Life of the Man of God Alexia. Electronic publications Life of St. Alexy

From noble and pious parents. His father Euthymian was a senator. He was distinguished by his spiritual kindness, was merciful to the sick and suffering, and set up three tables in his home every day: for orphans and widows, for travelers and for the poor. Euthymian and his wife Aglaida did not have children for a long time, and this darkened their happiness. But the pious Aglaida did not give up hope - and God heard her and sent them a son. The father named the baby Alexy (translated from Greek as “protector”). Saint Alexy grew up as a healthy child and studied well and diligently. When he reached adulthood, Evfimian and Aglaida decided to marry him. They chose a girl of royal blood, very beautiful and rich, for their son. Left alone with his young wife after the wedding, Saint Alexy gave her his gold ring and belt buckle with the words: “Keep this, and may the Lord be between you and me until He renews us with His grace.” Then he left the bridal chamber and left his father’s house that same night.

Boarding a ship sailing to the East, the young man arrived in Syrian Laodicea. Here he accosted the donkey drivers and reached with them the city of Edessa, where the Holy Image of the Lord, imprinted on the shroud, was kept. Having distributed the remainder of his property, the young man dressed himself in rags and began to beg for alms in the vestibule of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos. Every Sunday he partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. At night Alexy stayed awake and prayed. He ate only bread and water.

Meanwhile, the parents and wife of Saint Alexis, saddened by his disappearance, sent their servants to search. They were also in Edessa, entered the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and gave alms to Saint Alexis, without recognizing him. After some time, the servants returned to Rome without finding Saint Alexius. And none of the relatives had a revelation about him. Then they humbled themselves, and although they continued to grieve and yearn for him, they relied on the will of God.

The Monk Alexy spent seventeen years in Edessa, begging for alms in the vestibule of the Church of the Mother of God. The Most Pure One herself, appearing in a dream to the church watchman, revealed that the beggar Alexy was a man of God. When the inhabitants of Edessa began to honor him, the Monk Alexy fled secretly. He thought of going to the city of Tarsus (in Asia Minor, the birthplace of the holy Apostle Paul), but the ship on which the monk was sailing fell into a strong storm and lost its course, wandered for a long time and finally landed on the shores of Italy, not far from Rome. Saint Alexy, seeing the Providence of God in this, went to his father’s house, for he was sure that he would not be recognized. Having met his father Euthymian, he asked him for shelter and mentioned his relatives who were on a journey. He was glad to receive the beggar, gave him a place in the entryway of his house, ordered him to carry food from the master's table and assigned a servant to help him. The rest of the servants, out of envy, began to surreptitiously insult the beggar, but the Monk Alexy saw the devil's instigation in this and accepted the mockery with humility and joy. He still ate bread and water, and at night he stayed awake and prayed. So another seventeen years passed. When the hour of his death approached, the Monk Alexy wrote down his entire life, both the secret things that were known to his father and mother, and the words spoken to his wife in marital peace.

On Sunday after the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of St. Apostle Peter, a miracle occurred. A voice from above came from the Holy See: “Seek the man of God, so that he may pray for Rome and all her people.” The whole people fell on their faces in horror and delight. On Thursday evening in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter they prayed to the Lord to reveal to them the man of God - and a voice came from the throne: “In the house of Euthymian there is a man of God, look there.” The Roman Emperor Honorius (395-423), as well as Pope Innocent I (402-417), were present in the temple. They turned to Euthymian, but he knew nothing. Then the servant assigned to Saint Alexius told Euthymian about his righteousness. Euthymian hurried to the Monk Alexy, but did not find him alive.

The face of the blessedly deceased saint shone with an unearthly light. In his hand, the Monk Alexy held a tightly clutched scroll. The body of Saint Alexis was carried with due honor and laid on a bed. The Emperor and the Pope knelt, asking the saint to unclench his hand, and Saint Alexy fulfilled their request. A scroll with a biography of the saint was read by the church reader. The father, mother and wife of Saint Alexy fell weeping to the body of the saint and bowed to his venerable remains. At the sight of such grief, many cried. The bed with the body of Saint Alexis was placed in the middle of the central square. People began to flock to him to be cleansed and relieved of their ailments. The dumb began to speak, the blind began to see, the possessed and the mentally ill were cured. Seeing such grace, Emperor Honorius and Pope Innocent I themselves carried the body of the saint in the funeral procession. The honorable remains of Saint Alexy, the man of God, were buried in the church in the name of Saint Boniface on March 17 of the year, when the memory of Saint Alexy, the man of God, is celebrated.

Hagiographic tradition

The Syrian version of the life of St. Alexis, now recognized as the most ancient, does not mention his name, and tells only about the saint’s flight from Rome and stay in Edessa. After 17 years spent in prayer and fasting, this legend says, the saint died in a homeless shelter and was buried in a common grave. Soon after this, the sexton of the church where the saint labored told the bishop the story of the life of the man of God, which he had told him before his death. The bishop ordered the relics of such a great saint to be reburied with honor, but his body miraculously disappeared from the grave, where only a pitiful funeral sackcloth was found. Since Ravbula (–) is named the bishop of Edessa, it can be assumed that the life of the saint was written, probably on the basis of oral tradition, in the second half - at the beginning of the century.

An addition to this life was a Greek legend, which became famous earlier in the century in Constantinople (possibly in connection with the resettlement of Syrian Akimite monks there). It is likely that St. Petersburg used it exactly. Joseph the Songwriter († 886), compiling a canon for the saint, in which his name was first mentioned - Alexy. According to this legend, the saint, trying to hide from the fame that had spread in Edessa about his righteous life, left the city on a ship and ended up in Rome, which was followed by the second half of his ascetic life.

On the basis of these early Syriac and Greek lives, a second Syriac version was created (probably about a century), in which the combination of two legends led to an indication of the “double death” of the saint: first in Edessa, then in Rome, the explanation of which was pointed to a miracle with an empty grave (not mentioned in the Constantinople tradition). The first Arabic (karshuni) version made an attempt to harmonize both traditions, removing or smoothing out noticeable contradictions, while the second Arabic edition goes back exclusively to the Constantinople and completely ignores the original Edessa. In the century, a Greek adaptation of the life appeared in the collection of Symeon Metaphrastus. In addition, several Greek versions are known, as well as a number of Latin editions of the life, in which, in addition to the names of Alexius, the man of God and his parents, the names of the saint’s bride (Adriatic), the archbishop (Pope Innocent I) and the emperors (Arcadia and Honorius) are named.

There are many known translations of the Life of Alexius the Man of God, dating back either to the Latin version (German, Old French, Provençal, Old Norse), or to the Greek version of Metaphrastus (Ancient Georgian and Old Armenian). The “songs” of Alexy the Man of God, which probably appeared centuries ago in Normandy and passed from there to England and Germany (Conrad’s poem from Würzburg, etc.), are closely connected with the Western hagiographic tradition. In the West, Alexy the man of God was considered the heavenly patron of the brotherhood of Alexians (Zelites), who were involved in the care of the poor and their burial.

The oldest Slavic lengthy version of the Life, dating back to the Greek edition, in which there are elements of both Byzantine and Latin traditions, was translated towards the end of the century and soon became widespread in Rus'. The second Slavic edition was made using a more extensive Greek version. The short life of Alexy the man of God was translated in the 12th century as part of Prologue Constantine of Mokisia, translated for the second time in the first half of the 14th century (apparently by the Serbs on Athos) as part Stish Prologue. In the 16th century, the oldest Slavic extensive life, corrected according to Greek texts, as well as a short life, were included under March 17 in the Great Menaion of Chetya. A new translation of the life from Greek, made in the year by Arseny the Greek, was published in Anthologione() And Prologue(beginning with ). IN Lives of Saints St. Demetrius of Rostov, the story about Alexy the man of God, based on the Great Four Menaions, is supplemented by translations by Arseny the Greek, Peter Skarga, and texts from ActaSS and L. Suriya are also used. It is this life, compiled by the saint based on the extensive hagiographic material that had developed by the 17th century, that underlies what is contained in the Four Menaions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

There are also South-West Russian translations and adaptations of the Life of Alexius the Man of God, which go back to the Latin originals. In the 17th–18th centuries, translations of the life of Alexy the Man of God into Ukrainian appeared, based on Skarga’s edition.

Veneration and relics

If in the East the veneration of the Monk Alexy began to spread already from the century, then in the West the veneration of Alexy the man of God is not attested in ancient hagiographical and liturgical monuments, but undoubtedly already existed by the century. Its wide spread is associated with the arrival in Rome of Metropolitan Sergius of Damascus, who was expelled from his see, in the year. Having received from the pope the temple of St. Boniface on the Aventine Hill (where, according to one version of his life, Alexy the man of God was married on the eve of his flight from home), Metropolitan Sergius founded a monastery there for Greek and Latin monks, which has been mentioned in sources since the year under the name of Saints Boniface and Alexia the man of God. In the year, the discovery of the relics of Alexy the man of God was announced here and they were solemnly transferred to the upper church, which led to a dispute with the canons of St. Peter's Cathedral, where, according to one version of his life, the saint was buried.

In medieval Rome, pilgrims were shown the “Chambers of Euthymian,” as reported in the “Note on Rome” by an unknown member of the Russian delegation at the Ferrara-Florence Council (the building has not survived).

However, despite the widespread veneration of Alexy the man of God in Rus', not many churches are known that were consecrated in his honor. In Moscow, about a year ago, a convent was founded in the name of Alexy, the man of God, which was originally located on Ostozhenka, in the year it was transferred “to Chertolye” (where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is now located), in the year - to Krasnoye Selo (the building of the church in the name of Alexy the man God's Years was preserved, it housed the House of Children's Creativity, in 2000 the church was handed over to believers, restoration work began only two years later).

In the year, on the second tier of the bell tower of the Moscow Passionate Monastery, a church was consecrated in the name of Alexy the man of God. Currently, in several Moscow churches there are chapels in the name of Alexy the man of God. In Novgorod, the chapel of the Military Medical Center is known. Catherine and Alexy the Man of God at the Church of the Assumption on Torg () and the Alekseevsky Church behind the ramparts of the Okolny Town near the Lyudin (Goncharny) end in Tonaya Sloboda, mentioned in chronicles from the year; in

The Monk Alexy was born in Rome into a family of pious and poverty-loving Euthymian and Aglaida. The couple were childless for a long time and tirelessly prayed to the Lord for the gift of offspring. And the Lord consoled the couple with the birth of their son Alexy. At the age of six, the boy began to study and successfully studied secular sciences, but especially diligently read the Holy Scriptures. As a young man, he began to imitate his parents: he fasted strictly, gave alms, and secretly wore a hair shirt under rich clothes. The desire to leave the world and serve the One God ripened early in him. However, Alexy's parents were going to marry him and, when he reached adulthood, they found him a bride.

After the engagement, being left alone in the evening with his bride, Alexy took the ring off his finger, gave it to her and said: “Keep this, and may the Lord be with us, arranging a new life for us with His grace.” And he himself secretly left home and boarded a ship sailing to Mesopotamia.

Once in the city of Edessa, where the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands was kept, Alexy sold everything he had, distributed the money to the poor and began to live at the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos on the porch and feed on alms. The monk ate only bread and water, and distributed the alms he received to the weak and elderly. Every Sunday he received Holy Communion.

Relatives searched everywhere for the missing Alexy, but to no avail. The servants sent by Euthymian to search also visited Edessa, but did not recognize their master in the beggar sitting on the porch. From strict fasting, his body dried up, his beauty disappeared, and his eyesight became weak. The blessed one recognized them and thanked the Lord for receiving alms from his servants.

The inconsolable mother of Saint Alexius shut herself up in her room, incessantly praying for her son. His wife grieved along with her mother-in-law.

The monk lived in Edessa for seventeen years. One day, the sexton of the church where the monk labored had a revelation about him: the Mother of God commanded through her holy icon: “Bring into My church a man of God, worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven; his prayer ascends to God like a fragrant censer, and the Holy Spirit rests in him.” The sexton began to look for such a person, but for a long time he could not find him. Then he turned in prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, asking Her to resolve his perplexity. And again there was a voice from the icon, announcing that the man of God was that beggar who was sitting on the church porch. The sexton found Saint Alexis and brought him into the church. Many learned about the righteous man and began to revere him. The saint, avoiding fame, secretly boarded a ship bound for Cilicia. But God’s providence judged otherwise: a storm carried the ship far to the west and washed up on the coast of Italy. The blessed one headed to Rome. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his father for permission to settle in some corner of his yard. Euthymian placed Alexy in a specially constructed room at the entrance to the house and ordered him to be fed from his table.

Living in his parents' house, the blessed one continued to fast and spend days and nights in prayer. He humbly endured insults and ridicule from his own father’s servants. Alexy's room was opposite the windows of his bride, and the ascetic suffered greatly hearing her cry. Only immeasurable love for God helped the blessed one to endure this torment. Saint Alexy lived in the house of his parents for seventeen years and was notified by the Lord of the day of his death. Then the saint, taking the charter, described his life, asking forgiveness from his parents and bride.

On the day of the death of Saint Alexius, Pope Innocent (402 - 417) served the liturgy in the cathedral church in the presence of Emperor Honorius (395 - 423). During the service, a wonderful Voice was heard from the altar: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”(Matt. 11:28). Everyone present fell to the ground in fear. The voice continued: “Find the man of God departing to eternal life, let him pray for the city.” They began to search all over Rome, but did not find the righteous man. From Thursday to Friday, the Pope, performing an all-night vigil, asked the Lord to indicate a saint of God. After the liturgy, a voice was heard again in the church: “Look for the man of God in the house of Euthymitan.” Everyone hurried there, but the saint had already died. His face shone like the face of an Angel, and in his hand was clutched a charter, which he did not let go of, no matter how hard they tried to take it. The body of the blessed one was placed on a bed covered with expensive bedspreads. The pope and the emperor knelt down and turned to the monk as if he were alive, asking him to unclench his hand. And the saint fulfilled their prayer. When the letter was read, the father, mother and bride of the righteous man with tears bowed to his honest remains.

The body of the saint, from which healings began to take place, was placed in the middle of the square. All of Rome gathered here. The Emperor and the Pope themselves carried the saint's body into the church, where it remained for a whole week, and then was placed in a marble tomb. Fragrant myrrh began to flow from the holy relics, providing healing to the sick.

The honorable remains of Saint Alexis, the man of God, were buried in the church of Saint Boniface. In 1216 the relics were doomed.

The life of Saint Alexis, the man of God, has always been one of the favorites in Rus'.

“The Clergyman’s Handbook”, vol. 3

Troparion of St. Alexis, Man of God

Having risen to virtue, and having purified your mind, you have achieved what you desired and the extreme: having adorned your life with dispassion, and accepted a fair amount of fasting with a clear conscience, remaining in your prayers as if you were disembodied, you have shone like the sun in the world, blessed Alexis.

Kontakion of St. Alexis, Man of God

Having had the house of your parents as a stranger, you settled in it like a beggar, and upon your repose, you received a crown of glory, you were wondrous on earth, Alexey the man of God, an angel and a joy to man.

Remember the Hereafter

You, no doubt, listeners, know how the Monk Alexy, the man of God, lived and was saved. The son of rich and noble parents, in his blooming youth having abandoned all worldly joys and pleasures of the most innocent and sinless, he voluntarily became a beggar, drank, ate, dressed like a beggar, lived and treated beggars, and so lived for more than 30 years, enduring all kinds of insults and insults, insults and ridicule, and finding only consolation in reading the Holy Gospel.

Rare people are given from God the grace of a life like his: and people like him, one might say, have been around for centuries, as we teach. What can we learn from Alexy, the man of God?

Those of us who have the blessings of this world, who have joys, who have pleasures, should not love them with all our hearts and become attached to them with all our souls, that is, we should not just engage in them, rejoice, and be comforted.

It is dangerous to love the blessings of the world so much, to become so attached to them: then you can easily forget God and the future life.

Why, after all, the Monk Alexy, the man of God, abandoned, abandoned, and despised the blessings of this world? Precisely because not to become attached to them and, having become attached, so as not to forget about God and the future life. With the blessings of this world, it is easy to forget God and the future life: then living without the thought of God is not boring, then life here is good, so that rich people do not want to wish for better things. Yes, some of us would like to live forever in this life: they have so many joys and pleasures of all kinds!

And those of us who do not have any special joys and pleasures in life, who through hard work obtain the most necessary things for life: those should not grieve, lament, or become despondent because of it. We have an all-good, all-wise, all-powerful God; there is a future life awaiting us, an eternal, blessed life: this is what they must remember. What in life consoled, what made Alexy, the man of God, happy, despite the fact that he had no earthly joys, lived with the poor, walked in rags, ate the merest food? The thought of God, of the future life, Yes, God is joy, God is that which pleases, God is joy itself. And that is why, when thinking about God, when rejoicing about Him, all other joys are forgotten, and there is no need for them, any others, human, or even angelic; and not only then are joys forgotten, but everything, even all kinds of suffering, are forgotten, are not felt and do not interfere with rejoicing in God. Those who rejoice in God with the apostle say: who will separate us from the love of God, that is, from joy in God? Is it tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or trouble, or sword? Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God, which is Christ Jesus our Lord.

The life of Saint Alexy, the man of God, teaches us to truly love reading the Holy Gospel and find consolation in it.

We are amazed at the venerable ascetics of the New Testament: how they refused all worldly joys, consolations, spent days and nights in fasting and prayer, did not give their flesh any rest, killed it, crucified it with passions and lusts; the teaching of the Gospel delighted, consoled, and calmed them; it replaced for them all the joys, consolations, and peace of the world.

So, listeners, what book should you read as often as possible: The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reading any good, well-intentioned and pious book calms us down: when reading such a book, it is as if you are listening, talking with a kind, intelligent, reasonable person. But no reading calms us as much as reading the Gospel. When reading or listening to this book, you are really listening to Jesus Christ Himself, because His Spirit is truly in it.

On the book of the Gospel you can write this: come to this book, take it, read it with attention; and you will calm down because its teaching is the teaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who, when He taught, only wanted that everyone should calm down through His teaching.

So don’t mourn, don’t be distressed, if you don’t have earthly joys, if you often don’t have much in life, if sometimes you don’t have enough of the most necessary things, don’t mourn... but you won’t mourn or bemoan anything, on the contrary, you will be cheerful, is at peace: just remember that there is God, there is a future eternally blissful life - remember this and your soul will rejoice, and you will not need any joys, for joy itself will be with you - God. Amen.

From the teachings of Archpriest R. Putyatin

30 / 03 / 2004


On March 17 (30), the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of St. Alexy, the man of God. Saint Alexy is especially revered in Rus'; his life came to us from Byzantium

Troparion, tone 4

Having risen to virtue, and having purified your mind, you have achieved what you desired and the extreme: having adorned your life with dispassion, and accepted a fair amount of fasting with a clear conscience, remaining in your prayers as if you were disembodied, you have shone like the sun in the world, blessed Alexis.

Kontakion, tone 2

Having had the house of your parents as a stranger, you settled in it like a beggar: and after your repose, a crown of glory, a wondrous thing, appeared on earth to Alexis, the man of God, an angel and a joy to man.

In the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, a separate extreme right border is dedicated to the saint (in 1824, the dilapidated Alekseevskaya Church, built in 1642, was dismantled, and the altar was moved to us). In the church there is an ancient icon depicting the saint (late 19th – early 20th centuries): an image in rags and with bare feet, where the saint raises his hands in prayer and sees the Lord himself in heaven. It is known that the Tikhvin Church was founded by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, whose heavenly patron is the celebrated Alexy, the man of God.

During the reign of Alexei the Quiet (1645–1676), the Monk Alexy was often depicted on icons together with the Venerable Mary of Egypt (the Tsar’s first wife, Maria Miloslavskaya, was named in her honor) or with the martyr Natalya (the heavenly patroness of the Tsar’s second wife, Natalya Naryshkina). It is believed that Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, through the prayers of the monk, received an heir, Alexei Mikhailovich. And during the reign of the latter it was written and published in 1671–1674. service to Saint Alexy

The feat of life that the Monk Alexei took upon himself was extremely complex and, at first superficial glance, ambiguous. Having voluntarily renounced his wife, parents and inheritance, the saint devoted his entire life to wandering and begging. He, who was the only heir to wealthy parents (his father Euthymian was a noble Roman nobleman), possessing earthly treasures and status, decided to imitate the earthly life of the Savior: he did not have his own shelter, ate extremely rarely and meagerly, endured reproaches and beatings from people, suffered great external and internal sorrows. This is how Saint Demetrius of Rostov describes the life of the saint: “The servants tormented him every evening, mocking him: some kicked him, others slapped him in the face, and others, while washing the dishes, poured slop on him. And the man of God, seeing that this was happening to him at the devil’s instigation, accepted everything patiently, with joy and steadfastness.”

The saint's feat was so great in the eyes of God that the Lord revealed to him the exact time of his departure to another world. Saint Alexy was a steadfast and decisive man.

His unfeigned love for God “forced” him to undergo voluntary humiliation and deprivation. This is the love that compels a person to suffer for Christ’s sake, even to the point of martyrdom. Leaving behind the corruptible earthly things, Alexy acquired the incorruptible heavenly things: Christ and eternal life with Him. What did wealth, love for parents and wife mean to him in comparison with love for God? Nothing: dust and ashes. His heart belonged to God, and he gave his life to serve Him.

Let us think about the words of the saint’s heartfelt prayer when he left his father’s house and entrusted his life to the Creator: “God, who created heaven and earth, who rescued me from my mother’s womb, save me now from this vain life and grant me to stand at your right hand, for you are a merciful God and a Savior. We give you glory. Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit." But, we say, by his act of leaving home, he brought grief to his parents and wife, whom he left immediately after the marriage. How is it possible for a believer to do this? Isn't this selfishness towards loved ones? In this case, of course not.

The Monk Alexy did not leave home for the sake of a more comfortable and easy life. He went to his voluntary death not so much for his own sake as for the sake of his loved ones. His feat, prayer, patience with great sorrows and trials - all this benefited not only his parents and wife, but also all Christians who pray to the monk for help in troubles and misfortunes. The saint suffered a hundred times more than the loved ones he left behind. With these sufferings, he not only saved his soul, but also helped his relatives enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us emphasize that such a feat is possible only for those who have sincerely given their hearts to Christ. For us sinners this is impossible.

Let us remember the life of the All-Russian shepherd John of Kronstadt: what did he say to his wife on the first day after the wedding? “Lisa, there are many happy families, but you and I, let’s live for God.” And the holy righteous John of Kronstadt carried the feat of virginity throughout his entire difficult life. And just like the wife of the Monk Alexy, Father John’s mother Elizaveta Nesvitskaya took this husband’s decision extremely hard. There was grumbling, despondency, and decisive protest. But the power of faith Fr. John, love for God and the desire for salvation allowed him, like the Monk Alexy, not only to take on the feat upon himself, but also to some extent to involve his neighbors in this feat for the sake of their own eternal salvation.

Only saints are capable of this. Voluntary martyrdom of Christ for the sake of choosing a calm and measured life if possible. How many martyrs, righteous people, saints the Holy Church has shown us: those who abandoned their relatives, property, careers for the sake of love for God and neighbor. They went on wanderings, fled to monasteries, and took upon themselves the feat of foolishness. But, let us emphasize once again, at the head of such decisions was not selfishness and the desire to serve one’s “I”, but Christ and one’s neighbor. It is not without reason that only selected saints, ready to give their bodies to be torn to pieces for Christ’s sake, did this. And it is no coincidence that the Holy Church recommends that we, ordinary Christians, take the middle path, so that, under the guise of serving Christ, we do not actually serve our pride. It is important to understand that Alexy’s determination to achieve feat was formed not by a momentary impulse of the heart, but by a deep, sincere attitude towards Christ and His Church. And let us remember that the birth of the saint itself was not ordinary. His parents were incorporeal for a long time and fervently asked God for an heir. And the Lord not only heard their prayer. He gave them an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

How difficult and dangerous is the feat of the Monk Alexy! But how majestic and beautiful he is! And what is the result: after the death of the saint, all the sick, possessed, and mourning, who approached his tomb with faith and love, received help. And how many people received healings were and will be after his righteous death? Hundreds, thousands, millions... This is a clear indicator of the correctness of the path chosen by the monk. It is no coincidence that in the Russian tradition there is a deeply meaningful expression: “the end is the crown of the matter”: “no matter how many sick people came to him, everyone was healed: the dumb began to speak, the blind received their sight, the possessed were cured.”

And let us not be embarrassed by the sorrows that the saint’s parents and wife endured after his departure from the family: we know that through the prayers of the saint they are already rejoicing in the Kingdom of Heaven. And we, in turn, should imitate the monk, at least in small ways. Some give up their career in favor of their family, some give up their selfishness in favor of their neighbors, and some give up their free time in favor of helping a sick person, a prisoner, or simply for the sake of cleaning the church after the evening service. Christ calls us to serve Him each in our own place to the best of our strength and capabilities, so that at the Last Judgment we may find ourselves at His right hand. St. Alexy is for us a vivid witness of the love of creation for its Creator. And we must, according to the words of the Apostle Paul: “Remember your teachers, who preached the word of God to you, and, looking at the end of their lives, imitate their faith” (Heb. 13:7) - although in small ways, be faithful to Christ. The Lord does not require from us a feat of complete self-denial similar to the Monk Alexis, but calls us, even in small ways, to become like him.

Let us briefly tell you about the life of the saint we mention ()

“In the city of Rome there lived one noble man named Euthymian, who was held in high esteem by the Roman emperors Honorius and Arcadius. He was very rich, had three hundred household slaves in silk robes with gold belts, but had no heir, for his wife was barren. As a man of good faith, he followed the commandments of God, fasted every day until the ninth hour, organized three meals in his house: one for orphans and widows, another for the poor and sick, and a third for wanderers and pilgrims. At the ninth hour he ate his bread with the monks and the poor. And when he went to the chambers, he sent alms ahead of him, saying that he was not worthy to walk on God’s earth. And his wife named Aglasia, faithful and God-fearing, also kept the commandments, praying to God and saying: “Remember me, Lord, your unworthy servant, and give fruit to my womb, so that it will be my guide in old age and the consolation of my soul!” And God rewarded her for her virtue: she conceived and gave birth to a son. And the wife and husband thanked God. When the time came for the boy to study, they first sent him to learn to read and write, and he learned all the grammar, church rules and a little rhetoric, and the boy was very smart.

And when the time came to marry him, Euthymian said to his wife: “Let us marry our son.” And the wife rejoiced at the words of her husband, fell at his feet, saying: “May God confirm the words spoken by you, let us consummate the marriage of our beloved son - and may my soul rejoice!” And they betrothed him to the bride of the royal family, consummated his marriage, married him, and the righteous priests married them in the church of St. Boniface. and, having taken him to the marriage bedroom, everyone had fun all that day until night. And he, entering the bedroom, sat down on the golden wedding throne, and took off the golden ring, and, wrapping it in Persian silk, gave it to his betrothed, saying: “Take it and keep it, and may God be between you and me until the Lord please." And he told her another secret. Leaving the bedroom, he went to the treasury and, taking part of his wealth, left Rome secretly at night. Descending from the Capitol, he saw a ship standing on the river, and, boarding it, sailed to the city of Laodicea, called Magnarea. Having left the ship, he prayed to God like this: “God, who created heaven and earth, who rescued me from my mother’s womb, save me now from this vain life and grant me the right to stand next to you, for you are a merciful God and Savior. We give you glory. Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit."

Having prayed, he immediately met the donkey drivers and went with them until they reached Edessa in Syria, where lies the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he himself once gave to Abgar. Entering the city, he sold everything he had and distributed it to the poor, put on poor clothes and, like a beggar, sat on the porch of the church of our Lady the Most Holy Theotokos, fasting from resurrection to resurrection, partaking of the holy mysteries, eating only two pieces of bread and drinking two a sip of water, staying awake all night. And if he was given alms, he gave everything to the poor. They looked for him in the city of Rome, but did not find him. And the father sent servants to look for him, but they did not find him either.

When the servants came to Mesopotamia, to the city of Edessa, they, not recognizing him, gave him alms. When he saw them, he recognized them and thanked God, saying: “I thank you, Lord, that you have made me worthy to accept alms from my household for your name’s sake.” And his servants returned to Rome, telling their master that they had not found him. The mother, from that wedding hour, when they were looking for him and did not find him, entered her bedroom, opened the window near her head and, laying burlap, sprinkled it with ashes and began to pray to God, saying: “I will not leave here until I find out about my only son.” , Where are you gone". And the father, since his son was born, had not touched his wife, said to her: “Let us pray to God to spare the child whom he gave us.”

The young man spent seventeen years on the porch of the Church of the Holy Mother of God and pleased his Lord: the Holy Mother of God appeared in a dream to a sexton with the words: “Bring into my church the man of God: he is worthy of the kingdom of heaven, for his prayer is like fragrant myrrh, and like a crown on a crown. head, the Holy Spirit rests on him. And just as the sun shines for the whole world, so his life will shine before the angels of God.” The sexton, having looked for that man and not finding him, turned with a prayer to the Mother of God to show him that man. And the Mother of God said to him again, a second time: “The poor man sitting at the church door is the man of God.” And again he went out to the porch, found him and, taking him by the hand, led him into the church and from then on served him regularly. And the glory of the man of God spread throughout the whole city. And when he realized that everyone recognized him, he fled from this city, and, coming to Laodicea, boarded a ship and wanted to leave for Cilicia. in Tara, because they did not know him there. But, by the will of God, the ship was caught by a strong wind and came to Rome. Coming off the ship, he said: “Blessed be the Lord my God! I will not be a burden to anyone: I will enter my father’s house as if I were unknown there.”

Approaching, he met his father coming from home at lunchtime, and bowed to him, saying: “Servant of God, have mercy on me, a poor wanderer, and let me into your yard, so that I, too, with your servants, may be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table.” “yours. May God bless the years of your life and give you the Kingdom of Heaven, and the stranger whom you accept will bless and comfort you with his faith.” When his father heard about the strangers whom he welcomed very much in his house, he said to his servants: “Which of you wants to serve him? If he pleases, God knows, he will be free and will receive part of my property. And at the entrance to my house, build him a hut, so that when I enter and leave, I can see him. Let’s give him food from my table.” But he was always harsh with him. And his mother, lamenting and grieving, did not leave her bedroom, and her daughter-in-law, who remained with her, said: “I will not leave here until my death, but I will become like a turtledove, a desert dweller and a wife of one husband. And I will endure and wait until I find out about my fiancé, what’s wrong with him.”

The servants tormented him every evening, mocking him: some kicked him, others slapped him, and others, while washing the dishes, poured slop on him. And the man of God, seeing that this was happening to him at the devil’s instigation, accepted everything patiently, with joy and steadfastness. When seventeen years of his stay in his father’s house had passed unrecognized, then the Lord deigned to take from him a confession about himself; The man of God said to the boy who served him: “Brother, bring me parchment and ink.” And he brought it to him. He took it and wrote about the secret that he had with his father and mother, and about what he spoke to the married woman in his bridal chamber, when he gave her a ring and silk. And he described his whole life so that they would recognize him as their son.

One Sunday at the end of the holy liturgy, when Archbishop Marcian was still in church, the faithful Caesars and all the people heard an unknown voice from the altar, saying: “Come, all you who are burdened and burdened with sins, and I will give you rest!” Everyone was surprised and horrified and fell on their faces, crying out: “Lord, have mercy!” And then again, for the second time, we heard a voice: “Look for the man of God, and let him pray for the world. At dawn on Friday he will leave his body.” And on Thursday evening everyone gathered in the Church of St. Apostle Peter, praying to God to show them the man of God. And a voice was heard saying: “His body is in the house of Euthymian.” And both emperors turned to Euthymian, saying: “Having such grace in your house, why didn’t you tell us?”

And Euthymian answered: “My Lord God sees it! Did not know". And he called the elder of his servants and said: “Do you know such a thing among my servants?” And he answered: “The Lord my God sees, I don’t know: they are all insignificant people.” Then the Caesars ordered to go to Euthymian’s house to look for the man of God there. For their meeting, Euthymian ordered his slaves to set up tables with candles and incense and seats. And the Caesars, the Archbishop and all the eminent Caesars' men came, and the house became noisy. The mother, whose window was covered with a curtain so that no one could see her, said: “What is this conversation and noise, and why did everyone come?” And my daughter-in-law saw everyone from the room. And the servant of the man of God said to his master: “Sir, is not the man of God the beggar whom you entrusted to me, for I noticed great and wondrous miracles in him. From resurrection to resurrection he partook of the holy mysteries and, except for two pieces of bread and two sips of water, did not drink or eat all Sundays, and did not sleep at night. And some of my servants tormented him: some kicked him, and others mocked him, while others poured slop on him, but he accepted everything with joy.”

Euthymian, hearing this, rushed to the man of God and, entering, spoke to him, but he was already speechless, and opening his face, he saw that it was shining like an angel’s, and he was holding parchment in his hand. Euthymian wanted to take the parchment to see what was written on it, but he did not let go of it. And Euthymian returned to tell the emperors that he had found the one they were looking for, and told them how he came to him seventeen years ago, and then - everything in order about his life, and also about what he was holding in his hand parchment, but did not give it to him.

Then the Caesars ordered to build a bed and place the saint on it. And the Caesars, the Archbishop and all the Caesars’ men rose and stood at the bedside with the words: “Servant of God, you know that we, sinners, are the Caesars, but here is the Ecumenical Father. Give us the message so that we can see what is written in it and know who you are.” Then he gave them his letter, and they took it and handed it to the church clerk. And when the Caesars, the Archbishop and Euthymian sat down, the archivist began to read the letter. As soon as the father heard the letter being read, he immediately jumped up from his seat, tore his clothes, began to tear out his gray hair, rushed to his body and threw himself on his chest. He kissed him lovingly, saying: “Woe is me, my child! Why did he do this to me, why did he cause me such grief? For how many years I hoped in vain to hear either your voice or your speech, but you did not reveal yourself to me. Woe to me, guide of my old age! Where can I escape from my heartfelt sorrow? From now on I am destined only to mourn my wounded soul.”

When his mother heard that he was her son, she tore the curtain on the window and her clothes, tore her hair, looking sadly at her son and asking the people in the chambers, with a prayer she said to them: “Woe is me, honorable people, give I have a place to look sadly at my beloved child. Woe to me, my brothers, that I may recognize my only son, the lamb of my soul, the chick of my nest, suckled at my breast, the support of my life.” And kissing him lovingly, she sobbed with the words: “Woe is me, child of my womb! Why did he do this to me? You spent so many years in vain in your father’s house and did not reveal yourself to me.” His daughter-in-law, who ran in in poor clothes, mourned him, wailing: “Woe to me, the turtledove who loved her solitude! For how many years I was deprived of the opportunity to hear your voice or news about you. Where did you go and why didn’t you open up to me, who from that day on became a widow. And I have no one to look up to, and from now on I will cry with a wounded heart.”

People marveled at their crying and prayed with tears. Then the Caesars and the Archbishop ordered the bed to be carried and placed in the middle of the city. The townspeople, having heard about this, all gathered over him. No matter how many sick people came to him, everyone was healed: the dumb began to speak, the blind received their sight, the possessed were cured.

And the emperors and the archbishop, who saw these miracles, themselves took the stretcher with the body and carried it in order to be sanctified by touching the body of the man of God. His father held his hand, staggering and groaning and beating his chest. And his mother also sobbed, covering him with her hair. And the daughter-in-law, also grieving and sobbing, walked behind the bed crying. People crowded around the bed and, delaying him, could not move further. Then the Caesars ordered that gold and silver be thrown to the people, so that when they rushed to money, they could carry the body of the man of God. But no one coveted this, because the body of the saint was dearer to them. There were many difficulties later before they brought the body to the church of St. Boniface. The noble Caesars ordered to create a golden shrine and decorate it with precious stones and beads, and having done so, they placed the body of the man of God Alexy in it on the month of July on the 17th day.

And they performed the commemoration for seven days, and the father, mother and daughter-in-law stayed there. By God's grace, fragrant myrrh poured out of his shrine. And when this miracle happened, all the sick gathered and, taking it, anointed themselves with it and were healed, glorifying and praising the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the only true God, to whom be glory now, and ever, and unto the ages. Amen". Concluding the brief story about St. Alexis, we note that the relics of the saint are located under the main altar of the Basilica of Saints Boniface (Boniface) and Alexis on the Aventine Hill in Rome, and the head is kept in the Greek monastery of Agia Lavra in Kalavryta.

The life of the saint served as the basis for the creation of some famous works of art. Rimsky-Korsakov's cantata is dedicated to Reverend Alexy. In France, Thibault's poem "The Life of Saint Alexius" marked the beginning of French literature in the simple vernacular in the 11th century. The spiritual drama “Saint Alexis”, staged in 1632 in Rome, deserved great fame and glory. The complete history of the saint's life is presented in picturesque form in an interesting collection in the upper Basilica of St. Clement in Rome (2nd half of the 11th century). The image of Alexy the man of God and individual episodes of his life were a frequent subject of depiction in painting and sculpture in Italy. A fresco from the late 15th century has been preserved in the ancient Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. with the image of the monk.

In Tsarist Russia, the Moscow Alekseevsky nunnery was widely known, erected in 1358 by St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow on Ostozhye (now the territory of the Moscow Conception Monastery). This was the first convent in the Mother See. In 1924, the holy monastery was closed and desecrated. On July 16, 2013, at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, a decision was made to revive the Alekseevsky convent in Moscow in Krasnoye Selo at a new address: 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, building 3. And although during its existence the monastery changed its location three times (the first - Ostozhenka, the second - the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the third - since 1837 Krasnoye Selo) location and name, but invariably bore the name Alekseevsky - in honor of the Monk Alexy, the man of God, the patron saint of the founder of the monastery.

“Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexie, with your soul standing in Heaven before the Throne of the Lord, on the earth given by various graces from above, performing miracles! Look mercifully at the people standing before your holy icon, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hand in prayer to the Lord God, and ask us from Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for those who suffer, intercession for those suffering, consolation for the grieving, ambulance for those in need, and for all who honor your peaceful and Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. Judgment of Christ. To her, servant of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our patron helpers for salvation, so that through your prayers having received grace and mercy from the Lord, we glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Life of St. Alexy, Man of God

The Most Reverend Alexy, the man of God, was born in Rome from noble and good families . His father Ev-fi-mi-an was se-na-to-rum. He was kind-hearted, he was kind-hearted towards the sick and suffering, he arranged for himself every day there are three hundred houses: for orphans and widows, for wayfarers and for beggars. Ev-fi-mi-a-na and his wife Agla-i-dy did not have children for a long time, and this marred their happiness. But the good Agla did not give up hope - and God heard her and sent them a son. The father named the baby Alexy (translated from the Greek “defender”). Saint Alexy grew up as a healthy child, did well and studied diligently. When he reached perfection, Ev-fi-mi-an and Agla-i-da decided to marry him. They chose for their son de-vush-ka of royal blood, very beautiful and god-like. Left alone with his young wife after the wedding, Saint Alexy gave her his gold ring and a clear buckle with the words: “Keep this, and may the Lord be between you and me, until He infuses us with His goodness.” -yes-tew.” Then he left the marriage chamber and left his father’s house that same night. Having boarded a ship, sailing to the East, the young man arrived in La-o-dikia of Syria. Here he stuck with the donkey drivers and went with them to the city of Edessa, where Nehru’s creation was kept The lord, sealed on the cloak. Having given the rest of his property, the young man dressed himself in rags and began to ask for mercy in the temple of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy. Every Sunday he communed the Holy Mysteries of Christ. At night, Alexy stayed awake and prayed. He ate only bread and water.

Meanwhile, the birth of Saint Alexy, saddened by his disappearance, was whether their servants are on-is-ki. Were they in Edessa, did they enter the temple of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, and did they see the sweetness of the saint? to Alexy, without recognizing him.

After some time, the servants returned to Rome, without finding Saint Alexius. And none of the relatives had a revelation about him. Then they humbled themselves and, although they continued to grieve and yearn for him, they relied on the will of God.

The venerable Alexy spent time in Edessa, asking for the sweetness of the temple of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy, sem-na -twenty years. The Most Pure One, appearing in a dream to the church, revealed that the beggar Alexy was a man of God. When the people of Edessa began to honor him, the venerable Alexy secretly fled. He thought of going to the city of Tarsus (in Asia Minor, the birthplace of the Holy Apostle Paul), but the ship on which Then the venerable Alexy swam, in a strong storm he lost his course, wandered for a long time and finally landed on a beach. the din of Italy, not far from Rome. Saint Alexy, seeing God's providence in this, went to his father's house, for he was sure that he would not be recognized. Having met his father Ev-fi-mi-a-na, he asked him for help and mentioned his blood-relations, formerly va-yu-shchih in wanderings. He was glad to accept the beggar, gave him a place in the outskirts of his house, ordered him to bring him food from the owner's place. la and appointed a servant to help him. The rest of the servants, out of envy, began to insult the beggar, but the great Alexy saw through the devil in this -skoe-u-sche-nie and pri-n-mal from-de-va-tel-stva with peace and joy. He still drank bread and water, and at night he stayed awake and prayed. So another seven-ten years passed. When the hour of his death approached, the Reverend Alexy wrote his whole life, and that secret that was from I know from my father and my mother, and the words spoken to my wife in marriage peace.

On Sunday after the Divine Li-tur-gia, in the co-religion of the Holy Apostle Peter, something happened -before. A voice from above came from the holy throne: “Seek the man of God, so that he may pray for Rome and all -ro-de him.” The whole people fell on their faces in horror and delight. On Thursday evening in the apostle of Peter, may the Lord reveal to them the man of God - and with A voice came from the pre-sto-la: “In the house of Ev-fi-mi-a-na there is a man of God, look there.” In the temple there is the Roman im-per-ra-tor Go-no-riy (395-423), as well as the Roman pa-pa In-no-ken- tium I (402-417). They turned to Ev-fi-mi-a-nu, but he didn’t know anything. Then the servant, assigned to Saint Alexy, told Ev-fi-mi-a-nu about his righteousness. Ev-fi-mi-an hurried to the great Alexy, but no longer found him alive. The face of the blessed woman shone with an unearthly light. In his hand, the venerable Alexy held a tightly clenched sweatshirt. The body of Saint Alexy was carried with great care and lived on the bed. Im-pe-ra-tor and pa-pa Roman pre-klo-li-ko-le-na, ask the holy one to open his hand. And Saint Alexy fulfilled their request.

The book with the life of the saint was read by the reader of the temple in the name of the holy apostle Peter. The father, mother and wife of the saint Alexy, weeping, fell to the body of the saint and bowed to his honorable remains. At the sight of such an event, many cried. The box with the body of Saint Alexy was placed in the middle of the central square. People began to flock to him in order to be cleansed and relieved of their ailments. The dumb can-not speak, the blind can-see, the obsessive and mentally ill you-are-healthy. whether. Seeing such a blessing, im-pe-ra-tor Go-no-riy and pa-pa In-no-ken-tiy I themselves carried the holy body -th in the ballroom process. The honorable remains of St. Alexy, the man of God, are buried in the temple in the name of St. Vo-ni-fa- tia March 17, 411. In 1216, the saint's powers were discovered. His life was one of the most beloved in Russia.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to St. Alexis, man of God, tone 4

Having risen to virtue and having purified your mind,/ you have achieved what you desire and the extreme,/ having embellished your life with dispassion,/ and received a fair amount of mercy with a clear conscience,/ in prayers, as if you were incorporeal, you remained I,/ you have shone like the sun in the world,// Blessed Alexei.

Translation: Having risen in virtue and purified your mind, you reached the Desired and Highest (Christ), decorating your life with dispassion and with a clear conscience taking upon yourself the feat of a special fast, remaining in prayer as an incorporeal angel, you shone like the sun in the world, blessed Alexy.

Troparion to St. Alexis, man of God, tone 4

As the lamp of purity has shown itself,/ wondrous Alexie,/ for the corruptible palace/ has been changed for the imperishable Kingdom of God,/ as the worker of chastity has been surpassed./ For this reason, for the sake of the Lord, all To the Tsar. // Pray to Him to grant us peace and great mercy.

Translation: You appeared as a shining lamp of purity, amazing Alexey, since you exchanged the corruptible conjugal chambers for the incorruptible Kingdom of God, as a special chastity. Therefore you stand before the Lord, the King of all. Pray to Him to give us peace and great mercy.

Kontakion to St. Alexis, man of God, tone 2

The house of your parents, as if it were alien,/ you settled in it in a poor way/ and, upon the repose of the crown of glory,/ you appeared marvelously on earth, Alexie, man of God, // Angel and man joy.

Translation: Not considering your parents’ house to be your home, you settled in it under the guise of a beggar and after death received the crown of glory, you appeared amazing on earth, Alexy, man of God, joy to angels and people.

Prayer to St. Alexy, man of God

Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexis, your soul stands in Heaven before the Throne of the Lord, and on earth given to you by various graces from above, perform miracles! Look mercifully at the people standing before your holy icon, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hands to the Lord God and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for the sick, intercession for the afflicted, consolation for the afflicted, First aid for the needy, and a peaceful and Christian death for all who honor you and a good answer at the Last Judgment Christ. To her, Holiness of God, do not disgrace our trust, which we place on you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that through your prayers we have received grace and mercy from the Lord. We see the love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, glorified in the Trinity and the God we worship, and your holy intercession, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to St. Alexis, man of God

Song 1

Irmos: In the depths of the post, sometimes the Pharaoh's all-armed force was transformed into power, but the incarnate Word consumed all-evil sin, so that the glorified Lord became gloriously glorified.

Thou hast walked the narrowest path, an immaculate and reverend life, wisely, passing from youth, and thus my narrowness, broadened my mind, to praise thee, settled in the most heavenly latitude, Alexie.

Having laid it upon you very much to God, blessed, you were beyond the flesh and the world, and you preferred the present and abiding wealth of Heaven and the promised eternal city of Zion to the current wealth.

You are false, you resolved the infertility of mothers, you were born, like Samuel, rich, and fear was conceived in the womb of a pure heart, you gave birth to the spirit of salvation of the Divine virtues by faith.

Theotokos: God's Co-Original Son has brought You to us as a guilty person, the Virgin, the likeness, one, more than all creation, Pure, He has found You pure. With this we sing to Thee, give birth to all, and please.

Song 3

Irmos: The desert has blossomed like a desert, O Lord, a pagan barren one, the Church has flourished by Your coming, and my heart has been established in it.

We are pierced by the desire for purity, the palace that is on earth, the Heavenly One, who exchanged the sweetest angelic likeness for love, you and your wife.

You left the rumors of everyday life and the burden of wealth, and you were a prisoner of the fatherland, blessed Alexie, likened to Christ’s poverty.

Through tears, and illnesses, and abstinence, you sought all that is good when the light of reason comes, giving dispassion to your heart.

Theotokos: Mountain invisible by the Angel, Pure One, from You we give birth, a perfect Man is seen, renewing the perishing world.

Sedalen, voice 3.

You left the beauty of the world, reverend, and exchanged the impenetrable reality and abiding wealth for flowing wealth, Alexie. In the same way, with all the saints, we glorify you and triumph brightly in your memory, asking you to find through your prayers, blessed one, great mercy.

Glory, even now, to the Mother of God:

It is inconceivable and incomprehensible, O Lady, adored by God, that this terrible sacrament of God was performed for You, for You, having conceived the Unprecedented One, gave birth to the flesh of Your most pure blood. Always pray to Him, O Pure One, like Thy Son for the salvation of our souls.

Song 4

Irmos: You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, nor an Angel, but the Lord Himself, incarnate, and you saved all of me, a man. Thus I call to Thee: glory to Thy power, O Lord.

You endured poverty, you were a petitioner, you were poor, like Lazarus, for the Divine desire comforted, blessed is your heart, which desired the riches of Heaven.

Alexie, the only one poisoned in the week, desired a sorrowless and quiet life, with the desire of the not fleeting, all-blessed pleasure awaiting you.

Seek to make a temple to God in your heart, in your home you have loved the Mother of God, glorious, always gray and beholding the goodness of Heaven.

Theotokos: Having rewarded the Giver, the Virgin, the milk, my now hungry and oppressed heart to satisfy all reason and Divine tenderness, I pray to Thee.

Song 5

Irmos: Thou art an intercessor for God and man, O Christ God: through Thee, O Master, to Thy Father of Light, the Imams were brought from the night of ignorance.

Having soldered the sacred currents, you have always wept your soul, and you have made a class, truly historic, to observe the Doer of Immortal good.

You were seen on earth, imitating the life of the Bodiless, with your many abstinence, Father, and in diligence in prayer, through which, like light, you were enlightened.

With the fire of the prayers of sin, you burned a thing, wise, with vigils you quenched all voluptuousness, and having fallen asleep, you reposed in a non-evening radiance.

Theotokos: Who, in the Living Light, dwell in Thy holy womb, O Pure One, the world, which perished in the darkness of unreason, again edifying, Whom pray to enlighten all, singing Thee.

Song 6

Irmos: Lying in the abyss of sin, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy mercy: lift me up from aphids, O God.

Like the living temple of God, you, the former village of Christ, the Unartificed One, manifests the hiding and glorifies the hiding one who is careful.

Your prayers to God, like a blessed censer, were pleasant; hence, through your life, you have enriched the minds of the faithful with the grace of the Spirit.

We are adorned with sacred life, although Christ did not want it, more glorious, he gives to the fatherland, running away from the glory of time.

Theotokos: The laws of nature, Pure Lady, Creator, newly created creation, are ineffably born from You and adores me with immeasurable mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

The house of your parents, as if it were alien, you settled in it like a beggar, and after the repose of the crown of glory, you appeared on earth, Alexey, the man of God, an angel and a joy to man.


You adorned yourself with your life and words, and you exalted the Church of Christ with your life, making your father and mother, the king and people triumphant, and keeping your deeds in the image of God, Reverend Alexis, you shone in the world with your chastity. In the same way, the grace of your virtues shines all over those who celebrate with faith. Father, you have shown joy in your memory by Angel and man.

Song 7

Irmos: The ungodly command of the lawless tormentor rose high in flames. Christ spread spiritual dew to the Godly youth, He is blessed and glorified.

You have endured, venerable one, sitting before the gates of your parents, and being greatly unknown, and being raised up by the youth to be scolded, and reviled fiercely, and much insulted by poverty.

Having killed the wisdom of your flesh, in vain your parents, and these unknowable natures, you covered the need, reverend, and the contempt of your inexperienced youths who insult you.

Oh, miracle! How did you remain, always in poverty, in wealth, Alexy, of immeasurable humility? How did you endure scolding and reproaches from your wise youths, who did not know your life?

Theotokos: You were a great servant of the sacrament, the All-Immaculate One: You embodied God, who delivered us from great evils, You magnified, the Pure Blessed One, the One delighted with God.

Song 8

Irmos: Sometimes the fiery furnace in Babylon divided the action, scorching the Chaldeans by God's command, and watering the faithful, singing: Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Unknown to this parent before, at the time of your departure you reveal this secret, revealing it to the glory of our God, glorious, great and worthy of the glorified.

The Lord, with a great voice, reveals you to all of Rome, a hidden treasure, abundantly rich, lying in poverty, and all the gifts of healing that come to you through faith, enriching.

Princes of mankind, and kings, and priests, descended, blessed, to bury you by the wave of God and, seeing a great vision, marveled at the miracle, O Reverend One, who you did with the Divine power of the Spirit.

Theotokos: Having decayed from ancient times, renewing us through crime, the Lover of mankind was incorruptibly incarnated from Your incorruptible, All-immaculate, womb and delivered all sinful aphids, O Unknown of God.

Song 9

Irmos: The Beginningless Parent, the Son, God and Lord, incarnate from the Virgin, appeared to us, darkened to enlighten, squandered by his fellow-creatures, thus we magnify the All-Sung Mother of God.

You exuded healing, carrying it to the grave, I glorify you, blessed God, the great one: for you saw the light of those who did not see and received the verb before the existence of nemia, all-glorious Alexie.

You were seen, lying before you and carrying you to burial, like the sun, Father, issuing glorious healings of the dawn, driving away dark passions, scorching demons, and enlightening the God-Wise.

I came to bury you, the first Patriarchs, the king, the greatest Christ-loving prince, the elders and youths and the monastic persons, sanctified by your touch by the Divine wave, blessed.

You were delighted, you carried virtues on a chariot, and you rested where the venerables, the council of the apostles and martyrs, the patriarchs and all the righteous, remember us with them, who honor you, Alexie.

Theotokos: We offer a voice to you Gabriel, O All-Immaculate One, Rejoice, saying, unmade; Rejoice, permission of oaths; Rejoice, source of living water, praise to the saints, Ever-Virgin Mother of God.


Oh, a miracle: how in the gates of your parents, for many years, like a certain adamant, you endured, you did not bow to your nature in need, nor to your parents and wife, Alexia, with bitter sobs.

Akathist to St. Alexis, man of God


Kontakion 1

The chosen servant of Christ, the man of God named from above, Saint Alexis, we offer praiseful singing to you, who honor your deeds, patience and long-suffering with love, in whose image you pleased God and appeared equal to the angels on earth; But you, as if you have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles with your prayers, and let us call to you:

Ikos 1

You were an earthly angel and a heavenly man, blessed Alexie, from your youth you preserved the purity of your soul and body and you followed Christ with zealous love. Seeking Him, you left all the red of this world and achieved spiritual perfection. For this reason, hear from us this praise due to you:

Rejoice, birth of ancient Rome; Rejoice, permission for childless parents of infertility.

Rejoice, fervent prayers are God-given fruit; Rejoice, from infancy you were chosen from above to please God.

Rejoice, brought up in the passion of God for goodness; Rejoice, you who were faithfully taught the Law of the Lord.

Rejoice, thinking about heavenly things rather than earthly things; Rejoice, you who showed wonderful self-sacrifice.

Rejoice, having preserved the virgin purity of Christ immaculately; Rejoice, betrothed, blooming with beauty, forsaken for Jesus' sake.

Rejoice, wise wanderer, seeking the high Fatherland; Rejoice, God's chosen one, victorious over all the evils of the world, the flesh and the devil.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the impermanence of the beauties of this world, those involved in corruption, Alexie, the wise God, loved the incorruptible and eternal blessings promised by Christ in the Gospel to His faithful servant; For this reason, you left your parents’ house and all their wealth, but you chose free poverty, so that you may please Christ and be able to sing to Him without restraint: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You understood well, blessed Alexis, as if living in the world, in marriage and wealth, you have found salvation inconveniently; Having arrived at the wedding celebration, you suddenly turned away from marriage, preferring to please God in virgin purity. We marvel at this and call you in praise:

Rejoice, lover of Christ, uncaught by the deepest love for this world; Rejoice, follower of Jesus, having avoided pleasing the flesh.

Rejoice, you astonished the angels with the height of your feat; Rejoice, you have put to shame the demons by the strength of your will.

Rejoice, thou who has left the city of thy fatherland, that thou mayest find the inheritance of the Highest City; Rejoice, you have flown on a long and sorrowful journey, so that you will be a partaker of the path of salvation.

Rejoice, you who have internalized self-imposed poverty; Rejoice, many times tormented by hunger and thirst.

Rejoice, abiding in day-night prayers; Rejoice, your face is wet with tears of tenderness.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of patience; Rejoice, strong adamante of faith.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power of God, you completed a long journey and reached the city of Edes, Alexia, who is worthy of praise, in whom, as one of the poor, you remained in suffering and poverty, rushing to the temple of God and offering fervent prayers with many tears to Christ, the King and God, call: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You, holy of God, had the sky as a covering and the earth as a bed of repose, but the rags and shabby clothes of your much-moving body, scorched by the heat and frozen by the frost, you did not allow the least to please, lest your flesh prevail over your spirit, flaming with love for the Lord. In such a labor of yours, you alone had the consolation of Christ, who also inspires us to cry out to you:

Rejoice, you who came from the west to the east to seek the Sun of Truth, the Everlasting Light; Rejoice, having found Him in the depths of your God-loving heart.

Rejoice, lamp of the Divine radiance, illuminating the ends of the world; Rejoice, having sanctified Edes with your Christ-following feet.

Rejoice, rule of true faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, thou who hast grown in high virtue in thy soul; Rejoice, thou who has preserved the precious treasure of chastity.

Rejoice, good guardian of the Gospel of Christ; Rejoice, diligent fulfiller of the commandments of Jesus.

Rejoice, heavenly living on earth; Rejoice, completely pleasing to God.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

You tamed the storm of youthful passions with abstinence, Saint Alexis, and with intense fasting you withered the beauty of your face; In the same way, the imperishable beauty of grace-filled dispassion has risen into your soul, pleasing to Christ, who is more beautiful than the sons of men, to whom in his mortified body you sang a sweet song of praise and thanksgiving: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the cleric of the Church of Edessa in a vision, a voice from the icon of the Mother of God, calling you a man of God, worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, whose prayer, like a fragrant censer, rises before the Face of God, and commands you to be brought inside the church from the vestibule, where you dwelt in misery, greatly marveling at such holiness yours, blessed Alexie, and leading you into the Church of the Lord, pleasing you with these titles:

Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, adorned with purity; Rejoice, friend of God's grace, shining with virtues and beauty.

Rejoice, praised by the Mother of God; Rejoice, called Queen of heaven and earth by the Man of God.

Rejoice, you who received a new and mysterious name from the Lady of the world; Rejoice, high in humility, acquisitive.

Rejoice, thou who through poverty hath gained imperishable wealth; Rejoice, having received the honor of the highest title worthily.

Rejoice, auspicious censer of prayers; Rejoice, zealous seeker of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, you who prayerfully accompanied your days and nights in the church vestibule; Rejoice, you were honestly brought inside the temple of God by the command of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

You became like a more godly star, O holy Alexis, when, always avoiding the glory of man, you withdrew from Edes to other countries, even though by God’s Providence the ship on which you sailed was brought to your native city of Rome. But you, having recognized the will of the Lord in this place for you to strive, you came to the house of your parents, and, as one from the poor, you settled at its gates, washing your face with tears and crying out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you, your God-loving parent, Saint Alexis, strange and poor in a way, merciful for you, and commanded you to build a small hut at the gates of your house, feeding you in it for Christ’s sake, not at all recognizing your son in you; But you, living in poverty in your parents’ house, endured every wandering need and beggarly reproach, striving for us to praise you:

Rejoice, you who have shown great courage; Rejoice, you who have abounded in patience.

Rejoice, thou who art unknown in the house of thy parents; Rejoice, always contemplating their grief over your deprivation.

Rejoice, you who heard your father’s lamentations; Rejoice, you who saw your mother's tears.

Rejoice, having recognized the cry of your betrothed; Rejoice, your heart is so painfully vulnerable.

Rejoice, you who accepted reproaches and reproaches from your parents’ servants kindly; Rejoice, you who silently endured the beatings and beatings from them.

Rejoice, you who constantly begged God for those who offended you; Rejoice, truly self-willed martyr.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

You were a preacher of evangelical meekness, Saint Alexis, by the image of your long-suffering life, show everyone that everything is possible for man through the strengthening God, by whose power in weak flesh you accomplished great feats and endured many sufferings for the love of Christ, worthily and righteously singing the seraphic hymn to the Most Holy Trinity : Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone in ancient Rome with your extraordinary deeds, O blessed Alexis, and with these you illuminated with grace the entire Church of Christ: who would not be touched, hearing your unnatural patience and much suffering, in the house of your parents, voluntarily accepted, and how, the heir of that house, from You joyfully bore his servants' reproaches and wounds. For this reason, we bring you from our zeal this hymn:

Rejoice, great servant of Christ, living most peacefully in the world; Rejoice, equal-angelic servant of the Lord, who spent your life through much pain.

Rejoice, thou who countest dishonor as glory unto thyself; Rejoice, you who patiently bore the wounds on your body.

Rejoice, you who do not shy away from blowing your cheeks; Rejoice, betraying your lashes to stress.

Rejoice, thou who Christ-like accepts spitting; Rejoice, answering reproaches with silence.

Rejoice, having only found consolation in Christ; Rejoice, you are delighted by the memory of the sufferings of Jesus on the cross.

Rejoice, generous and long-suffering one; Rejoice, good-victorious ascetic.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

You, O man of God, had one desire, to please God; In the same way, you imputed all temporary things to your minds and, having become the heir of many riches, you left this behind, being poor and strange, in your parents’ house, unrecognizable and greatly humiliated, always sighing to the Lord and tearfully praying that in the land of eternal bliss you may be worthy to sing to Him with the saints : Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You have made a new and unusual course in your life, Saint Alexis, in the midst of the world, alien to worldly addictions and all kinds of sinful filth; In the same way, you received the perfect gift of knowledge of God in your soul and you were an animated temple of the Trisian Divinity, in which Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, created an abode for Himself, and taught us to call you:

Rejoice, more beautiful than angels and men; Rejoice, thou who hast whitened the robe of the soul of virginity with purity.

Rejoice, thou who has entered into the joy of thy Lord; Rejoice, exalted by voluntary poverty.

Rejoice, for your patience has become comparable to the long-suffering Job; Rejoice, thou who by thy humiliation imitated Lazarus of the Gospel.

Rejoice, thou who through many illnesses obtained health of the soul; Rejoice, having acquired the Kingdom of Christ through countless sufferings.

Rejoice, gracious renewal of ancient Rome; Rejoice, Divine fertilizer to the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, heir of the promises of Jesus; Rejoice, Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

You were a wanderer and a stranger in the city of your fatherland, holy, seeking the Most High City, Heavenly Jerusalem; When the time had come for your departure to God, you wrote out the secret of your life on the charter, so that your parents would know it, and you continued unremittingly in the labors of fasting and prayer, preparing for the exodus with a tender song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Being completely in God, O holy Alexis, the prayer that was on your lips, you gave up your righteous soul in the hand of God, peacefully and serenely, as if you had fallen asleep; Death is truly your repose from suffering and incessant exploits and the transition from worse to better. We, rejoicing, bring you these blessed verbs about such a blessed dormition:

Rejoice, holy one of God, having completed your earthly life holy and righteously; Rejoice, thou who rested in the sleep of death in the fragrance of the holy thing.

Rejoice, angels carried to Abraham's bosom; Rejoice, met with unearthly singing from the holy Celestials.

Rejoice, thou crowned with the crown of immortal life from the Lord; Rejoice, received with glory in the abode of paradise.

Rejoice, let me contemplate the Most Bright Face of the Lord Christ; Rejoice, silently proclaiming the Trisagion hymn to the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, propitiate the Creator of things above and below with your prayers; Rejoice, embrace the whole Christian world with your intercession.

Rejoice, joy of angels and men; Rejoice, faithful intercessor who honors your holy memory.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

All people came to trembling, hearing a voice in the cathedral church of their city, during the Divine Liturgy from above the altar speaking and commanding them to look for you, man of God, so that your prayers may be worthy. Moreover, in surprise and horror, they prayerfully cried out to the Lord, that He might reveal to them His chosen one, calling to the Lord wondrous in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Human flamboyance does not suffice to praise you, Saint Alexis, who was praised from above by the Divine Voice, by whose notification people found you lying dead on a bed, with a charter on your face, shining with sun-like rays, and a great fragrance emanating from your many-moving body. The king, the saint and all the people rejoiced at your discovery:

Rejoice, bright ray of the Trisolar Light, enlivening the whole world; Rejoice, Lucifer, who has risen to enlighten the Church of Christ with many miracles.

Rejoice, fragrant tree of holiness and purity; Rejoice, treasure of Divine gifts.

Rejoice, thou who by thy parent hath manifested the charter unto thyself; Rejoice, their sorrowful cry was turned into sweetness.

Rejoice, thou who glorified the gray hairs of thy father by thy glorification; Rejoice, you who rewarded your mother’s tears with grace.

Rejoice, your honest betrothed, who has remained faithful to you, spiritually comforting; Rejoice, all the Roman people greatly rejoiced at your gain.

Rejoice, miraculous healing abundantly flowing from your holy relics; Rejoice, having deservedly received posthumous honor in heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

For those who want to be saved, your good life is an example, Saint Alexis, by whom you teach us all to renounce the vanities of the world, and seek the one need that is pleasing to God. Help us, man of God, to imitate you in this, strengthen our weak will, breathe into us spiritual courage, adorn us with virtues and become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that with you on the land of the living we will sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were a faithful follower of the Heavenly King Christ, O blessed Alexis, whose terrible throne you now stand in heavenly glory, about which we, earthly and earthly, can think less; Instead, we are compelled by zealous love for you, we mentally contemplate you, praying for us in grief before the face of God, and with mortal lips we send up to you the following song:

Rejoice, thou who faithfully honor thee as a quick helper; Rejoice, you who prayerfully call upon you as your zealous intercessor.

Rejoice, O righteous One of the Lord, whose Truth has risen unwaveringly; Rejoice, salt of the earth, who will never again prevail.

Rejoice, thou who glorified God with thy good deeds and astonished men; Rejoice, through your life you have made the angels rejoice and the spirits of darkness have been put to shame.

Rejoice, decoration of the Mountain of the World; Rejoice, protection of the world below.

Rejoice, glory and praise to Rome; Rejoice, Christian exaltation.

Rejoice, you who shone forth in miracles; Rejoice, inexhaustible in mercy.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

Having performed the funeral hymn with glory for you, Saint Alexis, the king, the saint and all the Roman people, your parent and your betrothed, who followed your honorable coffin, which was carried splendidly into the cathedral church, from whom you wrought many miracles: blindness to sight, weakness strengthened, sickness to health When I touched your holy relics, everyone who saw it shouted to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your burial was light and joyful, O man of God, you reclined with a bright face in the tomb and you released a sweet fragrance from your incorruptible body, thereby signifying the unshimmering lightness of your holy soul, into the stench of the fragrance of Christ flowing and filled with the Divine world, from its fullness and into Grant our souls a gift of grace, and with spiritual consolation we cry out to you:

Rejoice, unquenchable light, kindled in prayers to God; Rejoice, golden lamp, anointing the living with the oil of mercy.

Rejoice, dear Alavaster, who flows healing myrrh to the sick; Rejoice, river full of miracles.

Rejoice, teacher of good deeds to those who monk; Rejoice, you who live in the world as images of pleasing God.

Rejoice, pure mirror of righteous life; Rejoice, shelter of kindness in God for those who have placed their hope in you.

Rejoice, strong opponent of invisible enemies; Rejoice, good haste for those who seek spiritual salvation.

Rejoice, mercifully descend from the heavenly heights to the earthly; Rejoice, you will soon fulfill the requests of those who honor you.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Ask us for grace and mercy from Christ, our King and God, O most worthy of praise; We know that your prayer can do much before His Face, and He graciously bows to your prayer. In the same way, we earnestly resort to you and humbly ask: feed us through your intercession into the quiet refuge of Christ and make us worthy to enjoy the imperishable joy of the saints, who ceaselessly cry out the praises of the song of the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing the exploits of your long-suffering and wonderful life, man of God, we praise, glorify and please you with zealous love, as our heavenly, powerful representative; But you, holy one, by the grace given to you from above, sinners and dark ones, sanctify, enlighten and instruct us to cry out to you without condemnation:

Rejoice, thou of the never-ending East, bringing forth the dawn; Rejoice, having filled the universe with your miracles.

Rejoice, gloriously work wonders with your relics; Rejoice, create your wonderful likeness.

Rejoice, free doctor for those who are sick; Rejoice, good comforter of those who mourn.

Rejoice, gracious encouragement to those who are discouraged; Rejoice, sudden strengthening of those who are weary.

Rejoice, hasten to help those in need; Rejoice, show your powerful intercession to those who depart from life.

Rejoice, giver of spiritual joy to God-loving souls; Rejoice, for the blessings of the Lord, both temporal and eternal, are our zealous supplicants.

Rejoice, man of God Alexie, prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy and God-glorified man of God Alexie! Woe to you, who prays for us before the Throne of the Lord of Glory, we are sinners, living in the depths, we offer this little song, we pray with all our souls and with all our thoughts: with your prayers ask us from Christ God for forgiveness of sins and, at the end of our lives, acceptance into the blessed abode of the Heavenly One Kingdom, may we sing to Him with you forever: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Earthly Angel...” and the 1st kontakion “The Chosen Servant of Christ...”.


Oh, great servant of Christ, holy man of God Alexis, stand with your soul in Heaven before the Throne of the Lord, and perform various miracles on the earth given to you from above by grace! Look mercifully at the people standing before your holy icon, tenderly praying and asking for your help and intercession. Stretch out your honest hand in prayer to the Lord God and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, healing for the afflicted, intercession for the afflicted, consolation for the grieving, quick help for the needy, and for all who honor you, a peaceful and Christian death and a good answer to the terrible Judgment of Christ. To her, saint of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, and, having received grace and mercy from the Lord with your prayers, let us glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity glorified and worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

St. Alexy born in Rome under Emperor Arcadius (395-408) in the family of a noble and pious senator named Euthymian and his wife Aglaida after many years of mournful infertility of his parents. He received the best education, and when he came of age, his parents arranged his marriage to a young girl from a noble Roman family. On the very night of the wedding, before uniting with his wife in nuptial peace, Alexy, in love only with holy and beautiful virginity, whispered a few words in her ear, gave her the ring and secretly left.

Relying on Providence, he boarded a ship and sailed to Laodicea. In this city he joined a trade caravan that was heading to the Mesopotamian mountains. Edessa. There Alexy stopped at the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and lived on its porch for seventeen years. Dressed in beggarly, torn clothes, he ate alms given to him by believers who came to the temple to pray.

Meanwhile, his father sent servants to all ends in search of his son, while his mother, dressed in sackcloth, remained inconsolable in a depressed state of mind, and his wife, imitating the love of the turtledove for her husband, was waiting for at least some news. Some of Euthymian's messengers reached Edessa. They passed by Alexy and gave him alms, not even suspecting that this was their noble owner, so asceticism and ill-treatment, which he endured with gratitude out of love for God, changed his physical appearance.

After many years, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the church sacristan, commanding him to command the man of God to enter inside the church. When Alexy saw that he was open and people began to honor him, he decided to flee again and boarded a ship sailing to Tara. But unfavorable winds, or rather Divine Providence, drove the ship straight to the port of Rome. The saint submitted to this Divine sign and immediately headed to his home, where, like a beggar, he asked for alms from his own father, who had left the house. Euthymian did not recognize his beloved son. Since the time of his sad loss, he became even more inclined to acts of mercy than before and ordered his servants to give shelter to this poor man and feed him with the remnants of his meal for as long as he wanted.

The man of God spent another seventeen years at the door of his father's house, enduring without a single word of discontent, and even joyfully, the insults and ridicule of the servants. When he felt that the day of his departure from this world was approaching, he asked that a scroll and ink be brought to him, and so, with a pen in hand, having written the entire story of his life, he rested in order to move into the eternal abodes.

On the same day, when the pope was celebrating the Liturgy in the Church of St. Peter in the presence of Emperor Honorius (395-423) and with a large crowd of people, a voice was heard in the altar exclaiming: “Look for the man of God: he will pray for the city and for all of you. For he is already leaving his body!” All the people began to pray - and again a voice was heard, which revealed that the man of God was in the house of Euthymian.

When the majestic procession with the emperor and the pope at its head approached the house, the servant who was helping Alexy said that the beggar who had lived for so many years at the entrance to the house distributed his food to even poorer people than he, and he himself accepted a little bread and water only for Sundays, remaining unperturbed and even enjoying insults from other servants. They entered his hut and found Alexy already dead: he was holding a scroll in his hand. When it was read publicly, everyone remained in silence, amazed at the amazing way in which this servant of God fought against nature in order to acquire supernatural benefits. The emperor and the pope, seeing the tears and hearing the lamentations of Alexy's parents, advised them to rejoice and rejoice more because they had given birth to such a great saint, who would reign with Christ forever and ever.

A crowd gathered at the deathbed: the blind regained their sight, the deaf began to hear, the dumb loudly glorified God, the evil spirits fled. The crowd was so large that the funeral procession could not begin. The emperor ordered gold coins to be scattered in the hope that the crowd would retreat from the coffin in order to collect them. But this turned out to be in vain: the people neglected corruptible gold in order to receive incorruptible grace by touching the body of the saint.

Finally it was laid in the church of St. Boniface in a coffin decorated with gold and precious stones. Fragrant myrrh flowed out of it abundantly, which healed all kinds of diseases.

Compiled by Hieromonk Macarius of Simonopetra,
adapted Russian translation - Sretensky Monastery Publishing House
