How to cook lentil porridge. Lentil porridge with vegetables

Lentils are a unique product, rich in protein, vitamins and amino acids with low calorie content.

It also contains tryptophan, which gives vigor and good mood. All that remains is to cook the lentils deliciously.

Lentil porridge - general principles of preparation

You need to know that you can find four types of lentils on sale. They differ not only in appearance, but also in taste and cooking technology.

Red lentils– these are hulled (that is, freed from the hard shell) grains; it is perfect for making stew or porridge. It cooks very quickly, 10-15 minutes, and boils down quite heavily. It should be washed thoroughly before cooking.

Green lentils represents unripe beans. It is also enough to rinse it, but it will take at least half an hour to cook.

Black lentils, having a pleasant smell is an excellent option for porridge; it does not need to be soaked, and it will be ready in 20-25 minutes.

Brown Requires soaking, like beans, for at least 12 hours in cold water. After this, it will cook for about 30-40 minutes. The main purpose is soups.

In principle, there are also exceptionally beautiful French ones on sale. lentils de Puy. It is very tasty and does not take long to prepare, suitable for any dish, and does not require soaking. The main disadvantage is the high price.

In general, any type of lentil porridge is suitable for making porridge, but red, green or black are usually used.

Any of them must be thoroughly washed in two waters, lightly rubbing with your fingers. It should be poured into boiling water; during the cooking process it is usually necessary to remove the foam a couple of times.

You can add a variety of foods to lentil porridge; this grain is quite friendly and goes with almost everything. But still, don’t get carried away: it has its own pleasant taste.

Ready-made lentil porridge can be flavored with butter, vegetable or butter, unless, of course, you are eating this dish for pleasure and not for weight loss: lentil porridge is considered an excellent dietary product.

Recipe 1. Lentil porridge with vegetables

Probably the most popular recipe.


Lentils – glass

Carrot – 1 root vegetable

Celery, root – 100 g

Turnip – 1 medium-sized root vegetable (you can do without it)

Onion – 1 piece

Garlic – 3-5 cloves

Tomatoes - a couple of medium-sized pieces

Corn or sunflower oil

Cooking method

Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop finely. Grate the celery and carrots, chop the onion. Cut the turnips into small cubes or grate them too. Put everything in a saucepan with oil and a little water and simmer.

For this dish, it is better to use red lentils, but you can use any other one. Rinse it and boil until tender.

Place the lentils into the vegetables and heat for 2-3 minutes.

When serving, it’s a good idea to sprinkle the porridge with finely chopped parsley.

Recipe 2. Lentil porridge with oyster mushrooms

In this lentil porridge, in addition to oyster mushrooms, you can, of course, add champignons and wild mushrooms, pre-boiled.


Lentils – 1 cup

Oyster mushrooms – 300 g

Garlic – 4 cloves

Any oil

Cooking method

For this lentil porridge, try using black or green lentils. It tastes better if the grains are not too boiled.

Boil the lentils, only then add salt.

Wash the oyster mushrooms, leave the small ones whole, chop the larger ones. If you took champignons, it is better to cut them into slices. Fry mushrooms with butter in a frying pan.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife, add to the mushrooms and fry everything together while stirring for about a minute.

Divide the lentil porridge into bowls and place a mound of mushrooms and garlic in the center.

Recipe 3. “Lenten” lentil porridge

This lentil porridge is prepared without oil; if desired, it can be added to the finished dish.


Any lentils – 1 cup

Garlic – 4 cloves

Tomato paste – 1 tablespoon

Greens (dill, parsley, celery, mint, green onions - to your taste) - a large bunch

For this dish, it is better to use red lentils, but you can use any other one.

Cooking method

Boil the lentils, a minute before they are ready, add salt, tomato and garlic, passed through a press.

Sprinkle the finished lentil porridge generously with chopped herbs.

If desired, you can add cumin, sesame seeds, and chopped nuts to this dish.

Recipe 4. Lentil porridge in Old Russian style


Lentils – 1 cup

Dry porcini mushrooms – a handful

Half an onion

Any vegetable oil

Cooking method

Rinse dry mushrooms thoroughly and soak overnight. Rinse again with cool water and cook in enough water. During the cooking process, make sure that the mushrooms do not overcook or boil away.

When they are ready, fish them out with a slotted spoon and put them in a bowl. Add washed lentils to the broth, diluting it with water if necessary, and cook them in mushroom broth until tender.

Finely chop the onion. If you love onions, then you can not chop them, but cut them into half rings and disassemble them into strips.

Chop the boiled mushrooms finely enough and place them together with the onions in a frying pan with heated oil. Add a couple of tablespoons of mushroom broth and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

When the lentils are cooked, quickly stir in the mushrooms and onions, cover with a lid and wrap the pan in a towel to simmer the lentil porridge.

Recipe 5. Lentil porridge “Nourishing”


Lentils – 1 cup

Chicken breast – 1 whole without skin

Garlic – 5-6 cloves

Tomato paste – 3 tablespoons

Carrot - one

Cooking method

Any type of lentil porridge with chicken is perfect, but usually black is chosen, as it is less overcooked.

Remove the skin from the chicken breast and cut off the fillet. Place the bones and fillets in a pan with water and cook until tender. Strain the broth into a clean saucepan, bring to a boil, add lentils and cook until tender.

Grate the carrots into smaller pieces and simmer with tomato paste. Cut the boiled fillet into pieces of any size. Combine everything, add the garlic passed through a press and keep the lentil porridge on the fire for another minute.

Recipe 6. Lentil porridge with meat

For this dish, it is better to choose green lentils, or even brown ones.


Meat (pork, or you can even take veal heart) – 0.5 kg

Lentils – 1 cup

Garlic – 5-6 cloves

Greens - to taste

Tomato sauce of the “Krasnodar” type - optional and to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse the meat, remove films, cut into goulash or smaller and boil in a small amount of water.

Strain the broth and cook the lentils in it. 3 minutes before readiness, add meat and garlic cut into thin slices into the porridge.

When serving, add butter and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 7. Lentil porridge “Three days until payday”


Lentils – 1/3 cup

Rice – 1/3 cup

Small cereals (barley, wheat, Artek) – 1/3 cup

Onion - half an onion

Carrots - a couple of pieces

Garlic – 3-4 cloves

Any oil

Cooking method

Wash the lentils, shake the fine grains.

Let the cereals cook and keep on the fire until completely boiled, then squeeze the garlic into them through a press, cover with a lid and wrap in a blanket.

Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, and simmer everything with butter. Divide the lentil porridge into bowls and season with vegetables.

Recipe 8. Lentil porridge with dried apricots and raisins

For lentil porridge with dried apricots and raisins, only red lentils are suitable: they are the most tender.


Lentils – 1 cup

Raisins – half a glass

Dried apricots – half a cup already chopped

Any nuts – a good handful

Cooking method

Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and, if necessary, soak in cold water.

Cut dried apricots into small pieces.

Dry the nuts in the oven, microwave or in a dry frying pan and remove the film. Chop.

Place dried fruits in cold water, bring to a boil, add lentils and cook until tender.

If you don’t want to see half-cooked lentil grains on your plate, first boil the dried fruits, then cook the lentils using the strained broth and puree them with a blender. Add dried fruits to the puree.

If you prefer sweetish porridge, add a spoonful of sugar when cooking.

When serving, add butter and decorate the lentil porridge with nuts, sprinkling them on top.

Recipe 9. Lentil porridge with nuts

The combination of lentils and walnuts is considered classic. Although many people like lentils with cashews or peanuts.


Lentils, preferably red – 1 cup

Nuts - at least half a glass


Cooking method

There is nothing simpler than this lentil porridge. Cook the lentils.

Peel the nuts, dry them and remove their thin skin.

Season the lentil porridge with oil and sprinkle with nuts.

Recipe 10. Georgian lentil porridge


Green lentils – 1 cup

Garlic – 4-6 cloves

Walnuts - a large handful

Khmeli-suneli – a tablespoon or two

Cilantro - bunch

Onion - optional

Cooking method

To prepare lentil porridge in the Georgian style, it is advisable to use green lentils and walnuts, otherwise the national flavor of the dish will disappear.

Cook the lentils without salt.

If you decide to cook with onions, finely chop them and simmer in a frying pan until they become translucent but not browned.

When there are three minutes left until the lentils are ready, add onion, suneli hops, salt, chopped garlic to the porridge and cook.

Peel the walnuts and chop them. Season the porridge with them. Generously sprinkle the finished dish with chopped cilantro.

Recipe 11. Lentil porridge with buckwheat

If desired, you can prepare porridge from lentils and rice or bulgur. Rice or bulgur can be combined with any variety, but with buckwheat it is better to mix black or green.


Lentils – 0.5 cups

Buckwheat – 0.5 cups

Garlic – 3-4 cloves

Spicy herbs to taste: sage, rosemary; Some people like to add a little cumin to this porridge.

If desired, you can add some finely chopped champignons to the dish.

Cooking method

Rinse lentils and buckwheat.

Pour the cereal into a pan of boiling water and cook over low heat with the lid on. You may have to remove the foam a couple of times. A minute before readiness, add garlic squeezed through a press and herbs, if they are fresh, to the dish. Dried ones should be added earlier: about five minutes before the end of cooking.

If you decide to add champignons, you can cook them immediately along with the cereals. Or you can lightly fry it in butter, and only then put it in the finished porridge.

Recipe 12. Lentil porridge with cracklings

This porridge can be prepared from any type of lentil, it doesn’t matter.


Lentils – glass

Pork lard – about 200 g

Garlic – 3-4 cloves

Onion optional

Cooking method

Let the lentils cook, after washing them thoroughly.

Meanwhile, prepare the cracklings. To do this, cut the lard into thin slices and start melting in a frying pan. Be careful not to burn the cracklings. At first they seem to take a long time to cook, but at some point they begin to fry very quickly. Immediately remove the cooked cracklings with a slotted spoon. Taking the pan off the heat is not enough: the oil cools slowly, and its temperature is high, so the cracklings will have time to burn.

Drain off most of the rendered fat; it can then be used in other dishes.

Fry the chopped garlic in the remaining fat.

Pour the fat and garlic into the cooked lentil porridge and add the cracklings.

  • The green and black ones retain the shape of the grains well, while the red one gets overcooked. If half-collapsed grains irritate you, puree the dish with a blender and you will end up with a messy porridge.
  • Unlike peas, which love onions, lentils prefer garlic, and it is always added to dishes made from it. If you don’t like garlic, try replacing it with the same onion and curry, the taste will be different, but also pleasant.
  • When cooking until the very end, do not add salt to the dish. You can even add a teaspoon of sugar, like with beans.
  • To quickly chop garlic or walnuts, you must first crush it by pressing flat on it with a knife.

Lentils are considered the queen of legumes. Almost everyone loves it not only for its rich taste, but also for its variety in preparation. This culture is allowed to be consumed by almost all people, since it is more useful than vice versa.

The benefits and harms of lentils

Vegetarians actively include dishes from this culture in their diet, since lentils contain a lot of protein, and therefore can completely replace meat. At the same time, it should be especially emphasized that such protein is absorbed by the digestive system much easier than meat protein.

Another interesting fact that is useful for all fans of a healthy lifestyle to know is that this crop does not absorb all the chemistry that is used in agriculture. This means that lentils are an absolutely clean product from an environmental point of view.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of this product in more detail, they include the following:

  1. Strengthens the body's immune system;
  2. Positively affects hematopoietic function;
  3. Increases the protective functions of the intestines;
  4. Normalizes the functioning of the urinary system;
  5. It is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer;
  6. Activates metabolism in the body;
  7. It fights well against the risk of various heart and vascular diseases.

Pediatricians especially recommend including lentil dishes in children's diet more often. As mentioned above, this product has a very beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthens it and increases all the body’s protective functions, and this is very important for a growing body.

Lentils contain such important elements as folic acid, phytoestrogens, and fiber, together they actively protect the intestines and prevent cancer from developing in it. Such beneficial substances in such a large volume are not often found in foods, and in order for a person to fully receive them, it will be enough to eat lentil dishes three times a week, one small portion.

But not only intestinal cancer is “afraid” of this useful crop. A disease such as breast cancer can also be prevented if a woman regularly eats lentils. In addition, this product is also useful for the female population because it has an excellent effect on skin condition, weight loss, and a healthy complexion.

Do not forget that these beans contain vitamins such as A, B, E, PP, as well as beta-carotene, fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fluorine, chromium, selenium, silicon, iodine, copper, iron , zinc, etc.

Despite such extensive beneficial properties of this culture, there are some contraindications:

  • for joint disease;
  • for gout;
  • for dysbacteriosis and hemorrhoids;
  • with dyskinesia of the gallbladder and uric acid diathesis.

As you can see, there are not many contraindications. However, it is worth remembering the simple truth that there should be moderation in everything. Even such a useful crop as lentils should not be consumed with fanaticism. The benefits can only be felt by consuming it in moderation.

Selection of cereals, cooking features

There are several types of this product, which have their own distinctive properties. In any case, no matter what type of crop you buy, you need to choose only whole, smooth beans that are clean and smooth to the touch.

Types of lentils:

  1. French - has a green color, as it is collected in an unripe state. This one needs to be cooked longer;
  2. Yellow - has its name in accordance with the color, in fact it is the same green, only in a purified form. They are prepared into purees and soups, and eaten with vegetables;
  3. Pardina, or brown lentils, are fully ripened beans that have a slightly nutty flavor. Soups, purees, and casseroles are prepared from this species. It cooks very quickly;
  4. Red (or Egyptian) – piquant in taste, quick to prepare, excellent for vegetable stews, as well as for purees and soups;
  5. Beluga, or black, is a universal crop from which absolutely any dish can be prepared.

Even though lentils are a legume, they are somewhat easier to prepare than other beans. It does not need to be soaked before cooking; it cooks on average for only 15 minutes. Only a species like Beluga requires soaking and prolonged boiling.

Before cooking, rinse the cereal in a fine-hole colander.

Simple and tasty

Recipe step by step:

  1. Rinse the cereal thoroughly in a colander;
  2. Pour it into a saucepan, add the specified amount of water and put on fire;
  3. The porridge will be ready in 10-15 minutes;
  4. Place a small piece of butter into the finished dish and serve.

Recipe for lentil porridge with mushrooms

Porridge made from such cereals can be supplemented with various ingredients, for example, mushrooms. This will make it even more satisfying. What you need here:

This dish will take about 40 minutes to prepare. The calorie content of 100 grams of such porridge will be 162 kcal.


  1. Rinse the lentils under running water;
  2. Pour water into the pan, pour the cereal into it, put it on medium heat, as soon as the water boils, turn down the heat;
  3. Remove the formed foam from the surface of the water, let the porridge boil for another 30 minutes;
  4. In the meantime, you can do the rest of the products: wash the mushrooms and cut into cubes, also finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, pass the garlic through a press;
  5. Place a frying pan on the adjacent burner, pour a little vegetable oil into it, and heat it up;
  6. Place the onion in a heated frying pan and fry it for about 3 minutes;
  7. Then add carrots to the onions, mix the vegetables well and fry for another 3 minutes until golden brown;
  8. Then you can add mushrooms to the almost finished vegetables and fry them first until liquid forms, and then until this very liquid evaporates;
  9. Place the finished lentils in a colander and allow excess water to drain;
  10. Pour the porridge into a frying pan with vegetables, add chopped garlic, salt, pepper, finely chopped herbs, mix all ingredients and cover with a lid;
  11. Remove the pan from the heat, let the porridge brew for 5 minutes, after which it can be served.

Recipe for red lentil porridge with meat

A dish from this culture can be supplemented with meat, for example, chicken. You will also need the following products:

To prepare such a dish, you will need 1 hour maximum. Calorie content per 100 grams will be approximately 90 kcal.

How to cook porridge:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces;
  2. Rinse the cereal in a colander, peel the vegetables;
  3. Cut the onion into small cubes;
  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater;
  5. Pour water over the lentils and put on fire;
  6. Meanwhile, take a deep frying pan (or one that has high sides), put it on the fire, pour in oil;
  7. Fry the chicken until half cooked, then add onions and carrots and fry for another 15 minutes;
  8. Salt and pepper the mixture of vegetables and meat, season it and pour in the prepared broth, cover the frying pan with a lid, let the food simmer a little;
  9. In the meantime, you can remove the cereal from the heat and drain the water;
  10. Place the porridge in a frying pan, mix all the ingredients, simmer for about 5 minutes, then place in a dish and serve.

How to cook porridge in a slow cooker

This recipe is simple and quite quick. It is used by both vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle:

Cooking porridge in a slow cooker will take 45-50 minutes. Calorie content – ​​165 kcal per 100 g.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish:

  1. Rinse the cereal in water;
  2. Peel peppers, onions, carrots, cut as desired;
  3. Finely chop the garlic;
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set to simmer;
  5. Place onions and carrots in it, fry them for 5 minutes;
  6. Then add the pepper, fry it for another 2-3 minutes, then add the garlic to the vegetables;
  7. Add washed cereal to the prepared vegetables, pour water over all ingredients, add salt;
  8. Close the multicooker lid, set the “Buckwheat” mode and cook the dish for the specified time;
  9. The finished dish can be served to the table.

Sweet green lentil porridge

From such a legume you can prepare not only a regular dish, but also a delicious dessert by adding sweet fruits to it:

This dessert takes about 1 hour to prepare. The calorie content of 100 grams is about 170 kcal.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish:

  1. Rinse lentil cereals under running cold water;
  2. Pour it into a saucepan, add water and put on fire (green lentils should be cooked for at least 40 minutes);
  3. Stirring the porridge periodically, add cinnamon to it;
  4. Grind the bananas until smooth;
  5. Soak dried apricots and raisins in boiling water for 10 minutes;
  6. Add banana to almost finished porridge. Mix;
  7. Chop the dried apricots, add them to the pan along with the raisins, mix everything again;
  8. The porridge is ready and you can serve it to us.

To boil such cereals, you need exactly twice as much water, that is, 400-500 ml of water is taken for 200 grams of lentils.

If there is too little water during the cooking process, it must be added.

Experienced cooks advise first bringing the water to a boil, and then immersing the lentils in it, after which it should cook under the lid until tender.

If you have fresh and old cereals in the house, it is not recommended to mix them, since the old one takes a little longer to cook. It is worth saying that in terms of beneficial properties, porridge made from old cereals is no worse than from fresh ones.

Lentils are a legume, which means they contain quite a lot of protein. That is why lentil porridge, the recipes for which are given in this article, is very popular among vegetarians and fasting people, because they do not eat milk and meat. Moreover, lentils are a clean, environmentally friendly product, since they cannot accumulate radionuclides, toxic elements and nitrates.

Lentil porridge: benefits and harms

Lentils are considered an antidepressant, because it has been proven that its regular consumption can provide peace of mind and complete peace of mind to a person. Lentil porridge does not bring any harm: it can be included in the diet of almost everyone.

Lentils improve immunity and improve the overall tone of the body. It is recommended to use this dish if you have heart disease, digestive problems or diabetes. Thanks to the absence of fat and a large amount of dietary fiber, this product is simply irreplaceable for anyone who wants to lose some weight.

Lentil porridge is very useful for pregnant women to eat, as it contains a lot of folic acid, as well as iron, which are especially needed during the development of the baby.

Among the contraindications, it is worth highlighting individual intolerance to lentils, joint diseases and gout.

How to cook green lentil porridge?


  • 1 tbsp. lentils;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • seasonings, bay leaf;
  • water.


Red lentil porridge: recipe


  • 2 tbsp. red lentils;
  • 3 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tsp. curry;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 3 handfuls of raisins;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 carrots;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Cut the carrots: first divide into four parts and then chop. The onion needs to be cut into small cubes.
  2. Pour cognac over raisins and 4 tbsp. l. water, then leave to steep.
  3. Pour some oil into a frying pan and fry the carrots and onions.
  4. Now you need to rinse the lentils, pour them into a frying pan, add curry with cinnamon, and fill everything with water.
  5. Drain the raisins and add them to the pan.
  6. When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until the lentils are soft. This takes about a quarter of an hour, but if after the time the lentils turn out to be too hard, you should add ½ tbsp. water and cook the porridge some more.
  7. Add pepper and salt.

Lentil porridge in a slow cooker: cooking features

Lentils are very similar in properties to beans, but they are much faster to cook. There are several varieties of this product - you can make lentil porridge in a slow cooker from any one.

When cooking lentils in a slow cooker, you need to consider the following features:

  • it does not need to be soaked - the only exception is black grains;
  • When cooking lentil porridge in a slow cooker, you need to use the “Stewing” program - this mode will allow the dish to heat up evenly;
  • if you need to cook any other ingredients, this should be done first, and the lentils added later, as they cook faster;
  • Before cooking, you need to sort out the lentil grains well and then rinse them thoroughly;
  • To ensure that the kernels remain intact during cooking, you need to use green lentils;
  • for purees and porridge, Egyptian or red lentils are suitable;
  • It is not advisable to cook lentils separately: the porridge will be tastier if it is supplemented with spices, vegetables or meat.

Lentils are a very healthy product. Lentil porridge is an important component of the diet of people with diabetes, as well as those who adhere to diets. There are many different recipes for cooking lentils, and they are all quite simple. Cook with pleasure!

Scientists say that people ate lentils more than 8 thousand years ago. The people of the Middle East were the first to do this. Later, due to the migration of ancient tribes, this legume crop spread throughout Africa and then Europe. Various salads, soups and stews, purees, stews, as well as cutlets and pie fillings were prepared from it. Lentil porridge is no less popular today. It requires very little time to prepare, since the fruits of this unique crop boil very quickly.

There are five different types of lentils - green, yellow, brown, red and black - and each of them is good in its own way. It all depends on what kind of dish you need to prepare.

For example, for the simplest lentil porridge you will need:

  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • 200 g red lentils;
  • a little salt and pepper;
  • 25 g butter.

How to cook red lentil porridge:

  1. First of all, the cereal must be thoroughly washed. It is better to do this in a colander under running water.
  2. Place the washed fruits into a saucepan.
  3. Fill them with water and place on the stove. When cooking over medium heat, the porridge will be ready within 10 minutes after boiling. All you have to do is add the oil and mix well.

This dish would be a good side dish, for example, for meat or an excellent option for a quick and nutritious breakfast.

Considering the unique vitamin and mineral composition of the original product itself, such porridge can be used for the prevention and treatment of many quite serious diseases.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Today, when almost every home has many different modern kitchen appliances, the cooking process is much simpler for the housewife. For example, you can make a delicious and very aromatic porridge from lentils in a slow cooker.

For this you will need:

  • 1 cup green lentils;
  • salt;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • any spices.

How to properly prepare lentil porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. First peel the onion and then finely chop it.
  2. Pour it into the multicooker bowl. Set the “Toasting” mode and set the timer for 7 minutes.
  3. Grate the peeled carrots on a medium or coarse grater. Add it to the onion, stir and wait another 5 minutes.
  4. Sort and wash the lentils.
  5. Place it in a bowl and pour boiling water over the food. Immediately add the selected spices.
  6. Set the “quenching” mode and wait about half an hour.
  7. Add salt 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

The taste of the porridge will mainly depend on the spices introduced.

For example, Indians usually add cloves and turmeric, while Mediterranean people add the usual bay leaf and rosemary.

Here every housewife can show her imagination.

Hearty dish with meat

If you add a little meat of any kind to the lentils, the dish will turn out even more satisfying and nutritious.

Take, for example, an option for which you need:

  • 450 g pork;
  • 1 full glass of lentils;
  • 250 ml water (or broth);
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 g tomato paste;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper.

How should you prepare porridge from these products? Everything is simple here:

  1. The first step is to wash and cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Rinse the lentils thoroughly.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  5. Lightly fry the meat and onions in boiling fat, adding a little salt and pepper.
  6. Place the prepared products into a cauldron or deep pan with a thick bottom.
  7. Add the pasta, having previously diluted it in water or broth.
  8. Add lentils and stir.
  9. Simmer over low heat for 50 minutes.

It turns out simply amazing, very tasty and satisfying porridge with meat. All components in it are well boiled without turning into an ugly mess.

Sweet green lentil porridge

Children will prefer sweet porridge. It can be prepared with the addition of various fruits. Moreover, it is better to make such a dish from green lentils.

This type includes unripe fruits, which even after prolonged cooking retain their original shape.

To prepare this porridge you need to take:

  • 210 g lentils;
  • a couple of glasses of water;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 6 – 7 pcs. dried apricots;
  • 8 g cinnamon;
  • 25 g raisins.

To make this porridge, you need:

  1. Rinse the lentils and soak them in cold water for several hours. Unripe fruits should swell slightly.
  2. Rinse the beans again, then place them in a saucepan, add a measured amount of water and cook until almost done, remembering to stir occasionally. Cinnamon can be added at this stage.
  3. Soak dried apricots in water for 10 minutes.
  4. Grind the bananas into a paste. This can be done with a regular fork.
  5. Add the mixture along with dried apricots to the porridge and stir.

After this, all that remains is to transfer the finished dish to a plate and serve, sprinkled with raisins and remaining cinnamon.

How to cook with mushrooms

Lentil porridge with mushrooms is incredibly tasty and aromatic. Thanks to the gifts of the forest, it becomes even more satisfying.

In this case, to work you will need:

  • 200 g lentil beans;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 250 g champignons (fresh);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • a little herbs, ground pepper and table salt;
  • sunflower oil.

Method of preparing porridge:

  1. Place the beans, washed under running water, into a saucepan.
  2. Fill them with water and put on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the flame.
  3. Cook the lentils for 30 minutes, periodically skimming any foam that forms from the surface.
  4. During this time, you can prepare the rest of the products for work: cut the washed mushrooms into cubes, finely chop the peeled onions, chop the garlic and grate the carrots.
  5. Separately, in a frying pan in heated oil, first lightly sauté the onion. Then add the carrots and garlic and fry the vegetables together for about 3 minutes.
  6. Add mushrooms to the pan and stir. Fry them together with vegetables until the resulting moisture has evaporated.
  7. Place the boiled beans in a colander and strain well.
  8. Add them to the pan along with herbs and spices. Mix everything well and cover with a lid.
  9. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and let the porridge brew for a while.

In just 5 minutes it will be ready to be served. The porridge really turns out to be very satisfying. But due to the low calorie content of the original products, it can be eaten in any quantity without fear of consequences for the figure.

Step-by-step cooking with vegetables

Lentil porridge is often prepared with the addition of various vegetables. In this case, it is better to use red beans, as they cook quickly and do not require pre-processing.

To prepare this porridge you can take:

  • 210 g red lentils;
  • 0.5 liters of plain water;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 pods of sweet pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh herbs;
  • lemon juice;
  • soy sauce;
  • ground pepper;
  • 50 g butter.

The porridge is prepared in three stages:

  1. First you can do the vegetables. Chop the onions, bell peppers and tomatoes randomly, and grate the carrots. First, sauté the onions and carrots in hot oil in a frying pan. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, add tomatoes and peppers with garlic. Sprinkle all this with lemon juice, pour over soy sauce and mix. Simmer over low heat, covered, for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  2. After this, heat water in a saucepan. Pour the washed lentils into the boiling liquid, add salt, add a bay leaf and cook under the lid over low heat for 10 minutes after boiling again.
  3. For one of the most interesting options you will need:

  • 1 full glass of lentils;
  • 2 apples;
  • 50 – 55 g liquid honey;
  • 0.5 liters of whole milk;
  • 6 dried apricots;
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed flax seeds;
  • ½ cup shelled walnuts.

To prepare this milk porridge, you need:

  1. Pour the washed lentils with water and leave overnight. It is clear that this needs to be done in advance.
  2. Wash dried apricots well and cut into pieces.
  3. First peel the apples and then remove the cores and seeds.
  4. Grind the remaining apple pulp along with nuts in a blender.
  5. Place the swollen lentils into the pan. Add milk with flax seeds to it and heat over medium heat.
  6. After boiling, reduce the flame and cook the food for 5 minutes.
  7. Add honey and dried apricots to the prepared porridge and mix.
  8. Place the still hot mixture on a plate, and place the aromatic nut and apple puree next to it.

This dish is good for breakfast. The porridge turns out very tender, tasty and aromatic. And it’s ready in literally a matter of minutes. Today, in conditions of constant rush and lack of time, this is especially important.

Cook lentil porridge for half an hour.

How to cook lentil porridge

Lentils - 1 cup
Water - 2 glasses
Onions - 1 piece
Garlic - 2 cloves
Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Ground red pepper - half a teaspoon
Parsley - 1 bunch
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

How to cook lentil porridge
1. Peel and finely chop 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic.
2. Thoroughly rinse 1 cup of lentils in a colander under running water.
3. Place lentils in a saucepan, add 2 cups of water and place over medium heat.
4. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat (to the lowest setting) and cook for 30 minutes.
5. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat over medium heat for 1 minute.
6. Add onion and garlic to the saucepan, stirring, and fry for 3 minutes.
7. Add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, stir the contents of the saucepan, fry for another 2 minutes.
8. Place cooked lentil porridge in a saucepan, add 1 teaspoon of salt, mix everything and heat for 5 minutes.
Serve lentil porridge sprinkled with parsley and ground red pepper.

Sweet lentil porridge with milk

Lentils - 1 cup
Milk - 2 glasses
Honey - 1.5 tablespoon
Ground flax seeds - 1 tablespoon
Walnuts (shelled) - half a glass
Dried apricots - 6 pieces
Apples - 2 pieces

How to cook lentil porridge with milk
1. In the evening, wash the lentils in a colander under the tap, pour into a deep bowl, add 2 glasses of water and leave until the morning. Usually lentils are not soaked, but when lentil porridge is being prepared for breakfast, soaking will significantly reduce the cooking time.
2. Wash and cut 6 dried apricots into small pieces.
3. Peel 2 apples, remove the core, cut into pieces.
4. Grind apples and nuts with a blender.
5. Pour 2 cups of milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add 1 cup of lentils, 1 tablespoon of crushed flax seeds and place over medium heat.
6. Once the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes.
7. Add dried apricots and honey to the prepared lentil porridge and stir.
Serve lentil porridge with apple and nut puree.
