How the dead live in the afterlife. Souls of the Dead: Life After Death

The problem of life after death was recently discussed at an international conference in Dusseldorf. We present to our readers a fragment of the report of one of the participants, Professor Konrad Drese from Germany.

“The hope of continuing life after death has been inherent in man since ancient times. The technocratic development of our civilization in every possible way muffled this feeling in him. The student of our time receives an education that is more specialized than general education. And it is increasingly difficult to convince a contemporary who believes in science of the existence, for example, of higher levels of consciousness. This is also “helped” by the mass orientation towards pleasure, obsession with materialism and total rationalization of consciousness. Perhaps the suppression of a person’s hope for an afterlife existence is the greatest and fatal scientific and ideological crime against the entire human race. “God is love” - the most important of all the instructions of life is still not understood. We humans have not at all understood the great wisdom of the material structure of living organisms. But they have been very successful in their “competition” with natural death, piling up mountains of weapons of mass destruction.

A person only realizes that he is the arbiter of his own destiny when he understands that he will have to account for everything - good and bad - at some point. Man in his deep structure has a transcendental reality, which reacts with external, material reality only through the five senses. It remains to be assumed that matter is not the whole of reality. I would like to mention the work of Bo Jin Ra “The Book of the Otherworldly”. It says: “You see and feel the causal world that you perceive with your waking consciousness. You just feel it “from the other side.” In the spiritual world, everything is perceived as clearly and realistically as in the world of the physical senses. This is not about visions or hallucinations. And in the spiritual world there are seas and land, deep abysses and high mountains, wide quiet fields and meadows.” And here is a message selected from numerous texts received through mediums: “In the spiritual world there are no diseases and no ages. The communication process there occurs telepathically and therefore eliminates misunderstanding. The power of thought moves us forward. Passionate, painful longing for the past slows down this movement.” The work of Dr. Rudolf Schwartz, “How the Dead Live,” is extremely interesting, representing an attempt to study the other world. Dr. Schwartz died in March 1963 and very soon conveyed the following message through a medium: “Here is peace, light and warmth. All this is even impossible to imagine. I have a wonderful, cozy room, completely to my taste. Approaching the open window, I see a magnificent park with manicured lawns, flower beds and bushes. I am glad that the earthly trial is over." A highly impressive proof of life after death is the phenomenon of materialization. Theologian Johannes Graeber in his book “Communication with the World of Souls” mentions the Brazilian medium Carlos Mirabelli (1889-1951), who held the materialized essence of a deceased child in his arms for 36 minutes in daylight. 10 scientists were present during the experiment. In his publications, Professor of Physics Dr. Schiebeler devotes much space to the medium Einer Nielsen (1854-1968) from Copenhagen. According to Schiebeler, hundreds of materializations occurred in Nielsen's presence from 1914 to 1961 and were documented. We are talking about phantoms that organically develop from earthly matter. They can sometimes be observed in the form of so-called ectoplasm. Some phantoms even showed heartbeats, pulses and breathing. Sometimes during materialization it was possible to remove plaster molds of the phantoms' arms and legs. At one of Einer Nielsen's sessions, a lock of hair was cut off from a materialized girl. Professor Schiebeler has photographs of phantoms, including a photograph of a phantom who called herself Queen Astrid of Belgium. When studying all these highly impressive facts, the assumption arises that Thomas the Unbeliever witnessed the real materialization of Jesus Christ. Physics is on the verge of the greatest changes, on the threshold of recognition of the paranormal powers of the Spirit. The great electrical engineer of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla, once wrote: “Starting from the day when science begins to explore paraphysical phenomena, in one decade it will do more than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Prepared by Nina Sokolova "IG"

One day, the editors of one of the newspapers received a letter from Maria Georgievna M., from Podolsk. The woman assured that recently she has had to constantly communicate with representatives of the world of the dead, who turn to her with a request to convey something important to their relatives... Maria Georgievna promised to tell the correspondent in detail in a personal conversation.

The letter did not contain a telephone number, only the home address to which the journalist went. Maria Georgievna’s daughter opened the door and unexpectedly announced that her mother... died in 2001! When the correspondent showed Elena Stepanovna the letter, she immediately recognized her mother’s handwriting. Attention was paid to the date that was on the stamp: November 2, 2004. It was the most ordinary envelope - which was made in 2003 at the Goznak printing factory. It turned out, two years after the death of Maria Georgievna! How did he get to her? And where was she herself at that time?

Hello, I'm from the other world!..

At the age of 49, Nikolai Semenovich B.’s wife died. Heart problems... Five years after Lydia’s death, Nikolai Semenovich accepted an invitation from his old friend to celebrate his granddaughter’s birthday. At this holiday, the owner of the house introduced him to a woman who seemed to the widower a good candidate for starting a new family. Life takes its toll! Throughout the evening, he actively courted his neighbor at the table. It was too late to go home... Approaching the house, Nikolai Semenovich saw that on the 5th floor there was a light on in the three outer windows. These were the windows of his apartment! And then... in the kitchen window he saw his late wife! He clearly saw the painfully familiar facial features, brown hair... It was her, Lida!

On weak legs, he entered the front door, rising to his floor, he looked through the door peephole. There was a yellow spot of light... In the end, the man decided to press the bell button. Somewhere in the apartment a subtle clink of glasses was heard, followed by light footsteps. The door began to open slowly, creakingly... It was dark in the hallway. Stepping inside, Nikolai Semenovich flipped the switch... The door froze in the middle of the opening and slammed behind him. Something ethereal rustled past him into the kitchen... Repeating his wife’s name, he rushed there. The kitchen was empty... On the table there was a bowl with steaming cutlets, a salad bowl with chopped tomatoes, a plate with a fork and two glasses of vodka. One of them was covered with a piece of bread. On the back of the chair lay the colorful robe of his late wife, which had been hanging in the closet for 5 years... Then Nikolai Semenovich slapped himself on the forehead - how could he forget? After all, today is the anniversary of my wife’s death! Exactly 5 years... Over the course of these years, I remembered her, and then, here, I went to visit! So the deceased reminded me...

Of course, there is and cannot be any evidence of the veracity of this story. Well, let’s say he didn’t invent all this - he just simply imagined it. The subconscious reminded him that he was guilty before the deceased, but did not remember... But there are dozens of similar cases when completely strangers witness the appearance of ghosts!

This happened to Alexey M., who also lost his wife. She died of cancer very young. And a year after her death she began... to visit her husband. This happened every night. After midnight the doorbell rang. For some reason, Alexey felt that he should not open it right away, he waited for the deceased to knock... Svetlana always looked beautiful and healthy, and not emaciated, as before her death. She was wearing her favorite lilac dress and the shoes in which she was buried. At first they drank tea in the kitchen and talked.

The most interesting thing is that the woman sincerely considered herself alive! She claimed that she did not die at all, but moved to another apartment building. She talked about her neighbors, called them all by name... She said that she missed her husband very much, so she came to visit. She called Alexei to her place several times. But he refused - he understood that this would mean his earthly end. Then they went to bed. Moreover, Svetlana did not even take off her clothes and shoes. One day her husband tried to take her shoes off, but it didn’t work. And she, grinning, said: “Don’t be afraid, they are clean!” Indeed, the shoes did not leave any marks on the underwear.

Because of these visits, Alexey refused to meet other women, and even quarreled with his mother, who believed that her son should marry again. And his work colleagues began to look at him strangely - he was a healthy, handsome man, but he lived as an asshole. Of course, he was silent about visiting the dead. However, realizing that this was not normal, he told his story to paranormal researcher Viktor Afanasyev. He asked if he could be present when Svetlana’s ghost appeared.

At the appointed hour, when Victor was in Alexei’s apartment, there was a sharp knock on the door. A young beauty in a lilac dress stood on the threshold... She looked at the guest in bewilderment... and before his eyes she melted into thin air. The ghost turned out to be quite real!

In all three of the above cases, the key point is the connection of the deceased with physical reality. In the first episode, a deceased woman writes letters from the other world. Moreover, she does not admit that she is already dead, although she talks about her communication with the dead... In the second case, the deceased wife behaves somehow very casually for a guest from the other world - she prepares dinner for her husband, hangs the robe on the back of the chair... In the third, the deceased does not consider herself to be such, she believes that she is alive.

The conclusion suggests itself - there is no “”, those who leave this world do not even realize that they have died! They continue to act as if they are alive. Moreover, they are alive in the most literal sense – physical! Probably, for them, leaving for the “world of the dead” looks like “moving” to another place. Moreover, the place is quite material.

It looks like a “subtle world” only for us. Perhaps this is the theory of reincarnation: the soul travels from one material world to another, sometimes falling again into the same dimension. Moreover, for the inhabitants of each of the worlds, the inhabitants of another dimension, due to certain physical laws, are ethereal phantoms!

Ghost traps...

Sergei Volkov, a candidate of sciences from Penza, has created a scientific laboratory that studies fine-material anomalies (as researchers call ghosts, goblins and other entities. The scientist assures that with the help of special equipment it is possible to “summon” the inhabitants of the afterlife dimension into our world. For this, an ordinary TV is tuned on a channel that is free from broadcasts. A video camera and two mirrors are placed opposite: one behind the TV facing the lens, and the second behind the camera. This creates a closed mirror “trap” for otherworldly vibrations. This is called the “resonant loop method.”

An object belonging to the deceased with whom they want to come into contact is placed between the TV and the camera. A thing that carries a particle of the deceased’s energy is a kind of catalyst for the process... Of course, not every “communication session” ends in real contact. But researchers have already obtained the first recordings of ghost images. True, they look quite blurry, but you can immediately determine that this is a human face. Typically, the deceased appear on screen in the prime of their lives, regardless of their age or state of health before their death. Sergei Volkov believes that “subtle beings” are always present next to us, but they can only be seen under appropriate conditions - for example, after a rain or thunderstorm, when the air is highly electrified. Objects of the subtle world that fall within the range of visibility are often mistaken for UFOs.

It is also possible to summon spirits artificially, for example, using magical rituals. According to Volkov, we are also talking about working with subtle energy vibrations. It’s not for nothing that girls tell fortunes about their betrothed with the help of mirrors and candles. Researchers are doing essentially the same thing, only using more advanced instruments. In addition, Sergei Nikolaevich has a “magic wand”, made using the technology of magicians of the 17th century and which is a stick made of walnut wood with tips made of a special material and thin silver wire inside. But the scientist does not reveal the secret of using a magic wand to anyone - moreover, he assures that in the hands of an inexperienced person this can turn into a serious danger. Most likely, it's all about the same electrical conductivity.

Perhaps there are “transitional” worlds into which the soul (essence) of a person enters before a new birth. While there, she can sometimes keep in touch with her loved ones from her previous incarnation. Maybe this is exactly what we see in our world. For some reason, the deceased may remain in a transitional state for quite a long time, and then they say that his soul “finds no peace.”

1.- Why do some cry, others sing, and others smile at the moment of death?

Answer : This question consists of three parts: firstly, it is known that a person cries at birth and cries at death. Secondly, there are cases when the dying person sings, remembering happy moments from his past, and thirdly, people smile (although this does not happen often), perhaps remembering pleasant scenes from their lives.

2.- Who orders the soul to leave the body so that the body can be buried?

Answer: At the moment when a dying person takes his last breath, the angel of death - their legions - comes to his deathbed. The angel of the underworld cuts the silver cord or thread of life that connects the soul to the physical body. A dying person usually sees such an angel in the form of a ghost, and the scythe that appears to him is certainly real. This working tool serves precisely so that this deity can cut off the thread of existence.

3.- What do the dead eat and what do they pay with?

Answer: In Mexico, we have a day of the dead - it is celebrated on the second of November every year. On this day, people go to the cemetery, place lighted candles on the grave and place them in plates, pots, bowls, etc. food and drinks that the deceased enjoyed during life. It is the custom of many people to eat these leftovers afterwards, and anyone with psychic sensitivity can notice that there is no vital principle in these dishes. Ordinary people are absolutely sure that their beloved deceased eats these foods.

Without a doubt, the dead really eat - but not the physical part of the food, but the ethereal, subtle part, which cannot be seen with physical vision, but can be perceived with the help of clairvoyance; we must not forget that in any physical food there is etheric food, easily digestible by the dead.

Disembodied people can enter a restaurant in the physical world - they will greet the living, and their subconscious will answer them, they will ask for food, and it is obvious that the inner Ego of the restaurant owners will bring to the table mental forms similar to the dishes and food that are available in this establishment. The discarnate will sit in the dining room, eat from these etheric plates made from the matter of the mental world, pay with mental money and leave the restaurant. Under such circumstances it is obvious that the dead continue to believe that they are alive, and this can be confirmed by any person who has developed clairvoyance and other powers of the soul.

4.- Where do the dead live?

Answer: The first days after death, the dead live in the house or in the hospital where they died, and then, since they need to relive their ended life, they, of course, live in the places where they lived before.

5.- How do the dead dress?

Answer: The way they were used to dressing during life; They usually dress in the clothes in which they were buried.

6.- What kind of entertainment do the dead have?

Answer: Of course, the drunkard will continue to go to eateries, the movie buff to the cinema, the gambler to the gambling houses, the corrupt woman to where she lived, and the libertine to her.

7.- Which sun shines on the dead?

Answer: The same sun that shines for the living also shines for the dead, only the dead see colors that go beyond the solar spectrum. They see colors that the retina of the physical eye of mortal people does not perceive.

8.- Do the dead wash themselves? And what kind of water?

Answer: Obviously, they wash themselves with the same water as the living, only they use the water of the Fourth Dimension.

9.- Why do some people die faster than others?

Answer: Because there are people who get too attached to the world. Of course, they do not want to leave it, and suffer in agony for many hours.

10.- What hope do the dead have?

Answer: Hopes are very diverse - depending on the qualities of the deceased. The miser's main hope - even after death - is to accumulate even more wealth, since his consciousness is asleep. The main hope of a man in love is to have women who will love, adore, and idolize him. The main hope of a deeply religious person is to enter the ineffable worlds of light, etc.

11.- What does the soul seek after leaving the body?

Answer: The soul seeks what it loves: a mother seeks her son and sometimes she becomes visible; the husband is looking for his wife, if of course he adored her; and the one who buries treasures in the ground looks for them in the place where he left them, etc.

12.- Do the dead have authorities like in the physical world?

Answer: Authorities exist in all corners of the universe - both among the living and the dead. For example, demons rule over lost souls living in the underworld; in the ineffable worlds, those who stand at the top of the hierarchical ladder rule. However, since people's consciousness is in a dream, they continue to obey the same authorities that were in the physical world.

13.- How do the dead see the world of the living?

Answer: They see the same streets, the same cities and the same people that they would see if they were alive.

14.- Why doesn’t a dead person understand that he is dead?

Answer: The dead continues to believe that he is alive because his consciousness is asleep, and it takes great effort to convince him that he does not belong to the world of the living. Since the dead see everything exactly the same as they saw during life, of course, they do not suspect that they have died.

15.- What do the dead do?

Answer: After death, people engage in the same activities as during life, since they do not suspect that they have died.

16.- Can a dead person move wherever he wants, just like during life?

Answer: The dead have complete freedom of movement throughout the universe and can visit any place.

17.- What light illuminates the dead?

Answer: They are illuminated by the astral light. This is the light that comes from the solar halo and is attracted to the earth by the force of gravity and the heaviness of the atmosphere.

18.- Do people feel pain at the moment of death?

Answer: Death is painful for the young and pleasant for the old. It is like a fruit: when it is ripe it falls under its own weight, but when it is still green it does not fall and one can say that it suffers when it is picked.

19.- Can a deceased person recognize his body in a coffin?

Answer: The dead can see their body but do not recognize it because their consciousness is asleep and they never believe that it is their own body and think that it is the body of another person.

20.- And if a person realized that he had died, could he return to his body before he was buried?

Answer: Once the thread of life is cut, it is no longer possible to return to your body. In this case, if a person realizes that he has really died, he will either be terribly afraid or happy - it all depends on the moral state of the deceased.

21.- What consolation does the soul receive when the body dies?

Answer: The prayers of the grieving serve as consolation for the disembodied. We need to pray for the dead.

22.- Are there predetermined days, hours and minutes of death?

Answer: Every person who comes into this world receives a supply of life meanings; when this supply runs out, death occurs. It should be explained that we can accumulate these life values ​​and prolong our lives. Those who do not know how to accumulate them disincarnate very quickly.

23.- Can a dead person take a living person with him to the world of the dead?

Answer: We Gnostics learn to leave the physical body at will, then we can visit the world of the dead. The dead can also, in some cases, lead the souls of their friends. This occurs most often during sleep, but after natural sleep these people return to the physical world. This means that encounters with the dead occur during the sleep of the physical body.

24.- Are there planes, cars, trains in the world of the dead like in the physical world?

Answer: All inventions that exist in the physical world came from the world of the dead. These objects are essentially mental forms that disembodied people can see, hear, feel and touch.

According to the beliefs of many peoples, after death a person does not disappear completely. His soul leaves the body and moves to In any religion, the issue of death and what happens to a person after it is given quite a lot of attention. According to Christian teaching, the souls of the dead spend the first two days on Earth. Moreover, those who are not very virtuous wander not far from the place where their body lies. The righteous go to where they have done good deeds.

From the third day the soul begins its journey through heaven. On the ninth, the angels accompany her to hell, also for familiarization. At the end of forty days, she appears before the court of the Lord.

The ancient Egyptians had a special attitude towards death. They believed that the souls of the dead were divided into two parts: good and bad. The tradition of making mummies is primarily due to the fact that the Egyptians believed in the resurrection of all the dead in the body that they had during life. They, like, say, the Scythians, included sacrifices in the burial ritual - mainly various animals, and often people. Such a cruel tradition is associated primarily with the belief that the objects placed in the tomb will be useful to the deceased in

It is believed that those who practice magic leave the body within six days.

At the same time, she suffers until the sorcerer gives his gift to someone present by touching his hand. After this, the soul of the deceased person goes to heaven, to the habitats of others like it. Perhaps these are echoes of some ancient rituals. Most likely related to the continuity of knowledge.

Nowadays, one can observe a surge of interest in this topic. She invariably attracts the attention of the average person. The souls of the dead are summoned by various kinds of psychics and sorcerers. Even scientists are engaged in such research. One of the novelties in this mystical area was the use of a computer to communicate with the dead. A rather interesting session was conducted by scientists Tikhoplavs, authors of several books (“Harmony of Chaos, or Fractal Reality,” etc.) dedicated to the study of the subtle world. A contact attempt was made by Tatyana and Vitaly using a computer with Windows XP.

Communication with the souls of the dead took place in the form of dialogue through During the session, a completely meaningful conversation took place with a certain mystical group “Center”. According to scientists who have dealt with such issues, the dead often try by hook or by crook to get in touch with the living, using in our time not outdated saucers and tablets, but new telecommunications, including computers.

Perhaps the most impressive experiment concerning such a question as the souls of the dead was carried out in Belgium. Researchers from several countries took part in it. During the session, the hall was visited by a luminous figure who typed more than 800 words on a computer. It was, according to those present, the clairvoyant Madame Menard, who had recently died, with whom the above-described experiment had previously been agreed upon. Menard was terminally ill and knew she was going to die.
