Fire tiger and earth dragon. Compatibility of Dragon and Tiger - Love and Marriage

A man (Dragon) and a woman (Tiger) can easily create a harmonious and strong union. However, he is unlikely to be devoid of disagreements and quarrels. Because of this, both partners will have to show flexibility and wisdom in their relationship. In this article we will talk about the compatibility of Dragon and Tiger in marriage and love, as well as the problems that may arise for this rather hot couple.

Dragon man and Tiger woman: general compatibility

The Tiger woman needs to overcome herself and give in to the Dragon man

The union of these two people can become happy and long-lasting. After all, both partners have many similar character traits: first of all, activity, energy and creativity. And if they manage to suppress all emerging contradictions in the bud, then everything will work out more than perfectly for this couple. The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Tiger woman improves noticeably if the partners have one thing in common. After all, then they will be able to realize their full creative and intellectual potential.

Both individuals are extremely creative and extraordinary in their own right. It is very difficult to call their union quiet and measured. After all, each partner will try to take a leadership position in the relationship. And there may not be a winner in this fight. Therefore, it is important for the Tigress woman to “slam on the brakes” in time and give up her place as the leader in the family - the Dragon. In this case, this couple will have chances for a bright future.

On the other hand, the Dragon man should not put pressure on his chosen one. After all, Tigresses will not tolerate this due to their extreme temper and expressiveness. By the way, both partners are incredibly temperamental, so such a couple should prepare in advance for numerous conflicts and quarrels. However, over time there will be fewer and fewer such quarrels. With each year of marriage, partners will become imbued with more and more respect for each other.

Dragon Man: general character traits, advantages and disadvantages

If the Dragon needs to make a quick and correct decision, he will do it with ease. It is this quality that many of the people around him envy (kindly). The Dragon man is endowed with amazing intuition and strong character. And this allows him to emerge victorious from a number of the most difficult life situations.

The Dragon Man (born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) is a bright and extraordinary personality, with a wonderful sense of humor. He is quite sarcastic at times. In a team, the Dragon will always be the soul of the party. He is confident in himself, knows how to carry on a conversation and give compliments. He is talented and smart, which helps him master almost any profession.

Men born in the year of the Dragon have a rather complex character. It is very difficult for women with them. The companion of such a man should be strong, independent and very patient.

Tiger Woman: general character traits, advantages and disadvantages

The Tiger woman is never shy about saying what she thinks.

Tiger Woman (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) is a direct, uncompromising, and at times quite conflicting person. Her excessive directness and adherence to principles very often scares people away and turns those around her against her. "Tigress" does not like to follow generally accepted social rules and norms. She has her own path, which is often fraught with risks.

The Tiger Woman has enormous intelligence. One of her main talents is the ability to think strategically and plan her actions. She will be able to analyze and sort out any event in detail. Like the Dragon man, she loves to be in society and strives to become the leader of her group.

Dragon man and Tiger woman: compatibility in love

The Dragon man always strives for the best in all areas of his life: food, appearance, home improvement, etc. And the Tiger woman is quite capable of providing him with all this. After all, she has the same desires and preferences. They both love comfort, delicious food and a healthy lifestyle. Perfect couple!

But there is one “but”: the Tiger woman is extremely jealous. And in an alliance with a man like the Dragon, she will regularly have reasons for her jealousy. After all, he loves to attract the attention of women to his person. All this could one day result in a quarrel on a global scale. Therefore, it is extremely important for a Tiger woman to learn to show trust in her partner, and a Dragon man should not forget that his chosen one is unusually jealous.

One way or another, these two together are very interesting and fun. The basis of their love relationship should be deep mutual respect.

The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Tiger woman in love is excellent. Both partners feel great in bed. However, they will still have to learn to separate their emotions from sexual impulses and desires. The intimate relationship between Dragon and Tiger is filled with passion and sensuality. Sex will occupy far from the last place in the life of this couple.

Dragon Man and Tiger Woman: Marriage Compatibility

In a marriage between a Dragon man and a Tiger woman, it is very important to make mutual concessions

The Dragon man, by his inner nature, is a leader. He rarely agrees with other people's arguments and even less often makes compromises. The problem is that the Tiger woman is the same by nature! Therefore, a marriage between these two people can be happy only in one case: if one of the partners learns to yield in his leadership. Most often, it is the Tiger woman who takes on this role. It is she who will have to adapt to her husband. After all, the Dragon is capricious and stubborn like a child. And it will be incredibly difficult to convince him of anything.

In general, both the Dragon and the Tigress can receive a lot of benefits from marriage and cohabitation. So, the Dragon man will give his wife passion, a whirlwind of wild emotions and great sincere love. The Tiger woman, for her part, will teach her husband to redirect his energy in the right direction. Despite the “Don Juanism” of the Dragon in his youth and youth, in marriage he shows phenomenal fidelity and affection to his legal wife. And the Tiger woman will be delighted with this.

In marriage, it is the Tiger woman who should take on the role of mistress of the house and keeper of the hearth. After all, homeliness and comfort plays a significant role in the life of every Dragon. It is extremely important for him to return in the evenings to a quiet, clean and comfortable place where they will look forward to his arrival. If the Tiger woman manages to create just such a family nest, then the Dragon man will be immensely happy. Inspired by such a woman, he will be ready to do absolutely anything for his beloved.

The Tiger woman and the Dragon man are an unusual and rather peculiar couple. On the one hand, they are very interesting and fun together. On the other hand, it can be difficult for these two to come to an agreement. In other words, they will have to work hard on their relationships. And if they have enough patience and strength for this “work,” then everything will be great. The main thing for them is to learn to give in to each other on certain issues, and forgive the shortcomings of their “half”.

Some common cause will help increase the compatibility of the Dragon and the Tiger. This can be either a family business or a joint hobby. It is important to find as many points of contact as possible that will be of interest to both the Dragon and the Tiger.

Both partners are overly hot-tempered and impulsive. Therefore, it is quite obvious that they cannot avoid family quarrels. However, you can (and should) try to reduce their number to a minimum. What you need to do for this:

  • You should not prove that you are right in the next conflict situation.
  • You should not destroy the crystal dreams of your “half”, even if they are completely illusory (after all, both the Dragon and the Tiger are born idealists).
  • It is very important to always tell each other about your grievances, because hidden grievances can easily destroy this marriage.

If you follow these simple rules, the married life of the Dragon and the Tiger will be long and happy!

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Character of those born in the Year of the Tiger

All Tigers are distinguished by their independent character and desire for leadership. They have an indomitable rebellious spirit and inner freedom. They are prone to instant fascination with new things and mood swings. There is no point in putting pressure on these people. They will never come to terms with someone else's domination. Those born under the sign of Taurus are especially independent. However, Taurus people tend to be gentle and non-confrontational.

Character of those born in the Year of the Dragon

The Dragon's mind is combined with a desire for freedom, which somewhat hinders him in life. He can also be overly straightforward, overwhelmed by a passion for victory. He often tries to manipulate others; Virgo and Capricorn do this most of all.

In all other respects, these are wonderful people, always ready to help, purposeful and noble. They are good, sympathetic friends; in marriage they do not openly show their feelings; the partner may even think that there is no love. But that's not true. Of course, the Dragon will not burn with passion, but it is quite capable of long and strong feelings.

  • intelligence;
  • straightforwardness;
  • decency;
  • talent (Gemini and Aquarius are unique in this regard);
  • emotionality (a storm of emotions constantly rages among those who are Scorpio according to the horoscope).

Compatibility. Dragon Man and Tiger Woman

Compatibility of Tiger and Dragon

Tiger and Dragon have a lot in common. But these are not the qualities that help create relationships. They are explosive, active, everyone strives for their goal. The unifying moment at the first stage will be sex. Unrealized energy will be spent on it. The problem will arise when the husband realizes that his wife is more passionate about herself than about housework. He needs a cozy home to relax and calm his soul.

He won't be satisfied with travel alone. However, she will not strive to cook and clean up. If she can combine intelligence, flexibility, homeliness and temperament, a man will be at her feet! If the wife manages to achieve this, then the love of the Tiger and the Dragon will give unprecedented results in old age: a large family, prosperity, and prosperity.

Compatibility. Tiger Man and Dragon Woman

In such a tandem, the compatibility of Tiger and Dragon is at a very high level. Partners complement and stimulate each other. She acts as an inspiration, and he pushes his partner to be active. These are creative intellectuals leading a vibrant life full of pleasant experiences.

It is important that spouses learn to unite their efforts and achieve their goals, tirelessly helping each other. You also need to have a common interest, perhaps a hobby, this will be their point of contact. Because even if one partner is in peace and harmony, the other will definitely be “on fire.” Therefore, you should strive to help your soul mate, and not argue and prove that you are right.

The Tiger and the wise Dragon can build their relationship on mutual respect, natural ingenuity, and intuition. If they come to an agreement, this couple will become invincible. Astrologers advise husbands in a Dragon-Tiger couple to encourage their wives to do household chores, then compatibility will be even better. Another problem may be the constant struggle for leadership. Given the opportunity to reduce their ardor in this direction, the couple will become harmonious, everyone will be confident that they are loved and appreciated.

Prospects for the development of relations

Union of Tiger and Dragon

Dragon and Tiger compatibility in love is unique. It is no coincidence that the image of the yin-yang symbol is complemented by images of these signs. The Crouching Tiger, as well as the Hidden Dragon, personify the unity of opposites, balance and harmony of the world.

Therefore, many astrologers consider this couple to be almost ideal. If for some reason there is no romantic relationship, they will remain friends for a long time.

In building harmonious and happy relationships, compatibility plays a major role. You also need to know about the problems that may arise in a relationship with a particular person, and the ways that will help you avoid these problems.

The tiger is a born leader. If you are a Tiger, then you easily subjugate those around you to your will; they themselves begin to rely on you in making important decisions. Even if from the outside you seem completely calm, those around you feel the strength that is hidden under this mask. This inner strength attracts representatives of the opposite sex, and, as a rule, you do not have any problems with women - you are able to lie down and charm any beauty! However, in some cases, your intense passions and strong feelings make it difficult for you to maintain your existing relationships. Your mood changes very often: today you take full responsibility for everything that happens around you and expect your partner to obey your leadership and follow you, and tomorrow you demand care and sympathy from your partner and want her to be with you babysat

When you first meet a Dragon woman, you feel literally knocked off your feet. This woman wears her strength like a dress, and no one even thinks of doubting her power and authority. Just like you, this woman is a born leader. It has no less strong natural magnetism. The Dragon Woman literally radiates power. You will either hate each other at that very second, considering each other rivals, or you will not be able to resist each other’s charm - there is no middle ground. In some cases, both happen at once. The dragon is always surrounded by crowds of admirers, and in a sense she depends on them, because their admiration fuels her strength - the same is true in your case. This woman extremely rarely demonstrates her vulnerability, but in reality she needs support no less than you.

The dragon strives for power in the same way as you strive to find new reasons for the manifestation of your rebellious nature. The beginning of your relationship can be physically draining. A strong sexual attraction and intense romantic feelings arise between you, with which you literally infect each other. It's like you can't get enough of each other, and from the outside your relationship may seem perfect. You both follow your hearts and tend to act without thinking, so you're likely to put your foot on the gas in an attempt to speed up the progress of the relationship. Despite the fact that such a prospect may seem very tempting, you should still avoid at all costs too early vows of eternal love and other similar promises. Before getting married and having children, you should test your relationship with time.

One of the possible causes of conflicts in your relationship may be pathological jealousy and the desire to make your partner your property, which is inherent in both of you. Cheating hurts you and makes you angry. Instead of breaking up with your unfaithful partner, you will try to become even closer to her, and then at the most unexpected moment you will carry out your terrible revenge. Unfortunately, the Dragon may well cheat on you, because she needs constant attention and admiration. In addition, she is constantly surrounded by crowds of fans, and she constantly has to fight temptation. If your Dragon partner decides to calm down and settle down, she will devote herself entirely to you, and this problem will disappear by itself.

These relationships can rightfully be called extreme. On the one hand, they will bring you both a lot of pleasure, but, on the other hand, such violent conflicts may arise between you as you have never had with anyone else. However, if you decide to commit to each other and show a desire to work on the relationship, you can be happy together because you are alike in many ways. Each partner in this couple is advised to maintain a certain social circle outside of the love union, and you should also remember that from time to time it is useful for you to take a break from each other.

According to the compatibility horoscope, a Tiger man and a Dragon woman can make a very happy couple, since both spouses stimulate each other’s activity and creativity.

Both partners are brave, energetic, fearless and prone to innovative ideas. Both complete the work they start and do not tolerate “unfinished projects.”

Despite the fact that he can challenge the Tiger man for his power and the right to be first, the Tiger man allows such interference in his life that he would not allow anyone else. However, this continues until the Dragon woman begins to go too far, namely: demand obedience and submission from him, and limit freedom. In this case, there is a threat of strong conflicts. The life together of a Tiger man and a Dragon woman can be happy and fruitful only on the basis of mutual concessions. The Dragon Woman is able to understand the extraordinary and inquisitive Tiger man, since she herself is a keen person. The daydreaming characteristic of each of the partners can make their union easy and desirable, and the marriage long, satisfying for both partners.

Tiger Man and Dragon Woman - Compatibility

A Tiger man and a Dragon woman can create a very happy married couple. This union has everything: passion, tenderness, care and the desire to grow and develop together with your partner. The Dragon woman and the Tiger man are very similar, and feel each other as themselves. Both know that each of them needs reassurance that he is loved and appreciated. If both consider marriage to be a great value in their lives and value it, then all difficulties will be surmountable.

Both partners are distinguished by their explosive nature and both are leaders by nature, refusing to live by the rules established in society. and connects his life with risk. In communication, he is direct and sharp, which often leads to conflicts in communication with other people. Therefore, it turns out that a woman who would respect and appreciate him is so important and valuable to him. The Dragon Woman is also a bright personality with an unconventional approach to life. She is always confident in herself, is the life of the party, knows how to not only keep up a conversation on any topic, but also has a wonderful sense of humor. She is lucky in life, everything comes to her relatively easily. She is smart and achieves success in any profession she chooses.

The Dragon woman is incredibly charming and immediately attracts the attention of many men, including the Tiger man. He will immediately appreciate her strong character, wisdom and ability to achieve her goals, so he will seek her favor by all means. And she, in turn, will be flattered that such a strong, intelligent man is interested in her. Therefore, their bright and passionate romance begins very quickly. The Dragon Woman captivates with her originality, literally catches your eye and is able to hold you close to her. Both partners always have fun and interesting time together. The stumbling block may be the reluctance of the Dragon woman to “domesticate”. In this case, the Tiger man must behave with restraint and consistency, not forgetting to reward his chosen one for any achievements at home, even the smallest ones. And if he manages to induce the Dragon woman to run the household, then he will rightfully be considered the head of the family. Also, if everyone in this couple understands that they cannot live without each other, the union is doomed to success. Both spouses develop intellectually. And if the Dragon woman is inquisitive by nature, then the Tiger man, so as not to look stupid compared to her, also strives for knowledge.

The marital relationship between a Tiger man and a Dragon woman is always full of passion and romanticism. The Dragon woman is a purposeful person and she helps the Tiger man make his dreams come true. But, on the one hand, she will try to do everything for her husband, giving him the opportunity to achieve heights in any business, taking on a lot of responsibilities. She is responsible and therefore the Tiger man achieves a lot next to her. On the other hand, the Dragon woman is demanding and will not waste time on trifles if her man does not meet her requirements. In this marriage, the Dragon woman can act as a support in life and a muse for the soul, an inspiration for feats, she pushes the Tiger man to action.

The Tiger man and the Dragon woman are both somewhat frivolous about the financial side of the issue, but money loves them both. It is rare to find a poor person born in the year of the Tiger. This quality, like others, makes them miraculously related. But one cannot go to the other extreme - one becomes victims of hoarding. A Tiger man should pamper his wife more often with gifts and compliments. Otherwise, he will have to listen to constant complaints about life. The Tiger man is very jealous, but you shouldn’t be jealous of the Dragon woman. Yes, she is seductive and interesting, she can show off many men, but she will not exchange her family for anything.

The main problem in these relationships is the constant struggle for power. For a successful tandem, the Tiger man should become a little more patient and learn not to hide his feelings, and the Dragon woman must step over herself and sometimes be weak in order to get over her. If each of them makes some concessions, their family and sex life will become ideal.

Also, in order for the Tiger man to be completely satisfied with his family life, the Dragon woman needs to give him the reins of power more often, giving him more power and freedom of action. She needs to understand that, despite his well-developed intuition, the Tiger man thinks about his actions much faster, and he is very far-sighted than she is.

In general, this is a union of two strong and energetic personalities. Therefore, both the Tiger man and the Dragon woman should not compete with each other, but interact, join forces and help each other in implementing their plans. In general, in this union, the dream of one of the spouses easily forces the other to realize this dream and encourages action. This amazing quality makes them an ideal couple, of course, if each partner makes an effort and does not become possessive due to his character. The big plus of this union is that they are very interesting together. But, due to their explosive and stubborn nature, at the slightest confrontation with each other they risk losing the thread between themselves forever and finding themselves apart. Therefore, it is important for spouses to listen to each other.

Tiger man and Dragon woman - compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere, the couple, the Tiger man and the Dragon woman, are in complete harmony. The Dragon Woman is a playful and cheerful partner. She can diversify intimacy with various games and unusual situations. And the Tiger man, flattered by such attention, will try to give his chosen one unforgettable pleasure. He is not stingy with affection, and she will gladly accept it. Sex brings pleasure to both and helps to realize all the energy that remains unused. Therefore, the less creative a couple is in everyday life, the more sex they need.

At first, in bed, as in life, both partners try to dominate and they have a kind of struggle over “who will be on top.” At first, until both are tired of the struggle, this gives the relationship some spice and makes sex bright and varied. They will need time to learn to give in, to realize not only their own desires, but also the desires of their partner. To achieve complete sexual harmony, they must try to make each other's erotic fantasies come true.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple Tiger Man and Dragon Woman

Despite the fact that the compatibility between a Tiger man and a Dragon woman is good, the relationship can deteriorate every day. The fact is that Tiger and Dragon are naturally very strong signs, aimed at winning at any cost. Unfortunately, in pursuit of leadership, they forget about their wisdom when it comes to love relationships. Family relationships may not be easy for them. After work, they continue to prove their superiority at home. There is a lot of passion in this union, but also a lot of resentment. The Dragon Woman often pulls the blanket to her side. She does not want give in to a man, and this leads to the breakup of the couple. But it is female energy that should be the glue that allows spouses to live in harmony.

To save the family and protect your feelings, both partners need to put aside pride and admit to your other half that you also have shortcomings. Each spouse will be amazed by their frankness, because even the strongest people are sometimes weak. A Tiger man and a Dragon woman can build their relationship on mutual respect, natural ingenuity and intuition. If they come to an agreement, many paths will open to them, and they will become invincible. In this couple, it is very important that the spouses learn to unite their efforts to achieve their goals, tirelessly helping each other; it is also important to have a common hobby that will be a common ground. And the more points of contact, the stronger the union.

Or Dragon people have bright characters. They lead an interesting life and are always visible in any society. Tigers have always been considered leaders. The generally accepted rules do not dictate to them. They prefer to lead the lifestyle that suits them. Often their activities involve risk, which does not bother them at all.

Tigers always directly and clearly express their point of view and their attitude towards people. This often leads to conflicts and disagreements. In this regard, the Tiger needs a partner who will appreciate him and put up with all the qualities of a difficult nature. The Dragon can become such a person. People born this year are distinguished by their originality. They have their own non-standard answer to any question. They almost always become the life of the party, have a cheerful disposition and beautiful nature. Thanks to this type of character, compatibility between Dragon and Tiger is possible in any variant. Be it business or marriage.

Career and money

Both the Tiger and the Dragon are quite frivolous about money. Despite this, they cannot be called poor. They can make a career, but most likely it will be an endless series of ups and downs. They are both capable of spending their last on buying a completely unnecessary thing.

This sometimes brings them real pleasure. If they decide to work together, they will achieve great success. Compatibility between Dragon and Tiger in any matter is considered ideal, according to the eastern horoscope. They are both inquisitive and extraordinary. They will push each other towards the goal and will definitely achieve success.

And the Dragon in love and marriage

Their union will be stable and durable if everyone understands that marriage is a great value. Each of them can be called dreamy. This only strengthens their relationship and makes them happier. They are both ready to fulfill the wishes of their loved one, which cannot but be beneficial. This makes them an almost perfect couple and brings them even closer. The longer their relationship lasts, the more respect and trust they have for each other. It is very important that they are interested in being together.

Compatibility between Dragon and Tiger is based not only on love, but also on passion. In these relationships, a large proportion of free time is devoted to sex. They love to experiment and get to know each other better. It is very important for both of them to know that their partner loves and understands them.

Of greatest interest is the pair Dragon-man - Tiger-woman. The compatibility of these two is extremely high. In this case, the fate of the relationship largely depends on the woman. She must show understanding and patience with her partner. She will have to combine household chores, a career and look good at the same time. The Dragon values ​​home comfort very highly. He must be sure that at home he is valued and always welcome. In return, the Dragon will give his wife eternal love and fidelity.

Compatibility between Dragon and Tiger when the latter is a man is somewhat different. In this case, the head of the family will be a man. He will have to try to accustom the brilliant Dragon to daily household chores. If he manages to make her a housewife, then such a union will be doomed to success.
