How to remove negative energy from yourself. How to remove damage yourself and get rid of negativity With the help of prayers

It is possible to remove damage on your own, without seeking help in magic salons. Almost any negative influence can be removed through rituals and prayers. A person can defend himself, but will require desire and faith in his abilities.

In the article:

The Lord's Prayer will save you from damage

Prayers Lord, Mother of God And Saints have great power, the ability to destroy the bonds of witchcraft and free the victim from the captivity of negative damage. It is especially distinguished by its power " Our Father».

To get rid of the witchcraft influence, you don’t have to walk - the evil will be removed on your own. We will describe 2 ways to remove damage through prayer.

IN first In this case, the victim performs the ritual. A church candle is slowly passed around the body three times. Then they cross themselves and repeat the text three times "Our Father". During the process, they carefully monitor where the flame begins to smoke and smoke: in this area, the negative program managed to make a hole in the energy shield. You need to linger in such areas, cross them with a candle three times and whisper:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the words are spoken for each problem area, the ritual is performed again (the best result is from repeating it seven times). The ritual is performed for several days until the candle stops tarring: this means that the damage has been removed.

In second case "Our Father" pronounced by a close relative of the patient or the victim herself. They read a prayer over the water, which they drink immediately. They pray to an icon depicting a personal saint and ask for health. This is done as sincerely as possible, prayer is allowed in one’s own words. Instead of the icon of your protector, you can turn to the image Nikolai Ugodnik:

Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.

The ritual is repeated for three days. You can pray to the saint an unlimited number of times, the more, the better.

Removing damage by praying to the cross

This method is capable of resisting damage inflicted by an experienced black magician. The ritual is repeated for forty days. The ritual will not only remove the imposed negative program, but will also protect you from magical attacks for a year. To remove damage, stand at the window with a lit church candle. Looking at the sky, they say a prayer seven times:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Each time a person reads the text, he makes the sign of the cross. The prayer is repeated in the morning and before bed. After the complete completion of the ritual, no evil force will harm, and severe damage will be eliminated. You cannot miss a single day of the ritual, otherwise you will have to start over.

How to remove damage yourself with a conspiracy

The presented plot is old, used by ancestors to help victims of the evil eye and damage. Read by a close relative. For the ritual you will need yellow cubic zirconia candle. It is made from natural wax with the addition of cubic zirconia mineral, sold in a specialized store or made independently. As a last resort, the church one is taken.

Before going to bed, the patient lies down on the bed, and the healer stands next to him, holding a lit candle in his hand. Passing the flame over the patient’s body, without missing a single area, pronounce:

God bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the fence of Khvarin, on a steep mountain there was a table. And on the throne stands Mother the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, he cuts with a saber.

The last sentence is repeated twice, then the text continues:

Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, you will go bad: Saint Yuri will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegor will come and stab you with a spear. And Saint Michael will chop you, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed, shoot with your seven-arrows and cut with your four damask knives in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, heels, clothes, weakness, headaches, insomnia, lack of sleep, all the pain. Take away all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

After the conspiracy, you need to take a small vessel with holy water, draw three crosses on it with a knife and give it to the victim to drink. This ritual of removing damage is performed no more than three times. To eliminate weak curses, one time is enough.

Remove damage at home with sulfur and wax

Proven helpers in eliminating damage are wax and matches. The latter contain sulfur, which is famous for its anti-demonic properties. You will need:

  • 12 matches;
  • candle;
  • two small containers (for example, jar lids);

Using a knife, the sulfur is first separated from the matches and placed in a small container. A candle is lit and placed opposite. The remaining matches without sulfur are put into another container and burned, reciting the text:

Lord my God, sweep away from me, your servant of God (your name), 12 Silences, 12 stones, 12 ailments, 12 bones, fat, veins, crowbars and half-veins. Locks and key - into the water, fire - into a high mountain. To your glory, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Pour matches into sulfur and let them burn out. The container is filled with wax from a burning candle and taken to a deserted road intersection without removing the contents from the container. They leave the jar there with the words:

That which is cursed is forever removed. No refund. True.

Ritual of deliverance with salt and incense

The ritual is performed on the full moon or on the waning moon. You can remove damage from both yourself and another person. Rituals have always been effective.

Salt from a new package is heated in a frying pan: it’s nice to have it blessed, but it’s enough to sprinkle the pack with holy water. Salt stored in the house is not suitable for cleansing. When the salt is hot enough, they say:

Holy salt, blessed salt, take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name) and give them along the flowing water to the island of Buyan, to the sea - Okiyan.

The product is poured into a small container and placed in front of the patient’s image. Burning incense is placed behind the image, and 2 yellow cubic zirconia candles are placed on both sides of the salt (if they are not available, take church candles). Leave everything as is until the candles burn out completely. The ritual is repeated from one to five times, depending on the strength of the negative program.

An effective spell for water

You can cleanse yourself of induced negativity using. They fill a bucket full of running water and whisper:

Deliver me, the servant of God (name of the victim), from the monogamist, the bigamist, the one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from the one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from the one-haired, two-haired, three-haired. From your eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming, transverse, fleeting, from everything dashing: from single, young, blind, crooked, empty-haired and old.

It is better to take the bucket with the charmed liquid outside and completely douse yourself in water from head to toe. In urban conditions, you can douse yourself at home, in the bathroom. If your health condition allows, take cool water.

Signs of successful removal of damage

It is easy to understand that the ceremony was carried out successfully and witchcraft was eliminated. Attention is focused on the behavior of the victim during the ritual. When your health suddenly deteriorates: this is normal, the body fights the magical effect, like a virus, and the fight takes a lot of energy.

Other signs of withdrawal in the victim:

  • unreasonable crying or laughing;
  • dizziness while cleansing from negativity;
  • Stomach or intestinal problems;
  • drowsiness, irritability, apathy;
  • body temperature rises slightly;
  • insomnia or nightmares disappear.

Sometimes we suddenly suddenly begin to feel a loss of strength, apathy, and a depressive state. Health problems begin... The reason may be that someone does not think very well of you or even deliberately curses you. However, you should not be afraid, because our great-grandfathers knew well how to remove negativity from a person in the shortest possible time. Here are the most effective ways to get rid of negativity and negative influences at the energy level.

Removing negativity from a person

Before removing negativity from a person, you should stock up on the necessary items, which include an egg, water, salt, candles and mirrors. The main methods are:

  • Fill the bath with warm water and dissolve nine tablespoons of salt in it. Say out loud: “Salt and water, take away everything bad from me.” Then lie down in the bath and stay there until you feel a surge of strength. After this, begin to flush the water, while saying: “Take away everything that is evil and bad, and leave the good for me”;
  • Pour holy water into the bowl and light the church candle and incense. The candle must be held above the water. As soon as the wax begins to drip into the water, say: “As the candle burns out, so does the evil fly away from me.” Then you need to extinguish the candle and incense and read a prayer to the life-giving cross;
  • If you need to cleanse a person of negativity, fill a large basin with a small amount of water. Its level should be at the level of your ankles. With your left hand you should pour as much salt into the water as will fit in a handful. After this, stand in the basin for about 15 minutes, imagining that everything dark and evil is leaving you, for example, in the form of a black blanket falling from you;
  • When you wake up in the morning, take an egg and draw a straight line in front of you from head to toe 22 times, and then the same number of times in the opposite direction. Go outside, dig a hole in the ground and bury an egg there with the words: “Mother Earth, take away the damage.” This must be done within 9 days;
  • To cleanse a person of negativity through prayer, place one mirror in front of you, and the second should be behind your back. Put your hands together, look in the mirror and, without moving your lips, read to yourself the following: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
  • Just as this reflection does not walk in the field, does not lie in its mother’s womb, so I will be able to remove any negativity. Through this glass, through this business, for this body. My angel, you are next to me. I am in front of you and I stand behind you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The first and, perhaps, practical way: Ways to regain lost strength

  • place your hands with the back side outward, palms should be parallel to each other;
  • you need to close your eyes and imagine how a negative clot of energy burns in the distance between your hands;
  • take a deep breath and while doing this imagine how pure energy enters the body and is smoothly distributed throughout the body.

If necessary, repeat the procedure. The basic rule of all exercises to restore energy is to relax and free yourself from extraneous thoughts. When the body feels increased strength, a kind of meditation needs to be completed.

You need to sit back, relax, close your eyes and imagine a huge river with a raging flame of fire. You need to imagine how a person throws himself into a fiery flame. Such manipulation has a beneficial effect on the body, because the consciousness stops hovering about unnecessary thoughts and tunes in to saving a person from trouble. Consciousness, like a phoenix bird, will rise from the flame, and the fire will burn away all negativity. To do this, you need to imagine rebirth and mentally see how a white, pure clot of energy passes through the entire body, evenly distributed throughout the body.

The second option is no less interesting and easy to use. It is perfect if obsessive thoughts periodically appear in a person’s head. Meditation will help eliminate bad ideas and remove failures from life.

The third method helps cleanse the body at the cellular level. Relax and mentally transport yourself to the ocean, there is beautiful nature around, the sun is shining and you can hear the cry of seagulls. The waves roll slowly, forcing the body to free itself from extraneous experiences. Imagine how water touches those places on the body where you feel a loss of strength. Water removes negativity, taking it beyond the horizon. Improvements will become noticeable after repeating the procedure 8 times.

Clearing negativity using a candle

Mentally imagine a fiery field around, absorbing dark energy. You should raise the candle above your head and spin it around the top of your head 33 times. Then move the candle from side to side parallel to the body, starting from the head and ending with the heels. During the entire process, a prayer should be read. After completing the ritual, you need to put out the candle with wet fingers, wrap it in paper and throw it in the trash. The body's recovery is complete.

Negative energy is removed thanks to Mother Nature

It should be remembered that plants also help get rid of mental debris. They are able to purify the air and transform energy. Green plants are considered to be the most useful. Their rich color helps cleanse the body of negativity. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to place indoor flowers in the bedroom. During dreams, the body tries to free itself from negative energy, and flowers strive to help and absorb negativity. It is generally accepted that plants with huge leaves effectively eliminate bad feelings. It is not advisable to keep plants with needles in the house. According to long-standing traditions, it is believed that they upset the balance and do not allow the body to rest during dreams.

Who is at risk

It is generally accepted that vulnerable people are the elderly, men and women with serious difficulties, and the inhabitants of the planet whose profession is related to social activities. Contact with a person who has negative energy leads to negative consequences. The aura comes under the influence and is “broken.” The consequences are sad. People begin to feel a loss of strength, an unwillingness to enjoy life, and are in a state of despair. To prevent this from happening again, you do not need to avoid communication, you should not pay attention to negative emotions, and try to ignore indignation.

Protection from negative influences

There are many ways to protect yourself from bad influences. Animals help a lot, especially cats. They absorb negativity. Favorable

The use of amulets and amulets affects the home. Basically, they are attached to the entrance doors so that negative energy does not penetrate into the home and disturb the owners. Bunches of garlic, red pepper or onion can ward off dark energy. You can protect yourself by using a variety of herbs. It is recommended to buy dried elderberry, basil and oregano. Place everything in small bags and place them in the corners of the house. This will help evict negativity and keep unwanted visitors out of the house. Precious and semi-precious stones have vitality. To protect the body, preference should be given to jewelry with agate and jade.

Express methods for cleansing

Simple rules that protect the body from negative effects:

  1. After returning home, you need to change clothes, wipe your shoes, and take a shower.
  2. Before using any new item, you should first wash or wipe it.
  3. When guests leave, you need to immediately wash the dishes and wipe the floor. These actions will not allow other people's energy to linger in the house.

By observing the above points, you will be able to improve your well-being and carry out preventive measures that do not allow negative energy to affect the body.

Damage is a negative energy program that operates in a person’s subconscious and destroys it. Often manifests itself as:

Incurable, complex, or sudden illnesses


Failure in your personal life



Bad luck

Lack of money

Problems in the social sphere, etc.

I want to tell you what I know about damage, evil eyes, negativity and other energy influences... And pass on my experience to help those who are faced with this problem.

We are all connected to each other energetically as one whole, with some more, with others less. Here is the law “Like attracts like” works very well. A person is, first of all, an energetic substance that can only exist in vibrations similar to itself. What kind of person is like that, people gather around him.

There is one important point: everything that happens to a person happens exclusively with his permission (with the permission of his Spirit)! Therefore, a person is affected only by those influences that he himself (his soul) allowed to have!

If you think that what is happening to you is cruel and unfair, it is not so! If this is a punishment, then know that you punished yourself (for something). Perhaps these are the sins of past lives, or the sins of your family (its individual members).

Damage is a negative energy (psychological - whatever you want) program that begins to destroy a person as punishment for some of his actions. Perhaps, from an objective point of view, he does not deserve it... However, your Spirit thinks differently. Shame, guilt, fear are the main negative emotions that can also serve as an impetus for launching a self-destructive program in the subconscious. One program acts slowly (for example, alcoholism), the other quickly and rapidly (accident, incurable disease - cancer, etc...

How the damage is caused no longer matters:

Most often, a person damages herself - she spoils herself. Such self-damage results - negative emotions, or negative childhood programs laid down by parents, destroy life.

Or (under certain conditions) a negative program of the family is triggered (the so-called curse of the family).

Less often, punishment comes from the outside (through another person - that is, someone will damage you) - this is an extremely rare option, which still happens...

The consequences of negative programs and damage can be terrible. It happens that a program is so destructive that it “lies” not on one person, but on the whole family, and the whole family has to work through it.

I know a family in which everyone died, gradually, with different deaths - it’s scary!

It happens that only men in the family die (most often), or only women.

Alcoholism is also a kind of damage to the family, so to speak, which is passed on from generation to generation. And it can be very difficult to “remove” it, defeat it and bring it out. As well as hereditary diseases, infertility.


How to remove damage?

To remove damage, you need to find out how it was formed. I do not diagnose or remove damage from other people, I “work” only with myself, so I can (have the right) to share only my own experience.

I always (almost always) feel and know where the negativity comes from.

This may be an innate quality, however, the more I try to become aware, the more it develops. And the more you develop inner strength, the faster, sharper and more accurately you react to influences, even before they manifest themselves “in physics”. Or, if they have already manifested themselves, I react at the initial stage, while everything can still be corrected. I read the biofield of other people, information also comes through dreams. This is where the struggle often occurs (if the negativity comes from outside). Unfortunately, it also “arrives” from the outside, and if this happens, they “punch through” quickly and strongly; Fortunately, this can be removed just as quickly.

However, I want to admit that most often it is my own negativity. That is, my mental energy, in its negative and uncontrollable version, from which I suffer in the first place. Most of the negativity comes from my equipment/electronics (phones, cars and household appliances break down - and this is the first “bell” that I need to change), as well as my natural crystals - although crystals react more to what “came” from outside . If this happens and I don’t “pull myself together,” then it only gets worse. Therefore, you need to be careful in life in order to correct yourself in time and understand that you are going somewhere wrong...

Here I ask you not to delude yourself that I am the one who is so bad (yes, I am far from an angel), however, approximately the same thing happens to any person (everyone has enough negativity). Most often, a person “winds up” himself, and less often they “punch through” from the outside.

In women, everything manifests itself outwardly - women do not keep emotions inside themselves (we will destroy everything around us and ourselves at the same time). It’s more difficult with men - they withdraw everything into themselves (immediately turn on self-destruction) and suppress their negativity, which still happens less often than with women. Men are more positive in life.

And yet, if you are the one who “cast magic” on yourself, then there is good news: unless fate dictates otherwise, any negative program can be removed, that is, you can reprogram yourself. Many qualified psychologists do an excellent job with this (constellations, rebirthing, holotropic breathing and other psychological things).

In general, any damage is easier to prevent than to “treat.”

Prevention of damage is a positive attitude, positive thoughts. Everything is simple and difficult to implement...

Affirmations also work great, prayers are even better. A prayed-for biofield is very difficult to break through from the outside (prayers must be read daily), and one’s own psychic energy changes its structure - the biofield is restored and calms down. Perceive the world as your own reflection, as a mirror of what you yourself have created, and the world around you will begin to change in the direction you want.

If the negative has arrived from outside, you can also remove it yourself. If you don’t feel strong enough, you have every right to seek help from those who do this professionally, so to speak (or have a gift). If you trust a specialist, he will definitely help you.

If you feel strong, you can try to remove the negativity yourself. During this activity, turn off all phones; no one should disturb you. Do it alone. This is a very powerful remedy - it removes negativity, removes diseases (many are even serious in the initial stage, with an advanced disease, other rituals - all individually), damage. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

Prayer ritual. Read 3 days in a row. With strong exposure, from 3 to 7 days.

Light a church candle. It is better to take the largest candle so that it will last until the end of the ceremony; do not extinguish it yourself - let it burn out to the end.

Read the prayer to the Guardian Angel 3 times.

“Holy Angel, standing before my cursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, nor depart from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me with the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you so greatly all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me on this day, and save me from every opposite temptation May I not anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy as a servant of His goodness. Amen".

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Then read the 10th Dream of the Virgin Mary 40 times in a row. Read this prayer 40 times in a row for 40 days in a row!

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 10

Most Holy Theotokos Mary, Where has she been, where has she been, where has she slept and slept? - I slept in a church in the city of Gladishche, where I had a dream about My Son, Jesus Christ. I saw how they took Him down from the Cross, and before that I saw how they tormented Jesus Christ, shed His holy blood, burned His wounds with fire, put a crown of thorns on His head, nailed His legs and arms to the Cross, pierced His rib with a spear, on the face of My Son they spat at him, laughed at him, shouted at him, called him different names. And the voice of Jesus Christ said: “Great power has been given to the Mother’s sleep.” And let these words of this dream become a prayer. Whoever has this prayer will leave all enemies behind. And whoever reads this prayer, this “Dream” will help him. When the soul departs, all sins will be forgiven, and he will be freed from eternal torment. The angels of God will take his soul, bring it to the kingdom of heaven, give it to Abraham and Isaac, and give it to Jacob. That person will have fun and rejoice forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

(The 77th dream of the Mother of God removes all damage, kills demons, removes the devilish trinity, cancels any twisted insidious schemes, removes impotence, male and female diseases, removes all troubles, all problems, it cancels the very canons of magic, it is impossible for you for 3 -x days to transfer, heal, forge, throw off, possess, vampirize, destroy, cancels couplings and blood damage, destroys the works of the devilish trinity, you cannot remove protection from you and take away strength and protection, you cannot be influenced with the help of not Christian magic, but also the devilish trinity, no schemes that cause harm are terrible)

“The Mother of God saw a dream - to the sound of bells, Christ came up to her and asked - Did you sleep well - what did you see in the dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water flowed out of the right, blood poured out from the left. Login the centurion washed himself, "My mother, do not weep, do not suffer, destruction will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house will not be touched by the evil devil, Angels fly in and save him from any evil." They deliver from seventy and seven ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen."

At the end of the ritual, always read m The prayer “May God rise again...” or the Prayer to the Honest Cross - you can generally do it every day.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may all those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

For Orthodox Christians, it is mandatory to wear a cross during the ceremony. At the end of each prayer, after the word “Amen,” cross yourself.

Next, you need to light a candle for yourself and order a mass “For Health” in 3 churches (it is better to order a mass for at least 40 days, or for six months). To do this, you need to go around 3 churches in one day, and in each one, light a candle and order a mass.

Do not tell anyone about this, and it is advisable not to talk to anyone during these actions.

In very severe cases, they visit 7 or 12 churches (within 1-3 days).

This is a very strong defense. To help you!

Dear magic experts in cleaning and removing damage - all criticism, comments, advice are welcome!

You can eliminate negative energy from your energy field using the “pumping” method. It is necessary to create such favorable conditions for yourself so that you receive and absorb many positive emotions, which, by their appearance, will “remove” the negative. For this, for example, dynamic free-style dancing or physical activity, which is associated with a high emotional uplift, are suitable.

You can also do meditation, which will allow you to “cleanse” and balance your energy centers - chakras. Followers of the Christian religion will be helped by sincere faith in God, the use of church attributes, and most importantly, cleansing prayer.

Regardless of which of these or other methods you choose, it is important to remember that revenge in this case will only make the situation worse. It will also turn against you. Therefore, whether you know who you are or not, the person must be forgiven. Sometimes it is very difficult to forget and forgive the harm caused. In this case, you might think that the person did this out of weakness or ignorance.

How to remove the evil eye using “holy” water

One of the best ways to get rid of the evil eye on your own is considered to be water blessed in the church. It is recommended to always keep it at home and use it as needed - against damage, the evil eye, for energetic cleansing of the home.

If you feel unwell, feel weak and low in strength, and things are not going well, the time has come to take a closer look at your energy. Read the “Our Father” prayer in the morning after waking up, wash your face with blessed water and say the spell: “The evil eye, where it came from, go there! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". This method is very simple but effective. You can repeat such a conspiracy as needed until you notice that your mood has improved and things are in order.

If you don’t have “holy” water, you can use spring water or “live” water, prepared yourself from ice, instead. Having poured it into a glass, let the water stand for a while under the rays of the sun, or “charge” it energetically, using the energy of your hands.

If you are a believing Christian, you will be helped by constantly wearing the symbol of your religion - a cross on your body, consecrated in the temple. If not, you can wear a protective amulet. It must first be “charged”, otherwise it will not have a strong effect.

Wear jewelry made of silver - such metal absorbs negative energy. However, do not forget to rinse the jewelry once a week under cold running water to wash away all the negativity. Or you can wear a safety pin pinned to the wrong side of the garment. This is also a remedy for the evil eye.

If you know for sure that you will be the center of attention today, wear catchy and bright jewelry or accessories - they can distract unkind glances from you. Jewelry made from natural metals should be cleansed of accumulated negative energy. To do this, they need to be soaked periodically in a salt solution. They are then washed and worn again.
