Burden of years meaning of phraseology. The meaning of under the burden in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim

In the Russian language there are many obsolete words, that is, words that are used less and less every day. Basically, they can only be found...

"Burden" - what is it, declension, synonyms

From Masterweb

26.05.2018 14:00

In the Russian language there are many obsolete words (they are called archaisms), that is, words that are used less and less every day. They can mainly be found in historical literature describing the corresponding time. Attention should be paid to the meaning of such words and the subtleties of their use in order to avoid difficulties that may arise when reading and understanding such texts. Take, for example, the word “burden.” Probably many have heard about him.

What is "burden"

To clarify the lexical meaning of the noun “burden,” we turn to explanatory dictionaries for help.

Burden is:

  1. A very heavy load (“A heavy, unbearable burden for her age weighed down Mariyka’s hand”).
  2. Something very difficult, heavy, overwhelming; something that is impossible to bear (“The elderly mother’s back was bent under the burden of sorrows and worries: how to get some money for food, how to protect her children and little grandchildren”).

Morphological characteristics, declination

Burden is an inanimate, neuter common noun. It is noteworthy that it refers to differently indeclinable nouns.

Heterogeneous nouns change in case and number differently than ordinary nouns of the first, second and third declension.

Burden: synonyms

In modern Russian, any outdated word has been replaced by another word or even several words. The noun “burden” was no exception. Today such a word is not used.

What is a burden in other words?

  • cargo;
  • cross;
  • oppression;
  • clamp;
  • pressure;
  • burden;
  • care;
  • responsibility;
  • pregnancy;
  • heaviness;
  • ballast;
  • yoke;
  • burden;
  • baggage.

Set expressions with the word "burden"

In colloquial language there are several phraseological expressions with the word "burden", and they are used much more often than the noun in its literal meaning.

To bear a burden is to experience difficulties, a difficult period in life.

To be relieved of a burden is to give birth to a child.

To shed a burden is to free yourself from something.

Meni; Wed
1. Outdated Heavy burden, cargo. Bend under the burden of a heavy burden.
2. About smth. heavy, difficult, burdensome. Take over b. expenses. Under the burden of years, years. B. fate. Carry something heavy, heavy, unbearable b. worries To be relieved of a burden (to give birth to a child).

View value Burden in other dictionaries

Burden- oppression
Synonym dictionary

Burden- to burden, etc. see pregnancy.
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Burden- genus. and dates burden, burden, burden, pl. (rarely) burdens, burdens, burdens, cf. (book poet.). Heavy burden, usually carried. - heaviness. worries An unbearable burden. Lie down with a burden.........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Burden Wed.- 1. outdated. Burden, cargo. 2. transfer What? burdensome, painful.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Burden- - something difficult, requiring costs.
Economic dictionary

Burden of Proof- - in criminal or civil proceedings - the rule of distribution between participants
obligations to justify the existence of certain circumstances........
Economic dictionary

Excessive Tax Burden- losses for public benefit due to the introduction of burdensome taxes, resulting in a drop in the level of production and consumption of goods.
Economic dictionary

Burden of Property Maintenance- costs of maintaining the property, which are borne by the owner of the property.
Economic dictionary

Burden, Excess Tax— - loss of net benefit for society due to a drop in the level of production and consumption of goods below the optimal level caused by the introduction of taxes.
Economic dictionary

Burden, Tax- - degree,
the level of economic restrictions imposed on taxpayers caused by the allocation of funds to pay taxes, their diversion from other possible......
Economic dictionary

Debt Burden— DEBT BURDEN Burden, responsibility or obligation in connection with national. or state debt. In `Fundamentals of Economics. Thought, edited by John Creedy, `Foundation of Economic Thought`, explains......
Economic dictionary

Excessive Tax Burden- a loss of net benefit for society due to the introduction or increase of taxes leading to a decrease in the level of production and consumption of goods below the optimal, rational level.
Economic dictionary

Tax Burden- 1) measure, degree,
the level of economic restrictions created by the allocation of funds to pay taxes, their diversion from other possible uses.........
Economic dictionary

Tax Burden— The amount of tax paid by an individual or organization. This amount may not coincide with the actual tax paid, as there are possibilities of shifting........
Economic dictionary

Burden— This borrowing from Old Church Slavonic goes back to the Common Slavic bermen - “burden, heaviness.” Cm. .
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Burden of proof— It is the party's duty to prove the allegation or accusation. In the context of migration, a foreigner wishing to enter another state, who usually bears the burden of proof:........
Legal Dictionary

Burden of Proof- - (lat. onus probandi), in procedural law, rules governing the obligations of participants in legal proceedings regarding proving circumstances essential to the case......
Legal Dictionary

Excessive Tax Burden— - loss of net benefit by society due to the introduction or increase of taxes leading to a decrease in the level of production and consumption of goods below the optimal, rational level.
Legal Dictionary

Tax Burden- - the level of economic restrictions created by the deduction of funds for paying taxes, their diversion from other possible areas of use. Distribution........
Legal Dictionary

Under the Burden what. Book Under moral weight, the oppression of something. I look sadly at our generation! His future is either empty or dark; Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt, it will grow old in inaction.(Lermontov. Duma). - She fell under the burden of her virtues and tormented everyone, starting with herself.(Turgenev. Diary of an extra person).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Under the Burden” is in other dictionaries:

    under the burden- adverb, number of synonyms: 1 experiencing pressure (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Under Bremen- adv. qualities circumstances Experiencing moral oppression. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    UNDER Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    UNDER- husband. floor, bottom, ground, flooring, bottom lining, bottom. Under a reservoir, covered, killed bottom, floor. | Underneath, in the peasant hut, there is a millstone corner, a kutnik, a kut, a kind of bunk, a platform in the corner diagonally opposite the doors, where women sleep and where the tame ones are... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Czech Republic under Habsburg rule- Despite the defeat of the Hussite revolutionary movement and the reaction that followed, the 15th century. did not pass without a trace for the Czech people. The influence of foreigners in the Czech Republic was significantly weakened. Czech language became the official language... ... The World History. Encyclopedia

    burden- Under the burden (bookish) under oppression. Under the burden of the landowners. To be relieved of the burden (bookish) to give birth. Yesterday she was safely delivered... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorievich- - was born on May 30, 1811 in Sveaborg, recently annexed to Russia, where his father, Grigory Nikiforovich, served as a junior doctor for the naval crew. Grigory Nikiforovich received his last name upon entering the seminary from his educational... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    BURDEN- BURDEN, kind. and dates burden, burden, burden, pl. (red.) burdens, burdens, burdens, cf. (book poet.). Heavy burden, usually carried. heaviness. Burden of worries. An unbearable burden. Lie down with a burden. ❖ Under a burden (bookish) under oppression. Resolve from... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Thorvaldsen- (Bertel or Albert Thorvaldsen) one of the greatest sculptors, b. in Copenhagen on November 19, 1770. T.’s father, an Icelander by birth, was a woodcarver and, wanting to have an assistant in his son, in 1787 he hired him as a student of the Copenhagen... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    burden- me; Wed 1. Outdated Heavy burden, cargo. Bend under the burden of a heavy burden. 2. What is it about? heavy, difficult, burdensome. Take over b. expenses. Under the burden of years, years. B. fate. Carry something heavy, heavy, unbearable b. worries...... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Heraclitus, Heidegger Martin, Fink Eugene. The Vladimir Dal publishing house offers to the attention of domestic readers the first Russian translation of an edited shorthand text, which is a recording of a seminar that…


under br e me


Experiencing moral heaviness.

Efremova. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what UNDER THE BURDEN is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    adv. Experiencing moral...
  • UNDER BURDEN in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adv. quality-circumstances Experiencing moral...
  • UNDER in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (bottom) a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); performed …
  • UNDER in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    hearth, a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.). P. smelting…
  • UNDER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, about the hearth, on the hearth, m. The lower surface in the oven (for example, Russian), as well as (in factory ovens) the place where ...
    "UNDER THE BANNER OF MARXISM", monthly philosophy. and social-economics magazine, published since Jan. 1922 to June 1944 in ...
  • UNDER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (hearth), a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); usually done...
  • UNDER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    by "d, pody", by "yes, pod"v, by "du, pod"m, by "d, pody", by "dom, pod"mi, by "de, pod"x, ...
  • UNDER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak.
  • UNDER in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords.
  • UNDER in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see about, before, ...
  • UNDER in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    bream, hearth, under, ...
  • UNDER- in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • UNDER in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. Lower surface, bottom of the firebox, mouth of the furnace. 2. preposition (and also subordinate) 1) with wine. and creativity pad. Usage ...
  • UNDER in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    under 2 and under, ...
  • UNDER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    under 2 and under, ...
  • UNDER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    under 1, -a, prev. on the bottom, pl. -`s,…
  • UNDER in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 II About time: close to something, before something P. evening. On the nose. New Year. P. old age. under 2...
  • POD in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. floor, bottom, ground, flooring, bottom lining, bottom. Under a reservoir, covered, killed bottom, floor. | Underneath, in a peasant hut...
  • UNDER in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (hearth), a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); ...
    see also (under). Prefix in nouns. and adj., giving them meaning: 1) representing a part of something. whole, department of some kind. ...
  • UNDER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    see also (podo) and (podъ), verb prefix. Indicates: 1) that the action is directed from the bottom up, for example. toss, lift, jump, support, pick up; ...
  • UNDER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    hearth, about the hearth, on the hearth, m. A horizontal surface in a stove, in a stove firebox, on which fuel is placed. Bake the pie directly...
  • UNDER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and under (see) (without stress, except in cases where the stress from the noun is transferred to the preposition, for example. Under the nose, Under the nose), ...
  • UNDER-
    1. prefix 1) A word-forming unit that forms: 1) nouns with the meaning of a part or separation of the whole and subordination to what is named ...
  • UNDER in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    1. m. Lower surface, bottom of the firebox, mouth of the furnace. 2. preposition (and also subordinate) 1) with wine. and creativity pad. ...
  • UNDER- in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I prefix A word-forming unit that forms 1) nouns with the meaning of a part or separation of the whole and subordination to what is called motivating...
  • UNDER in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I m. Lower surface, bottom of the firebox, mouth of the furnace. II sentence 1. with wine and creativity; - under Used when indicating...
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