Games to bring the team together. Games for children's camp

For younger schoolchildren, the predominant type of activity is gaming. Through play, a child tries on social roles and is included in the system of social relations. It is noteworthy that the main motive of such didactic games is not the manipulation of objects, but the communication of children with each other, their interaction.

When using didactic games to unite a children's team, it is necessary to take into account that unity occurs gradually and goes through different stages. Therefore, in each class, the goals and tasks implemented in the course of working on team building differ significantly from each other. It is important for the teacher to take this into account when choosing a game, focusing on the results that he plans to get after playing it.

Stages of team building for children in elementary school

1 class

In the 1st grade, the team is at the nascent stage. Children know little about each other and do not have established communication connections with each other. The teacher can offer them, establish friendly relations and even unite in microgroups (on the principles of intuitive sympathy).

2nd grade

2nd grade is the period of formation of the foundations of the team. It is at this stage that interpersonal conflicts most often arise based on different value guidelines in children, and “isolated” schoolchildren may appear. Another problem is the manifestation of psychological barriers: if first-graders behave sincerely and openly, then in the second grade children may become withdrawn, fearful, and hysterical.

Didactic games conducted with second-graders should be aimed at developing general rules of behavior in a team and overcoming psychological problems.

3rd grade

In 3rd grade, team building occurs. Children are ready to carry out social assignments in the classroom and show interest in joint activities. At the same time, it is during this period that the personal qualities of each child are most fully revealed, children realize their individuality.

When choosing didactic games for this stage, it is necessary to give preference to those that will enable the child to feel like part of a team, show the significance of his activities for the whole class, encourage children to unite in groups to achieve their goals, and show support for each other.

4th grade

4th grade students can be characterized as an established team, whose members show interest in socially significant activities and can evaluate the behavior of their classmates and bear common responsibility. In such a team there is an asset that leads the life of the class; children with leadership needs stand out.

In didactic games conducted in 4th grade, children should be invited to act as an organizer, teach them mutual understanding and the ability to coordinate their actions with classmates, and coordinate common behavior. Games are recommended in which schoolchildren must come up with a way to implement the assigned task and have the opportunity to choose their own course of action. It is worth paying attention to the plot of games and moving from children's scenarios to practical situations.

Team building games in elementary school by grade

Team building games for 1st grade

The simplest game in which children can get to know each other is "Ball" . Its essence is that children stand in a circle and one child receives a ball. He must say his name and pass the ball to his neighbor, who also introduces himself and passes the ball further. This continues until each first grader says his name.

This game can be played several times during the first two months, offering other tasks for children:

  • give your first and last name;
  • name your favorite activity (toy, animal, color);
  • say your name and parents' names, etc.

To help children quickly remember the names of their classmates, it is recommended to play "We're going on a hike" , in which it is used. Children are told that they need to pack for a hike and take a lot of things with them. Everyone should say the phrase “My name is..., and I take with me...”. In this case, the child must indicate an object whose name begins with the same letter as his name. This game can be played several times, inviting children to get ready for the library, a trip to the sea, school, etc.

A team-up game can help you get more information about your classmates and identify kids with similar interests or abilities. "Border" . The rules are simple: children line up in a line, the teacher draws a boundary at a distance of 2-3 meters from them. Then he announces the task:

  • who has a brother;
  • who is 7 years old;
  • who recently went to the cinema;
  • who likes to draw;
  • who has a cat at home, etc.

Schoolchildren to whom the indicated sign applies must cross this line and gather on the other side. The information that children learn after this game can serve as a reason for further closer communication.

Team building games for 2nd grade

Playing a game can overcome a child’s uncertainty and fear of doing something wrong. "Hello Friend" . In it, children are invited to repeat the ready-made greeting ritual. For this . The children of the first group stand in a circle, and the participants of the second group go inside it and also stand in a circle, turning to face their classmates. Thus, you should get pairs who need to greet each other, repeating after the teacher his words and movements:

After this, the guys from the inner circle need to move to the right, moving to other partners, and say the greeting again. This can be repeated several times. In a situation where everyone acts according to the same pattern, the child will feel like an equal member of the team, will be able to relax and overcome isolation.

Children in second grade should be taught to talk about their feelings and be able to understand the moods and emotions of others. They have this opportunity during the game. "What is the mood like" . To carry it out, it is better to arrange the children in a circle and invite them to continue the phrase “My mood today is like...”. A specific topic for comparison can be set: season, color, flower, animal, etc. To show an example of an answer, the teacher speaks first. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion, determine who is angry or sad today and why, and also invite children to help their classmates improve their mood.

If children in the class cannot yet or are embarrassed to express their mood in words, you can suggest using facial expressions, postures, and gestures for this. In Game "Pick mushrooms" you need to choose a mushroom picker, and ask the rest of the students to draw any mushroom, but so that by its appearance it is clear whether it is edible or not. A mushroom picker, examining frozen children, should divide them into two groups. After this, you can invite the children to express why they wanted to depict just such a mushroom.

A game is suitable for developing primary interaction skills "Ships and Rocks" . Schoolchildren should be divided into two groups. Some will be “rocks” - they should position themselves around the room and sit down. The participants of the other group are “ships”; they must close their eyes and begin to move around the class in a chaotic manner. If such a “ship” approaches some “rock,” then the child who represents it needs to hiss, imitating the sound of the sea surf. All participants must try to avoid a shipwreck.

After the game, it is important to discuss incidents of collision and talk about friendly support, which helps to avoid trouble. Separately, it is necessary to point out the behavior of the guys who did not specifically make any sounds so that the “ship” would bump into them (if such a thing happened). During the discussion, some rules of behavior in the team can be developed: do not create trouble for each other, provide assistance, etc.

You can accustom children to general rules of behavior and develop the ability to act according to a given model during games for primary school. "A Fun Game of Spoons" . Children squat in a circle and fold their hands behind their backs. Spoons are placed inside the circle, the number of which is one less than the number of participants. Assignment for the children: when they hear the word “spoon,” they must pick up one spoon each. Whoever from the group does not have time to do this leaves the game and removes one spoon from the circle. In the end, the most attentive and diligent student should remain. It is better during the game not just to name individual words to the children, but to tell some story with spoons or the Lozhkin family.

To teach children to find the right way out of conflict situations, you can play a game with them. "Island of Conflict" . If possible, it is worth creating an appropriate environment with the help of decorations. The schoolchildren are told that they are on an island whose inhabitants are constantly quarreling because they do not know how to behave correctly. Children are invited to try to reconcile them by offering a way out of this situation:

  • the child fell into a puddle and his mother scolds him for dirtying his new trousers;
  • the boy does not want to share his toys with children;
  • the girl tore a book from her friend;
  • a child trips his friend, etc.

After discussing such conflicts, you can formulate rules on how to behave in a team.

Unity games for 3rd grade

The game will help the child express his individuality and show his inclinations. "Self-Portrait" . Children are given the task of drawing themselves in an unusual form: instead of eyes, depict what they like to admire, instead of a mouth - their favorite food, instead of hair - what they like to think about, etc. After completing the task, you can arrange an exhibition of paintings.

Another game of this type is the game "Business card" . Children are asked to pick up a microphone and say their name. When everyone in the circle has done this, they start over, but add information about how old they are to their name. Then again, but this time they talk about what they can do best. The game can be continued as long as you like, giving the children new tasks: what music they like to listen to, what book they read, etc.

To convey to children the idea that even though they are all different, it is necessary to stick together, to be one, it is recommended to play "Grape" . Children are asked to look at a bunch of grapes, choose one grape and eat it. Then a discussion is held that the grapes may differ slightly in size, shape, shade, but all together they form a bunch to which they are firmly attached. Children should be asked to think about the following questions:

  • If the grapes grew separately, would anyone notice them?
  • What will happen to the grape if it doesn’t stay firmly on the branch?
  • How is it easier for the wind to pluck a grape from a branch: when it is separate or as part of a large bunch?

Children will be able to clearly see that the result of a common cause depends on the contribution made by each of the team members during the game "Magic Pictures" . Divide the children into teams. Everyone receives a sheet of paper and colored markers. The task is given to draw a family of aliens (or wolves, hares, etc.). First you need to portray your mother. After this, the children exchange leaves and draw dad, then change again and continue drawing other family members. This continues until the leaves with drawings return to their owners. After this, all drawings are reviewed and the best are selected. The authors of these works name who exactly they painted.

Another option for games to bring children 6-10 years old together is the exercise "Funny drawing" . Schoolchildren are divided into two teams. They will draw, for example, a cow. The first participant is blindfolded and asked to draw a head. The rest take turns filling in the missing details. Then they evaluate the fruit of their joint efforts.

Children will learn the principles of cooperation and the ability to perform joint actions through play. "Siamese twins" . The guys need to split into pairs. In each pair, the participants should stand close to each other and hug the waist. The legs that are next to each other should be secured with a rope. After this, such “twins” are asked to walk around the classroom, sit on a chair, lie down, jump, etc. Another option for the game is to hold a couple of students’ hands together and ask them to draw or write something.

There are games that encourage children to form groups. One of them is a game "Molecules" . Each child should receive a sign with a letter (number or picture). The following is the task:

  • make up a word;
  • make an example;
  • create a recipe for borscht, etc.

Children need not only to unite, but also to properly coordinate their actions in order to restore the correct sequence.

Unity games for 4th grade children

Children can demonstrate organizational skills, the ability to direct the actions of others, and coordination while playing "Building numbers" . All students move around the classroom in a chaotic order. After the presenter’s command: “We are building a number...”, the children must form a figure depicting the specified number. When completing this task, some guys will have to order the rest so that everyone stands correctly and does not push each other.

To express their creative abilities, their options for action during joint activities - this opportunity is provided to students during the game "Living Sculpture" . The teacher invites the first participant to go to the center of the class and take any position he wishes. Then he asks the next participant to join him, also choosing his own position. This continues until everyone takes their place in the overall composition. After this, you can take a photo of the sculpture and invite the children to come up with a name for it.

The children will have to complete a rather difficult task in the game. "Stand in a circle" . It will require showing consistency, a sense of “neighbor’s shoulder.” Schoolchildren need to be gathered in a spacious room. First, they should close their eyes and move chaotically around the classroom. At the same time, they should try not to touch or push each other. At the teacher's signal, everyone must stop. At the second signal, the children must try to create a circle. At the same time, they are not allowed to talk or touch each other with their hands. After everyone stops, you need to invite everyone to open their eyes and see if they have made a circle.

Skills of self-assessment and assessment of classmates, expression of one’s opinion, collective cohesion - all these qualities develop during the game "Colored Web" . Children need to stand in a circle. The first participant receives a ball of thread. He should wrap the thread around his finger several times and call his character traits “I...”. After that, he continues: “I like... because he (s)..." and rolls the ball of thread to the one he named. The next player does the same. The game continues until all the children are tied into one web. It is permissible for one child to be selected more than once. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no children left who are not included in the general web. After the game, it is recommended to discuss that there is something good in every person, you need to be able to notice it. And, of course, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these threads symbolize friendly relations, collective ties between children.

The development of team cohesion is facilitated not only by games, but also by any joint activity that is aimed at achieving common goals. Based on this, the use of the proposed games must be supplemented with activities, mutual support, moral qualities, and the implementation of collective creative activities or collective projects that are socially significant for children.

The more favorable the environment and microclimate in the team, the higher the indicators of its effectiveness and success. Psychological comfort directly affects the entire work process and its results. For this reason, establishing high-quality interaction between team members is the direct responsibility of any leader and manager. Team building games in this case will serve as one of the most effective methods. The fourth lesson is entirely dedicated to them. Next we will introduce you to many simple games, but first we will say a few words about the basic goals of any such events.

Goals of team building games

Each person can be called an individual, because he has his own character, opinion and perception of the work process. In order for the work to progress and be productive, you need to competently build the interaction of the above-mentioned personal characteristics of people. Based on this, the most important goal of team building games is to determine the most valuable qualities of each team member and their implementation in the working mechanism.

In parallel with this, exercises to build team unity also perform several related functions:

  • Help team members find the most comfortable position in the team
  • Reveal interpersonal sympathies and establish informal connections
  • Develop skills in teamwork and collective problem solving
  • Optimize the level of emotional and psychological compatibility of players

Any trainings, exercises and games for team building can be carried out in different formats, representing creative, business, intellectual or sports competitions. It is also important that they can be carried out both locally (i.e. in the office) and with the whole team traveling somewhere - to a recreation center, to a sanatorium or sports club, to nature, etc.

Team building is a structured process. This means that holding team-building events follows a certain algorithm. Simply put, they should be carried out like this (this sequence applies to any team building event):

  • The presenter introduces the participants to the goals and objectives of the event
  • The facilitator voices the group norms for conducting the event (this should include sincerity, respect, the desire for trust and emancipation, freedom of opinion, speech and choice, non-disclosure of the specifics of the process outside the team, etc.)
  • An exercise, game or set of activities is being carried out
  • The results are collectively discussed and summed up (participants share emotions, impressions and opinions, voice suggestions and wishes)

Let's be clear: if you decide to conduct an exercise or two for your team, the office where you work may well be suitable for this. But if you have the task of conducting large-scale training with many games, it is best to go out of town or rent a large auditorium or conference room. The games and exercises themselves are suitable for both large and small teams, but as we describe each game, we will provide small explanations if necessary. For convenience, we have also divided the games into those that are more suitable for playing in the office and on the road.

Office games for team building and team building

Relieving tension

The game, as the name suggests, is aimed at intense workloads. The presenter gives the participants the task of counting in order of priority, but without any agreements. Please note: if two people call a number at the same time, the game starts again. It is forbidden to talk, but you can use gestures and facial expressions. To complicate the game, you can give the task of counting with your eyes closed. The essence of the game is that team members anticipate each other's actions, pay attention to non-verbal cues and establish an emotional connection with each other.

Let's sing a song

The facilitator instructs the participants to stand close to each other. Then, together with the team, he chooses a song whose words everyone knows. Players then take turns clockwise or counterclockwise to say the words of the song in the correct order. If the song goes wrong or someone makes a mistake, the game should be started over. The task is to sing the song to the end.

Let's get to know each other better

The presenter instructs the participants to stand in a row according to their height. Then he gives the command to silently change lanes in the established sequence. The task can be to line up in alphabetical order (by the first letter of the first or last name), by day or month of birth, by age or by hair color (from light to dark or vice versa). This team building game allows team members to get to know each other better, improves non-verbal communication and understanding without words.

Let's create together

A great example of a team building game. The presenter prepares the attributes for the game in advance and independently: whatman paper, stickers, appliqués, pictures, photographs, fabric, markers, paints - everything with which you can create a colorful and beautiful collage or picture. Then all the participants gather together around a large table, and the facilitator gives the task to create a picture or collage on a specific topic, for example, “Our team”, “Workdays”, “It’s hard to study” or “The best team”. Such joint creativity promotes unity, disclosure and realization of abilities, demonstration of talents, knowledge and skills. In addition to this, players constantly communicate and interact with each other, listening, voicing their ideas, finding compromise solutions.

Preparing gifts

The team is divided into pairs. In a pair, one partner takes one hand of the other partner with one hand, so that each person has one free hand. The presenter, having prepared boxes of different sizes, wrapping paper and ribbons in advance, instructs the players to start the game. The point is that each couple must pack a gift: close the box, wrap it in paper, tie it with ribbon. The pair that completes the task the fastest will win. This exercise perfectly develops the ability to understand each other without words, to capture and read non-verbal gestures, and to achieve one goal together.

Drawing in the office

A wonderful team building exercise that everyone can do: both those who know how to draw and those who can’t. We have already considered one of its varieties (“Creating Together”). A large team can be divided into subgroups to create a competitive spirit (but this is not necessary). Participants themselves prepare tools for work (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, whatman paper or even easels, etc.) and begin to work together to create their own work of art. You can make funny drawings, paint serious paintings, or reproduce famous paintings. The presenter can also arrange competitions for several teams, and based on the results, distribute 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and award the corresponding prizes.

Drawing blindly

Another type of team building game where you need to draw. It can be used both as a comic one-time event and as part of a larger training. Although the exercise is more suitable for office execution. The presenter prepares a large sheet of Whatman paper, a felt-tip pen or marker in advance. The team is divided into pairs. The assistants blindfold the players. The presenter gives the task to draw some object (from a simple one, like a square, to a complex one, like some kind of animal). Participants take one tool together with their hands (you can also draw in turns so that each continues the picture of the other) and begin to draw a given object. This fun and relaxed game perfectly trains understanding without words and brings people closer to each other.

We do everything synchronously

A very simple but entertaining team building game. During the game, everyone can remain at their jobs. The presenter instructs the players to take turns performing some action, for example, sit down, stretch out their arms, turn their heads, lift one leg, pick up a pen, etc. The task of the others is to perform the same action synchronously with the first player. Synchronicity here is an indicator of how much people in a team feel each other, how they understand each other without words. At the same time, everyone’s spirits are lifted, because sometimes the group performance of some action looks very comical, and there are a lot of inventors in teams.

We get the prize

An excellent team game, taking place in the form of a comic competition. The presenter instructs the participants to stand around a table with a prize in the center. The players take each other's thumb, which acts as a joystick, and immediately close their eyes. But the last player in the chain leaves his eyes open. It is he who, by controlling the movement of his neighbor’s finger, must transmit the impulse to the first in the chain. The first in the chain, without opening his eyes and understanding what movement needs to be made, must get the prize. The presenter acts as an independent judge. The presented exercise stimulates the players' desire to achieve a common goal and learn to understand each other.

Let's clap together

A simple and fun team building game. The presenter gives the participants the task of positioning themselves in a circle and nominates a player to start the game with. At the signal, everyone must take turns clapping their hands as quickly as possible. Nothing complicated, but this game develops sensitivity, understanding of non-verbal signals and team spirit well.

Away games for team building and team building

Creating a figure

The facilitator gives the participants the task to sit in a circle. The distance should be sufficient for free movement (this is why this game is suitable for large teams). At the leader’s signal, the participant, without saying anything, chooses one of his colleagues and takes exactly 15 steps towards him. After this, again without saying anything, he explains to his partner what kind of figure he wants to depict (square, circle, house, crescent, etc.). Then they work together to create this shape. This team building exercise perfectly trains the ability to work in pairs, understand another without words, and use. This game also helps managers identify leaders and followers, active and passive players.

We transfer the item

Another game in which team building is the main goal. Players must sit in a circle. Then the presenter approaches the first participant and gives him an imaginary object using a gesture, and also indicates the direction of its transfer. The object can be anything, for example, a monkey.

The first player passes the monkey to the second, and so on. round. At one point the presenter says “Stop!” and asks who has the monkey. At first everything seems simple, but then the game becomes more complicated, because... it consists of a minimum of three rounds.

At the end of the first round, the host makes sure that everyone understands the rules and begins the second round. Two imaginary objects already appear here: a monkey and a parrot are launched in a circle. They are launched from different participants and move in different directions. Then everything follows the same scenario: “Stop! Who has a monkey and a parrot? Now the participants will start to get confused. Next comes the third round. The host launches three objects - a monkey, a parrot and a coconut - again in different directions and from different players.

The most interesting moment comes when the items are transferred to one player, and he must understand what he has in his hands and who needs to give what to. After another “Stop!” in most cases, no one understands who has what.

This game improves people's interaction and the quality of their communication. Everyone laughs and laughs - the mood improves and the tension is relieved. Between rounds, you can discuss how best to transfer items without getting them mixed up or losing order. Among other things, the exercise allows you to identify leaders in the group and determine their ability.

Conquering the rock

A good away game for team building. The leader should prepare a long bench (several small benches or a large log) and instruct the players to line up on it, pressing tightly against each other (in principle, a similar exercise can be performed against a wall). Two options follow: in the first, the participants are calculated in order, and the leader indicates a new sequence of numbers in which everyone should line up. The second option is for the players, starting from the first, to climb over the “cliff” to stand again in the same order. The participants’ task is not to step on the floor, not to fall off the “cliff,” and not to talk. If someone falls or speaks, they are either eliminated or the game starts over.

Let's play "headball"

This is a sports exercise that is best included in some kind of outdoor training. Develops the ability to work in pairs. The facilitator instructs pairs of players to lie on their stomachs opposite each other, then places a ball between their heads. Players must rise to their feet, holding the ball with their heads and without dropping it. If the ball falls before the participants get up, the pair starts trying again. The pair that stands up first wins.

Tying a knot

A simple and exciting game, the essence of which is that participants must tie a knot using only one common rope (or rope), without letting go of it. A rather comical exercise that lifts the mood, liberates people and brings them closer to each other. If the team is large, it can be divided into two or more smaller ones. For variety, one team can tie the knot while the other team unties it.

Let's play Silver Cobra

This great team building game is more like a quest. Considering that it requires a large space, it is better to carry it out outdoors or in a large room. The game is based on the ancient Brazilian legend of the silver cobra. In legend it was described as a weapon, but in reality a cobra is a group of people - strong and powerful, while one person is powerless and weak.

You should spend at least 25-30 minutes on the game, and from 10 to 15 people can participate in it. The presenter instructs the participants to stand in a circle and put their hands on the shoulders of the neighbor standing in front - the resulting figure is that very cobra. Participants close their eyes and touch the backs of their closest neighbors with their hands, trying to remember their sensations.

Then, on command, everyone disperses around the room or clearing and walks with their eyes closed for a minute. It is advisable for everyone to keep their hands straight in front of them to avoid accidental collisions with each other. After this, the leader gives a signal by which the participants again stand in a circle. The task is to remember the sensations of the back of the person who stood in front at the beginning, and build the same sequence. This good game helps you relax, laugh and recharge yourself with positivity, get to know your colleagues better, change your surroundings, learn to get out of difficult situations and trust your feelings. And, of course, it makes the team more friendly and holistic.

We are organizing a photo marathon

The point of this team building game is as follows: the team is divided into small subgroups (from 2 to 5 people) and the leader gives each of them lists of places or things that need to be photographed. So, the task may be to capture the interior of a cafe or theater, a monument, a pigeon or a dog, a specific street or bridge, a building or even a person - anything can be used. To complicate the task, you can assign the task to photograph several objects at the same time. For example, take a photo that contains a sign with the name of the company, a balloon, a cat and a chocolate bar. Such tasks help people work together, learn, get to know each other better and open up. In addition, pleasant emotions and interesting photographs will remain as memories.

Looking for treasure

This team-building game can be played either independently or using the services of specialized institutions. In the first case, the presenter hides several tasks somewhere in the city in advance and gives hints to the participants in advance. They, in turn, look for these places and carry out assigned tasks. In the second case, you need to go to an quest room, of which you can find many today. The topic can be discussed with the players initially, or a surprise can be made. However, quest rooms offer not only searching for treasures, but also overcoming all sorts of obstacles, solving creepy puzzles, getting out of closed spaces, etc. Naturally, a prize must be awarded for completing the quest. The effect of completing quests is beyond praise: the development of intuition, deduction and intelligence, the establishment of trusting relationships and the formation of team community, the disclosure of creative potential and the manifestation of individual skills and abilities.

Let's play animals

To play this team building game, you need to prepare in advance - make a lot of cards with the names of family members of various animals. For example, “Dad Elephant”, “Mom Elephant”, “Daughter Elephant”, “Son Elephant”, “Grandma Elephant”, “Grandfather Elephant”, etc. The variety of “fauna” depends on the number of people in the team. In general, the more players and types of animals, the better. The leader divides the team into several small groups of 5-6 people, distributes cards to everyone and the participants get to know them. At the leader’s signal, the players disperse throughout the territory. Everyone must find their family by making sounds appropriate to “their” animals. As soon as all the families have gathered, the presenter gives a signal and the players sit on chairs or stumps, but sit on top of each other according to seniority: grandfather-grandmother-father-mother-son-daughter, etc. The team that correctly completed the task the fastest wins. This exercise is an excellent training for collective interaction and an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Building a figure

The presenter instructs the participants to stand in a circle, close their eyes and form a specific shape, for example, a rectangle, triangle or rhombus. Almost always during this game there is team building and fuss, but as the task is completed, one leader is identified who will place people in the right order. Once the figure is ready, the participants discuss whether the figure turned out straight or not (eyes still closed). You can open your eyes only when everyone decides that the figure is straight. The exercise can be made more difficult by setting a time limit for completing the task in advance. It is best to play this game in a large room or outdoors.

Increasing trust

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people (if the team is small, you don’t have to split). Each player takes turns turning away from the others and falling backwards to be caught by them. Catching the player is a must. Those who catch should cross their arms, holding each other's wrists, and the one who falls should cross their arms over their chest. The game can be complicated if a person falls from a height, for example, from a chair, stump or window sill. But it is still recommended to play this game away to avoid injuries. As a result of the exercise, colleagues will trust each other more. At the end of the game, you can discuss the behavior of all participants together.

The games we have reviewed are quite enough to diversify team life, unite the team and increase the efficiency of its work. But in addition to them, you can use several unusual methods.

Unusual ways to unite a team

Based on the descriptions, you yourself will be able to determine how and where it is best to conduct these events. We offer you five unusual ways to unite a team, but if you wish, you can find or come up with much more yourself.

Product Research

A great game not only for team building, but also for increasing the level of professionalism. Suitable for organizations that sell a product. The point is that each team member studies the product being sold in every detail and by the appointed deadline. On the specified day, a large meeting is held, at which all participants, speaking in turn, talk about what they have learned, describing all the advantages and features of the product or service. At the same time as building team spirit, this is just an exercise. At the end of the game, everyone can share their impressions, advantages and disadvantages of their colleagues’ performances.

Steam room

This team building technique has gained immense popularity in Japan. It consists of the whole team (both management and ordinary employees) going to the bathhouse together. Men go with men, women go with women, but if, for example, you go to the sauna and take swimwear with you, you can all go together. This “exercise” immerses the team in a relaxing atmosphere, promotes pleasant and relaxed friendly communication, forms trusting relationships and brings team members closer together.

The zombie apocalypse

The presented team building game is very popular today in the corporate culture of American companies. It is quite expensive in terms of finances, but it is worth it. In essence, the game is a mixture of quest, paintball and carnival. The organizers rent an abandoned house or other building and negotiate with professional actors who will play the roles of zombies. Employees are provided with paintball equipment and weapons. The team's task is to get out of the building alive, defeat (outwit or "kill") the zombies and come to the aid of humanity. By the way, similar trainings for unity are also relevant for the American military, because They not only train survival skills, but also help identify leaders and outsiders, unite the team and create a commonality of purpose.


This team building training immerses people in an informal environment and allows them to get to know each other better. To conduct the exercise, you need to find a vineyard for rent and hire a consultant. In just a few hours, team members will have time to jointly study the features and methods of making wine, crush the grapes and come up with a name for their own drink. A few months later (when the wine is ready), the owners of the vineyard deliver the wine made by the team to the office. As a result, participants enjoy the fruits of teamwork, share emotions and impressions of the drink, and become friendlier and more united.

A dark room

As a leader and supervisor, you must observe and study all team members during team building exercises, games, and training. The results can be discussed with the participants. So, you can discuss what the atmosphere is like in the team, how friendly people are with each other, how productively tasks are solved and goals are achieved. Based on the conclusions drawn, you can identify team problems and outline an action plan to correct and eliminate them.

Systematic and regular holding of such events allows:

  • Increase the productivity of interpersonal and professional communication
  • Increase the efficiency of individual team members and the team as a whole
  • Develop group work skills
  • Optimize relationships within the team
  • Develop skills in finding solutions to difficult and non-standard problems

The games and exercises we have considered do not exhaust the variety of methods for team building. Today there are a huge number of thematic sites and literature devoted to team building, where you can find dozens of interesting tasks. Having the goal of forming an effective and friendly team and using a creative approach for this, you can reach truly unprecedented heights and create a team that will be able to move any mountains.

And, continuing the conversation about team building methods, we want to tell you about another very popular thing today. It's called "Rope Course". We did not describe it in this lesson, because... it has a lot of its own subtleties and features. We will talk about this course, its nuances and components (games, tasks and exercises) in detail in the next lesson.

Want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how suitable it is for you, you can take our test. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

The main task of the counselor during the organizational period of the shift is to promote the unity of the squad, to develop trust between the guys in the squad. Unity games will help with this.

I love you for...

Participants stand or sit in two circles - the inner one (boys) and the outer one (girls), in pairs facing each other. Couples hold hands and speak in whispers to each other. What quality do they value most in this person? In this case, they begin with the obligatory phrase: “(Participant’s name), I love you for that...” the more detailed the explanation, the better the task is completed. The counselor always plays with the children. After 10-15 seconds, the outer circle takes a step to the right and the pairs, taking turns, repeat everything from the beginning. At the end of the game - analysis of sensations.

Teamwork exercise “Tossing the ball.”

The purpose of this exercise is to draw the team’s attention to those children who were less noticeable until this time. The counselor’s task is to ensure that the ball actually gets into the hands of every child and that no one is forgotten. The children are asked to stand in a circle. The counselor throws the ball to anyone standing in the circle, the one who catches the ball throws it to the next one, etc. the task boils down to the fact that the ball must be in everyone’s hands. This exercise must be completed in one minute. In this case, the following rules should be observed: the ball should not fall into the same hands twice; if the ball falls, the exercise starts over again.


Participants stand on the bench close to each other, holding their elbows. In turn, each player walks along the edge of the bench, holding on to the people standing on it, without tripping or pushing players off the bench.


Participants line up in a column one at a time, with their hands on each other’s shoulders (if the squad is large, in 2 or 3 columns). The counselor explains the rules:

  • you can't talk
  • Everyone except the last one has their eyes closed (to be safe, you can blindfold them)
  • the last person is the guide
  • clap on the right/left shoulder - turn right/left
  • clap on both shoulders - forward
  • double clap on both shoulders - back
  • clap on both shoulders in fractions - stop

The conductor’s task is to guide the “train” along the route indicated by the counselor (several turns). To continue the game, the last participant stands in front of everyone, and the route is repeated.

Atomic reactor.

Preliminary work: a circle with a diameter of 3 meters is marked or drawn on the floor. The counselor takes an object from each participant, which he places in the basket. Next, the basket is placed in the center of the designated circle. The task of each participant is to get any item from the basket without stepping into the circle. A participant has the right to take out an item only once, so each participant takes out an item. The circle is the “nuclear reactor”. If one of the participants steps into the circle, then everything starts anew. The game does not end until the last item is taken out. This game helps to unite the squad, the solution to this problem is possible only with the interaction of the entire team, the child cannot get the item on his own, for this he needs the help of the whole team. The counselor should pay attention to safety precautions and ways to solve the task.

All participants, using available materials (pens, pencils, branches, pine cones, etc.) must lay out an image of an elephant on the floor in a limited time. Perform the task in complete silence. The leader carefully monitors the progress of the task: is everyone completing the task, who has taken on the role of leader.

Guess who's missing.

All participants close their eyes. At this time, the presenter touches one player, and he silently leaves the room. (you can make some noise at this time). At the leader’s signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks to see who is missing. The first person to name the absent person becomes the leader.

Red, blue, green.

The players form a circle or stand in a line. The leader (counselor) attaches a sheet of a certain color to each person’s back. At the signal, all participants must line up in columns: red - in one column, blue - in another, etc. Other colors can be used. You can make the task more difficult: build in complete silence.


Participants stand in a tight circle. The right hand is put forward, the left hand is taken by the right hand of the neighbor opposite. You can’t take two or three of you by the same hand, you can’t take the hand of a neighbor standing next to you. Then, through common efforts, it is necessary to unravel. The result of unraveling should be a circle.

Electrical circuit.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. Partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the clasped hands and feet. The participants’ task is to stand up without breaking the electrical circuit. Now combine two pairs with each other to make an electrical circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is safely completed, combine the groups again to form an electrical circuit of 8 people. In the end you will have an electrical circuit formed by all the participants that must rise.

The two main conditions for this exercise are:

  • electric current must flow freely through a closed electrical circuit formed by clasped hands and feet;
  • At each stage, participants must leave the ground at the same time.

Tip for the counselor: don’t forget to support the children, because it’s very difficult for them!

Any number.

Another game that can be presented to participants as a way to test their ability to understand each other without words. The presenter calls any of the players by name. He must immediately name a number from one to a number equal to the number of group members. The leader commands: “Three-four!” At the same time, as many players as the number is named must stand up. In this case, the player who named this random number can either stand up or remain seated. Interestingly, in a classic group of twelve to fifteen people, the error usually does not exceed one person. One of the participants quickly realizes that there are win-win options: you need to call either “one” and jump up yourself, or name the number of group members, and then everyone will stand up. It is better for the leader to stop the game after one or two successful attempts: the participants are left with a feeling of increased group cohesion.


Participants stand one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the presenter explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar should, for example, show how it sleeps; how he eats; how to wash; how to do exercises; whatever comes to mind.


To play this game you will need a box of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside. To start the game, all participants line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all participants as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the game starts again. With a good level of team cohesion, results can be achieved very quickly.

Geometry blind.

Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. Then everyone closes their eyes. The presenter asks: “Guys! In complete silence, without words, without opening your eyes, build me a triangle... square... rhombus, etc.”

Crossing the river (mainly carried out by senior detachments).

A section of 3-5 m is marked on the floor (depending on the age of the children) - this is a river. The entire detachment must cross from one bank to the other. At the same time, they have the opportunity to make only five touches of the “river” (five for the entire squad). A simultaneous touch with both legs or arms (for example, in a jump) counts as one touch. The more united, smart, organized and mobile the squad is, the faster they will do everything (it can take from 30 minutes to 1 - 1.5 hours). Actually, you can go in just three (or even two) touches.


All players stand in a circle, holding each other’s hands tightly in a “lock”. There is a rope with tied ends hanging between the first and second participants. The second participant, without separating his hands from the first, must thread the rope through himself like a hoop. The rope is now between the second and third participants, then the third repeats the actions of the second, etc. round. The main thing: while passing the rope through themselves, participants should not separate their hands. Rope length – 1 m.

Eyes to eyes.

Participants sit in a circle so that everyone is clearly visible, placing their hands under their buttocks. Silently, without using facial expressions, you need to find a mate with your eyes alone (you cannot “negotiate” with your neighbors and those who are sitting next to you). At the leader’s signal, everyone stands up and approaches their pair. Most likely, not everyone will be able to “agree with their eyes” at once, so the exercise is repeated, but the participants are seated in other places in the circle. The game continues until everyone has their own pair.

Raccoon circles.

You need a strong rope, the ends of which are tied together (you get a ring). Participants take hold of the rope with their hands, distributing themselves evenly throughout the circle. Then they begin to carefully lean back, stretching to the sides until they can maintain balance. The following can be offered to participants:

  • everyone sit down and then stand up;
  • release one hand;
  • send a wave along the rope (swing the rope).

At the end of the game there is a discussion: did the participants feel each other’s support; did you try to help your neighbors? how careful they were; was there a feeling of safety (or, on the contrary, fear that you might fall), etc.


Participants sit in a circle and the following legend is read to them: “You are surgeons who are about to perform an emergency heart transplant operation. 6 people need it, but you only have one donor heart and it is not possible to find more in the near future. You need to decide which of the patients you will save.” A list of those who need to be saved is written on the board (or on whatman paper):

  • a scientist on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer.
  • a 48-year-old man, a high school teacher, who is raising 2 children.
  • an 18-year-old pregnant girl with AIDS.
  • a 28-year-old man who has a sick mother, a young brother and 2 sisters in his care.
  • a 20-year-old guy who had an accident during his honeymoon, his wife is expecting a child.
  • A 35-year-old woman is a world-class master of sports in race walking.

Then participants are given 15-20 minutes to discuss. (depending on the number of participants and the degree of their teamwork). After this, the group names its general decision and justifies it. Reflection is extremely important in this game. It should be aimed at relieving the depressed state of group members and the tense atmosphere in general. To do this, the discussion must be directed towards analyzing the interaction of the group: who spoke out more; why some remained silent; whether they listened carefully to each other's arguments; How comfortable was it to communicate in the group; why there were communication problems; opinion of which person was trusted more, why, etc. Total time for discussion: 15-20 minutes. Note: during the discussion, the moderator carefully observes the participants and notes the behavior of each: leaders, aggressors, silent ones.

The group must count in order to N (either an equal or greater number of participants), with only one person saying each number. It is impossible to agree on who says what. As soon as several people say a number at the same time or no one says it for a long time, counting starts from the beginning. Optional Rule: Each person must say at least one number.


The whole group stands on the mat. You need to turn it over to the other side. If someone steps on the floor, the exercise starts from the beginning.


Participants sit in a circle. The first person plays the sound mmmmmmmmmm for a long time... at a certain height. The moment he finishes, the next one must pick up, and so on in a circle. It is important that the sound is not interrupted.


The group of participants is divided into three subgroups of 10 - 12 people. Instructions: “For special successes, we received a bonus in the form of a trip around the world. We boarded a beautiful ship and were sailing across the Mediterranean Sea, but no one noticed that it was the Titanic. Katpstropha. But all is not lost, you have three rafts on which you need to hold out until a helicopter with rescuers arrives. (each team receives three rugs).” Then the game consists of three steps.

Step 1. The groups need to agree and somehow fit on their “rafts”, holding on for at least one minute. Mandatory condition: the feet of team members must not touch the floor (ground). The time for agreement and construction is not limited. If the task is completed, go to step 2.

Step 2. “It’s already getting dark, and the sea is raging. Therefore, in order for a helicopter to find you, it is important not to get lost in the dark. Your task: to fit on your rafts, connect them (with the help of arms, legs, clothes) and hold out in such a connection for a minute.”

Step 3. “The sea is rough, so the rafts are gradually starting to fall apart. The team has two mats left. It is necessary to fit on them, maintaining tactile contact with other subgroups, and hold out for one minute.” Questions for discussion:

  • what they felt during the fulfillment of the game conditions;
  • what helped and what hindered you from completing the task;
  • how to improve team communication next time;
  • what skills were mastered during the game.

Sticks - ticks.

Material for the game: to play the game you need to draw a grid of 6 squares on a board or on a piece of whatman paper. Vertically, you need to write the numbers 1-6, horizontally, above the game square, the letters A-E.

A B C D E E 1. . . . . 2. . . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . . . 5 . . . . . 6. . . . .

Preparatory work: Participants are divided into two teams. Teams determine which icon they will use to indicate their move - a stick or a tick. For subsequent discussion of the game, you need to select 1-2 people as observers; these may be children who do not want to play. Instructions: “Listen to the goal of the game for each team. Teams need to score as many points as possible. One point is five identical signs placed in a row diagonally, vertically, or horizontally. That is, the team must put five of their icons in a row.” Having determined the goal of the game, the leader makes sure that the team understands the task, for this he asks to repeat the given goal. The teams take turns placing their signs on the playing field. The sequence of moves can be determined by drawing lots. The goal of the observers is to record all statements made by the teams during the game. At the end, with the permission of the presenter, they are voiced. During the game, the presenter interrupts it and reminds the teams of the purpose of the game. Comments on the games: as a rule, the game is played in a stereotypical game of “tic-tac-toe”, that is, the teams try to interfere with each other, but do not score points. Even a reminder of the goal of the game doesn't help. During the discussion, you can hear exclamations from the teams: “And we will block it for them!”, “We won’t give it to them!” The players are so carried away that they do not hear the common-sense opinions of their comrades, that it is impossible to score points this way. After finishing the game, the host announces how many points the teams scored. And asks the participants to name how many points the teams could score. Answer 3:3. Practice shows that we can win if we reach reconciliation with our opponent. Life shows a different way: if you don’t interfere with your opponent, then both win. The presenter concludes: “Let’s live together!” Don’t waste your time sorting things out and fighting, and you will win and give this opportunity to others.”


Goal: learn to accept the characteristics of another person. For this game you will need walnuts according to the number of participants. Instructions: “Now there is a bag of nuts in front of you. I ask each of you to take one nut, and then carefully examine it for a minute and remember your nut (you can’t put marks on it or crack it). In a minute, all the nuts will be put back into the bag.” After the nuts are put in a bag, the leader mixes them, pours them into the center of the circle and asks each participant to find their own nut. When this task is completed, a short discussion takes place: by what signs were you able to find exactly your nut, how does it differ from others? Based on the results of the discussion, an analogy can be drawn between walnuts and people: “Both of them in a “heap” or crowd on At first glance they look the same, but in order to see the peculiarity of each, you need to spend time and look closely. The value of a nut is usually judged by what is inside it. It may be a very beautiful nut on the outside, but inside it is completely empty. And vice versa. The same thing happens with people, so there is no need to judge a person by some external signs. The nut has a very hard shell, and it needs it in order to protect the delicate kernel. Many people also often grow a shell around themselves in order to feel safe and not immediately open up to others, this takes time for them.”

Secret friend.

It is advisable to play the game at the end of the organizational period, when the children get to know each other better. The game “Secret Friend” can also be played during any period of the shift. On separate sheets of paper, the counselor writes the names of all the children in the squad (the first and last names of girls - in one box, boys - in another), by lot, boys draw the names of girls, and girls - boys, and then for a set time (1 - 5 days) secretly give these children pleasant surprises. The main condition is that everyone must keep a secret. After time, the entire squad gathers in one place, where the counselor presents a surprise to the entire squad, after which everyone reveals whose “secret friends” they were and at the same time gives memorable gifts. At the end, an analysis of the feasibility and effectiveness is necessary and the need for the game "Secret Friend".

City of masters.

The game is held at the end of the organizational period, after a series of games and exercises for unity. Required materials: scissors, glue, paper, cardboard, plasticine, tape, rope. Based on prepared lists, the squad is divided into several teams. The composition of the teams is thought out in advance to give everyone in the group the opportunity to show maximum activity and gain a new experience of interaction. Instructions: “Today we will create a City of Masters together with you. In the city you need to build a residential building, a club or theater, a temple, an administrative building or city hall, a cafe or bistro. The teams have time for discussion - 10 minutes, during which you need to come up with an idea for construction and agree on how the team will work. The construction itself will take place in complete silence, a fine will be imposed for violation: the leader will take away one of the items (scissors, tape). 20 minutes are given for construction.” At the leader’s signal, construction begins. It is important for the leader to monitor the implementation of the rules and the peculiarities of work in teams for subsequent analysis. After the completion of the construction of each structure, a tour of the City is held, a presentation of each structure is held. After the excursion, a discussion is held:

  • How did it work as a team?
  • what was difficult, what was easy;
  • how mutual understanding was achieved;
  • how ideas were born and implemented;
  • What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Unity games

Games for unity and emancipation.
These games will help teachers in the classroom not only diversify the leisure time of their students, but also get to know them better. And for the guys - an opportunity to relax and get to know themselves and their friends from a different perspective. Some games will help to clearly show the children the problems that may arise or have already arisen in the team.

From among the players, 2-3 people are selected who need to find out everything about the inhabitants of an extraterrestrial civilization (these are the remaining players). To do this, the “envoys” need to come up with 7-10 questions to which residents could answer only “yes” or “no.” They are given three minutes to write questions (to do this, they move to the side or out the door). At this time, everyone else is given instructions that they are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And the “envoys” have the right to answer only “yes” or “no” to all questions. The answer to a question depends on whether the person is smiling at the moment he asks the question. If he smiles, then all the inhabitants of the extraterrestrial civilization answer in unison “yes,” if he does not smile, “no.” After the end of the game, the “envoys” are asked the following questions:
1. How much information did they receive from local residents?
2. Did you understand in what cases the residents answered “yes” and “no”.
Conclusion: Friendliness and a smile help us communicate with people.

The players are located in a circle. Everyone receives a card, one of them has a mark on it. The player who received the card with the mark becomes a “killer”. His task is to “destroy” as many people as possible without being noticed. He does this by winking with one eye. The person who received the wink slowly counts to 5 and says the phrase: “I am killed.” After which the person sitting on the left hand of the “killed” (even if this person is the “murderer”) says the name of the person whom he suspects of this “murder”. The "suspect" bends his finger. And so in a circle, everyone calls the name of the person they suspect. The player with the maximum number of bent fingers becomes the main suspect (there may be two or even three). He (s) says (yat) what he wants (tyat) in his own defense. After which one of the players (usually the one who suggested playing this game) says the phrase: “Who is... (says the name of the suspect) a murderer.” The voting begins. If the majority is for this person, then he shows the card and if it is without a mark, then the player loses the right to speak, but does not leave the game. If there is a minority for him, then he remains in the game and the “killer” again begins to “shoot” with his eyes. The game continues until the “killer” is found by voting.
Option: If there are no cards, then the game may have a leader who first asks everyone to close their eyes. And as he passes around the circle, he puts his hand on anyone playing. This player becomes the "killer". The game follows the same rules. And the presenter becomes just an observer.
To teachers. Initially, be the leader of the game, when the guys understand the principle of the game, then become a player like them. They will appreciate it.
The game "Killer" not only captivates players, but also teaches them to look into each other's eyes.


The presenter says: “Now we will play the game “Telepathy”, during which I will teach how to read thoughts. Only for this I need volunteers (3-5 people) who want their thoughts to be read. But only I will teach how to read thoughts by about your favorite dishes."
Volunteers go out the door, where the host tells them that each of them needs to remember his favorite dish. It is advisable that dishes are not repeated.
While the volunteers are agreeing on dishes outside the door, the host tells all the other players the secret of “telepathy”. It consists of a volunteer entering and telling their favorite dish in the host’s ear. After which the host begins to list the various dishes. And after each dish the players say: “No!” until they hear any potato dish (potato pies, French fries, potato casserole, etc.) The next dish is the volunteer’s favorite dish. For example, volunteer Misha wished for “fried potatoes.”
The presenter lists: “Misha likes pilaf?” Everyone playing in chorus says: “No!” "Does Misha like vermicelli with mushrooms?" Everyone: “No!” "Misha likes dumplings with potatoes?" Everyone: "No!" “Does Misha like fried potatoes? Everyone: “Yes!” Because the sign for a positive answer was “dumplings with potatoes.” The task of the volunteers is to understand the principle of guessing thoughts.
Volunteers can enter the room one at a time or all together. But at the same time, wait for your turn to “read thoughts.”
You can “telepathize” not only thoughts about your favorite dishes, but also about birthday gifts, favorite animals, etc. Just agree after what word the hidden thought will be.

Everyone stands in a circle. They stretch their arms forward and grab any neighbors with them, except those standing next to them. So everyone gets confused. The task is to untangle without releasing your hands. The game is completed if everyone, when unraveling, ends up in a circle (back or face doesn’t matter), or forms several circles, or ends up standing in a spiral (circle within a circle).

"To my neighbor."
All participants stand in a circle. A driver is selected who takes a place in the center of the circle. The rest of the participants place the half-closed palm of their left hand in front of them, and the fingers of their right hand collect everything together. One of the participants has a small object in his palm - a ring or a coin. The participants all together begin to move their right hand from their left palm, and at the same time say “to their neighbor.” All participants try to quietly pass this object around in a circle. And the presenter tries to guess who currently has this item. To do this, he says: “Stop!” and all players freeze. The presenter points with his hand at the person who, in his opinion, has the object in his hands. If the presenter guesses, then the participant with the object and the presenter change metas. If the presenter does not guess correctly on the third try, then all the players come up with any creative task for him, and he completes it. And the next leader is chosen at will or according to a counting rhyme.

"Find the sign."
The driver leaves the door, everyone else is divided into 2-3 teams based on some characteristic - hairstyles, details of clothing, etc. For example, one team has players with watches, while the other has players without. When the teams are separated, the driver enters. He must guess on what basis they are divided.
You can drive two or three. Everyone must show maximum observation.

"Ministers of Finance"
Participants are given the following situation: “You have become finance ministers of different countries. List the “ministers” of which country each of you would like to be (they list). Your countries are in dire straits. And it depends only on you whether your country will be financially secure. For you need to collect this in a minimum number of "game years" * billions of dollars (improvised, in our case these are matches 1 match - 1 billion dollars). The matches are in a box, there are as many of them as there are "player-ministers". year" everyone can take 1-2 billion dollars, or maybe not take anything at all. Each "minister" thinks for himself, and the game takes place in silence.
The “game year” ends when the box of matches passes through all the participants and returns back to the leader. The presenter doubles the number of matches returned to him (if after the expiration of the “game year” 4 matches returned to him, then the presenter puts 4 more matches in the box and 8 matches remain in the box for the next “game year”). Thus the game continues. It can take up to 5 minutes, or it can end immediately.
It depends on how the “ministers” behave. Most often, the “ministers” sitting next to the leader take 1 or 2 matches from the box. It turns out that dollars (matches) simply do not reach many “ministers”. And they end at the first “game year” (since there are as many billion dollars as there are participants).
More often than not, in the end, none of the “ministers” achieves the goal of $8 billion for the prosperity of their country. And you can ask everyone present the question: “Was it still possible to get 8 billion dollars for your country?”
Of course, after what happened, everyone realizes that if they had not taken dollars in the first “game years”, they would have doubled the amount of money and in a few “years” would have reached their goal.
Conclusion: You need to think not only about yourself, but also about others.

Dragon, Knight and Princess" (similar to the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors").
All players are divided into two teams.
Option: Everyone stands up as if they are starting to play “Rucheyok”. The leader walks through the center of the stream and thus divides the players into two teams. Teams line up facing each other. The distance between teams is at least three steps.
In the game, each team decides what kind of “hero” it will be.
If she wants to be a "dragon", she raises two arms above her head, as if she wants to scare.
If she becomes a “knight”, then in a jump she puts her hand forward, as if she were holding a sword.
If she chooses the role of a “princess” for herself, she spreads her arms in the shape of a dress and sways from side to side.
After showing each character, the presenter asks all participants to repeat after him.
The leader slowly begins to count to 5. At this moment, each team gathers in a circle and agrees on what kind of hero it will be. On the count of five, all players in the teams are already standing in a line, as they originally stood, and at the same time show the “hero”.
If the first team showed the “dragon” and the second “princess”, then the “dragon” eats the “princess” and the first team gets a point.
If the first team shows a "dragon" and the second team shows a "knight", then the "knight" defeats the "dragon" and the second team gets a point.
If the first team shows a knight, and the second shows a princess, then the princess defeats the knight with her beauty and the second team gets a point.
Also, a team can receive penalty points if, on the count of 5, the team does not have time to line up or the team did not have time to agree and show different heroes.
The team that scores 3 points wins (the number of points can vary at the request of the presenter).

3-4 people are selected and go out the door. They will have to pass information to each other when entering the office. The presenter reads the text to the first participant once. Then the next participant enters the room, to whom the first one tells everything he remembers. The second participant passes on the received information to the third, etc. After the last participant completes this task, the presenter reads out the original text. And then he asks: “Guys! Does this game remind you of something?” Guys' answers. Host: “This is exactly how gossip spreads. Therefore, before passing on the information received, make sure that you understand it correctly. Otherwise, you will become peddlers of gossip.”
Sample text: In one of the Moscow apartments lived a trained chimpanzee, Innokenty, dressed in a yellow T-shirt, blue shorts and a red cap. One day, a thief entered the apartment through the window and began opening the closet drawers, hoping to find some valuables. And then the barrel of a gun poked out from around the corner and the visor of a cap appeared, and behind it the chimpanzee himself appeared with a weapon in his hands. The thief suddenly dropped the box from his hands and all the contents spilled onto the floor with a roar. Not understanding what the animal would do next, the thief immediately pulled out his cell phone and dialed the police number. Exactly 20 minutes later, police officers appeared. They exchanged the chimpanzee's gun for a banana, and took the thief to the police station.

“U-ah, ah...” (game for liberation).
The players stand in a circle. The leader is in the center. The presenter and players pronounce the words.
Host: Hey!
Players: Hey!
Host: How are you?
Players: Oh okay! (gesture "cool")
Host: Show me, please... (names a noun or phrase)
Players: What did you say?
Presenter: Please show me... (repeats what was said)
Players: What did you say?
Presenter: And I said... (shows how to depict what he was talking about, accompanying with words) ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh again ; ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, well done!
The leader chooses a person from the circle instead of himself and he becomes the leader.

"Tic Tac Toe"
Materials: poster with a drawn field of 6 by 6 cells, markers, 2 sheets of paper with similar fields, pens.
Starting position: the group is divided into two parts, a poster with a playing field hangs on the wall, the groups agree on which of them is a cross and which is a zero (drawing of signs is possible)
Assignment: The task of each group is to score 3 points. One point is awarded to a group if they place 5 of their signs vertically or horizontally, not necessarily in a row.
Within 3 minutes the groups think through the tactics of the game.
One representative from each team goes to the field poster and starts the game.
During this time, the group cannot give advice from its representatives.
Groups take turns.
The maximum number of points that groups can score is 3 points, but only if they do not interfere with each other, but each place their signs on their own side of the field.


Competition program "MIXER"
COUNT. Teams are given a set of small cards with numbers written on them. The task is to find the sum of all numbers and name the result. The more accurate team wins.
WHAT'S HAPPENED? Teams are given cards with the names of 3-4 items. Task for each team:
After a short discussion, ask those present a question about the subject, without naming it, so that everyone else gives an answer. For example, what is it?
Comfortable seat with hand rests? (Armchair.)
Liquid intended for joining parts? (Glue.)
Milk, telephone, rain.
Bread, scissors, moon.
Giraffe, spoon, snow.
Car, night, sugar.
SHOW. It is necessary to depict using all team members:
orchestra, train, centipede, zoo, TV, telephone;
fans whose team is losing, spectators watching a cool action movie, people in line for sausage, patients from the ward before surgery;
cool hares, wild pigs, lone wolves, crazy chickens;
Leaning Tower of Pisa. Chinese wall. Kremlin, bridge over the Thames;
the letter “A”, “K”, “W”, “R”, “Y”;
the painting “Bears in a Pine Forest”, “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son”, etc.
RUSSIAN WRITERS AND POETS. On sheets of paper, the team writes down the names of Russian writers and poets for 2-3 minutes. Then the sheets are compared using the elimination method. Those who have more surnames win.
MASTERS OF PANTOMIME. A player from one team must depict a given animal for his opponents, using facial expressions, gestures and without uttering a sound, so that everyone can guess who it is.
FUNNY ACCOUNT. To conduct this competition, a set of cards with numbers from O to 9 for each team is prepared in advance. The teams line up opposite the leader, in front of whom they stand two
chair. Each player receives a card with one of the numbers. After the team leader reads the example, the players with the numbers that make up the result run out to the leader and sit on chairs so that the answer can be read. Let's say this was an example: 32 +4. The guys who have cards with the numbers 3 and 6 in their hands should sit on the chairs next to the leader, since the sum of 32 and 4 is 36. The team that managed to do this quickly and correctly earns a point. The score goes up to five points.
WHO IS FASTER? The team completes tasks quickly and accurately.
1st option. Build using all team players:
school of birds.
2nd option. Line up according to:
hair color;
alphabet of names;
foot size.
