Horoscope of Cancer Men: characteristics, appearance, career, love, marriage and family. Cancer man in marriage: horoscope of family life Cancer man as a husband what horoscope

From the outside, a Cancer man may seem cold, but this is not at all the case. There is a place in his heart for sympathy, compassion and empathy.

The Cancer man is a zodiac sign that loves comfort. He rules the fourth house of the horoscope, so the house and various household items are very important to him. Cancer men are very suspicious and rarely show their inner selves in both love and business unless they are confident in themselves.

Cancer is a very deep sign. These people retain their youthful looks into old age. Often men of this sign live at home with their mother longer than anyone else.

According to the horoscope, the Cancer man needs the sympathy of the people with whom he communicates. They cannot tolerate harsh conversation or strong criticism, whether it is deserved or not. Even though Cancer men love their home, they enjoy traveling. They especially love sea travel. Cancers often yearn for the past, for childhood.

If a Cancer man is angry (it is difficult to anger him, and this happens quite rarely), he will often act with violence. The Moon rules all liquids, and therefore he should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

Positive, developed types of Cancer men can be devoted, many of them are on the list of patriots of our country. They can also be romantic and self-sacrificing. Like the cancer, their symbol, they must learn to make their inner self as hard as the cancer's shell. Thanks to their protective instincts, Cancer men have the potential to be financial geniuses.

Cancer man in love and marriage – love horoscope

According to the love horoscope, the Cancer man is not one of those who is ready to open his soul to the first person he meets. Even his best friends often don't know much about him. To truly understand him, you will have to eat more than a pound of salt with him.

A Cancer man can be frivolous and unreliable and at the same time sensitive and loyal. A severe wrinkle on the forehead can smooth out for no apparent reason, and then a radiant smile will illuminate the face. The grumpy and dissatisfied tone is replaced by affectionate intonations, but after a moment it turns into hysterical laughter. When he is sad, you want to come up and caress him, protect him from all adversity. If he undertakes to make predictions, you will be amazed at the accuracy of his foresight. of any measure, and his melancholy can bring despondency to those around him. Being a romantic at heart, he is at the same time surprisingly rational and practical. In short, this man combines the most diverse, sometimes completely opposite, character traits.

Speaking about the Cancer man, it should be remembered that these contradictions are caused by the change in the phases of the Moon, on which Cancer is highly dependent. Outwardly, he may be rude and cold, but in his soft, loving heart there is always room for compassion and empathy. Cancer is very touchy. In such cases, he withdraws into himself and silently digests the insult. It may seem to you that this will last a long time - but it never happened. After a while, he appears in public again, beaming, enjoying everything around him, and you joyfully rush to meet him.

Unpredictable and not always consistent in his actions. Imagine that you are sitting together on a moonlit night, and he invites you to listen to his favorite poems. You close your eyes and lean against his shoulder, expecting to hear a love sonnet, but instead you hear:

In one region there was such a case:

While walking one day, the sage came across a thorny bush.

And he scratched out his eye. But he was extremely smart

And, without saying a word, he wandered into another bush

And he scratched his eye again.

All your romantic mood disappeared. You will feel offended, but he was just joking.

And now a few words about a more prosaic, but no less important aspect of your future life - money. Since childhood Cancer men there is an extraordinary predilection for them, to say the least. Your only rival in his heart will be money. Cancer cannot be called a miser, but he has never been a spender either. The crunch of bills and the jingling of coins in his wallet fascinate him no less than the organ mass of others. But no matter how much money he has, he will never brag about it. On the contrary, he is more likely to present himself as a poor relative. But don’t rush to do him good. Most likely, his bank account is twice or even ten times larger than yours.

After reading the above, you will probably be upset and even decide not to connect your life with such a stingy person. I beg you, do not make hasty conclusions. A Cancer man is willing to pay dearly for a high-quality item, because he adheres to the principle: “I’m not so rich to buy cheap things.” He will refuse to run into a cafe to have a snack, but he will be happy to sit in an expensive restaurant with excellent cuisine and an excellent reputation; he will object to buying a drape coat, but without hesitation, he will buy you a mink coat. Not only is it a beautiful and expensive thing, it is also durable. Now you are convinced that he agrees to pay, but only for expensive, durable and high quality things. So there are definitely positive traits in Cancer.

If you know a Cancer artist or musician, don't think that he has only lofty ideas in his head. Cancers are very artistic, and if they choose such a career, they reach extraordinary heights in it. However, the Cancer artist will not give away his paintings - he will try to sell them profitably, especially since Cancers are usually high-class professionals.

The Cancer man does not like sportswear, preferring a strict business suit, and certainly from an expensive store. Even those who experience temporary (they do not have permanent) financial difficulties always have an ironed, starched shirt and shiny shoes.

Cancer men are usually good at cooking themselves, especially gourmet, formal dishes. In general, Cancer is a sophisticated creature, paying attention to the most seemingly inconspicuous little things. He will be happy to show guests his collection and show extraordinary gallantry towards females. Cancer adores its ancestry and honors its ancestors. And those antique things that he inherited from them are the subject of his special pride - after all, they united the two who owned him passions: history and money.

Cancer makes high demands on his future wife, so sometimes years pass before he finds his chosen one. Cancer is very afraid of making a mistake, since an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for many years. But if he has already chosen a bride, he will praise her to the skies and shower her with gifts. With his constant presence next to you, he quickly draws away the rest of your fans, but you you won't regret it.

How to win, fall in love and attract a Cancer man - how to behave

Unfortunately, the Cancer man has days of such hopeless melancholy that you simply don’t want to continue living. But the bad mood quickly passes, and now sadness is replaced by joy, and you rejoice with him. Of course, such a change in mood can puzzle anyone, but if you have chosen Cancer as your companion, you will have to get used to it. And further. The most severe attacks of melancholy happen to him when he is afraid of losing something especially dear to him - most likely, you. Assure him that you belong to him alone, that you love him immensely, and he will be happy. Words of love are a balm for his soul.

And now one of the most difficult issues is family relationships. God grant that your mother-in-law turns out to be a pleasant, attractive woman. But even if this is not the case, if you marry a Cancer, you will be forced to give her every attention. The Cancer man will constantly compare you to his mother, and your home to his parents' house. Cancer by nature is a domestic creature, and having become accustomed to warmth, comfort and affection in childhood, it will demand the same from its wife. You will have to, at least outwardly, in the presence of your mother-in-law, be content with the role of second fiddle, since she will play the first. Pretend that you are interested in how and what she cooks, how she runs the house, even if you are sure that you do it better.

So, how can you get a Cancer into your arms if he doesn’t immediately decide to propose to you? There are two ways.

First: let him know that there are other men around who dream of making you their wife while he is thinking about it. Cancer is unlikely to allow itself to miss its intended prey.

There is a second, more “intelligent” way. Music, poetry, flowers, beautiful clothes, expensive (but not too harsh) perfume, gentle manners and tenderness, coupled with wonderful dinners, will also help you win his heart. True, this is a long way, but less risky.

When you become the wife of a Cancer, don’t even think about throwing away his old sweater and worn-out sneakers, as well as his diploma of excellent completion of primary school. All these are his treasures, and they need to be cherished and cherished no less than he himself. In response to this care, he will love you all his life. And what could be more beautiful than a woman who is loved?

Which is better - open or closed? The answer, which is close to the truth, lies in the middle: half-open. This is exactly the temperament a Cancer man has. On the one hand, this is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, which prefers not to say unnecessary words and carefully hides its true attitude both to events and to people. On the other hand, he is an incredibly cozy, soft, pliable man who tenderly cares for everyone close to him. And to get closer to him, you need to literally become one of his own. The stars will tell you how to do this.

Cancer (Latin “Cancer”) is the 4th sign of the zodiac, which is adjacent to Gemini on the left and Leo on the right. These people were born in the very middle of summer, but their character is not so hot. Sign symbol– 2 claws, which is also interpreted as the number 69 or the fusion of Yin and Yang. The fact is that cancer is a symbol of the family, regardless of whether the representative of the sign is a man or a woman. Even ruling planet (Moon) It personifies family, as well as some romanticism and mystery of a person. That's why and lucky colors In many respects they coincide with the lunar ones - silver, light gray, white.

Element of Cancer- Certainly, water. These are sentimentality, feelings, a subtle soul and real emotional cascades that every water representative experiences almost every day. He worries and almost always hides it. It just seems to cancer that it’s much safer, and in many ways he’s right. Talisman stones, which patronize cancer are topaz, moonstone and belomorite.

Cancers are atypical men in every sense. They literally destroy well-known stereotypes about physical strength and some roughness, which seems to be inherent in all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. If we take a quick look at the famous representatives of this zodiac sign, we will see that they have almost nothing in common. Except one. A passion for beauty and the ability to read between the lines. That is why among Cancers there are so many creative, interesting people who have made a great contribution to world art.

Andrey Myagkov (still from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”)

These are Pierre Cardin and Giorgio Armani, Marc Chagall and Vladimir Mayakovsky, Marcel Proust and Ernest Hemingway, Andrei Myagkov and Alexander Shirvindt, Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise. Each of these people is, rather, not one of the bright, shining stars, but rather people somewhat closed from the public. That didn’t stop them from becoming real celebrities. Well, this is their formula for success.

Cancer man: what you need to know about his character

The nature of cancer is not revealed right away. Moreover, his external appearance, most likely, does not coincide at all with his internal one. And it’s not just that everyone on earth is playing a double game. Cancer just loves to wear a mask and, if something happens, skillfully hide behind it. He prefers to be an observer rather than an active participant in events. This is something to keep in mind.

staunch conservative

Yes, the Cancer man is a supporter of everything reliable and proven. Sometimes he follows tradition for tradition's sake. But more often than not, his conservatism comes from a sound calculation, because a bird in the hand is much better than the proverbial pie in the sky.

If it is possible to leave something in the same form, Cancer will gladly preserve any area of ​​its life. For ladies who intend to change this world, themselves, their family, it is better to leave such beliefs or, as a last resort, leave cancer.

Family is sacred

Yes, there are men with such views too. And there are many more of them than many girls think. Cancer belongs precisely to those people who strive to create their own world. And the world of cancer always consists not of work, but of loved ones, whom he protects with even more care than himself.

A cancer home is a closed place. He does not tolerate constant streams of guests, endless social evenings. Cancer is more of a homebody who loves to watch pets, growing children and other family joys. A girl who shares similar views will certainly find a reliable companion in this man.

Cancer is moving backwards

Yes, this man also has such a trait as indecision. And this is not always a bad thing. Cancer just needs to think seriously, weigh the risks and only then take a definite position. But even having decided to take action, cancer may retreat back if it sees that things are going very badly.

The lady just needs to understand: this person does not take unnecessary risks, does not put the well-being of the family at stake. He would rather back down and seem to someone to be a person of weak character than to persistently prove his point of view and thereby lose huge resources. In a word, our hero adheres to the old Eastern truth: “the best fight is the one that did not take place.” And it must be said that in many cases this position justifies itself perfectly.

Attitude to work and money

Cancer does not particularly like to spend its invaluable resources, since it proceeds from the consideration that all money should go exclusively to useful (read: family) matters. Therefore, you should not perceive him as a petty person, because at first it may seem as if he is simply sparing money on you.

In fact, Cancer loves to give beautiful gifts to his loved ones, but this only happens if he really falls in love and you become dear to his heart. In a word, it’s worth the wait - only the test of time will put everything in its place.

As for work, a Cancer man can be compared to an old master who is used to investing all his talents in a business from which he expects recognition and pleasure. This guy doesn't often live with any kind of power ambitions. His formula for success is completely different: “enjoy the works of your hands and be happy.”

How to please a Cancer man

A Cancer may like you literally on the very first date - for Aquatic men, relationships very often begin with an impulse, with that same love at first sight. However, you can be sure that he will never show it so quickly. Therefore, the external coldness of cancer should not be taken literally. In this regard, the star's advice is very simple - you just need to wait a little. Moreover, if cancer takes the initiative and clearly shows that it wants to see you more and more often, consider that at the first stage this is the best recognition.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

And in order to surely achieve such a position, you should listen to the invaluable advice of the stars:

  1. Be warm, cozy, soft. The ideal of Cancer is a girl with a kind heart, and not an atamansha who is committed to the ideas of matriarchy. Don't forget that Cancer is a supporter of traditional values. Even if it looks modern and speaks fashionable language, this does not mean that its internal foundation exactly matches its external appearance.
  2. Communicate gracefully, beautifully, as if hinting at something. Cancer loves mystery, not straightforwardness. You shouldn’t tell Cancer something specific, like “when is the next date.” Such an approach will simply scare this man away.
  3. Allow yourself to walk half a length ahead. Yes, Cancer is not an ataman or a cowboy, he will be very pleased if the lady herself takes the initiative in her own hands. But again, this needs to be done gracefully. That is, outwardly everything should look as if it was he who made the decision. Moreover, one can also praise how great he came up with everything. This will only increase interest in your person.
  4. Finally, try to maintain a certain inaccessibility. Cancer is not a supporter of frivolous ladies. Yes, he can have a little affair, but he won’t consider them as serious companions.

How can you offend cancer?

To be honest, cancer can be offended by anything, but you can find out about it after a decent amount of time. The fact is that water signs of the zodiac are quite vulnerable people. This is expressed not in the fact that they crawl into their corner and sob, but in the fact that they live some small trifles, small misunderstandings too seriously. Yes, cancer often takes something very seriously, and one unevenly spoken word can ruin his mood for the whole day. That's why it's better to learn in advance about some tricks that the stars will be happy to share:

  1. Do not command cancer - it is only outwardly that he likes to obey. In fact, no man enjoys this. And a woman ultimately ceases to respect a man who does not know how to defend his own opinion.
  2. Don't try to criticize everything related to the cancer family. Even if we are talking about improperly baked meat. It’s just that Cancer is sensitive to the family, especially the mother, so it can regard such attacks as an attack on its shrine.
  3. Finally, try not to joke too openly until you have seriously studied the nature of cancer. Again, he may take some jokes incorrectly and become incredibly upset. Don’t forget – under the hard shell of cancer lives the gentle soul of the poet.

Who is suitable for a Cancer man, and who is not so good

It would not be much of an exaggeration to say that the typical Cancer man is looking for a companion for a man whose image is inspired by his mother’s property. Or at least the ideas that he has about the ideal mother. Perhaps cancer is looking for a mother not only for future children, but also for itself. And there is no self-interest in this, because he himself will happily surround his beloved with care, sometimes similar to parental care.

Tom Hanks (still from the movie "Forrest Gump")

It’s just that he has such an ideal companion - a family man, a homely person in every sense, who always prefers leisure time in his native land to guests. This is exactly what potential cancer lovers should focus on. As for compatibility with specific zodiac signs, the stars paint the following picture:

  1. Cancer feels great with representatives of his native water element. A union with a girl who gives Cancer the most important thing - intuitive mutual understanding - can be especially wonderful. In this tandem, partners will be comfortable because the exchange of feelings will prevail over the exchange of words. Pisces and Cancer not only appreciate this style, but have all the capabilities to implement it. Cancer will probably be less comfortable with a woman - her rather domineering character can suppress our hero. Therefore, in such an alliance, all roles should be immediately very delicately distributed so that no unnecessary situations arise later. As for the representative of her zodiac sign, Cancer will live very well with. The only thing that can be advised to their family is to arrange emotional release for themselves more often, so that the ever-present blues do not spoil their atmosphere.
  2. The union of a Cancer man with representatives of the earth element looks quite good and very promising. Gives cancer reliability and family comfort. will provide cancer with an excellent rear and will make great sacrifices so that everything really goes well in the family. Tandem with is somewhat more complicated, since this lady can constantly encourage her indecisive cancer to take more active action. She can sometimes mistake his caution for outright weakness, so certain conflicts are inevitable.
  3. Relationships with the element of fire are quite difficult. After all, water, as you know, extinguishes fire. Indeed, the stubborn one will try to re-educate the cancer to suit himself, and will do it so straightforwardly that he will most likely simply crawl into his shell. with her craving for constant social fun, she will not be able to share Cancer’s idea of ​​​​a home. And a girl who is constantly looking for adventure will probably begin to stress out our cautious hero.
  4. Finally, the union of Cancer with the air signs of the zodiac can be called the most difficult. These people simply have too different rhythms of life, and they are drawn to opposite things. Cancer wants peace and stability, but those who are contradictory will not be able to provide it with either one or the other. Impracticality and stubbornness will give rise to many conflicts that Cancer cannot tolerate. But frivolity can seriously offend and even offend our sentimental hero.

Cancer in bed

Frankly speaking, Cancer does not like to take the initiative - he prefers to play a chess game and simply make retaliatory steps. Therefore, if this man is active, we can confidently say: you really somehow managed to hook him. In this case, the lady needs to understand: she should not rush the cancer with organizing night events.

But you shouldn’t linger too long either. The surest way is the language of hints, an easy game in which there seem to be no obligations. Cancer knows how to read between the lines, especially since he doesn’t like it when everything goes too openly. And another important point: this man loves home comfort and silence. Therefore, love on a bench, on a roller coaster and other extraordinary places is not his style. The sure way to a cancer's heart is to create a really cozy atmosphere and literally lure him into a love trap from which he cannot back away.

The Cancer man is modest and loyal, caring and sensitive. Many of his shortcomings are simply a continuation of his own advantages. And if a lady is looking for a real family man, the father of her children, this is the most suitable person.

Starts on June 21 and ends on July 22. Refers to the element of water. The planet that patronizes this sign is the Moon. Lucky color is purple. The characteristic features are prophecy and teaching.

general characteristics

People born under this sign tend to strive for security and comfort. They are very sensitive and vulnerable. But they are impeccably honest. You can always rely on them.

In marriage, people prefer to give more than to take. Extremely intuitive, but don't tell anyone about it. Secretive natures and conservatives. The people around him are constantly tormented by the question: how to behave with him?

The character of a man of this sign greatly depends on what part of the period he was born in.

  • kind and passionate
  • have an artistic temperament
  • everyone's favorite

At birth from July 2 to July 11, the planet Mercury begins to influence the character, giving the personality the following traits:

  • frivolity and curiosity
  • irony
  • some snobbery
  • aptitude for doing business

From July 12 to July 22, the personality of a man of the Cancer sign completely comes under the influence of the Moon and acquires the following character traits:

  • daydreaming and worrying over trifles
  • suspiciousness
  • bohemianism
  • a penchant for esotericism, which men carefully hide

Cancer has a strong intellect. Knows how to use it. He also has an excellent memory. This trait can greatly poison the life of not only the representative of this sign, but also his loved ones.

Cancer in love

A Cancer's happy personal life greatly depends on his relationship with his mother.. If a man managed to become independent from her, remaining in good relations, it means that he has every chance of finding a harmonious love relationship.

In the opposite case, male representatives of this sign may have an aversion to the physiological part.

By nature, Cancers are great romantics, they love everything refined and refined. Imagination often replaces reality for them.

It is very simple to understand that a man of this sign is in love. This will immediately become noticeable through beautiful signs of attention.: obligatory flowers, walks under the moon, poems and conversations about the sublime.

If she is interested in Cancer as a man, then she must definitely encourage courtship and wait for his initiative, but not attack or insist on developing the relationship herself.

Sometimes it won’t hurt to make it clear that he is not the only one who claims to have close communication. Cancers are big owners.

Therefore, if he really, really likes you and needs you, then, if there are rivals, he will do everything to win you.

Men born under the sign of Cancer are extremely attracted to sophisticated, well-mannered women. Rudeness and vulgarity repulse him. He is ready to forgive a woman for mismanagement and impracticality, but not for a bad manicure and illiterate speech.

Married man

If a man born under the sign of Cancer decides to propose to his chosen one, then first of all she will have to get his mother's approval. Unfortunately, the final decision on the topic of marriage remains with her.

But, if a woman has firmly decided to marry a man of the Cancer sign, then she can try in advance to find an approach to her future mother-in-law and accept the fact that family happiness will largely depend on a good relationship with her.

The reward for this will be a harmonious, happy family life. After all representatives of the stronger sex of the Cancer sign are very faithful, devoted and caring. They tend to take on some of the household chores themselves, wanting to protect the woman they love from the rudeness of real life.

A woman married to a man of this sign should under no circumstances relax. She should remain gentle, sophisticated and attractive. In this, the wife of Cancer will have to show reinforced concrete firmness and perseverance.

Otherwise, a romantic and caring husband can turn into a boring tyrant.

In work and friendship

Many men of this sign tend to work in the food industry and restaurant business. They themselves love to cook. They are also no strangers to working as designers and decorators.

These people are characterized by extreme accuracy and hard work. Among the representatives of the Cancer sign there are many creative people. They worship beauty.

A man born under the sign of Cancer must choose a job he likes.. Then she will bring him not only satisfaction, but considerable material income.

Cancers are very selective in their friendships. On the one hand, they cannot be friends with ordinary people. On the other hand, overly bright personalities tire them.

Nevertheless, men of this sign are able to be friends throughout their lives, supporting friends financially during difficult periods. But they never forgive betrayal.

In bed

If a man managed to build a harmonious and independent relationship with his mother, then, as a rule, he becomes an ideal lover. He is inclined to subordinate himself entirely to his partner, fulfilling all her erotic fantasies.

The main thing is that What a man of the Cancer sign needs in an intimate relationship is a firm belief that he is loved.

If a man’s dependence on his mother remains, then he becomes prone to celibacy. Physical love does not attract him in reality.

Such men become capricious, lonely bachelors, tormenting those around them with their quirks.

Men of this sign rarely go to bed with an unloving woman. If this happens, then they can show outright rudeness and selfishness in their intimate life.

Compatibility with other signs

The element of water gives Cancer creative energy and strength. For a happy life for men of this sign, it is important to remain true to their unshakable principles: do what you love, marry the woman you love, be friends with interesting people and be independent from your parents.

Outwardly, he may seem cold and rude, although this is absolutely not the case. Empathy, compassion and sympathy find a place in his heart. Of all the signs, Cancers have a constantly trembling and subtle soul, created by constant contradictions that are caused by constantly changing moods and unstable dispositions. To truly understand him, together you will have to eat more than a pound of salt, because Cancer is not the kind of person who is ready to open his soul to the first person he meets. Often even his best friends don't know much about him.

At times he can be unreliable and frivolous, and at the same time loyal and sensitive. You may think that he is a romantic dreamer, because he can be very attentive to you, but if you look closely, you will notice practicality and reasonableness in any of his actions. Cancer men often become mediums or hypnotists. Logic is alien to them and they live according to some laws that only they understand. Cancer's melancholy and pessimism make a depressing impression, and his caution is striking.

For Cancers, what is a trifle for others turns into a tragedy. Therefore, people born under this sign often get into conflicts and irritate others. However, other people like to patronize such natures.

At times, the Cancer man has days when such hopeless melancholy comes over him that he simply doesn’t want to live any longer. When he is afraid of losing something, he experiences the most severe melancholic attacks. Cancer men have an extraordinary penchant for money since childhood, and, as a rule, they make good money. He prefers not to spend money, but to accumulate it. But Cancer will never brag about the capital he has acquired. He will pretend that he is barely making ends meet.

If among your friends there are Cancer musicians or artists, you should not think that they only have lofty ideas in their heads. In these professions, Cancers reach significant heights, and the Cancer artist will try to sell his paintings profitably and will not give them to anyone, because those born under this sign are usually highly qualified professionals.

Usually, Cancer men cook well, especially formal, gourmet dishes. In addition, they love to collect interesting things such as antiques or records, and they will always show these collections to their guests with pleasure. In general, he is a sophisticated creature who pays attention to the most inconspicuous, at first glance, little things. With women, Cancer is gallant like no other. This is because back in his grandmother's time, men behaved something like this.

The typical Cancer Man has a rather bony build, with sometimes broad shoulders; tends to gain weight quickly, and may look plump and broad even when thin; may have perhaps somewhat unusual, irregularly shaped, protruding, but remarkable teeth.

Cancer Man- very impressionable and sensitive; does not like to be conspicuous or stand out; wears traditionally cut clothes; has a supernatural business instinct to achieve what he wants, approaches the goal carefully, and does not go ahead; if he sometimes finds himself in the center of attention, he enjoys the interest that others show in him; loves children, peace of mind, money, stability; prefers not to discuss his personal life.


Men's horoscope - choose your zodiac sign







Our planet makes a full revolution around the Sun every year. On her way every month she meets new constellations. The ancient Greeks called this circle of constellations the Zodiac.

Cancer man. Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

People born under the constellation Cancer are talkative, but a little shy, good-natured and sincere. They are reserved in their manners, decisive, proud and thrifty. Slowly walking towards their goal and avoiding all obstacles along the way, they grab luck by the tail. Cancer is a symbol of return movement. Its ruler is the fickle Moon, which changes 4 phases during 1 cycle. He is always tastefully dressed and neat. He has a small wardrobe, but if he buys something, it is of high quality. Loves to live in natural environments or near bodies of water. Doesn't like being rushed, can't stand shouting and criticism.

Cancer man. Personality characteristics

Under the influence of the Moon, Cancer is able to constantly take on opposite appearances. Even close people cannot predict his mood. A minute ago, a depressed Cancer can laugh cheerfully. He is prone to withdrawal and melancholy, since his own anxieties come first for him, and needs understanding and constant support. Financial well-being is very important for Cancer. He saves every penny he earns or tries to invest it securely. He always has a stash. He will never get involved in an adventure, as he thinks about all his steps.

Cancer man. Characteristics as a friend and family man

Cancer has few friends, but those that he has have been faithful to him for many years. He can tell them about some plans and have a lot of fun. Cancer is looking for his only beloved woman, who will resemble his mother. The wife must constantly support him, be gentle, affectionate, calm, economic and capable of sincere love. He greatly values ​​the comfort of home and family happiness.

Cancer man. Characteristics of psychosexual state

Cancer is a promiscuous sign. He is attracted to older women, of the maternal type. He is able to play a love game for a very long time. Cancers love to be petted.

Cancer man. Characteristics in the professional field

Cancers often do not want to grow up for a very long time. They can follow in their parents' footsteps. They are decisive and obedient at work. They can prove excellent in areas related to children, food, animals and clothing. They will be happy to breed horses, dogs, work in a zoo, circus or kindergarten. They can make good teachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, watchmakers, foresters, historians, sailors, archaeologists, fishermen, and lawyers. They can have a restaurant business or find themselves in trade.

Compatibility of Cancer man with other zodiac signs

Cancer is compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, but Taurus suits him best. Cancer man and Taurus woman are made for each other. The love of accumulating material values ​​will become their bond. They will adore their children. Instead of visiting entertainment venues, they will happily spend the evening having dinner together.
