Tenth planet of the solar system. BBC Russian Service – Information services The 10th planet from the sun is called

Recently, space exploration has been so intensive that it is unlikely that anyone can be surprised by the message that tenth planet of the solar system.

Someone will even say: “Well, finally!” Much more people are interested in whether there are intelligent beings in our system other than humans. Or maybe they inhabit that very tenth planet?

So, where is it - the tenth planet of the solar system?

And so, again, many doubts, strife and disagreements arise. In view of recent events, Americans discovered another planet beyond Pluto - Eris. It is larger than Pluto and also has a satellite, Dysnomia. This discovery was made in 2003. Inspired by the find, they began to look for more planets in that area. This is how they learned about the existence of Sedna, Haumea and Makemake.

But perhaps these objects really were too small to be called planets. That is why, in 2006, it was customary to call all recently discovered objects, and along with them Pluto, trans-Neptunian objects.

It must be said that all these discoveries are not at all what humanity expects from astronautics. The need for new discoveries became especially acute by 2012, on December 21 of which the prophetic calendar of the Mayan Indians ends. As you know, the most accurate predictions were obtained precisely according to this calendar. So what does its ending mean then?

The opinions of scientists are divided: some believe that the end of the world will come due to a shift in the Earth’s orbit or its axis, others argue that a new stage will begin and thereby a change of eras will occur, and others are convinced that the countdown simply needs to start over. However, the end of the calendar pushed people to a number of discoveries and consideration of issues that they preferred to remain silent about.

So, where is she? tenth planet of the solar system, capable of becoming a new home for people? Or maybe it is this planet that will cause the death of the Earth? What will happen on a cosmic scale?

The tenth planet of the solar system and the Maya

Almost all the peoples of the Earth can find ancient drawings depicting people with halos above their heads, who were called angels and gods. In some places, these gods also had earthly children. For example, the line of Egyptian pharaohs began with the son of the sun god Ra. Considering how the pyramids were built, the help of aliens in this would not surprise anyone. The same is true with Altai dolmens and many other ancient structures.

According to the Mayan Indians, on the other side of the Sun, unknown to modern people, is the tenth planet of the solar system - Nibiru, on which the gods live, periodically teaching earthlings and averting danger from them. If this is true, then people would have something to hope for.

The existence of the tenth planet of the solar system, which we cannot see due to the fact that it is located behind the Sun, rotating in its orbit parallel to the Earth with a similar period of revolution, was told in the legends of many peoples, as well as in the works of ancient astronomers. It turns out that Nibiru, which later became known as Gloria, has been seen through telescopes more than once. Moreover, based on the calculations of a number of great scientists of our time, if it really exists, then soon we will be able to observe its crescent in the night sky..

Works of Vacheria Uvarov

The great Russian astronomer Vachery Uvarov became famous throughout the world for proving the existence of the tenth planet of the solar system and even approximately calculating its dimensions. This man noticed long ago that one way or another, everything in the world obeys mathematical laws. Thanks to his conclusions, he made certain calculations proving the existence of another planet, which is problematic to observe due to its opposition. Perhaps this is exactly the mysterious planet about which there are now many myths and theories.

Vachery Uvarov began his calculations with the fact that all large bodies of the Solar system have their own pair. This is the so-called law of doublet. After comparing all the parameters of the planets and their composition, the scientist divided the large bodies of the Solar System into two systems: the Jupiter system and the Saturn system. The first included Jupiter, Neptune, Earth and Mercury. The second group included Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Venus. There is one essential pattern in these series that every physicist can appreciate. Each planet in the row is exactly 18 times smaller than the previous one in size, weight and density.

The surprise of this theory was that in the solar system there is a body that, according to its parameters, should become the fifth in the series of planets of the Saturn system. This body is the Sun. Question: what is the doublet of the Sun in the Jupiter system? It would be impossible not to notice such an object - 18 times larger than Jupiter! Only a star can have such dimensions.

This discovery confirmed the legends that said that there were two Suns shining in the sky. It turns out that one of them simply went out a very, very long time ago. Moreover, most peoples of the world had such legends; Tibetan and Indian myths tell the most about the Raja-Sun. In addition, according to research, most of the stars in our galaxy are paired...

Later, the scientist drew a parallel between the satellites of such a solar system planet as Saturn. According to the laws of physics, the location of the satellites of this planet must be completely similar to the location of the planets around the Sun, and also the passage through the orbits of the planets must be the same as the passage through the orbits of the planets.

If calculated based on proportion, then all the satellites of Saturn are indeed located in proportion to the location of the planets around the Sun. But, at the distance at which the Earth’s orbit is located, Saturn has 2 satellites opposite each other. Their orbital movement is the greatest mystery - they never collide, but periodically change orbits.

Based on this, there must be another planet in Earth’s orbit, which can be seen only once every few hundred years. Judging by the climatic conditions that should be on the unknown tenth planet, there should be intelligent life there, just like on Earth.

There is further confirmation of the existence of another planet. It lies in the mutual movement of Mars and Venus, and also in the fact that Venus rotates against the movement of all the planets of the Solar System. Only the tenth planet of the solar system, unknown to us, which is several times larger than the Earth, can cause such a strange movement due to its gravity.

According to the size and location of Gloria, it simply must be inhabited. In addition, the satellites of Saturn, for which the analogy was drawn, periodically approach each other and change orbits. Therefore, it is possible that a highly developed population living on the tenth planet of the solar system once flew to Earth and, indeed, taught earthlings what they themselves knew.

Many ufologists unanimously claim that even the familiar Moon was attracted by the inhabitants of Gloria during one of the exchanges of orbits in order to add mass to the Earth. They say that otherwise, the Earth would simply float away from its orbit, far beyond Mars, and all life on it could die.

Perhaps the existence of a tenth planet in the solar system is a reasonable explanation for many of the mysteries of the human world, including unidentified flying objects, crop circles, and even the construction of many ancient structures and drawings.

The International Astronomical Society has confirmed the discovery of the 10th planet in the solar system.

It is located at twice the distance from the Sun than Pluto, which was previously considered the outermost planet of our system.

The new planet, which was observed by astronomers in California and Hawaii, has the temporary name 2003 UB313. It was discovered back in 2003, but only now has it been confirmed that this celestial body is a planet.

As BBC science columnist David Whitehouse points out, since the discovery of Neptune in 1846, this planet has become the largest celestial body discovered by astronomers in the solar system.

The diameter of the planet is approximately 3 thousand km. It is composed mainly of rocks and ice.

Astronomers believe that at some point in the planet's history, Neptune's gravitational influence threw it into an orbit rotated 44 degrees to the ecliptic plane.

The planet is currently located at a distance of 97 astronomical units from the Sun.

More Pluto

The new planet was discovered by Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology, Chad Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz of Yale University.

In an interview with the BBC, Rabinovich said: "It's an amazing day and an amazing year. 2003 UB313 is probably bigger than Pluto. It's less bright than Pluto, but it's three times further away."

"If it were at the same distance as Pluto, it would be brighter than it. Now the world knows that Pluto is not unique. There are other Plutos that are on the outskirts of the solar system, where they are difficult to find," he said .

The planet was discovered using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory, as well as the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii.

Chad Trujillo told the BBC: "I feel incredibly lucky to be one of the people who made this remarkable discovery. It's not every day you find something the size of Pluto or even bigger."

"The spectral samples obtained from Gemini are particularly interesting because they indicate that the surface of this planet is very similar to the surface of Pluto."

Slow body

The planet was first discovered on October 21, 2003, but its displacement relative to the stars was noticed only 15 months later, on January 8, 2005.

Researchers say they tried to locate the planet using the Spitzer Space Telescope, which detects infrared light, but were unable to find it.

The upper limit of observational error under these conditions is 3 thousand km, which means that the diameter of the planet cannot be greater than these figures, scientists say. And even the lowest limit of observational error makes the new planet a larger celestial body than Pluto.

The discovery of 2003 UB313 came immediately after the announcement of the discovery of 2003 EL61, a celestial body apparently slightly smaller in size than Pluto.

The 10th planet of the solar system, judging by some data from celestial mechanics, simply had to exist. For a long time this was only a theoretical argument, practically unconfirmed by anything. However, in recent years, scientists have actually been able to discover and describe this in more or less detail, as far as possible. In general, officially there are still 9 planets in our system. However, in the near future, it is quite possible that a new body will also be appear in all educational literature. Naturally, provided that scientists can agree and come to a common opinion on this issue.

Structure of the Solar System

For many years it was believed that we only had 9 planets in our system. Basically, this opinion arose only because the available tracking tools were not enough to study the most distant outskirts. Nevertheless, technology is constantly developing, and humanity is beginning to receive more and more new data, among which information has appeared that in fact there is a 10th planet of the solar system. Despite the presence of confirmed data, the controversy continues to this day. Some scientists do not agree that this cosmic body is really a planet. It is too small and, with a certain amount of imagination, it is quite capable of turning out to be simply too large an asteroid. In any case, no one refuses that something like this really exists. The only question that remains open is what exactly the name of the 10th planet of the solar system will be. But provided that it will actually be classified in this category, and will not be considered some kind of planetoid or something else, different from what most people are more familiar with.

UB313, or 10th planet of the solar system

Naturally, by definition, he cannot remain nameless. In practice, all newly discovered objects of this type are given designations of numbers and letters, which allow better orientation and do not have to explain for a very long time what exactly we are talking about. Officially, the tenth planet of the solar system is called UB313, but it also has an unofficial nickname - Xena. It should be noted that the open cosmic body has several such names, and so far none has been definitively established. The most commonly used designation is numbers and letters.


In fact, the first data appeared back in 2003, when the remaining planets of the Solar System were studied. Planet 10 was not initially considered in this form. Then they thought that it was some kind of strange object with an incomprehensible trajectory, dimensions, and so on. Further study was required to clarify the data, but this also became impossible, because immediately after discovery the planet disappeared from sight for a very long time. In 2005, new data arrived - it was then that we managed to find this object again. At that time, no one had thought about the name of the 10th planet of the solar system. Despite all the available information, they were able to say anything accurately about this celestial body only quite recently, when no one any longer had any doubts about the existence of this object. The planet was discovered using a telescope located in Hawaii, the equipment of Samuel Oschin, with the help of Professor David Rabinovich, Michael Brown and Chad Trujillo. All of these people helped in one way or another in the search and deserve to have their names etched in history. Many astronomers, both amateur and professional, note that this is the first major discovery since Neptune was discovered in 1846.

Planet parameters

The 10th planet of the solar system is slightly larger in size than Pluto. About 700 kilometers. The total diameter is approximately 3 thousand kilometers. The most interesting thing here is where exactly this object is located. Previously, it was believed that Pluto was the most distant celestial body from the star. But this planet, Xena, or UB313, is just twice as far away. That is, Pluto has lost its status as the most distant of the large objects. Judging by some data, Xena is a rocky planet, containing various rocks, as well as ice. There is a theory that this position of the space object is due to the gravitational influence of Neptune. Recently, another very interesting information has appeared. It turns out that the 10th planet of the solar system is very similar in structure and surface features to Pluto. This provides food for numerous theories about how exactly this celestial body was formed.

Travel speed

One of the main problems for which information about this object has been collected for so long is its speed. It is known that all the planets of the solar system move. Planet 10 is no exception in this regard. But the speed of her movement in space is so insignificant that for a very long time no one could accurately predict and calculate exactly where she would be at the next moment. As soon as this issue was sorted out, new data immediately began to emerge. In general, no one yet knows the exact trajectory of the planet’s movement, but it’s just a matter of time. To understand exactly how an object will move, you need to detect its position at as many points as possible. Until then, you can only take into account theoretical calculations.

Features of the outskirts of our system

Now that the questions about whether there is a 10th planet in the solar system can be considered closed, scientists have turned their attention to the distant outskirts of space. It is believed that beyond the orbit of UB313 there are many more similar bodies, the size of which can vary quite widely. It is known that there are a huge number of asteroids located on the outskirts of the system. The most unusual and unexpected cosmic bodies may well be hiding among them. Unfortunately, until humanity develops to the point of being able to fly normally to distant frontiers or study them in detail remotely, nothing can be said for sure.

Nubiru theory

The fact that some such object exists has been known for a very long time. One of the theories says that this planet is called Nubiru, and not everything is so simple with it. Indirect references to various features and incomprehensible moments in the history of mankind clearly indicate the direct influence of the inhabitants of this celestial body on our planet. It is believed that the population of this object is much more advanced than humanity. Naturally, they do not have a question about which is the 10th planet of the solar system. They live on it. Scientists are skeptical about the idea for many reasons, but the theory still has a lot of fans, especially since there really is a lot of data that cannot be explained in any other way. Supporters point to the extremely disproportionate development of humanity, which occurred as if in a sharp leap. Very similar to changes at the genetic level. On the other hand, they also say that Nubiru's trajectory is such that it approaches Earth only once every 3,600 years. Where the planet is the rest of the time is unclear. And if this is really true, then, in theory, the inhabitants of this mythical object live in incredible conditions, radically different from ours.

Bottom line

There is a 10th planet in the solar system. This is a proven fact. Humanity still knows very little about it, but this is also true of any other cosmic body. In any case, this is truly a significant discovery over a very long period of time, opening a new page in astronomy. Now scientists will look much more closely at the outskirts of our system, because no one excludes that there are a huge number of similar objects there, and some of them may be even more mysterious than anything that has already been discovered.

In the early 1800s, astronomers knew all the major planets in our solar system except Neptune. They also knew Newton's laws of motion and gravity, which could be used to predict the movements of planets. These predictions were compared with their actual recorded movement. But bad luck - Uranus did not follow the predicted course. French astronomer Alexis Bouvard suggested that Uranus is being knocked off course by an invisible planet with gravity.

After Neptune was discovered in 1846, many astronomers decided to test whether its gravity was sufficient to explain the observed motion of Uranus. But it wasn't enough. Well, there was another invisible planet? Planet Nine has been proposed by many astronomers. The most persistent searcher for this ninth planet was the American astronomer Percival Lowell, who called it “Planet X.”

Lowell built an observatory with the goal of finding Planet X, but he never found it. Fourteen years after Lowell's death, an astronomer at his observatory discovered Pluto, but that was not enough to explain the motion of Uranus, so people continued to search for Planet X. They did not stop after Voyager 2 passed by Neptune in 1989 year. Then astronomers learned that they were measuring Neptune's mass incorrectly. And the updated formula for calculating the mass of Neptune explained the movement of Uranus.

Planet between Mars and Jupiter

In the 16th century, Johannes Kepler noticed a large gap between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. He suggested that there might be a planet there, but he didn't really look for it. After Kepler, many astronomers noticed a pattern in the orbits of the planets. The relative sizes of the orbits, from Mercury to Saturn, are approximately 4, 7, 10, 16, 52 and 100. If you subtract 4 from each number, you get 0, 3, 6, 12, 48, 96. It may be noted that 6 is two times 3, 12 is twice 6, and 96 is twice 48. But there is a strange factor between 12 and 48.

Astronomers began to wonder if the planet had disappeared between 12 and 48, somewhere around 24 - that is, between Mars and Jupiter. As the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode wrote, “behind Mars there is empty space on 4 + 24 = 28 segments in which the planet has not yet been visible. Would anyone believe that the creator of the universe left this space empty? Of course not". When Uranus was discovered in 1781, its orbital size followed the pattern described above. It fit into the law of nature, called Bolde's law or Titius-Bode's law, but the gap between Mars and Jupiter remained.

The Hungarian astronomer Baron Franz von Zack was also convinced that Bode's law worked and that there must be a planet between Mars and Jupiter. He looked for her for several years and did not find her. In 1800, he organized several astronomers who were supposed to conduct a systematic search. One of those astronomers was the Italian Catholic priest Giuseppe Piazzi, who spotted an object with the desired orbit in 1801.

The object, which was named Ceres, was too small to be a planet. Ceres was considered an asteroid for a long time, although it was the largest of them in the main asteroid belt. For about half a century it was considered a planet. Today it is classified as a dwarf planet like Pluto. By the way, Bode's law was nevertheless discarded when it was discovered that Neptune's orbit did not correspond to the sample.


Theia is the name of a hypothetical planet the size of Mars that may have collided with Earth 4.4 billion years ago, breaking apart on impact to form the Moon. English geochemist Alex Halliday is credited with coming up with the name Thea, one of the Titanide sisters from ancient Greek mythology who gave birth to the moon goddess Selene.

It is worth noting that the origin and formation of the Moon is still the subject of active scientific research. While Thea's model, known as the giant impact hypothesis, leads the way, it is far from the only one. Perhaps the Moon was captured by the Earth's gravitational pull. Perhaps the Earth and Moon formed at the same time as a pair. There might be something else. It's also worth noting that the young Earth was hit by many large bodies, and Theia is just one such body that may have led to the formation of the Moon.


Uranus was not the only planet whose observed motion diverged from predictions. Another planet with this problem was Mercury. The discrepancy was first noticed by the French mathematician Urbain le Verrier, who noted that at the lowest point of Mercury's elliptical orbit (at perihelion), the planet moves around the Sun faster than calculations show. The discrepancy was small, but additional observations of Mercury confirmed its existence. He suggested that the discrepancy was caused by an undiscovered planet orbiting within the orbit of Mercury, which he named Vulcan.

And the observations and searches for Vulcan began. Some sunspots were mistaken for a new planet, while other observations by more famous astronomers seemed more plausible. When Le Verrier died in 1877, he believed that Vulcan's existence had been or would be confirmed. But in 1915, Einstein's general theory of relativity appeared, which accurately predicted the movements of Mercury. The planet Vulcan was no longer needed, but people continued to search for it. Of course, there is nothing planet-sized inside Mercury's orbit, but there could be asteroid-like objects, so-called "volcanoids."


German astronomer and physicist Heinrich Olbers discovered the second known asteroid, Pallas, in 1802. He suggested that the two asteroids could be fragments of an ancient medium-sized planet that was destroyed by internal forces or as a result of a collision with a comet. It was suggested that there must be other objects in addition to Ceres and Pallas, and two more were soon discovered - Juno in 1804 and Vesta in 1807.

The planet that supposedly broke up to form the main asteroid belt became known as Phaeton, after a character in Greek mythology. There were also problems with the Phaeton hypothesis. For example, the sum of the masses of all main belt asteroids is much less than the mass of the planet. Also, the asteroids are very different from each other, so how could they come from the same ancestor? Today, most planetary scientists believe that asteroids were formed by the gradual coalescence of smaller fragments.

Planet V is the name of another hypothetical planet between Mars and Jupiter, but the reasons why it could exist are somewhat different. The story began with Apollo missions to the moon. Apollo brought many moon rocks to Earth, some of which were formed by the melting of rocks. This process occurs when an asteroid hits the Moon and generates enough heat to melt the rock. Scientists used radiometric dating to estimate when the rocks cooled and were surprised to find that they were between 3.8 and 4 billion years old.

It appears that many asteroids or comets hit the Moon during this time, especially during the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment. It was “late” because it occurred later than the other bombings. Major collisions occurred at all times of the young Solar System, but those times are long gone. Hence the question: what happened that temporarily increased the number of asteroids falling on the Moon?

About 10 years ago, John Chambers and Jack J. Lisso suggested that the cause could be a long-lost planet, the so-called Planet V. Scientists theorized that the orbit of Planet V lay between the orbits of Mars and the main asteroid belt until the gravity of the inner planets brought Planet V too close to the asteroid belt and they simply did not attack it. The planet, in turn, sent them to the Moon. She herself went to the Sun and fell on it. The hypothesis was met with a wave of criticism - not everyone agreed that there was a large late bombardment, and if there was, there are other explanations without the need for the existence of Planet V.

Fifth gas giant

One other explanation for the late heavy bombardment is the so-called Nice model, named after the French city in which it was developed. According to Nice's model, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - the outer gas giants - started out in small orbits surrounded by a cloud of asteroid-like objects. Over time, some of these small objects passed close to the gas giants. These close encounters caused the orbits of the gas giants to expand, albeit very slowly. Jupiter's orbit has generally become slightly smaller. At some point, the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn came into resonance, causing Jupiter to circle the Sun twice while Saturn circled it once. This caused chaos.

Everything happened very quickly, within the solar system. The nearly circular orbits of Jupiter and Saturn tightened, and Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune had several “close encounters.” The cloud of small objects began to tremble and the late heavy bombardment began. Once it calmed down, the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune became almost as they are now.

Nice's model also predicted other features of the current solar system, such as Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, but it didn't explain everything. She needed improvement. It has been proposed to add a fifth gas giant. Simulations showed that the event that caused the late heavy bombardment also pushed the gas giant out of the solar system. And such modeling leads to the current appearance of the solar system, so the idea is far from stupid.

Cause of the Kuiper Belt

The Kuiper Belt is a donut-shaped cloud of small, icy objects in orbit beyond Neptune. Pluto and its moons were long the only known Kuiper Belt objects until David Jewitt and Jane Lu announced the discovery of another Kuiper Belt object in 1992.

Since then, astronomers have identified more than 1,000 other objects, and the list is constantly growing. Almost all of them are within 48 astronomical units (AU, the distance from the Sun to Earth), which surprised astronomers who had expected to find more objects outside this circle. The point is that Neptune's gravity should have cleared out a number of such objects that used to be closer, but distant objects should have remained independent of Neptune from the early days of the solar system.

An unexpected scattering of objects within 48 a. e. became known as the “Kuiper Belt”, and no one knows why this happened. Various groups of scientists have suggested that the Kuiper belt was generated by an invisible planet. Patrick Lykavka and Tadashi Mukai reviewed all these theories and came up with their own. Their planet could have given rise to the Kuiper Belt and many other observed Kuiper Belt features. Unfortunately, it should be within 100 a. e., and this is very far away, so we won’t find it soon, .

Cause of Sedna-type orbits

Mike Brown, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinovich identified Sedna in 2003. This is a distant object with a very strange orbit around the Sun, if you compare it with other objects in the solar system. The closest point to the Sun where Sedna was is located at a distance of 76 AU. That is, which is much further than the Kuiper belt. Sedna's orbit takes 11,400 years to complete.

How did Sedna get into such an orbit? It never comes close enough to the Sun to be touched by any of the eight planets. Brown and colleagues wrote that Sedna's orbit "could be the result of confusion by an as yet undiscovered planet, the disturbance of an anomalously close encounter with a star, or the formation of a solar system within a cluster of stars." To everyone's surprise, in March 2014, astronomers discovered a second object in a similar orbit, now known as 2012 VP113. This discovery revived rumors about the possibility of an invisible planet.


The period of a comet is the time it takes for a comet to circle the Sun once. Long-period comets have a period of at least 200 years, and possibly longer. Long-period comets come from distant clouds of icy bodies known as Oort clouds, which lie much further than the Kuiper Belt.

In theory, long-period comets should arrive in equal numbers from all directions. In reality, comets come from one side more often than from others. Why? In 1999, John Matese, Patrick Whitman, and Daniel Whitmire suggested that a large, distant object called Tyche might be the cause. Tyche's mass, according to scientists, should be three times the mass of Jupiter. The distance to the Sun is about 25,000 AU. e.

However, the WISE space telescope recently surveyed the entire sky and provided disappointing results to Matese. On March 7, 2014, NASA reported that WISE is "larger than Jupiter by within 26,000 AU." e." Apparently, the planet Tyche does not exist.

The discovery of Eris has become one of the astronomical sensations of recent times. To date, it is the largest object discovered in the Solar System since the discovery of Neptune in 1846.

The provisional name 2003 UB313 was assigned automatically. Located 97 AU from the Sun and known as 2003 UB313, or Xena, the new object was discovered by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) on October 21, 2003. The discoverers, followed by NASA and some media outlets, declared this object the tenth planet of the solar system, but on August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union approved the definition of a planet, according to which 2003 UB313 is not one. The object was classified as a “dwarf planet”. On June 11, 2008, the IAU announced the introduction of the concept of plutoid, which included the dwarf planets Eris and Pluto. Accordingly, there are only eight planets left.

The orbit is highly elongated, the maximum distance to the Sun is 97.61 AU. e. (14.6023 billion km), minimum - 37.808 a. e. (5.65598 billion km). The period of revolution around the Sun is 557 years, and the orbit is inclined at an angle of 44.177° to the ecliptic plane.

In April 2006, the results of measurements of the diameter and albedo of the object, carried out using the space telescope named after. Hubble. It turned out that the diameter of Eris is 2400±100 km (only 6% larger than the diameter of Pluto).

The name “Eris” (lat. Eris) in honor of the Greek goddess was adopted by the International Astronomical Union on September 13, 2006. In mythology, Eris is known for causing a quarrel between the gods, throwing them the same apple of discord, which resulted in the Trojan War.

The planet has a discovered satellite Dysnomia ((136199) Eris I Dysnomia), about 150 km in diameter. The orbital period of Dysnomia around Eris is approximately 16 Earth days.

The mass of Eris was determined due to the presence of a satellite; it is greater than the mass of Pluto and is equal to 1.66 * 1022 kg. Its density is close in value to the density of both Pluto and various Kuiper belt asteroids.

This object should not be confused with other large trans-Neptunian objects, in particular Sedna and Santa 2003 EL61.
