Class hour “Afghanistan hurts in my soul…. Class hour on the topic "Afghan" Class hour on the topic war in Afghanistan

Extracurricular activity “You are in my memory and heart, Afghanistan”

contribute to the formation of patriotism, cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland and military service.
instill an interest in the history of their native village,
introduce the heroic deeds of fellow villagers,
promote respect for people who have been in “hot spots”.
- projector, computer, screen (for demonstrating presentations, photographs),
- audio recordings.

During the classes

Slide 1 (The song “Sineva” plays loudly)
Teacher: Many years have passed since that terrible war in Afghanistan. There is still no single point of view among politicians and historians about the significance of that war, about the role of Russian soldiers and troops. Nevertheless, regardless of different views and disputes, people died. Many people. There are those who lived in Donetsk, in our area, and never returned. There are also those who fought there and live and work next to us.
2 slide
Teacher: From Directive No. 312/12/001 of December 24, 1979:
“Taking into account the military-political situation in the Middle East, the latest appeal from the Afghan government was considered positively. A decision was made to introduce some contingents of Soviet troops into the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in order to provide international assistance to the friendly Afghan people, as well as to create favorable conditions for prohibiting possible anti-Afghan actions by neighboring states...”
Minister of Defense of the USSR
Marshal of the Soviet Union D.F. Ustinov
Chief of the General Staff
Marshal of the Soviet Union N.V. Ogarkov

On December 25, 1979, at 15.00 Moscow time, an airborne division, military transport aircraft, engineering units crossed the state border, and motorized rifle divisions of the Red Banner Military District were on high alert.
3 slide(The song plays: the beginning is just “Cuckoo”) - quietly
Teacher: Because of the high Hindu Kush, almost no information was received, only the airy “black tulips”, as the helicopters delivering the coffins were called, reminded that there was a real war going on there and our guys’ service was not easy...
Reader: I often dream about my home -
The forest is dreaming about something, about its own,
Gray cuckoo across the river,
How long do I have left to live, he thinks.
You pressed affectionately against the flower,
The stalk of wild rosemary is crushed,
And the distant “ku-ku” sounds
Measuring the lives of my date.
I dream of an edge of flowers,
The quiet edge is covered in rowan trees,
Eighty, ninety, one hundred...
Why are you so generous, cuckoo?
I miss my native country,
According to its sunrises and sunsets.
On Afghan scorched earth
Russian soldiers sleep anxiously.
They spend their energy without skimping,
They know hunger and fatigue,
They don’t hoard their days in reserve.
Who will tell them: how many of them are left?
So you, cuckoo, wait a minute
Should I give someone else's share?
The soldier has eternity ahead,
Don't confuse it with old age.
(V. Kochetkov, Y. Kirsanov “Cuckoo”)
Teacher: Our holiday dedicated to the day of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is considered open.
4 slide
Teacher: Then, until December 1979, everything was as always. Our boys studied, worked, went to discos, fell in love. And suddenly... This terrible, monstrous, alien war... The Afghan war.
Reader: Time has chosen us,
Spun in an Afghan snowstorm,
Friends called us at a terrible hour,
We put on a special uniform.
And in the fire of mountain difficult roads
They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,
Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,
How minutes are compressed into years.
These qualities are not for show.
The Motherland has countless heroes.
Time has chosen us!
Through the pages of times
They walked to the victory marches.
Many glorious Russian names
Inscribed on granite eternity.
And when it was hard at times,
Strength melted away in the roar of battle,
We were thrown into pillboxes more than once
The unyielding audacity of the heroes.
Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -
These qualities are not for show.
The Motherland has countless heroes.
Time has chosen us.
5 slide
(Sounds “Moonlight Sonata”)
Presenter 1: This war lasted 9 years 1 month and 19 days. More than half a million soldiers passed through Afghanistan.
Presenter 2: War - what a terrible word. How much misfortune and tears she brings again and again. Another war that did not spare the souls of young guys.
6 slide VIDEO
Slide 7
Reader: And how can I not remember

The faces of my dead friends
Yes, it's scary to die,
When is it necessary to return?
And you left, the order was given
You are faithful to duty and oath
And all of Afghanistan
Frozen in your last step
Look guys, look girls!
Face memory put in a row
These are guys who will be twenty forever
These are the ones who glorified the landing.
Slide 8
Presenter 1: The stay of Soviet troops in Afghanistan and their combat activities are conditionally divided into four stages:
Presenter 2: December 1979 – February 1980. The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, their placement in garrisons, the organization of protection of deployment points and various objects.
Presenter 1: March 1980 – April 1985. Conducting active combat operations, including large-scale ones, together with Afghan formations and units. Work to reorganize and strengthen the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
Presenter 2: May 1985 – December 1986. The transition from active combat operations primarily to supporting the actions of Afghan troops with Soviet aviation, artillery and engineer units. The use of motorized rifle, airborne and tank units, mainly as a reserve and to increase the morale and combat stability of the Afghan troops. Reassignment units fought to stop the delivery of weapons and ammunition from abroad. Assistance continued in the development of the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The withdrawal of 6 Soviet regiments to their homeland took place.
Presenter 1: January 1987 - February 1989. Participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan leadership's policy of national reconciliation. Continued support for the combat activities of Afghan troops. Preparing Soviet troops for the return to their homeland and implementing their complete withdrawal.
(“Moonlight Sonata Continues”) - quietly
Teacher: The 20th century is often called turbulent and cruel, and this is how it became for our history. The war, one way or another, touched every generation - some fought with weapons in their hands, some saw off loved ones to the war, some mourned the dead.
Reader: A star is burning over the city of Kabul.
My farewell star is burning.
How I wanted the Motherland to sigh,
When I fell on the snow while attacking...
And I lie there and watch it cool down
There is a blue star above the minaret.
Someone is remembered or forgotten
And they will never know us...
The December star is burning, alien,
And under the star the snow smokes with blood.
And I say goodbye with my last tear,
Everything I’m parting with forever for the first time.
Presenter 2: These nine years and fifty-one days of fierce battles in a foreign land brought a lot of grief, misfortune and suffering to our people. But even there, in distant Afghanistan, Soviet soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, perseverance, nobility. In the incredibly difficult conditions of combat life, far from home, hourly exposed to danger, and sometimes mortal, they remained faithful to the military oath, military and human duty.
Teacher: People who were there and saw this hell live and work next to us.
Presenter 1: Those who served as soldiers in Afghanistan know more about life and the world than their peers. They know the real value of life. They also know a terrible pain that they were not supposed to know in their youth - the pain of losing friends.
Slide 10
Reader: Poems written about mountains
The number is so big that you can't count it
But only these mountains are grief
Although there is something in grief.
There is such silence around,
That you can hear the distant barking of a jackal,
We have another night without sleep,
And we are waiting for a short break
We are taking a leap into the mountains,
The stomach is empty, the flask is empty,
And sand creaks on your teeth,
It's like I'm eating something with a crunch.
The sand creaks, the path is not visible,
And every step is not an easy step.
And suddenly it becomes offensive,
That the enemy is slipping away again.
There is such silence around,
That a whisper can be heard three meters away,
Yes, this strange war
We were scorched by a sultry wind.
I don't believe this silence
To the mountains I silently shout:
“You are extinguishing something in me,
Like a burnt out candle"
But clenching his teeth and the machine gun,
I wiped my face from sweat,
I whisper to myself that the way back
Free only for scoundrels.
And I go into the silence of hell,
Since the Motherland needs it,
I need!
(N. Kirzhenko “Poems written about mountains!”)
Slide 11
Presenter 1: In total, during the period from December 25, 1979 to February 15, 1989, 620 thousand military personnel served in the troops located on the territory of the DRA, of which 525.2 thousand people were in formations and units of the Soviet Army. In addition, during this period there were 21 thousand people in civilian personnel positions in the Soviet troops.
Presenter 2: The total human losses of the Soviet Armed Forces amounted to 13 thousand people.
Presenter 1: During the entire period of the war in Afghanistan, 417 military personnel went missing and were captured, of whom 130 were released during the war and in the post-war period and returned to their homeland.
12 slide
Presenter 1: On February 15, 1989, the last armored personnel carrier with our soldiers crossed the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya, along the fairway of which the border with Afghanistan runs. This huge column was closed by the commander of the 40th Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. This courageous man put all his pain into these lines:
Slide 13 Song introduction “Cranes” - quiet
Reader: Our pain and fears are a shadow
Merged with your worries,
Finally the last day has come
Finally we waited for him.
Who stood up, who fell under fire,
You can’t ask fate what - to whom,
For nine years you lived this day,
For nine years they fought to reach him.
How to measure the pain of hot wounds?
Ease the grief of mothers?
Afghanistan will burn your heart
And in the arms of your Motherland.
(B. Gromov)
Teacher: February 15, 1989, for many, was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers and serving people ended. A difficult, sad outcome. Many mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, and did not hear “I’m back, mom...”
This song was performed by Mark Bernes, paying tribute to those who did not return from the bloody fields. And these are not only participants in the Great Patriotic War, but also those who fulfilled their international duty in Afghanistan and Chechnya for 10 years.
Slide 14
Presenter 1: The raw wound is Afghanistan. For those who have lost loved ones, for those whose youth was scorched by war and the hot Afghan sun. The war is long over, but the pain of loss is a living pain, it will last for the rest of your life. The death of a loved one, sometimes the only person, is such a terrible shock, such a blow from which not everyone is destined to recover. And with the death of nineteen-year-olds, more than one Slavic surname was interrupted...
Slide 15
And today there is a basket of flowers at the memorial plaque of the Afghan warrior Viktor Nikolaev as a tribute to the memory of all the soldiers who gave their civic duty in this war.
Reader: Nikolaev Viktor Vasilievich – driver of an armored personnel carrier, private.
Born on September 9, 1964 in the city of Donetsk in a working-class family. In 1979 he graduated from eight-year school No. 72 in the city of Donetsk, in 1981 – 10 classes of secondary school No. 60 in the city of Donetsk, in 1982 – special vocational school No. 23 in the city of Donetsk, specializing in “manual electric welder”, in July 1982 – Donetsk DOSAAF technical school for the training program for vehicle drivers. He worked as a driver at the Yuzhniigiprogaz institute.
He was drafted into the Armed Forces of the USSR on October 1, 1982 by the Kuibyshev District Military Commissariat of the city of Donetsk. He completed a military training course in combat techniques in mountainous and desert areas, and mastered the specialty of an armored personnel carrier driver.
In the Republic of Afghanistan since December 1982. He served as the driver of an armored personnel carrier of the anti-tank battery of the 191st separate motorized rifle regiment (military unit field post 39676; Ghazni city).
Tragically died in an incident on January 29, 1983.
He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Krasny Pakhar (section 3) in Donetsk.
Awarded the Order of the Red Star (1989; posthumously).
In Donetsk, on the building of the former eight-year school No. 72 (now school No. 72; Vasnetsova Street, 2), where Viktor Nikolaev studied, a memorial plaque was installed. In the memorial museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Arsenov, which is located in the special vocational school No. 23 of the city of Donetsk (now construction lyceum No. 23 of the city of Donetsk; Lermontova street, 1a), a corner in memory of the internationalist warrior is equipped.
Teacher: These are people who fought and died at a time when the peaceful sun was shining for everyone else. But as long as their relatives, friends and acquaintances remember them, they are alive.
Slide 16
The song plays: “Memory” - loudly
In honor of such people, a monument to fallen Afghan soldiers was erected (monument to internationalist soldiers).
On the territory of the Donetsk region, 302 people killed in the Afghan war (1979-1989) are buried and more than 300 people returned disabled from this war.
The monument was opened on May 7, 1996 in the Lenin Komsomol Park.
The monument is located next to the monument to the “Liberators of Donbass”, which symbolizes the connection between generations of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War and the Afghan War (1979-1989).
A minute of silence is declared in memory of the soldiers who died during the fighting in Afghanistan.
Presenter 2: Faithful to the oath, convinced that they were protecting the interests of the Motherland and providing friendly assistance to the neighboring people, they were only fulfilling their military duty. And our sacred duty is to preserve the memory of them as faithful sons of the Fatherland.
Slide 18 (Sounds quietly: “Moonlight Sonata”)
Reader: Just one moment,
And I would be alive.
Just one moment, -
But he is no longer mine.-
A machine gun called out to someone with a shot,
But this cry was sent at random.
I wish I could delay just one moment,
I looked back and answered the call
Getting up, I would be alive,
Even if he got up, he was already dead.
Just one moment -
Decides who to be and with whom,
Just one moment of doubt
And then
I stepped towards lifeless immortality,
But someone remained to live,
So my death was not in vain...
(I. Medvedev “Only one moment”)
Reader: The fogs over the river are like smoke,
Bloody sunsets over the mountains.
I'll forever remain young
And I will live by the short word “memory.” –
I will live in roadside daisies,
In the foliage of birch trees, in a babbling brook.
In the cautious silence of the obelisks,
In the pearls of dewdrops on the leaves.
And in the sky, rushing like a bright line,
Beyond the distant field, in the darkness of the night
A blue star fell into the grass
And it lit up like a golden star.
Eternity is embraced by ringing silence,
Heavy, tense silence.
Descendants bow their heads low
In a stern silence over me.
And the birches are bending over me
In solemn and mournful silence.
Blue stars are shining in the sky
Over each of those living on earth.
(L. Molchanov “Mists over the river”)
Slide 19
Presenter 1: Battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war is also a thing of history. She still has a long life to live in human memory, because her story was written with the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers. It will live in the souls of those who participated in it. The generation scorched by its fire, like no one else, learned the military and moral lessons of that heroic and tragic Afghan war, undeclared by anyone.
Presenter 2: For a long time to come, the voices of the dead and living participants in the Afghan war will disturb all of us. This war will always live in poems and military songs, recalling the unnecessaryness of the war, its tragedy and the courage of the Soviet soldier.
Teacher: Time is a fair judge, a skilled healer. The longer an event leaves us, the more balanced and objective its assessments should be.
These guys are not to blame for ending up in Afghanistan. A soldier of war does not choose and does not start. But he always pays with the most precious thing he has - with his life for the mistakes of others. Whatever is said about the Limited Contingent today, those who fought there, in foreign mountains, understood one thing: they were fighting for their country, defending the southern border of the USSR. They carry out the orders of their homeland.
36 years have passed since Soviet troops arrived in Afghanistan, and 27 years have already passed since the withdrawal of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops from the territory of the southern country that was once our neighbor. By human standards, it is not years that separate us, but an era. It was a different country, a different situation in the world. Many people still say: Afghanistan hurts in my soul.” Because the unhealed mental wound, the memory of lost relatives and friends, also makes itself felt with “needles”. And finally, there is also awareness from restless and bitter questions, the essence of which is one: why did this happen?

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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Explanatory note This is a scenario for an event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Designed for children 11-15 years old (5-8 grades). The meeting involves not only direct communication with a veteran of the Afghan war, but also one of the tasks is to familiarize the children with fragments of Russian history, the opportunity to evaluate these events, to look at them through their eyes. This event has both an educational and educational orientation, and contributes to the formation of personal qualities, citizenship, respect for the older generation, and raising the authority of the army. And besides this, it develops personal qualities and a general outlook. When developing this class hour and the presentation for it, materials from the school Museum of Military Glory were used

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To successfully carry out this event, it is necessary to carry out some preliminary work: establish contact with the public organization of Afghan soldiers; invite a guest: a warrior who served in the Afghan. Prepare the cabinet: screen; multimedia projector; Pick up poems; Choose musical accompaniment. Students prepare questions for the guest in advance. You can organize a visit to lay flowers at the end of the event, you can show a film about the Afghan war. Forms and methods of implementation used: the main form of implementation is a meeting with a person who knows the issue from the inside. But during the event, there is also a historical background, which is prepared by the teacher, speeches by students (they read poems that you will see in the presentation), and a conversation, which is built according to the plan proposed by the students.

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Class hour “Afghanistan - an unhealing wound” (dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan) Developed and conducted by the class teacher of the 5th grade of the MAOU “Golyshmanovskaya Secondary School” of the Tyumen region, Golyshmanovsky district, Maria Nikolaevna Bolshakova

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Purpose: to familiarize students with the reason for the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan; the reason for the withdrawal of troops; determining the historical significance of the Afghan war. Objectives: broadening the horizons of students, instilling a sense of duty, responsibility, self-sacrifice, patriotism; spiritual enrichment by the poetic and song heritage of internationalist soldiers. Equipment: projector, screen, computer, computer presentation

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Background South Asia, where Afghanistan is located, is separated from the rest of Asia by a chain of massive mountain ranges. The second highest mountain range in the world, the arid Hindu Kush, stretches across Afghanistan. It goes through Central Afghanistan. Area of ​​Afghanistan: 649,507 sq. km. Population 25,825,000 people. Capital: Kabul. Currency: 1 Afghani. Official language: Afghan, Persian, Pashto. Other languages: Uzbek, Turkish. Main religions: Islam 99%, Hinduism, Judaism.

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From history More than 20 years ago, the ten-year war in Afghanistan ended. These events have not yet been described in history textbooks, although they played a significant role in the history of our Motherland. And knowledge of history is necessary, since those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat the mistakes humanity has made. The Afghan war lasted 10 years (1979-1989). During this period, more than 500,000 military personnel, including 60,000 officers, served as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

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Causes of the war in Afghanistan As is known, as a result of the April revolution of 1978, a new nationally progressive system was created in Afghanistan, the despotic royal regime was eliminated, the broad masses were attracted to the side of the revolution, land reform was carried out, a large amount of land was transferred to the peasantry, and many other transformations were carried out in the interests of the people. However, the revolutionary events in Afghanistan met fierce resistance from external enemies, reactionary forces. There was continuous subversive activity on the part of Pakistan, Iraq and China. In turn, the reactionary remnants of the old regime (landowners deprived of land, part of the Muslim clergy) launched a struggle against the revolutionary system. All this created a threat of eliminating what the April revolution brought to the Afghan people.

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Appeal to the USSR with a request The new state and party leadership addressed the USSR with a request for political and material assistance, including military support. The Soviet Union decided to provide such support based on an interstate agreement concluded between the USSR and Afghanistan. The Soviet Union agreed to the Afghan government to send a small military contingent for a while. On December 24, 1979, the Soviet leadership decided to send troops (a limited contingent) to Afghanistan. On December 25 at 15:00, Soviet troops entered Afghanistan. How long? No one could answer this question! And so it happened: the war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years and 10 months.

Slide 9

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Distant Kabul and the lifeless steppe Smelled of smoke from loud explosions, You won’t see your sons for a long time, Saving another people from grief. We, the Motherland, have left you, Our conscience has shown us the way: Go and carry out the holy order, So that the Motherland can peacefully fall asleep.

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Entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, 1979 Time chose us, Spun us in an Afghan blizzard. Our friends called us, We put on a special uniform. And in the fire of difficult mountain roads they sprinkled their blood on the campaigns. They didn’t notice in the whirlwind of worries, How minutes are pressed into years.

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On December 25, 1979, the entry of Soviet troops into the DRA began in three directions: Kushka-Shindand-Kandahar, Termez-Kunduz-Kabul, Khorog-Fayzabad. The troops landed at the airfields of Kabul, Bagram, and Kandahar. The Soviet contingent included: the command of the 40th Army with support and service units, four divisions, five separate brigades, four separate regiments, four combat aviation regiments, three helicopter regiments, one pipeline brigade, one logistics brigade and some other units and institutions.

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Based on the objectives of the deployment, formations and units of the 40th Army were deployed in vital areas and centers of Afghanistan. From the first days of its stay on Afghan territory, OKSV was entrusted with a wide range of tasks: providing assistance in strengthening local authorities; protection of national economic and military facilities, main highways and ensuring the passage of convoys with cargo along them in the interests of OKSV, the armed forces, ministries and departments of Afghanistan. Conducting military operations together with Afghan troops to defeat detachments and groups of armed opposition. covering the state border of Afghanistan with Pakistan and Iran from the penetration of caravans and mujahideen detachments into the DRA. providing assistance to the DRA armed forces in training headquarters, troops, etc.

Slide 13

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In total, during the years of their stay in Afghanistan, Soviet troops participated in 416 large-scale operations. One of the most important and most difficult tasks of the OKSV in the Republic of Afghanistan was the task of protecting national economic and military facilities, main highways and conducting transport convoys along them. OKSV carried out this task from the very first day of its stay on the territory of the neighboring state. Soviet troops provided everything necessary not only for themselves, but also provided material assistance to the Afghan population. Thus, the propaganda units of the 40th Army distributed tens of thousands of tons of food free of charge to residents of Afghan villages. So, the group of Soviet troops and its personnel introduced into Afghanistan at the end of 1979 - beginning of 1980 found themselves in very specific conditions from the first days. This required major changes in the standard organizational structures and equipment of formations and units, in the training of their personnel, and in the daily and combat activities of the OKSV.

Slide 14

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Operating in the harsh and unusual natural and climatic conditions of Afghanistan, far from the Motherland, Soviet military personnel and law enforcement officers withstood military trials with honor, defending the geopolitical and economic interests of the Fatherland, protecting our country and all of humanity for decades from religious fanatics, the spread of subversive ideology and criminal practices of Wahhabism, drug infiltration, US military presence in the Western Asia region and the immediate vicinity of our state borders.

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Slide 17

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Only as the Cold War ended did the world become able to end the war in Afghanistan. In 1988, agreements were reached in Geneva, according to which the USSR withdrew its troops, and the United States and Pakistan stopped military support for the Mujahideen. In February 1989, the withdrawal of Soviet troops began. . On May 15, 1988, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began. The operation was led by the last commander of the limited contingent, Lieutenant General Boris Gromov

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On April 7, 1988, the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union D. Yazov, signed a directive defining the procedure for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and ensuring their safety on the march. The withdrawal of Soviet troops was carried out on a planned basis.

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There is no basis for the assertion that Soviet troops were defeated in Afghanistan. In this regard, Colonel General B. Gromov rightly points to the following irrefutable facts: “At the end of 1979, Soviet troops entered the country unhindered, fulfilled their tasks - unlike the Americans in Vietnam - and returned to their homeland in an organized manner. If we consider armed opposition units as the main opponent of the Limited Contingent, then the difference between us is that the 40th Army did what it considered necessary, and the dushmans did only what they could.”

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For the courage and heroism shown during the military operations in Afghanistan, 86 servicemen from the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 28 of whom, unfortunately, were posthumous. More than 200 thousand internationalist soldiers were awarded other orders and medals of the USSR.

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Losses According to updated data, in total in the war the Soviet Army lost 14 thousand 427 people, the KGB - 576 people, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 28 people dead and missing. More than 53 thousand people were injured and shell-shocked. The exact number of Afghans killed in the war is unknown. Available estimates range from 1 to 2 million people. Losses in equipment, according to official data, amounted to 147 tanks, 1314 armored vehicles, 433 artillery systems, 118 aircraft and 333 helicopters

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Fighting shoulder to shoulder, losing fighting friends, Soviet soldiers, officers and specialists did everything possible to help the people of Afghanistan escape from the darkness of medieval ignorance and poverty. And it doesn’t matter which ministry, department or organization the people who fought in Afghanistan belonged to at that time! What is important is the common feat accomplished by these people, true internationalist warriors. The grateful memory of them has no right to fade. Today in Russia we remember those who fought, those who are not with us today, and we should be happy for them, reach the peaks that remained unconquered for them.

Slide 23

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The war has passed, the suffering has passed, But the pain calls out to people: Let us, people, never forget about this. Let the faithful memory of her be preserved, of this torment, by the children of today's children, and by our grandchildren's grandchildren.

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We left Afghanistan a long time ago, We almost forgot the smell of smoke and fire, But I remember: everything there was without deception, And here everything false haunts me. And here there is pettiness and dishonesty everywhere, Which I meet with hostility, And I remember in the sand and dust the area By that distant and alien river. Not everyone will understand now, How our guys moved forward. The Earth was burning all in smoke. My lips were cracking from thirst, My throat was burning like it was on fire, But the guys clenched their teeth, They gave me a sip of water, And whoever understands, he can’t test it, Now I’m ashamed that I’m wounded Asked and raved about water, A sip, which there was equal to Sometimes life at all costs. People were like brothers there, They paid an immeasurable price for everything.

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Exploding grenades, shrapnel of lead, Afghanistan! You are all in me: You are shrouded in a glow, all on fire, There is no end to suffering and pain. Afghanistan! You are our pain and grief, The cry of mothers can be heard here, The sea of ​​burning tears has already been cried, Perhaps there will be enough of them for all the years. And again I rise to attack, And again the bullets raise dust. Afghan! Why do you reveal the harsh truth to everyone before the deadline? History cannot be turned back, We paid in full for Russia, But memory takes us back again To Afghanistan - to where we served.

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In the Museum of Military Glory of GOU Secondary School No. 229 there is an exhibition dedicated to Afghan soldiers, graduates of our school (former Kryukov School No. 1)

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2

city ​​of Agryz in the Republic of Tatarstan"

Class notes "From the Flames of Afghanistan"

7th grade


teacher of Tatar language and literature

Suleymanova Milyausha Timergalievna

Agryz, 2013

Goal: to form an idea of ​​morality, an understanding that without patriotism it is impossible to lead Russia to revival.

Objectives: 1) to introduce the heroic and tragic pages of the history of the Fatherland; 2) to cultivate young people’s respect for the exploits of military personnel, defenders of the Fatherland, awareness of the need to perpetuate the memory of fallen heroes; 3) to promote the formation of young people’s readiness to defend the Motherland.

Preparation stage:

Decoration of the living room, a map of Afghanistan, a selection of poems and music, invitations to guests who participated in the fighting in Afghanistan, flowers for veterans.

Equipment: computer, projector.

In the hall there is soft music of songs about Afghanistan. The participants of the class sit down, the guys meet everyone and invite them into the hall.

Afghanistan lives in my soul I hear it on sleepless nights

Loic's poems in anger and sadness

And shots are fired on the far line, Where our last battle will end, The last enemy will lie face down on the ground, And someone’s mother will say simple words, And you and I will hear those words. Afghanistan hurts in my soul And everyone I met and did not meet May they live long in this world, Like silence on the far frontier.

Kind day. Our guest today is …………………………………………………… We chose the topic of our conversation today not in vain; February 15 of this year marked the 23rd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. At school, no one thinks about who will defend the Motherland. Of today's school graduates, only 30% of young men are ready to serve in the ranks of the Russian army. Meanwhile, someone must defend the borders of our Motherland. A state is strong only when it has a strong army capable of protecting the interests of the country, the authority of the president, and the peace of the civilian population: children, mothers, elderly citizens. One of the stages in the formation of modern armed forces was the Afghan war, which lasted 10 years, from 1979 to 1989. According to official data, clearly underestimated, the losses of Soviet troops amounted to 50 thousand people, of which 14 thousand were killed. It is difficult to talk about history when the wounds in our hearts are still fresh. But we cannot remain silent about this.

The poem by Yu. Kirsanov is heard: “That night a signal came to our barracks...” That night a signal came to our barracks - the paratroopers were alerted, And we were already being led along the ships, The route was laid out on the map long ago. For the first time we did not take a parachute, But the backpack was filled with cartridges. The signal “go!”, they didn’t give a siren, and they didn’t open the ramp for us to jump. A mighty caravan was flying in the night, filled with people and equipment. They told us: “We’re flying to Afghanistan, to save the people, confused by Amin.” .And six hours passed like five minutes, Although we are walking according to the schedule, The lines of fire are calling to us, And the caravan is coming in to land. We are not given time to think, We are preparing our weapons for battle. We have only seen war in the movies, But here we will have to sacrifice by myself...

It was very difficult for those who first entered Afghanistan. Diseases began. Due to bad water, almost everyone got sick; they often had to sleep on the ground. It was only towards the end of the war that sleeping bags appeared, and even then there were not enough of them for everyone, and it was not uncommon to see soldiers warming up at night by the fire, instead of sleeping before the next battle. Children who fought - fathers who did not fight - are often referred to as “Afghans”. Those who crossed the Afghan border in the now distant 1979 did not yet know what to prepare for and what awaited them. They went into the unknown. What kind of unknown this presented them, we now more or less imagine. At first everyone counted the days, then the weeks. But days and weeks gradually turned into years... The Afghan War lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War. Not announced to anyone. Remembering your service is hard and difficult! The heart shrinks and it hurts! The war left many women without sons. She left many sisters without brothers, she destroyed many houses. The whirlpool of time caught the soldiers and threw them adrift, unprepared for death and not knowing life. War is a terrible word. When you say it out loud, you immediately see: horror, destruction, madness, inevitability, the death of all living things. It’s twice as hard to fight in a foreign country, to defend someone else’s people, without understanding whose side is right.

In a brief respite between battles, a boy scorched by gunpowder takes out a crumpled notebook, His heart wants to write a song. Write about fiery attacks, About a cherished joyful dream, About friends and comrades, soldiers And about the height taken in battle. A bullet whistled, he did not hear, And his heart was pierced all the time. Song It didn’t come out to the end. There’s only one line missing. The songs may be a little clumsy, The rhymes and rhythms don’t come together a little, But in the poems about the Motherland, about glory, the lines are clotted with the blood of the heart. Let it break through any barrier, Sound today or someday Carry through through the years of pain and groan A song composed by a soldier.

The song that was played now is one of the most famous Afghan songs. Performed by the Blue Berets group, it is often heard on radio and television, and it is recorded on cassette tapes. But this song has no author. Over the 23 years of its existence, no one called, wrote, or said that this was my song. This means that its author and first listeners did not return from that undeclared war. Man continues to live in his deeds: in the houses he built, in the paintings he painted, in the songs he composed…. The man has been gone for a long time, but the song seems to continue to live for him.

Along with the soldiers and officers, young girls also flew to Afghanistan: doctors, nurses, and signalmen. They did not always end up on the front line, they did not always die under bullets. But Afghanistan left its indelible mark on the soul of each of them.

The poem by A. Stovba is heard “The trench was not shot through by artillery...” The trench was not shot through by artillery, The armada of tanks did not move towards it, Not knowing mistrust in life, The green grass rose up... There was no scream, no groan, Dust spread on the ground, In the ears the lightness of the ringing remained after the explosion of the “erpege” (RPG). Two lives were crossed out on the list, They were dissolved in the blue darkness, We will erect obelisks for them And silently consign them to the ground... The guys fell, closing their eyelids, - The world became warily silent... They will remain forever Younger than their peers.

Paratroopers have always been considered the most mobile of all military branches. Officers and conscripts were selected there from all cities of the Soviet Union especially carefully.

The poem by M. Shelekhov “My Time” is read. This time is mine. I don’t know more beautiful times. This will is mine. The wave does not know the will. This airborne native battalion driven into the desert And in the homeland the pain is no worse and sweeter than that pain. And when, like a rockfall of sleepless and rearing mouths, We hit the night, lighting signal candles, Love and hope will lead us along the black sands, On the dunes leaving our bloody notches. And for a little to live and stand in the iron wind, And for the bitterness of the fields of yellow-eyed Afghanistan I will die as a nameless fog on the old border, as a nameless star!

The really best guys of the 80s generation went to Afghanistan. They differed from their peers not only by the mysterious tan of their weather-beaten faces, not only by their early gray hair and the still unfaded shine of their military awards. Returning home, they brought with them the best human qualities they had acquired through trials: nobility, camaraderie and soldierly brotherhood. To our meeting today, we invited participants in those events 23 years ago, which have now become the history of the country

We talk about the fact that time heals, that over the years wounds heal... But, probably, not everything can be cured for years, and the stars carved on the backs of Soviet people will never last...

Let's go for those who did not return, Who became a piece of silence, Who lay down in the mountains and did not wake up From the undeclared war Let's remember by name Those with whom we are forever related, Who were a piece of the battalion, And became a piece of silence. We will not pronounce out loud Their dear names, While here Our bitter war is unknown to people. Let's hold our glasses more firmly, They shouldn't spill, Even though the potion has never been bitterer, Silence won't be more painful. We have no right to leave, But only silently and to the bottom, - Since there is a common power, Since there is a common war.
A minute of silence is announced

The letter is a memory. From the letters of a soldier. December 27, 1979 We crossed the border of Afghanistan. “Their company was preparing for the New Year holidays, when on the night of December 26-27 they were raised by the unknown. When they began to unload their things, they realized that they were in another country. For what? Why? What's happening? Everyone had these silent questions on their faces. Then they were explained that here, in Afghanistan, they had to provide military assistance (as they preferred to call the mission of Russian soldiers). “We're not done yet understood what awaited us. Several days passed, problems with drinking water began, and then fear came.”

“If you did not fully understand the combat mission, could you refuse it?” To which he replied: “No. I am a Russian soldier. And if the Motherland sent me here, then it’s necessary. It's my duty". And it sounded so quietly, without strain, without pathos or regret. The conditions were harsh. Their military unit was located near the city of Herat. They had to sleep on the bare ground, wrapped in an overcoat; there was also very little food, because they were “the first.” It was necessary to start building at least some kind of housing. Dad's friend Kostya died. The coffin with the body was sent to the relatives; in response, a letter came from the mother, distraught with grief. Kostya’s mother asked: “Sons, what are you fighting for? Who sent you there? She had just buried her husband, and now “Gruz-200” is a coffin with the body of her son. The commander read her letter in front of the entire company. No one could calmly listen to the lines from the letter; dad still gets a lump in his throat when he remembers them. But none of the fellow soldiers of the deceased young soldier said a single word of reproach to the homeland, which was sent to defend a foreign people. A true patriot will never dare to blame his homeland for sending its best sons to certain death, who did not have time to enjoy life. This, I believe, is one of the particular meanings of the word “patriot.” A person loves his homeland not for what it gave or did not give, but in spite of everything.” One day their company was “sandwiched” by a gang in the gorge. The crackers were running out, there was very little ammunition left, all the guys wrote farewell letters home, mentally parted with each other, avoiding eye contact. Everyone understood that they had very little time left to live. “We look at the sky - I really don’t want to die, it’s a shame that I have to die for a foreign people, a foreign country. Everything seemed somehow ridiculous. For what? This question was in everyone’s head, but no one said it out loud.” Only a small notebook, a faithful companion, carefully “remembered” every moment. Paper will endure anything. “I have never seen so much despair and pain in the eyes of the guys. And suddenly... Everyone suddenly raised their heads and began to listen. Tears, I just don’t know what to call them, flowed from everyone’s eyes. Helicopter pilots came to the rescue. We haven't been forgotten!!! It's hard to put this feeling into words.

Perhaps someone will say that they need to be pitied...No,...They don't need pity. But they cannot do without courage and pride. This penetrated with the war into their hearts and consciousness. On February 15, 1979, a Russian soldier, Lieutenant General B.V., crossed the conventional border line running along the bridge across the Amu Darya. Gromov. On this day, the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed. They returned to society to find peace and quiet. They brought with them a desire to tell society the truth about a duty honestly performed, about lost friends, about a kind attitude towards people. They also brought songs that were bitter, but pure and sincere.

It is no coincidence that sometimes it seems to me:
There is nothing more durable in the world,
What is the name of a real hero
What is his unquenchable glory!

The battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war is also a thing of history. But all the voices of the dead and the living will continue to disturb us for a long time - the war does not pass without a trace.

Let's give the floor to our guests.

And today there are soldiers standing on the borders of our Motherland, these are boys, your peers. And in peaceful cities and villages live the mothers, fathers and children of dead soldiers. Peace has always been very expensive. International debt comes first. As long as we remember these guys, honor their memory, go to their graves and monuments, our souls will not harden. We will not be ashamed to look into the eyes of mothers who have lost their sons. Let there be peace, let us remember our heroes.

Song “Under the noise and explosion of grenades” About how many feats there have been in the world, They have already become a thing of legend. Children repeat them from mouth to mouth On all the continents of the mainland. And they will repeat from mouth to mouth, And in each of these feats its own depth is invisible, and height, And its beauty is unique. But from all that we hear about, And from what we are accomplishing so far, I consider the soldier’s feat to be the highest and the most selfless for centuries.
Thanks everyone.

List of used literature 1. Davydova A.V. Classroom hours - M.: VAKO, 2012.

Materials used and Internet resources

    Materials of the school local history museum.

Class hour "Afghanistan - it hurts in my soul"



nurturing love and respect for one’s people, the history of the country, caring attitude toward veterans and internationalist soldiers; continue to form an active civic position in adolescents;


introduce students to the events of the Afghan war of 1979-1989; help understand the events of the Afghan war from a universal human point of view;


continue to develop patriotic and civic feelings, empathy, compassion, intolerance to any kind of violence.


formation of ideas about military duty and loyalty to the Fatherland;

formation of experience of moral behavior of the individual;

emotional stimulation of students’ patriotic feelings through familiarization with military traditions.


Presentation “Afghanistan hurts in my soul”

Progress of the class hour:

Time inexorably counts down its run: 5, 10, 15, 20... Twenty-three years have passed since the end of the war in Afghanistan. Eighteen-year-old boys, wearing Panama hats with a red star, did not know what political bloody game they were drawn into. They did not know that some would never return home from the passes of the black mountains of Afghanistan and would lay down their young heads in a foreign land.

There are no more poplars nearby

And those flowers that you gave us.

There are no more mothers around

And the land that grew.

Oh, Russian flowers and poplars!

Oh, Russian sunrises and sunsets!

Dear, distant land,

We send you our regards,

Your soldiers.

The Afghan war is history. But the voices of the dead and the living will continue to disturb us all for a long time. The war in Afghanistan lasted for ten terrible years; it was once called “fulfilling an international duty.” An unhealed wound - Afghanistan. For those who have lost loved ones, for those whose youth was scorched by war and the hot Afghan sun. The war is long over, but the pain of loss is a living pain, it will last for the rest of your life. The death of a loved one, sometimes the only person, is such a terrible shock, such a blow from which not everyone is destined to recover. And with the death of nineteen-year-old boys, more than one Slavic surname was interrupted...

I'll tell you a little about Afghanistan.

Until the mid-70s, Afghanistan remained one of the most backward states in the world. 86% of the population lived in the countryside, almost 3 million were semi-nomadic. More than half of the land remained uncultivated, and the peasants were brutally exploited. There was no modern industry or railways in Afghanistan.

There were interethnic contradictions in the country. The country was inhabited by Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Balochis, Hazaras, etc. Some wanted the country to become developed, others, on the contrary, wanted the country to remain backward.

The struggle was for complete political control over the territory of Afghanistan. Was directly drawn into the military conflict and .

(song Sinev)

On December 12, 1979, at a regular meeting of the Politburo, a decision was made to send in Soviet troops to provide international assistance to the Afghan people.

We are given only an hour before departure,

Just an hour of last rest.

They told us: we are flying to Afghanistan,

Yesterday's boys are flying to Kabul.

Today we are not writing any lines.

And, entrusting your fate to the domes,

Let's descend into the Afghan sands

And we will measure the rocks with our boots.

In the mountains we have one law, one covenant:

Stab - chop the dushman tramp.

And if you don't catch lead in your chest,

You will receive a medal on your chest for courage.

On December 25, 1979, the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan began.

Military transport planes began landing at airfields in Kabul and Bagram at three-minute intervals, delivering the first Soviet units to Afghanistan.

The main tasks for the soldiers of the Soviet Army.

1. Elimination of bandit groups.

2. Conducting columns with fuel and food for local residents, helping them.

3. Security of specialists.

4. Combing of villages, operation to seize weapons.

First of all, the Russians went to help build a happy life in the depths of Asia. But not all countries wanted this strengthening of Russia’s position.

Well-equipped, but not receiving the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, the Soviet army was not ready for such a war. It was very difficult for those who first entered Afghanistan. Diseases began. Due to bad water, almost everyone got sick; they often had to sleep on the ground. It was only towards the end of the war that sleeping bags appeared, and even then there were not enough of them for everyone and it was not uncommon to see soldiers warming up at night by the fire, instead of sleeping before the next battle. The Afghans called our soldiers Shuravi.

Mujahideen (bandits) trained in the camps penetrated into the territory of Afghanistan along mountain paths, waged a merciless war with local authorities, set fire to schools and hospitals, destroyed power lines, killed teachers and doctors.

Mujahideen detachments tried to act openly, but were forced to quickly reorganize and switch to “from around the corner” tactics, because open clashes were beyond their strength.

The real danger to the Afghan partisans was the attack aircraft

Su-25, Mi-24 combat helicopters. It was they who provided fire support to the infantry in the mountains.

But at the end of 1986, the United States began supplying Stringer surface-to-air missiles to the rebels. As a result, the Soviet troops lost their most effective weapon in the conditions of a mountainous country - the Mi-24 combat helicopter, which was now easy prey for any Afghan armed with a Stringer.

But, despite the danger, helicopters and planes continued to deliver everything necessary to the battlefields, and from there take out the wounded and dead - cargo 300 and cargo 200 - that’s what they were called. Cargo 300 are the wounded who need to be taken to the hospital, and cargo 200 are those who were nearby recently.

(song “Afghan Wind”)

How many lives were lost in this cruel, merciless war.

How many tears were shed by mothers who turned gray with grief.

On February 15, 1989, as a result of the policy of M.S. Gorbachev, the troops of General Gromov were withdrawn from the territory of Afghanistan. The army commander himself was the last to cross the Soviet-Afghan border.

The ten-year stay of Soviet troops in Afghanistan had a negative impact on the prestige of the USSR in the international arena and caused a negative attitude towards the country's leadership within the Soviet Union. From a material point of view, the USSR was losing from one to several million rubles a day in Afghanistan. But the most irreparable losses were people.

The Afghan war lasted 9 years and a month and a half.

Hundreds of thousands of people can say: “Afghanistan hurts in my soul.”

Afghanistan hurts in the souls of those who walked the mountain paths of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan hurts in the souls of those who lost friends in that distant country.

Afghanistan hurts and will continue to hurt with unbearable pain and bitterness in the souls of those who lost sons, husbands, brothers, and fathers in this war.

5,462,555 people passed through Afghanistan;

13,836 people killed or died from wounds and disease

49,985 people were injured in various ways

6,669 people became disabled

312 missing

At mountain outposts, in the air and on the ground, boys fulfilled their military duty. They were the ones who were ambushed and burned alive in armored personnel carriers. It was they who swallowed the dust of the roads under the crossfire of machine guns, it was they who, risking their own lives, pulled the wounded out of the battlefield, it was they, left alone with the enemies, who covered the retreat of their comrades.

What has he become for us? The retribution for the frivolity of politicians, God's punishment or the method of epiphany-history has yet to be answered, but the Motherland sent its soldiers to defend its southern borders, and they could not disobey the order. It was then that the outbreak of this colonial war was recognized as a tragic mistake, an adventure. Why did we fight in Afghanistan? How can one justify the death of thousands and thousands of people?..

Afghanistan... No need for high words

You can’t hide it anyway, you can’t forget it.

For those who survive, life will be their reward,

And whoever died will live in songs.

Afghanistan... Bloody sunsets,

Sand and bitterness. Nothing is like ours.

And Russian soldiers went to their death

Without discussing the Motherland's order.

Don't take it guys, don't take it

Blame yourself for the past...

Better extend your hand of friendship

To everyone who went through that war.

Development of a class hour on the topic"A soldier does not choose war"

Target: education of civic and patriotic feelings of the younger generation


    On the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, remember the events that preceded it

    Lead students to the idea of ​​the need to develop “vigilance of the heart” and not remain indifferent to other people’s grief and misfortune.


    exhibition of books about Afghanistan

    presentation “A soldier does not choose war (Afghan war 1979-1989)”



Musical arrangement:

A. Rosenbaum - “Monologue of the Black Tulip pilot”;

A. Sukhov and the ensemble “Cascade” - “We are leaving”;

Ensemble "Blue Berets" - "The blue splashed, splashed..."

Progress of the class hour

Presenter 1

He was killed as a boy in Afghanistan.

For what? Who was he protecting?

And covering the wounds with my hand,

Before you died, you whispered “Mom.”

She, mad with grief,

Pressing my head against the zinc,

She whispered, giving full vent to her tears:

I’ve been waiting for you to come home.”

Presenter 2. Afghan war. Heroic and tragic, it lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War. Not announced to anyone

Presenter 3. What kind of country is this - Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is a state in the southwestern part of Asia, bordering the USSR. The capital is Kabul. Area – 652.2 thousand sq.m. The dominant religion is Islam.

    Territory 647.5 thousand square meters. kilometers.

    Population 15.5 million people.

    More than 20 nationalities

    Official language: Pashto and Dari

    Capital – Kabul

    The dominant religion is Islam

    For a long time - a colony of England

    In 1919, the government of Amanullah Khan declared independence

    On April 27, 1978, a national democratic revolution took place in Afghanistan.

Lots of mountains. Amazing nature. “The rivers there are fabulously blue, the water can be such a heavenly color... Red poppies grow like our daisies, fires of poppies at the foot of the mountains... The Afghan people have their own beliefs. Tea is an indispensable attribute of hospitality, which is highly developed. The guest is inviolable. This is the East... (from the book by S. Aleksievich “Zinc Boys”).

Presenter 2: 1979 December was the beginning of the tragedy that went down in the history of our country as the Afghan War. No one yet guesses that it will last for many many young lives. At the end of December, by agreement with the leadership, Soviet troops were brought into Afghanistan. The reason was the request of the President of Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin to provide him with military assistance to fight anti-government forces. On December 25, 1979, Amin's palace was stormed by a group of Soviet GRU special forces, and he himself was killed. The Soviet leadership brings a new president, Babrak Karmal, to power in Afghanistan.

Presenter 1. At first, the newspapers wrote that our soldiers in Afghanistan were building bridges, planting trees, creating avenues of friendship, that our doctors were treating Afghan children and women. In a word, it was officially believed that the soldiers who were there were fulfilling an international duty.

The armed struggle on the part of the Soviet troops was initially limited to individual attacks and raids, but later developed into a system of special ground, airborne and air operations.

From the outsideMujahideen It was carried out at first in the form of partisan actions, then began to acquire an increasingly organized and large-scale character. Real guerrilla warfare. Despite the absolute technical superiority of the “Limited Contingent of Soviet Troops” (OKSV - “40th Army”), the war became protracted. Meanwhile, zinc coffins were being sent to the Soviet Union, to their homeland.

Teacher's word

“Black Tulip” is an air transport intended for “cargo 200”, i.e. for the removal of dead internationalist soldiers from Afghanistan. Zinc coffins, which have been talked about in whispers since 1979, have appeared more and more often in large cities and remote villages of our country...

Presenter 3.

This went on for 10 years, 2238 days.

On April 14, 1988, in Switzerland, the foreign ministers of Afghanistan and Pakistan signed the Geneva Agreements on a political settlement of the situation around the situation in the DRA. On May 15, 1988, the Soviet Union began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan. The operation was led by the commander of the OKSV, Lieutenant General Boris Gromov. The last troops were leavingFebruary 15, 1989 across the "Friendship" bridge in Termez.

Well, the war is over,

Which was not ours...

Presenter 1.

Every time gives birth to its own songs. This war gave birth to many gifted poets and bards. The songs showed courage and perseverance, the feelings and experiences of young people who carried out their military duty with weapons in their hands. These songs were written by guys who went through the hell of the Afghan war. They didn’t know her from the outside, so the truth itself speaks in the simple words of this song. You can’t invent something like this, you have to experience it yourself.

Films about the Afghan war were released on Soviet and later Russian screens: “Afghan Break”, “The Ninth Company” and others. They also made a serious attempt to show all the tragedy and heroism of those events, the desire to understand and explain what raises people to attack, leads them towards bullets and what feelings a person experiences in war, being on the precarious border separating life from death

Presenter 2.

We walked with you for two years

On the hot roads of war,

We are familiar with both heat and battle

And the tulip of Afghan guilt.

Ah, tulip of the scorched earth,

You are like a memory of those fiery days

You have sprouted with a scarlet flame,

Like the blood of our Russian boys.

Teacher's word:

Time and history will put everything in its place. Afghanistan should not be forgotten. More than 15 thousand dead, captured and missing - 333. And those who survived are not very willing to remember the terrible days, they do not like to talk about it. (slide number 15).

There are such Afghan warriors in our village.

Presenter 3.

Parents, my brother, friends, fiancee!

Forgive me for choosing this place for myself.

I loved you, I loved life,

And it’s not my fault that I didn’t live long.

In a foreign country I took care of you

And he honestly fulfilled his duty.

Presenter 1. Afghanistan is pain, sorrow, memory. This is a war in which our guys were just soldiers...

For someone to carry flowers in their hands,
They held machine guns in their hands.
Soldiers are not born for war,
And so that there is no war.

Dmitry Nikolaev
Class hour "Afghan War"

Class hour« Afghan war»

Perhaps there will never come a time on earth when the word "soldier" will become unnecessary and unfamiliar. Wars on our planet have not stopped since ancient times. And the way war is always scary. Gone into history Afghan war. Undeclared by anyone, heroic and tragic, it turned out to be 2 times longer than the Great Patriotic War war.

Afghanistan - you are the verse of my soul

About loyalty to the Holy soldier's honor,

About the memory of that whirlwind of days,

Where everything got mixed up: lies and truth together.

student's VERSE about Afghanistan"V"

VIDEO CLIP "Tears and pain of Russia"

Afghan– how long the nights last,

For graying mothers,

All in black, faded eyes,

They are all waiting for their children.

Russian soldiers serve their homeland, their mother sees off and waits for them.

Student's VERSE about mother 6 "V"

Video clip "I serve Russia"

Each of the half a million of our soldiers who passed through this war, became part of this wars, A war part soldier.


Video clip “I have the honor!”

Let's swear, friends,

Let's not forget the boys

Those who gave their lives

On Afghan soil.

The memory of them in my heart

Let's keep it forever

If only by ourselves

Life will be given by fate.


Through The Afghan war has passed - 620.000 soldiers and officers, 14,453 were killed, 53,753 were wounded.

All of them honestly and completely fulfilled their military duty. Afghans– real soldiers in the highest sense of the word. Honor to them, glory and low bow.

And not only to them, but to all the soldiers who defended our Motherland.

A Russian soldier is one who does not spare himself

Will protect his friends at the cost of his life.

Let his chest grow red,

But he is the heart of others hot!

He is one of those people who nobly

He will save you from a bullet without reward.

He is one of those whose souls are free

Devoted to the homeland. Russian soldier!

Video “Russia is a great country!

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Class hour What is a person rich Class hour “What makes a person rich” Purpose: to show the spiritual values ​​of a person. .Equipment: teacher's workstation, paper, markers, magnetic.

Class hour "Children of War" The purpose of the class hour: to contribute to the expansion of ideas about the history of the Great Patriotic War, about the feat of our people. Tasks:.

Class hour “Friendship begins with a smile” OGKOU "Ivanovo Regional Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support" Open class hour "Friendship begins with a smile!" 2.

Class hour "Mercy" Svetlana Edmundovna Yaroshinskaya, primary school teacher at KOU “Adaptive School No. 12” Class hour: “Mercy” Purpose: To introduce children to.

Class hour “I am a little citizen of Russia” Class hour. “I am a little citizen of Russia.” (2nd grade) Purpose: to get acquainted with the concepts: state, citizen, constitution; state

Class hour “Talk about bad habits”“Talk about bad habits” Goal: Continue to develop a responsible attitude towards your health. Objectives: To develop among students.

Class hour in 1st grade “I’m already a schoolboy” Class hour. 1 class. Topic: I'm already a schoolboy. Goals: to help the first grader realize his new social role, to familiarize him with some rules.
