day in the life of every believer is the church Birthday prayer for your angel. On this day, it is better to pray for a person in church. Any spiritually useful gifts are good, for example, a theological book, lives of saints, an icon, a souvenir from a holy place or a shrine.

Good prayer on the Day of your Intercessor Angel

Angel of God, my Holy Martyr, given to me from God from heaven to protect me, I pray you, protect me from all evil, instruct me in good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

How to celebrate your birthday. Adviсe. Rituals. Protection.

How to celebrate a birthday

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that this is one of the two most anticipated and desired holidays of the year. Congratulations, gifts, guests... And now, the hour is approaching when everything old, obsolete, unnecessary must go away. And to the person before the bookmark Your New Year It is useful to start remembering what this year was like, what special events, achievements, victories and defeats it had. What else does a person need to know in order to competently celebrate his birthday?

In order to avoid major troubles, the day before your birthday you should not start any serious business. It is better to delegate preparations for the holiday to loved ones or to complete them earlier.

Remember: when you are born, it is stressful for you, as well as for your entire body and soul - take care of yourself! However, in addition to a variety of pleasant and not very pleasant signs, the day of your birth can be used for your own benefit. To do this, you just need to “help” your guardian spirits a little with the help of a variety of magical actions.

Just before the time of birth- Stand in cool salt water for 10 minutes, imagining. How water “takes away” the past year and everything that should go with it. It is good to hold a wax church candle in your right hand.

Birthday conspiracy

In the morning, stand by the window to see the sunrise. Let your hair down, wear clothes without fasteners. Cross your palms and press them to your chest to read the plot:

“I, servant of God (name), will get up, bless myself and cross myself, wash myself with clean water, go out of the hut to say goodbye to my father, and bless my mother. I’ll go from the hut to the porch, from the porch to the porch, from the porch to the open field. Behind that field is the sea-okiyan, and in that okiyan is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first mansion is wooden, in that mansion there is the Mother of God, I will go and bow to her and say: “Mother of God, just as you looked after Jesus when he walked on the earth, so look after me while I walk on the earth and give me damask health and bright beauty . “The second golden mansion, in that mansion is Saint Paraskeva, I will go and bow to her and say: “Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in financial matters, so that I will not lack anything.” The third mansion is made of jasper, in that mansion there are Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go and bow to them and say: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I ask you for hot blood, a boiling heart for Love and a strong spirit for family harmony.” Just as the door to the doorframe pretends, so do my words to me pretend, oh all the days, at all hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen" Read 3 times.

Ritual of protection for the coming year

What can you do on your birthday? A conspiracy for protection on a birthday For example, perform a ritual to ensure protection for the coming year of life. To do this, it will be enough for someone close to you (ideally, your parents) to give you a piece of jewelry, a trinket, or some small memento.

No clothing, shoes or anything that you will not wear all the time and wash is suitable for this purpose. Ideally, it should be a pendant or ring that you will be comfortable wearing all the time. It is also important who gave you this thing - you must be completely confident in this person, that he does not wish you harm.

The selected item must be cleaned - for this, a glass of clean running water (in no case boiled, such water is considered dead), into which the amulet is dipped and left on the window overnight, will be enough.

After this, in the morning, we need to take out our talisman, wipe it with a clean (ideally a new one, but you can’t get enough new towels every time, so just a clean one is enough) towel, then, holding it in your right hand, clearly imagine what we want: if protection, from what, in what aspects and for how long.

Don't ask for too much! If you become good friends with the amulet, it can be recharged in exactly the same way. All these operations should be carried out the day after your birthday (that is, the amulet should be cleansed on the night of your birthday on the next day).

A strong amulet that is read on your birthday:

Does a person need prayer? Needed! No one doubts its life-giving power anymore! She's like a breath of fresh air! She is like a spring of living water - it heals, protects from troubles, and gives strength in overcoming all adversities.

Regardless of whether there is a suspicion of damage or not, whether you removed it or not, once a year make yourself a talisman so that in the future you will not be affected not only by negative influences, but also by all sorts of misfortunes.

Among many prayers, there is one prayer that few know about, and yet it still exists! This prayer is a miraculous amulet for those who firmly believe in the power of prayer. Appeal to your angel of birth - do not read every day, you only turn to the angel once a year - do not miss this important moment!

How to read a prayer?

Just get out of bed, read the prayer - sincerely, sincerely!

Angel of my birth, send me your blessing,
Deliverance from trouble, grief.
From my enemies nine nine times,
From slander and vain blasphemy,
From a sudden and terrible illness,
From the edge in the dark, from the poison in the cup,
From the beast in the thicket, from the gaze of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment,
From bestial torn apart, from eternal cold and fire,
From hunger and a rainy day - save, save me.
And my last hour will come, my angel, stay with me.
Stand at the head, make my care easier.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Birthday spell

There are many birthday spells and whispers for good luck on your birthday, however, there is one most effective one that will bring you good luck and material well-being in the new year for you.

So, a conspiracy to attract good luck and money. Read in front of a lit candle on the day and hour of your birth. If you don’t know the exact time, then preferably either at sunset or dawn:

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer!

Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, appear, come to my oak table, and let neither windows nor doors be an obstacle to you. Bring me precious dust from gold, and a bone from a mighty bull. Leave them to me as helpers, protectors, concealers.

From now on, I (Name) will be lucky in all my endeavors and good thoughts, luck will not go away, but gold will come.

I lock my words tightly, and whoever tries to break them will only waste their strength.”

Read this plot 12 times, according to the number of months in the year. From this moment on, luck will not leave you, and the money itself should flow into your hands!

Protective spell on Angel's Day

On Angel's Day, go to church, take blessed water and a candle. In the evening, when the sun sets, close yourself in a room, light a candle so that hot wax drips into a cup of blessed water, and read:

Holy angel, look after the servant of God (name), so that no one disfigures him, the servant of God (name), so that no one disfigures him, discredits him, or does anything to him, so that neither evil devils nor dashing people live in the house. Cover him with your finger, cover him with a wing, save him from adversity and melancholy, from gnawing, from wickedness, from the drunkard of the kingdom. Amen.

Then drink three sips of that water, but no more, and douse yourself from head to toe, without wiping yourself.

Magic ritual for a successful career

On your date of birth (date), you need to put on any new item and wear it for three days. Before doing this, say:

“I’m putting on a new thing, making a new career for myself, I will have service and friendship, success in work, understanding among people.”

Then rinse the item in clean water and spray your work area (threshold, chair, office) with this water.

From Simoron. Conspiracy for a good job

On Jam Day, a very suitable ritual for finding a suitable job is to take a jar of raspberry jam and stick a label - “not a job, but a raspberry.” Take a teaspoon every day. After 27 days, a job will appear that gives pleasure, benefit and joy - in general, RASPBERRY. Verified.

If you have any suspicions, that a certain person gives you a gift that contains negative information, or simply wishes you harm, then, when accepting the gift, say to yourself a security phrase: “The gift is mine, and the mortgage is yours, so be it, amen,” “I take the gift , I’ll leave you the lining,” “What they brought me, they took with them.” All negativity in this case will return to the donor.

The meaning of the word NAME DAY in the Dictionary of Rituals and Sacraments


Previously, in Russia it was customary to celebrate the day of the Angel, or name day, in a magnificent and solemn manner. The birthday was celebrated modestly. This is due to the fact that for our ancestors, the day of spiritual birth, when the child was baptized and received the name of his patron angel, whose memory was celebrated on the day of baptism or the coming days, was given greater importance than the day of physical birth. Those who were baptized as adults chose a name for themselves at their own request, but always according to the calendar. The Guardian Angel was revered, they prayed to him and asked for his intercession, and in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, damage and other troubles, a guardian spell was recited three times before going to bed:

I go to bed with Christ,

with the creator, the cross,

with the power of the Lord,


My guardian angel

abide with me:

every hour

every minute.

Name days were celebrated unusually widely. In pre-Petrine Rus', on the day of his name day, the tsar himself handed out pies upon leaving the temple, and the queen and adult princes did the same on their name days; On behalf of the princesses or young princes, the king distributed the pies. The presentation of gifts to the sovereign on the day of the angel, like offerings on other occasions, was made not only at the call of the heart, but was strictly obligatory.

Let's leave the royal family. This is how L. Uspensky describes preparations for name days in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century.

“Long before the deadline, everything in the apartment was upside down.

They rearranged the furniture. The floor polishers went berserk. Culinary preparations were produced on a Lucullan scale. On my shelf now and again I found either a box of nutmeg or a bottle full of red, like a Persian beard, spicy and sweet-smelling fibers: saffron! You can also see here a lilac-brown vanilla pod, as if touched with frost, in a thin glass tube.

From unknown distances - is it from the Brocken mountain on a broom? - the hook-nosed Fedosyushka, “cook for the cook,” arrived and received autocratic power over the kitchen. Dressmakers with mouths full of pins spent hours crawling on their knees around the birthday girl and her mother. On the stove something was constantly and enticingly purring, boiling, bubbling, and fragrant. Already on the landing you could smell: it smelled like almond cake, and now it smelled like “The Royal Heather” or “The Four Kings”... The wind through the newly opened windows flipped through the pages soaked in all the fats and sugars of Elena’s “Gift for Young Housewives” Malakhovets...

In this confusion there was work for me too. Of course, a student is of little use, but still, only a man should go to pastry chef Beren for creamy meringues; You can meet such impudent people in these pastry shops!

Or - my God! - and what about hyacinths?! How old is Liza? This means that twenty hyacinths should be on the table; This has always happened!..”

Anyone who believes in omens will have to do the following (even if the birthday boy resists, this is done for his benefit): bake a pie with porridge and, when the birthday boy sits down at the table, break the pie over his head - the more porridge spills on his head , the happier the birthday person will be in the coming year; break, even on purpose, some of the dishes - also for good luck, and, most importantly, make sure that after all that has been done, the hero of the occasion “shines like a birthday boy!”

Rituals and sacraments. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what NAMEDAYS are in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • NAME DAYS in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (angel day) in the Christian tradition is a day of remembrance of a saint, which is a holiday for a believer named after this saint. In Russia …
  • NAME DAYS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • NAME DAYS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Angel Day), in the Christian tradition - the day of remembrance of a saint is a holiday for the believer named after this ...
  • NAME DAYS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -in. For Orthodox and Catholics: whose. a personal holiday on the day when the church celebrates the memory of the saint or angel of the same name. Celebrate...
  • NAME DAYS in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NAME DAY (angel day), in Christ. traditions - day of remembrance of k.-l. saint, which is a holiday for the believer named after this saint. IN …
  • NAME DAYS in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    name"us, name"n, name"us, name"us, name"us, ...
  • NAME DAYS in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Day …
  • NAME DAYS in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    holiday, …
  • NAME DAYS in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    pl. 1) Remembrance Day saint, which is a holiday for the person who at baptism is named after this saint (at ...
  • NAME DAYS in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    name days,...
  • NAME DAYS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    name day...
  • NAME DAYS in the Spelling Dictionary:
    name days,...
  • NAME DAYS in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    For Orthodox and Catholics: someone's personal holiday on the day when the church celebrates the memory of the saint of the same name. Celebrate and. (celebrate this day). ...
  • NAME DAYS in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (angel day), in the Christian tradition, is a day of remembrance of a saint, which is a holiday for a believer named after this saint. IN …
  • NAME DAYS in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    name day, units No. For Orthodox and Catholics who observe church and everyday rituals, there is a day of remembrance of some kind. saint, which is a holiday for that person...
  • NAME DAYS in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    name day plural 1) Remembrance Day a saint, which is a holiday for the person who is named after this saint at baptism...
  • NAME DAYS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    pl. 1. The day of remembrance of a saint, which is a holiday for the person who was named after this saint at baptism (at ...
  • NAME DAYS in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pl. 1. The day of remembrance of a saint, which is a holiday for the person who, at baptism, is named after [name II 1.] this ...
  • BREAD in Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 11:23:49 = B = * We mow down the barns, but ask for bread for ourselves. * You can’t fill a bin with fables. *...

Conspiracies that are read on a person’s birthday are considered very effective. They can have any direction and affect any area of ​​life. It is advisable not to use birthday spells to the detriment of others. After all, on this bright day the sky is open for the birthday person, so it is important to take advantage of this and ask for blessings from higher powers for yourself.

Strong rituals

A birthday is a milestone for every person. A birthday spell can be used to ask for good luck for the entire previous year.


To do this, you need to turn to your Guardian Angel at dawn with these words:

“My angel, Guardian, accept my request. Today, on your birthday, give me a gift. For the entire previous year, provide me with protection from all bad defenses. My Guardian Angel, I ask for your blessing. Deliver me from trouble and grief, from illnesses and illnesses of all kinds, from slander and vain slander, from unjust punishment. Be with me and warn me against mistakes, and guide me on the right path.”

To fulfill a wish

Also, a birthday spell can be used to fulfill a secret desire. Magic words should also be spoken at dawn. They sound like this:

“I am God’s Servant (proper name) today celebrating my birthday. Today the holiday begins and everything in my life is working out. Not an unkind look, not a bad word. Not a black crow above me, not a black cat across the road. I know that everything will work out in my opinion, and that what I have in mind will come true. Only this way and no other way.”


It is on your birthday that it is recommended to read special amulets that are not effective on another day. One of them sounds like this:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), am a baptized bone, I have a consecrated place on earth, I always wear a cross on my body. I see a cross in front of me - I’ll kneel down and pray. I turn to my Guardian Angel. From the moment of birth, you, my Guardian Angel, are with me, you know everything about me, and you see my soul. Since baptism you have reliably guarded and protected me. Come with me on a long journey, to where the dawn is fueled by the sun and the stars meet the clear moon.

The dumb one gave birth to my enemies, and the blind one gathered them all together. But at the same time I forgot to open my eyes to them. No one will say a bad word against God or plan a bad deed; he is afraid of punishment. So against me, the Servant (s) of God (my own name), enemies will not plot anything bad or evil. And if anyone decides to harm me in word or deed, I ask you, my Guardian Angel, unravel him and trample him, teach him to reason. Protect me from evil people and their thoughts in earthly life. From this moment and forever. Amen".

When pronouncing a conspiracy on your birthday, you should internally fill yourself with positivity and realize that the world around you is beautiful. With this approach, success is guaranteed.
