Dreams on the 5th lunar day. When do dreams come true according to the lunar calendar?

The 5th lunar day can be called a turning point, since it is at this time that everything done over the previous four lunar days transitions into a tangible, material form.

The symbol of the fifth lunar day is a unicorn, denoting loyalty to principles and duty.

What is significant about the 5th lunar day?

In a sense, you could say this is a turning point. On the 5th lunar day you need to be especially attentive to all your actions, thoughts, and actions.

Everything that is thought out today will definitely find its real embodiment.

The unicorn was not chosen by chance as the symbol of this day. According to legends, he appears before a person only when some important change awaits him, some significant step forward in spiritual development.

The fifth day of the lunar month is one of the most important in the first lunar phase. It is a day of transformation, internal change. The 5th day of the lunar month is a time of global changes. Everything that happens to you during this period should be considered as a process of turning a pupa into a butterfly.

Even if it seems to you that everything is being destroyed, do not despair! The pupa, turning into a butterfly, also seems to be dying, but in fact, a change is simply taking place, a transition to a new, higher quality level of existence.

During the period of transformation, it is very important to be able to bring various energy flows into harmony and balance the opposites within oneself. This is a time of synthesis, fusion of diametrically opposed phenomena of a human being into a single whole.

Everything that will be given to you on the 5th lunar day should be considered as the most necessary material for your spiritual growth. And even if this material seems completely inappropriate to you for the given situation, you should under no circumstances refuse it.

What is special about the emotional aspect?

This is the best time to be alone with yourself. Try to limit external contacts to a minimum.

The fact is that during the period of personality transformation, sometimes some unforeseen and, to some extent, inadequate reactions to what is happening occur.

It is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to control these reactions. Why provoke people into conflicts and quarrels? It's better to be at home or with your true friends.

The Tibetan astrological school, for example, believes that on this day according to the Vedic lunar calendar, immorality prevails in the world, and all virtuous actions are doomed to failure. Many astrologers also agree that on the fifth day it is advisable to refrain from energy practices, as well as from working with wood, be it wood carving or gardening.

Everything that seems like a hindrance to you on the 5th lunar day is, in fact, the next step in your development. Therefore, you need to find the strength to realize this fact and use it for your inner growth.

On the 5th lunar day you cannot leave good deeds unfinished. Unfinished good can result in troubles and even illnesses for you. Avoid being unkind to people. Creative activity and perseverance in achieving goals are encouraged.

Social influence

An impulsive day, but not a bad one.

Household influence

Good for the road.


You can’t deny yourself food, but you also shouldn’t overeat. This is the only day when food (in the sense of the astral frame) burns without residue and is completely converted into tissue. You can be guided by instinct and eat what you are drawn to.

Mystical influence

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>5 lunar day

– characteristics of the day and the influence of the fifth lunar day in the calendar during the waxing Moon. Find out what lunar day it is today and how favorable it is.

  • Symbol: Unicorn
  • It is necessary to strengthen the inner core and soul.
  • Success with a waxing Moon comes when you are creative and put your all into a goal. You must have principles that are not subject to feelings and emotions. Information and products are absorbed wonderfully. You can eat a lot, but don't overeat. - an excellent day in the lunar calendar to repay debts.

Impact of the 5th lunar day on health

The esophagus is activated. It is useful to eat dietary foods, but you should avoid fasting.

Be careful when choosing food as this lunar day today reflects the beginning of digestion and the transformation of consumed foods. Everything you eat will be completely digested and absorbed in the body. Follow your gut instinct. This is what yogis usually do - buy a lot of different products and try them all. Eat heartily, but not overly. The best option: cottage cheese, honey, milk and fruit. Eliminate meat, nuts, flour, grains, alcohol and roughage.


You can track the results of your actions. Be aware when communicating with employees, partners, boss, because they can show the whole range of emotions (friendliness, anger, stubbornness, peacefulness, etc.). This is enhanced if the Moon is in Aries, Taurus and Capricorn.

What to do on the 5th lunar day

  • repay;
  • engage in new strategies and methods of business management;
  • complete started projects;
  • radically change the internal structure of the company (from rearranging furniture to changing the concept);

What not to do on the 5th lunar day

  • to lose something;
  • open a business;
  • manage finances. It is better to postpone it to another period;

Relationships in

Get ready for changes, unexpected discoveries and revelations. If you and your partner have not lived for quite a long time, then you should not think about the seriousness of your intention yet. An auspicious day to plan a wedding on a grand scale.

Dreams on the fifth lunar day

A dream may come true, but a disturbing dream hints at a warning. If you notice your person, then this is a good sign. All dreams with a road or movement also carry a positive message. Any troubles will be related to health. They can also show how you are doing at your task. A thorough analysis will demonstrate the evolution of your personality: are you going up or running in circles? For a more accurate interpretation of sleep, use our section.

  • Meditation: food, planning for the future and working through the past.
  • Be careful about what lunar day is today, since the food can be dangerous. Chew slowly and carefully. When consuming, monitor your sensations and realize which part of the body reacts to a particular product. Don't eat too much. Eating the right foods releases all the stress and bad emotions. If you realize that you have a strong emotional attachment to food, then use maximum awareness.
  • The Aja chakra is activated.

Day of Rightness. Stand up for justice and protect the innocently convicted.

  • Moon in sign: Calf.
  • Symbol: fire oil, unicorn.
  • Stones: amber, marble, pink chalcedony, turquoise.
  • Body: esophagus.
  • Action: nutrition.
  • Moon Power: weak, young Moon.
  • Visibility (luminosity, brightness): 14,5%.

General characteristics of the lunar day

Today, luck favors honest and determined people. Be open, don’t be shy about your feelings and emotions, even tears will do you good. Avoid making hasty decisions.

Unlucky day for marriage and real estate transactions.

Health and nutrition

It is forbidden to eat meat.


Nightmares may indicate an impending illness. Crying in a dream is a good sign.


Who's going to be lucky today?

The day is good for travelers. Unlucky for criminals.

Born on the 5th lunar day

They have good metabolism and rarely gain weight. They have good health and considerable strength. They can be fussy.

Ancient astrologers argued that the fate of such a person is difficult. There may be many ill-wishers around him with whom he will fight throughout his life. And for all the evil he inflicted on other people, he will definitely receive retribution.

The fifth lunar day is one of the most important and significant days of the lunar calendar. Today there is an opportunity to “create fertile ground” for the entire next period. To do this, you need to live the fifth lunar day according to all the rules, without violating any of them.

On this day, everything matters - dreams, emotions, actions and events. Something important can happen today that will change a person’s entire life.

However, these lunar days are not as good as they seem at first glance. The fact is that today people can see everything in a distorted light. We can say that a person these days looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. Tomorrow the illusion will dissipate and disappointment may set in. That is why it is important to analyze the situation and try to perceive it in real light.

General characteristics of 5 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active day.
  • Symbol of the day: a lamp with oil, a unicorn, a boar that digs the ground.
  • Element of the day: Earth.
  • Stone of the day: marble, .
  • Color of the day: blue, azure, sea green.

Characteristics of the 5th lunar day - a time of change. This applies both to any changes in life that may happen by chance on this day, and to changes within a person. Today is the right time to get rid of negative character traits and bad habits. On these days you can become kinder, more compassionate and more merciful. In addition, today it is possible to “harvest the fruits” that were sown earlier.

The fifth lunar day is not suitable for any endeavors. The fact is that today any information received can be perceived in a distorted form. Therefore, all started projects may be based on false information. Consequently, they will be immediately doomed to failure.

The fifth lunar day is the time when swindlers, as well as swindlers and deceivers, begin to actively operate. Therefore, today the risk of being deceived or drawn into some kind of adventure increases. To prevent this from happening, you must avoid new acquaintances or contacts with dubious people.

These days it is important to defend your opinion and not fall under the influence of others. The fact is that if today you follow the lead of those around you, you can go astray and not reach your goal. It will be extremely difficult to return to the intended plan.

On the fifth lunar day, the energy of the Moon affects people in such a way that they begin to suffer from mood swings. They either feel sad or start having fun for no reason. However, it is better not to allow this to happen. It should be remembered that this day is a time of spiritual transformation. Therefore, one needs to control one’s mood, and if it changes, this indicates that the person still has a lot of work to do on himself.

A good sign of this day is to lose small coins. This means that good luck will accompany you throughout the subsequent period.

On the 5th lunar day you need to do only good deeds. You can’t even think about bad things, much less do evil. All deeds done today will be credited to you in heaven.


The 5th lunar day is a mystical time, the symbol of which is the unicorn. This fantastic animal promises change to people. First of all, this concerns their personal life. On this day you can finally get rid of loneliness and meet your love.

However, caution should not be forgotten. We must remember that today people see everything “through rose-colored glasses.” Therefore, tomorrow the object of his love may appear in a different light and turn out to be completely different from what he wanted to appear.

On the 5th lunar day, only those couples who love to travel and constantly change something in their lives can schedule a wedding. Lovers seeking to find quiet family happiness are not recommended to plan a wedding for this day.

The fact is that if you get married today, there will be no place for stability in the lives of young people. The place of residence, work of the spouses, their mood and outlook on life will change all the time.

The 5th lunar day is not very good for conception. The fact is that if you conceive a child on this day, then a difficult fate awaits him. He will often face global changes in life, both for the better and for the worse. He will have many enemies who will constantly try to harm him and will haunt him for the rest of his life. In addition, this child should not commit bad deeds and allow himself evil thoughts, since for all this he will suffer the most severe punishment.


The 5th lunar day is not the best time for household chores. It is recommended not to plan housework for today. You can only do what does not require delay.


On the 5th lunar day, the weak point is the digestive tract. Therefore, today you need to be especially careful about what you eat. All products should be fresh, and food should not be heavy.

It is recommended to consume dairy and fermented milk products. Meat, fish, nuts and pickles should be excluded from the diet for today.

On this day you cannot start a diet or do therapeutic fasting. Today, food must enter the body. The fact is that on these days it has a special energy. Therefore, everything that a person eats today will nourish not only his physical body, but also his aura.

If an upset stomach occurs on this day, this may indicate that the person often commits bad deeds, entertains bad thoughts, or often swears. You can get rid of an illness by changing yourself.

If a pathology occurs today, it will be serious and will cause complications in all organs and systems of the body. You can get rid of it using traditional medicine. Herbal infusions and decoctions will be especially effective. It is recommended to avoid taking pharmaceutical drugs on this day, as they will do more harm to the body than good.

Work, money, business

A description of this day would be incomplete without talking about the business sector. It is not recommended to plan any new activities for this day. In addition, today you should not organize enterprises and take on new projects.

The 5th lunar day is not the best time to resolve financial issues. Today it is recommended to deal with simple routine matters and not work with important documents. A change in the workplace and throughout the office will benefit the business.


This day is suitable for cutting hair only if the person does not suffer from hair loss. If such a problem exists, then you should refrain from this procedure.

This day for cutting hair is suitable for those who want to grow long curls. After this procedure they will grow faster.

A haircut on the 5th lunar day will improve a person’s mood. Thanks to this procedure, he can get rid of depression and bad thoughts. Hair cutting, which is done on the 5th lunar day, awakens hidden creative abilities in a person. He discovers such talents that he did not even suspect.

Characteristics of people born on the 5th lunar day

The 5th lunar birthday gives a person incredible physical strength and endurance. If desired, he can quickly build muscle mass without putting much effort into it. We can say that people born on the 5th lunar day are real heroes. They enjoy good health and rarely suffer from excess weight.

However, people born on this day often experience problems with the nervous system. To avoid depression and nervousness, they are recommended to meditate, get more rest, and avoid overexertion and overwork.

On this day, people are often born who become leaders in any team.

Dreams on the 5th lunar day

Dreams on the 5th lunar day have a deep meaning. Most often, a dream indicates to a person whether he has chosen the right path in life. If you had a nightmare and the images were scary, then this means that you are doing something wrong in life. If the dream was good, then you are doing everything right and you should stick to the chosen path.

On this lunar day, dreams may not be remembered, but leave behind some feeling. If you wake up and feel joy or peace, then your path in life is correct. If anxiety appears after waking up, then something needs to be changed in life.

If you had a dream in which images from the past appeared, for example, a former job, an ex-husband, then this means that you are holding on to your past. It prevents you from moving forward.

If the dream showed static images, for example, a mountain, then this means that the person is not moving forward and has no development. It's time to change something in life.

If on this day a dream showed a person images indicating movement, for example, a road, a river, then this means that he is on the right path. Next you should move in the same direction.

Any dream seen this day requires decoding. To do this, you should use a dream book. Only he will allow you to understand the meaning of the message.

The 5th lunar day is a favorable time. If you follow the recommendations of astrologers and esotericists, it can be carried out well.

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