Spiral potato on a stick. Spiral Chips Trading Business


  • Large potatoes
  • Paprika
  • Rosemary
  • Vegetable oil

To prepare very beautiful and no less tasty spiral potatoes, you will need large and, if possible, elongated potatoes. For convenient cutting and subsequent baking, you will need to use wooden sticks.

First, you need to thoroughly wash (with a hard sponge) the potatoes and pierce them with a wooden stick. Such sticks are often sold in stores and are used as disposable skewers for barbecue.

01. Everything you need to prepare screw potatoes: knife, large potatoes, wooden sticks

You can cut potatoes with an ordinary knife; just place the knife at an angle to the potato and rotate it along the stick. There are special machines for automated slicing on sale, but this is only relevant for industrial-scale production of screw potatoes. To prepare it at home, an ordinary kitchen knife and a few minutes of time are enough.

After cutting is completed, the potatoes need to be stretched somewhat so that they occupy most of the sticks.

In order for the spiral potatoes to be rosy and aromatic, we will prepare a sauce with which to coat them. We will need a little sunflower oil, a teaspoon of paprika, a little rosemary and salt to taste. Using a pastry brush, coat the screw potatoes with the sauce and place them on a baking sheet.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.

It is advisable to serve screw potatoes hot and with some sauce. The example uses sweet and sour sauce from the store, but you can also prepare garlic sauce, as in the rustic potato recipe.

I suggest you try a very tasty and original recipe for spiral baked potatoes in the oven. Spiral potatoes are not difficult to prepare, but they taste divine, not to mention the look. A rosy potato spiral sprinkled with spices will not leave anyone indifferent. An ideal dish for both a festive feast and a regular family dinner. Delight your family and friends with this little culinary miracle. So, I’m telling you how to cook spiralized potatoes at home)))))


(6 servings)

  • 6 pcs. large potatoes
  • 6 tsp breadcrumbs
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1-2 tsp. paprika
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 60 gr. butter
  • long wooden skewers
  • Provençal herbs seasoning
  • grated cheese (optional)
  • To prepare spiral potatoes, we need fairly large and even oblong-shaped potatoes. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush, since we will bake them in their peels, but if desired, the potatoes can be peeled.
  • We pierce each potato through with a wooden stick. To make your work easier, lubricate the stick with vegetable oil (oil reduces friction).
  • Now the potatoes should be cut into a spiral. Of course, people have already come up with special machines for this, but to prepare several potato spirals, such a machine, in general, is not needed; a sharp knife will do the job just fine.
  • So, starting from the edge, cut the potatoes in a spiral. The knife should cut through the potatoes well right up to the wooden stick, make the spiral thickness 3-4mm. If the thickness is made greater, the potato spiral will not stretch well and may break when stretched over a skewer.
  • It’s okay if the first potato turns out not very beautiful, the second one will go much faster and better.
  • To get potatoes into a spiral, carefully stretch the cut potatoes over a wooden stick.
  • Coat all the potato spirals with melted butter and spread generously on the outside and inside.
  • Now let's prepare the spicy topping. Mix bread crumbs, salt, pepper and paprika. Do not confuse paprika with red hot pepper seasoning. Paprika is a seasoning made from red salad peppers; it is not bitter and is used to add color. The amount of salt and spices should be adjusted to your taste. If you like lightly salted and lightly peppered, then reduce the amount of salt and spices.
  • Sprinkle all sides of each spiral potato on a stick. Place on a baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. Bake potatoes on skewers for about an hour at a temperature of 200-220°C. The time depends on the type of oven, so we keep an eye on the potatoes and adjust the temperature if necessary.
  • We remove very tasty and aromatic potatoes from the oven in a spiral. If desired, the skewers can be removed or left in, it all depends on the chef’s plan))))).
  • Immediately, while piping hot, sprinkle the potatoes with Provençal herbs, grated cheese and serve. That's all, the spiral potatoes are ready!!! The deliciousness is indescribable!!! Even meat will be superfluous with such potatoes.

Also called potato "Tornado". This is a simple but very effective way to prepare and serve potatoes. The easiest way to bake potatoes is to deep-fry them. In any case, it is much easier to prepare than.

For the Tornado potatoes you will need

  • Potato. Small tubers, preferably elongated.
  • Dry spices. There is basil, rosemary, garlic and paprika.
  • Olive oil. 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Ground black pepper. Taste.
  • Long skewers. 1 piece/1 potato tuber.

Making potato spirals.

Immediately soak the skewers in water for 30 minutes. It is best if the skewers are hard enough and will not bend under the weight of the potato tuber.

You can use any spices for potato spirals according to your taste; mixtures of herbs - French, Italian or Mexican - work very well.

For those who like spicier dishes, add a little ground hot pepper or chili flakes.

Adjust the amount of herbs and olive oil according to the number and size of potatoes.

Pour olive oil into a small bowl and add all the dried spices, including ground black pepper. Stir and let sit while soaking the skewers.

It is best to select potato tubers that are elongated, regular in shape and approximately equal in size. Peel the potatoes.

We pierce each tuber lengthwise with a skewer.

Using a thin sharp knife, diagonally, starting from the edge, cut through the potato to the skewer. Rotating the tuber, we cut the entire potato in a spiral without removing the knife or tearing it off the skewer.

The distance between adjacent cuts is approximately 5 mm.

Spread the potatoes on a skewer. We do this carefully so as not to break the spiral.

Using a pastry brush, coat the entire potato with the spiced oil.

Place the skewers with potato spirals on a baking sheet so that the skewers rest on the edges of the baking sheet and the potatoes do not touch the bottom.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180ºC for about 40-45 minutes until fully cooked.

You can also deep fry it instead of baking it.

Potato spirals baked in the oven can be served both on weekdays and on a holiday table, both for adults and for children. Kids really like these potato curls, and they crush them in no time. Preparing spirals is very simple - you just need to get used to cutting them. If desired, after cutting, you can soak such a spiral workpiece in water - it will become softer and more crumbly after baking, since there will be less starch in the vegetable.

Total cooking time - 0 hours 40 minutes

Active cooking time - 0 hours 20 minutes

Cost - very economical

Calorie content per 100 g - 74 kcal

Number of servings - 2 servings


Potatoes - 4 pcs. 5 pieces. (1 - for training)

Soy sauce - 50 ml

Salt - 1 pinch(s)

Thyme – 1 pinch(s) dried

Sweet paprika – 2 pinch(s) dried

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


1. Prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare potato spirals in the oven.

Peel the potato tubers with a vegetable peeler or knife. Rinse in water.

2. Immediately combine soy sauce, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil, ground paprika and a little dried thyme in a bowl - literally a pinch. You can replace it with dried rosemary. If you like garlic flavor, then pass a couple of washed and peeled garlic cloves through a press into the bowl. But if you are preparing spirals for children, then it would be best to serve garlic oil on the table after preparing the dish, so that adults can dip the potato slices in it.

3. Place the washed and peeled potatoes on a wooden skewer vertically.

4. From one end, start cutting through the potato tuber to the middle with a sharp knife. Don't be afraid, you won't cut it entirely, since it contains a skewer - the knife will cut through to it. The main thing is to see the previous slot and cut parallel to it slightly obliquely. Practice on the first potato - the rest will go “like a carbon copy” evenly and neatly. When you finish cutting, you need to carefully stretch the cutting to the sides from the middle, distributing it over the skewer.

The implementation of which allows you to receive a high and stable income. It is no secret that among such ideas, those related to products are of particular interest, since, due to our natural physiological characteristics, they will always be in demand. Currently, fast food facilities are being intensively developed, which are often simply irreplaceable in our intense, rushed and business life. We developed the theme of fast food in the publications: ““, “” and ““.

This article will provide an overview of such a new street fast food option as “spiral chips”. From this article you will gain information about what equipment is needed to conduct this type of activity, its quantity, as well as the profitability of an innovative type of business.

Spiral potato chips on a stick are a completely new version of the well-known potato product. They are prepared from fresh tubers in front of customers, sprinkled with salt and seasoned, and sometimes served with beer and cold drinks.

Such chips are aromatic and ruddy, have an unusual appearance, which is a factor in attracting a large number of buyers.

Spiral chips like fast food concept

The business model of this fast food is to sell this product through any specially equipped outlet.

To successfully start this activity, you only need to choose the optimal location for your future outlet.

The most suitable places for this are:

Parks and areas adjacent to shopping and entertainment centers;

Beaches, marinas and embankments;

The area near the most visited historically significant places in your city;

Place on the market square;

Territory near cultural centers and theaters;

Public transport stops and streets with a constantly large number of pedestrians.

Another attractive feature for customers is the fact that the spiral chips are prepared before their eyes. In this case, consumers will be 100% confident in the freshness of the products. The main ingredient in cooking is raw potatoes, which in turn must be selected (more than medium in size), fresh, smooth, even in shape, and generally attractive in appearance.

Organization of production of spiral potato chips and their sale.

How are spiralized potato chips made? Everything is quite simple. In such a matter, special knowledge and practical skills are not required. The process of preparing such a product consists of the following steps:

1. First of all, fresh washed potatoes with peels, wooden sticks and the rest of the ingredients necessary for cooking (salt and spices, vegetable oil) must be delivered to the location of the outlet.

2. Each potato tuber is placed on a wooden stick, pointed at one end, about 35 cm long and about 5 mm thick.

3. Next, this tuber on a stick is placed in a potato slicing machine and so it turns into a potato spiral wound on a folded stick. It is best to cut a small amount of potatoes at a time so that they do not dry out or darken.

4. The potato tuber on each stick is straightened into a spiral.

5. Deep fry until golden brown. The process takes approximately 3-4 minutes.

6. Each serving of these chips is sprinkled with salt and seasoned with spices and, if necessary, sauce is added to it.

7. Completely finished portions are transferred to a food warmer (a common container for storing finished products) or into individual containers with paper bags and put up for sale.

This is interesting : read our other articles - “ “, “ ” and “ “.

Spiral chips production equipment

First of all, you need a sales tent, which must be chosen depending on the scale of the planned production. The cost of an average tent (area about 2.5 square meters) is about 3,000 rubles.

Next, you need to choose a machine for producing spiral chips, the most important characteristic of which is performance. On average, a device with a productivity of 25 pieces/hour will cost you about 5,000 rubles when purchased in Russia, but it is better to order directly from China, where the device costs from 50-60 dollars with free delivery (link for example). You can also look for more automated equipment on the same site.

The most expensive "accessory" in the production of spiral potato chips is the deep fryer. With the same performance as the slicing machine, you can purchase it for no less than 25,000 rubles.

We will transfer the finished products for storage to the LINX series food warmer. Here the main parameter on which the cost will depend is capacity (2.3 kg - 11,000 rubles).

And the last thing we need is a table to place all the equipment. It is most practical to choose a collapsible option, the cost of which will not exceed 2800 rubles.

Additional equipment - the seller's workplace - a chair, costing about 400 rubles.

The total costs for implementing this business model, according to average estimates, are 47,200 rubles.

Economic justification and payback calculations

Investment counting:

Purchase of equipment – ​​47,200 rubles.

Delivery fee – 5000 rubles.

Purchase of ingredients and consumables – 11,000 rubles.

Registration, payment of territory rent, other expenses: 9,000 rubles.

As a result, the amount of investment in the business: 72,200 rubles.

Profitability calculation:

Daily sales volume – 110 servings;

Number of working days in a month – 30;

Monthly sales volume – 3300 servings;

The cost of one serving is 35 rubles;

Monthly revenue – 115,500 rubles.

In this situation, the initial investment will pay for itself in about two months. Everything will depend on you.
