Red star in the sky at night in Crimea. Tour of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

Constellations - These are areas of the sky into which the celestial sphere is distributed in order to conveniently navigate the starry sky. In ancient times, constellations were various kinds of figures that were formed by bright stars, often these were the names of heroes of Greek mythology. Our entire starry sky is divided into 88 constellations, which were recorded by the International Astronomical Union in 1930. To date, the names of these constellations have been decided to be considered unchanged, as well as other names of bright stars. Some famous astronomers named discovered stars after themselves, but such names were never officially recognized. There are some companies that sell so-called “certificates” for naming the name of the star you like. So if you think what to give your girlfriend on March 8 or Valentine's Day then give her a “star in the sky.”

Constellations are rightfully considered reminders of the ancient culture of mankind, its myths and its first interest in celestial bodies. They help historians, astronomers and mythologists very well to understand the way of life and thinking of ancient people. Today, constellations help bright minds in astronomy navigate the sky and quickly determine the positions of various kinds of objects.

The most famous and most noticeable constellations of the zodiac signs

Orion constellations

Location of stars and constellations

SIMFEROPOL, October 20 - RIA Novosti Crimea. From October 21 to 22, residents and guests of Crimea will be able to observe the peak of the meteor shower from the constellation Orion. To do this, it is important to choose places away from illuminated cities, Aleksey Baklanov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, scientific secretary of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, told RIA Novosti Crimea.

The meteor shower in the constellation Orion - the Orionids is included in the list of 10 largest starfalls. Every year the Earth passes through a swarm of meteorite bodies formed as a result of the passage of Comet Halley near the Sun. The last time it flew past the Earth was in 1986, but its detached particles reach the Earth's atmosphere twice a year every year, forming meteor showers.

According to Baklanov, the meteor shower will be best visible from midnight to morning in the southeastern part of the sky in clear weather.

“It is advisable to observe the Orionids, like any meteor shower, where it is dark, away from cities and towns. And it is desirable that there is a clear horizon. In Crimea, conditions for observation are good. The Orionids will be at their maximum from October 21 to 22,” stated scientist.

At the same time, he noted that the starfall on Saturday night will be among the ten largest. “These are the remains of Halley’s comet: it melts a little when it flies up to the Sun, dust remains in its orbit and due to this dust we observe meteor showers. They will not be the largest - about two dozen meteors per hour. The same Persids are up to two to three hundred meteors per hour,” Baklanov explained.

He also said that it makes no sense to observe meteors through binoculars or a telescope. “If you want to watch a meteor shower, then you don’t need any special tools: neither a telescope nor binoculars. They have a small field of view, and meteors fly at a speed of 70 meters per second,” the expert said.

But, he added, despite the high speed, there is no need to be afraid of the consequences of meteor flights. “It’s unlikely that you’ll get hit on the head with a meteor. The fact is that they burn up in the atmosphere, since they’re very small. Fireballs are something to be afraid of,” Baklanov reassured.

For those who decide to observe the astronomical phenomenon, RIA Novosti Crimea has compiled a list of places where it will be most convenient to do so.

1. Ai-Petri
This is one of the most popular observation platforms on the southern coast of Crimea. The height of the mountain above sea level is 1 thousand 234 meters.

2. Tepe-Kerman
The cone-shaped mountain is located in the Bakhchisarai region. There is a cave city popular among tourists. Height above sea level - 554 meters.

3. Chatyr-Dag
This is a mountain range in the south of Crimea, part of the main mountain range of the peninsula. Consists of a lower and upper plateau. The height of the main peaks of the massif is 1527 meters (Eklizi-Burun) and 1453 meters (Angar-Burun).

4. Kush-Kaya
Also known as "Bird Mountain". It is located above Laspi Bay and the Batiliman tract. The height above sea level is 627 meters.

5. Village Nauchny
The Crimean Astrophysical Observatory has been operating in this locality in the Bakhchisarai region for many years. The village offers excellent views of the sky, making it a convenient place for observing meteorites.

      Tourists and excursionists who get acquainted with the southern landscapes, the majestic sea, history and sights of the sunny peninsula are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the beautiful sky of Crimea, with its bright stars.
      Summer evening. South Coast. In the northwest, the well-known Ursa Major is visible above the mountains. This noticeable “seven-star” formation has long served as a guide for travelers and sailors. Obviously, this is why different peoples of the world have created so many legends about Ursa Major.
      In Ukraine, the Big Dipper is more often called Voz. And if from the “star wheels” of Voz - two bright stars - we measure five distances between them to the north, then we will get exactly to the Polar Star Ursa Minor. At Polyarnaya there is the North Pole of the World, around which the vault of heaven revolves.
      On the slightly curved downward continuation of the “drawbar” of Voz, you will meet a bright star. This is Arcturus, the first star of the constellation Bootes.
      On the opposite side of the sky, in the northeast, 5 bright stars are visible, grouped in the form of an inverted letter “M”. This is the constellation Cassiopeia. To the north of it are the faint stars Cepheus. But underneath it, the Andromeda constellation is clearly visible, which became famous because of the Andromeda Nebula, the closest galaxy to us. Andromeda is adjacent to Perseus - to the east of it - and Pegasus - to the southwest.
      The most remarkable thing in the sky of Crimea is the “summer triangle”. It is formed by the three brightest stars: Vega from the constellation Lyra, Deneb from the constellation Cygnus and Altair from the constellation Aquila. Vega is located near the zenith, to the east of it is Deneb, to the south is Altair. Numerous legends and myths are dedicated to these constellations.
      For the ancient Greeks, the will of the gods was proclaimed by the eagle. One of the most beautiful constellations over Crimea is dedicated to him. The Heavenly Eagle, spreading its wings, “flies” along the Milky Way. Low above the horizon, the Milky Way “crosses” the zodiac constellation Sagittarius. He is associated with the good centaur Pholus, a friend of Hercules. By the way, in the summer sky of Crimea, next to Lyra, you can see the vast, but without bright stars, constellation Hercules.
      West of Sagittarius stands out the zodiac constellation Scorpio with the bright red star Antares, very similar in color to the planet Mars. Antares means “rival of Mars.”
      The Dragon, the cruel guardian of countless treasures and star diamonds, is wriggling exactly at the zenith. The ancient Greeks recognized the Dragon as the serpent Ladon, who guarded the golden apples in the divine garden of Hera in the Atlas Mountains.

The northeastern coast of Tarkhankut is called Dzhangul, and the southeastern part is Atlesh. Translated from Persian, “atesh” means fire. In ancient times, fires were burned on the coast of Tarkhankut, which illuminated the way for sailors and warned them of the proximity of the shores.

Atlesh consists of two parts - Big and Small Atlesh. The coastline between them is replete with coves, niches, grottoes and bizarrely shaped rocks. There are also natural stone arches there. The shore of Bolshoy Atlesh is notable for its snow-white cliffs and mysterious caves. There is everything here - sandy beaches, cozy bays, a dazzling sea, and a deep blue sky. An ideal place for privacy!

Underwater museums and wrecks

The Black Sea has created bays in these places, which are natural “aquariums” with the richest marine fauna and flora. The water is so clear that you can observe the life of marine life right from the shore. This attracts divers from all over the world. And this is where you can visit the underwater museum “Alley of Leaders.” The museum was opened in 1992 at a depth of 12 meters, there are more than 50 exhibits, including sculptures of politicians, cultural figures, etc. There is also a bust of Lenin. A memorial sign was erected here in honor of the first dive of the underwater house “Ichthyander-66” in the USSR in 1966. There are a lot of sunken ships in these places. The winds and currents on the cape are treacherous, and the ships of ancient sailors were often wrecked. Even modern sailors speak about Tarkhankut with caution, but in ancient times this place was a real graveyard for ships.

There is also a round bay in Bolshoi Atlesh, framed by high banks. She is beautiful at any time of the day and in any weather. On the southern side of the bay there is a rock facing the sea. In it, the waves “cut through” a gate that is no less beautiful than the well-known gate of Karadag. Then the line of the rocky coast gradually moves to Maly Atlesh.

A huge grotto and the legend of the Cup of Love

Maly Atlesh will also give you unforgettable emotions. This is a network of small bays framed by limestone piers. The relief of the coast is varied: in some places there are large blocks of limestone, in others there are stone chaos and high ledges, there are also gentle slopes that lead to the sea.

Perhaps the most interesting object here is a huge grotto 8–9 meters high (in different areas) and approximately 100 meters long. A sailboat or motorboat can easily pass under the stone arches of the grotto. It is associated with another Crimean landmark - the Cup of Love. This is a natural pool approximately 6–7 meters deep. And at a depth of four meters, the bowl is connected to the sea through an open tunnel. You can swim through it. But it's not worth the risk. This can only be done by a trained swimmer with fins and a mask. When the sea is calm, the water in the Cup of Love is absolutely clear. But during storms it foams, breaks against the rocks, millions of splashes fly into the air and the pool becomes like a natural jacuzzi. This is a must see!

There are legends about the Cup of Love. Since ancient times, it was believed that if lovers, holding hands, jump into the water and their hands do not open during the flight, they will live happily ever after in love and harmony. And if they let go of each other during the jump, it was a sign that it was too early to walk down the aisle. The legend is still popular today, especially among young people. Even in early spring or late autumn, when the water is still cold, you can meet couples here who want to pass this “test”.

There is another romantic place on the Tarkhankut Peninsula - the Grotto of Love. In the depths of the large cave there is a tiny beach that can only accommodate a couple of lovers.

Tarkhankut is good at any time of the year! The weather allows you to relax here from April to October. The bright sun almost always shines, and in July-August the sea water warms up to 28 degrees.

Tarkhankut is the least populated part of Crimea. On this cape there is a lighthouse, here is the small village of Mayak, and next to it is the village of Olenevka. When planning to relax on Tarkhankut, you need to remember that there is absolutely no natural shade or trees there (you can hide from the sun under rocks or under a pre-brought awning). Do you want to escape from civilization? Tarkhankut for you. There is no housing on the cape itself or in the surrounding area; you can spend the night in tents or cars. Comfortable housing can be found in the nearest villages - Olenevka (about five kilometers away) and Maryino (about 25 kilometers away). You will have to drive on dusty dirt roads. The nearest large populated area is the urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoye

P.S. Crimea is not only the South Coast. The peninsula is unique in its diversity. There are a lot of less popular, but stunningly beautiful places in Eastern and Western Crimea. The Crimean Journal began the series of publications “Another Crimea” with material about the Tarkhankut Peninsula. We will continue it and together with you we will rediscover all the beauty of Crimea.

Moreover, it was on this night that the Earth flew through the Geminids meteor shower. True, I never managed to catch them, but the stars themselves were good!

1. Here is a photograph where the satellite tracks are visible.

2. The Parus rock is visible below. We'll go down closer.

3. In 1927, an earthquake occurred on the Crimean peninsula, and then a small part broke off from Cape Limen-Burun, which became the Parus rock. Finally, “Parus” became a separate rock, surrounded on all sides by the Black Sea waters after the destruction of the isthmus that connected the rock to the shore. The Parus rock is located next to the Swallow's Nest.

4. And here you can see the Milky Way above the rocks.

5. Now we are already on the shore.

7. Here either a satellite or a meteor flies through the Pleiades.

11. While we moved to Mount Cat, Orion rose above the horizon. This is a complex natural monument of national importance, located on the southern coast of Crimea on the territory of the Yalta City Council (Crimea).
