We are building a scientific and technical basis (NPO Saturn). Creation of scientific and technical groundwork in the interests of the development of weapons systems and the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation Development of scientific groundwork

Annex 1

The team's scientific background for the project
The authors of the project have accumulated experience in conducting this type of research. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia supported a grant for the organization of applied scientific research: sociological research on the study of professional intentions, work motivation of students in secondary schools, students, graduates of primary, secondary and higher vocational education institutions located on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia" - minutes of the meeting of the competition council dated 02/17/2011.

The leader of this project, together with the performers, has developed group work programs that include innovative work methods. Since 2003 Constant advisory work (individual and family counseling) is carried out with representatives of this target audience.

All project participants have experience on this issue as part of their dissertation research. A.V. Mantikova studied the value-need sphere of the personality of delinquent youth - delinquents, students of vocational schools. Also, in 2011-2012. she took part in a study of markers of extremism among youth on a sample of 1000 people, and is preparing a publication on this issue.
^ List of major publications

team members closest to the proposed project
Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. Possibilities of predicting human behavior in political research using the semantic differential method, Youth: Life in politics and politics in life: Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference, Publishing house: Famous Universities, St. Petersburg, 2004. pp. 60 – 64 – Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Based on the materials of the round table “Suicide among the youth of the Republic of Khakassia”, dedicated to the World Day against Suicide. Ethnicities of developing Russia: problems and prospects: Materials of the 4th scientific and practical conference with international participation, Abakan, 2011 - Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. A study of youthful fears in girls who are students of KhSU and recommendations for leveling youthful fears and optimizing interaction with peers in girls. Ethnicities of developing Russia: problems and prospects: Materials of the third international scientific and practical conference / scientific. ed. T.A. Fotekova, “Dialogue Siberia-Abakan”, Abakan, 2008. P. 61 - 65 - Russian.

Abstracts of the report/speech Komarova N.M., Psychological aspects of people’s adaptation to the conditions of a market economy. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Abakan: Publishing house. KhSU named after Katanova, 2000 – Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. Formation of interests, inclinations and abilities for management professions among high school students in a comprehensive school. Applied psychology. PV-97. M: Ed. “Master”, 1997. pp. 72-79 – Russian.

Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. Contradictions in the personality structure and political activity of young people. Bulletin of Tomsk State University: Bulletin of operational scientific information. Social and psychological problems of preserving the health of the nation in developing Russia. 2006. P. 113, 128 - Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. Motives, value orientations and their role in professional self-determination. Bulletin of KhSU named after N.F. Katanov - Abakan, 1997. Series 2: Psychology. Pedagogy/Ed. S.V. Fateev. Issue 2, 1997 – Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the value-need sphere of personality. Ethnicities of developing Russia: problems and prospects: Materials of the 4th scientific and practical conference with international participation, Abakan, 2011 - Russian.

Scientific article: Komarova N.M. On the issue of using professional potential in a market economy. Bulletin of the Khakass Technical Institute-branch of KSTU. 2003, No. 14., 2003- Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. Motivation for studying at a university as a factor in personal development, Psychology of the 21st century. Current problems and development trends: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference of the conference December 17-18, 2007. Part II. / Penza branch of NOU "MNEPU", "MGOU", "PGPU" named after. V.G. Belinsky; resp. Ed. I.P. Shakhova, MNEPU Publishing House, Penza, 2007. pp. 108 - 109 - Russian.

Komarova N.M. Conditions for the formation of interests, inclinations and abilities among high school students for management professions. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. N.A. Agafonova - Krasnoyarsk: Publishing House KSPU, 1997 - Russian.

Methodological development: Mantikova A.V. , Kolmakova N.V. , Psychological readiness “fully armed”: a young mother going to work. Methodology of work, techniques and diagnostic tools for employment service workers, "ROSA", Abakan, 2010. P. 63 – 68 - Russian.

Scientific article: Mantikova A.V. , Kolmakova N.V. University graduates as potential subjects of the labor market, “Science and society: the view of young researchers”: materials of the 5th scientific conference of schoolchildren and students with international participation, December 1-2, 2011, FSBEI HPE “Khakass State University named after. N.F. Katanova", Abakan, 2011. pp. 14 - 15 - Russian.

Scientific article: Grebeshkova O.Yu. Study of the political activity of youth in Khakassia. Real and virtual world of the new millennium: Abstracts of the IV international scientific conference. – St. Petersburg, 2002. P. 43-45 - Russian.

Research methodology


    Description of the subject of research - description of the subject as a functionality - identification of the problem for the object

    Formation of the final goal through the subject

    Identifying ways to improve an item (usually by increasing efficiency)

    Antecedent Analysis

    Formulation of the problem

    Justification of the relevance of the task

    Boundaries of the study

      Boundary from an object (list of objects)

      Border from subject

      About space and time

    Brief summary of the main parts of the study.

    Brief information about the testing of the study (reports, presentations at conferences).

    Brief information about the implementation.

    New scientific results and provisions submitted for defense.

Chapter 1. Background (original level). The essence of the task.

1.1. Analysis of factors external to the object, internal to the subject, influencing the object and subject of research.

1.2. Analysis of the subject and the object for interdependence.

      Assessment of the degree of compliance of the existing state of an object with the requirements of the object.

Chapter 2. Selection and justification of research methods.

      Selection and development of elements of a method for researching a subject.

      Sampling or developing a methodology for studying an object through a subject.

      Assessing the effectiveness of an object through the subject.

Chapter 3. Justification of practical recommendations for improving an object through an object.

      Improving the subject of research in the object.

      Improving methods for studying an object and subject.

      Assessing the effectiveness of an object through an object in an improved state.


    Listing of scientific results highlighting novelty.

    Contributions to science.

    Contributions to practice.

    What didn't work? Suggestions for further improvement.

    Total number of publications.

    Conclusions on solving the problem posed in the introduction.

1. Description of the scientific problem of research (essence, genesis and main aspects of the scientific problem)

2. The relevance of the scientific problem of the research (the importance of the proposed research on this problem from the point of view of the formation of new and development of existing directions in this subject area and expanding the possibility of practical application of scientific results)

3. A specific task within the problem that the research is aimed at solving

4. Scientific novelty of the research (novelty and originality of the proposed formulation of the problem and/or methodology for its research)

5. Analysis of the current state of research on the scientific problem of the project (main directions, trends and priorities for the development of research in domestic and world science)

6. Methodological principles used in the study

7. Proposed methods, techniques, tools and their justification (the ability of the methodological tools proposed for use to provide the necessary depth of elaboration of the main aspects of the problem)

8. Expected results of scientific research (the form of presentation should make it possible to conduct an examination of the results)

9. Form for presenting project results (expected specific results are indicated, for example: monograph, series of articles)

10. Potential possibilities for using research results in solving applied problems (the possible contribution of planned scientific results to solving applied problems is justified)

11. The team’s existing scientific background for the project (previously obtained results, developed programs and methods are indicated)

12. Publications most closely related to the proposed project (a list of the main publications most closely related to the proposed project over the past five years is provided)

13. General work plan for the entire duration of the project (the form of presentation should make it possible to assess the degree of implementation of the work plan stated in the project; the general work plan is given by year)



Scientific significance of the expected results of the study

Relevance of the scientific problem of research

Comprehensiveness of the study

Scientific novelty of the research

The current state of research on the project problem - the main directions of research in world science

Correspondence of the project name to the scientific research problem

The project's scientific team has been studying the processes of interaction of optical radiation with matter for many years in order to build high-precision quantum frequency standards and gyroscopes. This project is one of the branches of research in the field of optical pumping of alkali atoms, previously carried out by members of our research team. The team's earlier work focused on detailed physical analysis of the influence of various factors affecting the operation of quantum frequency standards and angular velocity sensors based on nuclear magnetic resonance. Thus, we have studied in detail the influence of the movement of atoms and their collision with the surfaces of an optically thin cell on the shape of the resonance of coherent population trapping and double radio-optical resonance in the case of cells with a coating (without a buffer gas).

The team has a background concerning the study of radiation transfer in optically dense media, including those in nonequilibrium internal states, for example, aligned or polarized in angular momentum, as well as under conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency. The team also has a number of works on studying the effect of coherent population trapping in the case of zone pumping, where they were able to demonstrate ways to narrow the resonance of coherent population trapping.

The team of performers has extensive experience in developing algorithms and software for scientific calculations on supercomputer and cloud systems. The team has developed approaches to organizing scientific calculations, creating new algorithms for data processing and modeling on supercomputer equipment as part of the project “Development of mathematical models and software for core modeling using molecular dynamics methods using a supercomputer.”

The carried out cycle of work by the team has made it possible to significantly advance in the understanding and development of small-sized high-precision quantum frequency standards, quantum magnetometers operating on the basis of optical pumping, as well as to create an initial basis for understanding the physical processes occurring in a gas cell with alkali atoms and noble gases that form the basis of the work angular speed sensor.

G. Kazakov, B. Matisov, A. Litvinov, I. Mazets. "Coherent population trapping in a finite-size buffer-less cell", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, 3851 (2007)

A. Litvinov, G. Kazakov, B. Matisov, I. Mazets. "Double radio-optical resonance in 87Rb atomic vapors in a finite-size buffer-less cell", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 125401 (2008)

A. Litvinov, G. Kazakov, B. Matisov. "Electromagnetically induced transparency in nanocells", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 165402 (2009)

E. Breschi, G. Kazakov, C. Schori, G. Di Domenico, G. Mileti, A. Litvinov, B. Matisov. "Light effects in the atomic-motion-induced Ramsey narrowing of dark resonances in wall coated cells", Phys.Rev.A 82, 063810 (2010)

K.A. Barantsev, A.N. Litvinov, “Spatial quasi-periodic oscillations of the refractive index in an optically dense medium with a closed excitation circuit,” JETP, vol. 145, v.3, pp. 1-11 (2014)

A.N.Litvinov, K.A. Barantsev "Control of the index of refraction in optically dense medium" // Journal of Physics: Conference Series V.478, 012008 (2013)

G.A. Kazakov, A.N. Litvinov, B.G. Matisov. “Narrowing of the resonance of coherent population trapping during zone pumping in cells with different wall coating characteristics” // Quantum Electronics 42, 185 (2012)

G. A. Kazakov, A. N. Litvinov, B. G. Matisov, V. I. Romanenko, L. P. Yatsenko and A. V. Romanenko. "Influence of the atomic-wall collision elasticity on the coherent population trapping resonance shape" // Journal of Physics B 44, 235401 (2011)

In May, the government approved the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014 - 2020." The customer of the program is the Ministry of Education and Science; it is planned to allocate more than 200 billion rubles from the federal budget for its implementation over seven years. Andrey Petrov, Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Directorate of Scientific and Technical Programs" of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, spoke to RBG about the goals and objectives of the program, the prerequisites for its emergence, as well as the overall level of research and development in the country.

What is the main difference between the new program and the previous one, designed for 2007 - 2013?

Andrey Petrov: The main objective of the previous program was to demonstrate the possibility of implementing a full business cycle from idea to production and bringing a knowledge-intensive product, product or service to the market. The project was implemented in such a way that it began with applied research, and as a result a specific product appeared on the market. The main difference of the new program is that, due to the emergence in the country of various tools for supporting applied scientific research both within the Ministry of Education and Science and within other departments, the Federal Target Program "Research and Development 2014 - 2020." entrusted with the task of forming a technical basis at the pre-commercial stage. There is no article “Commercialization of developments” in the new program. Although it is still focused on all priority areas of science and technology - life science, the nanosystems industry, information and telecommunication systems, environmental management, energy efficiency, energy conservation and nuclear energy, transport.

The 2014 - 2020 program is aimed at creating a scientific and technical basis. Performers are not directly required to create new products or technologies. They are required to provide full-fledged research results, which in the future, of course, can and should be used to create high-tech products. First of all, we are talking about increasing the effectiveness and quality of research.

What is meant by scientific and technical potential?

Andrey Petrov: For me, these are three concepts: the results of specific projects, the presence of modern scientific infrastructure and research equipment, and the presence of professional research personnel. Back in the mid-90s, we had a fairly large scientific and technical reserve left over from the developments of Soviet science. This can be seen from the way research teams then participated in shaping the topics of scientific and technical programs. There were a lot of proposals from scientific institutes and groups. Now this number has decreased significantly. And the high-quality developments proposed are either outdated in approach and subject matter, or simply repeat what has often been done by others a long time ago. Twenty years ago, most modern scientific technologies did not exist at all, but now they have appeared, but are not reflected in the Russian scientific community. Many researchers continue to engage in developments using old scientific technologies, living in an old paradigm that is different from the global scientific community, which has long been using fundamentally different tools and approaches. This gap is emerging in many areas of science today.

This must be overcome by creating a scientific and technical basis, which must be formed within the framework of the new program. Instrumentally, through the Federal Target Program "Research and Development 2014 - 2020", the state is trying to recreate the scientific community that owns modern tools and technologies. At the first stage, the community must perceive the results obtained by someone else, the next stage is to reproduce these results, and then it must be able to produce competitive high-tech products itself and be a leader in this. We are talking about creating an active scientific environment, forming qualified teams and obtaining a volume of new knowledge.

Why was it decided to abandon commercialization in the new program?

Andrey Petrov: For two reasons. Firstly, according to those that I mentioned above. And secondly, because large federal targeted programs have appeared in many relevant departments, which also have a research part. The government made a fundamental decision: issues related to commercialization and implementation became the responsibility of the relevant departments. For example, the Ministry of Economic Development is responsible for the commercialization of innovations. Therefore, this was removed from the functionality of the Ministry of Education and Science, the government decided so. The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for research work at the pre-commercial stage, and to a greater extent intersectoral, when the results of the work are valuable for several areas at the same time.

The text of the document states that the new program provides for the direct formation of topics for research, based on an analysis of the development needs of line ministries and departments, companies with state participation, industry associations and business representatives. How will this mechanism be implemented?

Andrey Petrov: In the previous program, the formation of topics was ordered either by the scientific community itself or by business structures. The new program assumes that priority projects will emerge that the state, together with science and business, will implement to solve the problems facing society. For example, the construction of some kind of research center or the development of medicines to combat diseases that pose a threat to society, that is, something that solves not local, but significant problems for the country.

The Ministry of Education and Science has a corresponding department that is engaged in developing priorities; it will coordinate them with other departments (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Natural Resources, etc.), and at the junction directive topics will be developed. These may be projects in which several departments are interested. Or maybe, for example, financing a large research facility to solve a major government problem, a facility that no institute can afford at its own expense. And at the state level a decision will be made to provide the institute with such an installation.

The Ministry of Education and Science also interacts with regional departments, the gubernatorial corps, and technology clusters to identify existing problems and find ways to solve them. Based on this interaction, projects will be formed that will actually be implemented at the request of the state and society as a whole.

Will business be involved in this somehow?

Andrey Petrov: As for directive topics, no. These are projects to solve problems that the state faces directly. To interact with business, a number of other activities are maintained aimed at implementing projects in which business may be interested. The degree of his interest can vary - from absolute to partial. However, I do not rule out the participation of businesses in individual projects, for example, with the same expensive installations that are being done in Europe by “the whole world.” It is well known that the purely scientific research of particle physics at CERN led to the emergence of the Internet. So, perhaps, the same collider and the results obtained with its help will be of great practical importance and large corporations will also be interested in them. If something similar is created here, there is nothing stopping businesses from taking part in such a large-scale project.

Which industries today, in your opinion, are most in need of research?

Andrey Petrov: Everyone needs it. If public or private companies want to stay and be successful in the market, they must engage in research. For now, both business and Russian research teams are, at best, in the role of catching up. And, unfortunately, in many areas, Russian scientists are working years behind and working on objects that have either already been developed or are of little interest.

Why does this happen, what is it connected with?

Andrey Petrov: First, the country was undergoing major transformations that rarely benefit science. And secondly, there is no direct order for science in the country. Science is always actively developing where there is a direct order for the results of its activities. All basic research arose as a side effect of industrial or military orders. In recent decades, the Russian economy has not shown interest in the scientific and technical sphere. Even when innovation is talked about, most of the technology purchased is ready-made, packaged technology, most of it from the previous generation.

It is no secret that most business owners perceive their business not as a technological entity, but as a financial asset that must be as liquid as possible in order to exchange it for an even more liquid one at the right time. If you believe the media and the Internet, they are restructuring their assets. Until this happens and a real need for ordering for science does not arise within the economy, nothing will fundamentally change.

Can you name any examples of successful full-cycle projects implemented within the framework of the previous program?

Andrey Petrov: Certainly. For example, the development and production of cold-resistant steels for large-diameter pipelines and the construction of offshore drilling platforms. This project has gone through all stages from laboratory technology for the production of a new alloy to the release of batches that are purchased by real companies for the construction of northern gas pipelines.

If we talk about the products that were planned to be produced under the program, who is the customer for these innovations and new technologies - large state-owned companies?

Andrey Petrov: If we are talking about cold-resistant steels, then this is, of course, Gazprom and oil companies that plan to work on the shelf. Another major project is tunnel microscopes. This is a new class of equipment that has appeared in the last decade. In fact, in Russia, in parallel with other countries, both a research environment and the production of this equipment arose. The company carried out this project as part of the program and today has secured a fairly significant share of this market. This is a good example of a full-cycle project that has resulted in equipment that is in demand all over the world.

Another project is related to the creation of new types of synthetic rubbers; this project was also brought from laboratory technology to large-scale production. These are highly sought-after materials - today they are used in almost everything, from cars to iPads, etc. - everything that is pleasant to the touch. This material is very promising from an export point of view.

Overall, how successful was the 2007-2013 program? Have you achieved everything?

Andrey Petrov: All formal indicators that were set have been met. But you always want to achieve the impossible. This, unfortunately, does not always work out. During the implementation of the final program, there was a financial crisis. As a result, the program budget was greatly redrawn, and as a result, all our plans for launching projects were disrupted. In one year, the budget was actually cut three times. The state gave money as much as it could, but it is clear that if we are talking about large, multi-stage projects, jumps in funding several times higher than planned do not allow them to be successfully implemented. Yes, the overwhelming number of projects have been completed, all indicators have been achieved, but due to uneven funding, some plans, especially those related to the implementation of large projects, had to be curtailed because there were first no resources and then no time for them. Some of the resources were subsequently transferred from the research part to the infrastructure part, that is, the funds were allocated to the construction of scientific facilities.

By what criteria are you planning to evaluate the effectiveness of the program for 2014 - 2020?

Andrey Petrov: This is primarily an increase in the share of domestic costs for research and development in the gross domestic product, an increase in the number of publications by Russian authors in scientific journals and the number of applications for patents for inventions, utility models, and industrial designs. As for the expected socio-economic effect, the main criterion, as I have already said, will be the creation of a scientific and technological reserve in priority areas and the integration of the Russian scientific and technological complex into the global innovation system.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Appendix No. 1
to providing

part of the creation costs

priority production
electronic components and
radio-electronic equipment

determining the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for a competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. This methodology determines the rating of applications submitted by Russian organizations for a competition for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment (hereinafter referred to as organizations, competition, subsidy ), based on the criteria provided for by the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2016 No. 109 " On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment."

The share of the rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the number of newly created and modernized high-tech jobs as part of the implementation of a comprehensive project, the significance of which is 10 percent;

The share of the rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the ratio of the size of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project, the significance of which is 20 percent;


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition on the volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project (million rubles);

Minimum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a comprehensive project established in the competition documentation (million rubles);

The maximum volume of sales of import-substituting or innovative products that will be created during the implementation of a complex project declared by one of the competition participants (million rubles).


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the number of high-tech jobs created and modernized (pieces);

The minimum number of created and modernized high-tech jobs established in the competition documentation (pieces);

The maximum number of high-tech jobs created and modernized, declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).

5. The rating awarded to the i-th application according to the criterion relating to the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be raised for the implementation of a complex project () is determined by the formula:


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition on the ratio of the amount of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project;

The initial (maximum) size of the ratio of the size of the subsidy and the amount of borrowed and (or) own funds planned to be attracted for the implementation of a complex project, established in the competition documentation.

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the number of patents and (or) production secrets (know-how) received (pieces);

The maximum number of received patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).


Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition regarding the implementation period of the complex project (months);

The initial (maximum) period for the implementation of a complex project, established in the competition documentation (months).

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition regarding experience in implementing a similar complex project (pieces);

The largest number of similar works completed, declared by one of the competition participants (pieces).

Proposal of the i-th participant in the competition for the volume of product exports (thousand US dollars);

The largest volume of product exports declared by one of the competition participants (thousand US dollars).

Appendix No. 2
to providing
from the federal budget subsidies
Russian organizations for compensation
part of the creation costs
scientific and technical groundwork for
development of basic technologies
priority production
electronic components and
radio-electronic equipment

the amount of penalties applied to Russian organizations that received subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment

1. The amount of penalties (thousand rubles) (A) is determined by the formula:


The achieved value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of the complex project specified in the subsidy agreement, as of the expiration date of the implementation of the complex project;

The planned value of the i-th indicator (indicator) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex project specified in the subsidy agreement;

The share of the application rating determined in accordance with the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2016. No. 109 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organizations to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electronic equipment”, according to the corresponding i-th indicator;

V - the amount of federal budget funds used by the organization as part of the implementation of a complex project at the end of the implementation period of such a project (thousand rubles).

2. The amount of penalties is proportional to the degree of non-achievement of indicators (indicators) of the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex project within the framework of the subprograms of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013 - 2025", specified in the subsidy agreement.

Document overview

Russian organizations of the electronic and radio-electronic industry are provided with subsidies from the federal budget to reimburse part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical basis for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and radio-electric equipment. We are talking about the costs of paying for work under R&D contracts in connection with the implementation of a complex project, for the production of prototypes, mock-ups and stands, the production of a pilot series of products and its testing, certification and (or) registration, etc.

The procedure for allocating funds has been established.

Subsidies are provided within the framework of subprograms of the Russian state program for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013-2025. Funds are allocated to organizations that have passed a competitive selection for complex projects whose implementation period does not exceed 5 years. In this case, the total cost of the project and the maximum annual subsidy amount for subprograms are as follows. For telecommunications equipment - up to 1.5 billion rubles. and no more than 300 million rubles, for computer equipment - up to 2.5 and no more than 400, for special technological equipment - up to 2 and no more than 300, for intelligent control systems - up to 1 billion rubles. and no more than 200 million rubles.

The competitive selection of projects is carried out in 2 stages. The first is a scientific and technical assessment of projects by an expert council created by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade. The second is the assessment of projects that have passed scientific and technical examination by the Ministry's competition commission according to a number of criteria. The main ones are the volume of production and sales of import-substituting or innovative products, the number of newly created high-tech jobs, the number of patents and (or) production secrets (know-how), the implementation period of a complex project and the volume of exports of created products.
