Description of the work experience of a further education teacher. Generalization of the experience of a teacher of additional education

Additional education is currently redefining its place in the educational space. It is an organic component of the Russian education system, as it is in close relationship with school education.

Additional education for children, as emphasized by A.K. Brudnov, represents an organic unity of knowledge, creativity, communication between children and adults, which is based on curiosity and passion for the free search for the path to mastery and comprehension of the meaning of life.

The development of a student’s personal qualities for the purpose of his successful life today is becoming the defining direction in modern education.

“It is precisely this desire of the civilized world,” according to N.L. Goloviznina, - in our country, the process of evolutionary modification of the entire system of extracurricular work, its transition to a new qualitative state - additional education, is largely due. In a new way, as required by reality, the place and importance of institutions of additional education are being determined. Historians and researchers of the issue A.K. Brudnov, V.A. Gorsky, L.Yu. Lyashko talk about rejecting the stereotype of the “secondary importance” of additional education in relation to basic education, pointing out many advantages over the latter in creating conditions for the child to form his own ideas about himself and the world around him.

Additional education in modern conditions is a significant component of the educational system.

A child, coming to additional education institutions, chooses for himself the activity to which his soul lies most, in which he can become successful. The student strives to realize his inclinations here and reveal his abilities in one or another type of activity. And one of these important and interesting things for him is research work.

The research activity of children in the system of additional education is one of the means of influencing the spiritual development of the younger generation. This creative process is reflected in the following forms: in educational and research activities and research itself.

“Educational and research activity is understood as a form of organization of educational work that is associated with the student solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: statement of the problem, familiarization with the literature on this problem, mastery research methodology, collection of own material, its analysis, generalization, conclusions,” says the Concept of Further Education.

Research activity itself presupposes greater independence for students when choosing a topic, when processing the collected material, and when choosing methods.

Pupils of the local history circle "Rosinka" and the literary studio "Luchik" of the Center for Extracurricular Activities, having decided to study the cultural traditions of their Potapov farmers, identified for themselves the creative components of successful children's individual and collective research. These include independent creative work, and meetings with old-timers of the farm and masters of arts and crafts, and events of various levels, and excursions, and exhibitions, and expositions, and children's drawings, and museum lessons, and mini-museums, and a historical corner of local history, and a room of Cossack life (Appendix 1). And a piece of the heart of each of the students is invested in all this. In addition to this work, the guys clearly defined the stages of the research, since the research activity of the students of the creative associations “Rosinka” and “Luchiki” is a harmonious scientific process that has its own stages.

Table 1. Main stages of scientific research of students.

In turn, the thinking skills acquired by students in the process of research activities are an important process.

Students, carrying out research activities, acquire the necessary skills and abilities and form their own research culture.

Table 2. Components of students' research culture.

Thinking skills help students build a logical chain of their judgments.

Table 3. Thinking skills of students.

So, purposefully acquiring research skills and abilities, some students of the creative associations “Rosinka” and “Luchik” choose educational and research work for themselves, while others choose research work itself.

Table 4. Types of research work by students.

Educational and research work is carried out by students under the constant supervision of the teacher and using such methods of collecting and processing data that are most suitable for children. This is how, when preparing their research on the cultural traditions of their native Donetsk residents, students of the creative associations “Rosinka” and “Luchik” define museum pedagogy as one of the main methods for themselves. The guys, together with the head of “Rosinka” and “Luchik”, collected interesting local history material about the life and cultural traditions of Donetsk residents ( Application).

Educational and research work for students of the local history circle “Rosinka” and the literary studio “Luchik” is a kind of exercise on a given topic, when the child hones his skills and knowledge necessary to carry out independent research in the future.

But the research work itself, which implies greater independence of students both in choosing a topic and in choosing methods and in processing the collected material, is carried out by students who already have some experience in research activities. And the teacher here acts as a consultant, and, if necessary, helps children at various stages of research work.

While working on research, students set goals and objectives for themselves that they can implement and reveal them clearly. The children clearly formulate for themselves the idea of ​​why the research is being carried out and divide these tasks into types.

Research activities are aimed at revealing the creative potential of each student, because it creates a unified intellectual developmental, personally formative space with opportunities for self-education, self-education of the child in the context of modernization of additional education.

Showing your “I”, showing your creativity is very important for a child. “And it doesn’t matter what kind of creativity the child is engaged in,” emphasizes A.V. Vorster, - as long as he creates, as long as his entire personality is included in this action: abilities, feelings, mind. Everything will be useful, everything in the classes will be further developed, and all this will help later in any other adult professional activity.”

The research activities of additional education students, as their own achievement, give the child the opportunity to realize their creative potential.

As a result of creativity, a wonderful study is born about the Donetsk people - about the arts and crafts of their native Potapovites.

The heart of a little researcher will not remain indifferent to the material that he himself has collected about the simple and amazing people living next to him. Experiencing the beautiful through familiarization with the traditions of folk culture, the child discovers the beauty in himself. He becomes kinder and wiser, he wants to create, to realize his inclinations. And here, according to A.V. Vorster, the presence of an authoritative teacher who creates conditions for the child’s creative self-expression can come in handy more than ever and teach him to overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of a growing child.

This is how the research work of students of the local history circle “Rosinka” and the literary studio “Luchik” was born on the topic: “The traditions of artistic linen weaving are an invaluable experience in arts and crafts.” The creative collective work of students was awarded with diplomas at the district, regional, and regional levels: a diploma from the Center for Extracurricular Activities (2007), a diploma from the regional arts festival “Donskaya Palitra” (2007), a certificate from DANYUI (2008), and a diploma from the regional festival “ Heartstrings" (2009) ( Application).

In modern conditions, it becomes very important and necessary to have a sufficient number of creatively developed children who are clearly aware of their abilities, desires and know how to achieve their goals. And the knowledge, skills, and abilities that creative associations of additional education institutions develop will certainly be useful to students in life. The child will benefit from both the skill of creativity and mastery of creative techniques. And all this will become a wonderful driving force in the student’s very activities in adulthood.


  1. Azarov Yu.P. The art of education. – M., 1985.
  2. Brudnov A.K. The concept of additional education for children.// Out-of-school student. – 1996. No. 1.
  3. Worster A.V. The role of additional education institutions in the development of a child’s creative abilities.//Add. arr. – 2006. No. 2.
  4. Goloviznina N.L. Educational and research activities as a promising means of educating a creative personality.//Add. –2002. No. 8.
  5. Museum lessons in educational institutions / Comp. L.A. Pershina and others - Volgodonsk, 2005.
  6. Pershina L.A. and others. Modern pedagogical technologies in the practice of additional education teachers. – Volgodonsk, 2004.
  7. Solevko G.K. Social and educational technologies. – M., 2005.
  8. Fine T.A. Step-by-step actions to develop a research culture among schoolchildren. – M., 2004.

In recent years, more than one additional education center has opened in Russia. Currently, in domestic pedagogy there is increasing interest in extracurricular education. This situation is quite understandable. Additional education teachers are full-time employees. They work on a permanent basis. It is these people who are responsible for organizing schoolchildren’s leisure time, as well as for the meaningful part of students’ free time.

Job responsibilities

The activities of an additional education teacher include:

  • creating favorable conditions for the development of children's creative abilities;
  • organizing real cases that have a specific result;
  • involving students in active extracurricular activities;
  • Helping schoolchildren demonstrate their own organizational abilities.

Such specialists should not have a criminal record. A certificate of absence is provided as confirmation.

How to become a teacher of additional education?

Since the activities of such an employee are aimed at developing the child’s personality and fully satisfying the needs of schoolchildren in informal communication, he must be a true professional. In educational institutions there is no specialization “teacher of extracurricular education”. Higher education can be obtained at any of the faculties of a classical university. Basically, additional education teachers are people who have a diploma indicating the specialization “primary school teacher”, “physical education teacher”, etc. Despite the specifics of the work, there are quite a few similarities with the classical educational process. For example, the introduction of innovative methods in educational work.

What should such a teacher be able to do?

Additional education is similar to the duties of a regular teacher. It implies rights and responsibilities, indicates options for advanced training, and methods of reward for quality work. Their activities require mastery of content, methods, and modern pedagogical techniques. It is impossible to achieve the desired result without the skills of setting specific goals, searching for a meaningful component, and without close cooperation with children and colleagues. A teacher of additional education learns all these subtleties in advanced training courses. He is required to take them at least once every 4 years (like teachers in regular schools).

Features of the profession

The long-term plan of a teacher of additional education involves predicting the final result of his work, searching for optimal forms and methods of child development. The desire of children to acquire new knowledge and skills directly depends on the degree of professionalism, interest, and moral values. Basically, additional education teachers are people who do not spare their personal time for their students. They are always ready to give advice to children and help children in difficult situations.

Out-of-school education system

There are centers for further education not only in large cities, but also in small provincial towns of the Russian Federation. In total, there are more than 20 thousand such establishments in the country. Thousands of girls and boys attend them. Additional education involves extracurricular activities with children. Such people are involved in staffing various creative studios, try to maintain a contingent, and use special programs. Such a structure implies the presence of many sections and circles of various orientations: artistic, sports, vocal, intellectual.

Periodic certification of additional education teachers is carried out according to the same rules as in regular educational institutions. The relevant ministry of the Russian Federation, realizing the importance of extracurricular work, has now made it mandatory in schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums themselves. If in some centers of additional education children are offered a variety of activities, then in educational institutions they often choose 2-3 priority types of extracurricular activities. For example, the school has sports sections and a dance studio. Of course, such a limited choice of leisure time does not contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and does not fully satisfy the needs of students and their parents. That is why there are numerous separate institutions in the country designed specifically for extracurricular work with schoolchildren and adolescents.

Additional education positions

  • Positive attitude and sensitivity.
  • Understanding the needs of children.
  • Significant intellectual level.
  • Certain skills and abilities.
  • Active citizenship.
  • A sense of humor.
  • High creative potential.
  • Tolerance of views and beliefs.

Self-education of a teacher of additional education is a prerequisite for his successful certification. There is a classification of specialists. They may belong to the highest, first category or have the status of being “appropriate for the position held.”

Indicators of the highest qualification of a teacher of additional education

The term “professional competence” itself was introduced into use in the late 90s of the 20th century. According to terminology, additional education teachers are teachers. They have a secondary specialized or higher pedagogical diploma. Such people have personal and professional qualities that allow them to conduct successful activities. A teacher receives the highest category if he carries out educational activities at a high level. At the same time, he is obliged to demonstrate stable results of his work.

How to improve your skills?

In order to improve one’s own, one has to constantly develop creative individuality and develop receptivity to all scientific innovations. The teacher must easily adapt to the realities of the educational environment. He needs to respond to all the changes taking place in the modern school curriculum. The professionalism of a teacher is directly influenced by his spiritual and intellectual development. All the changes that are taking place in the modern educational system force teachers to improve their professionalism and qualifications. They constantly improve their own competence. The main goal of Russian additional education is the formation of a well-rounded personality of a child, a true patriot, capable of defending the Motherland. A graduate of an after-hours training center must be prepared for social adaptation, self-improvement, and self-education.

Pedagogical standard of highest qualification

It is the teacher who acts as the guarantor of the implementation of all set goals. In this regard, the requirements for teacher professionalism have sharply increased. There is currently an open discussion about the qualities that a 21st century teacher should have. Based on the results of the public survey, a standard will be created that will become the standard for certification commissions. Taking into account modern requirements, we can identify the main ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher:

  1. Active participation in the work of creative groups and methodological associations.
  2. Carrying out your own research activities. Conducting research with students.
  3. Studying innovative technologies and introducing them into your professional activities.
  4. A variety of pedagogical support options.
  5. Systematization and provision of your own teaching experience to colleagues.
  6. Application of information educational technologies in work.
  7. Participation in various pedagogical competitions, festivals, forums, demonstration of master classes to colleagues.

Sequence of increasing the level of professionalism

To improve his abilities, an additional education teacher must go through the following stages:

  1. Conducting self-analysis.
  2. Identification of development goals.
  3. Search for tasks.
  4. Development of a mechanism to achieve the set goal.
  5. Conducting analysis based on the results of activities.

Children who come to additional education centers independently select a section or club for themselves. The atmosphere that reigns in the classroom captivates students, gives them self-confidence, and allows them to develop leadership qualities and a sense of healthy competition. The different forms of work used in additional education give children the opportunity to study in an area that is clear and interesting to them. In order for the work of the circle to be effective, the leader draws up a training program and thematic planning. He must master the entire legislative framework, protect and respect the rights of his students, and monitor compliance with fire safety rules during classes.


The teacher periodically confirms suitability for the position held by passing certification. Such checks are carried out by special commissions, groups created from teachers with expert status. Certification allows you to show the level of skill of a teacher. Its result will directly affect the level of his salary. The application submitted to the certification commission lists all the achievements of the teacher himself, as well as his students over the past five years. Copies of diplomas, certificates, and acknowledgments are provided as evidence. A true professional willingly shares his knowledge with colleagues, conducts open classes for them, and organizes master classes. Interest in additional education indicates the desire of children to live an active and vibrant extracurricular life.

Artemyevskikh Olga Alexandrovna
Job title: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBUDO "Station for young naturalists"
Locality: Krasnoufimsk city, Sverdlovsk region
Name of material: Article
Subject:"Organization of design and research activities with children of primary school age in an additional education institution"
Publication date: 08.05.2017
Chapter: additional education

"Organization of design and research activities with

children of primary school age in an institution

additional education"

Olga Alexandrovna Artemyevskikh, methodologist

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Station for young naturalists"

GO Krasnoufimsk







technology, primary school age, paleontology.

Further education institutions, like schools, are concerned

today the search for new educational content. One of the forms is



activity. In conditions


education there is no rigid framework of the class-lesson system, so the choice


and issues


and research

students occurs at the moment of choosing the direction of additional

educational activities taking into account the age characteristics of children.

The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on

integration of factual knowledge, but on their application and acquisition of new ones,

therefore, a project is always a creative activity. Active inclusion

child in the creation of certain projects gives him the opportunity to master




environment. Basic

task of the method




together with the teacher of the surrounding life. Everything the guys do, they have to




Naturally, understand why they did it.

A program in the project method is built as a series of interconnected

moments arising from certain tasks. Guys need to learn

build your activities together with others, find, acquire knowledge,



solving their life problems, building relationships with each other, learning



on one's own,



living and vital material, learning to understand realities through testing

Experience in project activities.





character. From individual research of a project on a topic, subject, to





knowledge. Last year, with students studying for 4 years under the program “The World Around




paleontology “Mysteries of the Perm Sea”. As part of the project

was put

oh main



research activities. The science of paleontology, with the help of its

forms and methods of studying objects gives great scope for carrying out

various studies.

It is known that everything new causes





self-education, activates creative activity. In this creative



was given


cooperation, cooperation






assistants in working on the project.

The children's first meeting with the prehistoric world happened at the first





hidden treasures

Perm Sea"

in the Krasnoufimsky Museum of Local Lore and thought that

The Earth was not always the way we are used to seeing it. How it was born

life on the planet? What animals inhabited it, what they looked like and in what

climate lived? Why is the Permian period relevant to ours?

city? We have a lot of questions that we would like to answer

get an answer. Therefore, we came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the project “Riddles

Perm Sea" so that students can learn a lot about the Perm

period and science of paleontology.

We talked with parents and decided to present this project to

in the form of a collective information and research project with the release

to create an animated film that could help



The work plan drawn up together helped us organize a joint


Stages of work on the project:

1.Preparatory stage

2. Modeling

3. Activity

4. Presentation of project results

5.Public presentation of the result.

At the preparatory stage we have set ourselves challenges


proactive and creative



action program for the project period. The starting point for creating our

project was a visit back in September to the Klyuchikovsky quarry, where we

exhibits .



paleontological exhibition.

At the second stage we developed the project, defined goals and objectives



developed a program of our further actions and distributed the volume




do some work



answer the question: “What do we know about the paleontological past of our

the edges? And do we know anything without involving additional sources?”

After collecting information, we had a lesson “Perm Sea - what

do we know about him?”, where each child talked about what he knows about

Permian period . We attended several educational classes and the master

– classes in our local history museum ,

talked to paleontologists -







games. Conducted


The third stage is activity. At this stage we were collecting

serious information








Internet resources,


paleontology and history of the Permian period .

At the same time we prepared




Perm Sea , prepared the scenery of the future sea, learned to work in

programs "Windows Film Studio"

"Sound recording"


create cartoon masterpieces .

The fourth stage – presentation of results. The next step for




activities: methodological

manuals for studying the flora and fauna of the Perm Sea - “Trilobite” puzzles,

coloring pages for children “Inhabitants of the Perm Sea”, educational game for

primary school students “Find out who I am?”, creation of the cartoon “Riddles



photo report,


presentation of the results obtained.




presentation of the result of work on the project, which was presented at

municipal project competition and the All-Russian competition “First steps

into science”, where our students with their project “Mysteries of the Perm

seas" took first place.




















determination, desire and ability to learn the stone record of the Earth.

The introduction of design and research technologies helps our

institutions of additional education to improve the quality of education in

institution, achieve creative success, and most importantly attract

children to a new form of activity, and teach them to see what they previously did not

noticed or simply did not understand.

Chapter I. Educational and research activities in additional education as a pedagogical problem

§1. Social and pedagogical prerequisites for the development of additional education.

§2. The essence of educational and research activities of students and the peculiarity of its content in additional education.

§3. Analysis of pedagogical experience in organizing educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education.

Conclusions on the first chapter."

Chapter II. Designing the development of educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education

§1. Model of organizing educational and research activities of students in additional education.

§2. The program “Youth, Science, Culture” as an organizational and pedagogical basis for the development of educational and research activities of students.

§3. Criteria and indicators of students' readiness for educational research activities.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Development of student research activities in key ornithological territories in additional environmental education 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Astashina, Nina Igorevna

  • Forming the experience of creative activity of students based on the study of applied landscape science in specialized geographical education 2010, candidate of pedagogical sciences Martilova, Natalya Viktorovna

  • Technological support for teachers working with children of advanced development 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Mayatskaya, Valentina Aleksandrovna

  • Pedagogical conditions for creative self-development of a student’s personality in an institution of additional education: Based on the activities of a design studio 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Medvedeva, Olga Pavlovna

  • Formation of experience of research activities of high school students in scientific societies of students in ecology 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kononenko, Olga Semenovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in additional education”

The relevance of research. In modern Russia, over a fairly short historical period, several attempts have been made to reform the entire education system. Currently, we have entered a historical period of modernization of education, which is intended to create the preconditions for the dynamic development of the country in the 21st century.

In accordance with the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010” (2001), changes in the educational sphere are designed to facilitate Russia’s accelerated entry into a qualitatively new state, where human resources become the main source of growth. A new understanding of the role of education has established itself in Russian society; it has increasingly begun to be considered among the fundamental factors and guarantees of both economic development and national security of the country, as well as ensuring fundamental human rights and freedoms, social security, professional mobility, business careers and high quality personal life.

In the Main Directions of Socio-Economic Policy of the Government of the Russian Federation (2000), for the first time, education reform began to be considered as a prerequisite and driving force for the modernization of other vital areas of society, including primarily the economy.

Considering that the basic principles for implementing the Modernization Concept are: scientific justification for the choice of options for solving problems; model and experimental testing of these options, an evolutionary approach to implementing the decisions made in practice - scientific understanding of the changes taking place in the developing system of additional education is of particular significance and relevance, since the sphere of additional education for children can be considered as the most innovative and dynamic, revealing wide development opportunities variable education.

In this regard, the theoretical justification of educational and research activities in the field of additional education for children is of great importance. It is in the system of additional education that there are enormous opportunities for the development of educational and research activities of students, which in turn is one of the most promising means of developing cognitive motivation, personal self-determination, humanization of education, enriching the intellectual potential of society, which was especially noted in the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education “On development of educational and research activities of students in the system of additional education" (1996).

An analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has shown that the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of the out-of-school education system are considered quite deeply, first of all, in the works of the founders of humanistic pedagogy P.P. Blonsky, V.P. Vakhterov,

A.U.Zelenko, N.K.Krupskaya, A.V.Lunacharsky, A.S. Makarenko, E.H. Medynsky, A.S. Prugavin, V.N. Soroka-Rossinsky, S.T. Shatsky and others.

Research on the problems of free time (E.G. Zborovsky, G.P. Orlov, V.N. Pimenova, R.A. Poddubnaya, etc.) examined the potential opportunities of this area for personal development.

General theoretical issues of determining the place and role of institutions of additional (out-of-school) education in the general system of lifelong education are considered in the works of Yu.K. Babansky,

V.P. Bespalko, V.A. Kan-Kalika, A.V. Nikandrova, V.A. Slastenina and others.

Didactic aspects of teacher preparation for extracurricular and extracurricular work are reflected in the studies of F. S.A. Arkhangelsky, A.M. Doroshevich, M.E. Duranov, V.A. Orlova,

V.A. Polyakova, V.D. Putilina and others.

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the activity approach to personality development are considered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydova, I.I. Ilyasova, A.M. Matyushkina, V.B. Olshansky, V.D. Shadrikova, V.A. Yakunina; Features of differentiation of school and out-of-school education and ways to optimize them are reflected in the works of P.P. Blonsky, I.Ya. Lerner, V.G. Razumovsky, M.I. Skatkina; The theory and practice of socio-professional self-determination of personality was considered by V.A. Polyakov, S.N. Chistyakova, A.Ya. Zhurkina, issues of creative education and pedagogy of cooperation were developed by O.S. Gazman, A.I. Ivanov, V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Malenkova, L.I. Novikova; The work of B.C. is devoted to the problem of standardization in general education. Ledneva, M.V. Ryzhakova, V.V. Sudakova, S.E. Shishova; problems of managing educational systems in the unity of school A and out-of-school education were studied by Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.N.

Kondakov, B.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, P.V. Khudominsky, T.I. Shamova.

Features of the development of the content, forms and methods of additional education are quite fully reflected in the works of V.A. Gorsky, A.Ya. Zhurkina, M.B. Koval, S.B. Saltseva, A.B. Fomina, A.I. Shchetinskoy and others.

The problems of organizational and managerial support for the development of educational work in institutions of out-of-school and additional education as one of the means of social self-determination are discussed in detail in the dissertation research of V.V. Abraukhova, A.G. Andreichenko, O.I. Grekova, M.B. Koval, G.N. Popova, S.B. Poptsova, T.I. Sushchenko, H.A. Chernova, M.A. Valeeva and others.

Organizational and pedagogical problems of the development of the system of additional education for schoolchildren are reflected in a number of regulatory documents: the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1992, 1995), decisions of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the strategy for the development of state and municipal institutions of additional education for children "(May, 1994), "On the development of additional education for children in a general education institution" (November, 1994), "On the development of educational and research activities of students in the additional education system" (1996), "On the main directions of development of education in the system of variable education" (1996); in the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010” (2001), in the Interdepartmental Program for the Development of Additional Education (2001), in the resolution of the Moscow Government “On the action plan for the development of additional education for children in Moscow” (2002) and others.

The results of the analysis of the state of the system of additional education for children made it possible to identify the following contradiction: on the one hand, in modern conditions, the actively developing potential of additional education requires increasing its effectiveness through the development of new forms of additional education, in particular the educational and research activities of students, on the other hand, it has not been sufficiently developed scientific and methodological support for educational and research activities of students, the necessary pedagogical conditions for the development of this activity have not been identified. Thus, the problem of the study is to identify the pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students, which contribute to increasing the effectiveness of additional education for children.

The relevance of the problem, its insufficient development in theory, and the urgent demands of practice determined the choice of the topic of our research: “Pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in additional education.”

Purpose of the study: to identify pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education.

Object of study: educational and research activities of students in additional education.

Subject of research: content, forms and methods of educational and research activities of students in the system of additional education.

The study is based on the hypothesis that the educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education will be carried out more effectively if:

The educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education will be organized taking into account the cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological aspects and provide for the possibilities of all educational areas;

The development of educational and research activities of students will be carried out on the basis of active part-time forms of work during the transition to productive levels of education: heuristic and creative;

The criteria and indicators of students' readiness for educational and research activities will reflect the levels of additional education (creative, heuristic, reproductive, leisure and recreational).

Based on the hypothesis and purpose of the study, the following tasks were identified:

To develop a conceptual model for organizing educational and research activities of students in additional education, including cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological aspects, an individual educational route that takes into account the capabilities of all educational areas.;

To develop a program for the development of educational and research activities of students in additional education, providing for active part-time forms of work that stimulate the transition of students from the reproductive level to the heuristic and creative.

Determine the criteria and indicators of schoolchildren’s readiness for educational and research activities in the field of additional education; develop recommendations for organizing educational and research activities of students in additional education.

The methodological basis of the study is: the concept of the content of lifelong education (I.Ya. Lerner, V.S. Lednev, A.M. Novikov, V.V. Kraevsky, etc.); theory of polytechnic education and labor training of students (P.R. Atutov, V.A. Polyakov, etc.); theory of a systematic approach to social and professional self-determination of students (S.Ya. Batyshev, S.N. Chistyakova, etc.); social and philosophical concept of free time (E.G. Zborovsky, G.P. Orlov, V.N. Pimenova, R.A. Poddubnaya); psychological concepts of personality development, set out in the works of domestic researchers (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, A.M. Matyushkin, etc.); pedagogical foundations for the development of students’ creative activity in extracurricular activities (P.N. Andrianov, V.D. Putilin, etc.).

Research methods:

Analytical (analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature);

Diagnostic (questionnaire, survey, expert assessment method, observation);

Empirical (experience study, survey, monitoring);

Statistical (processing of research results);

Experimental (testing a model for organizing educational and research activities of students in additional education).

The study was conducted on the basis of the Interregional children's scientific creative public organization “Intelligence of the Future” and its 28 branches in various regions of Russia, on the basis of the Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Students “Eureka” (Obninsk). The study covered 1,275 students and 98 experts (specialists from universities, research institutes, educational and cultural institutions).

Main stages of the study

At stage I (1994-1996), the state of the problem under study in pedagogical theory and practice was studied; the methodology, theory and practice of out-of-school work and additional education, dissertations on the research problem were analyzed, the conceptual apparatus of the study was formed, search and design activities were carried out to develop models of the content of additional education.

At stage II (1997-1998), based on a systematic approach, a model for organizing educational and research activities of students in additional education and a program for the development of these activities were developed.

At the III stage (1999-2002), a model for organizing educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education was tested in supporting institutions of additional education (Moscow, Obninsk, Aldan of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia) and in children's associations of the Day of Youth "Intelligence of the Future" in in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region and 28 branches of various regions of Russia, a program for the development of educational and research activities of students on the territory of the Russian Federation, forms of summing up the creative, productive activities of children (conferences “Youth, Science, Culture”, etc.) were tested.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological aspects of the organization of educational and research activities of students in additional education have been developed; levels of schoolchildren’s readiness for research activities (leisure and recreational, reproductive, heuristic and creative); criteria and indicators of students’ readiness for educational and research activities have been determined; a program for the development of educational and research activities has been developed for various age stages and contains three stages (propaedeutic, search, research).

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of a conceptual model for the organization of educational and research activities of students in additional education, representing a modular structure that includes cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological modules; levels of organization of educational and research activities (creative, heuristic, reproductive, leisure and recreational); an individual educational route that takes into account the capabilities of all educational areas.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the developed program for the development of educational and research activities of students is implemented at the federal level, its final form - the all-Russian conference of students "Youth, Science, Culture" is annually approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; active forms of summing up the results of educational and research activities of students have been developed (competition "Intellectual and Creative Marathon", conference "Youth, Science, Culture", Intellectual and Creative Tournament, etc.), recommendations have been developed for heads of additional education institutions and teachers on organizing educational and research student activities.

The reliability of the results of the study is ensured by the methodological validity of its initial positions; the use of complementary research methods that are adequate to the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study; quantitative and qualitative analysis of a significant amount of empirical material, the results of experimental work. The following are submitted for defense:

Pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in additional education: the content, forms and methods of organizing educational and research activities of students provide for cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological aspects; levels of research activity; the possibilities of all educational areas for more effective organization of educational and research work of students;

The program for the development of educational and research activities of students, stimulating the transition of students from the reproductive level to the heuristic and creative level, includes: active part-time forms of summing up the results of students' research and creative activities in the field of additional education (conferences, competitions, tournaments); a set of requirements for students’ research work (research nature, novelty, relevance, competent and logical presentation of the material, etc.); principles of organization (openness of the program, individually differentiated approach, scientific and information and communication support of the program, creating a situation of success, integrativeness, etc.);

The guidelines for the further development of students are the criteria and indicators of schoolchildren’s readiness for educational and research activities.

Approbation of research results

The scientific principles, conclusions and recommendations contained in the dissertation were discussed and received a positive assessment at the Russian open pedagogical forums “Education, creativity, development” in Obninsk and Moscow (1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002), at the problematic interdisciplinary seminar “Intellectual and creative talent" in Samara (1996), at a seminar-meeting of heads of experimental sites "Methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical research into the problems of additional education of children" in Dubna (1997), at a seminar-meeting of heads of Federal experimental sites in Moscow ( 1998), at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference in St. Petersburg “Problems of the formation and development of the educational process in institutions of additional education for children” (1997), at the Republican seminar of directors of institutions of additional education on the topic “Current problems of software and methodological support additional education" in Naberezhnye Chelny (1998), at a seminar-conference on the problems of additional education in Aldan of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia (1999, 2001), at pedagogical seminars in Moscow, Obninsk (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002) .

Implementation of research results. The main provisions of the dissertation (the developed program for the development of educational and research activities of students, active forms of summing up the results of educational and research activities of students, and others) were used in the activities for the organization of the Federal scientific and educational program “Youth, Science, Culture”, approved

All-Russian public organization "National system for the development of scientific, creative and innovative activities of youth of Russia "Integration", in the work of the All-Russian open conference of students "Youth, science, culture", organized in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, in the work of the Interregional children's scientific creative public organization "Intelligence of the Future", included in the federal register of youth and children's organizations enjoying state support, and implementing programs awarded state grants named after M.V. Lomonosov (2001, 2002), in teaching activities at the Faculty of Additional Education Teachers Ba-Labanovsky College.

Dissertation structure

The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, bibliography and appendices.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education”, Lyashko, Lev Yurievich

Conclusions on the second chapter

The developed model for organizing educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education is a modular structure that includes the following components:

1) cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological modules; the selected parity modules reflect the focus, acceptability, controllability, and integrativeness of students' educational and research activities and give the process consistency, integrity and efficiency.

2) levels of organization of educational and research activities of students (creative, heuristic, reproductive, leisure and recreational), taking into account the considered levels of content of additional education; levels characterize the dynamics of development of research activities.

3) an individual educational route, including the opportunities of all educational areas;

4) criteria and indicators of students’ readiness for research activities.

We, in particular, carried out experimental testing of the model during the implementation of the program called “Youth, Science, Culture.”

The developed program for the development of educational and research activities of students, based on part-time forms of summing up the results of students’ creative work in the field of additional education (conferences, competitions, tournaments), provides for: a set of requirements for students’ research work (research nature, novelty, relevance, competent and logical presentation of the material, etc.); principles of organization (openness of the program, individually differentiated approach, scientific and information and communication support of the program, creating a situation of success, integrativeness, etc.); criteria and indicators of schoolchildren's readiness for educational and research activities.

The program “Youth, Science, Culture” is one of the conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in the field of additional education, allows students to be included in these activities at productive levels (heuristic and creative), and helps motivate children to engage in educational, research and creative activities.

Thus, the scientific and educational program “Youth, Science, Culture” forms the readiness of schoolchildren to carry out educational and research activities, which is confirmed by testing on a number of indicators according to such criteria as cognitive, motivational-need, activity-practical, value-based. communicative, while in the process of implementing the program, an increasing number of schoolchildren reach the highest (creative) level of readiness.


In modern conditions, during the period of modernization of education, the development of educational and research activities of students is of great importance.

Our research was aimed at identifying the pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of students' educational and research activities in the field of additional education for children.

Based on the results of scientific and theoretical research and experimental work, we can state that the hypothesis we put forward was confirmed.

Based on the study, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Pedagogical conditions for the development of educational and research activities of students in additional education are: content, forms and methods of organizing educational and research activities of students, including cognitive, productive, developmental and axiological aspects; levels of research activity; the possibilities of all educational areas for organizing educational and research work of students;

A program for the development of educational and research activities of students, stimulating the transition of students from the reproductive level to the heuristic and creative level, and providing for: active part-time forms of summing up the results of students' research and creative activities in the field of additional education (conferences, competitions, tournaments); a set of requirements for students’ research work (research nature, novelty, relevance, competent and logical presentation of the material, etc.); taking into account the principles of the organization (openness of the program, individually differentiated approach, scientific and information and communication support of the program, creating a situation of success, integrativeness, etc.);

Application of criteria and indicators of schoolchildren’s readiness for educational and research activities of students, which not only reflect the result of the educational process, but also serve as guidelines for the further development of schoolchildren.

2. The developed conceptual model for organizing students’ educational and research activities allows us to design and diagnose the development of this activity, taking into account the levels of additional education (leisure-recreational, reproductive, heuristic, creative), educational modules (cognitive, productive developmental, axiological), and the student’s individual educational route (with maximum use of the capabilities of all educational areas and in-depth development of any of them at the student’s choice).

3. The developed program “Youth, Science, Culture,” which has become federal, generally contributes to the development of educational and research activities of students in the regions of the Russian Federation, promotes further differentiation and individualization of the content of additional education for children, and social and professional self-determination of children. Developed and experimentally tested forms for summing up the results of students’ creative work in the field of additional education (competition “Intellectual and Creative Marathon”, intellectual tournaments, Russian Student Conference “Youth, Science, Culture”, etc.), including various competitions, performing creative assignments, protection of projects, contribute to the transition of students to productive levels of education (to the heuristic and creative levels).

4. The identified criteria (cognitive, activity-practical, motivational-need, communicative-value) and indicators of students’ readiness for educational and research activities in additional education allow not only to diagnose students’ readiness for research activities, but also contribute to the development of this activity.

The conducted research does not pretend to be exhaustive and opens up prospects for further study and development of educational and research activities in the system of additional education along the path of improving pedagogical and information technologies. In particular, further research is needed to develop new forms and methods of educational and research activities for students.

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135. Poddubnaya P.A. A schoolchild’s free time as a factor in the formation of his personality. /Based on a concrete sociological study of the free time of secondary school students/. Diss. .cand. philosopher, scientist Sverdlovsk, 1972. - 198 p.

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138. Poptsov S.B. Productive training of adolescents in additional education institutions. Diss. .cand. ped. Sci. Orenburg, 1999.-144 p.

139. Forecasting in education: theory and practice /Under. Ed. B.S. Gershunsky. M., 1993.-210 p.

140. Software for additional education institutions: From work experience. St. Petersburg, 1995. - 25 p.

141. Programs for the development of institutions of additional education for children in Russia: From work experience. M., 1997. - 128 p.

142. Design of student development programs /Monakhov V.M., Dobrynina O.A. and others. M. -Novokuznetsk, 1997. - 106 p.

143. The process of continuity in the system of additional education (Towards the development of a concept for the development of the House of Children and Youth Creativity of the Krasnoselsky District). St. Petersburg, 1997. -76 p.

144. Principles of updating software in institutions of additional education / Theses and materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, St. Petersburg, 1995. 163 p.

145. Development of additional education for children: a look at problems and prospects / Ed.-comp. Shagova E.V. St. Petersburg, 1997. - 110 p.

147. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: 2 volumes/ Ch. ed. V.G. Panov. -M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1993, 1999.

148. Rubinstein C.J1. Fundamentals of general psychology. In 2 vols. M., 1989. - 488 p.

149. Russkikh G.A. Development of educational and research activities of students //Additional education.-2001.-No. 7-8. P.3-14.

150. Savenkov A. Conceptual approach to the development of thinking of preschoolers // Preschool education. 1998. No. 10. P.18-35.

151. Saltseva S.B. Theory and practice of professional self-determination of schoolchildren in additional education institutions. Diss. .doctor ped. Sci. M., 1996. - 340 p.

152. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. M.: Public Education, 1998. - 256 p.

153. Skachkov A.B. Additional education as a social and pedagogical problem. Abstract of dissertation. .cand. ped. Sci. Rostov-on-Don, 1996. - 24 p.

154. Smetanina N.I. Organization of students' free time as a subject of pedagogical guidance. Diss. .cand. ped. Sci. M., 1991.-220 p.

155. Strategy for the development of educational systems: Conceptual and terminological dictionary / Ed. and comp. V.M. Polonsky. M., 1993. -109 p.

156. Sundukova E.I. Designing educational programs as a way to individualize student learning. Abstract of dissertation. .cand. ped. Sci. Orenburg, 1997. - 18 p.

157. Sushchenko T.I. Pedagogical process in out-of-school institutions. Kyiv: Radyanskaya school, 1986. 118 p.

158. Tersky V.N., Kel O.S. A game. Creation. Life. M., 1966. - 302 p.

159. Technical creativity of students / Ed. Yu.S. Stolyarov, D.M. Komsky. M.: Education, 1989. - 223 p.

160. Tikhomirova O.V. Ways and conditions for the formation of a culture of using teenagers’ free time. Diss. .cand. Ped.Sc. -Eagle, 1992. 201 p.

161. Toshchenko E.S. Pedagogical conditions for organizing independent cognitive activity of adolescents in their free time. Diss. . Ph.D. ped. Sci. Chelyabinsk, 1981. - 189 p.

162. Tretyakov P.I., Sennovsky I.B. Technology of modular teaching at school: Practice-oriented monograph / Ed. P.I. Tretyakov. -M., 1997.-352 p.

163. Tryapitsyna A.P. Pedagogical foundations of creative educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Author's abstract. dis. .doctor of ped. Sciences, L., 1991.-35 p.

164. School development management: A manual for heads of educational institutions / Ed. M.M. Potashnik and V.S. Lazarev. M.: New School, 1995.-464 p.

165. Ushinsky K.D. Labor in its mental and educational meaning // Collection. Soch., vol. 2, p. 335 361.

166. Fedotkina T.A. Pedagogical conditions for economic training of students in additional education institutions: Diss. . Ph.D. ped. Sciences: M., 1997- 164 p.

167. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1993. - P.561

168. Philosophical and psychological problems of educational development / Ed. V.V. Davydova. M., 1994. - 128 p.

169. Fomina A.B. Management of social and pedagogical activities of institutions of additional education for children: Diss. . Ph.D. ped. Sciences: M., 1996.-167 p.

170. Funikova N.I. Regional features of the organization of additional education for children // Vneshkolnik. 1998. - No. 1. - P. 24 - 28.

171. Khabibullina L.K. Implementation of educational functions of schoolchildren’s free time in modern social and pedagogical conditions: Diss. .cand. Pedagogical Sciences, Kazan, 1995. -223 p.

172. Khutorskoy A.B. Modern didactics: Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.-544 p.

173. Khutorskoy A.B. Heuristic learning: Theory, methodology, practice.-M., 1998.-266 p.

174. Cherednichenko I.N. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a culture of schoolchildren using free time in cultural and leisure activities. Abstract of dissertation. . Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Omsk, 1997.-20 p.

175. Chistyakov B.Yu. Economic training of adolescents in the process of technical activities in out-of-school institutions. Abstract of dissertation. .cand. ped. Sciences, 1994. 18 p.

176. Chudnovsky V.E., Yurkevich V.S. Giftedness: gift or test. -M.: Knowledge, 1990.-64 p.

177. Shatsky S.T. Selected pedagogical works. In 2 volumes. M.: Pedagogy, 1980.

178. Shchetinskaya A.I. Pedagogical management of the activities of institutions of additional education for children: Diss. . Ph.D. ped. Sciences: M., 1995.-158p.

179. School breaks. Scientific approaches to updating general secondary education. Collection of scientific papers / Ed. Yu.I. Dika, A.B. Khutorskogo. M.: IOSO RAO, 2001. - 336 p.

180. Shchurkova N.E., Pityukov V.Yu., Savchenko A.P., Osipova E.A. New technologies of the educational process. M., 1994. - 140 p.

181. Yurkina L.Yu. Psychological preparation of schoolchildren tourists (from work experience). M., 1996. - 70 p.

182. Yavorsky V.M. Development of technical creativity in the process of joint activities of the station of young technicians and the school: Abstract of dissertation. .cand. ped. Sci. 1994. -23 p.

183. Yasvin V.A. Psychological and pedagogical design of the educational environment //Additional education. 2000. No. 2. - P. 16-22.

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Research activities of students- student activity associated with students solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution (as opposed to a workshop that serves to illustrate certain laws of nature) and presupposing the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, standardized based on those accepted in science traditions: formulation of the problem, study of the theory devoted to this issue, selection of research methods and practical mastery of them, collection of one’s own material, its analysis and generalization, scientific commentary, one’s own conclusions. Any research, no matter in what field of natural sciences or humanities it is carried out, has a similar structure.

Such a chain is an integral part of research activity, the norm for its conduct.

5. Goals of the “Little Discovery” program

The “Little Discovery” program aims to create the necessary potential of organizational and methodological conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problem of developing students’ research competencies and their successful use outside of class hours.

The strategic goal of the program is the formation and education of individuals who possess design and research technology at the level of competence.

6. Tasks.

Development of students’ cognitive abilities through an optimal combination of additional and individual education;

Productive organization of the student’s extracurricular time;

Stimulating the creative activity of the teaching staff and creating conditions to meet the needs of teachers for productive self-expression;

Improving the health-preserving and health-developing components of the educational space of the school.

Research activities are carried out through:

**additional education block (group theoretical and practical classes in certain thematic areas, individual lessons and consultations on the topics of the research being carried out),

**system of extracurricular theoretical and practical training,

**independent research when conducting outdoor activities during the holidays (excursions and expeditions),

**external and internal platforms for presenting research results (competitions, conferences, festivals, olympiads)
The program is developed in three areas:

Working with students;

Working with parents;

Working with the teaching staff.

Each area of ​​the program is implemented annually; adjustments to the content, forms and methods of program implementation are possible.

7. Program concept

The rapid growth of knowledge and yet undiscovered phenomena, the rapid change of technologies require education to be oriented towards a level of science and technology that has not yet been achieved today. An effective way to achieve this result is to form a search style of thinking and instill interest in intellectual activity and cognition. One of the tools to solve such a problem is the construction of a step-by-step educational process based on the educational and research activities of students.

An extracurricular approach (post-curricular) is understood as a shift in emphasis in organizing research work with children outside of school hours.

To solve the assigned problems, it is optimal to include students in research work within the framework of specially organized activities, and to create a special developmental educational environment in the institution. A mandatory component of the educational environment is the creation of effective pedagogical support for the student. The integration of general and additional education based on research activities not only contributes to a significant increase in motivation for acquiring knowledge and the creation of certain competencies, but also leads to updating the content of postgraduate education as a whole. Student research activities act as a platform that interacts well with a whole range of tasks defined within the framework of the national project in the field of education.

The introduction of student research activities as a unified conceptual platform makes it possible to build an individual educational trajectory for each child and facilitates changing its direction when educational priorities and motivations change; it is the foundation for individual self-determination, pre-profile and specialized training.

The organization of a post-graduate educational process based on research activities causes significant changes in the construction of the school microclimate, radically changing the role of the teacher, turning him from a “source” of information into a “guide” through the information space, a colleague and senior comrade in joint intellectual work. In parallel with this, the child’s personal characteristics also change: adequate self-esteem is being formed, the desire for cooperation is being fostered while maintaining one’s own position and the ability to defend it convincingly.

The educational environment created on the basis of research activities stimulates the child to creative search, and participation in research conferences and expeditions, familiarization with the research works of peers during the defense of individual research papers contribute to the formation of a wide range of interests, stimulate the desire to try their hand at various fields of knowledge. The possibility of forming their own educational trajectory directly by students makes such an educational environment comfortable for all participants in the educational process, which allows them to effectively solve the problems facing the school.

8. Model of a student who completed training under the “Little Discovery” program

An intellectually developed personality with the skills of search thinking, ready for active, proactive work, with established competitiveness in the labor market through the development of personal and emotional stability, positioned to achieve success, and also psychologically ready to accept failure.

9. Pedagogical technologies and methods used in organizing extracurricular research activities of students.

Since the majority of students involved in extracurricular research activities are self-motivated to continue their studies and strive to prepare themselves for a profession, the most effective are technologies that implement the idea of ​​individualizing learning and provide scope for creative self-expression and self-realization of students. This is, first of all, the technology of project-based learning, which is combined with the technology of problem-based learning, and the teaching methodology in “small groups”.

9.1. Problem-based learning technology.

We consider this technology as basic, since the transformative activity of the student can be most effectively implemented in the process of completing tasks of a problematic nature. Experience shows that solving problems with problematic content provides a high level of cognitive activity for students.

The structure of the problem-based learning process is a complex of interconnected and increasingly complex situations. When implementing problem-based learning technology, the teacher most often uses problematic questions in the form of a cognitive (problematic) task. The algorithm for solving a problem problem includes four stages:

1) awareness of the problem, identifying the contradiction inherent in the question, identifying a break in the chain of cause and effect relationships;

2) forming a hypothesis and searching for ways to prove the assumption;

3) proof of the hypothesis, during which students reformulate the question or task;

4) a general conclusion in which the studied cause-and-effect relationships appear and new aspects of a cognitive object or phenomenon are revealed.

Thus, a set of purposefully designed tasks that create problem situations is designed to provide the main function of problem-based learning - the development of the ability to think at the level of relationships and dependencies. This allows schoolchildren to gain certain experience in creative activity necessary in the process of student research.

9.2. Methods of teaching in small groups.

This technique is most effectively used in extracurricular activities. The essence of training in “small groups” is that a group of children is divided into 3-4 subgroups. It is advisable for each of them to include 5-7 people, since in such a number the educational interaction is most effective.

Each microgroup prepares an answer to one of the questions discussed in class, which they can choose either at their own request or by lot. When discussing issues, members of each group speak, oppose, review and make additions. For the correct answer, students receive individual marks, and “small groups” receive a certain number of points.

The game situation allows you to create the necessary emotional mood at the seminar and motivate schoolchildren to more intense and varied work.

9.3. Projective learning technology.

The basis of the project-based learning system is the creative assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren in the process of independent search activity, that is, design. The design product is an educational project, which can be the text of a speech, an essay, a report, etc.

It is important that project-based learning is inherently personality-oriented, which means it allows students to learn from their own experience and the experience of others. This stimulates the cognitive interests of students, makes it possible to gain satisfaction from the results of their work, and to realize the situation of success in learning.

9.4. Individual research project.

as one of the forms of organizing the educational process, it is a system of classes, the content of which allows students to complete their research projects, study in depth certain sections of the school curriculum, or gain knowledge in areas of interest to them.

The originality lies in the fact that the basis of its content is made up of topics that are not covered in lessons, but are accessible and interesting for children to study; requires active work with additional literature, independent comprehension of problems, and the ability to work with the teacher’s oral presentation as a source of information. The most relevant are special courses in high school, where educational material can be grouped in large blocks. In addition, usually high school students already have experience in independent creative activity.

Individual research project is carried out in stages.

At the first stage, the teacher diagnoses the level of educational capabilities, cognitive interests, and motives of students’ activities. Then the teacher develops an approximate topic of research projects that can be carried out within the framework of the project, then the teacher conducts group consultations, the purpose of which is to introduce students to the basic techniques of working on a research project, explains the goals and objectives of the project as a means of preparing students for independent work on the project.

The fourth stage is actually individual research project, which includes a certain number of training sessions. Most classes involve a problematic presentation of new material. Of particular importance is a problem-based lesson, the purpose of which is to generalize and systematize the acquired knowledge.

Fifth stage individual research project represents the execution and preparation of creative work for defense. At the sixth stage, a student scientific conference is held, at which research projects are defended.

10. Place and role of the teaching staff.

The successful organization of extracurricular research activities for students is impossible without the participation of school teachers.

Involvement in working with motivated students first of all teachers with certain qualities:

A teacher is a person who responds productively to challenges, who can take criticism and not suffer from stress when working with people more capable and knowledgeable than himself. The teacher’s interaction with the student should be aimed at the optimal development of abilities, be of a helping, supportive nature, and be non-directive;

The teacher believes in his own competence and ability to solve emerging problems. He is ready to bear responsibility for the decisions made, and at the same time is confident in his human attractiveness and worth;

The teacher considers others capable of solving problems on their own, believes in their friendliness and that they have positive intentions, they have a sense of self-worth that should be valued, respected and protected;

The teacher strives for intellectual self-improvement, works to expand his own knowledge, is ready to learn from others, engage in self-education and self-development.

The teacher must be:

Passionate about his work;

Capable of experimental, scientific and creative activities;

Professionally competent;

Intellectual, moral and erudite;

A conductor of advanced pedagogical technologies;

Psychologist, educator and skillful organizer of the educational process;

11. Forms of work:

Creative workshops;


Interest groups;


Intellectual marathon;

Participation in Olympiads;

Work according to individual plans;

12. Expected results of the “Little Discovery” program:

1.Improving the quality of extracurricular education.

2. Changing the scale of social values ​​of the youth of our school to increase the importance of such a category as “title”.

3.Create an atmosphere of positive work, its significance in a person’s life, creativity as opposed to spreading drug addiction and social denial.

4.Expanding the range of activities to reveal the creative abilities of students.

5. Publication of student research works.

6. Advanced training for teachers.

7. Positive dynamics in the share of students engaged in extracurricular activities.

Program implementation, control and correction

13. Description of the program “Little Discovery”

Priority areas of the project:

* Creation of a system of measures to involve middle and high school students in research and project activities in accordance with their interests.

* Monitoring of students' cognitive and creative abilities.

* Improving the qualifications of teachers and parents in optimizing the development of students' research competencies.

* Introduction of educational research technologies into the practice of extracurricular activities.

* Diagnostics of the final results of joint activities of teachers and students.

* Creation of conditions for accounting, systematization and storage of final results (projects, research, etc.).

* Creation of sources of open access to final results in order to popularize and disseminate the idea of ​​​​using research activities in extracurricular education.

Project implementation stages

The first academic year is an organizational and analytical stage.

The second academic year is a technological stage.

The third academic year is the final stage.

14. Pedagogical program management

Functions of pedagogical management

Teacher activities

Information and analytical

Based on surveys, observations and studying the products of schoolchildren’s activities, it creates a data bank about the cognitive interests of students, their achievements in the learning process, and the level of motivation for research activities


Together with students, they determine their areas of interest, objects of research, goals of research activities, and the relevance of the research topic.

Planning and prognostication

Together with students, plans ways and means to achieve the goal; draws up a work schedule for the project.

Organizational and executive

Organizes the implementation of the planned plan in accordance with the work schedule, advises students, and maintains interest in search activities.

Control and diagnostic

Carries out ongoing monitoring of students' activities and analysis of the results of their research work.

Regulatory and correctional

Corrects the activities of students, regulates their work, teaches self-government techniques, and conducts reflection.