Abstinence tarot meaning. Tarot Card Meaning: Moderation

Tarot Temperance is the 14th arcana of the deck. Another name is Abstinence. The card is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, achieving harmony in relation to others and the world. Let's talk about the interpretation of the lasso in more detail.

Moderation of the Tarot - combination with other arcana of the deck

If the 14th lasso appears in the layout along with other cards, it is necessary to interpret its meaning differently. This will help to obtain a more accurate and reliable interpretation.

Moderation when combined with other Tarot cards can mean the following:

  1. Jester - the truth is far away, you are not yet able to understand it, you need to wait for time
  2. Magician - in your actions and deeds, be guided by reason, not emotions
  3. The High Priestess - in order to achieve success in professional activities, it is necessary to improve qualifications, gain new knowledge and skills
  4. Empress - a financial crisis is coming, you need to learn how to save masterfully
  5. Emperor - a dark streak will come in life, you will feel a loss of strength and lack of energy
  6. Hierophant - your help and good deeds will not be appreciated
  7. Lovers - you will have to look for a compromise in a relationship so as not to destroy it
  8. Chariot - in the near future you will feel strong anxiety
  9. Strength - you will need to gather your will into a fist and bravely endure all difficulties
  10. Hermit - a period of loneliness and revaluation of values ​​will come
  11. Wheel of Fortune - promises inevitable changes that cannot be resisted
  12. Justice - reason will triumph over emotions
  13. A hanged man is a sign of deep depression; getting out of this state will not be easy
  14. Death - there will be dramatic changes in life
  15. Devil - after a long illness, recovery will come
  16. Tower - you will be able to achieve financial independence
  17. Star - the disease will subside, you or a loved one will recover
  18. The moon is a sign of a serious illness
  19. The sun is the personification of luck, success and joyful emotions
  20. Court - to recovery after a long illness
  21. Peace - happiness, harmony and prosperity

Watch a video about the meaning of the Temperance card:

Schedule for work and finances

Most often, the Temperance card speaks of events that will affect a person’s business and professional life. In such scenarios the value will be as follows:

  • If you learn to listen to the opinions of others and “get on your nerves,” your professional activity will bring tremendous success. It is important to remain calm in any situation and not allow disorder and chaos into your life.
  • In the near future, the Universe will provide the opportunity to neutralize enemies and ill-wishers, thanks to which things at work will go smoothly
  • If the purpose of the layout is to determine your purpose and choose a profession, then the Temperance card indicates that a calm activity that requires maximum concentration is suitable for you. These are the professions of a jeweler, an artist, even a surgeon, pharmacist, cook or homeopath
  • Arcanum indicates that you have the talent of a teacher. You are able to inspire others, suggest the right path, and give correct, competent advice. You may be able to become a good mentor, coach or teacher. But you need to give yourself rest - while giving energy to others, it is important to replenish your own reserves on time
  • In real life, you either work too much or spend a lot of time relaxing. Because of this, an imbalance occurs. It is necessary to find a middle ground, then professional activity will be successful and bring the desired result
  • You know how to manage money correctly, are not wasteful and reasonable. The Temperance Card advises: spend part of your free money on charity, then your material well-being will last for a long time

Tips for the appearance of the 14th Arcana in various layouts:

  • Rely on Fate, let events develop naturally
  • Take your time and take your time - the desired result will come, but it takes time
  • Solve problems gradually, do not try to solve everything in one fell swoop
  • Spend more time communicating with loved ones, they need your attention

If you follow the advice of the fourteenth lasso, life will proceed calmly and extremely well.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

– the answer is “yes”, but you need to be patient and take your time.

The card symbolizes diplomacy, self-control, reasonable behavior, harmony, and the ability to adapt.

Success in your plans is possible through restraint, compromise and patience. You need to think carefully about everything and remove internal contradictions. The card suggests that the correct behavior would be to adapt to the existing situation, show humility, and moderation in views. Good luck awaits you in complex matters, where you need to take into account many factors and find a balance between them.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

This is harmony with yourself and the world around you. The fortuneteller has calmness and self-confidence, which helps him live and develop normally. A period of stability and the predominance of common sense is coming. The card also indicates that the fortuneteller will experience a time paradox - sometimes there will be a catastrophic lack of time, and sometimes it will go too slowly.


There is no harmony between feelings and reason in relationships. Even if feelings “overwhelm” you should not forget about everything in the world. The head should always “work”, regardless of feelings. The Arcanum can also indicate that a long-term relationship awaits the fortuneteller. Regularity and consistency – that’s what you can count on in the near future.


The fortuneteller will not have any health problems. For women, the card portends pregnancy. For representatives of the fair sex who are carrying a baby, the lasso promises a successful birth, without complications.


Moderation portends stable work for a long period of time. For businessmen, the card promises success in business and good development of the business. However, the lasso does not bode well for big profits. The financial situation will be stable, but without additional financial injections.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The card defines you as a harmonious person, capable of choosing and taking the right actions. Follow this same direction, then you will be able to perform any action, even the most complex. In personal relationships you will achieve complete peace of mind and home comfort, and in work you will gradually gain strength and energy to move up the career ladder. Health will be consistently good. No major events are expected.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

This tarot card, which fell out during fortune telling for a romantic relationship, denotes a strong and warm relationship. Most likely, these relationships are very trusting, sensual and tender, and they rely mainly on the ability to listen and understand.

Sexual desires fade into the background, sex does not affect a man and a woman, mutual understanding is built on a spiritual level.

If the card fell to a person who is still lonely, then Moderation portends a meeting with just such a person who can feel it internally.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

You are a calm and confident person, filled with vital energy; Soon the tense state will leave you. The card promises you a bright streak in life, new acquaintances and faithful relationships. In your work you need balance and good relationships with colleagues. The card advises restoring internal strength; Meditation and a healthier lifestyle will suit you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

The Arcanum is also called Temperance, which also reflects its essence. Means balance, stability, spiritual healing and adaptation to the current situation. The presence of circumstances that prevent the situation from developing according to the questioner’s scenario. The need to take a wait-and-see attitude.

In the professional sphere, it means that everything will come true and work out, but not right away, you need to wait a little longer.

Physically, it speaks of healing, good health, and giving up bad habits.

In love, it indicates a harmonious, properly developing relationship, which, however, still needs to be worked on.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

A positive Tarot card for a love reading. Firstly, your partner is an amazingly kind, calm, gentle and fair person. Try to respond to him with complete reciprocity, then he will answer you in kind. Secondly, complete harmony comes in your personal life, you find the family comfort that you have been looking for for a long period of your life. You perfectly complement your partner, so in everyday life there are no meaningless quarrels, which often destroy even the strongest relationships.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

What you desire now will bring confidence and a sense of comfort in the future. But it cannot be said that its implementation will not bring any sacrifices. But any discomfort and soreness will be worth your while. Now it is necessary to enlist the support of reliable people. Now everything is quite harmonious in your soul. It is this state that will help you move on, because the direction chosen is quite correct and rational. But there’s no need to relax just yet.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Everything happened naturally. A period of balance and harmony, relaxation has arrived. No controversy. Stable development in life and business. Everything goes as well as possible, you feel peace of mind.

At the same time, it is necessary to save energy, since the situation will develop slowly. Overcoming the crisis and resolving contradictions awaits you. Will find a way out of the deadlock. With proper self-control, everything will be resolved successfully. Don't leave the problem to chance. Take the decision into your own hands!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Moderation - calm relationships, full of harmony and peace. Most often, such partners are called soul mates. You literally understand each other perfectly, support each other in all endeavors... In general, everything is perfect. The decision to get married will emerge at the same moderate pace. But when this happens depends on the degree of affection of the partners: if you have been together for several years, then expect good news soon!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The cyclical nature of life. Each flower has its own blooming time. There is a time to act and a time to wait.

Are our desires always timely? Only the Guardian Angel knows for sure what the coming time is for. If you understand his instructions, balance and harmony will reign in life for a long time.

In your situation, everything is balanced, everything is as it should be, you should not see what is happening in a black light. Be patient, reflect on the situation, the time to act will soon come.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A wonderful card that predicts complete harmony and stability. Everything that was planned will come true. No drastic changes are expected. The relationship is at the “golden mean” stage. Respect, love and support, full-fledged intimate relationships are your “companions” in the near future. You and your chosen one know how to compromise.

A full description of the map is available at

"Visit the interior of the earth,
Purify yourself and find the hidden stone"

This is a card denoting beauty, silence, harmony and joy. Major Arcana Tarot card Temperance is considered an image of restoration and light, symbolizing a happy future. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

A layout with this card is considered favorable; one of the standard values ​​of Moderation is a happy outcome.

  • Moderation, Temperance;
  • Angel of Life, Archangel Michael, Leader of the heavenly army;
  • Guide of the Soul, Solar Genius;
  • Art, Perfect Balance, Right Proportion, Right Measure;
  • Aquarius, Cycle, Time, Alchemy;
  • Number 14, Path 25 from Yesod to Tiphareth, Letter Nun, Samech;
  • Occult meaning: golden mean, human beginning;
  • Sun and Moon, Venus as a symbol of harmony, balance;
  • Libra, sometimes Aquarius, Virgo, Mercury and Proserpine, as well as the 6th House;
  • All harmonious and beneficial influences like the 28th lunar day.

Description of the map

The card depicts an Angel with two cups in his hands, their contents always pouring from one cup to another. Life flows in the same way. A beam of light or the sun, located on the Angel's forehead, controls the flow of water, which, rising, returns to the earth in the form of rain.

The explanation of this card is related to the shape of the circle; it personifies the creative process that changes the world, redistributes resources in it, ensures a constant flow of forces in nature, mixing various elements.

The Arcana depicts a Spiritual Guide who says what is good and where is the measure. This is a Guardian Angel, leading along the right path and instilling confidence in actions.

This Arcanum denotes the connection between the Sun and the Moon (spheres of consciousness and unconsciousness, male and female). On the map, this idea is embodied by two cups - gold and silver, with a stream flowing from one into the second. An idea develops into the spiritual sphere, and then leads to the embodiment of ideas. The liquid flowing between the vessels is the nectar of immortality.

Some decks feature a cauldron on Temperance, which is the source of transformation. Changes do not happen just like that; a person needs to work to be reborn. The depicted arrow shows the search for the spirit; it personifies the ongoing process of understanding the world, which occurs due to the complex work of a person on himself.

The rising sun in the background, which is shaped like a crown, signifies spiritual rebirth, the dawn of consciousness, the Mystery of Eternal Life. A road leads to it from the reservoir near which the Angel stands, the path of Temperance. Blooming irises here are a symbol of renunciation of illusions. The Arcana depicts a Spiritual Guide who says what is good and where is the measure. This is a Guardian Angel, leading along the right path and instilling confidence in actions.

General meaning of the card: Moderation

Reducing tension, mitigating disagreements, although Temperance Tarot shows that a person is currently undergoing a test. The card promises that the current circumstances will be easily resolved. A person will find a way out of a seemingly insoluble problem.

According to this map, everything that seems impossible happens. It represents the desired outcome using self-control and patience. This card is governed by adaptation, compromise, adaptation, even behavior, submission and humility. A combination of ideas that creates a moral and righteous life.

Tarot moderation, the meaning of the card is harmony in all directions, stable development, unity with oneself, harmony with the world, ideal state. A measured life, virtue, the joy of existence without tension. The card considers harmony to be the most important thing in life, when everything is subordinated to peace, harmony, and reason without much effort. Moderation blurs the contrasts of the world, it solves problems, heals wounds, and restores strength.

Tarot card Moderation also means stability in matters that bring success and victory over various difficult situations, but only with wise behavior. A person overcomes obstacles gradually. A favorable outcome of circumstances, but without making a hasty decision. Any business moves slowly, but without any special barriers.

Moderation reminds us that passion is not the best emotion for solving problems. It is necessary to show restraint, save energy and not be scattered on other things when achieving one goal. The card states that a person always wants to do the best thing and is looking for the right solution for this. Tarot card Temperance, the meaning indicates mercy and compassion, it softens the alignment.

In order to achieve a solution to the issue, you need to rise above obvious concepts and analyze the situation. This is the only way to free yourself from tension and take a step towards healing. Often in the Moderation scenario it falls to people who have recently had drastic changes in their lives and made quick decisions. But now, the stage of a smooth and leisurely life has come. In any case, these changes will have an impact on behavior.

Personal Description

A person is calm, he calmly perceives the world around him and controls himself. A happy state is when a person feels good, loves himself and is in harmony and balance with the world. Peace of mind, freedom from pain and fear, serenity, tranquility.

Positive features

If a person restrains his feelings and emotions without panicking, then he lives a full, calm, harmonious, balanced life, where he has everything he needs. Calmness of being, the experience of peaceful existence, the ability to live modestly, lightly and joyfully. At the same time, a person goes deeper into himself, maintaining balance, serenity and peace in any situation. There is no place for bitterness and aggression.

A person gains experience without unnecessary actions to maintain balance in the soul even in the most difficult problem situations, where one can be left without health, common sense and nerve cells. This requires excellent discipline, clear behavior, self-control, equanimity, leisurely actions, and restraint. Nothing unsettles you more than a panic attack. It is necessary to be able to limit the impulses of uncontrollable reactions, to apply restraint, self-control, and wisdom.

Peace and balance are the main criteria for moral issues when choosing a solution. The patience of Temperance is different from any other card in the reading, also from the patience of the Hanged Man. According to the last card, a person experiences times when it seems that nothing is happening, and he cannot do anything about it, he needs to sacrifice something to resolve the issue. Moderation shows more patience in a stressful situation.

Anyone who does not have patience is not characterized by impartiality and calmness, moderation is boring. In this sense, Temperance is compared to the Seven of Pentacles, when a person cannot speed up the resolution of circumstances. While he is waiting, everything goes on as usual, and if you give in to panic, then the resolution of the issue will not speed up.

If a person is used to doing something, achieving everything through struggle, then the card calls for times without war, when one can do nothing. Events do not need to be pushed; they will happen on their own. After solving one problem, you need to start solving another, after a little rest.

The card describes a person as a self-sufficient person who knows how to manage his behavior without being subject to the opinions of others. People are drawn to such a person because he is usually in a good mood. The Man of Temperance does not like to be in the public eye, but having seen all his qualities, you begin to admire him. He has wisdom, self-sufficiency, harmony between soul and body, a light hand and sincerity.

Negative traits

Sometimes, the Temperance card is explained as colorlessness, mediocrity, but in reality it is a lack of panache and modesty, which are advantages. The beauty of a person is in self-control and endurance. He knows how to adapt to circumstances and does not like to get deeply involved in something.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

This card of higher alchemy adopts the principle of connecting and dissolving that which has been separated. This is a state when nothing is suppressed, meaning flows from one vessel to another, the contents of the soul are transferred from body to body, thus the past develops into the future. You can achieve unlimited possibilities only by connecting the past and the present.

Moderation urges you to listen to the signs in order to determine the true path and not be subject to the opinions of others. An angel is a messenger of God's will; this is what helps a person understand his essence. Angel wings are an impulse that frees a person from routine, allowing him to realize his needs and realize them.

Using this map, a person searches for his “center,” the inner “stone of the temple.” This is a lot of work on yourself, a change in the psyche, a transformation of the soul. The ability to combine earthly and spiritual needs. By sacrificing something, a person becomes one-sided. Changing "ignoble material" into something special becomes a union of two lives that can be enjoyed.

Also on a deep level, this is an alchemical effect with

The Temperance card indicates an alchemical transformation within the human soul.

the mystical lover, anima or animus, the experience of intimacy. A union of opposites at a higher level. The card speaks of the need to activate some aspects of the personality, those that have been suppressed, and accordingly restore balance. Agree not only with yourself, but also with the world. It is impossible to reach such a height without understanding behavior, self-control and constant work on oneself.

The character of Temperance combines fire and water, which become one or “each other.” A woman, imagining an ideal partner, discovers masculine outlines in herself, and a man – feminine. Harmony of ideas that previously seemed impossible, removal of resistance, getting out of a difficult situation, overcoming contradictions - all this is a significant step on the path to healing.

Some astrologers say that Temperance corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius, which has rational features. This sign is capable of reaching great heights, is ready to work on itself and develop spiritually.

This is the stage of personal development following Death. It comes when a person has already realized a lot and “died” for the present world and can now find peace. The angel represents the idea that a person can rise to his level if he can master the lessons correctly. This is often interpreted as a radical change in personality through faith, loss of interest in worldly goals, but is not necessarily associated with the church.

Each person, after a reassessment of values, that is, after Death (XIII), chooses how to continue his path: with an Angel (XIV) or with the Devil (XV). An angel can offer forgiveness, humility, wise acceptance of reality, and peace. The devil is rebellion, passion, degradation. If a person chooses the Devil, then the next Arcana is the Tower. If you choose an Angel, then a Star.

In a deep sense, the Temperance card in reverse symbolizes the river of time, which has turned back, allowing you to return to the past and correct mistakes. The Angel's actions speak of the cycle of life, which purifies the spirit. If Temperance appears after a negative card, this means victory over the difficulties of life and taking the path of wise actions.

Moderation is the most difficult Arcana. It means peace and quiet, but through tough tests of strength. The map describes the main processes of internal change, growth and learning, the application of new knowledge and skills, achieving results, and a new understanding of life.

Quantity turns into quality, because Moderation is a card of transformation of the psyche and alchemy. The internal transformation of a person may not be visible from the outside, it is hidden inside and brings a resolution to some conflict, a way out of the vice.

Moderation symbolizes complete harmony between thoughts, desires, ideas, feelings. Here the process of personality restoration occurs, one’s own tactics of behavior are developed, which are subject to self-control, and a sense of proportion is formed.

The meaning of Moderation in various readings

For career and work

Tarot card Moderation, the meaning of the card indicates the value of cooperation, the ability to perceive other people's opinions, respectful attitude towards other people, conflict resolution, compromise. A departure from contradictions and resistance, selfish disputes, power struggles, vanity and disorder.

A true team is formed when everyone uses their maximum potential. The activities of the team itself are more associated with the Tower, for example: a fire group, a team of surgeons. At the same time, they work in Moderation, coordinate their actions, use all the resources needed for work, and achieve a positive result.

Moderation corresponds to a profession that requires self-control, calmness, caution, and coordination of movements. Examples of professions: intelligence officer, microsurgeon. These are also positions that require the establishment of proportions and correspondences: homeopaths, pharmacists, cooks.

Healers, team building specialists, personnel selection specialists, peacemakers, mediators, and teachers work on the Temperance card. Since the card symbolizes the right measure, professional activities can be associated with calculations, compensation, and assessments.

A person must always maintain a balance between work and rest. You can't go from one extreme to another. Calm, serene, easy execution of tasks. You shouldn’t divide things into important and not so important.

Financial and housing situation

Moderation characterizes the mode of saving financial resources; it does not promise great wealth. This card is valued by people who have already lost their acquired well-being. After experiencing fear and the inability to provide for one’s life, a person becomes more thrifty and controls the spending of money.

The card means the ability to live, knowing your needs, which correspond to your status in society, economy, and reasonable housekeeping. Willingness to help other people, balance between what is earned and what is spent. The card also indicates successful contracts, business trips, and a mixture of cultures.

For love and relationships

Moderation Tarot meaning in relationships symbolizes balance, when partners value each other's poise, understanding and goodwill. This is a card for healing the emotional wounds that people are capable of inflicting on each other. It means dispassion, humility and obedience, verified actions, compromises. People come to such relationships after they have caused enough damage to each other. Sometimes a card can be interpreted as a device or even a sign of separation, cooling of feelings.

Moderation symbolizes solving pressing problems and restoring harmony. The cause of problems is often in the person himself, who is confronting some circumstances. Even if he is not in a relationship, he already contradicts his partner in advance with the idea that he cannot accept some of his traits. In this situation, the dropped Moderation explains that the person will change, the confrontation will soften, he will find reconciliation with himself and with the world around him, tolerance and mercy will be added.

If there is already a relationship, and there is an imbalance in it, then Moderation brings balance, harmony and healing. It gives the partner the opportunity to change his attitude, not to exaggerate demands and strive to correct the situation, to be able to take the position of another person. Then people will have not just love, but deep mutual understanding, acceptance of the values ​​of their chosen one.

The best thing that Moderation promises is that opposites converge, forming harmonious, lasting and beautiful relationships. People need to do everything possible to outgrow resistance and contradictions and understand each other internally.

The bowls on the Arcana correspond to emotions (the element of water), and pouring from one bowl to another is a sign to take into account the feelings of both, not to impose your point of view, not to put pressure.

Moderation means harmony between intimacy, independence and independence, commitment, building balance. The card gives hope that this is a successful partnership. Temperance also harmoniously represents sexuality, and the exchange of tantric energy. Patience, ability to control one's actions, consistency, compatibility, calmness, willingness to learn, mutual understanding. Compromise, analysis of the situation from the outside.

For health status

Keeping a person in excellent physical and spiritual shape. This is a card of healing and rebirth. If the question arises about mental or physical health, then the card means excellent health, recovery. Moderation is the healing card.

A person’s physical and mental state depends on his lifestyle. Moderation in everything is necessary here: diet, giving up bad habits.

This card indicates a person’s connection with his body and makes it possible to understand what is needed to restore it. Serenity, merging with the flow, cleansing the body, rest, renewal of strength, both physical and spiritual, concentration, comprehension, abstinence from stupid actions.

The card can also indicate metabolic disorders and congestion in the body. Indicates the kidneys and everything connected with them. In addition, the card may appear to people going through the postoperative period, recuperation, when it is necessary to limit themselves, acting carefully. A card inverted means infertility, but upright means good reproductive abilities.

The meaning of a reversed card

Moderation reversed symbolizes disunity, an unsuccessful team, lack of harmony, ill-considered actions, squandering, wasting energy. It means that a person needs to restore balance. In his life there is a huge number of incompatible things, when it is difficult to talk about harmony. Reversed Temperance means a failed test or a warning that there is not enough strength to reach the goal.

Discord, breakdown of contracts, disagreements with others. Incorrect views on life and people around you, short temper, excessive emotionality, unreasonable actions, hostility and imbalance, inability to work with others, disappointment, fanaticism. Difficulties in learning, mastering new abilities and knowledge.

Reversed Temperance means that a person has finances, but he cannot use them. According to an inverted map, various regulatory installations fail, this applies to both equipment and established control systems.

Combined with other cards

How is Moderation interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester, you need to think through your actions so as not to make the same mistakes;
  • With the Empress - establishing relationships, successful birth of a child, sexual harmony. Rarely a romantic trip.
  • With the Emperor - it is necessary to analyze the situation more broadly, to show flexibility in various issues;
  • With Lovers - it is necessary to show calm and patience;
  • With the Tower - gaps, extremes, the effect of Moderation is weakened;
  • With Peace - unification, healing;
  • With the Five of Wands - rivalry, imbalance, disagreement;
  • With the Five of Swords – disharmony of relationships;
  • With the Ace of Cups - diet, abstinence, sobriety, fasting;
  • With the Two of Cups – relationships, communication, teamwork;
  • With the Two of Pentacles - the search for harmony, the cards mutually reinforce each other;
  • With the Three of Pentacles – work in a group.

Other names for the fourteenth arcana of the tarot: Temperance, Temperance, The Golden Mean, Temperance, The Temperance, The Fferyllt, Die Mäßigkeit, la Tempérance, Two Vessels, D - Initiative, Initiative, Deductio, Research from the General to the Particular, Harmonia mixstorum, Harmony of the Composite, Reversibilitas, Renewal, Ingenium Solare, Solar genius, The Guide, Guide, Cautious action, La temperentia, La Temperanza


At the level of consciousness, “The Right Measure” means the harmonious unity of spirit, soul and body. That is, we need, first of all, to come to an agreement with ourselves, to resonate with the Cosmos, to find peace in our souls, to love ourselves - and to forget about careerism and competition, about self-digging and self-criticism over trifles. Having realized and felt this, we will acquire the ability, quite naturally, without any ambition, to restore peace and tranquility around ourselves, to help others find their happiness and serve as a worthy example for them.

Work and Business

Here it means that one must, first of all, approach work in a balanced and good-natured manner. What is required is both a friendly, harmonious atmosphere in the group and a normal working rhythm that is not pushed by anyone or anywhere, allowing you to act “with feeling, with sense, with alignment.” Then all tasks that were previously resolved only in the rush and terrible stress can be completed calmly and without stress. Moreover, this does not at all mean laziness, weakness, indifference, and especially hack work. On the contrary: this is the same peace of mind that allows you to act quickly, efficiently and purposefully (cf. Zen instructions in the art of archery).

Relationships and love

A period of peaceful, happy unity of souls, friendship, trust and reciprocity. This is possible only with complete peace of mind. And it, in turn, can be achieved only when the main thing for us becomes not success in the outside world (at work, in politics, etc.), but the subtlety and warmth of relationships with each other, not the ostentatious well-being of the family, but modesty and simplicity within her. This card may also indicate the imminent conclusion of a new acquaintance, a new connection.

Inner meaning

Even if it seems that everything has stopped, events develop according to their own laws and will give results in due time. Don't push them. There is nothing you can do now. The best thing to do is sit back and wait. In fact, this is the only thing that can be done in this situation.

The Lesson of Temperance The Tarot teaches the most important and perhaps the most difficult thing you must learn: patience. There are times in life when it seems like nothing is happening, nothing is moving, you become stagnant and can't change anything.

It's not about someone deliberately holding you back. This is a necessary period of waiting, and although everything seems to have stopped, something is happening. Here's a very down-to-earth example: after preparing the dough, placing it on a baking sheet and placing it in the oven, you must wait for the bread to bake. There is no need to pace from corner to corner and upset yourself. It will take time for the bread to bake. While you wait, the bread is baking. The efforts you put in, the things you put into action, will bear fruit. All you need is patience.

Moderation Tarot also teaches that you can make good use of the time when you are forced to wait. Think about what you have already done and what remains to be done, study your own needs and motives, and learn to understand.

However, the most important thing is to force yourself to learn how to murmur. In this life we ​​are used to constantly doing something. It's important to know that there are times when you can't or shouldn't do anything more.

Combinations with other cards


Tower: extremes, gaps

5 of Pentacles: sickness

5 of swords: falling out of the general tone, disharmony

5 of Wands: disagreement, competition, imbalance


3 of Pentacles: teamwork, combination

2 of Cups: communication, teamwork

2 of Pentacles: balance, finding a harmonious combination

Peace: unity, synthesis, combination


Hayo Banzhaf. "Tarot Tutorial"


Sagittarius. The state of consciousness - monadism - is a concept that goes back to the philosophy of Leibniz: a feeling of inextricable contact with the higher Self (monad) and, thanks to this, the possibility of contact with higher levels of being - with the world of Archetypes.

Letter Samekh. Hieroglyph Support. Dream. Stomach. Color blue. The name Samekn means supporter, reinforcer. It is the eighth name of God and rules the star Mercury. Intelligent being Michael. Number 60.

Pour out what you have enough from the vessel in your right hand, and do not lose a drop. Is there no vessel in your left hand? Change absolutely everything in the image of your desires (your will) and bring it to real perfection. Dissolve the pearl in a wine glass; drink and make the virtue of your pearl evident.

The combination of different forces, knowledge, action based on precise considerations, consistency, success through a careful course of action. Implementation. Connection of forces. Restraint. Moderation. It takes time for results to appear.

Reversed: Disagreement. Disconnection. Conflict of interest. Hostility. Prematurity.


Hayo Bantzhava and Brigitte Theler “Aleister Crowley's Tarot of Thoth. Keywords".

Description of the lasso

The image of integration is a mystical unity, a fusion of opposites. This is a time of unification of previously experienced dualities of life. It is not night that opposes day, or darkness that suppresses light, but rather, acting together, they form a single whole, endlessly transforming into each other and containing the deepest core of the opposite.

Straight position

The eagle and swan represent flight and majesty. The eagle is the embodiment of power and loneliness. The swan is the embodiment of space and purity, gently floating, plunging and emerging again and again from the element of emotion, completely satisfied and full of perfection and beauty. We are the union of an eagle and a swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death. The Integration Card is a symbol of self-creation, new life and mystical union, otherwise known as alchemy.

The meaning of the card

Conflict occurs within a person. Until it is allowed there, it cannot be allowed anywhere else. Politics is inside you, between the halves of your mind. There is a very small bridge. If this bridge accidentally breaks due to some physiological defect or something else, the personality becomes split, the personality turns into two - and schizophrenia or split personality sets in. If the bridge is destroyed - and it is very fragile, you become two, you behave like two people. In the morning you are loving and beautiful, in the evening you are angry, you are completely different. You don't remember the morning... How can you remember? Another mind functioned - and the personality turned into two personalities. If this bridge is strengthened so much that the two minds disappear as two and become one, then there is unification, purification. This is exactly what George Gurdjieff called the crystallization of being - when two minds become one and there is a meeting of male and female, yin and yang, right and left, logical and illogical, a meeting of Plato and Aristotle. (Osho)

This card depicts the virtue Temperance as a winged angel dressed in gold who pours liquid from one vessel to another. Thick hair flows over the shoulders of the figure, falling in curls around the attractive face. The meaning of life flows from one vessel to another, symbolizing the flow of the past through the present into the future. The vessels represent abstinence and frugality. Transferring liquid from a vessel held higher in the angel's left hand into a vessel lower in the right hand. At the same time, not a drop of content is spilled - symbolizes great discipline and economy. Behind the angel there are hills and bushes, indicating the unlimited possibilities that can be realized by successfully connecting past and present events. The Angel of Temperance is endowed with restraint and self-control. He is calm and confident in his abilities, able to live with only modest needs appropriate to his position.

Meaning in fortune telling

Moderation. Abstinence. Patience. Something that can be achieved through self-control and frugality. Device. Harmony. Mixing and combining something into a beautiful whole. Control. Compatibility. Mixing. Beneficial influence. Happy omen. Consolidation. A successful combination. The ability to recognize and use the material and intellectual manifestations available to oneself. Perhaps a person without special inclinations. He is treated well and highly valued. Mother's image. Father's image. The image of a wise man. A man who exudes confidence and complacency. Perhaps the person is too restrained and moderate to achieve a goal that is currently unattainable and requires different, filled with significant aggressiveness, approaches.

Reversed meaning

Disagreement. Discord. Conflict of interest. Hostility. Inability to work well with others. Difficulty understanding others. Impatience. Infertility. Disappointments.

Moderation, sometimes Temperance, which is wrong, because this again refers to one of the four most important virtues, according to Aristotle.
The card depicts a woman holding two cups (jugs) in her hands: water pours from one to the other, symbolizing the eternal cycle of energy in the Universe. Hence its name in the Egyptian Tarot: Two Vessels. She has two wings behind her shoulders: this is the Angel of Time, the “Solar Genius”. as they called it in the old days. On the chest there is a decoration in the form of a triangle enclosed in a square: a symbol of the spirit hidden in matter. She is usually depicted standing on the bank of a river or directly on the surface of the water, and she has no shadow.
She (or he) passed through the kingdom of shadows, leaving her body, her shadow, and her past far behind. Now she is concentrating before flying into the future, gathering her strength, which is small, but enough to reach her goal - the kingdom of light and sun. The river in front of which she stands is one of the rivers of the underworld, but not Lethe, the river of oblivion, but the Styx, by whose waters the Greek gods swore. This gives her hope.
The Temperance card is the last card of the second seven, also signifying the end of one life stage and the imminent beginning of the next.

Meaning of the card:
Focus, gather your strength and be merciful to the people around you. You are facing a change in fate, perhaps a long journey. But for now there is a respite. Use it to think again: what will you take with you from the past to the future?
Yes, this card says (in the upright position), now you are having a hard time - and it seems that you don’t have enough strength to reach your goal. But here we need to remember the well-known principle of the “school of survival”: well, at least ten more steps, at least five more, at least one more step! And one more, the very last one. And - look! - so you've reached your goal.
When answering a question about the outcome of a planned business, it promises success only to those who have enough patience and endurance.
In other situations, it may mean successful contacts abroad: trips, business relationships, or even relocation “for permanent residence.”
And, of course, it can have a literal meaning: “nothing too much,” as the ancients said, that is, moderation should be observed in everything (otherwise you will not have enough strength to achieve your goal).

It means that you don’t have enough strength to reach your goal, so it’s better to abandon your plan. Contacts with foreign countries are unsuccessful.
Or - excesses, which are known to be harmful.

For businessmen:
Reversed Moderation - advice to temporarily moderate your appetites, calm down, “freeze” the company and wait three months, if not more.


Thought form: Harmony.
Number: fourteen.
Hebrew letter: nun.
Color: garnet.
Stone: almandine.
Astrological analogy: Scorpio, Sun in Aquarius.
Other names: “Time”, “Two Vessels”, “Alchemy”, “Solar Genius”.


A very beautiful card of fantastic light garnet color greets you after you have completed the Arcana “Death”. The color of the card is the result of mixing opposite colors, opposing principles. This is the color of dawn, foreshadowing the sunrise after a long stormy night. The beautiful winged goddess holds two vessels in her hands. Two streams flow from one vessel to another, water and fire, which do not mix with each other.

This time, the winged goddess Isis appeared before us in her other incarnation - as the goddess of the wind, creating it with the flapping of her wings, the goddess of river and sea waters, controlling their flows, and the goddess of magic, capable of connecting the incompatible.

The lasso connects all four elements. The sky-blue wings of Isis are a symbol of Air, her golden dress and one of the vessels symbolize matter (Earth), the blue hair of the goddess and one stream is Water, and the second stream pouring out of the vessels is Fire.

Running water and burning fire, as you know, are things that you can look at endlessly. And the goddess can endlessly pour them from one vessel to another, alternately raising one or the other hand, captivating the gaze and stopping time. There are times in life when it seems like nothing is happening, nothing is moving. We are used to constantly doing something and perceive this state of affairs as stagnation and decline. However, this is a necessary period of rest and waiting, because after putting the dough in the oven, you need to wait until the bread is baked.

The fourteenth Arcanum, one of the names of which is “Time,” teaches that time must pass for the transformation that happened to you in the Arcanum “Death” to bear fruit. It is necessary to properly use the time of peace given to you to study your own needs and motives, to accumulate strength and make plans for the future.

The second name of the card is “Harmony”. The two streams in the vessels of the goddess are fire and water, a typical binary opposition. Opposite, but inextricably linked elements make up our life: heat and cold, movement and rest. It is impossible to appreciate light without knowing darkness, to understand what is good without understanding what is evil. In the hands of Isis, fire and water do not mix with each other, but do not interfere with each other. The Goddess knows how to find harmony between them. Any binary oppositions are points A and B, indicating the beginning and end of the path, and there is always something in between. Thus, between black and white there is the entire spectrum of colors, between birth and death a whole life fits. Harmony as truth is always in the middle, and your task is to find it. The Arcanum "Moderation" teaches you not to rush from one extreme to another, but to calmly seek moderation, balancing the opposites within and around you.

Fire is a test, water is patience. It is impossible to pass the test without patience. The lesson of Temperance teaches the most important and perhaps the hardest thing you must learn: patience. Even if it seems that everything has stopped, know that events are developing according to their own laws and will give results in due time.

Value in the layout
In a straight position

The Arcanum "Moderation" means the renewal of mental and physical strength after getting rid of excessive emotions and impulsive behavior. Stabilization and success in business. Victory in the fight against the vicissitudes of fate. Entering the path of right actions, the proper way of thinking. Adaptation to the existing situation, calmness and balance. It can speak of a fruitful union with a person who is your complete opposite, but the result will be a mutually beneficial addition. Symbolizes improvement, cooperation, cooperation, indicates good health. To achieve your goal, the card recommends being patient, economical and diplomatic. Advises the search for compromises and reasonable housekeeping.

Advice. During the period of this Arcana, you should give up any excesses. Show maximum endurance and patience.

In an inverted position

The card means that getting used to new situations is slow and difficult. Talks about the wrong approach to life and the people around you. About excessive emotionality, short temper, mood swings, unpredictable and unreasonable actions.

May portend a separation or conflict of interest, signify an unsuccessful relationship, hostility. It speaks of haste, due to which something very important was missed, and now you need to go back a step to achieve the desired result. You did a decisive, but wrong thing. Now you expect confrontation, disputes, clashes of interests and an unsettled life

Advice. You, like no one else, need to remember the sayings: if you drive more quietly, you will keep going, measure seven times, cut once, etc.

Astrological meaning:
Venus as a symbol of harmony and balance.
The meaning of the Temperance card will become clearer if we translate it as “Fair Measure.” It is the positive opposite of the Arcana of the Devil that follows it, symbolizing immoderation. “Moderation” is characterized by such qualities as harmony, balance, good-naturedness and peace of mind. This card corresponds to that happy state when a person feels himself, loves himself and is therefore in harmonious balance with the world around him. If the question concerns health, mental or physical, then Moderation means good health or recovery.

14th Arcana - Temperance

Take a look at the image in front of you: in the picture is the Solar Genius, who stands pouring a wonderful liquid from one bowl to another. The fourteenth Arcanum is traditionally called “Abstinence”, as well as “Moderation” and “The Golden Mean”. The idea contained in it is the idea of ​​world harmony and order in everything.

Just recently, changes took place in your life, events replaced each other with such speed that you had no time to keep track of everything or analyze what was happening. There was a radical restructuring of your views and principles. But all this is in the past.

Now, after all these everyday storms and upheavals, the next stage has come: your life flows so smoothly and leisurely that it seems as if it has always been this way. You plunged into a period of moderation, or abstinence, and this immediately affected your consciousness and perception of your surroundings.

Your thoughts, feelings and moods have become as leisurely as life itself. It’s as if you are swaying on the waves of a huge, smoothly sliding river and you yourself are floating into the distance just as slowly, trusting your “guide”. You don’t know what will happen next, but your inner voice tells you that only good things lie ahead.

So, if the Arcanum “Abstinence” appears in a personal scenario, it indicates that you are a self-sufficient person (in the best sense of the word). You are not capricious or eccentric, you control your moods and are not influenced by other people's emotions. People are willingly drawn to you: the clear and friendly state of mind in which you usually find yourself attracts those around you.

If this Arcana falls surrounded by unfavorable Minors or in an inverted form, then it, as a rule, softens their negative meaning.

In the scenario of the situation, the Arcanum “Abstinence” indicates a favorable outcome of events, but warns that you should not hope for a “forced” solution to the problem. The matter will progress slowly, but without any special obstacles. Be patient, and after a while you will safely “swim” to your desired goal!

13th Arcana - Death | >>


The general meaning of the 14th lasso.

Astrological meaning of the arcana: Capricorn.

Arcana superpower: the ability to transform, transform complex systems, the ability to actually work with changing substances and situations.

The meaning of the 14th Arcana is Alchemy and alchemical transformations, that is, the transformation of one substance into another, changing the structure of substances or the essence of the situation.

The 14th lasso conducts the energies of Transformation; with the help of this energy you can influence moving systems (for example, a situation created by people). And the energy of this card shows changes aimed at the better, aimed at improvements - improving structures, relationships, situations.

Also in the 14th Arcana we see in a person the opportunity to become different, better than he is. This is explained by the fact that in this lasso there is our highest ally, the best in us, what is inherent, what has matured and what has been realized. And if we look at a person through the 14 lasso, then such a quality appears as tolerance for the diversity of people, for their characteristics and properties, because we see in a person what he can become as he develops, and this is almost always something very good or , at least something decent.

Description of the lasso.

On the card of the 14th Arcana we see an angel and this is the first card (if you look from 22 to 14 Major Arcana) on which there are no people at all. The image of an Angel indicates that a certain Higher Power is already operating here, and under its influence all actions occur on their own.

And also this card suggests that a person who wants to carry out the energy of Transformation must learn to work well with the astral plane, the astral body - Angel means the astral plane, mastery of the astral body.

The angel on the map stands with one foot on the shore, and with the other foot he rests on the water. Water is a substance that is difficult to rely on. And here is an encrypted indication that one part of this map is based on matter, has a material basis, and the other part of this map does not have a material basis. In addition, water symbolizes a miracle, the supernatural, that is, the second support of this card is support for the supernatural.

We also see that the Angel of the Arcana has the sun drawn in the place of the ajna chakra, the “third eye”, this indicates that to work with the energy of this card, a very highly developed “third eye”, developed clairvoyance, and intuition are needed. In addition, on the Angel’s neck, where the Vishuddha chakra, which is responsible for thinking, is located, a triangle is drawn with the apex up; it symbolizes the spiritual development of a person and the fact that the Angel is good with the intellect, with the reception and processing of information.

What this Angel is doing is pouring something from the upper bowl, which is dark (meaning silver), into the lower yellow bowl (meaning gold). That is, we see the transformation of silver into gold or the transformation of bad into good, we see the very process of change, transformation as such.

Magical use of the lasso.

It is useful to enter this lasso to realize your Supreme Ally. And also to change the situation, heal, but do not forget to ask permission from the Higher Powers for the process of change and transformation itself.

An amulet charged with this lasso will help transform situations, and if the situation around you does not suit you, it will help change everything for the better.

Divinatory meaning.

  • A “white streak” begins in your life, changes for the better.
  • Changes are coming. If this card appears, it shows that the situation should and can be improved.
  • Converting one to another. A certain result (fruit).
  • Everything is for the better, life begins to put everything in its place.
  • Favorable result.
  • If the alignment is with a person’s attitude, the relationship is transformed, changing, but these changes are for the better.
  • The answer to the question is “yes”, “positive changes are taking place”.