What dates is the new moon? Night beauty in the sky: waning and waxing Moon

Moon phases and gardening

In the 1st quarter (phase) of the waxing Moon It is successful to plant annuals that produce an above-ground harvest in the form of leafy greens, all those plants whose parts that do not contain seeds are consumed as food: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, celery, asparagus. You should also plant melons, cucumbers and sow cereals. It is also better to plant flowers on the waxing Moon, then they are more fragrant and produce a lot of seeds. It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers.

During the 2nd quarter (phase) of the waxing Moon annuals are planted that produce a harvest in the form of fleshy fruits with seeds inside: tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, beans and peas, all creeping, creeping crops. It is good to sow cereals at this time.

In the 3rd quarter (phase) of the waning moon Biennials and perennials are planted, as well as those annuals that produce tuber and root crops: rutabaga, carrots, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, beets, black radishes, asparagus and winter wheat. It is better to plant potatoes for food a few days after the full moon. All autumn and winter plantings, as well as planting trees, shrubs, and grapes, are best done in this quarter - the root system develops well. It is recommended to prune trees and shrubs.

In the 4th quarter (phase) of the waning moon - a favorable time for planting plants and storing vegetables, and an unfavorable time for dividing roots and bulbs and their reproduction. Seeds planted on the waning Moon are programmed for more active development of the underground part: roots, root crops, tubers.
General recommendation: on a waxing moon it is best to plant what should grow well above the ground, flowers, for example, on a waning moon - what should grow underground, for example, root crops

How the Moon affects plants and harvests

1 . During the new moon, all the vital juices of plants go into the roots.
2. When the Moon grows, the movement of juices from the root to the top and leaves begins. During the waxing Moon, planting and replanting of plants is recommended, especially those with a more developed aerial part - leaves and stems.
3. The closer to the full moon a plant is planted, the less its stem stretches. A little accidental damage to the roots at this time is not so dangerous, since the juices move upward.
4 . During the full moon, fruits and herbs are at their maximum juiciness.
5 . When the Moon is waning, juices move from the top to the roots. The period of the waning moon is good for planting root crops. At this time, you can plan to prune the plant.
6. It is important to remember that the new moon and full moon are moments of crisis. At this time, plants are especially vulnerable, so it is better not to plan any work at this time.

Tips for gardeners on sowing and planting plants:

Root seeds should be sown on the waning Moon for one week (during the fourth phase, a week before the new moon);
You need to plant beet seedlings and potatoes on the waning Moon in phase III (immediately after the full moon);
Seeds of vegetables and herbs, in which the aerial part is important, are sown during the waxing Moon in phase II (a week before the full moon);
It is necessary to plant seedlings during the moon in phase I (after the new moon).

Thus, we sow in phases II and IV, and plant in phases I and III of the Moon.
Astrologers recommend paying attention to the full moon and new moon. These days you should not plant or sow anything. And also 12 hours before their onset and 12 hours after them.
So, first we highlight the most favorable phase of the Moon (week) for planting and sowing crops, for work, and then correlate it with favorable and unfavorable days.

The lunar calendar is the oldest of all existing calendars; the solar calendar appeared much later than the lunar calendar. The first lunar calendar was compiled in Ancient Egypt more than six thousand years ago. The modern Lunar calendar for 2019 is based on the knowledge of ancient civilizations, and also contains up-to-date information about the cyclic movement of the Moon and the change of lunar phases.

The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days, passing through four days: new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter. Since ancient times, these phases of the moon have been celebrated in all lunar calendars. The first lunar day is counted from the moment of the new moon. And each time the new moon begins in a new zodiac sign. It is with this in mind that our

Different phases of the Moon have different effects on the surrounding nature and humans. The new moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarters of the Moon are times of intense interaction between the Sun and Moon. During these phases of the Moon, it is better not to plan important things and not to start anything new. These are unfavorable days.

It is best to start new things on the waxing Moon, preferably soon after the new moon, and complete things on the waning Moon, but in such a way that you have time to complete them by the new moon. The most favorable lunar days are considered to be the days when an aspect of 60 (sextile) or 120 (trine) degrees between the Sun and the Moon is formed in the sky. will help you navigate the phases of the moon and manage your time more optimally.

A full lunar cycle consists of 30 days, and such a month is considered perfect. In a defective lunar month consisting of 29 days, unfavorable days will be really difficult.

We bring to your attention a monthly calendar indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days. Lunar calendar 2019 will allow you to always be aware of what the Moon is now and what phase of the Moon it will be without the need for visual observation. The lunar calendar for 2019 will help you plan your affairs with the least loss of time and effort.

The waxing Moon is a time for a gradual increase in energy. This is a good period for new beginnings. There is enough energy for the most daring projects and plans. It is better to postpone routine affairs during the period of the waning moon. It is good to develop activity not only in work matters, but also in your personal life - move to new levels of relationships with your loved one, communicate with your family, visit relatives, meet people.

The waxing Moon is a favorable time to visit the hairdresser. Haircut will lead to rapid hair growth. Experimenting with your hair will be successful.

This is a favorable period for taking care of the body and improving the general condition of the body. Sports and cleansing procedures will bring good results. This is a good time to get rid of bad habits.

The period of the waxing Moon is divided into the first phase, the first quarter and the second phase, each of which has its own characteristics of influence on a person’s daily life.

Impact of the first phase

The first phase begins after the new moon and ends when the disk in the sky grows to half its size. This is a time of accumulation of energy and increased activity.

Affairs. At the beginning of the waxing Moon cycle, energy is at zero. Therefore, it is advisable not to do anything at this time; it is better to plan things for the next month. After a day or two, you can begin to complete the planned tasks. Cash deposits and investments during the first phase will be successful. This is a suitable period for housework. It's a great time to make new acquaintances.

Haircut and hair care. A haircut will lead to rapid hair growth and strengthening of the roots. This is the optimal time for dyeing and tinting your hair in your usual color - the dye will stick well. It is better to experiment with color during the days of the waning moon. This is a favorable time for health-improving and strengthening hair treatments.

Beauty, self-care. The first phase is a suitable period for visiting a beauty salon. Care treatments will give you youth and health.

Health. These days, all medications begin to act more actively, and nutrients and vitamins supplied with food are absorbed better. At the same time, allergic reactions, poisoning, and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible. This is the optimal time to start playing sports and get rid of bad habits.

Nutrition. During this period, the body actively accumulates fat - this should be taken into account by those who are watching their excess weight.

First quarter impact

During the first quarter, half of the Moon is illuminated. This is a period of increased energy and replenishment of strength.

Affairs. The day is suitable for active work, performing important tasks and solving complex issues. You can make small investments of money. Due to high emotional instability during this period, it is better to limit communication with loved ones in order to avoid conflicts.

Haircut and hair care. The first quarter is a neutral time for cutting, coloring hair and experimenting with hairstyles.

Health. It is better not to plan surgical intervention on the body on this day due to the slow wound healing process. Moderate exercise will have a beneficial effect on health. This is the right time to carry out cleansing procedures.

Impact of the second phase

During the second phase, the Moon increases in size and becomes full at the end. This is a period of active activity.

Affairs. These days are suitable for starting new things, performing important and responsible tasks. Transactions concluded during this period will be successful. This is a great time to make new acquaintances and relax with family and friends.

Haircut and hair care. A haircut on the waxing moon will lead to rapid hair growth and will have a beneficial effect on its condition. It is better to paint yourself in your usual color - the paint will last a long time. Strengthening and nourishing hair masks will have a good effect.

Beauty, self-care. It is undesirable to carry out peelings and cosmetic facial cleansing - scars may remain. Depilation will lead to rapid hair growth and an increase in its thickness, so it is better to transfer it to the waning moon.

Health. These days there is a high probability of acute illnesses. You need to protect yourself from stress. You can give maximum physical activity with a gradual decrease in intensity towards the full moon.

In life, often, despite all the efforts made, things do not work out as successfully as planned. In difficult situations, people begin to blame themselves, insufficient financial investments, bad specialists, but do not at all attach any importance to the fact that any undertakings should be planned only when the moon is waxing.

In ancient times, the moon was the only true guide in resolving fundamental issues. The entire life of our ancestors was organized according to the cycle of the heavenly body. Depending on the moon, waxing or waning, they hunted, cultivated the land, and performed rituals.

The lunar month is 29 or 30 days. During this period of time, the natural satellite of our planet goes through four phases, each of which lasts a little more than seven Earth days and corresponds to a certain element of nature. A person’s mood and behavior, success in endeavors and successful completion of affairs, plant growth and relief from ailments depend on which moon is in the sky today.

The cycle begins with the new moon. The element of the phase is earth. At this time, a person experiences an energy crisis and is incapable of active action and heavy physical activity. Startups are not recommended. This period is a time for rest and relaxation, planning things.

2nd phase - waxing moon. Her element is water. This is the time to implement plans, new discoveries and achievements. The body is full of energy, its ability to work is limitless. When the moon grows, a person becomes strong, active and emotional. This is a good time to improve your health.

Next comes the full moon phase. The element here is air. The accumulated strength is completely sufficient to bring the work started to completion. Energy overwhelms a person, and in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to direct it in an active direction, for example, by playing sports. In this phase of the lunar cycle, you can go on a diet and carry out cleansing procedures.

The fourth phase is the waning moon. Its element is fire. There is not enough current strength and energy to plan and implement new projects. For any endeavor, this time is considered wasted. With the waning moon, it is more logical to complete the work. But in this phase a person gains spiritual strength and becomes wiser.

How to determine when the moon is waxing: folk signs

Our ancestors did not have a special calendar. They could not find out every day which moon was waxing or, conversely, waning. But even without the help of a calendar, you can always look at the sky and determine the phase of the cycle. To do this, simply place a pencil, stick or finger on the silhouette of the partial night luminary. If the result is the letter “P,” then this means that the moon is growing.

If you can’t attach a stick to the silhouette, and the letter “C” appears in the sky, this is a decreasing phase.

What are the benefits of the lunar calendar?

This question is quite fascinating. The lunar and terrestrial months have different lengths and never coincide. In order to always be able to control the phases of the cycle and use them in your business, a special calendar is being developed. When compiling it, it is important to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also in which zodiac sign it is located on a certain day. At the same time, every day has its own symbolism - this is the oldest information about the calendar that came down from our ancestors. All days are divided into good and bad. This information should be taken into account when planning certain activities. The lunar calendar is used in business, gardening, fishing, when cutting hair and making important purchases.

For convenience, the calendar indicates both the earthly day and the lunar day that corresponds to it. This method of compilation helps to plan events for the whole month. This is very important, for example, for a gardener.

Having information about when the waxing moon will be in March, he can safely plan to plant plants that stretch upward.

What to do on the waxing moon?

It has long been seen that the same work is done better at different times. For example, when the moon is waxing, it is time for creation. This period is suitable for starting new businesses, launching projects, investing funds, opening bank accounts and deposits, looking for a job, planting seeds and replanting plants, and also for cutting hair. At this time it is good to make acquaintances, make appointments, and improve your personal life.

The effect of the moon on humans

Financial and mental peace of mind depends on the location of the Earth’s natural satellite in the sky. The time when the moon is waxing will have a beneficial effect not only on the material side of a person’s life, but also on his physical and psycho-emotional state. During the new moon period, the current forces are still not enough to take active action. But every day energy gradually accumulates in the body, a person begins to feel a surge of vigor, he has a desire to work and achieve his goals.

During the waxing period of the moon, emotional stress is at a minimum, which affects the mood. Relationships born during this period develop well. Men and women see only the best character traits in each other.

A special energy surge appears in a person at a time when the growth phase of the celestial body coincides with the spring equinox. The waxing moon in March, simultaneously with the increasing sunny day, gives a surge of active current forces.

By rationally spending your energy as the moon grows, you can avoid psycho-emotional overload and effortlessly bring all the things started during this period to completion.

The influence of the Moon on humans has been known since ancient times. This is explained by the fact that the body consists of almost 80% water, and the Moon has a direct impact on all living and nonliving things that contain water. It has long been no secret to anyone that it is during the new moon that strong tides occur. Considering how the Moon affects the human body, on certain days of the lunar cycle it is strictly forbidden to perform operations, get a haircut, or do strength exercises. And knowing what you can do on the waxing and waning moon, it is always possible to choose the best time for cosmetic procedures, recuperation and plant care.

Waxing Moon in September 2018

Favorable deeds: starting new projects, investing money, making deals, doing housework, meeting new people, getting a haircut, skin care, playing sports, getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body.

Unfavorable tasks: performing routine tasks, facial cleansing, waxing.

About the waxing moon of September 2018 and its advantages

The first days of the Waxing Moon in September 2018, when it begins to grow, are not so favorable and successful, so at least the first two numbers, when growth is just beginning, should be skipped, as well as preferably the last two before the Full Moon. On the remaining days of the Waxing Moon period, you can act decisively, be active and a little persistent, take initiative, negotiate and resolve any issues.

In general, this is a wonderful period for our health and well-being, when we have a lot of strength and energy, things are going up and almost everything planned is working out, our mood is at the highest level, we are ready to meet people and give kindness to people. This is also the best time for all the many summer residents, when you can do almost any work in your garden plot, sow and plant, fertilize and water.

How does the waxing moon affect the human body?

The synodic cycle of the Moon and its influence on human health must be considered from three perspectives. Firstly, taking into account whether the Moon is waxing or waning, secondly, taking into account its quarters, and then the phases.

From new moon to full moon the moon is waxing. From full moon to new moon - waning. At the same time, having a lunar calendar at hand, you can easily determine this by looking at the Moon. The moon is growing - if the letter “r” can be made from a sickle, and if only “s” is aging, waning.

During the period starting from the new moon, there is a gradual increase in energy. These days, the influence of the waxing Moon on a person is very strong, because all biological and mental processes are activated. And the closer to the full moon, the more active and successful a person is in his endeavors. This period is the best for healing the body, but is unfavorable for surgical operations (especially during the full moon).

What you can and cannot do during the waxing moon

What not to do on a waxing moon

  • carry out planned operations, since the recovery period may be prolonged, soft tissue swelling may persist and rougher scars may form;
  • Eat heavily if you don’t want to gain weight quickly.

On the waxing moon stands:

  • engage in strength exercises, muscle mass will build up well;
  • restore strength;
  • nourish the body with vitamins, nutritional supplements, nutrients and foods that will be well absorbed;
  • make nourishing masks, massages with natural oils.

A strong protective spell for the waxing Moon

During the new moon, a strong ritual is performed to protect oneself and loved ones from various negative influences and energy attacks. It must be carried out on the first day of the new moon, with each subsequent day the strength of the effect decreases. Beginners are advised to renew their protection every month, because if you are constantly exposed to energetic or magical influences, it may not withstand it. The power of protection weakens not from a specific time, but from the intensity of negative influences on you. If you are damaged to death by a strong magician, then, for sure, such protection will not work.

Looking at the new moon, say:
