Who corrected false curvature of the legs with exercises. How to straighten your legs with exercises

The shape of the legs has age, gender and ethnic characteristics. It is as individual as the shape of the eyes or the shape of the nose. At the same time, many people are not satisfied with the shape of their legs and are ready to resort to the services of orthopedists or plastic surgeons to satisfy their ideas of perfection.

Before thinking about the possibility of surgical correction, it is necessary to determine the norm, or ideal, to which to strive. And, naturally, eliminate deviations from this ideal. It is very important that both the surgeon and the potential patient speak a language that they both understand. This is best facilitated by the following classification of leg shape:

a – “ideal” shape of legs;

b – true O-shaped curvature (non-closing knees);

c – true X-shaped curvature (non-closure of the ankles);

d – false curvature (non-closure of the soft tissues of the upper third of the legs);

d – a combination of false curvature with non-closure of the knees up to 1.5-2 cm

Ideal leg shape characterized by the presence of three fusiform defects of the internal contour, limited to the perineum, closed knee joints, soft tissue in the calf muscles and ankles.

True O-shaped curvature– these are features of the anatomy of the lower extremities associated with bone deformation, which are externally manifested by the presence of a fusiform defect in the internal contour from the perineum to the closed ankles (non-closed knees).

True X-curvature manifested by a lack of closure of the ankles with closed hips, and is also associated with bone deformation.

False curvature of the legs– structural features of the lower extremities, which manifest themselves as an impression of curvature in the absence of bone deformation and are associated with an aesthetically unfavorable distribution of soft tissues. In some cases, false curvature is combined with non-closure of the knees up to 1.5-2 cm while maintaining the anatomical axis of the limb.

Methods for correcting crooked legs

This simple classification allows you to choose the most effective of the currently existing methods of surgical correction of curvature of the legs.

With true curvature of the legs, intervention on the bones is necessary.

In case of false curvature – contour plastic surgery with silicone implants.

Curvature of the lower limbs is a common problem among people, which often worries the female half. Naturally, every woman wants to look as good and attractive as possible, but congenital deformity of the knee joints, which has a dominant type of inheritance, becomes a strong hindrance. In addition, such problems are characterized not only by aesthetic discomfort. After all, we are talking about a serious pathology that is to blame for the incorrect distribution of body weight on the limbs, thereby provoking a number of subsequent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the sooner patients seek professional help, the lower the likelihood of serious pathology in future.

Types and degrees of leg curvature and causes of deformation

In surgery of the human musculoskeletal system, there are three main types of curvature of the legs, or deformation of the lower extremities, which determined in a standing position “feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides”:

  • varus deformity- when the feet touch, the shins resemble the letter “O”; there is no point of contact in the knees. This type of deformation is also called O-shaped curvature of the legs;
  • hallux valgus- under similar conditions, the standing position of the shins resembles the letter “X”, that is, this is an X-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, it is possible to close the knees, but the feet cannot be closed;
  • false deformation represents a visual, erroneous idea of ​​the curvature of the legs. In fact, the patient’s bone structure is normal, but the muscle-fat membrane is distributed incorrectly, which gives the visible effect of false curvature. With false curvature of the legs, it is possible to close the knees and feet, but it is difficult to bring the calves into contact.

Normally, the shin part of the limbs deviates slightly outward. In men this deviation relative to a vertical line perpendicular to the floor line is approximately 5 degrees, among women slightly higher - up to 10 degrees. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more clearly reflected in the patient’s gait - creates a strong effect of “swinging the hips”, and with a stronger deformation - “bouncing” of the buttock when supporting the corresponding limb.

The O-shaped curvature leads to a reverse roll of the foot, which while walking creates some instability and contributes to one-sided rubbing of the sole of the shoe. In addition, with this form of curvature, flat feet quickly progresses..

In the majority of cases, curvature of the limbs is a hereditary phenomenon. In second place are the causes caused by trauma from childhood or insufficiency of certain nutrients necessary for the proper formation of bones and joints during the period when this process occurs most intensively - from birth to 12 years of age.

In the modern world, a common cause of deformation of the lower extremities is the long-term use of diapers, so young mothers need to remember that constant wearing of diapers by their child can provoke severe deviations of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

In addition, other factors may contribute to acquired limb deformity.

  • Severe forms of rickets suffered in childhood.
  • Osteomyelitis and other bone pathologies of similar origin.
  • Metabolic disorders, especially trace elements calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Various endocrine pathologies, the humoral functionality of which also takes part in the exchange of microelements and the formation of the bone structure in childhood.

In older adolescence, deformities in the limbs may appear due to a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, insufficient exposure to fresh air and exposure to direct sunlight. In addition to the direct development of deformation, these reasons can serve as an aggravating factor for an existing, but insignificant curvature.

Also, direct causes of deformation in the knee joints can be pathological processes that develop in them or are present in the anamnesis, but are manifesting themselves at the present time.

In addition to congenital, childhood and rachitic curvatures of the lower extremities, others are also distinguished.

  • Post-traumatic curvatures resulting from epiphyseal growth of the bone base of the lower extremities.
  • Curvatures due to unilateral contraction of the muscular system, which is most often observed with paralytic or paresis concomitant pathologies.
  • Deformations that arise due to regular force-based educational processes in childhood.
  • As a result of Erlacher-Blount disease.
  • Secondary deformations resulting from moderate or increased loads on the lower extremities as a result of adduction contracture in the hip joint.

In addition, provoking factors for the development of the disease in adolescence and adulthood can be excess weight and insufficiency of tendon-muscular ligaments, supervising the functionality of the knee joint and limb.

It is worth noting that any non-physiological condition of the knee joint over time leads to a number of associated pathologies and disorders. Most often, these may be flat feet and inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the tissue of the articular cartilage - gonarthrosis.

In what cases is surgical correction of curvature of the legs indicated?

The need for therapeutic and surgical intervention is determined by the shape of the legs. This indicator includes not only the contours of the muscle-fat membrane of the limbs, but also the biomechanical axis of each of them, as well as the mutual relationship of the axis of the thigh and lower leg. The shape of legs in medicine determines their slimness in the language of ordinary people.

The biomechanical axis of each lower limb is the main indicator on the basis of which its curvature is assessed. This axis is a continuous straight line passing through the head of the femur, the middle of the patella and the center of the ankle. Normally, the anatomical axis of the lower leg should pass along this line. It is the difference between these lines that shows the degree of curvature and allows you to make a decision on medical intervention for corrective purposes. The local focus of deformation of each limb is determined by the direction of the articular surfaces to the corresponding segment of the biomechanical axis. In this way, a curved joint or a place on the bone itself is determined. The second option is more typical for rachitic etiology and is much more difficult to correct than articular types of curvature.

The most common cause of congenital deformity is a genetic factor that causes curvature in the knee joint. In a physiological norm, the biomechanical axis should pass through the center of the joint, which ensures that the load during walking is distributed evenly over the entire articular surface.

  1. Depending on the curvature, pressure increases on one half of the joint and weakens on the other.
  2. As a result, in the half where the load is higher, progressive wear of the articular cartilage occurs and the formation of a gap in the other half of the joint.
  3. In the load-bearing joint part, as a rule, arthrosis develops with all the ensuing symptoms.
  4. As for the crevice part, the increasing tension force provokes stretching and rapid wear of the muscle ligaments and tendons.

Thus, around the middle of life, the patient begins to experience pain in the knee joints, gait disturbances, and intermittent claudication. In the future, the development of chronic arthritis against the background of chronically ongoing degenerative changes is possible. In old age, this situation usually leads to severe pain in the legs and the inability to move freely independently.

For this reason, surgery is highly recommended before the age of 30 years. - until the body is capable of active restoration of damaged tissues, and the growth and division of osteocytes is still possible, i.e. bone cells.

I must say that false deformation of the lower extremities causes inconvenience only in aesthetic terms. A false deformity does not promise any disorders or disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the future. The main therapeutic methods in the fight against this type of curvature are a number of special physical exercises, as well as possible cosmetic interventions in the form of subcutaneous grafts.

Application of the Ilizarov apparatus to correct curvature of the legs using osteotomy

First of all, the specialist must determine the type of limb deformity and exclude false curvature, which does not require special intervention in the anatomical and physiological functionality of the patient’s lower extremities. The main methods of primary examination are:

  • inspection;.
  • orthopedic examination with an appropriate measuring instrument;
  • Initial photography is necessary, as a rule, for the patient himself as an assessment of his problem from the outside, and subsequently - to compare the result “before and after”;
  • X-ray studies;
  • computed tomography in the lower extremities;
  • additional laboratory tests to determine whether the patient has third-party pathologies and quality.

It is worth noting that the emotional state of the patient plays an important role not so much in making an accurate diagnosis, but in the possibility of carrying out the operation itself. Today, one of the most effective ways to correct curvatures of the lower extremities is an artificial fracture of the tibia, possibly in several places, and the correct composition of the fragments, which grow together safely and determine the correct biomechanical axis .

Naturally, such a formulation of the question plunges patients into shock, so a number of techniques are used in medicine to show that, in fact, the operation is quite painless and very effective. For this purpose, computer programs are widely used that quite clearly demonstrate future correction in a particular patient, and also provide additional information about other patients.

It is worth noting whether to correct leg deformities or not. This is a personal matter for each patient. Perhaps, indeed, it makes sense to think about whether the future cosmetic effect of the upcoming operation is so important as to sacrifice your body like that. An exception, of course, may be cases when straightening is indicated for medical purposes, when the curvature is very serious, interferes with movement and predicts severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

An artificial fracture (or, more correctly from the point of view of medical terminology, the intersection of a bone with subsequent fixation of fragments) is called osteotomy. Fixation of the fragments is carried out using the Ilizarov apparatus, a fairly well-known and important invention of the 20th century, which makes it possible to accurately correct the fusion of bone fragments using the external method.

Modern orthopedics has a wide range of information and digital programs that allow good control over the process of bone fusion correction, individually for each patient.

Almost the next day after a successful operation, patients can move independently. The direct process of fusion correction begins approximately on the 10th day by tightening the corresponding screws on the Ilizarov apparatus while monitoring the results with a computer program.

As with any invasive surgical intervention, after surgery to correct the curvature of the limbs some complications are possible, about which the patient is informed in advance.

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​soft tissue along the perimeter of the intersection of the bone.
  • Inflammatory processes of bone tissue at the sites of intersection and installation of the Ilizarov apparatus wires.
  • Possible restrictions on the patient's movement.
  • Bone deformation or fracture in the correction area, which more often occurs with congenital weakness of the bone base of the skeleton as a whole and certain metabolic pathologies.

Cruroplasty and lipofilling: modern methods of correcting the shape of the legs

Cruroplasty and lipofilling are methods for correcting false curvature of the lower extremities. These techniques are not used to correct true valgus and vagus curvature due to inappropriateness.

The essence of the cruroplasty method is the introduction of special artificial implants under the subcutaneous tissue of the femoral region of the lower extremities, guaranteeing an aesthetically correct shape in this part of the limb.

Lipofilling The indications are similar to the previous method, however, “leveling” of defective areas is carried out using the patient’s fat tissue, taken from other places, most often from the buttocks area. Lipofilling is considered a less traumatic method and more suitable from the point of view of survival.

It is worth noting that such operations have only a cosmetic effect; there is not a single medical indication for their implementation. The determining role in carrying out such surgical interventions is played only by the patient’s desire.

Correcting congenital or acquired curvature of the legs is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the knee joints and ankles. Modern medicine offers a number of methods of surgical intervention and special sets of exercises that allow you to successfully cope with this problem.

Legs that are crooked to one degree or another are a problem not only of an aesthetic, but also a physiological nature, which can be solved with the help of various means of straightening. Depending on the specific case, exercises are used at home, a course of massage is carried out, or surgery is prescribed. Each correction method is discussed in detail in the article.

Curvature of the legs: causes and types

Often congenital factors or bone diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence lead to curvature of the legs. Less commonly, such pathology is observed in adulthood. Most often, curvature of the legs is caused by the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition and birth trauma;
  • bone diseases in childhood (rickets, hip subluxation);
  • Blount's disease - progression of osteochondrosis of the tibia, which serves as a support for the leg;
  • Paget's disease is most common in adults.

Deviations in the shape of the lower extremities can have varying degrees, which is reflected in the course of treatment. The most common classification of types of curvature (in comparison with the norm)

  1. The legs are standard (ideal) - all proportions are met, the feet, calves and knees are completely in contact, and along the entire length of the limbs there are only 3 gaps - this is easy to check if you stand up straight and press your legs together as much as possible.
  2. O-shaped curvature - in this case, the knees do not touch together, if the feet are tightly moved, and an elongated oval is visually visible along the entire internal contour of the lower extremities.
  3. False curvature is characterized by an external violation of the shape of the legs, caused by an uneven distribution of tissue substance on the lower leg - excess fat or muscle. The feet and knees touch freely, but the calves do not close. This situation does not require treatment, so cosmetic procedures have to be carried out.
  4. X-shaped curvature 0 in this case the knees are free to touch, but the feet cannot close together.

classification of types of leg curvature in comparison with the normal state

If bone correction treatment is not started in time, it can not only enhance the visual effect, but also contribute to the development of arthrosis, foot displacement, and premature diseases of the knee joints due to uneven distribution of load.

Curvature correction using surgery

All methods for correcting curvature of the legs can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Without surgery – i.e. using a special set of exercises that can be performed both in the clinic and at home.
  2. With the help of surgical intervention, these are more complex cases when it is not possible to correct the deviation in any other way. The cost of the operation is always determined by a specific case, but in general it starts from 120,000 rubles (taking into account the full range of services from consultation to rehabilitation).

Note! Choosing a specific treatment method is a responsible decision that should be made only after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication may not produce results or worsen the situation, since the patient cannot take into account all the nuances for choosing a specific type of therapy.

Statistics show that patients with an O-shaped deviation use orthopedic services and resort to surgery much more often (18-20 times) than with an X-shaped curvature. There are several types of surgery, and each of them aims to directly impact the tibia to correct its shape.

Angular correction

Often the operation is aimed at changing the angle - for example, during the angular correction procedure, the tibia is straightened, as shown in the diagram.

As a result of this measure, in practice, satisfactory treatment results are achieved even in advanced cases - examples are shown in the photo.

angular correction in 2 patients: a 19-year-old girl (left) and a 26-year-old young man (right)


This medical term refers to an operation in which not the entire tibia, but only its lower fragment is forcibly shifted towards the perineum, as shown in the diagram.

Often this action is combined with angular correction. The main purpose of such an intervention is to achieve the aesthetic attractiveness of the legs, so it is most often performed on girls. X-rays and photographs of the legs of one of the patients are shown in the figure.

girl (19 years old) before and after tibia medicilization surgery

Bone rotation surgery

Rotation of a bone means its rotation around an axis without displacement to the right or left. This type of intervention is less common, but it is what is used in cases where a simple rotation of the tibia to the inside is sufficient for correction. The essence is also presented in the diagram.
Corresponding photographs of the patients' legs are shown in the figure.

surgery to rotate the tibia in a girl (19 years old)

Ilizarov apparatus

Regardless of the specific type of surgical intervention, its essence is approximately the same:

  1. Small incisions are made on the skin (deep to the tibia)
  2. The bone is brought out in the correct direction - it is shifted along the axis by the required angle.
  3. After this, it is necessary for the bone to get used to the new position - i.e. fixed. The process is shown schematically in the figure.

During the operation, a forced displacement of the axis of the tibia is carried out, due to which the legs acquire the correct shape over time

For this purpose, special straightening devices are used. The most popular is the so-called Ilizarov apparatus, which has been successfully used in domestic medicine for several decades.

This device is a special design made from an alloy of stainless metals. It is implanted directly into the body of the bone using wires that are rigidly fixed into the bone tissue. Thanks to special rings to which the knitting needles are attached, the device is used to stretch or, conversely, tighten the bone, which allows you to customize it for any individual case.

The operation to implant the device is performed under general or regional anesthesia, so the patient will not feel any pain.

Ilizarov apparatus on the patient's leg after surgery

Note! Since the knitting needles penetrate directly into the soft and hard tissues of the lower extremities, it is necessary to carry out constant care of all structural elements: it is necessary to treat them daily with any antiseptic - for example, medical alcohol or ordinary vodka. Specific recommendations for caring for the device and leg during rehabilitation are given by the attending physician.

Due to the fact that with the help of this design it is possible to keep the leg in the same position, it is possible to solve several problems at once:

  • lengthening or shortening the limb if necessary;
  • preventing rotational displacement of the tibia – i.e. changes in its position due to rotational movements;
  • removal of the head of the fibula, which protrudes beyond the normal position and thereby aggravates the curvature of the legs.

The device is worn until complete recovery, which usually occurs after 1.5-2 months. Each case is individual, but in general the deviation from this period is as in b O greater or lesser is observed in no more than 10% of patients. The device allows normal walking - it is worn under clothing, and over time the patient manages to get used to it: the weight of the product does not exceed 1 kg.

Patients often wonder whether it is possible to correct the lower extremities without the Ilizarov apparatus. It should be said here that this method is the most common - it is most often used during rehabilitation after surgery, since without long-term fixation of the bone in a new position, there is a high probability of it returning to its original, incorrect position. Therefore, a device or other means of rehabilitation is always used to consolidate the surgical result.

Questions are also often asked about how much the Ilizarov apparatus costs and where it can be purchased. Such a device can be ordered from specialized medical equipment stores, many of which have their own websites. The cost largely depends on several factors:

  • sizes: children's devices are cheaper than adults;
  • purpose: for the thigh, lower leg (sometimes for the arms);
  • manufacturer (the price of products from different brands may vary greatly).

Approximate prices at which you can purchase an Ilizarov apparatus are presented in the table.

The devices are sold in full configurations and individual parts - knitting needles, half rings, rods and others. In most cases, the design is created on the basis of different elements that are purchased separately.

Correction of curvature of the legs without surgery

Surgery is not always required to correct this defect. There are many cases where surgery is not advisable because the curvature can be corrected with exercises, special devices, or cosmetic procedures.

Exercises to correct O-curvature

Treatment of deviation in the early stages is quite possible with the help of simple exercises, most of which can be performed without special devices. For example, in the case of O-curvature, the following cycle of tasks should be performed on a daily basis:

  1. Walking with support only on the inner sides of the foot.
  2. Walking with support only on your heels (toes pointing outward).
  3. Squats in a position with your heels aligned and your toes pointed out (your feet are almost in line).
  4. Abducting the leg to the side in a free state and using tension on the rubber cord (power abduction).
  5. Raise your legs in different directions and make circular movements while leaning on your side (leaning against the wall).
  6. Raises and circular movements of the leg in a lying position (alternately on each side).
  7. Leg scissor swings (crossing) in a lying position.

Each exercise is performed in several cycles, the number and duration of which are agreed upon with the attending physician. In addition, you should discuss the possibility of engaging in a sport that is optimal for such a deviation: swimming, dancing (ballet), speed skating.

Exercises to correct X-curvature

For this case, the following set of classes is used:

  1. Walking with support only on the outer sides of the foot.
  2. Performing squats while simultaneously holding a ball between your knees.
  3. Yoga classes - long sitting in the lotus position.

Some sports (horseback riding, cycling, and breaststroke swimming) are also well suited for the treatment of this deviation. Particular attention should be paid to yoga classes - it is worth discussing this possibility with your doctor.

Exercises on the simulator

Some exercises on a special leg trainer also effectively help cope with pathology in the early stages of development. The simplest option is to run a loop like this:

  1. Position yourself on the machine so that when you extend your legs, it is at a height of no more than a third of your shin. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, you need to press your back to the surface and gradually straighten your knees.
  3. Then also smoothly return your legs to their original position.

In the exercise cycle, you should gradually increase the weight of the load, focusing on your feelings. The correct position on the simulator during exercise is shown in the photo.

The purpose of the exercises on the simulator is to correct the relief and shape of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Application of massage

In some cases, a special massage course can solve the problem of crooked legs without surgery. Only a specialist can carry it out. Typically, the procedure includes not only a massage of the lower extremities, but also the buttocks and back - this allows you to tone the entire body and achieve a better effect.

The massage course is mainly carried out for children and is carried out several times a year (3-4 cycles) in long sessions. Massage is usually combined with other treatment methods to speed up the patient's recovery.

Application of the bandage

This remedy is often prescribed by orthopedists to correct curvature. It is easy to use at home - however, you will not be able to walk at this time, since the therapeutic effect is achieved by tightening the limbs together.

The device is used daily for several hours, and while wearing it you need to perform several exercises:

There are many more exercises with a bandage - you should learn in detail about the full course and mode of their implementation from an orthopedist and follow his instructions.

Correcting false curvature

False curvature is associated with the characteristics of soft tissues, and not the structure of the legs themselves, so the correction methods in this case are completely different. Essentially, these are cosmetic procedures that allow you to bring your legs into the correct shape. In some cases, surgery is necessary:

  1. Fat grafting is an operation to implant your own fat (often from the thighs or abdomen) taken from other parts of the body into certain areas of the lower legs. As a result, the legs acquire the correct shape and look much more attractive.
  2. Treatment with implants, which are placed on the back or inside of the legs, depending on the specific case.
  3. Cruroplasty (correction of the shape of the legs) based on silicone pads are special products that are filled with gel, due to which they become very similar in properties to muscle tissue. They are implanted into the lower legs like regular implants.

Note! When choosing a specific plastic surgery method, it is important to understand that the success of the operation largely depends on the doctor. Good reviews are repeatedly received about Dr. Oleg Gennadievich Teterin, who works in one of the clinics in Volgograd.

Curvature of the legs is not a death sentence, and modern medical technologies have made it possible to achieve successful results even in cases where the angle of deviation was too large. It is important to consult with an orthopedist and begin treatment immediately.

As for the shape of the legs and their appearance, this is almost the most important thing in female beauty, not only for women, but also for men. But not everyone can share the joy of beautiful legs. Women who are not lucky enough to have beautiful, slender legs constantly infringe on themselves in many of the joys of life, such as visiting the pool or the sea beach, and limit themselves to wearing beautiful clothes that reveal their legs, be it skirts or shorts. In order to find out how to correct crooked legs, you need to carefully read the entire article to the end, which will tell you what methods exist for correcting crooked legs, not only with the help of a surgeon, but also on your own.

First, let's look at the question of what does it mean to have properly shaped legs? Everything is quite simple, beautiful legs of the correct shape are considered to be those that, when completely brought together, touch in four main places:

  • Knees.
  • Heels.
  • Mid-calf.
  • Mid-thigh.

When deviating from this rule, the following occurs:

  • O-shaped curvature of the legs or varus curvature of the legs: the defect is a spindle-shaped, closed legs starting from the perineum and further down to the ankles. In this case, the point of contact is only on the heels, and there is a gap in the area of ​​​​the shins and knees.
  • X-shaped curvature of the legs or hallux valgus: the defect is a deformity in which the point of contact is only in the knees, while the ankles are apart.

Based on the nature of the curvature of the legs, the type of curvature can be determined:

  • False curvature of the legs is caused solely by the anatomical features of the structure of the soft tissues themselves, meaning incorrect or uneven development of the muscle tissue of the lower leg and thighs, at this time the bones also have an incorrect location. It is worth noting that such a defect can be corrected even without surgery, using a special series of exercises.
  • True curvature of the legs is caused by deformation of the bones of the legs, possible defects of non-standard development and, as a consequence, of the structure of the skeleton. In this case, only surgical intervention is implied.

X-shaped curvature of the legs before and after photos

What caused your legs to become crooked?

This is the second most popular question, after ways to eliminate this defect. Naturally, in most cases, this problem arises solely due to the physiological characteristics and structure of the bones, but in order to ensure that ideal legs do not become crooked over time, it is necessary to follow several rules, since they are often the cause of curvature of the legs:

  • Try not only not to concentrate all the weight on one leg, but not even to sit with your legs crossed.
  • Carrying a bag on one shoulder has a negative impact not only on the spine, but also on the legs.
  • Don't stand on one leg.
  • It is best to sleep only on your back, as over time, after 20 years of sleeping on your side or stomach, it affects your legs.
  • If possible, avoid wearing too high heels altogether.

O-shaped curvature of the legs before and after photos

How to remove bowed legs without surgery

It is worth noting that before running headlong to the surgeons, you can try to visually solve the problem of curvature of the legs.

In order to learn how to hide crooked legs, you just need to follow a few rules for choosing the right clothes:

  • Any girl can cope with crooked legs with the help of a successful combination of tights with a large pattern, over the knee boots and a miniskirt.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wear knee-length skirts and breeches.
  • Thanks to straight-fit trousers or jeans, you can visually hide crooked legs. By the way, horizontal stripes also cope with this problem.

Curvature of the legs: photos before and after a yoga course

Exercises for crooked legs

If you are determined to radically combat the problem of curvature of the legs in adults, then you should first of all perform a certain course of simple exercises that are aimed at correcting the curvature of the legs. The first thing you need to do is get rid of excess fat in the thighs and lower legs. To do this, it is necessary to give them as much load and movement as possible and sit as little as possible.

Exercises for hips

When lying on your side with straight legs and tense muscles, you need to lift exactly the leg that is on the floor, this is very important. After this, try to hold it in this position for several seconds. Next, you need to turn over and repeat this procedure. If you feel that you can keep one leg in this position longer than the other, then on the weaker leg you should try to give greater loads over time. This way your muscles will gradually balance out.

Exercises for crooked legs

Thigh muscle stretch

In a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, pull in your stomach and straighten your posture, while all muscles should be relaxed. Now you need to bend your leg at the knees back, grab it from behind with one hand and thereby stretch the muscles.

Exercises to hide crooked legs

Exercise for calf muscles

For this exercise, you need to come up with some kind of stand, no more than 5 cm high. You need to stand on it with your toes, while your heels should remain on the floor. Now, transferring your weight to your toes and lifting your heels, you need to freeze in this position for 10-20 seconds.

Correction of crooked legs

Leg muscle stretching

In a sitting position, straighten your legs in front of you, watch your posture. Next, you need to ideally clasp your foot with your hands, or that part of the leg as far as you can reach, and then begin to slowly pull it towards you as much as possible and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. We repeat the same procedure with the other leg. In this case, it is important to keep your leg on the same line as close to the other as possible and not bend it at the knee. You must constantly monitor your posture; during the exercise, your back should be straight, this is very important.

Sports - if your legs become crooked

For O-shaped curvature

After stretching, it’s time to move directly to exercises aimed at correcting crooked legs.
If your legs have become crooked, then with a simple exercise you can correct them. It’s worth noting right away that you shouldn’t expect quick results; the average course is determined by the daily systematic repetition of exercises, which will give the first visible results in at least one year. The exercise for correcting O-shaped curvature is very simple, but its effectiveness is achieved through constant implementation. It is necessary to stand straight and bring your legs as close as possible, after they come together, keep them in this position for 10-15 seconds, increasing this time by 1 second every day.

Photos before and after exercises to correct O-shaped curvature

For X-shaped curvature

In this case, you need to take the same stance as in the previous exercise, only in this case you need to slowly spread your legs as far apart as possible and lock in this position for the same 10-15 seconds, followed by increasing the time by 1 second . The back must be in a straight position.

Photos before and after exercises to correct X-shaped curvature

Leg shape correction

It is necessary to sit down, keeping your feet closed, without opening them and without lifting the surface of your feet from the floor, you need to place your palms in front of you on the floor. Now, without lifting your palms, you begin to slowly straighten your legs, thereby raising your pelvis above the level of your head. After this, fix yourself in this position for 15 seconds. This exercise must be done 3 times a day, 3 approaches.

Yoga for crooked legs

The yoga technique primarily tones the muscles and, in the case of weak muscles, strengthens them. At the same time, the impact on them occurs thanks to special sets of exercises, thanks to which soft tissues become stronger, and strong tissues become softer.

In order for yoga exercises for the legs to be as effective as possible, they are tightened with belts, elastic bandages, or special weights are hung on them. A common practice found in yoga is based on targeted action on the joints of the legs, by squeezing and holding bricks between them.

Yoga for the legs, as for other parts of the body, is based on constant control of the respiratory system, which is due to natural breathing through the nose, without hesitation. As for the depth and frequency of inhalation, they may vary depending on a particular exercise, but the naturalness and ease of breathing should remain constant. For beginners who are just getting acquainted with this technique, to simplify the performance of some exercises, you can use a fitball, which will help you hold your body in some particularly difficult but necessary exercises.

In order for yoga exercises to help a woman with crooked legs, it is necessary to practice them at least three to four times a week, and for a visible result for at least 3 months.

Short bowed legs are not a death sentence

Leg osteotomy

Osteotomy is a surgical procedure for curvature of the legs. In this case, an artificial bone fracture is created in order to eliminate the deformity. This method is quite old and effective. It uses a special device, thanks to which it is possible to change the bone structure. It should be understood that the result will be visible only after the recovery period after the operation, and not every time the curvature of the legs can be corrected thanks to only one operation.

Osteotomy surgery to straighten the legs

If false curvature without deformation can be corrected with the help of special implants, then for the rest only surgical intervention performed under general anesthesia is necessary. It is worth understanding that there is a certain list of mandatory conditions on the basis of which the doctor can approve or prohibit the operation.


  • X-shaped curvature.
  • O-shaped curvature.


  • Minor patient.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Dystrophy or obesity.

Photos before and after leg osteotomy

How to correct bowed legs: surgical technique

The operation itself occurs as follows. The surgeon dissects the bone through pre-made incisions, and the dissection can be:

  • With extension.
  • Full.
  • With a shift inward.
  • Incomplete.

The length of such holes is often no more than 7 mm. Based on the degree of a particular curvature of the legs, the surgeon must decide whether it is possible to eliminate the defect directly during the operation, or whether this will be possible only with the help of the Ilizarov apparatus.

Rehabilitation period

Despite such high achievements in modern medicine, after osteotomy, the patient must adhere to certain rules. Immediately after the operation, the patient will be in a hospital for 3 days, under the supervision of doctors. Upon returning home, the patient must still come to the hospital for routine check-ups and dressing changes. The first month or two, the patient will move with the help of crutches, after which independent movement is allowed. The patient’s further actions will depend on the progress of rehabilitation and the doctor’s recommendations.

Ilizarov apparatus

If it is impossible to correct the curvature during bone osteotomy surgery, the surgeon decides to use the Ilizarov apparatus.

Ilizarov apparatus on the leg

This device consists of some kind of rings that are attached by means of knitting needles, which in turn are placed directly in the bone tissue. The needles of the Ilizarov apparatus also function as levers for tension or compression. Thanks to this device, the doctor is able to fix the bone in the required position for further healing. After the Ilizarov apparatus is attached to your leg, you need to move around on crutches for 2-4 days, but after a month you can try moving independently. The correction process itself will begin 10-15 days after the operation is completed. In order for everything to go according to plan, it is necessary to constantly tighten the nuts in order to control the changes in bone tissue. Naturally, you shouldn’t do this yourself.

This device must be worn for about 2-3 months; if the recovery process is successful, the patient can continue treatment at home.

Removal of the Ilizarov apparatus occurs at the moment when the radiologist, surgeon and therapist make an appropriate statement based on the radiograph. As for the postoperative period after removal of the Ilizarov apparatus, it consists of abandoning physical activity, while it is gradually necessary to resume motor functions, according to the recommendation and plan of the doctor.

Ilizarov apparatus correction of leg curvature: before and after photos

If the doctor’s recommendations are violated, there is a risk of the following complications:

  • A fracture or deformation of the bone in the area where the correction was performed.
  • Inflammatory processes in soft and bone tissues.
  • Problems associated with the joints of the legs and subsequent limitation of motor activity.

Cruroplasty if the legs become crooked

Often surgery to correct bow legs is not required because the problem is simply that the patient's calf muscles are poorly developed. It is quite simple to cope with this problem by resorting to contour plastic surgery - cruroplasty, which is aimed at correcting curvature with the help of silicone implants.

Such implants have a lifetime guarantee, and their properties are not inferior to muscle tissue.

There is no need to replace them and they are resistant to any external influences. But this procedure is relevant only for false curvature of the legs.

Possibilities of cruroplasty

Cruroplasty is one of the safest and at the same time effective methods, which is used not only by women, but also by men.

Indications for leg cruroplasty:

  • Elimination of muscle atrophy and restoration of the shape of the lower leg.
  • Underdeveloped calf muscles.
  • Curvature of the legs.

It is worth noting that cruroplasty of the tibia can provide not only good results with false curvature, but also with moderately expressed O-shaped curvature of the legs.

Choosing an implant

By the way, not only ordinary people resort to leg plastic surgery; crooked legs of celebrities are not at all uncommon, and sometimes you can even notice that plastic surgery has been done. As for the choice of one or another implant, this is based on individual anatomical characteristics and wishes. The choice of implants is quite extensive.

Implants completely imitate not only their shape, but even feel the same to the touch. They are not rejected by the body and are practically unable to bring any negative consequences.

Cruroplasty: photos before and after surgery

How is the operation performed?

Correction of curvature of the legs using cruroplasty occurs as follows. An incision is made at the back of the natural popliteal fossa where the implant is placed, then the tissue is restored using cosmetic sutures. The procedure itself lasts no more than 30 minutes, after which the patient remains in the hospital for a day. As for anesthesia, both local and general can be used.

Cruroplasty is contraindicated for:

  • Circulatory disorders.
  • In the presence of diseases of chronic organs.
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • If you are under 18 years of age.

After surgery to correct crooked legs

After the procedure has been completed, it is not recommended to actively walk for the first time. At the same time, the walking time should be as short as possible. As for physical activity, it is completely excluded for several months. The use of compression stockings is recommended.

Painful and uncomfortable sensations while walking will disappear after a few days, while swelling will subside after 15 days, and the stitches will be removed after 10.


The procedure for lipofilling of the legs is that with the help of one’s own fat cells, which are often taken from the abdominal area and with the help of special injections, the required volume of the lower leg is formed. This method of correcting curvature will be relevant only if the degree of curvature is insignificant and if there is a corresponding amount of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

You should be prepared for the fact that after lipofilling, on average, half of the transplanted cells will die within a few days, so the specialist takes this into account and transplants 40-60% more. In order to get the desired effect, 2 or even 3 procedures are needed.

Lipofilling: photos before and after the procedure

Correction of curvature of legs: cost

As for the cost of attending yoga classes or a fitness room to perform corrective exercises, it all depends solely on the pricing policy, geographic location and status of a particular institution. Some exercises can be done at home. The average cost of a monthly gym membership varies from 500 to 3,000 rubles.

An orthopedic operation, together with the subsequent installation of an Ilizarov apparatus, along with all preliminary and accompanying procedures, can cost around 50,000–100,000 rubles.

Cruroplasty together with consultation, all tests and implants will cost the patient approximately 90,000–200,000 rubles.

The lipofilling procedure, which includes all the necessary procedures, will cost from 90,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Crooked legs in men: photos before and after surgery

Correction of curvature of legs: reviews

Varvara, 24 years old, Tyumen

I had a slight curvature in my legs, and if until I was 18 years old this didn’t particularly bother me, then after that I began to feel a little complex. Due to the fact that I did not want to turn to specialists who would perform any operations to improve my legs, I began to look for other methods of dealing with this problem. So, on the advice of my friend, I turned to yoga. After two years of training with my trainer, my legs became almost perfectly straight, and this does not take into account the fact that my posture and the quality of my health in general have improved. I recommend everyone not to panic, but to soberly assess the condition of their legs and decide to change their life.

Evgeniya, 26 years old, Orel

Ignat, 32 years old, Moscow

I have been professionally involved in bodybuilding for 4 years now, and as we know in our sport, it is necessary to have an ideal body, but few people know how difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, it is to pump up the calf muscles without pumping up all the others. That is why I was forced to resort to cruroplasty, fortunately this is not prohibited. Everything went so well that I won the qualifying round for the Moscow championship and now I’m preparing for the competition. I recommend to all!

Liya, 28 years old, Bryansk

I don’t understand why many people are afraid of the Ilizarov apparatus, because despite the fact that I was limited in movement for 3 months, now I have perfect legs that can be the envy of many Hollywood stars, some of whom, in turn, also resorted to similar procedures. I recommend it to all girls who dream of changing their lives for the better.

Many girls worry about the shape of their legs, considering them hopelessly crooked. But it turns out that the shape of the legs is determined by various reasons and often with the help of exercises.

Congenital severe curvature, fortunately, is rare. Usually, crooked legs are acquired during childhood and adolescence. While the skeleton has not yet formed, any irregularity in gait can affect the shape of the legs. You can say that your mother has the same bow legs as you. But, most likely, you just have the same incorrect gait and posture as your mother!

What causes the curvature of the legs?

Many different factors. For example, longitudinal and transverse flat feet, which entails the habit of walking incorrectly. Children and teenagers clubbing, shuffling with their soles, standing with their weight on one leg - all this only aggravates the irregular shape of the foot and introduces dissonance in the formation of bones and

Have you noticed that stooped people who move their pelvis forward always have flat buttocks, as if their back was simply divided into two legs? At the same time, the set of muscles and bones in all people is the same. It’s just that with catastrophically incorrect posture, the gluteal muscles are not involved in gait, do not receive the necessary load and remain completely undeveloped.

Something similar happens during the formation of the skeleton and muscles of our legs: if posture, gait and foot placement are physiologically correct, then the muscles and bones receive the correct load and develop in the right direction. Very often, there is a reason for slight curvature of the legs, which an orthopedic doctor can remove.

Another reason for uneven feet can be uncomfortable, tight high-heeled shoes or the costs of a profession in which the feet are unevenly loaded. Moreover, this will not necessarily be an athlete who always uses one leg as a push leg when jumping, or a driver with an automatic transmission. A salesperson leaning on the counter, transferring his entire body weight on one leg, or an office worker who has earned scoliosis from sitting incorrectly... There are also many options here.

Excess weight is one of the most common causes of crooked legs, especially noticeable with age. The weight of a well-fed body puts pressure on the legs both from above and at angles, which leads to displacement and deformation of the joints.

The straightest legs are those who walk a lot in open shoes or barefoot. This ensures mobility and strength to the joints, and the absence allows the legs to form correctly.

What does plastic surgery offer?

Plastic surgery performs manipulations with fat - liposuction and lipomodeling, when in some problem areas (from the abdomen or hips) it is added to correct the shape of the legs. The operation will last about an hour, and recovery will take two weeks.

Another option for calf correction with a completely unpredictable result is the installation of silicone implants, when an incision is made under the knee and the implant is inserted between the muscles of the lower leg. The implant can move freely and will have to be removed, but most importantly: with foreign bodies in the calves, you will never be able to play sports again! It is unlikely that such operations are popular.

What will the orthopedist offer?

Orthopedic doctors know that curvature of the legs gradually harms the entire body: the joints, the spine, and even the nervous system. Moreover, the cause and effect here can change: just as damage to the joints can lead to deformation of the shape of the legs, the curvature itself becomes the cause of arthrosis and other joint diseases.

Orthopedics treats joint pathologies and flat feet. For this purpose, there are bandages, orthoses and insoles that have to be worn for a year until the symptoms disappear. Insoles are the simplest and most affordable option, but they only help up to the age of 18, that is, until the arch of the foot is completely formed. So it is better not to delay with this type of treatment. To everyone who is late with insoles

What fitness will give

If you have O-shaped curvature of the legs, it is better to ski, skate, skate, do body ballet and swim. With an X-shaped curvature, you need to ride a bicycle a lot, master horse riding and swim, mainly with breaststroke. Such sports help correct muscle imbalances and stabilize joints. They also tone the leg muscles and improve gait.

Leg exercises
If the reason for the curvature of the legs lies in flat feet, they are offered to correct the shape of the feet.

For O-shaped curvature, they help:

  • bringing your legs together and spreading them (in the absence of a special exercise machine, you can use towels: stand on them and move apart);
  • swings, standing sideways to a support or lying down;
  • squeezing the legs of a chair with your knees and ankles;
  • all exercises done while sitting, with your hands supporting you behind you (lifting your legs, for example);
  • abdominal exercises with fixation of an isotonic ring between the legs;
  • squats in ballet inversion positions and walking with toes apart.

For X-shaped deformity, try:

  • , when the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel, and the knees are above the feet;
  • exercises in the “Butterfly” position, when the knees are spread apart and the soles are connected, or sitting in an oriental position;
  • walking with emphasis on the outer arch of the foot.

Yoga “Smooth Legs”

There is also such a direction in yoga. There will be no result in a couple of sessions, but if you work out thoroughly, not forgetting to do the exercises at home, the effect will be noticeable. Iyengar yoga deals with correct body posture leading to anatomical perfection. Thanks to long-term practice, even bones can change, because the cells of the body are constantly renewed, which means that a new form can be formed.

Iyengar adds emphasis on leg alignment to the usual asanas. Here loads and tighten them with belts. They will also teach you how to hold the arch of your foot correctly so that you can walk and stand anatomically correctly in everyday life.

Exercises for curvature of legs

First, do the warm-up that is common for O-legs and X-legs - the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up. All exercises are repeated 10-20 times.

  1. Stand straight, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Raise your toes without lifting your feet from the floor, while straining as much as possible all the leg muscles that are involved in this movement.
  2. Now, in the same position, tuck your toes under your feet, again with maximum muscle tension.
  3. Heels together, toes apart. Slowly rise onto your toes, tensing the muscles of your legs, feet and thighs and spreading your heels out to the sides and bringing them together.
  4. Now sit on a chair with your legs slightly apart, place your heels on the floor and lift your feet towards you. Turn your feet to the sides until you feel slight pain.
  5. In the same starting position, extend your fingers, resting them on the floor. Slowly bring your heels together and apart.
  6. Slightly spread your knees while sitting on a chair, and press your feet together, resting the outer sides on the floor. Now, tensing your muscles, roll your feet from heels to toes and back.
  7. Lying on the mat, “ride a bicycle”, working hard with your feet for a minute.

Exercises for O-legs

  1. Lying on your back, perform vigorous horizontal and then vertical scissors, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  2. , bringing your knees together and stretching your arms forward. The back is straight, the squat is as deep as possible, and is performed slowly.
  3. Get on your knees (knees together, toes pointed, feet out to the sides, hands on your waist). Slowly sit down on the floor and return to the starting position, tensing all the muscles in your buttocks and legs.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, bring your knees together and spread them apart.
  5. Walk on the inside of your feet.

Exercises for X legs

  1. Holding onto a window sill or the back of a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart and try, helping yourself with your hand, to raise your knee higher and turn it back. Do the same with the other knee.
  2. Sit cross-legged and press on the inner surface of your knees with your palms, trying to touch the outside of your knees to the floor.
  3. Now sit with your feet together in front of you in the Butterfly pose and again press hard on your knees, pressing them to the floor.
  4. Lie on your stomach in the frog pose, bringing your feet together as in Butterfly, with your knees apart. Lie in this position for 3 to 15 minutes.
  5. Again the same “frog”, but on your back: tense your leg muscles and try to touch the floor with the outside of your knees.
  6. Sitting in the “Butterfly”, take several “steps” with your hands on the floor in front of you, tilting your body forward, then just as slowly “step” back.
  7. Walk on the outside of your feet.

All of the above, after a few months of exercise, will make your legs visually (and actually) straighter, and, perhaps, completely get rid of slight bow legs.
