I dreamed that I was a man in a dream book. I'm a man but I'm a woman

Night dreams should not be taken literally, but there is still a hidden subtext in such subconscious adventures. If in the morning a girl needs a truthful answer to the main question: “What to expect if you dreamed that I was a man?”, it is recommended to look at one of the astrological dream interpreters or look on the Internet.

What if I dream about me being a man?

The nightly image “I am a man” comes to almost every woman in night dreams, and to single and unmarried young ladies - twice as often as others. Therefore, we can safely conclude that this mysterious symbol is associated with the lyrical side of life, romantic relationships and inner experiences. If after waking up you are in a great mood, you shouldn’t look for a catch and overwhelm yourself with heavy thoughts. When the morning mood is completely ruined by a night incident, the sign for the future is unfavorable.

So, what happened in the dream? If a woman saw herself in the image of a man, then this means that in reality she yearned for male attention. It is possible that she is waiting for support from a worthy man, but such, alas, does not appear in her destiny. This is a sign of loneliness, which will not be brightened up in the near future.

There is another opinion: when a young lady in real life is “torn” between two or more suitors, then in a dream she can see herself in a man’s likeness. This is a symbol of hesitation and a warning that the time has come to make a final choice, otherwise you may end up with nothing. After awakening, it is advisable to rethink your behavior, show persistence and determination.

Such a strange dream is not always associated with the personal relationships of the sleeping woman; perhaps she simply experiences dissatisfaction with life, strives for perfection and new sensations. Since such radical changes never come, in a dream he sees himself as a full-fledged man.

If you happened to see yourself as a guy in a dream, and you dreamed of such a plot from Thursday to Friday, then the dream is definitely important for the future. If you consider and understand the night incident, you can predict future events in your life.

If an unmarried girl had such a dream, it means that she is ready for a serious relationship and is waiting for mutual love. So far it has not been possible to get what she wants, but the sleeping beauty does not lose hope for a happy future and a fateful meeting.

The dream for a married woman is more suspicious because it symbolizes dissatisfaction with family life. Perhaps there is a complete lack of mutual understanding with the husband, or the romantic relationship has completely faded away, the spouses have become cold and indifferent. This is a kind of “hint” that you need to come to mutual understanding, otherwise a final break in the love affair, a divorce, will follow.

Dissatisfaction can be present not only in your personal life, but such a dream also affects your career, professional activity and your own worldview. After waking up, problems at work are not excluded, in particular, conflict situations with superiors and friction in the work team. Moreover, the long-awaited advancement up the trade union ladder will never come, which is why melancholy and despondency will creep into the soul.

The dream eloquently states that the woman does not live the life she originally dreamed of. She has driven herself “into a cage” and only at night does her subconscious try to push her to make a mistake, open her eyes, and force her to change for the better. In any case, such a night symbol is well remembered, and every astrological publication offers its explanation. The most important thing is to choose the most truthful dream book.

What does it portend?

Miller's dream book claims that a woman who sees herself as a man in a dream has actually chosen the wrong path in life. She is trying on a masculine character or has decided on a profession that is not typical for the fairer sex. It is advisable to be softer, otherwise such a temper will only scare away real men.

The esoteric dream book in no way associates the male image of a woman in a dream with her behavior and romantic relationships in real life. Most likely, your status at work will change unexpectedly, and all this thanks to some important document. More details can be found out after waking up, when the once sleeping woman comes to work.

The erotic dream book gives a detailed description of this night image and associates it with sexual dissatisfaction. Most likely, the sleeping woman is not satisfied with something in sex, and she strives to experiment and is in search of new sensations. This is an alarming sign if the sleeping woman is married, since such moods can cause a final break in the relationship. For an unmarried young lady, this night symbol is not fateful, but reflects only her inner emotions and erotic fantasies.

Freud's dream book hints that a woman who sees herself as a man strives for leadership in sexual relationships, does not tolerate comments addressed to her, is categorical and uncompromising. It will be difficult to get along with such a character, which is why such representatives of the fairer sex most often remain lonely, embittered by the whole world. After the appearance of such a dream, a woman is simply obliged to think about her usual behavior and reconsider her attitude towards life, otherwise she will never have a romantic relationship in reality.

If in a dream you unexpectedly dreamed that a sleeping woman had turned into a real man, you should not consider yourself a particularly gay person after waking up in the morning. This night image rather characterizes the moral side of life and spiritual development, as well as the dreamer’s desire for harmony and understanding in romantic relationships.

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors talk about prophetic dreams.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

Dream Interpretation - Man

Peeing on your feet portends great luck and success.

Bare head and loose hair - someone is secretly plotting against you.

Uncovered hair and a covered face - there will be a lawsuit, a trial.

If you trim the hair of a wasp in front, there will be misfortune in the family associated with the household.

If you see yourself with eyebrows on par with another person, there will be a promotion.

Teeth falling out by themselves - misfortune with the father or mother.

Having completed ablution, they rise to the bed - unfortunately, misfortune.

Wash off dust and dirt - portends recovery.

Having sexual intercourse with a man portends a loss of well-being.

A woman puts on a man's clothes - indicates the birth of a noble offspring.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.
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As the dream book explains, a man in a dream foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance, a successful course of affairs, well-being, romantic relationships, and happiness. Why else do you dream about him? Sometimes this image promises disappointment, gossip, unrequited love.

Interpretation according to the Enigma dream book and others

Have you seen an interesting man in your night dreams? The Enigma dream book explains: this is a harbinger of a harmonious relationship with a partner, good health, and active vital energy.

For a girl, a young man in a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance. But if the dreamer is afraid, he will not be as good as she imagined.

Why do you dream about a handsome man? According to Miller, you will receive a large amount of money, this will give you confidence in the future.

Were there several of them in your environment in the dream? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: you have a reliable partner who protects and supports any endeavors.

What kind of man did you see?

Remember what kind of man you happened to see:

  • affectionate - recognition, success will spoil you;
  • sick - changes are needed in your life;
  • blonde - good progress;
  • brunette - be careful, don’t trust everyone;
  • unknown - surprise ahead;
  • a friend - you guess about certain events or affairs;

Was he unpleasant? The dream book warns: if you get into trouble, you will have to turn to people who cause antipathy for help.

Cute? All endeavors will be successful and bring benefits - in the material sphere or in terms of useful contacts.

Did you dream about a giant?

Did you dream of a man tall, like a giant, with big feet? Success at work and in business. The results of your efforts will be appreciated by management.

Why do you dream about a centaur? You have inner strength, know how to control your emotions, think about your words and actions. Keep doing this - there will be fewer problems.

With a beard and mustache

A man with a mustache in a dream foreshadows a meeting, get-togethers with friends. A bearded man promises success at work and timely help.

If a handsome man with a mustache played the guitar and sang for you, a fan will appear who will delight you with romantic deeds.

Don’t throw yourself headlong into the pool of passion just because the guy arranged the date beautifully. Get to know him better - maybe it’s just a fleeting crush, and you have little in common, and your views on important issues are radically different.


Did an acquaintance attack you and beat you? The dream book says: successfully solve problems at work. Obstacles to implementing a new project will arise, and you will overcome them.

A fight with an unfamiliar man foreshadows a meeting with a person who does not evoke positive emotions. In addition, trouble will begin.

The meaning of a vision with a teddy bear

Why do you dream that an impressive man came to visit you? The dream book suggests: such a plot promises fame. But if he was silent and gloomy, there would be great disappointments ahead.

The guy brought a teddy bear as a gift? The meaning of the dream is as follows: the long-term prospects will be positive - a friendly or romantic relationship with him that will bring joy.

If a pumpkin appeared next to him in a dream, this is a harbinger of the dreamer’s imminent pregnancy, perhaps even from this man.

Do you often see a man in your dreams?

Does someone you know often appear in your night dreams? It is worth paying attention to it, as the dream book suggests. You have several points of contact - perhaps a relationship will begin.

Did you dream that he often sent you SMS messages? You are too dependent on other people's opinions. In addition, curiosity will push you to act rashly.

Why do you dream that a stranger called by chance, you started talking and got to know each other? A pleasant romantic surprise will happen soon.

What do stories about water mean?

He was fishing on the river bank and the water was clear? The dream book promises: in reality the sleeping person will be lucky. All her actions will be crowned with success.

Was the man swimming in the blue water of the pool? The plot suggests: you will experience a strong feeling of love, because of which you will forget about all your affairs and your responsibilities.

He was cutting the grass on the lawn and got wet in the downpour? Get good profit from some business. It also symbolizes liberation from some difficult circumstances or internal cleansing.

Have you seen any strange stories?

Did you see a devil in a dream in the guise of an attractive young man? This means that some respectable man will treat you dishonestly.

A sorcerer in a night dream, according to the dream book, warns: your ambitious plans will not come true. Moreover, they will lead to big problems for you.

The man turned into a toad? The girl's reputation will suffer from gossip and slander. The consequence of this may be separation from your loved one.

In a dream, did you happen to guess about a young man on cards? You will suffer from unrequited love.

Was he sleeping and snoring in his dream?

Did you see in a dream how a man was sleeping and snoring? The dream book promises happiness, joy, well-being in the family, harmonious relationships with your spouse.

If he fell asleep and twitched involuntarily, it means you will find yourself in a situation where you will be embarrassed for your boyfriend’s bad manners and uncultured behavior. Try to explain why you can’t behave this way.

In a night dream, did your lover wake up, get up and pull you along with him? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: your loved one will help you develop and improve.

Why do you dream about your own actions?

The meaning of the vision depends on what actions were performed:

  • argued - success in a new project;
  • hit - you will meet a worthy man;
  • if you drew him, you are overly idealizing your merits;
  • photographed - pay attention to a good friend;
  • had a nice conversation - personal problems will be successfully resolved;
  • chased away - you want to get rid of a burden;
  • gave something - don’t force yourself on the guy.

Did you reject a man's advances in a dream? The dream book explains: you will be upset by an unpleasant situation that you cannot influence.

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As you know, a dream is a reflection of the inner world and secret clues of the subconscious. You should definitely pay attention to such signs, otherwise you may miss something very important and very significant in life.

It's no longer a secret that dreams are not just dreamed to entertain a sleeping person at night. In fact, these are secret signs that allow you to foresee the future and predict individual events in life. What if a woman dreams that she is a man?

As a rule, such a dream is associated with the emotional sphere of the sleeping woman, but at the same time it does not bode well. The fact is that numerous problems in real life were so tiring that in a dream I dreamed of my own image, but in a man’s guise. Most likely, this is a sign that she has shouldered too many problems, which, alas. she can't decide.

If a woman dreams that in a dream she is protecting the weak in a male form, then this means immediate support. It is possible that in real life a man will appear who will not only help bear the burden of problems, but will provide tangible support in financial matters. In this case, you should not be afraid of such an interest in yourself, since all intentions will be good and selfless.

If in her night dream a woman turned into a handsome man, then this means that in real life she will have romantic relationships, flirting and an affair, which, alas, will not end in anything serious. But, nevertheless, it will leave only pleasant and warm memories.

When in a dream a woman comes to the full realization that she is a man, and such thoughts cause horror, this means that in real life she is not in her place, experiencing acute internal discomfort. It is worth thinking about changes in your usual life, because they will truly bring peace.

Such a dream is eloquently described by the erotic dream book and Freud’s dream book. These publications report that such night images are associated with sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies of a sleeping woman. So it's worth thinking about.

If you study Freud's dream book, it becomes clear that a dream in which a woman understands that she is a man indicates that she has not been able to enjoy intimacy with her partner for a long time. It is possible that such dissatisfaction is due to the fact that she would like to take on the main roles. Perhaps it's time to have a lover or change your sexual partner.

If in the same dream she meets girls in a new guise, this means that in real life her attitude towards the male sex has radically changed. In this case we are talking about disappointment, fatigue and strong resentment.

When she performs difficult physical work in a night adventure in a man’s image, this means that in real life she has taken on the role of a man, breadwinner and head of the family. If nothing changes, then very soon her life will cause melancholy and despondency.

But what does the erotic dream book say? A woman dreams that she is a man, which means she lacks male attention and affection, and her relationship with her other half in real life has come to naught. When in a night dream the spouses simply switched places, most likely this is a prophetic dream that reflects the existing situation in a particular family. The question is different: does this balance of power suit the dreamer? If yes, then sleep is in your hand, and if not, then it’s time to change something and start your life over.

One way or another, such a dream is connected with the emotional state of a woman, that is, it indicates that the most unexpected thoughts are wandering in her head, and life has partly lost its meaning. It's time to change something in your destiny.

What if a woman dreams of being reincarnated as a man. Such a nightly process speaks of self-improvement and spiritual development, which not only increases self-esteem, but also gives self-confidence.

It is also very important to pay attention to how the newly minted man behaves in a dream? If he is angry, then, most likely, certain difficulties may arise at work, which will not only ruin his mood and morale, but also his reputation.

If a man is “tipsy,” then, most likely, a gentleman has appeared in his life who is animatedly interested in a sleeping woman. You shouldn’t trust him, because his intentions are not serious, and the relationship will not develop beyond light flirting.

A thoughtful man in a dream promises complete loneliness in real life. Heavy thoughts and thoughts will prevail, but the period of self-flagellation will come to an end very soon. So don't despair.

A cheerful man means great joy, good news and a pleasant surprise, while a gloomy man means minor troubles and family troubles. So it’s obvious that a lot in real life can depend on your mood.

In any case, it is important to remind you that a sleeping woman should watch very carefully everything that happens in her sleep. Her task is to capture all the subtleties and details, and only then reproduce them in the exact sequence in the morning. Such attentiveness will allow you to make an accurate forecast for the future, which will precisely allow you to predict individual life events.

In general, such a dream does not cause negative emotions, and it certainly cannot be called a nightmare. That’s why you should relax and watch the night’s story, which can also seem very exciting. As the practice and statistics of somnology show, modern independent women very often have such dreams.

In conclusion, we can only add that sometimes it is useful to feel like a man, even in a dream. Such dreams say a lot, so you definitely shouldn’t ignore eloquent clues.
