Online fortune telling how many letters are in a sentence. Fortune telling by letters and numbers

Many types of fortune telling have been preserved in history. One of the most famous, ancient and very complex is the method of predicting the future using the letters of the alphabet of the native language. Many ancient Greek scholars wrote about this type of fortune telling.

Even the ancient term “alectryomancy” has been preserved, which translated means “fortune telling by the letters of the alphabet.” The main condition for this type of prediction is fundamental knowledge of symbolism, as well as extensive experience in fortune telling in various ways.

From the history of predictions by letter

Alectryomancy originated in early antiquity. In modern historical science, the term “alectryomancy” itself is associated with the ancient Greek philosopher Iamblichus (245-325 AD), who devoted his entire life to the study and restoration of archaic methods of fortune telling, as well as the development of new methods of prediction.

The new methods developed by Iamblichus, and the old ones he discovered, were very popular until the Middle Ages, when Christianity in many European countries became the state religion, and all fortune-tellers, magicians, alchemists, astrologers and even scientists involved in “heresy” were destroyed by the official church.

Interpretation of fortune telling results

At the time of Iamblichus, alectriomancy was considered a special type of divination, in which the fortuneteller himself drew a circle of enormous size on the ground, dividing it into a certain number of sectors, which were designated by the letters of the ancient Greek alphabet. A handful of wheat grains was poured into each sector, and a hungry white rooster was placed in the center of the circle.

When preparations for fortune-telling were completed, the rooster was released, and the fortune-teller began to monitor every movement of the bird. The rooster pecked wheat, moved across the entire area of ​​​​the drawn circle, thus, as if choosing certain letters of the alphabet and composing a message to the person who planned the fortune-telling.

However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. The ancient Greeks knew very well how any hungry bird behaves, how it feeds on the ground, how it moves and what it does. That is why special books of fortune telling by letters were published, which described the behavior of a rooster in which there was no point in continuing fortune telling (for example, if the rooster slowly pecked grains and walked for a long time inside the circle without eating).

Ancient Greek fortune-tellers assumed that higher powers intervened in fortune-telling, so the rooster with which the ritual was carried out had to behave as if spirits had possessed it. For example, some non-standard behavior not described in the book, constant rushing from one sector to another, strange sounds that he makes, etc. Only in this case was the fortune-telling considered truthful, after which they proceeded to deciphering the results.

Certain book sources mention that the letters that the white rooster marked were simply added to words existing in the Greek language. It was these words that served as answers to the questions posed.

Today, carrying out such a fortune-telling ritual is not possible for many reasons. However, despite this, alectryomancy is still successful in all parts of the globe. Methods known from ancient times have been modified to suit modern realities. Now in alectryomancy, not arbitrary letters of the alphabet are used, but also the letters of the first name, last name, date of birth, home address and much more that contains numbers and letters.

It is also worth noting that the ancient Greek method of fortune telling using a rooster came to Russia in the Middle Ages. In addition to what the Greeks practiced (answering questions, predicting the future), the Slavic tribes living on the territory of modern Russia at that time began to use a similar ritual to identify a thief.

If something very valuable was lost in the settlement, they drew a circle on the ground, wrote letters, sprinkled grains and let a rooster fly. When the rooster stopped walking through the sectors, the thief’s name was made from the letters that he had marked and only then an investigation was carried out.

The simplest and most modern way of fortune telling by letters

This method is one of the simplest. To carry it out, you only need a pen and a few small sheets of paper (the number of sheets of paper is not limited, you should take as many as your heart desires). On each piece of paper you need to write one letter of the alphabet from “A” to “Z”. If a person speaks languages ​​that use Latin or any other alphabet, he can write in them.

As soon as the letters are written, you need to place the paper in a small silk bag or a box made of natural material.

Now you need to sit down at the table, light thin white candles, ask a question and direct all your energy to get an answer, concentrate only on this. You can ask any questions: from pressing questions to some very complex and important ones.

Next, you need to put your right hand into a bag or box with sheets of paper and pull out seven sheets one by one. After this, you should lay out the letters in front of you and make up any words with their help.

For example, the letters “O”, “E”, “N”, “G”, “E”, “T”, “R” came across. The first word that can immediately be called is “NO”. This will be the main answer to the question asked before the fortune telling. Then, from these letters, you can form the word “GRIEF”, which may indicate problems that may await you in the near future.

The described method of fortune telling provides a great opportunity for all lovers to find out their future, since with the help of prediction by letter one can get answers to any questions of interest.

Also, one of the varieties of the presented method is to calculate the fate of a person by his last name. To do this, you need to spell out your own surname and make words from them, as was done above. It is quite possible that we will get such words, symbols and signs that can accurately show the fate, purpose, and future of any person.

Fortune telling online using cards “Alphabetically” – will allow you to lift the veil of the future and find out the secrets hidden behind it.

What's in store for the near future? Where should you be careful? What is the best thing to do to avoid trouble? These and other questions will be answered by the free online fortune telling “By the Alphabet”.

To get a prediction, 24 squares are cut out of thick paper or cardboard and the consonant letters of the Russian alphabet are written on 22 of them, including “soft” and “hard” signs. Two squares are left empty, without inscriptions. Then they shuffle this homemade deck and, without asking any questions, choose three cards one after another. The letters on them tell about those circumstances of the future that need to be paid special attention to.

When starting to interpret the selected cards, you should remember that the letters B, G, K, V, N, T, P, X, Ш, Ц, Ш indicate problems and obstacles that may arise through your own fault. Letters 3, Ж, С, Ф, Р, Ш, ь, ь predict that you have every chance of success. And cards with the letters L, M, D give advice to avoid conflicts.

The peculiarity of this fortune telling is that you can randomly select empty cards without letters. Then this suggests that those predicted events that appeared on cards with letters will play a decisive, fateful role and will have an impact even on the distant future.

Speak to online fortune telling “Alphabetically” You can do it every day, but not more than once a day. It is advisable to carry out the alignment in the morning, before starting all the tasks.

Select 1st card

The card says that your desire to move mountains will serve you badly. Working too hard can lead to illness, which will ruin your vacation plans.

You have important work to do. You will spend a lot of time on it, but in the end it will turn out that no one needs it. You will not receive a reward, but will experience serious disappointment. With this mental pain, you will come to your family, where you are always welcome and where you are understood. Share your troubles with your loved ones - this communication is your salvation. Your loved ones will not only sympathize with you, but will also suggest a way out of the situation in which you find yourself.

This is a warning card. Your hobby (love or other nature) threatens to turn into excitement. It will be very difficult for you to control your actions and restrain yourself from new temptation. This passion, if not brought under control, will cause financial troubles, deterioration of health, and will also lead to complications in relationships with loved ones and work colleagues. Be careful!

The card speaks of health. There will be illness in the future for you or someone close to you, but it will not be so dangerous that you should worry too much about it. As a result, it will pass without leaving a trace.

In the near future, you will experience love disappointment and heartbreak, and the result of troubles will be a conversation from which you will draw the wrong conclusions. Because of this, your meetings will stop, but only for a while. Very soon, after thinking and sorting things out, you will meet each other again and restore your previous relationship. A very prosperous period awaits you in the future.

The card indicates that you made a mistake in the past that will result in serious trouble for you in the future. This could be a money dispute with business partners, or a lawsuit that will come as a surprise to you.

This is a card indicating deception. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will find yourself surrounded by people pursuing profit through deceitful means. They will leave the best impressions about themselves and lure you into a supposedly profitable business. By trusting them and not suspecting anything, you will receive a decent amount of money, but most of it will have to be given to scammers.

As a result of long work, you will receive a large amount of money, which will allow you to implement everything you planned earlier. You can go on a trip where you can finally take a break from your daily worries. You have nothing to fear, as this card represents luck and success even in situations where they seem impossible. Do not be afraid of your envious people and ill-wishers - they will not be able to cause harm.

You are about to meet with relatives, which will leave its mark and unsettle your soul. The card can also mean a meeting, a long friendship, or marriage with a person who is much older than you. Having believed his promises of a cloudless future, in reality you will encounter the exact opposite. You will probably begin to think more and more often about the meaning of your existing relationships. As a result, you will be faced with a choice: live with a feeling of dissatisfaction, although in abundance, or look for something new that will give you a feeling of happiness.

Through deception, you will be drawn into dubious affairs, and you will be promised a lot of money for your efforts. Be careful and careful! Your ingenuity will help you terminate dangerous agreements, avoid losses and financial problems. If time permits, you can even punish the offenders. But if you don’t take care of yourself and procrastinate, you risk losing your entire fortune.

There seems to be no threat to your well-being. However, this calmness can turn into conflict if you pay little attention to your family and look around too much. This will definitely make your significant other jealous.

You will be overcome with the desire to escape from your worries for a while. Broken family relationships will force you to often go to different companies in order to forget. There you will meet an interesting person, and he will soon become your new romantic partner. Family relationships will be on the verge of collapse. In addition, troubles can negatively affect your health. To avoid all this, seek help from a friend who is always ready to help you. Together you will make the right decision.

You are facing an unpleasant showdown in relationships (love or family), which can lead to a nervous breakdown. It is quite possible that, in addition to this, you will also face a trial. This will traumatize you even more. Under any circumstances, control yourself, because in the end you will be lucky, which will crown all the seemingly insoluble matters.

In the near future you will meet true, sincere love. In your relationship with your partner, rely on your intuition and try to be who you are, and not adapt to others. Avoid useless pastime, as well as flirting. If you accidentally become attracted to another person, you can lose true love forever.

You are about to meet a person who loves to weave intrigue. Having found out everything about you, including your deepest secrets, he will begin to spread gossip and weave intrigues against you, altering everything you said beyond recognition. Beware of this meeting: big troubles and loss of money await you.

The circumstances that you become aware of will change quickly - either for the good or for the bad. Which one, you will find out later, since this is a card of Fortune, which means Fate, and does not want to answer either because there is still a lot unresolved, or because you strive to know more than you need. Don't rush things - everything will change, regardless of your desires, hopes and assumptions. This is a game of Fortune - you will find out everything, but in due time.

You will meet an old acquaintance who, supposedly wanting to help you, promises a lot. You, having believed him, will wait for this help, but as a result you will not receive anything. However, you will not face any serious losses, since you will figure out your friend and will have time to do everything necessary yourself. As a result, you will receive unexpected profits. This card also speaks of a pleasant romantic acquaintance in the company of friends. But don't expect a serious relationship - it will be just fun.

You will have a good job and a quiet life. But you will meet an acquaintance whom you have not heard anything about for a long time, and during the conversation you yourself will not notice how you will find yourself drawn into gambling. This will bring you a good income for some time. But later you will gradually begin to lose what you had and will find yourself close to ruin. Beware of your new sudden hobby.

You have various meetings and important work ahead, from which you expect success. You will achieve honor and glory only through a kind, honest attitude towards the people around you. In a love relationship, don't put your self first. Try to understand your partner, otherwise you will end up in a scandal and mutual disgust for each other. This card also tells you that you will achieve what you want by living in harmony with yourself and others.

Your creative work will not be successful. Everything you create will not generate income for some time, and you will think about changing jobs. However, do not make hasty decisions, because everything will work out in the end, and perhaps even faster if you turn to your friends for help.

You will be so tired of everyday chores and labors that you will want to give up everything and be alone, trying to achieve peace of mind and harmony. You are very tired because you haven’t rested for a long time. Take a break from everything for a while and try to understand your purpose. But beware of being on the wrong path. If you make a mistake, you will find yourself in a very difficult situation. And to change it will take a lot of effort and time.

Numbers and figures are an integral part of our lives. There is a version that the Universe speaks to us with the help of numbers. The symbolism of numbers plays a big role for followers of various occult teachings. Numbers are also used to predict the future. Now there are many methods of fortune telling, ranging from fortune telling with runes and ending with fortune telling on coffee grounds. But fortune telling with numbers is relevant and popular even today.

There are many different ways of fortune telling. For example, determining the intended number using three tables, fortune telling by alphabet, Bashkir fortune telling.

The easiest way to tell fortunes is to make cards or simply write numbers from one to ten on pieces of paper. Then you need to mix them well so that it is not clear which number is which. For fortune telling, you need to clearly formulate a question, for example, what awaits you at the university in the next ten days. Afterwards you need to select any card. Explanations to it must be sought in the Pythagorean meanings of numbers. After some time, you yourself will be able to understand what each of the numbers means.

Interpretation of Pythagorean numbers:

Rituals are very often used to find out how other people feel about you. An excellent way is the so-called hundred. The instructions are:

The remaining number will help the fortuneteller understand how the person he is thinking about treats him. The decoding of fortune telling in numbers is as follows:

  • 1 - loves very much.
  • 2 - jealous of others.
  • 3, 12, 21 - he (she) is indifferent to you.
  • 4, 13 - sympathizes with you.
  • 5, 14, 23 - shows interest in you.
  • 6, 15, 24 - does not feel anything towards you, does not think about you.
  • 7, 16, 25 - soon you will talk often.
  • 8, 17, 26 - thinking about dating.
  • 9, 18, 27 - you will have a whirlwind romance.

This digital fortune telling is very simple and is suitable even for beginners. Write numbers from one to nine on different pieces of paper on a piece of paper. Put them, for example, in a hat or vase. Think about your question very carefully. Visualize it as best you can. The question should be about what you have already started doing, not just what you plan to do. Say this question, preferably not mentally, but loudly. Then take out the piece of paper with the number. This will be your answer. Read what your number means:

By the way a person writes numbers, you can learn a lot about his personality, character and attitude to life. This way you can understand what is in a person’s heart, what he is worried about now and what he is worried about:

If you used a daisy to tell fortunes as a child, then this method will be familiar to you. Think about the “love of your life” or just a cute guy/girl. On a checkered piece of paper, draw a beautiful symmetrical heart with your left hand. You need to cross out entire cells, four at a time. After this, count the uncrossed whole cells. According to this figure calculate the relationship of the object of your sympathy to you:

Remove vowels from the alphabet and designate all letters with numbers (B-1, B-2, G-3, D-4). Formulate and type a question on the computer or simply transfer the question onto paper. Remove all vowels. Under the letters put the numbers that represent them (from the alphabet without vowels). Next, multiply all the numbers together. Divide this number by 7. Look at the remainder. It depends on on what day did they guess:

You can guess in this way only once a day. There is no need to repeat the question, unless the answer is “you don’t have to guess today.”

The power of numbers can be used to benefit a person. It is quite possible to discover the secrets of the present and future thanks to this knowledge. But at the same time we must remember that our life is in our hands and much depends on us.

Attention, TODAY only!

In this article:

Fortune telling is a very ancient and complex method of predicting the future, which is also known as “Alectryomancy”. In order to use this method, the performer must understand symbolism and have extensive experience in fortune telling in other ways.

History of Alectryomancy

This ancient technique arose in the era of Antiquity, and the word Alectryomancy itself is usually associated with the famous ancient philosopher named Iamblichus, who spent his entire life restoring ancient methods of fortune telling.

These methods were very popular until the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, when all clairvoyants, astrologers, magicians and even simple philosophers were persecuted and persecuted.

Ancient technique and interpretation

In ancient times, Alectryomancy was a type of divination, when the performer drew a large circle on the ground, dividing it into separate sectors, designated by certain letters from the Greek alphabet. Wheat grains were poured into each sector, and a hungry white rooster was placed in the center of the circle.

The bird was released, the soothsayer began to carefully monitor its behavior. The rooster pecked the grains and moved from one sector to another, that is, he chose certain letters from those inscribed, and thus left a message to the performers.

But everything was not as simple as it might seem. The philosophers of antiquity were not fools, they knew perfectly well how a hungry rooster behaved, how it would eat, how it would move, therefore, with the normal behavior of the bird, when it slowly became full and wandered around inside the circle, they considered fortune telling to have failed.

They believed that the intervention of higher powers would be clearly visible, therefore, if the rooster began to behave unconventionally, rushed from one letter to another, and, moreover, did not take grain from the nearest section, but skipped piles and purposefully moved towards a certain letter, then the prediction was considered truthful. Only after this we moved on to its interpretation.

Some sources say that the letters highlighted by the rooster were simply added together and received certain words, which were the answer to the question posed. Other authors indicate that the oracles themselves had to compose a word from the selected symbols, and for this they could supplement the existing letters with other symbols.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine carrying out such a ritual, however, Alectryomancy is still very popular. Some groups of magicians use this ancient method with virtually no changes, only replacing the Greek alphabet with the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet so that the resulting answer is easier to interpret. At the same time, since then a large number of other fortune-telling techniques have appeared, which use the letters of the name, date of birth and other data about the fortune-teller or the person for whom the fortune-telling is performed.

Before moving on to the description of other methods of fortune telling with letters, it is also worth noting that the standard method of fortune telling with a rooster has been used in our country for many years. In addition to answering questions of interest to the magician, this fortune telling was used, for example, to identify a thief. If something valuable was lost, they drew a circle with letters on the ground, sprinkled some grain on them and released a rooster. If everything was done correctly, the bird pecked the grains from the letters that were contained in the thief's name.

This method is suitable for young girls

Simple fortune telling on paper

This is a simple version of fortune telling, for which you need to prepare small pieces of paper. On each sheet of paper, write one letter of the alphabet from “A” to “Z.” Then place all the sheets in a bag or box made of natural materials.

When all the preparations are completed, sit at the table, light the candles and concentrate on the question you want to answer, for example, the question of whether your wish will come true, or whether you will find your loved one this year.

After this, put your right hand into the bag of papers and pull out seven leaves one by one. Lay out the letters in front of you and make up all possible words with them. For example, you pulled out the letters: “A”, “D”, “P”, “E”, “B”, “K”, “O”. What immediately catches your eye is the ability to form the word “YES”, this is the main answer to your question. But don't forget to consider other words, because there is also "Trouble" in there, which could indicate possible problems in the future.

This method opens up enormous opportunities for the performer; with its help, you can get answers to any questions. Some experienced practitioners say that a similar method can be used to calculate a person’s fate based on his last name. If you want to try, just parse your last name into its constituent letters and collect all possible words from them; it is likely that these words contain some extremely important signs and symbols that only you can understand, indicating your destiny or destiny.

To conduct fortune telling by letters and numbers, write on a piece of paper all the consonant letters of the Russian alphabet and number them.

On another sheet of paper you need to write down the question of interest and cross out all the vowels in the resulting phrase. Under the consonant letters, put numbers that correspond to the numbers of the alphabet.

Multiply these numbers with each other, and divide the resulting result by seven.
Relate this result to a specific day of the week and use the table below to read the answer to your question: D means Yes, N means No, X - the decision is ambiguous, so it’s better to do something else for now, waiting for a more favorable time. You can guess in this way no more than once a day.

Another option for fortune telling by letters

Number the letters in the Russian alphabet as follows: a – 1, b – 2, c – 3, d – 4, d – 5, f – 6, g – 7, h – 8, i – 9, j – 10, l – 20, m – 30, n – 40, o – 50, p – 60, p – 70, s – 80, t – 90, y – 100, f – 200, x – 300, c – 400, h – 500, w – 600, ь – 700, e – 800, yu – 900, i – 1000. As you can see, in this case letters such as ё, й, ь, ы, ъ are not taken into account. Then, using the above numbers, write the first and last name of the person you are interested in and add them together. The resulting result will become your prediction.

If you do not find the resulting number in the list below, then break it down into thousands, hundreds, tens and units and make a prediction in accordance with them. For example, we get the number 1526. Therefore, it needs to be decomposed into: 1000, 500, 20 and 6.

The meaning of numbers in fortune telling

1 – happiness, ambition, greed.

2 – destruction, trouble, accident.

3 – religion, fate, thought, charm.

4 – wisdom, power, laziness.

5 – happiness, courage, honor.

6 – luck, freedom, work, labor.

7 – poverty, imperfection, enemies, assassination attempt.

8 – justice, greatness, composure.

9 – love of life, peace, will, chastity, wisdom.

10 – law, perfection, reason, harmony in everything, quick happiness.

11 – crime, quarrel, discord.

12 – disbelief.

13 is a good sign.

14 – sacrifice, purification.

15 – faith, contemplation.

16 – happiness, love, family.

17 – bad deed, misfortune.

18 – firmness, steadfastness.

19 – weakness, uncertainty, indecision.

20 – severity, sadness.

21 – sympathy, friendliness.

22 – mystery, wisdom.

23 – heavenly punishment.

24 – striving for ideals.

25 – knowledge, position in society.

26 – work for the benefit of humanity.

27 – courage, bravery, strength of character.

28 – happiness in love.

29 – vanity, pettiness.

30 – fame, desire to marry a loved one.

31 – desire for good fame, virtue.

32 – virginity, innocence, wedding.

33 – nobility of the family, purity of thoughts, noble deeds.

34 – suffering, mental illness.

35 – harmony, calm, health.

36 – talent, interest in issues of the universe, striving for ideals.

37 – humility, happy family life.

38 – failure, imperfection of body and spirit, inferiority.

39 – lack of material resources or physical strength, weakness of spirit.

40 – strength of character, spiritual comfort.

41 – depression, irritability.

42 – activity, wanderlust.

43 – religiosity, clergy.

44 – energy, greatness, beauty.

45 – bondage, fatigue, lack of strength and desires.

46 – fertility.

47 – longevity, happiness.

48 – legality, court verdict.

49 – emptiness, insignificance.

50 – forgiveness, freedom. 60 – widowhood.

70 – science, knowledge, courage.

73 – love of nature, natural behavior.

75 – receptivity, compassion.

77 – forgiveness, repentance, mercy.

80 – salvation, enlightenment.

87 – faith, commitment to religion.

90 – blindness, repentance, ecstasy.

100 – politics, the ability to benefit from everything.

120 – piety, patriotism.

150 – glory, praise, honor.

200 – indecision.

300 – salvation, conviction, philosophy.

315 is evil.

318 – good news.

350 – hope, justice.

360 – serving people.

365 is a painful journey.

400 – astrology, logic, contemplation.

409 – theology.

500 – philanthropy.

600 – luck, success, happiness.

666 – murder, hostility, rebellion.

700 – strength, power, protection.

800 – state, disaster.

900 – war, battle, bloody strife.

1000 – kindness, willpower, strength of character.

1095 – silence.

1260 – flour.

1390 – pursuit, pursuit.
