A quick but very beautiful and delicious cake. Simple cake recipes

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We have collected for you recipes for the most delicious and easy-to-prepare cakes, so that you can pamper yourself and those around you with sweets as often as possible! This is only the first part of a collection of simple cake recipes, wait for part 2 to continue. To be continued...

Cake "Mother-in-Law"

Ingredients for cooking: three hundred grams of flour, two hundred grams of butter, fifty grams. milk, a pinch of salt, 50 gr. sugar, 2 yolks.
For the filling: two tablespoons of breadcrumbs, ten egg whites, two hundred grams. walnuts, eight egg yolks, 1/4 kg sugar, vanillin.

You need to knead the ingredients into a dough. Divide it into several parts and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour, place half of the dough, brush with the filling, cover with the rest of the dough, brush the surface with egg and prick with a fork. Bake the cake in the oven.
Method for preparing the filling. Beat the yolks and sugar until foamy, gradually add ground nuts, egg white foam, vanillin, and breadcrumbs.

Cake "Heap"

Prepare the dough for choux pastries, to do this, take 1/4 liter of water and boil it with one hundred grams of margarine, one teaspoon of sugar. Remove from heat, quickly add a glass of flour, stir until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The dough should fall away from the bottom of the pan. Beat four eggs one at a time.

Place the dough on a baking sheet. Bake small cakes. Cut each one and place a walnut inside. Then stack the cakes in a pile. And pour a can of condensed milk on top, which you mix with yogurt. Make chocolate glaze by mixing cocoa, sugar, butter. Pour the glaze on top of the cake to soak it, put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Cake "Beautiful Maria"

Ingredients for preparing the dough: four yolks, four cups of flour, four hundred gr. margarine, fifty gr. vodka, five teaspoons of soda.
For the cream, use one can of condensed milk.

For the cream, take two glasses of milk, one glass of sugar, stir one egg thoroughly, cook over low heat until the sugar melts. Three hundred gr. add two tablespoons of butter and beat well

Knead the dough, divide into four parts and place in a cool place. Beat four whites until thick foam with 1 and 1/3 cups of sugar, add the same amount of nuts. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, place it on a baking sheet, and spread the egg whites and nuts mixture on top. Bake until light golden brown. Thus, you need to bake four cakes. Grease the finished shortcakes with the first and second cream. Decorate the top with walnuts.

Sand cake

This is a unique and very tasty cake. When baked, apricots develop a sour taste. But together with the sour filling and sweet cream, it is not cloying. If you don’t like this taste, you can replace fresh apricots with canned ones.

Ingredients for preparing the dough: one hundred gr. butter, chop finely and mix with 100 grams of sugar and one egg.

Sift 1/4 kg of flour, add half a spoon of baking powder and knead the dough. Place the dough in a mold that is greased with butter. It is more convenient to bake the cake in a mold with removable sides. Distribute the dough into the mold, make a side. Prick it in several places with a fork to prevent it from puffing up during baking. Place in the oven, which you preheat to 180 degrees, and bake for twenty minutes.

While the dough is baking, prepare the cream.
Ingredients for cooking: Mix 75 gr. flour, one bag of vanillin, fifty gr. butter, one hundred gr. sugar, three yolks.

Pour 375 milliliters of milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil and leave on low heat. Add the cream directly to the milk, stirring. Stir for a few minutes until the cream becomes thick. Place warm cream on the crust. For filling 750 gr. Cut the apricots and remove the pits. Press the apricots into the cream.

Bake the cake for forty minutes in the oven, which you preheat to 180 degrees. Remove the finished product from the mold, cool and sprinkle with powder.

Ingredients for preparing the dough: two cups of flour, six eggs, two cups of sugar
Ingredients for preparing the cream: a can of condensed milk and two hundred grams of butter.

The dough needs to be made as for charlotte. Take flour, eggs and granulated sugar, mix, if anyone likes, add vanilla sugar, a few spoons of cognac or liqueur to taste. Pour everything onto a rimmed baking sheet and bake for half an hour until done. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly. Cut a circle from a square piece on a baking sheet, place the remaining edges in a bowl and knead with your hands.

Mix these crumbs with a small amount of cream so that it does not turn out too thick. Place the circle on a tray and cut the cake lengthwise and in half. Soak the bottom half with the mixture: wine or vodka, plus jam. Place the cream crumb filling on top, then cover with the remaining half. Spread the remaining cream on top. You can decorate the cake with cream of a different color.

"Love you"

Products: cake layers, cream of thirty-three percent fat content.

Buy any cake crust, a very good Ryzhik crust. Cut the workpiece into three or four layers. Whip the cream until it becomes a thick mass. Halfway through the process, add a few tablespoons of sugar. Take the first cake layer and moisten it with any impregnation (alcohol), then spread it with a thick layer of cream. Do the same with other cakes. Use the remaining cream to brush the sides of this cake. Start decorating with fruit, chocolate shavings, or anything else.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of cookies, two bananas, two kiwis, one orange, vanillin, gelatin, one glass of sugar, eight hundred gr. sour cream.

Cooking method. Brew the gelatin for forty minutes, during which time beat the sour cream with vanilla and sugar. Cut fruits into small pieces: oranges, bananas, kiwis. Take a deep pan, line the bottom with cling film so that its edges extend out. Mix gelatin with sour cream.

Let's make the cake. Place kiwi on the bottom of the mold and place cookies on the side. Then pour a small amount of sour cream, add fruits, cookies, and make everything in layers.

Cover the cake with film and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Then open the film, bring a plate and turn the cake over onto the plate. Remove the film. If desired, sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake.

Ingredients for preparing one cake: two glasses of flour, a spoonful of soda, cocoa, one glass of milk, one glass of sugar, two eggs.

Cooking method. Mix eggs with sugar, flour, add milk. Quench the soda and add to the dough. Mix well and bake. But you can divide the dough into several parts, add cocoa to one of them. Place a tablespoon of strips into the pan in a checkerboard pattern. If you bake several cakes, soak them in sweet impregnation and glue them together with cream or condensed milk. If desired, decorate with something on top.

The following video will show you how to make a simple chocolate cake. Bon appetit!

Cakes are an excellent dessert, both for a festive dinner and for the everyday menu. There are so many recipes for this delicacy that you can easily choose the one that you and all your family members will like.

And certainly a homemade cake will turn out much better than a store-bought one, because when preparing it you will put all your love and, most importantly, effort into it! So, what kind of baking can you make yourself and without much effort? Let's consider several ways.


  • four eggs;
  • flour – 170 grams;
  • sugar – 120 grams for dough and a glass for cream;
  • vanilla powder – 1 small spoon;
  • baking powder – 5 grams;
  • 50 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 3 large bananas;
  • 500 ml sour cream with 20% fat content.

It will take us about an hour to prepare. Calorie content per 100 grams will be 220 kcal.

The easiest cake recipe at home, step by step:

Quick quiche

What ingredients will you need:

  • 5 cake layers for honey cake;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar – 170 grams;
  • 80 grams of flour;
  • chocolate (small) – 1 piece.

Cooking will take approximately 30 minutes, calorie content will be 250 kcal.

An easy recipe for a quick cake at home, step by step:

Chocolate cake without flour

Another easy cake recipe at home, which doesn’t even require flour.

For cooking take:

  • eggs – 6 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 170 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 60 grams;
  • 200 grams of cream with 20% fat content;
  • dark chocolate – 2 bars;
  • a small piece of butter for greasing.

It will take 1 hour to cook, the calorie content per 100 grams will be 185 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Sponge cake with fruit and whipped cream

What components will be needed for the biscuit:

  • eggs – 4 pieces;
  • sugar - glass;
  • flour – 150 grams;
  • vanilla powder on the tip of a knife.

For cream:

  • half a liter of cream with a fat content of 30-35%;
  • 4 large spoons of powdered sugar.

Syrup for soaking cakes:

  • ½ glass of water;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • cognac, liqueur, whiskey or rum – 30 ml.


It will take approximately 2 hours to cook. Calorie content will be 265 kcal.

Despite the slightly long list of ingredients, this will also be an easy cake recipe.

How we will cook:

Cake "Tenderness"

What components are needed for the biscuit:

  • eggs – 6 pieces;
  • 170 grams of flour;
  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • baking powder - a pinch.

For filling:

For cream:

  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 80 grams;
  • butter – 100 grams;
  • small chocolate bar.

It will take about an hour to cook, the calorie content will be 185 kcal.

How to make a cake:

  • To make the cake base airy, baking powder or baking soda should be added to the dough;
  • To prevent the cake from burning during baking, it is better to lay baking paper on the pan;
  • You can decorate baked goods with marmalade, fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits, and grated chocolate.

Making a cake at home using the easy recipes described above is an interesting process during which you can show your imagination. Make an original filling from fruits, nuts, raisins and other delicious ingredients. The finished baked goods will be tasty, aromatic and very tender!

And in addition - another recipe for a simple and delicious cake.

When I'm looking for the right homemade cake recipe, I'm not so much interested in endlessly vast collections as I am in truly proven recipes for cakes at home, with step-by-step photos and caring explanations so that you feel like you can do it the first time. This section contains recipes specifically for beginner home confectioners. Simple, affordable products, names that are familiar and dear to the heart - honey cake, sour cream, “Anthill”, “Flight”, “Napoleon”. Choose, bake and enjoy!

French cake "Frezier"

Quite easy to prepare and very impressive-looking cake according to an authentic French recipe. A biscuit base, custard and, without fail, fresh strawberries, from which the pattern characteristic of this cake is laid out on the sides.

Chocolate cream for cake

Just as a king is made by his retinue, so the cream makes the cake. No matter how delicious your cakes are, the wrong cream can ruin all your baking efforts. But even if your cakes are very simple, a good cream will raise them to the level of a culinary masterpiece. This chocolate cream belongs to the category of just such confectionery miracles.

Classic Napoleon cake from Soviet times

The classic Napoleon recipe, which was written down in the notebooks of most Soviet housewives. The recipe is extremely inexpensive. Requires some time. Everyone gets it right the first time.

Cake "Ryzhik"

You will find the recipe for the Ryzhik cake in many cookbooks of Soviet times - it was extremely popular due to the fact that the ingredients included in its composition were available in an era of shortages and were inexpensive. Now budget cake recipes have become very relevant again. So we quickly load into the time machine and are transported to the 80s of the last century, reproducing in our kitchen one of the famous Soviet culinary tricks - how to make something out of nothing. And “Ryzhik” is really “something”. Juicy, fragrant, tender cake.

Cake in a frying pan with condensed milk

If you have already tried many recipes for cakes in a frying pan, but have not yet been satisfied with the result, then try this recipe. The cake will turn out really soft, tender, with a rich taste. Consolidation. The dough is very simple, with condensed milk, custard cream - it soaks the cakes perfectly.

The simplest sponge cake

The simplest cake that exists in nature, everyone can always make it, suitable for culinary classes with schoolchildren, for example. It tastes excellent too! What can motivate culinary creativity more than the first successful experience?

Anthill cake made from cookies

A cake made from store-bought cookies, condensed milk, walnuts, cocoa and chocolate with the addition of coconut flakes - the recipe is ideal for cooking in the country and even in conditions where there is no oven at hand.

Cake "Mole Mink"

A very original homemade cake, the recipe for which turns out to be unexpectedly simple. There is no oil in the composition. Creamy soufflé, chocolate sponge cake and fresh bananas.

Classic honey cake

A classic of Soviet home cooking. Thin honey choux pastry cakes and lots of sour cream. The recipe is cheap, simple, and it’s not for nothing that it was so widely popular. In my house they only baked honey cake.

Simple classic sour cream

The simplest homemade cake with a 200-year history. Familiar and loved since childhood, which you want to bake again and again.

The easiest pancake cake

Easy to prepare homemade cake. Pancakes made with milk are used as cake layers. Custard cream, more interesting in taste than sour cream.

Classic cake "Anthill"

A delicious and easy-to-prepare homemade cake made from shortbread crumbs and cream with the right condensed milk. Good recipe, try it!

Cake "Lady fingers"

A witty and wonderfully simple cake recipe that can be easily recreated at home. A bunch of tiny eclairs are placed in a mold and filled with sour cream.

Pumpkin cheesecake

Classic American pumpkin spice cheesecake recipe. Baked in the oven. It is described in detail with step-by-step photos how to bake a cheesecake in the oven without constructing a structure floating in a baking tray with water. Everything is much simpler!

The simplest cream made from butter and condensed milk

The simplest butter pastry cream for cakes, which is easiest to prepare at home. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportion.

Quick “Napoleon” cake, made from ready-made puff pastry

A simplified version of the famous homemade cake recipe. Between the cakes there is cream with boiled condensed milk and apricot jam. Yummy! Even a schoolboy can handle the preparation.

Cake "Chocolate Focus"

If you are looking for a recipe for your first cake, then I sincerely advise you to take the chocolate cake recipe without cream. You just mix the ingredients, wait for the cake to rise in the oven and you will be amazed at how tasty and juicy it is, as if soaked in buttercream.

Snickers cake, a memory of the 90s

The recipe is nostalgic for the 90s of the last century, when Snickers were an outlandish delicacy and housewives tried to reproduce their enlarged copies at home. The cake, by the way, turned out excellent in the end.

No-bake cake made from cookies and cottage cheese

The recipe for this cake is a lifesaver for those who need a cake for the holiday table, but don’t have a stove at hand. The recipe is especially often used by mothers of children who celebrate birthdays at the dacha.

Strawberry cheesecake in a slow cooker

A successful culinary experiment - Strawberries and Cream cheesecake. Fresh strawberry puree is added to the cheese cream. Baked in a slow cooker.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

It took me a long time to gather my courage before I decided to bake a cheesecake. The thought that you need a one-piece form, which must be wrapped in foil, and then sent this structure to float in a baking tray with water, filled me with... some horror :) But when I found out that you can do without all these difficulties if you bake a cheesecake in a slow cooker, I immediately decided to try it. It turned out so good that I baked two cheesecakes in a row and am already about to make a third. It turned out to be easier than cottage cheese casserole. There is no need to beat anything. I compacted the cookies, filled them with cream and that was it. Cheesecake in a slow cooker does not crack or dry out. In general, the conditions turned out to be ideal.

Striped cake with blackberries and whipped cream

Surprisingly, but true: at home it is quite possible to prepare such an amazing cake that seems like a miracle of confectionery art. In fact, the key to all miracles is technology. Everything is simple here. The vertical stripes on the cut are due to the fact that this cake is actually a gigantic roll lying cut side up on a plate.

The same “Flight” cake. A recipe for returning to childhood

You can't buy a cake like this in a store anymore. No one will whip cream from natural butter and add expensive vanilla and real cocoa to it. Yes, and not scary. This is one of the simplest cake recipes according to GOST. You’re even surprised that the whites for the meringue are whipped so tightly, the cakes are evenly dried in the oven, and as for the Charlotte cream, my peers probably learned how to make it in labor lessons. In general, you are guaranteed to be amazed that you can make such a cake yourself.

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Sometimes even an experienced housewife has the idea to cook something as simple as possible, but at the same time beautiful and tasty. For example, cake. A simple recipe should consist of readily available ingredients, and the entire process should take a minimum of time and effort. Do you think such dishes are only suitable for a snack? But no! There are many simple ones that will look very decent even on a holiday table.

In this article we will look at the most beautiful, delicious and very easy to prepare.

Improvement proposals

How to save time and effort? There are many ways, the most common of which involves the use of semi-finished products. For example, you don’t have to bake the cakes, but use ready-made ones, and you just need to dilute the cream from the pack with water and boil it. But often the effect of such products is disappointing. It’s better to go the other way - make the cake yourself. A simple recipe, of course, may contain ready-made ingredients, but not consist entirely of them.

"Nimble Napoleon"

To prepare such a cake you will need any. The well-known “Ears” are perfect. You can use any mold in which the cake will be formed. Line it with cling film or foil.

We will need 700 g of cookies. Set one quarter aside, break into pieces, and roll with a rolling pin. The resulting crumbs are necessary for decoration. A good cream will complement this cake recipe.

It is easy to prepare according to the following recipe. Beat 300 ml of boiled condensed milk with a mixer, gradually add a pack of topped butter to it. Before use, the oil should be placed on the table to soften at room temperature. The cream will be smooth and homogeneous. In a bowl, mix “Ears” and cream, carefully fill the form. Place the cake in the refrigerator for an hour, then remove, turn over and coat the top and sides with crumbs. This cake is in no way inferior to other varieties of Napoleon, which would require a lot more tinkering.

"Gingerbread Castle"

Surely this recipe for a homemade simple cake is familiar to many from childhood. To prepare it you will need 1 kg of small gingerbread. If you get large ones, cut them into pieces lengthwise. Banana cream is perfect for this dessert. Beat a glass of rich sour cream with a mixer, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Mash two bananas with a fork and mix with cream. Prepare a large dish. Dip each gingerbread into the cream and stack them in a heap, closer to each other in the shape of a castle. In just a couple of hours the cake will be ready to be served.


This cake is sometimes called “Demobilization”, because in the army for many it is the only dessert option. To prepare it, take 800 g of the simplest cookies with baked milk, a can of condensed milk and a stick of butter. Break the cookies into pieces, mix with butter and condensed milk, place on a plate in a heap and let stand in the refrigerator for half an hour. This dessert turns out surprisingly tasty and looks aesthetically pleasing. It’s not for nothing that they say that beauty is in simplicity.

This recipe for a simple cake at home can be improved so that it will look decent even at a holiday. Generously pour melted chocolate over it and it will sparkle in a completely different way. And for decoration you can use cocktail cherries, roasted nuts, and candied fruits.

Curd banana cake

Many people had the opportunity to try similar simple cakes in childhood. Recipes with photos of cottage cheese desserts often evoke nostalgic feelings. In the Soviet Union, this dessert was very popular among young mothers and caring grandmothers.

To prepare it, puree 0.5 kg of cottage cheese in a blender, adding sugar and cream to taste. The curd mass should be quite thick. Prepare 300 grams of any sweet shortbread cookies in a square or rectangular shape. Heat a glass of milk by adding vanilla sugar. Dipping the cookies in milk, place them on foil, forming a path approximately 10x30 cm in size. Place the cottage cheese tightly on top, giving it the shape of a house. Make walls on both sides from cookies dipped in milk. In cross-section, such a cake usually has a triangular shape. Prepare this simple dessert, and your efforts will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults.


This name hides an unusual cake. True, sometimes it is called differently - “Broken Glass”, but not everyone finds this name appetizing. It is prepared from multi-colored jelly.

Place 3-4 packs in different containers to freeze in advance. When it has completely hardened, cut into cubes. Beat 500 ml sour cream with 1.5 tbsp. sugar, add steamed gelatin, stir, add colored jelly cubes. Cut 300 grams of biscuit cookies into pieces. Place in the mold and leave to harden overnight. When you turn the pan over, the sponge cake will be on the bottom.

Simple and similar cakes with jelly are especially good in the summer, when you don’t want to bother with the oven.

Crazy "Crazy Cake"

Such baked goods will delight even those who, for some reason, do not eat animal products. In some cookbooks, this cake, the simple recipe of which came to us from the USA, is hidden under the name “Vegan Cake”. It contains only plant products.

Mix 1.5 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. soda Add 5 tbsp to the mixture. l. cocoa. Separately combine 1 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. refined oil and 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar. Combine both parts, stir and pour into a dry form. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven, checking for doneness with a skewer. The cake turns out very fluffy, beautiful and fragrant. You can decorate it with any favorite cream.

Lazy cake "Kyiv"

If you're looking for an easy birthday cake recipe, this one might be a lifesaver. This recipe may also be useful for those who do not have an oven.

Blend 250 g of shortbread cookies (for example, “Yubileinoe”) with a blender. Add 100 g of softened butter and 100 g of condensed milk. Melt a 100-gram milk chocolate bar in the microwave or in a water bath and add it to the cookie dough. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts. Cover the bottom of the springform pan with cling film and carefully distribute half the mixture. Cover with film and make a second cake layer. Place the mold in the cold for 15 minutes.

At this time, break 200 grams of Meringue cookies or any other meringue-based cookie with your hands. Roast a handful of walnuts or peanuts in a dry frying pan. Beat condensed milk (1 b.) with butter (150 g), and then carefully add meringue crumbs and nuts. It's time to assemble the cake. Place half of the cream on the first cake layer, cover with the second cake layer and spread the cream again. You can decorate this cake with nuts or meringue crumbs. It tastes very much like the classic “Kyiv”, and preparation will only take you half an hour.

Cake in the microwave

Did you know that you can prepare a delicious, simple cake not only in the oven? The recipe with photo below will help you make sure that even a regular microwave can be used for this purpose.

First, lightly beat 2 eggs with a fork, and then add exactly half a glass of the following ingredients to them:

  • vegetable oil;
  • milk;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar.

At the very end, add a glass of flour mixed with a pinch of baking powder. You need to bake the cake for 5 minutes at 900 W. You don’t need to take it out right away, let it rest for another 10 minutes - then you can easily remove it from the mold. Cut the finished sponge cake into 2 layers, spread with custard, and decorate as you wish.

You can quickly prepare custard using the following recipe. Grind 2 yolks and 80 g of sugar, gradually add 3 tbsp. l. flour and 400 g of milk. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Take it out, mix it, put it back for a minute. On average you may need 4-5 minutes.

Pancake cake

A simple recipe, which we will look at next, recommends frying in a frying pan. And to make the cake even more beautiful, we will make chocolate pancakes - they are simply amazing combined with snow-white cream. To prepare the dough, mix a glass of flour with four tablespoons of cocoa and half a glass of sugar. Add a pinch of baking powder. Separately, stir 350 ml of warm milk with one egg and a small amount of refined vegetable oil. Make a hole in the pile and pour liquid into it. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.

You need to bake pancakes in a heated frying pan. Make them fluffier and thicker than regular pancakes for a tastier cake.

As a cream for such a treat, you can use ready-made whipped cream in a container. Layer the pancake layers and grease the sides and top of the cake. Pour melted dark chocolate over the treat and decorate with pieces of fruit.

Cakes with condensed milk

Here's another wonderful recipe for making a cake using a frying pan. It is fundamentally different from pancake dough, because the dough for it is not poured, but dense, which needs to be rolled out.

Knead the dough from 1 b. condensed milk, 1 egg and 500 g flour. Add baking powder or slaked soda, knead thoroughly, roll into a ball. Flour can be added if necessary. Cut the dough into 7-8 pieces, roll out thinly with a rolling pin to the size of the pan. Fry the cakes on both sides, let cool and form the cake. Cream cheese is perfect for this type of cake. It is very easy to prepare - you just need to beat 200 g of mascarpone and the same amount of butter with a mixer, and then add powdered sugar to taste.

As you can see, there are many desserts that can be easily prepared at home. They help not only save time and effort, but also help young housewives get acquainted with home cooking. If you are just starting to learn the art of confectionery, first master simple recipes - this will be a great start for more complex techniques.

A type of sweet pies. The first cakes are of Italian origin. In Italian, a pastry chef is a cake maker - tortaio. The famous French proverb “There is no arguing about tastes” in Italian sounds like “There is no arguing about cakes.”The word “torte” itself means curl in Italian and refers to the intricate, twisting cream decorations that are made on top of cakes.

Cakes are usually large (sometimes very large - up to a meter in diameter) confectionery products in the shape of a low cylinder or having an elliptical, rectangular, triangular and even pyramidal and conical shape.

A common external feature of cakes is their decoratively processed surface, for which different, dissimilar confectionery methods are used, with the common goal of creating an attractive product.

Since cakes are predominantly ceremonial, festive products dedicated to some events in the family or social life of people, their appearance, external surface, design, decorative qualities play a much greater role for people than their fundamental, essential properties. Therefore, the tendency to distinguish cakes not by the type of preparation and type of dough, but by names that distinguish them by a visible, external sign has penetrated into everyday life and trade and has become stronger: chocolate cake, fruit cake, cream cake, etc., and sometimes by names that have nothing to do with the confectionery essence and rather hide, but do not at all reflect the content of the cake: “Gift”, “Youth”, “Fairy Tale”, “Anniversary”, etc. - and are accepted only for advertising purposes.

Cooking: “From Europe with love. Baking from A to Z"

All cakes in confectionery terms can be divided into the following categories:

Real cakes or cakes baked whole. These are, in fact, sweet pies, most often half-open or closed, as well as solid products made from cake dough, which, after baking, are only slightly decoratively processed on top by applying glaze, applying citronates (see), etc. Their sweet part consists of jams, nuts, honey, and the dough in most cases is yeast. This type of cake is the best in quality, because it grew out of folk national sweet products of mainly Eastern peoples, prepared from natural high-quality food materials through long, careful processing of the dough and giving an overall tasty, healthy, nutritious product.

Italian style cakes, in which the dough part - the bottom, the outer shell (walls), and sometimes the top lid - is baked separately from the sweet - fruity, creamy - filling part and which are filled with any filling already cold. Italian cakes can undergo assembled form and undergo short-term secondary processing, the purpose of which is either to fuse the dissimilar materials placed in such a cake, or to glaze their surface, tinting it.

Prefabricated cakes. The most common and most diverse group of cakes, prepared from different materials, but using one method: they are assembled from different types of dough (the dough is baked separately as a semi-finished product, then layered and processed in various ways - impregnation, coating, pressing, applying decorative patterns, glaze and etc.).

According to the test used, this group is divided into the following types of cakes:

French. Made from biscuit or puff pastry. Biscuit dough can have different flavors (coffee, cocoa, almonds) and have different colors (egg yellow, light brown, dark chestnut). It is cut into narrow slices horizontally from large biscuits so that the cake has three (and not two, as we do) biscuit layers. The biscuit layers are soaked in syrups containing rum or cognac, and then placed on top of each other, alternately coated with marmalade, jam, and creams.

Puff pastry baked immediately into thin wide cake layers (or even thinner sheets). They are neither tranched nor soaked in syrups, like biscuits, but are directly layered on top of each other; The layers are coated with more liquid creams compared to biscuits. Puff pastry or waffles soften themselves gradually under the influence of the cream applied to them, so such cakes are left to stand for at least 6 hours after production so that complete impregnation occurs.

Viennese.In principle, they are assembled in the same way as the French ones, but for the base of the cakes they use yeast Viennese dough, and in biscuits, waffles and especially in puff pastry they use a spread of whipped cream. Instead of jam and cognac, milk-chocolate and milk-coffee combinations, combinations of whipped cream with egg creams are used mainly for spreading and impregnation.

Waffle cakes. The most monotonous, “boring” type of cake, consisting of wafers with coffee or chocolate dense and moisture-free coating, which is most often used with hastily prepared ganache mass (see). These cakes are more convenient to transport, they are stored for a long time, but they are rough and monotonous in taste.

Sand cakes. They are prepared from separately baked shortcrust pastry dies, which are then mounted into the cake. There is no impregnation of the dough base, but the coating is always fruit and berry, marmalade. These cakes are glazed on top with simple sugar icing and then decorated with cream or appliqués. This is the cheapest and most “dangerous” type of cake for overweight and overweight people.

"Liquid" cakes(typical for Great Britain). A layer of biscuit dough is placed on the bottom of a deep porcelain dish (or deep glass dish), then the entire dish is filled with pieces (sometimes scraps) of any shape and size from biscuits, nut cookies, babka, in complete disorder, so that between the fragments of the finished biscuit there is as many gaps as possible. When the dish is filled almost to the brim, first cognac syrup is poured into it, then liquid marmalade and, after adding a number of pieces of different cookies, butter-egg confectionery sweet cream is poured to the brim. Candied fruits, citronates, ground nuts can be placed on the surface of this cake, and the cake is placed in the refrigerator for a day. This type of cake does not need any decorations or any additional work - it is the simplest in terms of manufacturing technology and one of the most delicious. It reflected the British contempt for all sorts of pomp, for French show-off, and emphasized the importance of true content and taste: the cake on which no effort has been made to decorate turns out to be the most delicious, or at least one of the most delicious.

Curd cakes. Cakes baked entirely from curd and flour confectionery mass with the addition of lifting agents (soda, cream tartare, baking powder). These are delicious, pleasant, healthy cakes, the surface of which is covered with icing made from protein and sugar, and then decorated in the same way as regular dough cakes.

Baking according to GOST. Taste of our childhood!

Cake decorating techniques:

1.Surface glazing(top cake cover) with icing, egg white, thick cream, followed by drying.

2. Applications- application of ready-made decorative elements (balls, leaves, stars, etc.) from chocolate, caramel, candied fruits, citronates, etc.

3. Decorating with cream(s) using a pastry bag, a syringe and a set of cornets, using pre-prepared stencils made of paper or cardboard, the pattern of which the pastry chef repeats on the cake.V.V. Pokhlebkin. 2005.)

1. Delicious “Pancho Cake”

Cooking process:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam (10 minutes with a mixer).

2. Then, continuing to beat, add 1 cup of sugar in small portions.

3. Add egg yolks (one at a time).

4. Sift cocoa through a sieve so that there are no lumps, add into the dough and mix gently.

5. Then, in several additions, add flour and soda, quenched with lemon juice and baking powder.

6. Grease the mold with oil. Pour the dough and put it in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until done. If the surface is already baked but the middle is not, cover the top of the base with parchment or foil. The cake bakes for about an hour.

7. From the finished cooled sponge cake, cut the cake layer 1.5-2 cm high, and cut the rest into 3-4 cm cubes.

8. Beat sour cream. Beat for about 10 minutes until fluffy and fluffy.

9. Add 1 cup granulated sugar, beat for about 5 minutes.

10. Grease the cake with sour cream, add crushed walnuts.

11. Dip each piece of dough into cream and place on the cake. Fold the cake into a mound shape. Fill the cake with sour cream.

12. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and apply a characteristic pattern.

2. Popular Snickers cake

Cooking process:

Meringue crust: Beat 7 egg whites with 400 gr. sugar, make one cake with a diameter of 26 cm (draw a circle with a diameter of 24 cm on paper, and the cake will then spread out to 26 cm), and dry the remaining meringue sticks. A cake of 3-4 whites will be normal (for 1 white - 60 g .sugar).

Cream: A jar of boiled condensed milk and 150 g of plums. butter at room temperature) - beat.

Nuts: Roasted peanuts, 200 grams (or to taste) Chop not very finely with a rolling pin.


1. Beat softened butter with sugar until the butter turns white.

2. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Then add sour cream and beat well too.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, salt, soda and cocoa.

4. Add the dry ingredients to the butter-egg-sour cream mixture and stir until the flour has dissolved but the dough is still lumpy. There is no need to vigorously beat the dough with flour.

5. Preheat the oven to 160oC. Grease a large cake pan with butter and fill the pan 1/3 full with dough. A mold 24 cm in diameter works well. We check the readiness of the biscuit by piercing the biscuit with a knife or wooden stick. If the dough does not stick to the stick, then the biscuit can be taken out.


1. If you get a dry sponge cake, then soak it in sugar syrup or rich compote...

2. Cool the biscuit and cut into two halves.

3. Grease the surface with half the cream, sprinkle thickly with nuts.

4. Cover with meringue cake, also grease with cream and sprinkle b nuts.

5. Place sponge cake on top and press down slightly.

6. Pour chocolate icing and sprinkle with nuts.

3. Delicious chocolate Kefir cake “Nochenka”

Cooking process:

Preparing the cakes:

1. Add soda to warm kefir, add sifted flour, sugar, beat in 2 eggs and stir thoroughly. There is no need to extinguish the soda; it will be extinguished perfectly due to the acid of kefir. The dough will turn out liquid, like pancakes, so you can stir it with a mixer. Add cocoa to taste to the finished dough - from 4 to 8 tablespoons and stir thoroughly again. To prevent cocoa from becoming lumps, you can sift it through a sieve.

2. I cut out parchment paper on the bottom of the pan, the edges I grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina so that the cakes do not stick. I pour the dough 1 cm thick. Depending on the diameter of your mold, you will get a different number of cakes.

Preparation of cream:

1. Beat the eggs until stiff, add a little milk and 2 tablespoons of flour, beat again. Boil the rest of the milk with sugar and reduce the heat to low. In a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour the egg-flour mixture into the boiling sweet milk.

2. Continue stirring, especially carefully at the bottom, until the cream thickens. This usually takes 5 – 7 minutes.

3. The cream needs to be cooled to room temperature, and the oil, accordingly, needs to be heated to room temperature.

4. Stir warm butter into cooled cream until completely smooth. All that remains is to grease the cakes with cream and let them soak for at least 4 hours. If desired, you can decorate the top of the cake with whatever you like)!

4. Insanely delicious Cake with condensed milk “Sweet Fantasy”

Cooking process:

Let's take care of the cakes:

1. Take out the butter in advance so that it becomes soft.

2. Beat the eggs, add sugar and beat again. The sugar should dissolve.

3. Combine the egg-sugar mixture with sour cream and butter. Add flour, soda and replace the dough. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4. Then divide the dough into 3 parts and roll out thinly into a rectangle. There is no need to particularly observe the shape, because then the cakes will need to be trimmed, and the trimmings will be needed for decoration.

5. Place each layer on a baking sheet and pierce it in different places with a fork.

6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200°C.

7. Cool the finished cakes a little, place them on top of each other and trim the edges to make even rectangles.

8. Place the trimmings in the oven for 10 minutes so that they dry thoroughly and acquire a rich color, and then chop (optionally, roll with a rolling pin).

Now you can get busy cream:

1. Melt the chocolate. To do this, put it in a small deep plate for a couple of minutes in the microwave.

2. Combine boiled condensed milk with butter and melted chocolate and mix thoroughly.

3. Peel the peanuts, chop with a rolling pin, add to the cream and mix.

4. Grease each cake with cream.

5. Coat the top and edges of the last cake.

6. Sprinkle crumbs and grated chocolate on top.

7. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the cake is thoroughly soaked.

5. Very tasty "Big Strawberry Pancake Cake"

Cooking process:

1. Lightly beat the eggs with salt.

2. Add flour, milk, water, and melted butter one at a time, beating and mixing thoroughly after each stage.

3. Fry thin pancakes in a hot frying pan and place them on a separate clean plate before applying the cream.

4. Place sugar and egg whites in a water bath.

5. Keep in a water bath, whisking until the sugar dissolves.

6. Remove from heat and beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form.

7. Gradually add room temperature butter, mixing thoroughly so that no pieces of butter remain. Add vanilla, stir one last time.

8. Apply a little cream between the pancakes and all over the outside.

9. Garnish with thinly sliced ​​strawberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

10. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours until the cake hardens.

*Adjustment to the recipe: Vanillin NOT 2 teaspoons, but just a little...literally on the tip of a knife!

6. Unrealistically delicious " Chocolate cake"(without flour)!

Cooking process:

1. Beat the whites until elastic foam. Add half the sugar (75 g). Beat for another 1 minute. Beat the yolks until white with the remaining sugar. Add cocoa and mix gently. You should get a chocolate mass like this.

2. Gradually stir in the whites.

3. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and grease it with a thin layer of oil. Distributing the dough.

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30-35 minutes. The dough will rise first and then fall - don't be alarmed, this is normal. Let the cake cool. Cut it into 4 equal parts and separate it from the paper.

5. Making cream. To do this, heat the cream almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and add chocolate broken into pieces. Stir, wait until the chocolate dissolves and you get a homogeneous chocolate cream.

6. Lubricate the top layer, as well as the sides, with cream. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

7. After this you can enjoy...

7. Unique "Grated" cheesecake

Cooking process:

1. Heat the oven to 175 C. Grease the pie pan with butter and sprinkle with flour. In a large bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Then add butter, cocoa, sugar and milk.

2. Form the dough into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably in the freezer for one or two hours, so that the dough becomes as hard as possible for rubbing.

3. In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, egg yolks, lemon zest, vanilla sugar and cornstarch. Beat for at least 2 minutes.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff foam forms, but do not overdo it to prevent settling.

5. Mix the whites with the main mass (cheese, etc.).

6. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into 2 parts, grate one of them.

7. Distribute the ungrated dough into the pan. Then spread the cheese filling evenly.

8. Cover the top with a layer of grated dough.

9. Bake for about 45-50 minutes. Cool and serve.

8. Delicious Minutka Cake (no baking)

Cooking process:

Preparing the cakes:

1. Make the cake dough by mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). Divide the dough into 8 pieces.

2. Roll out one piece with a diameter larger than the frying pan and place it on a heated frying pan.

3. After a minute, turn over (the cakes fry very quickly).

4. Trim the removed cake (the trimmings will then be used to top the cake).

Preparing the cream:

1. Mix all the ingredients except the oil and put on the fire until thickened, while stirring vigorously.

2. At the end, add butter to the hot cream.

Making CAKE:

1. Grease the cakes with warm cream, sprinkle the top and sides with crushed crumbs.

2. Leave the cake for several hours to soak.

9. Loved by all women Cake pigeon's milk"(no baking)

Cooking process:

Pour 10 g of gelatin into a glass of cold water for the chocolate layer. Let it brew.

Mix sugar (4 tbsp) and cocoa powder (4 tbsp, I used Nesquik). When the gelatin swells, add sugar and cocoa. Heat until the gelatin dissolves.

Pour into prepared pan (greased). Place in the freezer to let the mixture harden for 20-30 minutes.

Gelatin (20 g) pour 1 glass of cold milk. Let the gelatin swell.

Beat sour cream, mascarpone, low-fat cream and 1 cup sugar until thick.

Warm up the gelatin swollen in milk and pour it into a container with the milk mass, without turning off the mixer, and beat until completely mixed. Leave for 10 minutes to allow the mixture to cool.

Remove the mold with the frozen chocolate layer from the freezer. Pour a white layer on top. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen. It's good to leave it overnight. Turn the form over and.....enjoy!
