Fortune telling on cards (36 cards, 54 cards). Fortune telling with playing cards Layout 54 cards

A deck of 36 playing cards is considered a simplified version of the Tarot deck. But, even if this is so, it means that even individual elements of the Tarot system are perfect and harmonious. Indeed, in 36 cards, all possible archetypes, and each of the four elements, and the semantic series of numerical cards are revealed. The meanings of playing cards in fortune telling can describe and analyze any situation, problem, as well as a person with all his “attributes” - emotions, character, talents and capabilities.

There is no need to talk in detail about the suits of playing cards. Every person knows this. Let's make only basic analogies with the elements: the suit of spades (in Tarot: Swords) corresponds to the element of Air, the suit of clubs (in Tarot: Wands) - Fire, the suit of hearts (in Tarot: Cups) - Water, the suit of diamonds (in Tarot: Pentacles) - Earth.

The meanings of numerical cards, in fact, combine the interpretations inherent in each of the numbers with the characteristic features of the element to which the suit belongs. The face cards - jacks, queens and kings - can be interpreted in two ways. Sometimes they point to specific people, and, in this case, it seems possible to talk about their hair color, age, personality traits, and possibly family ties with the person being told fortunes. On the other hand, such cards can indicate certain circumstances or features of the situation.

Aces stand separately in the deck. These are neither figure nor number cards. But they can also be perceived in two ways - as descriptions of a circumstance or place, or as an indicator of a certain moment or period of time.

Another significant aspect is that the meanings of playing cards when fortune telling with 36 cards can have their own shades depending on the essence of the issue. For example, if the layout is made for the future of some business project, the interpretations of the cards that appear in it will certainly differ from the interpretations of the same cards if they fell in the layout for the future relationship of a married couple.

Below you will find a detailed interpretation for each card in the playing deck. Descriptions of the cards cover all their sides, including characteristic interpretations in an inverted form (for those cards in which the upright and inverted positions are visible). In these descriptions you will find meanings for any layout. In addition, we tried to highlight some of the most interesting or revealing combinations of cards with each other.

The meaning and combinations of playing cards for fortune telling

This article presents methods of quite popular card fortune telling And meaning of cards.

If you need a quick answer to your question, this is fortune telling with playing cards just right for you.

Take deck of 54 cards, shuffle and draw one card. The drawn card will give a general definition of your problem; if necessary, draw an additional card, it will give a hint to the first one.

In addition, this fortune telling method suitable for characterizing the coming day. For example, a drawn card worms indicates that this day will be very emotional and there will be household chores. Map tambourine means hard work and having important things to do outside the home. Pull out the card clubs- there will be important financial matters, and the card peak indicates problems and difficulties.

Of course, layouts that include more cards give the most detailed prediction.

This three-card spread provides a quick answer to one question asked. Take the deck, shuffle it, place three cards in a row from left to right.

Horseshoe layout

This spread gives a more general overview of your life using 21 cards. Lay out seven groups of three cards each as shown.

Each group characterizes the following areas:
1 - past
2 - the present
3 - near future
4 - something you don't expect
5 - your surroundings
6 - difficulties and obstacles
7 - result

From left to right, lay out three rows of seven cards each. The top row represents the past, the middle row the future, and the bottom row the past. Interpreting this layout requires great skill. Do not attempt to read cards unless you are sure of their meanings and cannot integrate the interpretations into one whole.

Card meanings


Ace: home, love, friendship, perhaps the beginning of a romance. Love letter.
King: a good-natured, fair-haired man. You will get good advice.
Lady: friendly blonde woman.
Jack: a close friend or a good-natured, fair-haired young man.
Ten: luck and happiness.
Nine: wish card. Dreams will come true.
Eight: visits and visitors. Invitations or accompaniment.
Seven: an unfaithful or unreliable person. Broken promises.
Six: unexpected luck . Someone will help you out.
Five: not reliable people around you. Take your time when making any decisions.
Four: change of place, trip.
Three: you have to be careful. Don't say something you'll regret.
Two: Success and prosperity. Commitment or partnership.


Ace: ring or precious gift. News about money. Letter.
King: stubborn and influential person. A very fair-haired man.
Lady: a woman who loves to have fun and gossip. Yoke. A very fair-haired woman.
Jack: relative. A very fair-haired young man. Be prepared for dishonesty on the part of people you know.
Ten: money and travel in the foreground. Favorable changes.
Nine: surprise related to money. New business opportunities. Determination.
Eight: late marriage. Financial ups and downs.
Seven: unexpected news or gift. Problems and losses at work.
Six: problems in second marriage.
Five: success in business. A happy family.
Four: inheritance. Improved financial condition.
Three: legal problems. Legal letter.
Two: disapproval of a love affair. Business partnership.


Ace: wealth, health, love and happiness. A letter concerning money.
King: an honest, generous and kind person. Dark-haired man.
Lady: attractive, confident woman. Dark-haired woman.
Jack: trusted friend. Dark-haired young man.
Ten: unexpected receipt of money. Luck . Foreign trip.
Nine: success. New fan. Don't be stubborn.
Eight: problems in relationships, at work, conflicts. Jealousy and greed.
Seven: prosperity and success. Be careful, there will be trouble from a person of the opposite sex.
Six: success in business. Receiving financial assistance.
Five: new friends and a successful marriage. Help from friends.
Four: deterioration. Possible betrayal.
Three: marriage with a rich man. Money coming from a partner.
Two: gossip. Disappointments and gossip.


Ace: emotional conflict, obsession, death. The culmination of events. King: an ambitious and authoritative person. A very dark-haired man.
Lady: widow. Unscrupulous woman. A very dark-haired woman.
Jack: a well-meaning but immature and unreliable young man. A very dark-haired young man.
Ten: failure and anxiety. Conclusion. Unwanted news.
Nine: failure in all areas. Depression and energy decline. Destruction, deaths. Extreme anxiety.
Eight: problems and disappointments. Plans get confused. Friends let you down.
Seven: loss of friendship or loss of a friend. An unexpected burden. A warning about loss and grief.
Six: minor improvements.
Five: happiness is in the house, but other people interfere. Confrontation, but success possible.
Four: disease. Money worries. Broken promises.
Three: infidelity and breakups. Be careful when collaborating.
Two: division, gossip and deception. Difficult changes.

Joker: new developments, starting from scratch, taking risks.

Feel free to experiment with adding your own meanings to the cards, that's fine. Experience will show you new meanings.

The expression “the game is not worth the candle” came from the speech of gamblers, who spoke this way about a very small winning, which did not even cover the cost of the candles that burned out during the game.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of playing cards.

Playing cards value – 52 cards, universal

In any fortune telling and in any scenario with playing cards, it is important to know the meanings of a particular card. However, that's not all. You should also take into account combinations of cards, as well as the predominance of a particular suit. Some methods, such as Tarot cards or Lititia cards, take into account the upright or inverted meaning of the symbols.

However, in most cases, fortune tellers make do with the usual position of the symbols, which is sufficient to predict the future. If you want to use inverted ones, then everything is simple, they mean the same thing, but with a negative connotation and unfavorable consequences.

This article on our website discusses the basic meanings that you will need when interpreting almost any layout on playing cards.

Spades suit meaning

Peaks- are a symbol of Air. An unfavorable suit that describes events that may cause you problems, be it losses, illnesses, business failures and similar troubles. Meetings with negative people are possible.

  • ♠ Ace - difficult and unpleasant news, the loss of something very important in material or moral terms.
  • ♠ Two - promises dismissal from work, demotion. In business - a breakdown in relationships with partners or obstacles in business.
  • ♠ Three - promises a deterioration in your morale, depression or stress. Depressed state.
  • ♠ Four - portends the end of a relationship or its sharp deterioration, often denotes lies and betrayals of loved ones.
  • ♠ Five - represents opportunities that you are missing or will miss in the future.
  • ♠ Six - unsuccessful trips or trips that will end badly.
  • ♠ Seven - conflicts and quarrels with others.
  • ♠ Eight - tears due to troubles. The business started or planned will end in failure. Sometimes it means poor health and health problems.
  • ♠ Nine is an unpleasant break in a relationship; for married people it means divorce. A situation that will cause you to quarrel.
  • ♠ Ten - your wishes are not destined to come true.
  • ♠ Jack - the appearance of a young brunette in your life. Also means a deceitful and selfish person, often a swindler.
  • ♠ Lady - an elderly or mature woman. Often angry, she will create all sorts of obstacles and intrigues directed against you or your environment.
  • ♠ The king is a rival, narcissistic and cruel person. Sometimes - a dark-haired man.

The meaning of the suit of Clubs

Cross. Their element is Fire. They talk about events related to money, finances and social status. Also associated with power and the people who personify it.

  • ♣ Ace - changes for the better associated with opening your own business. Sometimes pleasant acquaintances are predicted. In general, a change in the current situation for the better.
  • ♣ Two - the card warns you to be careful and not enter into dubious relationships with work colleagues or business partners. It is worth being careful and “measure everything seven times before cutting.”
  • ♣ Troika - there is a work trip ahead, in which you will find useful connections. A business trip will open you up to new opportunities for further growth.
  • ♣ Four - means barriers and obstacles on the path to success that you can easily overcome thanks to your entrepreneurship, intelligence and intuition.
  • ♣ Five - you have to defend your point of view, your ideas and initiatives will be criticized. Sometimes it promises health problems.
  • ♣ Six - upcoming trips and business trips will be ineffective. They will not have any positive consequences. It is better to spend time resting and recuperating.
  • ♣ Seven - an offer looms on the horizon that you cannot refuse. A successful start. If the question is about family life, then all problems will improve, and there will be mutual understanding in the family.
  • ♣ Eight - big and grandiose changes in life are expected. A promotion or salary increase is possible. Sometimes - small winnings or profits.
  • ♣ Nine - marriage of convenience. A small love affair is possible.
  • ♣ Ten - making new friends, good luck in the activities you are currently busy with. Love that will cover you completely.
  • ♣ Jack - a young man, dark hair. Often sociable and friendly.
  • ♣ Lady - Boss or leader, successful and purposeful person.
  • ♣ King - A man with dark hair. A successful person, but often inattentive to other people's problems. However, thanks to his help, you can improve your affairs and solve your problems.

The meaning of the suit of Diamonds

Diamonds- are associated with the element of Earth. They personify business issues and explain events related to any active activity of the fortuneteller, be it work, education, travel, etc. They also represent meetings with good and kind people.

  • ♦ Ace - Improvement or advancement in the professional field. It is possible to start a new business that will be successful. Opening your own business.
  • ♦ Two - positive cooperation or successful negotiations that can increase your well-being and lead to success. Sometimes it’s getting money and improving your financial condition.
  • ♦ Three - for family people, it predicts a new addition to the family, the birth of a child. It also promises profitable investments that will bring good dividends in the future.
  • ♦ Four - you are overcome by doubts in the field of investments and finances, as well as related to legal issues. You should listen to your inner voice and be careful.
  • ♦ Five - Deterioration in your well-being, which will be short-term. The situation can be resolved with the help of strangers.
  • ♦ Six - a journey is expected, on which you should not behave too wastefully. Tighten your belt and don't waste your money.
  • ♦ Seven - good luck in work and business, as well as family matters.
  • ♦ Eight - investments related to real estate are coming, moving and related problems with repairs are possible. Sometimes it promises an improvement in financial condition.
  • ♦ Nine - unexpected acquaintances that will bring good luck in the business sphere. Useful connections.
  • ♦ Ten - a holiday with your family awaits you. Family trip. Sometimes - fulfillment of desires and success.
  • ♦ Valet - a young man, a military man. Often - smart and prudent. In some cases - financial enrichment and profit.
  • ♦ Lady - a fair-haired woman, often close and familiar. Kind and sympathetic person.
  • ♦ King - A reliable man, often a family man. Blonde.

Hearts suit meaning

Hearts. The element of this suit is Water. Indicate romantic emotions. They symbolize love and relationships with close loved ones. Indicate lovers or married people.

  • Ace is a symbol of the beginning of a new romantic or friendly relationship. Often - infatuation or love, but not always mutual.
  • Two - you are about to fall in love, and the love is expected to be mutual. Perhaps your romance will end in marriage. Sometimes - true friends and acquaintances, or the restoration of broken relationships.
  • Three - a rival (or rival) will appear between you and your chosen one.
  • Four - serious choices have to be made in love and relationships. A difficult period begins, with obstacles and difficulties appearing.
  • Five - an unpleasant situation is expected due to mutual misunderstanding. However, do not despair - you can find a way out of this situation.
  • Six is ​​a time of harmony and mutual understanding with loved ones and loved ones. Harmonious relationships.
  • Seven - the card advises you to listen to your inner voice and the advice of higher powers. Thanks to this, you will find answers to your questions.
  • Eight is a sharp turn of events. The situation can take either a favorable or negative position. See adjacent maps.
  • Nine - for lovers - a positive sign, foreshadowing a happy marriage. For the rest - successful completion of previously started work.
  • Ten - wish fulfillment. 100%.
  • Jack is a young and cheerful man; for girls, it foreshadows the appearance of a new boyfriend.
  • A lady is a fair-haired woman, often married. Aged.
  • King - the appearance of a fair-haired man, often married.

Repeat cards

Of great importance in fortune telling is not only the meanings of individual cards, but also which symbols are especially numerous in the layout. Thus, if you get all four cards of the same value, but of different suits, then their value increases many times over. Let's take a closer look:

All sixes- long journey or trip.

Sevens- love obstacles, which, however, can be overcome.

Eights- vanity and pleasant chores associated with family, relatives and friends.

Nines- a positive sign, foreshadowing all sorts of successes and a period of improvement in your life for the better.

Dozens- predict an imminent marriage or marriage, in some cases it speaks of good luck.

Jacks- unpleasant chores or quarrels with people around you.

Ladies- not a very favorable symbol, indicating that gossip is hovering around you, and conspiracies and intrigues are woven.

Kings- success will certainly await you, your actions will cause envy and awe among others.

Aces- 100% success in all areas of your life, the most favorable sign in fortune telling.

Predominance of one of the suits

It is important to note that the most favorable layout is one in which red suits predominate, and the best one is one in which there are no black suits at all. You should also know that if, when fortune telling, a spade falls out as the first card, then the event for which you are fortune telling will have an unfavorable ending. However, this can be mitigated by more favorable cards.

If a certain suit predominates, then you should refer to the following explanation:

Peaks predominate- the worst sign, a series of troubles and problems await you. The area of ​​life in which this will happen must be looked at from the resulting alignment.

Clubs— Frustration and inner unrest await you. Because of what - look at the cards in the layout.

Hearts- a successful situation, from which it follows that family happiness and mutual understanding with family and loved ones await you. You will be overwhelmed by mutual love and passion.

Diamonds- means good luck in business and financial spheres. You can expect profits that will be noticeable for your budget. Business success, be it a promotion or salary increase.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.
